What Did We Do Wrong? Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“What are we going to do about this, Kate?” asked Justin. There was more than a small edge to his voice.

“Take it easy, Justin. I fully expected them to try something like this. I’m ready for it. Fax all of the documents to my office for me to review, and we’ll be ready for them in court”

“Are you sure this will be okay?”

“Positive. Their timing couldn’t have been worse for their cause. Jung’s parents are sympathetic to your cause, right?”

“Well, yes, up to a point. Her dad still doesn’t agree with what we are doing, but me maintains it’s our right to do it. And he has noticed a big difference in Hyun, behavior”

“Good! That’s even better. Do you think they will be willing to speak in open court?”

“I suppose so, why?”

“They are going to be a huge influence on any judge hearing the case”

Justin sighed loudly. “Maybe, but I hate to get them involved”

“Play to win, remember? Get those documents over to me ASAP, and leave the worrying to me”

Jung was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Justin entered the kitchen and pulled out a pitcher of lemonade he always kept handy. He loved his lemonade.

“So what did Kate say?” She asked.

“She’s got it under control. I need to fax her the documents now and she’ll get to work on it”

“I can’t believe that they would do this just before Christmas. Don’t they care about Hyun?”

“Obviously they don’t. This has become a challenge to dad’s authority, and he’s going to play it out all the way”

The doorbell rang. Justin looked at his watch. “I wonder who that could be. It’s only 11:00 in the morning”

“I’ll get it, honey” Jung said as she washed her hands.

Jung answered the door, and there was Lorraine Ringdahl. “Well hello, Mrs. Brooks!” she said with a smile. “I see you took my advice”

“Ms. Ringdahl! Come in, please! What brings you here so close to Christmas?”

“Well, let’s see” She pulled out a paper from her portfolio. “It says here I have to investigate a child abuse claim for someone at this address” A family named Brooks. She smiled.

Jung gasped. “You got the case again? You must think we are horrible people”

“Quite the contrary, Mrs. Brooks. I got the case because I handled the first one. They figured I had and insight into the case. Amazing. The bureaucrats actually got one right”

“You know this charge is bogus, don’t you?” asked Justin, leaning against the door frame to the kitchen.

“Yes, Mr. Brooks, I do”

“Justin! This is Ms. Ringdahl, the investigator I met when Hyun was in the hospital.

Justin nodded and offered his hand. “Pleased to meet you. You’ve had quite an impact on our family already, Ms. Ringdahl”

“All of it positive, I hope”

Justin smiled. “I think so. Hyun Ae?”

“Yes Daddy?” she answered from her room.

“Come here, there’s someone I’d like you to meet”

Hyun ran into the front room to her father. She had her hair in a French braid and was wearing a denim skirt and a red short sleeved top. She looked at Lorraine shyly and gave her a finger wave. “Hi”

“Well, hello! You’re a very pretty girl, do you know that?”

Hyun smiled. “Thank you! You’re pretty too!”

“Why you’re so sweet to say that. I’m Lorraine, a friend of your Mommy and Daddy. Who did your hair?”

“Mommy. She’s good at braiding. She’s teaching me how to do it”

“It’s cute” She sat down on a chair and motioned Hyun to come closer. Hyun complied.

“Tell me. Are you happy now?”

“Yes! I get to be a girl! My doctor says so”

“And mommy and daddy. Are they mean to you?”

Hyun frowned. “No! They are the bestest Mommy and Daddy ever!”

Lorraine smiled. “That’s what I thought” She stage whispered to Hyun. “I like them too”

Hyun giggled.

“Hyun, go back to your room and play. We need to finish talking to Lorraine”

“Okay, Daddy” was the reply as she sprinted back to her room.

Lorraine stood and smoothed her skirt. “Well. I think that closes this investigation. No evidence of child abuse here”

Justin was a bit surprised. “That’s all?”

“That’s it, Mr. Brooks. Investigation closed”

“Wow, I thought there would be more to it than that. I guess I don’t know too much about procedure”

“I hope you never do. I’m the one who suggested that you get Hyun evaluated, so I kind of feel responsible for you. Oh, and you will forget who suggested this, won’t you?”

Justin got a wry smile. “Suggested what?”

“Exactly. I’m gong to get myself assigned to your case permanently. I’ll say further evaluation is warranted but that no abuse is taking place. There are some in my department who would love to pull Hyun out of here because of what you’re doing. This marks the case as mine, so that won’t happen”

Jung hugged Lorraine. “Thank you Ms. Ringdahl. You’ve been a Godsend”

Returning the hug, Lorraine looked Jung in the eye. “You’re doing the right thing. Don’t let anyone else tell you different”

“We won’t” Jung said through tears.

“Mr. Brooks? It was a pleasure to meet you, and I want you to know that I have a great deal of respect for you. It takes a real man to do what you are doing”

Justin smiled and took her hand. “Thank you”

Lorraine picked up her briefcase and placed the paperwork in it. I’ll fill this out later. Take care, and have a Merry Christmas”

Justin and Jung felt that this was a sign they were doing the right thing for Hyun.

Christmas day was a quiet time for the family. Hyun got most of what she wanted, which included money from her grandparents. The men relaxed, watching football and basketball. Jung and her mother began to measure Hyun for her new chima jeogori. Hyun fit right in with the women, not once wondering what was going on the television. Relationships were obviously very important to Hyun.

Justin’s parents, by contrast, were in the midst of planning for the upcoming court battle.

“I don’t know Jim. Are you really so sure we should interfere with Justin’s family like this? I mean, it is their child after all”

“Bullshit, Patricia! That ungrateful bastard turned his back on us and everything we stand for. I’m going to make him pay for that. He was set to receive five million out of the trust, but apparently that wasn’t enough. Deborah and Anne will get his share. Win or lose this, he’s out. Do you hear me? OUT!”

“Well at least Anne has her sons. And I’m sure Deborah will be getting married soon. I called them this morning and told them about what was happening. Anne and Deborah were shocked. Anne will have nothing to do with him from now on”

Jim slammed down his scotch. “At least our girls are showing some sense.

“Yes, but I was counting on Justin to carry on the name. I’ll make him pay. That little slant eyed bitch he is married to is probably the reason he’s lost his balls”

Patricia was shocked “Jim! Jung has never been anything but respectful to us. She’s a sweet girl!”

“She knows her place, and that’s all. I never should have allowed them to marry” sneered Jim.

Patricia sipped her wine. “Jim, I am surprised at your attitude”

“Do you want our grandson raised as a girl? Some half and half freak?”

“Well, no. It’s not natural”

“Then let me handle it and shut the fuck up” He poured another Scotch.

The day after Christmas, the doorbell rang. Justin answered it. Standing there was his little sister, Debbie. She was a tall, black haired girl, twenty one years old and reminiscent of a young Andie McDowell.

“Hi big bro!” She jumped into his arms. She was wearing motorcycle leathers, and her Harley Davidson Electra Glide was parked in the drive. Her father hated her riding the bike, and had expressly forbidden her to ride it.

He gave his sister a hug. “Hey sis! Come on in!” He looked at the bike and smiled. “Still listening to dad, I see”

She shook her long raven hair out. “Fuck him! At least when he can’t hear or see me” she giggled. “I have a trust fund to collect at twenty five!”

“Aren’t you worried he’ll find out?”

“Hell, no! Not unless I cut donuts riding naked on the eighteenth green of the Asshole Oaks Country Club. He might notice me then”

Justin had to laugh. Debbie was the most down to earth girl he knew, a free spirit for whom conformity was a foreign concept. Except when it came to her father. She wanted the trust fund she had coming to her, and she was very good at buffaloing the parents.

She was in her final year at USC, and her class schedule was light so she had plenty of spare time, usually spent at the beach, surfing.

Hyun heard the commotion and ran out to see who was there. She was still in her Winnie the Pooh nightie, and her hair was still braided from the night before. “Auntie Debbie! Hi! Lookit me! I’m a girl” She jumped into the waiting arms of her aunt.

“Hi Pumpkin! Well, I don’t think I know you. There used to be a yucky boy here named Kwan. He was okay I guess, but he wasn’t a girl!” She started to tickle Hyun’s ribs.

Hyun giggled, and then squealed from the tickle assault. “Auntie, I was Kwan!”

“Oh, no you weren’t! Kwan was yucky, you’re pretty!” She continued her tickle assault.

“Auntie, no! I’ll potty my pants!” she was screeching with laughter.

“Okay, little girl. I didn’t catch your name”

“Hyun Ae Brooks. My doctor says I have to be a girl! I’m so happy!”

“She says that to everyone she meets, Deb. ‘Her doctor told her’ She’s very proud of that apparently”

“Well, I would be proud of that too, big bro. We girls need all the help we can get!” She winked at Hyun.

“See Daddy! Auntie Deb thinks I’m pretty!”

Justin smiled “I know, Hyun. You’re getting a big head. Go tell mommy Auntie Deb is here”

“Okay Daddy!” She sprinted off.

Justin turned back to Deb. “I’m guessing you already knew what was going on”

“Yeah, Mom called me and told me about it. I think it’s great. I always though Kwan might be Trans”

“What? And you didn’t tell us?”

Deb snorted. “Yeah, right" Hey bro, I think your little boy, you know, the apple of your eye, the heir apparent? Yeah, he’s a girl in a boy’s body. Good luck with that’ are you nuts?”

“Okay, I get it. You just say uncomfortable stuff like that to other people, right?”

Deb grinned. “Something like that”

“So what do you think?”

“I’m not going to lie to you bro. Not any more. I’m a lesbian. I guess I always have been. Kylie, my girlfriend, has been with me for over a year now. If dad were to find out, I’d be cut off in a heartbeat. I won’t be able to give th…the open support I’d like to, but I’m behind you. I’ve got three million coming to me at twenty five, and I’m going to kiss his ass until then” She blushed. “I’m sorry, bro. I feel like such a Judas. Your little girl is such a gem”

“I understand, Deb. I really do. Just coming over here is enough for me”

Kwan entered in her robe, with her hair in a towel. “I agree, Debbie. It means a lot that you came now” she gestured to herself. “Sorry for coming out here like this, but you caught me in the shower”

“If it’s any consolation, I’m really going to stick it to the old man on my twenty fifth” she got and evil grin on her face. “It will be a super lesbo event! Your all invited!”

Justin burst out laughing. “I’ll be there in drag!”

Deb gasped in mock horror. “God no, Justin! I want to attract guests, not scare them away! But the thought means a lot”

“I really love you sis, you know that”

Deb began to tear up. “You never even blinked twice when I told you I was gay. Why?”

“C’mon sis. Motorcycles, your dress, and I saw you kissing a girl about five years ago!”

She hugged her brother. “You’re an idiot”

“But I’m you’re idiot, right?”

She punched him in the arm.

She wiped her eyes. “Don’t count on Annie to give you any support. She's got her head so far up dad’s ass it’s pathetic. She and her leech husband Kevin will be only too happy to take your share of the inheritance”

“Who cares? I told dad to shove it”

“You told him that?”

“Sure. I don’t give a damn about his money. I never did. Not if it turned someone into the jackass dad became”

“I wish I could do that” she sounded sad.

“Be your own person. Actually I like your plan! You get the money, and tell him to stick it”

“You always knew how to make me feel better, but I’m still a shallow bitch and you know it”

Jung came in with a try of coffee and bagels. “Umm, Deb, there IS a little girl in the house, you know. I’d like to keep her sheltered from those words until at least the third grade” She smiled and poured the coffee into two mugs for Deb and Justin.

“Sorry, Jung. I’m not used to being around little kids”

“Don’t worry about it. Just think a little bit before you drop a bomb. You know, it’s really sad that you have such disrespect for your father. It is very foreign to me. I would never talk to my father or about my father like you do. It’s not…nice” she paused. “Bagel?”

Justin was about to say something, but Deb cut him off. “I understand your culture, Jung. Let me tell you something I’ve never said before. You are literally the classiest, most beautiful girl I have ever known. You have a grace that most people lack”

Jung blushed.

“You were brought up by two very special people. I love your folks in a way I can never love my own. In our culture, respect must be earned. It is not a right. My father is a pig. I saw how he looked at you when you weren’t watching him. You were nothing but a piece of meat to him. If he could get you in the sack, he would. The same goes for your mother. I’ve heard him talk about the people in your family, calling them slant eyed bastards and worse”

Jung held her hands to her mouth in shock.

“My father doesn’t deserve respect. No one respects a pig. He may be feared, but not respected. One of these days, I’m going to shove it in his face, and my Hitler youth sister Annie can have everything that’s left. I just wonder what he makes mom put up with. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a closet perv. I know he took pictures of you on the beach when you and I were sunbathing in our bikinis in Hawaii in '87”

“I…I never knew” Jung was completely shocked her eyes began to brim. “Justin, did you know this?”

“Yes. Deb told me a couple of years ago. I didn’t believe it then, which is why I didn’t say anything. I believe it now”

“You can’t let that bastard win. He’ll screw up that beautiful little girl. If I have to, I’ll testify, even if it costs me three million”

“I won’t ask you to do that sis. I’ll beat that SOB in my terms”

Jung was silent. The thought of her father in law having sexual thoughts about her was repulsive in the highest order. That he thought of her mother like that was worse. “Get him Justin. Don’t let him take my baby”

Deb and Justin talked for about another hour then Deb got up to leave. “Make sure you bring your girlfriend over sometime soon. I’d love to meet the person who could keep you in line. I know Hyun would love to meet her”

“Okay, big bro. She wanted to come today, but I wasn’t sure. It’ll be nice to have family we can visit”

She hugged and kissed her brother and Jung. Hyun came running into the room and gave Deb a picture she had drawn. It was Deb riding her Harley. With her hair blowing back in the wind.

“Why, thank you, sweetie! I’ll put this up when I get home!”

“I drawed it just for you, Auntie!”

Deb kissed and hugged her niece. “I’ll be back soon, Hyun Ae Brooks. I have a friend I want to introduce you to. She’s Auntie’s special friend. Her name is Kylie”

“Yay! I’ll draw her a picture too! Bye Auntie!”

Justin hugged her again. Don’t be a stranger, sis”

“I won’t, Big Bro!”

Mr. and Mrs. Song left the guest room as soon as Deb left. “Mom, Dad, why did you wait for her to leave?”

Mr. Song shook his head “It was not our time to meet her again. You had much to discuss”

“Did you hear?”

“Enough. House isn’t built very well. I hear that Mr. Brooks looks at others rice cakes”

Justin looked down, ashamed of his father’s conduct. “I’m sorry you had to hear that, Dad”

“It is not unknown to me. I see these things when Mr. Brooks does not think I see. He has no respect for others and no respect for our people. It says much about your character, Justin, that you respect our ways enough to name your child Korean name. These are acts of respect, not mere words. I am proud of you son, and proud to call you son. You have our support. We will be with you for the court”

Justin could not hold back his tears. “I…I am honored to be your son. You are the only father I have left”

Mr. Song was touched. He was not an emotional man, but Jung saw a tear.

Jung was enjoying the day. It was unseasonably warm day after Christmas. She thought it strange, because the morning was so chilly. Hyun wanted to play in the sprinkler in her new swimsuit. “Please, Mommy! It’s so hot!”

“Okay, baby girl. Get your suit on”

Hyun came running out in her suit. Jung had the water running. It was warm, and Jung was sweating. Where did this weather come from? The sky was a funny color, like the smog was really bad.

“Mommy! Look! I blew up my beach ball all by myself!”

“That’s nice, sweetie. The flower patch was really getting out of hand, so Jung decided to clean it out. “Gosh, it’s hot! I might join Hyun in the sprinkler myself if this keeps up”

“Mommy, the sprinkler shoots the ball way high!”

“That’s nice honey” The flower bed was really in bad shape.

Jung could hear Hyun giggling as she played in the sprinkler. She turned around and noticed that Hyun’s little member was showing through her wet suit. She was mortified. What if someone saw? “Hyun Ae? Come here this instant! Your thing is showing!”

Jung got embarrassed as she realized she had said this a little too loud. Her neighbors across the street stopped what they were doing and looked. “Shit! Said Jung to herself. Why does it have to be so damn hot the day after Christmas?”

“Whee, Mommy!” The ball shot out into the street, with Hyun in pursuit.


The silver Mercedes never slowed. The sickening thud of bone on metal was like a cannon in Jung’s ears. She ran out to the street. Her baby was lying in a rapidly expanding pool of blood. The driver got out. It was Justin’s dad. “If I can’t have him, no one can”

Jung looked down at the lifeless eyes of Hyun Ae.


To be continued

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