Every day, I'm faced with choices. Some are trivial, some could be life-altering. Sometimes, I can see the right choice without much problem, and others I really struggle with trying to figure out what to do.
One choice I'm dealing with right now has to do with my plans for mother's day. See, my ex, my mom, my daughter, and my brother and sister-in-law are going to a restaurant, and of course I'm going to.
But the question I've been dealing with is this: What the heck do I wear?
If I go really fem, my ex could cause a scene, and that would be a detriment to everyone, but should I let her feelings override mine? Am I being a doormat by putting her first?
But at the end of the day, I know that I have to indeed put her ahead of myself, at least on this occasion, so I will be in as neutral an outfit as I can be.
Ah, well.
"What the heck do I wear?"
All women ask that all the time, don't they? = ) I can't really relate, being half male in my own brain. :'D
But yeah, just go andro. I do it all the time, it works for me. ^_^
What are you?
First of all you're not a doormat.
You're a unique individual, your own sovereign self YOU and not your ex is in charge of your life. She is your EX- she has no say over how you live.
If you're worried about your daughter, realise she is her own person and even if some people say certain things to her she will grow up learning about legalities and how the law sees thing for tg's.
Both aspects of your existance
I think you are right not to do anything to cause a scene at the restaurant. It is Mother's Day, and others not involved in your life do not need to be placed in the middle of your situation.
You are there along with your brother to celebrate your mom, and your daughter is there to celebrate her mom.
That being said, you can find ways to dress, that will satisfy both your inner girl and your outer male persona.
First, wear the sexiest panties possible. No one will see them. If it works, wear a cami instead of an undershirt.
Wear some kind of jewelry, that can pass an intial look.
As to clothing, you need to find yourself, clothing that while male, has some female aspects. Perhaps a man's shirt made of silk or some other material in pink.
Remember, Mother's day is Not for you. It is for your mom. Even though you wish that you were your daughter's mom, you are her father, but of that role is to protect her.
Mother's day
Well Dorothy, It's all about Mother's day, I think the only one you need to concern yourself with is how mom feels. If she's ok with you dressing like the lady you are, than do so and the rest should respect your choice and bite there toungs and not upset your mom.... stay strong and smile! Taarpa
Life is a series of choices kiddo, &one thing I learned a long time ago is that no one ,especialy an ex can dictate what you wear or how you act ...... being an exe puts her in a nonety catagory in your life .. If she acts up then tell her to kiss your sweet ass .RESPECT YOURSELF FIRST
Apart from the $64000 question of...
"What the heck is your ex doing visiting your mother?"
I will join others with idea that main thing is what your mother's reaction will be? If she's OK with girly girl you - just go with it.