One of the Girls - Chapter 4

One of the Girls -Chapter 4

As I dried myself off, but having to keep on my knickers, I found a quiet spot to try to get some privacy away from the frivolity and the banter that was going on between the girls. It wasn’t easy to avoid them since they were running around by now armed with wet towels that they were using to flick each other. It was amazing to see so much nudity and none of the girls had any shyness or concerns about showing everything in front of me.

What a wonderful sport hockey is. It’s worth the bumps and bruises to see all the girls bumps and their bruises.

When I recalled my schooldays I wished now that I’d shown more interest in sport and maybe even joined in more when the sports masters and mistresses tried to encourage to mix girl and boy events. What fun I’d missed by not attempting hockey and netball or even volleyball. I hadn’t liked the sports that were available for boys that were much too physical.

We only had football and rugby as choices and who wants to shower or hot tubs with hairy boys smelling of testosterone and proud of their manhood and pubic hairs that were absent for me? I could only ever hide and shower at home in privacy. What they’d all give to have been in my place today. There would have been no problems finding a peg or two to hang a towel with all the hairy monsters around.

Ughhh spare me the thought of that when this is the alternative option. Life is so unfair. I smiled when I recalled some of the antics of Big Boy Baker and Butcher Bill who was supposed to have the biggest piece of meat according to the class vote. Then there was Stan the Man and Hank the ****. Ha-Ha he’d have had to disappear for at least 5 minutes as he often did when the talk switched to girls with big busts.

As I sat there watching I shook my head in disbelief. It was as if I was invisible and nobody saw me watching them. What a difference as I looked at them running around. There were long legs, short legs, chunky thighs, slim waists, small breasts, big breasts, wide hips, boyish hips. Whoever designed the female body had no fixed template and it seemed hockey was a sport that anybody could play.

What was still surprising me was that nobody had any inhibitions at all and they even wrestled with each other and as interested as I was to absorb this fun I had to look away. It was obvious that some were getting quite excited and it was having an effect on me. I’d have liked to join in and thought that if there was ever to be a next time I could be counted in. I never expected girls to be so boisterous. Maybe they were being ‘girlsterous.’ By now I was trying to cover my delicate parts in case anybody was tempted to take a shot with a wet towel.

Funny but since I wasn’t considered a threat to them nobody seemed to worry about me being there. Mmm, just imagine if I was a girl like Bo in the boys dressing room. There would be no chance of sitting quietly like this watching nude gorillas chasing around waving their dangly bits. No chance of melting into the background.

‘What you thinking about Little Bo?’

It was Alex. She sat alongside me to get dressed and placed her towel across her thighs. Oh she’d looked good on the field today but My God she was certainly something special off the field. I couldn’t look her in the eye so I tried to look to the floor and stop myself from staring. She was obviously not shy in front of me but I felt so embarrassed for a few moments.

‘Huh nothing really. It was just that I wondered what it would be like to be a girl on my own in the boys changing room with them all charging around like this. It’s as if I’m invisible.’ Then I realised what I’d just said and Alex was already laughing.

‘Oops. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just confused for a moment. I didn’t mean I wanted to be a girl or that I fancied boys.’

‘Ha Ha really?’ I think you already changed sides and you only had half a game with us today. Are you going to give it a try sometime and tell us what it’s like? Can you get me an invite if you do? I’d love to be there.’

‘Well I didn’t really mean it like it sounded. It sounded like I had such thoughts so please don’t think I was having gay thoughts or fancied men. Oh what the heck though it would be fun wouldn’t it? Who knows we’ll have to find a way.Ha-Ha.’

Alex screamed ‘Watch out water!!’

It was Jolene and Cat who was a defender. They had a bucket of cold water and it went over both Alex and I. We looked like drowned rats now and so much for trying to keep my hair dry.

So we both screamed, Alex louder than me of course because she’s had years of practice. We both jumped up to get away and right now I didn’t care who saw me now and what they thought of my wee bits. I managed to grab the bucket and I headed for the cold tap. But Alex was ahead of me and she grabbed hold of the fire hose that was used to clean the showers and turned on the water. That was much colder and very powerful. We got our revenge.

‘Truce, Truce, Truce. We give in.’

I won’t tell you what Alex did next but Stan the Man would have been proud if he was that big. It was his favourite trick showing how far she could reach with the jet of water from the edge of the showers and of course it was hilarious because she had the hose pointed up at 45 degrees. So everybody was in hysterics by now and then a calm came over everybody. It was like we all peaked and the sex had been great. We had suddenly emptied ourselves of the belly laughter and our tummies were aching. So as a calm came over us all it was time to dry off and find some unsoaked towels.

It certainly felt kinda weird and wonderful and I decided to put my name forward for next week’s game and for mid-week training back at our club. I was aching all over. First because of Beefy girls heavy tackles and then because of the laughter. But I still didn’t understand why no-body was complaining about my presence.

‘Alex, does everybody think I’m gay or something?’

‘Well not exactly gay I don’t suppose but let’s say you did pass without any difficulties out on the field.’

‘ Ha Ha, very funny.’

‘Come on Little Bo I’m just kidding. Why worry since thousands of men would love to have this chance.’

‘Well I do worry a bit. I think I am going to have to change my image a bit if I just blend in to the background. I don’t know what dad would think if he could see me now.’

‘Ha-ha he might just say ‘That’s my boy! And wish he’d had chance.’

‘Yes but this is different. It’s like I’ve been accepted as one of the girls.’

‘Is that a bad thing then?’

‘Well I suppose it’s OK. Just considering the sights you see of course.’

We dried off again and Rachel came over with a pair of dry knickers so I put them on under the tracksuit and went through to the dry area to brush and dry my hair. Bo was using the next drier and had pulled her hair forward to dry the roots and work out from her scalp as I had to do these days since I’d let it grow. Otherwise my hair dried flat and lifeless.

She looked to me and smiled. ‘How is my stand in feeling? Did you enjoy the after-match celebrations? It’s all part of the game.’

‘It was really great. It’s a wonder they don’t hurt each other or slip and fall. Alex was so funny.’

‘Yes she’s one of the reasons I play. We are really close friends.’

For a moment I wasn’t sure if she was trying to tell me something but I let it pass anyway. None of this was my business apart from the fact that I still hoped to at least spend some time with Bo and get to know her.

‘We sleep together sometimes.’

Ugggh I thought to myself. Please Bo I don’t want to hear. I tried to focus on drying my hair.

Surely Bo was a dream girl and had boyfriends. Was she telling me that her and Alex had a thing going? I was disappointed but then I hardly knew them anyway.

Bo brushed her hair and put on some make-up as I dried my hair in silence.

‘Have I disappointed you Rob? You’ve gone quiet.’

.No, no I’m just trying to take all this in. It’s been so strange. I didn’t really understand what you meant and I guess you are all good mates aren’t you?’

‘Yes we are. Some more than others but we certainly get on well as a group.’

‘Are you feeling better now?’

‘Yes much better thanks. I appreciate you helping out and we are through to the semis because of you. Do you think you’d like to play again sometime?’

‘If invited. I only played part of the game and I spent most of it being whacked.’

That reminded me, we’d be mixing with the opposition in the bar and refreshment room and I might have to take care.

Bo helped me to finish my hair so that it had a bit more style than usual and she used hairspray to help. It was not my normal odourless type and was scented. God if dad could see me now. I decided I’d have ruffled it up later.

‘Where have you two gossips been? Come on the Shepherd’s pie will be going cold.’ It was Alex of course and she linked arms with Bo as if to say ‘Keep Off’.

I went through with Jolene and Rachel and was relieved to find Beefy over the far side of the room seemingly under guard by their trainer.

We were all excited but it’s strange when the opposition feel so sad. We couldn’t really boast and I did feel a bit sorry for them because Beefy had let them down and she knew it by now.

Then Kaz came over and suggested that Bo went out to the coach so it wasn’t too obvious that I might have substituted for her. I was feeling a bit sad by this stage but at least the opposition started to come round a bit and wished us well. Maybe I could have a chat with Bo later.

Rachel then turned to me to show me that she’d managed to gather some things together that I could try on whilst the others were eating the rest of the pie. Jolene would ensure nothing went to waste.

Rachel had produced two or three options and recommended I try Jolene’s short boots first that had a low heel. If anything they were slightly on the big side but they were OK. So that settled as far as Rachel was concerned she picked out some black leggings and a silver top that was loose fitting and looked fine with a belt. I looked flat chested so I was encouraged to put the bra back on that Rachel dried as best she could with one of the hair driers. This time she padded it out with tissues since the oranges had been devoured and weren’t really practical anyway.

I headed for the door having accepted that I looked OK. I guessed I still looked boyish enough apart from the top. Mind you not many guys around in leggings and short boots.

‘Where are you going? We haven’t finished yet.’

‘Why I look OK don’t I? At least I hope to sneak up our drive later without much chance of causing too much fuss,’

‘You said you were coming with us. Are you?’

‘Yes I said yes didn’t I?’

‘OK well lets finish the job and tidy you up a bit.’

I don’t know what came over me after that. I just capitulated and let her apply some light make-up after which she stood back and admired her handiwork. All I could think of was Bo and that she might prefer girls to boys.
Mmm perhaps she might look at me twice now since I’d scrubbed up rather well. I liked the new me and cocked my head to one side and realised I was standing with my hand on my hip.

Oh I might enjoy this evening and who cares what anybody thinks?

So it was back to the rest of the team and then to say goodbye to Beefy. Hopefully never to meet her again!!

Should I carry on I wonder to myself or am I boring you with my little tail? Sorry I meant tale.

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