The Girl Inside The Boy : Part 1 Chapter 6

The Girl inside the Boy


Part One Chapter Six

by Roo

Editing by Bronwen


There was the sound of a little buzzer on her desk and Jan said “You can go in now Carla.


The buzzer made me jump. Jan the doctor's wife nodded at Mum and said “Both of you, in you go.”

Mum grabbed me by the hand and knocked lightly on the door and opened it.

“Ah Mrs White, come in and take a seat. Come along Carla don't be nervous.”

Mum said “Doctor Ryan, thank you for seeing us at such short notice.”

“That's all right. When Bill rang me to make the appointment; he stressed that it is reasonably urgent that I see Carla, to see what we can do for her. Oh and please call me Jim. It's a small town and we all know each other so it just makes it more relaxed to talk to my patients on a first name basis.”

“O.k.” said Mum “I’m Donna.”

“Good; now lets get started on the problem that we have with Carla.” He looked me directly in the eyes and said “Carla you certainly look like a girl to me.”

Mum just sat quietly and listened to what was being said.

I already started forming tears in my eyes, so Mum grabbed my hand and said “It's o.k. Sweetheart. You just take your time and tell Doctor Ryan how you feel inside and don't leave anything out.”

I looked at Mum and said, “Even about what Jean does?”

“Yes Carla, that is where it all started after all, isn't it?”

Anyway, I told Doctor Ryan every thing in my own way,and he didn't interrupt me and after wetting two hankies that Mum pulled out of her bag, he nodded his head and said, “Thanks Carla.”

“O.k. Donna. I guess you have gone through this with Carla right from the start when you lost Carla's twin?”

“Well Carla was never Carl, apart from having a penis. She has always acted in a feminine way, and
Rita has always treated her as a girl; pretty much as soon she was walking. My son John wanted nothing to do with her, and James was gone from sunrise till dark working on the station.”

Doctor Ryan said, “Bill said you were a cook for the station work crew?”

Than Mum started from the beginning and told the doctor her version of what happened after she had given birth to identical twins, a boy and girl. She explained how Jean died from complications with her lungs and how it was too late to save my sister when the Flying Doctor crew arrived. Also how she ended up with post natal depression but had to keep working in the station kitchen to feed the workers,even though Marge; Tom's wife was giving her a hand to do the cooking, and she was feeling very low.

Rita and John spent their days doing school work on the two way radio and I spent a lot of time as a toddler in the kitchen, with Mum and Marge taking turns to entertain me. When John wasn't doing school work, he would hang out in the sheds with Dad and the guys. He was not interested in spending any time with his little brother, so it was Rita that spent all her spare time with me, and of course that's when all the dressing in girl's clothes started.

Anyway, as time went on, Rita and I became closer. She would call me Carla instead of Carl, and Mum explained how about this time, things got strained between her and Dad; and eventually he left, so she didn't have any reason to stop Rita from treating me like her little sister when she played dress up with me. Then by the time I reached eight John went to his father and got a job with a builder in another western town. She finished by saying “And here we are in your surgery.”

Doctor Ryan was amazed at the story Mum was telling him especially the bit about my twin being in my dreams and connecting with me when things go wrong.

He looked at me and said “It is quite common for identical twins to live in each others minds, and just because Jean is not here on earth does not mean her spirit can not be with you.”

I said “I'm not crazy then doctor?”

“No sweetheart, you are far more sane than a lot of people that I treat in this surgery.”

Mum said,”What do you think we can do about Carla's little problem Jim?”

“Right,” he said “I will get you an appointment with a specialist in Brisbane and we will take it from there Donna.”

“How long will it take to get an appointment in Brisbane? Because I am about to open up the restaurant for Bill and I’ll be quite busy once that happens.”

He said, “I won't know till I ring later today, but as soon as I know I’ll ring the garage, and Bill will switch me through to to the restaurant and I'll let you know what time it can be arranged.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and I don't know why but I was so excited that I went and hugged him, and he said, “Wow Carla! If you keep this up I wont be able to charge your mum for my consultation!”

“Bye then Jim we'll talk to you later,”she replied.

We left the doctors surgery and Mum drove me back home to set up some school-work for me to do that day, and then made us some pancakes for morning tea. Afterwards she changed into jeans and a t-shirt and went to do some more organising at the restaurant with Bill and Rita.

I settled down and and did my school work and also had to get on the two way radio to ask some questions about my social studies project The Air School teacher said it was good to hear from me and hoped I was having a good time living in town.

I stayed in my pretty sun dress till I finished my school-work and changed into a denim skirt and t-shirt - 'pink' of course. My hair stayed in the high pony tail with the ribbon in it. Did I tell you I like pink!?

I'd made myself some lunch from left-overs in the fridge and had a glass of milk. It was one o'clock so I decided to do another hour of school work, so if the trip to Brisbane took a few days I wouldn't be behind by the end of the school year. I'd be nine in three months, so if I was sent to the state school the following year I'd be in fifth grade. I hoped they wouldn't try to make me go back to being a boy, because if they did I would run away into the bush and hide. I knew how to catch fish, and I had learned all about bush tucker from the aboriginal workers on River Downs, so I would not go hungry in the bush.

Anyway it was almost two thirty when I thought I'd walk into town to see how Mum and Rita were doing at the restaurant. Half-way there I saw a heap of kids come down the road from the school. It must have been three o'clock and school was being let out. I got a lot of strange looks because I was walking to the school and not away to go home and not in uniform, but none of the boys said anything as I walked through them in the opposite direction, Than, as I got closer to the school there were three girls about my age walking towards me giggling and making a lot of noise when they spotted me.

One of them said “G'day. You're the new girl I saw with Ricky Smith and his brother at church yesterday aren’t you?”

“Yep that's me, I'm Carla White! What's your name?”

“I'm Jenny, that's Brenda and June," and then she asked, “How come you're not going to school?”

After I explained where I came from and what was happening with my schooling.

Jenny said “We normally do our home work, and then go to the park down the road for awhile If you want be our friend. you can join us there any afternoon if you want!”

“O.k.” I said “I'll see ya later, bye.”

Just as I started to walk past the school Ricky came out of his house to the front gate, “G'day Carla what you doin' in town”?

“Just goin' to see if I can help out down at the restaurant with Mum and Rita, Do you want to come too?”

“Yeah. I'll just ask Mum if I can go. I don't have any homework to do today. Hang on a tick and I'll ask!”

He came back out with his Mum behind him at the front door, “Hello Carla, Ricky will double you on his bike if that is o.k. with you?”

“Yes Mrs Smith, we left our bikes back at River Downs because there wasn't enough room on the ute.”

“O.k. you two. Be careful on the road, and Ricky be home before dark.”

“Yes Mum,” he said rolling his eyes,and whispered “I'm not a baby Mum.”

It was only a couple of blocks away from the restaurant so it didn't take long to get there but it was a bit awkward trying to get on to the cross bar wearing a skirt and not giving people a show of my knickers when I got off outside the restaurant. Mum was standing on the footpath and said “Wear jeans or shorts next time you double on a boys bike Carla. That way you wont show us all what colour panties you are wearing.”

Both me and Rick went as red as beetroots, and Mum said as she walked back inside “Your bikes will be here in a couple of days on the back of the mail truck.”

Rick stayed till five o'clock and got on his bike and rode home before it got dark, but before he went, I went outside with him to say bye and see him later, when he said “Carla I really like you, and I'm glad you saved me in the river the other day.”

I said “I couldn't let a friend drown now could I?" and kissed him on the cheek,

Rick took off with a red face once more, Rita said “I saw you do that, you little flirt, and you talk about me and Pete!”

Mum said “I'll just tell Bill we’re heading off home to get the dinner prepared for later. You two lock up here and get in the Rover, I'll be back in a tick.”

Driving home Mum said “That was nice of Ricky to come and give us a hand to get things ready in the restaurant wasn't it?”

“He's got the hots for our little flirt here hasn't he?” said Rita.

“You're only jealous because Pete hasn't kissed you yet, so there!”

“Stop that you two! Carla you had better be careful, don't you think?

“Yeah and stop kissing him Carla. What if finds out that you still got a willy?”

That set me off and I started to cry. Rita said “I'm sorry Sis, I just don't want you to get hurt. Ricky and Pete don't know about you, and I really don't know what would happen if they found out.”

Mum said,”I've had a word with Mr Smith and told him you had a medical problem, and if you start going to school here, there would be special rules for you Carla.”

“Mum when will we be going to Brisbane?”

“Patience sweetheart. It's only been a few hours since we saw Doctor Ryan. It'll take a couple of days to get an answer back from the doctor in Brisbane.”

We arrived home and went to our room to get a change of clothes and went to take a shower and get the dirt off us from scrubbing everything down in the restaurant kitchen. When we were out of the bathroom, Mum went in and got cleaned up as well.

Mum said as she was closing the door “Go and peel some spuds and carrots.” They came from the vegie garden in the back yard. We went into the kitchen and got the spuds, carrots and also a pumpkin out of the box in the walk-in pantry. We'd had all the peeling and cutting up done by the time Mum came back from having a shower.

The kitchen had a shop type freezer in one corner of the room and Mum got out some frozen beans that Uncle Bill put in it from the last crop he grew in the back yard. The same freezer also had a stack of meat stored at one end, so Mum got some out to defrost it in the oven, with the door open so it would defrost and not cook. When Bill came in the kitchen both me and Rita gave him a hug and kissed him on both cheeks at the same time and said in unison “Hello Dad.”

Bill said “Aww you two!,Donna did you put em up to that?”

“Don't look at me Bill honey,they just think of you as their Dad now.”

Bill teared up a bit and said “This feels real good to have two pretty girls fussing over me, and their Mum looking after me as well.”

Mum than gave our new Dad a kiss on the lips and said “Bill get used to this because I think I like being here with you as much as the girls do. Now go and have your shower, and then we can all sit down have dinner out on the verandah in the cool. Right girls, go set the table on the verandah, and we'll dish up as soon as Bill, your new Dad gets out of the shower, but please no more love-ins till later alright?”

We set the table out on the verandah, while Mum got a serving trolley from a store room at the other end of the house and wheeled it into the kitchen to bring the food out to the verandah. Bill was all cleaned up and wearing a pair grey slacks and polo type t-shirt, Rita said, “Dad you look really nice when you dress up a little bit
I said “Daddy I think you are yummy!!”

Just than Mum came out with the food on the trolley and said “I thought I told you two no more love-ins “

Bill said “Donna, they're just having some fun, and I certainly enjoy being called Daddy by Carla.”

Mum said “Well if that is what you want Bill, I wont stop them from now on, but you will have to explain to people why they now call you their father.”

“Not to many people will challenge me if they know what’s good for their friendship with me, Donna.”

“O.k. Bill. I’ll have to trust your judgement on that." replied Mum.

“Right Rita, you dish up the veggies, and I’ll go back and get the lamb chops off the stove,and we can eat.”

We finished the main meal, when Daddy said “Right whose for ice cream for desert?”

Mum said “Only one problem we don't have any.”

Daddy winked at me, “Carla luv, there's some in the freezer I brought home. Go and bring it out with some plates and spoons.”

“Yes Daddy,” I said. Mum rolled her eyes and shook her head, but smiled at Daddy with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Rita jumped up and said “I'll help you Sis."

When we got to the freezer Rita said said “I didn't think Mum would let you get away with that."

“With what?”

“Calling Bill Daddy, Dummy!”

“Why? You called him Dad first. I'm younger and allowed to call him Daddy.”

“O.k, we'd better get this ice cream out to the verandah or it will melt.”

When we got out there, Mum had a basket with strawberries she got from the garden, while we were at the freezer arguing about what to call Bill.

We'd finished desert and started to clear the table when Daddy said, “Will everyone sit down for a bit? I want to say something and I want to say it to to all three of you.” and than he took Mum's hands in his and said, “Donna I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you, and want to look after you and your girls if you'll have me?”

Mum was still holding Daddy’s hands and said “Bill sweetheart! I feel the same way, and the girls have already shown you how they feel about you.”

Rita said, “At least you haven’t rejected Carla like my other dad, and brother did. I'd like you to be my Dad,and I know Carla loves her new Daddy.”

We finished clearing the table , did the washing up and went to our bedrooms when Mum came to our room and sat on my bed and said, “I hope you kids are o.k. with all this?”

Rita came over to my bed and sat down next to Mum and put her arm around Mum's shoulder and said, “Mum you deserve some happiness in your life after that no good father of ours left us like he did.”

I hugged mum from the other side and agreed with Rita.

Mum got up and said “I love you girls. Oh by the way Rita, I forgot all about your bra fitting today. We'll do it tomorrow morning first up ok?”

“Good night Mum” we said in unison. We were asleep in minutes.

“The white cockatoos woke me up”

I didn't have any dreams that I could remember as I woke up the next morning, so Rita was still asleep in her own bed. I wondered when I would see Jean in my dreams again. It seemed to happen just prior to waking up from a deep sleep. I am going to have to ask the doctor in Brisbane about that I thought to myself.

I was going to go to the bathroom to pee, and thought I'd have my shower while I was there.

“Morning Sis, you're up early.”

“Yeah weak bladder, gotta go!”

“Wait up I'll come with ya,”

“What to watch me?”

“No! silly so we can have a shower before Mum and Dad get up.”

“O.k. I'll just grab the towels, but I get to use dunny first”

“Hurry up or I'll be sitting on my sister to do it.”

Mum opened her bedroom door “Hurry up you two or I'll be sitting on both of you.”

“That got us getting the giggles, and we both almost wet our knickers.”

Anyway we had our shower together like we normally did and got dressed.

We both decided to wear jeans and t-shirts. Mine was 'pink' of course, and Rita had on a blue one. We had thongs for footwear.

“Rita,” I said “What about a bra?”

“What about a bra?”

“Aren’t you gonna wear one?”

“Why bother? I'll only have to take it off at the dress shop.”

“Yeah 'spose so, but Mum won't be happy with your nipples showing.”

“Stop goin' on! I'll put some band-aids on 'em alright?”

I said, “Yeah just sayin', Geees!”

Anyway we went to the kitchen where our new Daddy had breakfast ready for us,

“Sit down kids. Ya Mum will be ready in a minute too. We'll all go in to the shop today. We want to open the restaurant next week, so it'll be all hands on deck for a couple of days, o.k?”

We both said “Yes Daddy” in unison.

Every time we did that Daddy has a little chuckle. After Mum came in to the kitchen we had breakfast, got in the car and went straight to the restaurant. Rita asked Mum about the bra fitting, and Mum told her as soon as Mary Winton's shop was open she would take her there. That would be at nine o'clock and it was only seven thirty so we could do a bit of work first. Daddy was arranging all the restaurant furniture while the rest of us sorted out the kitchen. It was all clean, and the fridges had to be stocked with food for Mum to start cooking when the first customers came, probably from the caravan park.

I said Mum “What about my school-work?”

“You'll be right for a coupla days Carla. Your work is well ahead of schedule so stop worrying so much.”

At nine o'clock we three ladies went for a walk down to the dress shop. Mary was at the front of the shop just, opening the door when we got there.

“Oh hello ladies,” she said. I always feel good when I’m included in that.

“G'day, Mary. We need to have you measure Rita for some bras, if you not too busy?”

“Come on in and we'll see what we can do for you Rita.”

I was included in everything that went on and was amazed at the different type of bras there were, Mum bought three bras for Rita and a couple for herself, all the fitting was done with me looking on, being quite jealous that I had no reason to wear one. 'Oh well in a couple of years.' I thought. I ended up with some vests and and six more knickers,so I was happy not to miss out.

When we got back to the restaurant, Daddy asked me if I was ready to go to the big smoke, I said “I dunno. Why Daddy?”

“Well it looks like you have an appointment to see a doctor San Lee in Brisbane in two weeks time. While you lot were spending money at Mary's, Jim Ryan rang. Donna you'd better ring Jan and get all the details.”

I stood there with my mouth open, Mum said, “Sweetheart, close your mouth or you'll start catching flies.”

Rita said, ”Can I come to Brisbane too Mum?”

Mum looked at Rita and said “I think you might be needed in the restaurant by then, but there will be lots of trips to Brisbane, if Carla gets the go ahead with her little problem to be fixed.”

We spent the rest of the day getting everything ready to open the restaurant next Monday, Mum also rang Jan to get all the info for the trip to Brisbane, and rang Ricky's Mum to let her know If she was still interested in going to Brisbane with us. I did lots of extra school work in the next two weeks to make up for the time that we'll be away.

I had a lot of restless nights till the next two weeks were up. Mum Rita and Daddy had opened the restaurant as planned and Rita was learning the ropes. Daddy has arranged for his mechanic Henry's wife Linda to help run the shop while me and Mum were away.

To be continued.

Next time the big trip to the big smoke

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