Mrs. Peterson leads me by hand out the back to where the other girls are. Its strange but all that tape has altered the way I walk. Its more fluid or graceful. Me graceful now theres a laugh. I try stalling but she has a firm grip on my hand. She leads me to a walk of windows. Beyond that is the girls.
Ok panic time. Brain do your stuff. 'Resistance is futile you will be assimilated' pops in there. Now is not the time for star trek quotes. To buy time I stop walking. I forgot how useful these shoes are. The floor is polished or waxed. For all the good these things are I might as well be wearing ice skates.
Okay list of possibilities:
1) I go outside, the tape releases and my bulge is noticed. Painful things occur.
2) I trip and fall exposing the tape to my total embarrassment. Painful things occur.
3) I go outside and am just one of the girls. Nothing happens.
Strangely the latter is more frightening than the others. I am actually pushed outside and see the girls in all there skin glory. I also learn something new. Tape is painful. My manhood is straining to no avail. The girls notice me and get up off their lounge chairs and lead me over. Their skin is glistening in the bright warm sun. I am getting an eyeful of lovely flesh and would be in heaven if I didn't look almost the same as them.
In a daze I am lead to one of the chairs. It is a cushioned chair much like the ones you see on cruise boats on tv. They tell me to lay down and they will do my back. More pain occurs as my brain fills my head with thoughts that are best left unsaid. I lay down on the chair face first and soon feel warm hands with some lotion massaging my back. This feels really good. With a bit of squirming on my part the one spot is hit and melt into that too soft cushion.
I do not move for a long time and I am in a sort of edge of sleep. The sun is heating me up quite nicely and I enter a light sleep. At one point the girls who have been chatting almost non stop tell me to flip. Which I do, and my front is oiled down as well. I go back to my light sleep with dreams of me on a beach surrounded by scantily clad bikini girls. This is great until I notice that I am one of them. I jerk awake at that.
"Sleeping beauty awakes without her kiss from prince charming."
"Maybe it was her boyfriend in her dream that was doing the kissing Crystal." The girls all giggle at that. I just flip on the chair to hide my embarrassment from them.
"Oh no you don't girl if we stay out here any longer I for one, will peel like an onion." Thoughts of her bikini doing just that flash through my mind. Ouch brain stop that you are NOT helping. Reluctantly I allow myself to raise from the chair and then follow the girls. They stop around a metal pole over some rock type thing and remove their sandals. Not nowing what is happening I remove my flats. Stepping on the stones feels ok but does remind me of the painted toenails I am now owner of. I am hit with warm water suddenly without warning and to my utter embarrassment squeal.
It is an outdoor shower. This is so we can wash off the suntan lotion before going in the house. Does make me wonder if the lotion is toxic or something though. I am given a pink bar of soap and am told to wash one of the girls backs. My eyes go wide at this permission to caress the forbidden flesh. It takes a minute before I remember I am supposed to be a girl and do this all the time. Shaking I rub the soap in my hands which works up a lather quite easily, nerves are good for something after all. I lovingly use the suds and the soap to wash the girls back infront of me. Her skin feels so soft. If she asks me to wash her front I am so dead meat. I almost don't notice someone wash my back.
Having a shower in a bikini is a new and interesting experience. Since we are all so exposed it makes sense. We each all have our hair up in a high ponytail so the hair mostly stays dry, likewise our faces are also mostly dry so there will be no need to reapply makeup. Pushing occurs and soon everyone is soaking wet. So much for not reapplying makeup. I am grinning from ear to ear after this.
"What are you so happy about Krisa"
"You all look like drowned rats."
"Look whos talking!" This of course starts a round of giggling.
"Well you do." I just fall to floor laughing to so hard at that. I am soon joined it seems. Tears are in my eyes.
"What are you girls laughing at" Mrs. Peterson appears with a grin on her face. I now have tears being added for a different reason as she is also wearing a bikini. This is so not fair! What is even less fair is the water house in her hands. Oh no.. don't you ...
Squeals ensue for the next few minutes as we are all chased around the back yard by the water hose which is COLD! We got our own back on Mrs. Peterson though with the use of a bucket innocently left in the still running shower. Its fun but if anyone I know recognizes me I they can remove the punching bag in the gym at school since it will gather dust. If you got a better idea what to say or do while wearing a skimpy piece of cloth while being sprayed by ice cold water Id love to hear it.
Eventually we all have to stop. I am out of breath and it seems I am also not the only one to loose the squishy in hair. This makes me feel better. I cant wait to get this thing off though a bikini gives me a horrible wedgie and I think I have got some grass in places there shouldn't be. What? I tripped and nose dived into the grass. Its not my fault.
We all sit on those chairs again which I find actually flip up to a more normal chair. Neato. I follow what the others do and towel like they do. Doesn't really seem to get me as dry as normal but it also doesn't chafe my skin either. The sun does its best to dry us. Another plus to a bikini. These tiny pieces of cloth don't take much to dry. Except for a certain spot down below which is a bit uncomfortable.
I drape my towel around my neck and over shoulders. The others think this is a great idea since we are not wearing that sunscreen. That wasn't the reason I did it. At home I do the same thing however at home the top is bare and I am wearing sweats. I am looking at these girls that are becoming more friends than forbidden objects of women. This is interupted by a fuzzy silver thing. When I focus on it I find a metal cup infront of my face which I grab. Its cold.
"I didn't know what you like Krisa so I hope that chocolate with whipped cream is good enough." Oh its a milkshake! Cools
"Yes thank you I love chocolate." A little too much actually. I take a long drag on the straw. Chocolate exstacy enters my mouth. I swallow it without thinking. Report from brain this hurts bad girl. Oh shutup and let me be owwie icecream headaches hurt. So of course I learned my lesson right.. Nope Owwie.
Sara and Tammy are trying to be delicate and dainty flowers according to Debbie's aside whisper to me. Something about a mother and proper ladies. Sorry I don't have the translation program for girl speak. While we finish our chocolate delights except for Julie who has vanilla. Crystal who has already finished asks where the others bags are, which they tell her. this is followed by a short discussion on what to wear. Again girl speak ensures. I think we are all going to follow what Julie and Judy were wearing earlier. Apparently you can wear a sundress over a bikini. Good to know I'll never look at another girl in one the same way again. Brain central informs me that I will most likely compare them to myself. Shut up brain, this useless and NOT helpful comments are not needed. Really.
Crystal returns with said dresses which she hands out to the girls would put them on right there. No shyness infront of other girls apparently. Since I know I dont have one nor want or need one, I just keep working on the last dregs at bottom of cup and that whip cream. So I totally miss catching the piece of cloth thrown at me and it ends up covering my head. Its a pale light yellow sundress. I guess I am supposed to put this on. Which I do just to fit in. The bikini bra with the grass however is not comfy at all and I squirm things around to get the grass out.
"Why not take it off then Krisa" Mrs. Peterson has returned. I was trying to not be noticed. Think of good excuse. My balls are itchy and have a rash. Okay strike that. Monkey stole my homework. Nope. I just hang my head ashamed at the thoughts going round and round in this useless head of mine. This also exposes the back of my neck and that knot I made.
"Oh I see hold still. Ive done this myself a few times." In like no time at all the knots I made are undone both on back of neck and in mid back. How did she do that. But at least Im free of that itchy top. I look up to see the girls following suit. I turn to give them privacy. I may be dressed as a girl but I am a boy and boys should not spy a girl doing such things. Okay we do anyways. I am trying to be polite. Quit laughing its not that funny.
Why do I persist with this charade. A very good question. Brain central has come up with some interesting ideas. One I am getting my jollys out of this, well true but its not on purpose. Two I secret yearn to be a girl, NO definitely not I am guy happy being a guy thank you very much. Three you doth protest too hard. Oh shutup! I believe its because for what seems the first time in my life I have friends. It makes me happy. I don't want to loose them. If playing the part of a girl is what it takes I'll do it.
Speaking of part of a girl. They head back inside to a different hallway and then into a nice looking living room. Very tastefully decorated I might add. Furniture from the reinns... rennie..oh when they made the steam engines at first. I'm twelve and I failed social studies last semester. Crystal and Debbie are hovering around what I think is a stereo. It looks complicated. Music issues forth from speakers shortly. I can't see the speakers though. The sound is good, song sucks, but then when you have a sister who screeches to any girly song on the radio, you wouldn't like them either. No really she can't carry a tune to save her life. Tone deaf is the term I think. Heck the worst singers on that Tv show talent of stars or something is way better than Sally.
Crystal and Debbie are already dancing. What is with girls and dancing anyways, its like they are born to it. Us guys its usually one foot here and another there and try to not step on the toes that always seem to be under our feet. I go for the comfy looking chair and almost make it when someone grabs the little strap on the back of dress I am wearing. Nuuu I can't dance don't make me make a total fool of myself. The girls are having none of my apparent nonsense. They show me this or that move which looks easy actually. Swing hip this way with that beat of music and so forth. I do this about 2 mins before I stop and rush back to chair red in the face. Foiled again. Now I know the purpose of those little bow straps on backs of dresses its like a dog leash, when you try to get away you are hauled in.
Ding ding.
Its the doorbell. Oh god MOM! Squish Crystal looks big enough to hide behind. Please I am not here. I am not here. I am not here. Mrs. Peterson ever the hostess of course opens the door. Noooo.
Thankfully its not mom. Instead its something just as bad. More girls some my age. They come running in and after introductions are made and the rapid girl talk ensures. No really I got maybe one word in ten. And it was so fast.
Brain central has translated this to "Hey mutant girl whos the freak behind you" I told you I do not have the girlspeak translation program. Its worse than thank since they are all going on like that. I can't even hear the song that is playing, I know its playing I can see the numbers counting on the display. Why is that display growing smaller? The girl leash is dragging me around and around. Being clueless I just say hi repeatedly. Seems to work.
Mrs. Peterson enters the room with a tray of veggies which, like locusts, the girls desend on onmass. Julie and Judy come in with more trays with different finger foods. I didn't even see them leave. I manage to score a small piece of bread with what I assume is meat and its own toothpick to clean your teeth with, a pickle, piece of cheese, and some weird looking paste in a cup. Most of the girls have sat with small plates like me, they haven't stopped with the rapid girlspeak. One of the new girls whos name I think was Buffy. Sits smoothing her skirt under her. Oh yeah, I forgot about that I guess I should do the same when I sit in this dress.
I have been so wrapped up in trying to fit in with the girls that I have forgotten about the tape. Sitting down I notice it again, and for some reason keeping my knees together is alot easier. Also makes a handy place for that tiny plate. Normally in functions such as this with food like this , usually funerals, I take apart sandwich and add stuff to it. This time I watch the girls for clues on how to eat before I do anything. No wonder girls are skinny. The eat like rabbits and nibble everything. By the time we guys finish they have eaten like half the meal. Sigh I look down at my tiny plate pick up the cheese and spent an hour it seems nibbling on it. I use the pickle to eat the paste which is good if you suck on the pickle.
Said pickle is in my mouth when I am asked if I was to join the school with all the others. They apparently all attentend a class on painting wood stuff under some Helen woman. The rapid girl speak continues and I catch the word Fee. Thinks are tight at home so I tell them mom wouldn't let me as there is no money to spare. This sparks off a conversation on some scholar. What now its boats? Im lost. The girl beside me is trying to tell me about some cruise ship of Aline with two decks on it. I just nod and say it sounds pretty. She rewards me with a smile. Guess I said the right thing.
Mrs. Peterson comes into the room with another plate of finger foods just as the doorbell rings again. She asks me to answer it as she is a bit busy. So I put aside my plate with the sandwich uneaten and almost get lost trying to find the front door again. Its probably just more girls for Crystal's party.
I open the door and just about pass out.
"Mmmm....MOM!" My eyes are wide.
"Chris!" Moms eyes match mine. There is silence as moms eyes take me apart cell by little cell, Ill be a pile of unidentifiable goo in a few minutes.
"Krisa who is it?"Mrs. Peterson comes up behind me. Puts a hand on my shoulder and looks right at my mom." Ellen?" huh she knows moms first name?
"Erica?" I guess mom knows her name too.
"Oh my god!" They chorus" Its been like forever..." And this alien who looks like my mom and Mrs. Peterson go into that rapid girlspeak. Mom never talks like that. She also is never that animated either. Must be an alien.
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And now things get REALLY interesting...
This accidental girl might just have to decide if she/he was Mistaken, or correctly identified to begin with.
Mistaken Girl
Good, you're continuing this. :) I hoped it wouldn't get dropped in the furious muse-inspired writing spree. *grin*
Ok, NOW I have like a
Ok, NOW I have like a hundred and one possibilities running through my head. Twins, cousins, freakish doppelganger meetup, dream, could still be a plot by the moms... Ya, I got no idea where this is headed. That's rare for me. I usually have a fair idea of the general direction by now. Good job keeping up the readers 'what the...' feeling along with Chris.
All I can say is that inspiration comes from strange places
and I am glad this is one of the stranger ones. It has been a really fun romp !
Oh **it!
Why do I get the feeling things are on its way to crapper...
evil grin
giggle fun isn't it. It gets better yet don't worry.
Chapter five, chapter five, chapter five.
Gives cute puppy dog eyes and bats eyelashes.
Pretty pwese with shuger on top. LOL i am so immature. Kayla :D
relatives ?
hmmm for some reason i think krisa and crystal's mothers are related would explain why krisa and crystal look so much alike
Mistaken Girl chapter 4
Me thinks Chris/Krisa is in the twilight zone
May Your Light Forever Shine
Mistaken girl part 4
I am loving this story can't wait to read part 5