The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 30

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 30
by Barbara Lynn Terry

(Author's note: In most states of the United States, it is considered attempted murder if you utter the words, "I am going to kill you", or "now I'm going to kill you" or anything along those lines and then you follow that threat by throwing something at the person that can injure them or by hitting them. This is why William Hilts found himself being arrested for felony attempted murder.)

Chapter 1 - Naomi's very busy Monday.

As Naomi put Mr. Hilts in the back of the squad, state trooper Jim O"Donnell was calling for a transport squad to take Mr. Hilts in to the jail. They would book him when their shift was finished. It took about ten minutes for the squad to get to where Jim O'Donnell and Naomi were. The trooper got out of the car.

"Hi Jim. What have we got here?"

"Hi Pete. William Hilts was trying to kill his wife by throwing glass vases at her and telling her he was going to kill her. Take him in, and we will book him when we finish our shift. Pete Schultz, this is deputy sheriff sergeant Naomi Petersen."

"Hi Pete," Naomi said, extending her hand with a smile.

"So you're the lady dragon everybody has been talking about. It is nice to meet you, too."

Peter Werner Schultz was a fourth generation German, whose great grandfather came over from Germany. He has lived his whole life in Pine Meadows, and went to Pine Meadows high school. He enlisted in the U. S. Army, and was a veteran of Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He was awarded a few medals for bravery above and beyond the call of duty, risking his life for the lives of his platoon. When he came back and was honorably discharged at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he came back home to Pine Meadows and applied to be a state trooper. He has served both his country and his community with honor and dignity. He was also one of Jim O'Donnell's friends.

Jim opened the back door of his squad to transfer William Hilts to Pete's squad, when Mr. Hilts kicked Jim O'Donnel in the tummy and started running. Pete went after him, but knowing that Mr. Hilts was handcuffed behind his back, he couldn't run very fast or very far. Pete just walked after him and waited for Mr. Hilts to give up.

Mr. Hilts tripped on the uneven asphalt of the road, and Pete Shultz caught up to him and arrested him for striking an officer in the performance of his duty. This was Pete Shultz' arrest, and it would keep Mr. Hilts in jail until Naomi and Jim could get to the jail to book him. It is a pity that Mr. Hilts didn't allow himself to be arrested quietly. Judge Granger will have fun with him in the morning.

Naomi was resting on a tree stump that was the remnants of a tree long since cut down. With Pete Schultz there to help Jim, she knew that Jim would understand if she sat this one out. Besides, Naomi was tired, exhausted, kaput and whatever other words you want to use to say she was tired. Naomi Petersen not only had a long night and day, but has had a long and busy weekend, too. She knew when she got home, she would take a quick shower and crawl in to bed. Maybe stagger to bed would more descriptive.

"Squad 356."

"Squad 356, go."

"Squad 356, squad 347 is bringing in a suspect for felony assaulting an officer and attempted murder. Sgt. Petersen and myself will book the suspect on the attempted murder charge when our shift is finished. But squad 347 made the arrest for felony battery to an officer while in the performance of his duty."

"Squad 356, ten four."

Jim asked Pete if he needed assistance taking Mr. Hilts in, but he said no, he could handle it. With nothing more to say, Pete left for the jail with Mr. Hilts.

"That is not our usual family disturbance call. Normally, the guy gets drunk, hits wife or one of the kids, goes to jail to sober up, and goes back home. This, though, is a rarity."

"Jim, what would make a man so mean like that?"

'When you find out, Naomi, you let me know. By the way, my family is having a few friends over. Would you like to come?"

"I'd love to, Jim. Thanks."

"Squad 356?"

"Squad 356."

"Squad 356, proceed code 3 to Williams and Pinecrest Roads for traffic detail. House and Barn fire. Report to Lieutenant Daniels."

"Squad 356, ten-four. Well, deputy Naomi Petersen, ready for some real exciting police work?" Naomi giggled, because all officers said the same thing when it came to directing traffic.

"Let's go, trooper James O'Donnell." Jim opened Naomi's door for her. "Why thank you, gallant knight. I could get used to this, you know."

"Yeah, says you." They both smiled. "Lieutenant Daniels is a hard slave driver on the job, but off duty he is very nice."

Lieutenant Walter Daniels is forty years old and a fifteen year veteran of the Pine Meadows county sheriff's office. He started out as a jailer, and worked his way up through patrolling, and all the lower rank grunge work, before taking his exam for lieutenant. He was the supervisor that Naomi and Jim had to report to for their assignment.

When an officer was sent to a fire to direct traffic, they never knew how long they would be there. These fires could take quite a while to put out. This particular fire involved a barn as well as the house. They were still a few miles away and they could see the orange corona lighting up the sky.

As they pulled up, lieutenant Daniels waved them over.

"Hi Jim, take the post at Pinecrest and Hilldale, and reroute traffic. It looks as though we have to sound another alarm to help put this fire out."

Another alarm meant another fire truck or possibly two fire trucks from another town to help. Sometimes, one truck from each of the surrounding communities helped in local fires. Jim O'Donnell and Naomi proceeded to their post. When they got there, Naomi put out the orange traffic cones, blocking the through lane, while the squad itself blocked the other. Noticing what corner of the intersection the fire was on, made Jim O'Donnell direct traffic to the east. That would take motorists three miles away from the fire. Being a rural road, onlookers were not permitted.

"Now we wait, until we're given the all clear to head back to make arrests. We may even make a few here, if people aren't careful."

"Yeah, some people are head strong that way. They don't like taking detours."

"That is what life is all about, is one detour after another."

"You can say that again, Jim."

"That is..."

"All right, smart ass, that is quite enough."

"What? You said 'you can say that again, Jim'. So, I was just going to do what you said."

"Uh huh ... You know Jim, I'm going to be the first woman to actually find the male mind...I don't know where I will look for it, but I will find it." They both laughed a bit at what Naomi said.

"Well, I wish you lotsa luck, girly, 'cause we can't even find the male mind." They both laughed, again.

"Jim, I am warning you now. I am having a Fourth of July BBQ at my house and you are invited. So don't make any other plans for that day."

"Naomi, this is still December, let's get through winter first."

"I have already put my written request in for that entire day off. You had better do the same."

"I had better?"

"Yes, you had better."

"Just who do you think you are, that you can give me orders like that?"

"Your future wife."

"Naomi, are you serious?"

"Well, I have been waiting for you to ask me, and you haven't said a word. Men!"

"I guess I have been preoccupied. I will tell you what, you come to our little get together, and we can make it official."

"I'll think about it, trooper. I may be working that day."

"Well, deputy, you had better be there or I will hold you in contempt."


"Yes, contempt."

"Contempt of what?"

"I will hold you in contempt of not being there with your future husband."

"Oh, is that all. Pffft, I'll think about it."

"Naomi, I have been too long without a wife. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, James O'Donnell, I will. I guess I can divorce my husband and marry you."

"Your husband? Are you married?"

"Yes, James O'Donnell. I am married to my work. My work has been my husband for ten years, I need to trade him in on a live model."

"Well, I will gladly take his place."

"You are more than welcome to, my gallant knight in shining armor."

"M'lady doth giveth the compliment a little too quickly."

"And sir knight has been almost negligent in asking his favorite girl to marry him."

"Favorite girl, hey. Now I wonder who that could be?"

"James, would you like to drive home tonight, or walk?"

"Uhm, okay, okay."

"Squad 356, report."

"Squad 356, engaged and post is secure."

"Ten-four squad 356 and congratulations."

"I heard that 356 and on behalf of the Pine Meadows county sheriff's office, may I say congrats and what the sam hill took you so long?"

"Squad 327, squad 356, thanks and I was waiting for the right moment."

"So, almost at the end of your shift, doing traffic duty on a cold, miserable winter's day on a country road intersection, directing traffic, is the right moment?"

"Ten-four, squad 327." Naomi giggled.

"Jim, did you ever want to be a comedian?"


"I think you missed your calling." Both Jim and Naomi laughed.

Truth be known it was moments like these that made police work tolerable. You had to have a sense of humor or you would burn out in a year.

They heard another siren approaching their location, so they moved the traffic cones, and backed up the squad. The Tempest Township Volunteer Fire Department's spare truck came roaring through the intersection. Jim put the cones back, while Naomi moved up the squad.

"Tempest. That's their spare pumper. They replaced it last year with a brand new model. They have that one, and two others, plus two ambulances. If they're not careful, they will end up urbanized and incorporated."

"Where is Tempest, from here?"

Jim pointed west. "Three miles straight that way. We get calls now and again from there, but not many. They have a township constable, and he keeps the peace pretty good there."

"I have never been this far north, until I had to bring Rachel to the home. How big is Tempest?"

"Well, if you blink going down its main street, you will miss it entirely. There is a tavern on each of the four corners of the township. They are called the East, West, North and South Saloons. Very imaginative, right."

"No." Naomi giggled.

"So anyway, in the very small business section, there is maybe three stores and they are all on one block. There are about forty homes throughout the township. So, it really isn't all that big."

"Squad 356."

"Squad 356."

Squad 356, squad 327 says the fire is almost out, but would you stay an extra hour while the fire marshal investigates the cause of the fire/"

"Ten-four, dispatch. Tell squad 327 I said we are running low on gas, and will need to fill up shortly."

"Ten-four squad 356."

"I heard that Jim, but we are going to need that intersection blocked for about another hour. The fire is actually out, but there are still spot flames here and there."

"Squad 356, ten-four."

As they waited for the fire marshal to call it a night and the flames were all out, Naomi and Jim sat and talked.

"So, uhm, are we going to have a church wedding, are we going to elope, or are we just going to go the courthouse and have judge Marshall marry us?"

"Naomi, I think I would love a big church wedding. That way you can bring your friends and family and I can bring mine, and we can have a grand time."

"I have always dreamed of being married in a church and having a big reception afterwards. Then go on a two week honeymoon."

"Do all girls dream of these things?"

"Yes, Jim, as well as having the most elaborate wedding gown in creation."

"I was just asking. So I guess the bride providing the dowry is out of the question?"

"Dowry? OMG! Jim, this isn't back in the whatever medieval period where the father of the bride provided the husband with a dowry...such an insinuation today is totally absurd."

"Naomi, do you have a middle name?"

"Yes, but I never use it. I don't even have my middle initial on my driver's license."

"Why is that?"

"Because how you like to go around with a cool name like Naomi and a middle name like Jane?"

"Well, speaking for myself, I wouldn't like that at all." Naomi giggled.

"That is what I mean. My full name is Naomi Jane Petersen. I just never use the Jane."

"I think it sounds nice."

"Do you really mean that, Jim?"

"Yes, Naomi Jane Petersen, I do."

"Do you remember the last two words you just said?"


"No, Jim, that wasn't one of them."

"What last two words?"

UH OH! Jim O'Donnell is way too young to have alzheimer's. Well, it is sure that Naomi will remind him...maybe. Jim O'Donnell has another disease...forgetfulitis. But, then again, he is just being a typical male. They say it once and forget it seconds later.

"I still don't get you, Naomi."


"What? Aren't we supposed to be married to argue like this?"

"Jim, am I going to be the only one 'married' after we say, 'I do'?"


"Never mind." Naomi just sighed and shook her head.

"Squad 356?"

"Squad 356, go dispatch."

"Squad 356, squad 327 said it is all clear. You may reopen the intersection."

"Squad 356, ten-four."

"Naomi, help me with the cones, and let's get this beast of a car something to drink."

They had enough gas to get to the only gas station in town. Then, it was off to the jail to book Mr. Hilts for attempted murder.

After they had completed their duty roster for the day, they both were very tired, but Naomi was totally exhausted.

"Naomi, it was fun working with you. I hope we can do it again, someday."

"Thank you, Jim. I enjoyed working with you today and we definitely have to do this again. I'm telling my supervisor I am taking tomorrow off and resting."

They both hugged, and then Jim O'Donnell kissed Naomi on the lips.

"That should hold you over until my little get together."

"That was nice, Jim, but, uhm, let me see how that feels, just one more time."

They kissed again, when Jim's backup, Steve walked through the garage.

"You two need a room." They both laughed.

Naomi left the state police barracks garage, and left for home. She had told her supervisor that she was taking tomorrow off and the reasons why. He approved the time off, and Naomi headed home.

After putting on the parking brake, and going inside the house, Naomi was so utterly and totally out of it. She got her panda bear pajama set, and went in the bath room and took a quick shower, then she dragged herself to her bedroom, where she was asleep in less than a nano-second after her head hit the pillow.

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