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WARNING: This episode of Crossdressing Charlie contains blackmail, emotional and mental abuse along with sexual innuendo that some may find unsettling, disturbing or offensive. The dark themes only suffice for this episode and will lighten thereafter. Reader discretion is advised.
One fine summer’s day, when Charlie was ten years old he was out swimming in the sea with his old best friend Gerry Walsh. The sky was cloudless, the sun was splitting the rocks and the beaches were packed with civilians and families alike. The water was satisfyingly cool yet lukewarm. The sandy beach was literally black with people bathing and children running around, building sand castles and paddling in the water.
Ultimately Charlie wasn’t a very good swimmer. He could swim well enough for a short space of time but he had great difficulty in staying afloat. His friend Gerry beckoned him to swim further after him. He was literally on the tip of his toes as he looked up high so the salty water would not enter his mouth. The water was getting deeper.
The ripple effect of the waves lashed against his face continuingly and the excessive amount of salty water swallowed was beginning to make his stomach wretch. It was sick. Gerry continued to swim further out as he was fearless yet stupidly reckless. ‘’Come on Charlie!’’ he urged. ‘’We’re nearly at the bigger waves!’’
‘’I think I’ll head back now!’’ shouted Charlie over the loud rush of water. ‘’It’s getting very deep!’’
Gerry was now far away from Charlie, so far that he could only see his head in the water. He thought that Gerry couldn’t hear him so he took one step forward and he fell beneath the surface of the water. Down, down, down he sank like a helpless weight.
As his lungs squeezed smaller by the pressure he choked and gagged on nothing. His throat burned with trapped air and his ears were pounding. His heart was beating violently against his chest. All he could hear was the clear liquid that surrounded him as deathly silence fell upon him.
He sank lower, lower, lower, his arms and legs flaying but to no use. The sunlight glimmering down atop the surface became black as night. His muscles and joints were stiffening along with his mind. As he opened his mouth to scream all that came out was a queue of bubbles and he realized he had little time left. He no longer knew which way to go, which way was death and which was survival.
As Charlie stared at the text message I know things about you Charlie Smith! ;) these feelings of drowning returned to him. He couldn’t breathe. He could not function. His mind was as numb and as frightened as a confused child who had just experienced the most frightening moment of his life.
He didn’t think as he scrolled down to the bottom of the message to see the unthinkable attached. A picture of him dressed in the full tennis uniform, playing on the court which he had just done under an hour ago. He dropped the phone as if it turned into something diseased and buried his face in his hands.
‘’No, no, no, no, no, NO!’’ he cried.
He sat on the side of the bed breathing heavily with panic into his hands. They quickly dampened and his eyes began to burn painfully with moisture. Rotten thoughts and images of destruction began to flood into his mind. Who is this person? How did they find him? How did they even have his number? But most importantly who else knew about his secret?
He kept repeating ‘’no’’ over and over to himself like an insane person as he rocked back and forth. His heart seemed to be no longer present as if it had frozen, no longer usable. He had no time to consider it but this moment was probably the worst of his entire life. He knew that for sure.
He knew that if this unknown person told everybody his secret, his life would be destroyed forever and there would be no repairs. Nothing would ever be the same and he would be branded as a sick pervert for life. The picture of him in the tennis uniform could easily be posted everywhere around the school or even on Facebook for everyone to see and laugh at. The limitless possibilities and power this person now had over Charlie was immense. It was most palpable.
He took a deep breath and for the first time in a few minutes he could feel his heart beat once again but at slow steady thumps as his veins began to flow once again. Large purple bulging veins began to slow on his arms and neck. A loud ringing sounded in his ears as a headache quickly stabbed his brain painfully due to lack of breathing. The shock of the moment quickly transitioned into emotional disbelief.
My life is over.
He began to concoct various scenarios in his head. The unknown person may be gracious enough to not tell anybody or at least keep it between his/herself and Charlie. But it seemed highly unlikely. Why would the person text Charlie directly rather than just minding their own business.
This person wanted something. Why else would they let Charlie know that they knew his hidden secret? The thought of it all made him want to cry. However he wasn’t there yet. Not just yet.
He sat on the edge of his bed, his mind racing by the second as horrible thoughts flooding into his head such as his mother and sisters reaction to his secret. He knew they would try to act supportive but they would most likely be secretly concerned or disappointed at worst. Julie, what would she think? She certainly wouldn’t have anything to do with him ever again.
He tried to think about whom in his school could be evil enough to hold his secret ransom. He could think of several assholes who would give him a hard time about it but none that would take it this far. But then he realised that he was looking much too far into it. After all, the text simply stated, ‘’I know things about you Charlie Smith! ;)’’.
He didn’t take much notice but his hand was trembling as he picked up his phone from the ground. He reread the message and looked at the picture with great repulsion and awkwardness. The unknown person was there, watching him from the stands and he didn’t even notice.
He cursed himself as he felt beyond moronic. What was he thinking? Going outside dressed in girl’s clothes, it was mad. He wanted to punch his past self right in the face for being such a risk taking idiot. He knew it was a bad idea, but oh no, he still went and followed his brain and not his gut. Then again, it was very quiet and dark out. The unknown person HAD to have followed him there otherwise why would they be there in the first place? It was maddening him.
He replied to the unknown number asking simply, ‘’Who is this?’’. He didn’t want to write an essay pleading for the person to not tell anybody his secret or completely blow his top off and give them a thrashing. He didn’t want to give the person the satisfaction of sensing his utter terror, nervousness and weakness. He had to be calm.
His phone vibrated once again and he quickly looked at it to see it was a reply message from Julie. Again, he felt a powerful urge to throw his spare phone at the wall but he repressed his temper. He opened the message and read.
After school tomorrow at the cafe? :)
He no longer had the desire to meet with her. His good mood was long gone so he didn’t reply to her. He sat and stared at the tiny screen of his phone, anxiously waiting for the unknown persons reply whilst tapping his foot rhythmically on the floor.
The person never replied.
Charlie was curled up in a ball on his bed. His eyes were wide open, watery and bloodshot from lack of sleep. His hair was messy, his face was sickly pale and he couldn’t stop his left leg from shaking erratically. His head was thumping painfully and the inside of his mouth was as dry as a desert. The curtains remained open, letting the powerful beams of moonlight illuminate the room in a cold blue.
The digital clock on his beside locker turned over to 03:57.a.m.
He hadn’t closed his eyes to sleep all night. His phone remained clenched in his hand as he hopelessly waited for a reply from the unknown person. Then again he wouldn’t have slept anyways. He acted out terrifying scenarios in his head when people found out what he was. Each time he reached the conclusion of a loved one stating, ‘’I don’t want to talk to you ever again!’’ he would shake his head free of negative thoughts. But he couldn’t help it. How could he possibly remain calm and positive when he knew someone out there truly knew his deep secret?
His body was physically exhausted. His arms and legs ached along with his joints which were frozen and stiff. Each time he moved he could hear the cracking of his bones rubbing against one another. His mind however was wide awake and fully alert thinking about his devastating situation. The horrible combination made him feel so much worse than he felt.
As the hours drifted on he rarely moved in the bed. One minute it was dark outside and the next minute it was bright. He took notice of his surroundings as he basked in a pit of fear and sorrow. He felt that there was no way that his life would ever be the same again. He did not think that he was being overdramatic because It was the truth.
Whoever knew his secret was real and it was happening. If the unknown person wanted to he/she could own Charlie now as they held his secret hostage. If it did come to that he felt that he would do almost anything to prevent his secrets from being released to the world.
His mother suddenly arrived in the room and turned on the light. ‘’Oh,’’ she said. She thought it was odd how her son was already awake to get up for school and that the curtains were open. ‘’Come on, get up.’’
He didn’t protest. He didn’t give the usual groan of repulsion. He slipped out of bed, feeling the heavy weight of his own head paining his whole body. The lack of rest and sleep had taken its toll on his body. He suddenly felt the physical and mental exhaustion of his situation.
He forced himself into his school uniform and walked down to the kitchen like a zombie. Darks sags hung beneath his red raw eyes and his shaggy hair stuck up at the back. He looked like such a slob as he sat down and tried to eat some cereal. He wasn’t very hungry so he forced himself to eat half a bowl full anyway.
‘’You look awful Charlie,’’ stated Mary. ‘’Did you get any sleep at all?’’
Charlie mumbled something that sounded like tired old man on sleeping tablets.
Rachel joined him at the table, primly dressed in her uniform and looking totally rested and glowing in contrast to Charlie’s gloomy sleep deprived look. As soon as they were done they said goodbye to their mother and headed out the door to walk to school.
Rachel attempted to make conversation with her brother but he replied only with ‘’yeah’’ and ‘’no’’. She rolled her eyes and gave up after a few minutes of silence. They arrived at the school which was packed with students as always at that time of the morning.
Charlie parted with his sister and trudged into the school as if he were walking back into a torturous prison. He didn’t meet up with Sean and Joseph as he did every morning. Instead he went to the boy’s bathroom and splashed his face with water. It made him feel a little bit more awake but only for a few minutes before he sunk back down. He looked up into his soaked reflection.
‘’Why me?’’ he whispered to himself.
He sat through the first period of English, Maths and Biology with great disinterest. He couldn’t stop thinking about the text message. He was trying to decipher every single possibility. Maybe the unknown person was just going to leave it at that and never mention it again? But then, why would they text him in the first place if that was the case? He began to feel a fear greater than his for being caught. What if he never found out who knew his secret and he would have to spend the rest of his days worrying about it? The thought made him shiver all over. If that ever happened he’d probably do away with himself.
He had to know or else he would not be able to live with himself ever again.
Lunchtime was just as bad. He sat on the benches outside with his friends looking around at the crowd. He couldn’t help but think that somebody in the school knew. Somebody out there in the schoolyard knew his secret but they would not confront them. He looked into every persons face to see if they looked at him strangely. No one did but he still wasn’t convinced.
‘’What’s wrong with you today?’’ asked Sean.
‘’I’m tired,’’ said Charlie half truthfully. ‘’Didn’t sleep a wink last night.’’
‘’I think we all know why that is!’’ laughed Joseph.
Sean laughed too and high fived Joseph. Charlie just shook his head. He didn’t get what they were implying but who knew well it was some sort of sexual innuendo. He turned and looked out at the packed yard. Students lay on the grass talking in groups, eat lunch and looking over homework. Some were just strolling around with their friends whilst others sat against trees reading books.
Charlie’s eyes trailed around the yard observing each and every face extremely carefully. He felt strange, uncomfortable as if some ghostly presence was breathing down his neck. He felt that the person who texted him was out there, staring at him, hidden deep in the shadows.
Without saying anything he got up and walked out into the yard. He blocked out his friends calls and shouting as he drifted into the crowd. He felt as if everything was slow, suspended in slow motion as he looked at everyone. It was as if he was the only one in the world. His ears drained out all sound as his mind needed maximum concentrating.
If the unknown person wouldn’t reply to his text then he swore to himself that he would hunt him/her down. He moved through the crowds like a stealth predator. Some noticed him looking at them so they flashed dirty looks, others didn’t. His eyes narrowed on some people who looked a bit suspect but he knew deep down that it wasn’t who he was looking for. He felt as if the shadowy person was hunting him also. As if they were doing the exact same thing as him somewhere else within the hustle and bustle.
Then, Charlie spotted something out of the ordinary standing in the middle of the crowd, staring straight at him. A tall built boy with brown gelled hair, big arms and manly features. A devious grin slowly spread across Dave O’Donnell’s face as he flashed Charlie an impudent yet obtrusive wink.
It was him!
Charlie suddenly felt his blood beginning to warm up again yet his face turned paler than ever. His heart was literally in his throat as his brain froze in moment. Their eyes interlocked, gazing into one another’s with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. Charlie’s shocked, scared and angry eyes were in complete contrast to Dave’s cunning and devious ones.
Charlie rapidly walked over to Dave, no longer afraid but concerned. The smile still hadn’t been wiped from Dave’s face as he looked down at Charlie smugly. Charlie couldn’t help but hope that he was right. That Dave was the one who knew his secret.
‘’It’s you isn’t it?’’ said Charlie, somewhat breathless.
‘’I’m sorry Charlie what are you talking about?’’ said Dave in an overly false tone.
For a second Charlie thought he had made a terrible mistake but he quickly realised that Dave was just screwing with him.
‘’You know what I mean,’’ said Charlie seriously. ‘’Can we talk?’’
‘’We are talking,’’ smirked Dave.
‘’Somewhere private,’’ said Charlie angrily through gritted teeth.
The two left the yard in silence and walked into an empty corridor on the side of the school building. Charlie couldn’t believe that it had already come to this. He had never intended on being caught ever and now that it had happened he felt speechless to say the least. So he asked the most important question first.
‘’How did you find out?’’ asked Charlie sternly.
‘’Find out about what?’’ said Dave in a doped voice. Charlie could see in Dave’s eyes that he was enjoying every moment of his anxiety. He loved the fact that he knew somebody’s dark secret and that he could torture them mentally as much as he liked. ‘’I’m afraid I have no clue what you insinuating!’’
‘’Cut the fucking crap asshole!’’ roared Charlie at the top of his voice.
Dave looked into Charlie’s eyes and then down each end of the corridor with great calmness. Within the blink of an eye he aggressively pushed Charlie up against the wall, pressing his forearm against his throat with extreme pressure. He had a terrifying look in his eyes. Charlie, both shocked and horrified couldn’t believe that very moment as he gagged for air.
‘’Now look here ‘asshole’ you’re the one who’s the bitch here, not me! So don’t you dare treat me like one!’’ spat Dave through angry gritted teeth. His face was so close to Charlie’s that he could feel his warm breath pelt against his cheeks and the slight spray of saliva. His eyes were aflame and unhinged.
Charlie never felt so threatened and weak in his life. Dave’s arm could have been a knife he was that scared. He was utterly speechless as Dave knocked the anger out of him and replaced it with total fear. Dave’s strength had Charlie pressed so hard against the wall that he could barely breathe. His feet were also slightly elevated from the ground. He couldn’t cry for help and he couldn’t beg for mercy. This was between him and Dave. No one else.
‘’Please l-leg g-g - ,’’ choked Charlie.
‘’I have discovered your perverted little hobby, so what?’’ whispered Dave in a low grumbling tone. ‘’What do you think you’re going to do about it?’’
‘’J-Just please -,’’ grunted Charlie, his face beginning to redden. ‘’ - please d-don’t tell anybo -,’’
He could no longer speak. The severe pressure on his throat was beginning to make him feel dizzy. He knew he was going to black out. Dave loosened his grip but didn’t remove his arm. Air began to feel Charlie’s lungs again as he gasped loudly. Dave moved his face in so close to Charlie’s that he could have been about to kiss him. Charlie refused to look at him the eye.
‘’Look at me,’’ said Dave coldly. ‘’Look at me!’’
Charlie looked into Dave’s deep eyes, only centimetres from his own. He could feel rage swelling up inside him at that moment.
‘’If I choose not to tell anyone,’’ whispered Dave. ‘’What will you do for me?’’
Charlie hated the way he said ‘’What will you do for me?’’. It sent painful shivers down his spine. It sounded so seedy, so perverted. Charlie’s brow arched and his face boiled with rage. The unfairness of Dave’s behaviour was starting to really aggravate him.
‘’I don’t have to do anything for you!’’ spat Charlie.
Dave let go and backed away from Charlie with a large smile spread across his face.
‘’Okay then!’’ he grinned.
He left Charlie dumbfounded as he strutted off down the corridor whistling happily. Charlie knew he wasn’t off the hook so easily. He knew Dave was about to tell the entire school. Sheer panic and fear ensued within him as he broke into a sprint down the hall after Dave.
‘’Wait!’’ he shouted.
Dave turned and looked down at Charlie with a pleased look of fulfilment on his face.
‘’What do you want me to do?’’ gasped Charlie, almost completely breathless.
Slowly, very slowly a Grinch-like smile of pure malice spread across Dave’s face. He looked like a starving wolf staring down at a piece of juicy piece of meat as he crossed his large arms with satisfaction.
‘’Come to my place at seven o’clock this evening,’’ said Dave.
He simply left it at that and walked back down the corridor whistling gleefully with his hands in his pocket. Charlie for one, stood speechless and stiff in the middle of the hallway. His mind was an exhausted, tired and hazy mess as his fingers fumbled nervously.
What was Dave to do with him that night?
He sat on the side of his bed, anxiously turning his head to the clock every few seconds. His leg was hopping up and down nervously as his eyes blinked repeatedly every second. He was no longer tired nor was he exhausted. The feelings had long past. Now they were replaced with worry and anxiety.
Charlie had no idea what Dave had in store for him but one thing he knew was that it would most likely be something bad. As he had done since he found out his secret was revealed he acted out several scenarios in his head. Would Dave bring a load of friends to his house and humiliate him in front of everyone? Would he beat him up or harm him? Or something worse?
The waiting was killing him. It felt like the pressure before a very important test multiplied by the thousand. The nerves, the fear and the bitterness were tearing him apart by the inch within him. He had not eaten, he had not done his homework and he did not interact with his mother of sister since he arrived back from school.
His thoughts dwelled on time. When it came to go to Dave’s house at seven o’clock he was sure that he would faint or at least collapse under the huge amount of terror and fright. He decided to lie on his bed and close his eyes. He tried to disappear from where he was. He tried to escape his inner/outer turmoil by imagining a better place. But he couldn’t.
He lay there in agony, not knowing what that evening’s events would bring. The clock seemed to not be moving at all and the hands were moving backwards rather than forward. His mother came up to the door every so often to ask if he was alright but he only responded by claiming he was studying hard. Yet he knew he mother wasn’t fooled so easily. She left him alone nevertheless.
Rachel was in the next room studying hard for her summer exams which were over three weeks away. He knew he should be doing the same but the distressing events that forced its way into his life made him repulse the notion of doing anything other than wallowing in a pit of worry and depression.
When quarter to seven arrived he got up and left the house. He told his mother that he was going to see Sean and that he would be back soon enough. As he grabbed his bike from the shed he noticed that his knees were shaking erratically. Odd? He thought. But then again he couldn’t blame himself. He had no idea what Dave had in store for him. He didn’t even dare think about the numerous prospects.
As he cycled out onto the suburban driveway and pedalled hard he felt the cold stab of fear fall upon him. He was on route to a complete maniac’s house to do god knows what. He suddenly felt weak, feeble and small as he cycled to the demons lair. The wind that blew through his shaggy hair would usually make him feel good but at that moment he felt he could no longer enjoy anything else ever again.
He had a fair idea of where Dave lived as he heard Rachel mention it a few times when she was going out with him. It was rather far from his house as it was way past the school and in near the city. He had to cycle fast if he was to get there in time. He wasn’t sure if it was the nerves of the rapid pedalling but his heart was racing a mile a second. Cars whooshed by him on the long busy roads at high speeds as he zoomed towards his destination rapidly.
He arrived at Dave’s address in the nick of time. It was a regular suburban lane with large and unique houses on each end similar to where Charlie lived except way fancier and clean. He got off his bike and walked up the lane, looking at each and every house for Dave’s little blue Ford Fiesta. But he couldn’t find it. He walked to the very end of the lane until he met the dead end. He looked around himself confusedly. He walked down to the other end again. Perhaps he was in the wrong place?
It was then that he saw the fiesta swerve into the suburban street and drive towards him. Standing in the middle of the road with his bike in hand he saw Dave through the windscreen looking ever so happy as he pulled up and parked his car in the driveway.
Charlie trudged towards him with his head hanging low with shame. What on earth was going to happen now? Now that the moment had arrived he felt more frightened than before and he thought that wouldn’t have been possible.
Dave got out of his car and said, ‘’Hey Charlie, how you keeping?’’ in a casual every-day tone.
Charlie didn’t know what he could possibly reply back to him. This boy was a pure psycho who was threatening him by holding his cross-dressing desires ransom to the world. So he lied by simply saying, ‘’I’m alright.’’
You sad pathetic man.
Dave took a shopping bag out from the front seat, walked up to the front door and unlocked it. He stepped inside, wiped his feet and turned to Charlie who was standing down on the porch.
‘’Well come on then?’’ he urged.
Charlie, hesitant to go any further felt as if he was staring into a doorway to hell. He had no idea what lay inside for him or what would happen. He was expecting a crowd of Dave’s friends to either attack him or laugh and jeer him until he can no longer handle himself. Or maybe there would be a multitude of girls to give him a humiliating makeover to blackmail him.
Charlie stepped inside the house and Dave closed the door behind him. He was met with a slight scent of cleanliness as he took in the house interior. He could see just the entrance hall, the sitting room and some of the back kitchen. It was very spacious, well kept, neat and tidy. It almost looked like a house out of a catalogue as it seemed to look pretty much unlived in.
Dave whistled to himself happily as he ran up the stairs. Charlie didn’t know whether he should follow him or not but he wasn’t asked to so he stayed put. The muffled footsteps upstairs told him that Dave was in his rooting about in his room. Within a few minutes he came down the stairs dressed in a tight grey t-shirt and jeans. He walked by Charlie as if he wasn’t there and went to the kitchen.
Suddenly he felt like he was right in the middle of a prison movie scene. He guessed that it was just him and Dave alone in the house as he was not greeted by the expected wave of fellow school students.
He listened to the clink of the keys hitting the table and the buzzing sound coming from the refrigerator followed the sound of a fizzy drink opening.
‘’Do you want a drink Charlie?’’ asked Dave loudly from the kitchen.
Charlie took this as an invitation to come forward. Despite his highly tense situation Dave’s casual nature made him feel at ease yet highly suspicious at the same time. He could feel the pulse in his neck and wrist bulge with anxiety as he walked down the long hallway to the back kitchen.
‘’No thanks,’’ said Charlie before he even entered the room.
The kitchen was wide, open and draughty yet very modern with all the latest technologies and household appliances installed.
Charlie didn’t know what to say as he shared an incredibly awkward silence with Dave.
‘’So?’’ said Charlie nervously. ‘’Where’s your parents?’’
A nerve was hit as Dave looked up at Charlie with a sharp look in his eyes. ‘’My dad works nights. My mom doesn’t live here anymore.’’
Charlie wished he hadn’t asked. The excruciating silence just got even worse as he looked down at his feet, cringing painfully.
‘’So what are we doing in your house?’’ asked Charlie, plucking up all of the courage he could muster. ‘’I mean I don’t even know why I’m here.’’
Dave laughed and looked down at the floor, rubbing the back of his head whilst smiling from ear to ear.
‘’Oh Charlie come on man. You know damn well why you’re here,’’ he chuckled.
‘’Why Dave?’’ said Charlie, breaking Dave’s spirits whilst speaking in a cold emotionless tone. ‘’Why am I here?’’
The laughter and colour immediately drained from Dave’s face as he stared at Charlie stiffly. ‘’Because you’re a sissy,’’ he said in a harsh forward tone.
Charlie winced at the word Dave had just called him. Sissy.
‘’What did you call me?’’ said Charlie in a icy tone. He stared at Dave with a piercing glare that could’ve cracked a pane of glass.
‘’A sissy,’’ said Dave carelessly as he took a swig from his soda can.
‘’No I’m — no — never!’’ said Charlie, feeling outraged by Dave’s narrow-minded judgement of him. ‘’How dare you call me a — a sis - ,’’
‘’ - well that’s what you are, aren’t you? You enjoy wearing girl’s clothes because, well, you’re a pansy or a tranny, transvestite or whatever you lot call yourselves,’’ said Dave as he walked around the kitchen counter with his soda can in hand.
‘’Y-You lot?!’’ repeated Charlie, feeling a sense of disbelief and denial creep up inside him. ‘’I’m not a transvestite!’’ he added, raising his voice a notch higher. He could feel his fists clenching with anger and his knees rattle with a mixture of rage and nervousness.
‘’Well then,’’ grinned Dave as he faced Charlie. ‘’If you’re not a trans-whatever then how do you explain the time you dressed up in your sister’s school uniform and I arrived outside your, looking for Rachel through her bedroom window only to find you jumping up and down on her bed like a fool -,’’ The mention of Rachel’s name made Dave sound even more threatening as a second nerve was hit. ‘’ - or how I seen you at it once again last night in the tennis courts as you ran about with that big stupid grin on your face -,’’ said Dave as he circled around Charlie like a cat prying on its prey, ‘’ - Oh you definitely aren’t a sissy Charlie Smith!’’ he said in an overtly sarcastic tone.
‘’STOP saying that word!’’ Charlie roared, feeling the swell of rage about to burst within him.
‘’What word? Sissy, sissy, sissy, sissy, sissy, sissy?’’ he said, spitting each word like a sharp dagger into Charlie’s chest. ‘’You think that after the time I arrived at the house that I wouldn’t have my suspicions? You actually thought that you could dress up and never be caught? And then you go outside to do it in the open?! What in the name of god drove you to do that?’’ He continued to move around Charlie, eyeing from head to toe as if he were some degraded piece of dirt. ‘’How many times have you dressed up in your sisters clothes Charlie? Hmm? Once, twice, dozens of times?’’
Charlie could feel his chest beginning to move in and out. For a moment he could have been hyperventilating as his breathing became so heavy. The combination of fear and anger was beginning to become too much for his mind and body to handle as Dave walked around him shooting him with hurtful comments that scared his very being.
‘’You love it sissy boy don’t you? You love it so much that you couldn’t control yourself,’’ said Dave as if he were delving into Charlie’s heart and ripping out his deepest secrets that were only true to himself. But he couldn’t admit it to anybody but himself. ‘’Does she know, your sister? Does she have any idea what you really are?’’
‘’SHUT UP!’’ screamed Charlie. ‘’What do you want from me?! Just tell me! That’s all I want to know!’’
Dave retreated and returned to his ‘normal’ calmer self like a switch flicking off. It was remarkable how quick he could flush out his emotions. Either he had a serious mental problem or he was a brilliant actor. ‘’Nothing much,’’ he said as he walked back to the counter and opened the breadbin. ‘’I just want you to help me with my studies until we finish school next year.’’
Charlie licked his lips and swallowed down hard. The emotional distress was easing back in as he calmed down. ‘’And you won’t tell anyone?’’ he asked breathlessly.
‘’Not unless you break the deal,’’ grinned Dave as he buttered a slice of brown bread. ‘’If you don’t come to my house every Friday night from now on then I’ll be posting those cute little pictures of you in your tennis outfit on Facebook!’’
‘’H-Have you told anyone?’’ asked Charlie sacredly.
It took Dave a few moments to answer before simply saying, ‘’No.’’
Charlie sighed with relief and all panic, fear and anxiety was suddenly drained from his body. Now that he knew what Dave wants and that nobody else knew his secret he could rest easily until this mild form of blackmail was broken. He suddenly felt a great weight being lifted from his shoulders. The deal wasn’t too bad. In fact he felt as if there was no deal at all it was so small. He couldn’t help but give a small smile of happiness. He was safe.
‘’Why don’t you run upstairs to my room and prepare the study area. It’s the last door on the right. I’ll be up in a few minutes,’’ said Dave as he took a bite out of his toast.
Charlie nodded and left the kitchen. As he climbed the stairs he couldn’t help but feel a little bit giddy with relief but then he realised that he hadn’t stopped to think about the possibilities of a catch being buried within Dave’s deal. As he turned down the right hand side of the hall at the top of the stairs he remembered how Rachel used to help Dave study on Friday evenings too when she used to go out with him.
He entered Dave’s room to see that it was large, well kept room with a dark hardwood aesthetic. The floors were made of glossy hardwood with rugs draped over them. The wardrobe and chest of drawers also matched the floorboards. In the far left corner, steps led up into a small study area with a desk and bookshelf. The walls were plastered with posters of cars, football players and crude drawings. There was also a computer desk. The monitor was left on. Over in the far right corner was a door which led to an on-suite bathroom.
Then, to his confusion he saw something he had not expected to see draped across the double king sized bed. A girl’s school uniform like the one Rachel and all the other girls wore at school. He walked over to the bed, turning his head sideways like a transfixed dog trying to decipher something out of place. He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him as he saw the pleated skirt neatly arranged on the bed with the rest of the unifo —
The door slammed shut behind him and he could hear the lock clicking. He immediately ran to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge.
‘’Dave come on, quit messing around!’’ he bellowed through the door.
He knew he was on the other side. He could feel his presence and his low paced breathing. Charlie began to bang on the door, ‘’Come on! This isn’t funny!’’
‘’I’m not going to let you out until you put it on Charlie,’’ said Dave’s muffled voice from the other side of the door.
‘’Put wha -,’’ shot Charlie, stopping midsentence as he turned to look at the uniform on the bed. ‘’Wha — you mean the uniform?!’’
‘’That is correct Charlie you are very quick to catch on!’’ said Dave.
He knew that Dave was wearing a wide, delighted grin on his face and it infuriated him to the very core of his heart. He began to trash the side his shoulder into the door as hard as he could.
‘’Will you stop it you’re going to take the whole god damn door down!’’ shouted Dave.
‘’That’s the idea you bloody psycho!’’ roared Charlie through gritted teeth as he gave the door a forceful push.
‘’Put the uniform on immediately or I’ll send this picture of you to everyone in school, right here, right now on my phone,’’ said Dave.
Charlie immediately stopped and stood still. He could feel his shoulder ache as his face boiled red with anger. The entrapment and sensation of being imprisoned made him feel as if he were suffocating along with feebleness and weakness.
‘’This wasn’t part of the deal!’’ said Charlie breathlessly as he leaned up against the door. ‘’What good will seeing me in girls clothes do? It won’t do anything!’’
It took a few moments for Dave to answer and for a brief moment of light Charlie thought he had driven some sense into him.
‘’For me it will,’’ said Dave lowly. ‘’Put on the school uniform. Right now. Or else everybody finds out.’’
‘’What?! That you’re a sick weirdo who enjoys blackmailing people!’’ bellowed Charlie.
Dave started giggling, then chuckling followed by hysterical laughter. ‘’It’s not me who’s the weirdo here Charlie my friend. You’re the one who’s the bitch here, not me! In time you’ll learn that so put on that pretty little outfit unless you prefer to have your dignity destroyed forever.’’
His words were callous, cruel and downright hurtful. But he was right. He had absolute power of Charlie and there was nothing he could do about it. As he turned to look at the uniform he felt highly claustrophobic under Dave’s tight grip. The feeling of being beneath somebody’s thumb so suddenly, feeling the impossibility of a way out and the fear of the things he would have to do to retain his identity and dignity for that time. He had to do whatever Dave pleased.
‘’Don’t upload the picture,’’ said Charlie, feeling sombre and defeated. ‘’I’ll put the bloody thing on.’’
‘’Good,’’ said Dave. ‘’It’s much easier this way isn’t it?’’
Charlie replied with an angry grunt as he turned towards the uniform. He looked down, feeling fearful rather than the usual excitement he felt before cross dressing. He had never done it in front of somebody before and he had never intended to up until that very moment when he had no idea what would happen once he was dressed up.
‘’Don’t be long now,’’ said Dave followed by the muffled sound of footsteps descending down the stairs.
His hands shook fearfully as he stripped down naked. The slight chill in the air made him shiver or so he thought anyway. The shopping bag that Dave brought in from his car was nested on the bed beside the school uniform. This was obviously for Charlie otherwise why would Dave leave it there?
He looked inside the bag and pulled out a pair of panties. They were white with a light pink lace trimmings around the edges with a decorative pink nylon bow on the front. They looked rather small for his size too. For the first time ever Charlie felt repulsed by them and had absolutely no desire to put them on. But he had to. He was under Dave’s control now.
As he looked at the feminine underwear he felt something tick inside him. A lump crawled up his throat and the inexplicable power of tears forced their way out of his eyelids. He clenched the underwear tightly in his fist and sat down on his hunkers letting out gasping sobs of panic and fear. He sat there on the hard wooden floor as he bled the salt of his heart. He couldn’t explain where the overpowering emotions came from as the streams of tears poured from his eyes where his clenched fists pressed, blocking all of the light. He sees the darkness that he knows will soon swallow him and he fears it.
He felt like a right fool sitting there naked, clenching a pair of panties whilst crying his eyes out. Maybe Dave is right, maybe I am a sissy. He thought. It took him a few moments to get himself together on his feet but not enough time was on his side. His sniffled frequently as he pulled the soft underwear up his legs. They felt as they looked, very, very tight and skin hugging.
His heart pounded against his chest wearily as he picked up the transparent black pair of tights. He stepped into them and pulled them up his shins, over his knees and around his waist. Usually he would enjoy the smooth texture of the fabric as it stroked his legs, encasing them in softness while he would wiggle his toes playfully. But not this time. The tights were high waisted, figure hugging and very, very smooth.
He couldn’t believe how he was in this situation. The thought had never occurred to him that it was possible for somebody to do this do him, to blackmail him. He never thought that he would encounter such people especially one he had known for some time. Those types of things always happened to other people and not him. It was so surreal yet nightmarish and realistic at the same time.
He picked up the large shopping bag and emptied it out onto the bed, holding his breath in anticipation for what else he might find. He yelped like a dog and jumped backwards as a female manikin head fell onto the bed. Charlie clenched his chest as he breathed in and out, calming himself. On the feminine plastic head was a very long chocolate brown coloured wig. A real one made of real hair. The other things that fell out of the bag were smaller bag made of leather and a pair of stylish reading glasses. He picked up the manikin head and stared into its lifeless eyes plastic eyes. It unnerved him to the core as it slightly resembled his sister. In his left hand he held the pair of white thick rimmed glasses with a pink streak along the side.
Charlie’s mouth slowly fell open as he ran his shaking fingers through the wig, feeling the slight sense of disturbance creep up on him. He wasn’t scared about wearing it in front of Dave rather he was more shocked at how much the wig resembled his sisters soft brunette hair. It was exactly the same. It was very long, soft, smooth, shiny and wavy on the bottom. As were the glasses, a perfect match for the one’s Rachel used whilst studying. He quickly reached for the small leather bag and unzipped it to see a wide array of makeup products which included pink lip gloss and jet black mascara.

He heart began pounding a mile a minute as he dropped the bag as if somebody had stunned him. His breathing became more panicked as he looked down at the school uniform, then down at his tight covered legs. He immediately began looking around himself as if he had just awoken in a deep inescapable pit of horror. He suddenly realised what Dave was blackmailing him to do.
Dave was attempting to turn Charlie into a copy of Rachel, his ex-girlfriend whom he had an unhealthy obsession for then and now.
Charlie quickly turned his head to the door as he could hear the thump of Dave’s muffled footsteps ascending the staircase. He then turned his head to the window, his heart and mind racing frantically, urging the rest of his body to make a run for it before he was in serious danger. As before, he had to remind himself that he could not go anywhere. Dave had the pictures of him in the tennis uniform held ransom so he literally could not do a single thing but obey his orders.
‘’Are you ready yet?’’ called Dave irritably from the other side of the door.
‘’J-Just a couple of minutes!’’ stuttered Charlie, feeling the shivering wave of defeat and hopelessness.
‘’You’re not a real bloody girl! How long does it take for you to get dressed?’’ joked Dave with a tone of annoyance.
‘’I said a couple of minutes!’’ barked Charlie.
He turned to the bed once again and picked up the matching bra which Dave purchased. He ripped off the tag and wondered what he could use as breast forms. He searched inside the bag to see if there was anything but there wasn’t. He sighed and opened one of Dave’s drawers and took out some socks, stuffed the bra and hooked it onto his chest with almost no difficulty. He adjusted them properly as he tightened the buckled straps on his back. The sudden feeling of a slight weight on his chest did not give him the usual goosebumps he once desired so much.
He picked up the light blue blouse which also had a tag on it. Everything appeared to be brand new and he couldn’t help but wonder how much money Dave was spending as school uniforms were usually quite expensive. It was most definitely a costly blackmailing on Dave’s behalf but Charlie didn’t really care.
He put his arms into the blouse and buttoned it up to the top. Like before the sleeves hugged his arms tightly and the bodice clasped tightly to his makeshift breasts. The collar was rounded and rather large compared to Rachel’s giving it a more feminine touch. He then picked up the skirt which was rather short, high waisted, dark grey with pleats around the hemline with a zipper on the back. He stepped into the skirt and pulled it up, the polyester fabric gently stroking against his shins as he pulled it over his knees. The skirt slithered against his tights as he pulled it up over his thighs and adjusted it around his waist. He then tucked the blouse in, carefully and neatly followed by zipping it up at the back, tightening the band around his waist. The sound of the zipper didn’t give him the chills as before.
He then picked up the dark navy tie, pulled the tag off and tied it around the blouse collar neatly and primly. He then pulled the thin blue cotton v-necked sweater over his head and adjusted to match the tidiness of the rest of the outfit.
Suddenly his eye was caught by something he didn’t notice. A brand new pair of dark navy Dubarry school shoes. He picked them up and checked the size to see that they matched his male size. How did Dave know that? He wondered how he managed to get the right size but then he remembered how his feet were at least only a size or two bigger than Rachel’s. He stepped into them and tightened the laces tidily. They were rather comfortable and the slight heel at the back gave him an extra edge, making him feel rather girlish despite his dreadful situation.

‘’Come on man!’’ bellowed Dave. ‘’This is taking way to long!’’
Charlie closed his eyes angrily and shouted, ‘’Patience!’’ through gritted teeth. He didn’t say anything back but he could hear his foot tapping against the floor. Charlie didn’t know why he was being so precise and careful when dressing because he didn’t exactly want to please Dave entirely. He guessed he was just stalling for time before the humiliating reveal in front of Dave.
He walked around the bed to the full length mirror, carrying the makeup bag and wig in hand. As soon as he saw his reflection he actually felt a little disgusted with himself. Everything below the neck said teenage female but his head said otherwise. As he stared into his face he couldn’t help but ask himself, ‘’what have you gotten yourself into Charlie?’’. He began to regret dressing up in his sister’s uniform all those months ago for it was the spark of his terrible curse. That was what he began to consider his desires, a curse, and a dark passenger that drove him into chaos every time it was unleashed. He felt like throttling his past self for being such an idiot.
He didn’t want to keep Dave waiting out of fear so he began to work on his makeup. He did it all remarkably quick as he applied the foundation to his face and neck, followed by pink blusher, mascara, eyeliner and baby pink lip-gloss, Rachel’s favourite. He used the netting to squash down his messy hair flat and he placed the shoulder length brunette wig on top of head. He fixed it and adjusted it properly and stood back.
Oh. My. God.

He couldn’t help but gasp. His hand was raised to his mouth. He looked just like a carbon copy of his twin sister. It was astonishing what a little bit of makeup could do. The long, smooth brunette hair hung over his shoulder and over his perky bosom. The gloss made his lips seem plumper, full, and the eyeliner made his eyes look wide and large combined with the feminine essence of lashes. His eyes however were hazel and not blue like Rachel’s. The only distinguishes would be his straight waist and small hips but other than that he was passable as a Rachel twin, so to speak.
It was almost too much to handle as he spun around, turning his back from the full length mirror. He was definitely sure that his skin was flaring red beneath the makeup. The sheer shock of how much he resembled her in the female gender actually frightened him. He couldn’t bare look at himself because he felt he was invading Rachel’s identity more so than just dressing in her clothes.
He felt wrong for what he was doing. But he had no choice.
Suddenly, Dave couldn’t take it any longer and burst into the room. ‘’Look you are using up way too much time and all you’re -,’’ He stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes fell upon Charlie.
Charlie, feeling mixed emotions of the situation was startled and downright frightened. He didn’t know what was to come next. What was the next catch in Dave’s plan? As Dave looked at Charlie, dressed primly and neatly in his business-like yet pretty school uniform, looking utterly like his sister his face turned to stone. Yet his eyes spoke more than his face as they bulged up tearfully.
‘’R-Rachel?’’ he said shakily.
‘’N-no?’’ said Charlie shyly.
Dave turned his back on Charlie and closed his eyes tight. He was biting his lip as tears of happiness squeezed out from between his eyelids. He sniffed back his emotions and muttered quietly to himself, ‘’My god you look so much — I cannot believe — beautiful girl — incredible — you’ve come back to me,’’ was all that Charlie caught whilst sacredly listening to Dave’s low ramblings. Charlie knew he was crying too but he didn’t know why. Dave’s unpredictable behaviour was beginning to disturb and scare Charlie more so than earlier as he watched his back with terror.
He felt incredibly silly standing there in a girl’s uniform whilst watching Dave, the apparent man’s man splutter tears into his clenched fists. Charlie’s breathing was shaky and off pace as he moved around the bed, feeling the alien sensation of walking in tights and a skirt. He didn’t know whether to comfort Dave or not but then again why should he? His unprecedented emotions did nothing but confuse and make Charlie feel more like a tool so he waited.
Dave spun around with a crazed smile on his face. But that was not what distracted Charlie as his eyes were caught by the bulging erection poking out through Dave’s tight jeans. The sight made Charlie stumble backwards over a pile of books as Dave walked towards him.
‘’Woah watch yourself there,’’ said Dave, smiling widely whilst grabbing Charlie’s arms.
‘’DON’T touch me!’’ snapped Charlie, defensively pushing Dave’s hands away.
‘’What’s wrong babe?’’ asked Dave.
Charlie moved around the bed, grabbing a hockey stick nearby for protection. ‘’I swear to god if you come near me with that thing I’ll knock your fucking teeth out!’’ threatened Charlie, holding the hockey stick like a sword.
‘’All I want to do is study like we used to. How could I ever harm you?’’ said Dave nicely. He pulled out his phone which contained the ransomed pictures of Charlie. ‘’Unless you give me a good reason to do so,’’ he added darkly as he lifted up the phone and took a picture of Charlie right there.
‘’H-Hey what the -,’’ stuttered Charlie. ‘’Why the hell did you do that?’’
Dave was tapping on his phone with a small grin on his face. Charlie’s heart was in his throat as he watched Dave tap consistently.
‘’Stop,’’ said Charlie worriedly. ‘’S-Stop what you’re doing there!’’
Dave showed the screen which displayed the picture of Charlie beside the ‘’upload to Facebook’’ key. ‘’If I click on upload everybody sees what you are within a matter of seconds -,’’
‘’Dave — please you don’t have to threaten -,’’
‘’ — UNLESS you comply with what I tell you to do!’’
‘’Dave I was going to do what you said,’’ said Charlie truthfully. ‘’I just got freaked out by — by t-that,’’ he said pointing at the erection.
Dave looked down at his pants and immediately turned scarlet red, ‘’Oh Jesus — I uh — sorry I didn’t know what came -,’’
‘’Whatever man can we just get this over and done with?’’ said Charlie, dropping the hockey stick on the floor.
‘’Yeah, sure,’’ said Dave, rubbing the back of his head.
A few minutes later Charlie was sitting down on a wooden stool beside Dave at his study desk in the corner of the bedroom. A headlamp hung over them like a hot sun belting warmth on their necks. Charlie felt utterly ridiculous in his attire as he watched Dave take out his Geography book, a subject which Charlie happened to be really good at.
‘’I’ve been totally lost in this subject over the past year and my dad said he’ll send me to summer school unless I don’t get at least a C2 in the summer tests,’’ said Dave as he opened the book.
‘’Right — err — well why don’t we start by -,’’
‘’ — woah, woah woah! What are you doing? Why are you speaking like that?’’
‘’What?’’ said Charlie, confused.
‘’That voice! Don’t do it! Speak like you look,’’ said Dave, the crazed look in his eyes aflame.
Charlie opened his mouth to say something but he didn’t quite know what. He hesitated for a moment before clearing his throat, feeling the approaching humiliation creep up on him as he attempted to sound like a girl. He had never tried it before as he always dressed alone.
‘’I — uh -,’’ stammered Charlie. He cleared his throat again. ‘’Why don’t we start by drawing up a plan for the next three weeks?’’ he said in a high pitched tone.
He cringed painfully as Dave smiled, nodded and grabbed a pen and paper. Charlie felt stupid as the embarrassing and humiliating situation made him wish that he was never born. He watched Dave write out a timetable with his ruler, feeling his legs cross themselves by instinct. He straightened out his skirt and sat upright in a ladylike posture. He also fixed the glasses on his face. The lens’ were just plain glass and didn’t actually work.
He sat with Dave for the next few hours instructing and teaching him to the best of his ability and in turn he actually learned a few things himself. He got used to retaining his cringe worthy impression of his sister but every so often he would slowly slip back into his own voice before Dave scowled him for it. For the entirety that he sat there at the desk his heart throbbed viciously and his armpits moistened with nerves and anxiety.
The room felt extremely hot and the tight uniform made him feel stuffy and confined so he loosened the tie. Dave made him tie his hair up in a ponytail ‘’the way Rachel used to’’. It made everything easier as the hair kept blocking his view and getting in the way when he wrote. His hand often shook nervously as he obeyed everything Dave told him but over time he relaxed a bit more.
The tense nature of helping his blackmailer study whilst pretending to his sister made Charlie feel overwhelmed with apprehension. Small facets of pleasure in the uniform began to resurface the more he eased into his role as Rachel. He knew that this showed just how powerful his desires were; to creep up in a situation of great uneasiness and fear was impalpable.
The clock ticked by eight o’clock and passed into nine and then into ten. Dave was beginning to become irritable and frustrated as he failed to understand the subject he was attempting to study. He slammed his fists angrily on the desk and gave a great big sigh of defeat.
‘’I can’t do it — I — I it’s just too hard!’’ he said.
Charlie watched him with a look of great concern on his face. He didn’t know what to do. He looked at the clock to see that it was almost half ten. He expected that Dave should have let him go over an hour ago but he was still there. He knew his mother would be angry with him when he got home.
‘’Maybe we should just call it a night Dave?’’ said Charlie softly.
He turned his head to Charlie and exhaled deeply through his nose. ‘’Maybe you’re right Rachel,’’ he said. Charlie winced as he addressed him as his sister for the first time that night but that didn’t scare him half as much as what Dave said next. ‘’Give me a kiss babe,’’ he said tiredly.
He felt as if ice-cold water was poured over his head. He no longer felt hot and stuffy as he froze like an icy statue. ‘’I — w-why?’’
‘’Because I need one,’’ he said in a low deep voice.
Charlie didn’t know what to do. This guy was completely insane! He could feel his pulse racing and his mind shattering. His conscience seemed to leave him alone to make the decision himself and his joints seemed to be so frozen stiff that he couldn’t move. So he gave an excuse in the most convincing girliest Rachel voice he could, ‘’Dave, you promised me that we’d only be studying tonight remember?’’ he smiled sweetly. ‘’I’m really tired and I should be getting home. My mom and my brother will be worried.’’
Dave’s face seemed to be fixed in the same sultry expression but it quickly vanished, ‘’Yep, maybe you’re right!’’. He then stood up and patted Charlie on the shoulder. ‘’We’ll do this again next week as always okay?’’. He then left the room and Charlie took that as his cue to take off the uniform and go home.
As soon as the door shut he let out a deep gasp for breath as if he was just pulled out from beneath a watery abyss. His eyes welled up with stingy moisture as he buried his face in his hands with great relief. He breathed into his palms heavily, thankful that he managed to get out of kissing another boy. The mere thought made his bones shudder.
As he undressed he thought about Dave’s mentality. He now knew for sure that there was something seriously wrong with his mind if he truly believed that Charlie was actually Rachel. But did he really believe or was he just trying to convince himself that he was because of his freakish obsession with Rachel? He couldn’t comprehend it. He wasn’t a doctor or a psychiatrist so he didn’t know. But one thing he did know was that he could be potentially dangerous if he didn’t do what he was told. Charlie was now not only fearful of Dave releasing the pictures to the entire school but for his own safety and well being too.
He walked down the stairs after twenty minutes of removing every trace of makeup from his face. He found Dave sitting in the kitchen dripping out of a cup and playing with his laptop. He looked normal, like the way Charlie thought he knew him once.
‘’Can I go now please?’’ asked Charlie.
It took Dave a few minutes to answer before saying, ‘’yeah sure,’’ without even looking at Charlie. ‘’Be back here again next week man or you know what will happen!’’
Charlie just flashed him a dirty look when he wasn’t looking before turning for the hallway to leave.
‘’Oh and Charlie,’’ called Dave. ‘’Make sure you have my money next week too.’’
‘’What?’’ said Charlie, confused by the sudden burden of debt. ‘’What money?’’
‘’The money for all the stuff I bought you. The uniform, the shoes, the makeup, glasses and the wig which was very expensive I might add.’’
‘’What?!’’ shouted Charlie, outraged and appalled by the unfairness of Dave’s motives. ‘’Why should I pay you? I didn’t ask you to buy those things!’’
‘’Yeah well you didn’t ask to get caught crossdressing either did you?’’ remarked Dave snidely. ‘’There is no way I’m wasting my money on your strange little fetishes. Pay me back next week and everything will be fine and dandy!’’
Charlie suddenly felt the urge to beat the living crap out of Dave’s smug face but he repressed his anger by gritting his teeth and biting his lower lip.
‘’How the hell am I supposed to pay you before then huh?! I don’t even have a job!’’ stated Charlie.
‘’Okay, okay, okay,’’ said Dave, getting up and walking towards Charlie. ‘’Maybe I’m being a little too unfair. Here’s what we’ll do. You find some work and make some cash to suffice for all that stuff I bought today and pay me back as soon as you are able.’’
Charlie loathed everything about this guy. His hate for him was so strong as it swelled up inside him he thought he was going to black out.
‘’How much do I owe you?’’ muttered Charlie, not looking into his eyes.
‘’Couple of hundred, like I said, the wig was very pricy to get a real looking one.’’
The sum of money almost made Charlie fall over. ‘’How in the name of god am I supposed to find that kind of money in a short space of time?!’’
‘’I’m giving you all the time you need Charlie,’’ he said, slapping him on the side of the arm before turning back to the table. ‘’And don’t worry my friend because we’ll be buying you plenty of more goodies for you to wear from now on!’’
Written by Lily Florette ©
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things are getting dicey here
Its only a matter of time before Dave demands something sexual from Charlie. He has to do something, even if it means outing himself.
I'm not going to go too far
I'm not going to go too far with that ''racy'' side Dorothy. Nothing below the belt anyway because I wouldn't wish to put such a horrible experience on Charlie. It's bad enough for him as it is being blackmailed by an unstable madman. Hope you'll keep reading because I suspect i'll be losing a lot of readers after this chapter for some reason :/
Lily Florette
Lily, dear?
I'm struggling with your story; I'm all too sensitive to mean and cruel, and Dave is a master of both. I plan on continuing to read your story, but it might be with my hands covering my eyes. Thank you.
Love, Andrea Lena
I can assure you that this is
I can assure you that this is the meanest Dave will get. He's just trying to break Charlie so he can manipulate and take advantage of him. Rather horrid, yes, but that's just how unbelievably cruel some can be when it comes to judgement of TG's. Its especially worse when it comes from somebody like Dave. I think a lot of readers will feel uneasy about this chapter but it will get better i assure you :)
Lily Florette
Interestinger and interestinger...
Dave is admittedly kinda smart, but he is very disturbed, bordering on insane. I just don't have the heart to paint the walls with him... :'D
Will Charlie figure out a way out of this? Absolutely riveting stuff! ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrKissLickyourface* <3
Sociopaths like Dave are
Sociopaths like Dave are defined by their lack of empathy, and how they obtain it. Intelligence isn't really part of this disorder, though one common characteristic of psychopaths is cunning. He is indeed very manipulative and mentally unstable. In further episodes this will be explored further.
As always, I appreciate your comments Extravagance. Keep reading and thanks! :3
Lily Florette
If Charlie Really Wants To Stop
Here's a story that would work.
Rachel realised that Dave was a nutcase, so she stopped going with him. Dave noticed how much Charlie resembled Rachel and threatened Charlie that he would harm Rachel if Charlie didn't do him a favour. So Charlie went to Dave's house and Dave made him dress in these girls' clothes that he'd bought, so that he could pretend that Charlie was Rachel. Then he took pictures and threatened to download them everywhere unless Charlie continued to dress for him.
Rachel would back Charlie in that she had split with Dave because he was a nutter. If it wasn't true why does Dave have all these girls' clothes at his place?
If a story like that came out he probably wouldn't be able to hold it together and would show everybody what a nutter he was. Charlie would be a hero for protecting his sister at the expense of his own reputation.
Of course a scenario like that would bugger up your story,
Hi there, I like your ideas
Hi there,
I like your ideas very much Joanne and I believe that it would fit into the story only there are aspects of my version that will soon introduce a major new character in the series. A vital character that will be on Charlie's side. But i'm afraid that's all i can say :) As for how Charlie gets out of the situation? I have that well planned and kept secret because at the moment and throughout the course of the coming series it will literally seem impossible. I want to be carefull what I say because I don't want to spoil it.
Thanks for commenting, posting your story idea and keep reading Joanne!
Lily Florette
Dave is way past sociopath and well into psychopath...
He also seems to be suffering psychotic breaks; A fugue state that breaks, well, in Dave's case demolishes reality. This guy is dangerous, as in serial killer dangerous. There is nothing to prevent Dave from acting on any whim since to him reality is whatever he believes at the moment and there is no conscience to hold him back.
Dave is not home anymore, nor will he ever be.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Charlie needs to let his sister know what Charlie is up to LiLy.
Rachael is much more experienced and mature as to what's Dave problem is.
I'm sure it will create some bonding between brother and sister.
Good story.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Crossdressing Charlie part 7
Sounds like Charlie just maybe going to be Dave's new girlfriend
Girls rule