What Did We Do Wrong? Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Mom? How are you doing?”

“Justin! Well, this certainly is a surprise. What do I owe the honor of a call? It’s usually Jung calling, since you are usually too busy to call your poor mother”

“All right, Mom. I get it. I don’t call enough. It’s not like you don’t hear from somebody here on a regular basis. Besides, I hate chit chat on the phone”

“I know. So, what’s wrong?”

“Well, nothing’s wrong, exactly. I just want to fill you in on some things. Some things have come up with Kwan”

“Kwan? Is there a problem with his brain? A side effect of his injury?”

“No, Mom, nothing like that. I need to clue you in on a few things, and I need your advice, I guess”

“Well, I’ll do what I can. Let’s have the story”

“I know you have said some things about Kwan in the past. You know, how he doesn’t act like the other boys his age, or like I did at that age”

“You mean how he plays like a girl?”

“Yes. Well, I don’t think I told you everything about the events leading up to his injury”

Justin told his mother everything that had transpired up to the point where Kwan had to go to the hospital.

“Oh. Lord. That poor child. So you took him to a psychiatrist, hopefully”

“Yes, and we were quite shocked by what she had to say. She’s one of the nation’s leading experts in gender issues. She had a long talk with Kwan and then with Jung and myself. Long story short, she feels that Kwan is transgendered. In effect, a girl trapped in a male body”

“What in the world are you talking about, Justin? Are you saying that Kwan is gay?”

“Not at all, mom. She’s not even old enough to know what that is, for crying out loud. Her mind is female. I’ve done my homework over the past few days, and have gotten a second opinion. The second doctor concurs. It is one of the earliest onset cases of Gender Dysphoria they have records of”

“Justin, I’m not following you”

“Mom, we are now raising Kwan as a girl. Her new name is Hyun Ae. It’s a Korean female name, the name she would have been born with”

“Justin. Have you and Jung lost your minds? He’s too young to know what he wants. This is insanity. Are you dressing him like a girl?”

“She is a girl, Mom. And we are dressing her appropriately”

“What in the world are you thinking? Kwan just needs a firm hand. You need to toughen him up a little, that’s all. He can never be a girl, not really. It’s more than just clothes you know”

Justin was surprised at his mother’s reaction, but held his temper. “Mom, you don’t think we know that? Kwan was a withdrawn, unhappy child. Since the change, Hyun Ae is an outgoing, happy child. This isn’t something we are doing just as a whim. We are doing it on medical advice”

“Justin, I’m not happy about this. What will everyone say? What will our friends say? They all know we have a grandson, not some kind of freak”

Justin was ready to explode. “All, right Mom. That’s enough. I had hoped you would understand. You’ve always been understanding of different people, and you taught me to do the same. Don’t you understand Kwan’s very life is at stake?”

“He’s my grandson, Justin. Of course I want what’s best for him. I just don’t think turning him into some kind of drag queen is going to solve anything. Have you even considered what his friends will say, the kind of teasing and bullying he’ll suffer?”

“Do you think I’m a moron, Mom? I’m almost thirty, and am fully capable of running my own home. Can’t you trust my judgment? Or is that too much to ask”

“I question the judgment of anyone who allows a boy to go around dressed as a girl. Only perverts do that”

Justin pulled the phone away from his mouth and covered the mouthpiece. “You stupid fucking BITCH!” It was what he wanted to tell her, she was his mother, after all. He put the phone back up to his mouth. “Mom, this isn’t a subject for debate. This is my family, and Jung and I make the decisions. We almost lost Hyun over a stupid argument. You don’t get over this, Mom! Hyun was dying in front of us. I see that now. I live with her every day, and the change has been astonishing. I know we made the right decision”

“Well, I disagree. I know your father will too. Son, don’t make us do something drastic. I won’t let you harm our grandson”

“The hell you say. Well, what would you know about Hyun’s mental health, huh? I mean, you see her like what, three times a year? How often do you get to the golf course in a year’s time?”

“Justin! I’ll not have you talking to me like that. If I have to get the authorities involved, I will!”

“Just try it, mom. Try it and I’ll see to it that you never see Hyun again. You arrogant…Look. I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m doing this on medical advice. If you want to waste money on a lawyer and try split this family up, then have the fuck at it. But consider me dead to you. I don’t need your damn money, and I don’t need you”

“JUSTIN, I….”

Justin slammed the phone down. He was so angry he couldn’t see straight. He heard a small cough. He turned around and saw Hyun. She had heard the worst of the conversation.

“Daddy? Are you mad? You’re using mad words. Mommy said you shouldn’t use mad words”

Justin was stuck to the core by Hyun’s words. “Come here, baby girl. Sit on daddy’s lap”

Hyun padded over to her father. Justin picked up his small child and sat her in his lap. “Hyun, I’m sorry you had to hear that. You’re right, Daddy shouldn’t use mad words. Grammie said some mean things to daddy, and I got mad. Sometimes that happens. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. Was Grammie mad at you?”

“Yes, honey. She doesn’t like you being Hyun. She said a lot of mean things, and I guess I said some mean things back”

Hyun frowned. “Is Grammie mad at me?”

“No, honey. She just doesn’t understand” Then he had an idea. “Hyun, could you do something for me?”

“What’s that, daddy? Will it make you happy again?”

“You bet. I’d like you to draw as many pictures as you can about how you felt before you were Hyun, and how you felt after becoming Hyun. Just as many as you can”

“Draw?” She smiled. “I can do that! I love to draw. Can I get new colors too?”

Justin hugged Hyun. You bet, sweetie! I’ll go to the store and get them now! You go and get started”

Hyun jumped down and ran off to her room to start. He heard her squealing to her mother that she was going to get new colors. Jung came into the kitchen shortly afterwards.

“So, Mom wasn’t too happy?”

“Nope. I thought I knew them. They are so narrow minded it’s almost painful. She’s even talking about trying to take Hyun away from us”

“What? What in the hell is she thinking?” Justin knew Jung was mad. She never cursed. “If that bitch tries that, I’ll, I’ll…well, I know she’s your mother and all, but…”

The phone rang. “I know who that is, Jung. I’ll get it”


“Justin. This is dad. Your mother just got off the phone with me, practically incoherent. What in the hell pissed her off? She said something about Kwan being a girl?”

Justin sighed. “Dad, here’s the story. And when I get done, understand that the decision has been made. If you want to blame someone, blame me. I can take it. Also know that I’m not changing my mind”

Justin went on to explain the situation. When he finished, there was silence on the other end”

“Justin, are you sure you want to go down this road?”

“Dad, I haven’t done this without thinking, so be careful what you say next” Justin warned. He wasn’t intimidated by his father, a man who was used to getting his way.

“I agree with your mother on this one, son. The boy is too young to be making this decision. You’ll scar him for life”

“Dad, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Mom. In your three visits a year, what do you think qualifies you to make any decision whatsoever about the well being of my child?”

“He’s a BOY, dammit!”

“Well, a lot of professionals disagree, dad. So does your granddaughter”

“Son. Think about this. We won’t have you messing with our grandson”

“Oh, you won’t, huh?”

“No. Now, I order you to stop this nonsense immediately, and I want you to call your mother to apologize”

“Or what, Dad?”

“Or you’re out. Disowned, and we start legal proceedings to take Kwan”

“Do you really think I give a shit about your money? Debbie and Anne can have my share. Dad, you’re pissing with my family. Go down this road, and a lot of people will get hurt. Especially your granddaughter. Your Grand DAUGHTER. Got it?”

“Boy, do not try to mess with me. I made you. I…”

“You screwed mom and I came out nine months later. I did the rest. I worked on my own to get better at baseball. You were at the plant. I did my homework. You were on the golf course. I taught myself to play every sport I excelled at, and I got my scholarship on my own. You did nothing. You fed me and housed me. I’m not paying you back for that. Tough. You may be mister high powered business man, but to me, you’re a substandard father. It just took me till now to realize it. You narrow minded bastard!”


“Justin nothing. Write me out of the fucking will today, dad. If you died tomorrow, I’d just give it to charity. I don’t want your money, got it?”

“Now just a damn minute!”

“Hell no. You wanted a fight, well you’ve got it. Get your damn lawyer. I’m sure there are a hundred top attorneys just chompin’ at the bit to take my case pro bono. You want to make this a media circus? Bring it on!”

Justin’s father hung up the phone. Nobody talks to James Brooks like that. He’d teach his arrogant little son the price of messing with him. That little pansy Kwan would learn to be a man if it killed him. He thought about Jung. Nice girl, cute, but a little slant eyed bitch. He probably met her at a massage parlor after she gave him a “happy ending”. He never liked her. She was probably the reason he was a little fag. And that stupid fucking name. That would change too. Brooks punched his intercom. “Beth? Get me Harry Dumas on the phone”

“Justin! I can’t believe you talked to your father like that. You are not honoring him!”

“Jung, you know I have the utmost respect for your culture. In this case, if dad had been within arm’s of me, he would have found out just how much working out every day pays off. He wants war, and I’m gonna give it to him. Now stand back, I’m calling your folks, and God help them if they want to screw with me too”

“Honey! Please don’t yell at Father. He thinks so highly of you.”

“Then he’ll know when to back off, Jung. I’m not going to start anything. I’ll explain the situation, and if Mom and Dad want to get stupid, then we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it”

“Please be respectful, Justin. Please!”

“Don’t worry, Jung”

Justin dialed Jung’s parents. Her father answered the phone.

“Dad? This is Justin. We need to talk”

Justin explained the situation to Jung’s father. As Justin expected, there was silence on the other end.

“I know this is a lot to take in, Dad, but I’m already dealing with my parents, and I don’t want you to add to the confusion. Can we count on your support?”

Mr. Song replied with a measured tone, with his noticeable Korean accent. “Justin. This is very, sudden. Have you considered this?”

“Very much so, jangin eoreun” It was the Korean word for father in law. “I ask that you respect my decision in this matter. It is final, and has not been made in haste”

“I see. May I speak to Jung, please?”

Yeoboseyo, Appa?” (Hello, Daddy?)

Jung spoke Korean with her father as a sign of respect for the culture. Justin saw her as she talked. She was calm, nodding, then speaking. She started crying, then said, “Kamsahamnida, Appa. Bye” She handed the phone to Justin.


“Justin, I do not pretend to understand what this is. I believe God makes us who we are, and He makes no mistake. But I speak to Jung, and she believe in you, so I believe you have best interest of family in your heart. So, when can we see Hyun Ae?”

Justin smiled and choked up. “You have no idea what this means, Dad. You can come anytime you want. Would you and Mom like to speak to Hyun Ae?”

“That would be very good”

Jung called for Hyun, who, as usual had one speed, full. She handed the phone to Hyun.

Hyun was conversant in Korean, and had no trouble talking to her Grandfather.

“Hi, gramps!”

“Hello, Hyun Ae. Are you happy like this?”

“Yes, very much! I hated being a boy. It’s okay if you are one, but I’m not. My doctor says so. Mommy bought me new clothes and they are so beautiful. I’m drawing you and grammie lots of pictures. Can you come soon? I miss you so much!”

“Yes Hyun Ae. Grandmother and I are coming soon. We would like very much to talk to you. Here is your Grandmother”

“Hello, Hyun Ae!”

“Hello, Grammie! Are you okay? I am. I’m a girl now! I’m so happy. We can bake cookies when you come. Are you bringing kimchee?”

“Yes, sweetheart. You know your daddy doesn’t like kimchee”

“That’s okay. Grammie, I’ll eat his!”

“Okay honey. Your grammie loves you no matter what, okay?”

“I know grammie. You’ll love me more now. You can show me how to be a good Korean girl!”

Mrs. Song giggled. “Yes, Hyun. You have much to learn”

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