The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 7

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 7
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Pine Meadows Home For Adolescent Girls.

Roger was taken from the courtroom, and he had a look of hatred on his face as he passed Renée. Naomi took him to the girls side of the detention center to wait for the deputies that would take him to Pine Meadows. Dressed as he was, the boys side would not have been a good idea. As Naomi turned Roger over to the matron, she was told she had a phone call.

After talking to the person on the other end of the hone, she said, yes sir, and hung up. Then she got that evil leer back in her expression, because Naomi was asked to transport Rachel Watkins to the Pine Meadows Home For Adolescent Girls, as soon as she was able to get a car. She thought to herself that this could actually be a good thing for Rachel, if she would only allow herself to be taught how to be a lady instead of a reackless, disgruntled tomboy. She decided to let Rachel be surprised. She was told all the deputies transporting prisoners were out, and they wanted Rachel Eileen Watkins transported as soon as possible to Pine Meadows, because then she would be there for dinner.

Whether or not, Rachel cared about herself, there were those who cared about her. Naomi was one of those. She wasn't malicious towards Rachel, but Rachel needed to know that not all women are helpless, and even those that can't defend themselves against men, are not exactly helpless. Naomi is the hand to hand combat trainer for the sheriff's department. She trained the cadets both, men and women, in unarmed combat. So Rachel was surprised to find that this was one "babe", as she put it, that she couldn't handle.

After securing a car, Naomi went to get Rachel for transport.

"Rachel, I am going to be taking you to Pine Meadows, now. I was told to have you there for dinner, and we can stop along the way for lunch. It will take four hours to get there, four and a half to five hours, if we stop for lunch. So we need to get going, now."

"You mean," Rachel cleared her throat, "dressed like this?"

"Yes, ma'am. Whether you like it or not, you are a girl by judicial decree. When you get to Pine Meadows, you will be dressed like this twenty four, seven."

"But, people will laugh at me."

"You should have thought about that before you started picking on those weaker than yourself."

"I only picked on that Renée, because he acts like a girl all the time."

"So, Rachel Eileen Watkins, just what do you think you will be doing, for the next four and half years?"

"I'll stay naked."

"They won't let you. Girls in these settings will make sure you are a lady by the time they are finished with you. You seem to think all girls are weak, and can't fight. Girl, you are in for one hellacious surprise. Now, we are leaving here, and as you notice, I am not wearing my utility belt, or my uniform. I think we can come to terms. Can't we?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You may call me, Naomi."

"Do you have to call me Rachel?"

"Well, see, minors are not required to wait the three weeks or to advertise in the legal section of the newspaper, in order to change their names. All it takes is parental consent. Judge Reynolds had that from your mother, during your hearing. When you get to Pine Meadows, they are required to call you by your legal name, and your legal name now, is Rachel Eileen Watkins, a female. That is what they will treat you as, and that is how you will live at Pine Meadows. This is a girls home, not a detention center, reformatory or a prison.

"Rachel, if you accept this, and do what they tell you, maybe you can come out of there as a decent, productive person. Rebelling against this program, will only get you restricted to the home, with no privileges. If you show promise that you will take part in their program for you, then you will see just how nice this can really be. But, if you rebel, you will have a very lonely time. Being lonely and sad for five years, is not something I would want."

"But, this is embarrassing."

"Yes, I bet it is. But you brought this on yourself, without any help from anyone else. Now, let's go. I have a car waiting for us."

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes, ma'am, you really have to."

Naomi and Rachel left the girls wing of the detention center, and went out the front door. Rachel was walking like she noramlly did, and Naomi corrected her, and told her to take shorter steps. Naomi also reminded Rachel to first sit, keeping her legs together, while smoothing her skirt under her, and then swing her legs in. This was for modesty purposes, so others didn't see her panties.

"Rachel, you will get the hang of it. Like I said, though, this can be a positive experience for you, or it can be a very lonely and sad existence. It is up to you, which one you choose."

Making sure Rachel was buckled in, Naomi started the car, and they were headed north out of the city on the freeway. As they passed the city limits, Naomi, concentrating on the traffic, heard sniffles coming from Rachel.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"This!" Rachel exclaimed, motioning to how she was dressed. "This isn't fair."

"Was it fair, when you were bullying Renée? Was it fair when you forced Renée to kiss you in the school hallway? What exactly do you consider fair, Rachel?"

"I...I really...didn't...I mean, I...I don't know...exactly."

"Now that is the first honest answer I have heard from you, since meeting you."

"Why couldn't the judge send me to a boys home?"

"Because, the judge wants you to realize, that girls have feelings too, and when you pick on them, like you have been doing, it gives them low self esteem. For girls, low self esteem can be a very disasterous thing. Judge Reynolds told me what you have been doing, when she directed me to take you out to the shower area and change you in to girls clothing. Rachel, she wants you to experience what girls go through on a daily basis, and that is why she is sending you to a home.

"She can't send you to the reformatory until you are sixteen, and you have been waived in to adult court. Industrial workhouses have been abolished in favor of these group homes. You listen to what you are told, and do exactly as they tell you, and you will see being there won't be so bad."

"But, I'm not a girl."

"From this day on, young lady, you are a girl, for all intents and purposes, but judicial decree. This is your 'punishment' for you bullying and hitting Renée. I only hope that in time, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel, as they say."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, young lady, either shape up or ship out, and since you refused to shape up, we are shipping you out; as a girl."

"I don't want to be a girl, though."

"It is too late to think about that now. You are thirteen years old, and that is old enough to know right from wrong. Since you have decided to do wrong, the judge decided this for your 'punishment'. To make you learn what it is like to be a female and treated as a female. I am hoping that when boys show their advances towards you, you will see just how humiliating that really is. No girl or woman likes unwanted advances by boys or men. This is what you were doing when you were picking on Renée."

"But my dad said that anybody who dresses and acts like girl, but isn't a girl, is a sissy. He said sissies need to be shown who is boss."

"So you bullied Renée. Rachel, have you ever heard of the word transgender?"

"Yeah, that's a sissy that want his..."

"Don't you dare say it, or I will wash that mouth out with soap."


"No buts, young lady. You had better know right now, that this kind of thinking and language will not go at Pine Meadows. If I were you, I would resign myself to living as a girl for the next four and a half years. Like it or not, you are now a girl."

"But, why, what have I done that was so wrong?"

"If you don't know, then maybe you will find out at Pine Meadows. Hopefully. Let me just say this. If you were to do the same things as an adult, they would send you to prison. A convicted felon can't get a decent job anywhere, no matter how many degrees he or she has. Shape up Rachel and act like a young lady."

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes, ma'am, you really have to."

"I guess I have no choice. Do I?"

"No ma'am, no choice at all."

Naomi turned off of the freeway onto a two lane, state highway. As they were going along, Rachel noticed a young girl on horseback.

"Naomi, is riding a horse, fun?"

"Yes, Rachel, it is. Horses are very intelligent animals."

"Will they have horses at Pine Meadows?"

"I hear they have equestrian therapy there for the residents. They let you ride the horse, take care of the horse, and let you even have that particular horse for your own, while you are there."

"I think I would like that."

Naomi smiled to herself, because Rachel was now showing willingness to take part in the program, at least part of it, anyway. As they continued on this road, they came to a rustic looking restaurant.

"Are you hungry, Rachel?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then let's stop and get something for lunch. Remember, you are a girl, and girls don't gobble their food like boys do. Ladies bite with their teeth, not their lips, and they chew with their mouths closed."

"Yes, Naomi."

"Tell you what. I will order for you, so you understand how to do it for yourself."

They went in the restaurant and found a nice booth by the windows. They both sat down, and Naomi was pleased with the way Rachel smoothed her skirt and sat with her hips, instead of plopping down like a boy. The waitress came over, and when she saw how Rachel was dressed, she asked to speak to Naomi, privately.

"Is this girl going to Pine Meadows?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"We get many on their way there that stop here. I have a decent change of clothes for her in the back. When you are done with your meal, would you come in back with me, so she can change?"

"Of course, thank you."

Naomi sat back down, bewildered by the waitress' kindness. This is the first time Naomi has ever transferred a person to an 'institution', so when the waitress showed her kindness towards Rachell with a change of clothes, Naomi was bewildered.

"What was that all about, Naomi?"

"The waitress says she has a change of clothes for you. I guess she does this with all the girls coming through here on their way to Pine Meadows."

"You told her I was going to Pine Meadows?"

"No, dear, she guessed as much when she saw your clothes. She wants to help, and if I were you, I wouln't reject any help I can get, right now."

"All right, I guess."

"Anyway, Rachel, let's order."

The waitress came over and took their order. Naomi ordered a garden salad, a chicken filet sandwich, and a glass of milk for them both. The waitress whose name is Eve, said she would be right back.

Eve Reinhardt is a volunteer at Pine Meadows, and works there during the weekends. With her pitch black hair, her pretty figure, and her infectious smile, Rachel couldn't help but wonder if she would ever have a figure like that.

Rachel thought why was she thinking that? She was a boy and boys don't have figures.

"Naomi, have you ever seen a boy with a girl's figure?"

"Several, Rachel. Why do you ask?"

"Because I couldn't help but notice the Waitress' figure and thought could I ever have a figure like hers. Am I a sissy, Naomi?"

"No, dear, you are a girl, and you are just starting to notice that."

Rachel couldn't help crying. The tears just came, and Naomi moved to the other side of the booth to give Rachel a hug. When Eve brought their orders, she said to Rachel.

"Honey, going to Pine Meadows is not the end of the world. I am off duty in about twenty minutes. If you wait, I will follow you up there, and I will introduce you to some of the girls. Would you like that?"

"Why are you being so kind to me?"

"Because, sweetie, I remember my first time going to Pine Meadows. Oh yes, I was living there too, for a while. Anyway, when you are finished eating, I have a beautiful dress you can have. You can change in the ladies room, and these clothes, I think we can get rid of. How does that sound?"

"Thank you," was all Rachel could manage through her tears.

"Eve, I think this is going to take a while."

"No hurry."

Naomi stayed by Rachel, and made sure she ate her lunch. But Rachel just sat there, playing with her salad.

"What's the matter, Rachel? Aren't you hungry?"

"I...I'm...Naomi, will you help me? I...I don't...know...what..."

"Of course I will help you. I may be a deputy sheriff, but I am not disconcerned. For some reason, you strike me as a very troubled young lady. Am I right?"

"Yes, well, kinda-sorta. I mean, before the judge forced all this on me, I thought being tough meant you had to be a bully, and those that got in your way were targets to be picked on. I...I'm...sor...sorr...sorry, Naomi."

Naomi pulled Rachel closer in a mothrly type hug, and was running her fingers through Rachel's hair.

"Now, I want to tell you something. Had you shown this side of you in court, you would have been sent right back home, but with a very stern warning. From what I was told, when you went in the courtroom, you made a verbal come on to the judge. That didn't go over too well. Did It?"


"Rach, listen, when we get to Pine Meadows, I will stay for a bit while you get settled in. I want to see your room, and the place itself. I want to talk to the girls, if I can, and the staff. Honey, I am going to be there for you. Don't ask me why, because we just met, but there is something in you that just makes me want to hug you.

"You, you really...mean...that?"

"Yes, Rach, I do. I really and sincerely mean that. You know what? There is a thing we girls do, called a pinky swear. That is the most unviolated pledge two girls can make with each other. Let's pinky swear that you will abide by the program at Pine Meadows and I will be there to help you at least three times a week. How does that sound?"

"Then, let's pinky swear."

After they hooked their left little fingers together, Naomi asked Rachel if she was going to eat her lunch.

"Yes, Naomi, thank for being a friend and not just a cop."

Naomi hugged Rachel again, "You are very welcome, young lady. Now let's eat, get you in that new dress, and be on our way."

It doesn't take long to eat a light lunch, and they were finished in twenty minutes. Eve came over and said she was going off duty in just about ten minutes, and asked Rachel if she wouldlike to change in to her new dress.

Naomi and Rachel followed Eve in to the back, then up to the locker area. Eve opened her locker, and Rachel could see that Eve had an assortment of dresses in there. There was one that caught Rachel's eye, and asked if she could try that one. It was teal in color and had an A-line flare skirt, with a round neckline.

Rachel took it in to the ladies lounge and tried it on. When she came out holding her detention clothes, Eve and Naomi just gushed at how pretty Rachel looked. Then Eve said she wanted to do something with Rachel's hair, and when she was done, Rachel had a high pony tail.

"Let's get some mascara on those lashes. You've been crying too much, your eyes are all puffy. This will help kind of hide that a little.There, all done. Now, I will follow you to Pine Meadows and help introduce you to your new sisters."

"How far is Pine Meadows from here?" Naomi asked Eve.

"Less than twenty minutes. When we leave the parking lot we will turn right, and go to the intersection. At the stop sign we will turn left and go about five miles, and then turn into the Pine Meadows Home For Adolescent Girls. I am a volunteer there. I help the girls with their crafts if they wish, with other things too."

"You lived there, and now you volunteer there? Why?"

"Rachel, Pine Meadows is not a prison. They don't have walls or guards, or electric fences. You can walk right out on to the highway and hitchhike, and nobody will come after you."

"Why wouldn't they come after me?"

"Because Rachel, when you find out that you are all alone, you will welcome the hustle and bustle of Pine Meadows. When you do come back, you will get lots of hugs, because you came back on your own and safe."

"This is an institution. Right?"

"Well, kinda-sorta. You'll see. If we're ready, let's go."

Naomi followed Eve out of the parking lot, and to the Pine Meadows Home For Adolescent Girls. When they drove up, and parked, several girls came out of the house.

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