Part Seven
The normal routine at hospital started again, physio and dressings being changed three times a day, school work and visitors were playing a big part in his life and they were allowing him out during the day at weekends. He told his mother to go back to work as her continual fussing over him was beginning to annoy him. He knew she loved him and was worried but James being a realist realised they both needed longer periods without each other, he loved his mother very much but she needed to be doing what she was good at and that was nursing.
Sally showed him the picture from the weekly newpaper taken the day he was allowed home, James looked at it and asked Sally if she was sure it him and it wasn`t a mistake but she told him "No that`s you kiddo"
"Did I really look like a girl?" he asked
"Yes, you certainly did and a very pretty one at that" she replied
This got James thinking about what people would say when they saw the picture and he started to get worried, the bigger kids all teased him about his size, lack of physical strength and being useless at sport before he was admitted to hospital, what would they say know when they saw the picture and as sure as god made little green apples tthey would.
Sally assured him that word had gone round that anyone making bad comments or remarks would find themselves in a load of trouble Big time, and that it had been explained that he had to wear a dress because of his injuries and he shouldn`t worry what people thought.
Within a couple of days back at the Hospital James developed another problem, he wasn`t sleeping too well and had started wetting the bed at night and he was ashamed, the nurses tried their best to calm him but the shame was still there. He had been seeing a child phychologist since he started to recover first on a weekly basis and then monthly but now it was back to weekly sessions to find out what the underlying problem that was causing the bed wetting.
To prevent his dressing getting contaminated during the night he was having to wear nappies and plastic pants, it had been explained why this was neccessary and accepted the fact, this carried on for a month then as suddenly as it started it stopped so the nappies were discontinued much to his relief.
On his days out at weekends at least one nurse was with him and his mother, Gerry and Steve had volunteered their services and did any driving, he wasn`t able to go on fairground rides or anything like that but they did visit Museums, Stately Homes now and again a Zoo, He enjoyed the visits immensely especially the various Science Museums, one or two didn`t have wheelchair access and it was the case of carrying the child and wheelchair inside which the two men did uncomplaining, they were enjoying being with the boy and seeing his delight in the visits.
It wasn't two weeks till the DNA test results came back it was a month, no matter how they pressed the Laboratory they couldn't get the results each time they got told the tests were being re-run. When the results did arrive back at the hospital the doctors were astounded, the DNA matched James 100%, so what going on in that small body?
It wasn`t caused by a foreign body that had been over looked, it hadn't been the direct result of his injuries so what was causing it?
Elizabeth was working at the hospital and was sent for by Dr Graves, along with Dr Wells they discussed the pro's and con's of the situation, in the end they decided it would be best to monitor James with scans and tests done on a weekly basis. The dressing had done they're work and the scarring was minimal so it was decided that James could be discharged with the understanding that any change and he was to be brought back to the hospital for re-admission straight away, Elizabeth agreed to this but was glad to get her son home.
The next day James was finally allowed to go home, with his mother working this could have posed a problem but James wanted to go back to school and the school readily agreed to have him back. The school nurse had been kept up to date on all his treatments and the physiotherapy dept would send someone to the school during what would have James's Phys Ed periods. Some of his lessons such as woodwork and metalwork were changed and he would now be taking Sewing and Knitting lessons primarily because he couldn`t really hurt himself and they would help to keep him occupied. At first James started to rebel when he was told about the change in craft lessons but he eventually realised he couldn`t do metal or wood crafts stuck in a wheelchair, one reason being you couldn`t get a wheelchair under the benches and another being with all the wood chips, nails, screws or bits of metal that lay around the floor he would have constant punctures in his wheels.
Friday's were set for his day at the hospital which would give him the weekend to recover from any difficult test and the scanners were little used on friday afternoons again it was Gerry and Steve that were his drivers, they would also convey him to and from school.
They had only been home about an hour when there was knock at the door, Elizabeth answered the door and saw a well dressed man with a briefcase, he introduced himself as Mr Price form Goodfellow and Price Solicitors. Elizabeth invited him in and made coffee for the the two of them, James was having a nap in his room.
Mr Price placed his briefcase on the table and opening it extracted a file, he explained to Elizabeth that he had two reasons for his visit, one he had been engaged as their Legal Advocate in the forth coming trial of the Terrorist and two he had a proposal from an benefactor that wished to remain nameless. Elizabeth listened as he explained a Mr X was prepared to have a one level home built to her and James specification and adequate funds would be set aside in a trust fund for James for when he reached the age of 21, a monthly allowance would be paid to Elizabeth to help with the day to day cost of bringing James up, there were a few more items that were brought up as he read through the list of the bequest including a new car adapted for wheelchairs.
Elizabeth took it all in and asked " What's the catch, nobody gives that amount of money away for nothing so what does the mysterious Mr X want out it and I'm not giving James up and I'm not moving away this area"
Mr Price replied " There is no catch and Mr X doesn`t want to take James away from you , he will reveal himself and his reasons when he thinks the time is right"
"You don`t have to make an instant decision but I would think about it, the house will be built near the new housing complex that being built just outside town"
"Okay let me think it over for a few days " replied Elizabeth
"Now to the other matter of the upcoming trial, I have been retained to work as liason between you and Sir Neville Montague QC (Queens Council) who is going to represent James in the trial. I would like as soon as you can manage it a statement of what happened from James, A statement on James Injuries, present health and possble future problems is being done by Doctors Graves and Wells. Hopefully James won`t have to appear in court but we will have to ready just in case, usually they get children to make their statements in front of camera with both the Defence and Prosecution lawyers asking the relevant questions, this is to prevent the child being unduly harrased in court rooms. stated Mr Price
Elizabeth was finding it hard to take everything in, she knew the trial was going to begin in the next couple of months and that James would be involved, what she hadn`t realised was the Media coverage was going to be intense or how it might affect her son, OH he was strong child that knew right from wrong but being in courtroom in a trial that getting National Coverage how would it affect James?. She was starting to realise and was grateful for any help and advice that she and James could get.
Mr Price or Rodger as he introduced himself asked to speak to James and Elizabeth went to fetch the child, Rodger was shocked when he saw the child and would have been more shocked had he seen boy weeks earlier. He was intorduced to James by Elizabeth and between them they explained about the up coming trial and how he would be involved. James listened to what was being told him and asked " Would I be able to see the face of the man who did this to me?" this made Rodger sit up this child isn't anyones fool he thought, he`s wise beyond his years . He was starting to take a liking to James and told him "Yes" you can see your attacker, I'll arrange it.
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The Hero Part 7
Will James stay the Hero?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
ok now there is alot of
ok now there is alot of questions...........Mr. X what are you up to O.o I.m Watching you.
Thank you for the story.
This question keeps coming to mind... (SOME SPOILERS)
The tests say his DNA matches that of the odd tissue in his abdomen but did they note whether James is XX or XY or something else? Is he a late developer -- mind you he is only nine years old --or is he not... he?
Benign cysts and non cancerous tumors are not uncommon but this is odd.
A 100% match seems to rule out a parasitic twin/chimera unless identical twins split then fused back together in the womb.
Certainly a mystery as is the ID of Mr X but you explain that in a few chapters from now.
And is it just James is small and quiet or another reason he is picked on in school? I note that at one point in his life he WAS a normal rough and tumble by but changed after a tragic event. Or is there more to it?
And who is trying to kill him? More of the terrorists or some other group? And why?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa