All Girl or Nothing (Part 1)

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All Girl or Nothing (Part 1)

Charlie just wanted to get into a music festival.
But when his best friend manages to persuade him into sneaking in, he gets a whole lot more than he expected....

“Dude there's gotta be a way we can get in.”

“Look, we didn't get tickets, and there's too much security for us to just sneak in. Let's just face it, we're never gonna get to see a music festival.”

It was the biggest annual music festival in the country; 'T In The Park', and every year Graeme and Charlie missed out.
Graeme and Charlie were both 15 and it's safe to say that they were never the 'coolest' kids in school. They had been friends for little over a year, they didn't have the whole — 'oh yeah we've been best friends ever since we were babies' thing going on, as Charlie had only moved to Scotland last spring, but they did everything together.
And there was nothing they loved more than music. They had always dreamt of becoming famous musicians and what not, but just didn't have the courage to perform all the songs they had written to anyone, not even their own families.
Graeme played the piano, whilst Charlie sang.

“Oh dude! I've got a plan!” exclaimed Graeme.
Every year Graeme came up with a new plan that always failed dramatically, and frequently got them in trouble.

“What is it this time?” Charlie rolled his eyes.

“We sneak into one of the tour buses, ya know, with the band and that.”

“Dude, we can't just walk on to a tour bus!”

“Oh yeah, right....” Graeme sighed “I guess we better go home then.”

Charlie put his arm around Graeme's shoulder, “It's alright mate, maybe next year aye?”

“Yeah I guess.... Oh my god! Dude! That tour bus has got no one in it, we can sneak on and see if it'll get us in?”

“What? No! We'll get caught.”

Graeme shook his head at his friend, never had Charlie been a risk taker and it was always up to Graeme to provide the adventure. “Look, Charlie, i'm going on that bus with or without you.”

Charlie faked a laugh, “Pfft, sure ya will.”

And with that, Graeme dashed on to the bus.

“Woah! Graeme? What are you...”
But Graeme was already deep in the bus.
Charlie looked both ways before following his friend onto the vehicle, he was praying in his head; “Please don't let us get caught, please, please, pleeeease!”

“Psssst Graeme, where are you hiding?”

“Under the bath, only room for one, go find yourself another place!”

“This place has a bath?”

“Yeah man, it's proper fancy in here.”

“Woah nice, i'm gonna hide in one of these cupboards in the kitchen area, good luck G!

“You too man! See you inside, hopefully.”

They both laughed. But deep down, they were nothing but apprehensive.

It was nearly an hour before Charlie could hear people getting on to the bus, one female and one male, he listened in to their conversation....

“What time am I on?”

“You are.... on at 6.”

“Good, what about my band?”

“Your band?”

“Jenkins you idiot!” Charlie could hear something being thrown, presumably at, who he could only assume to be this woman's assistant, “The girl band that I manage, what time are they on!?”

“Oh right ummmm sorry, Melissa, they're on at 10.”

“No way”, Charlie thought to himself, “It can't be.... popular singer/songwriter Melissa Tate? Am I on the same bus as Melissa freakin' Tate?” He discouraged himself from screaming in excitement and carried on listening in.

“Very good, now run along Jenkins, i'm going to take a bath before I get ready for my performance.”

“Very good ma'am.”

Charlie was fantasising about Melissa, naked in the bath tub until reality caught up with him.
“Oh s**t! Graeme's in there!” he whispered to himself, begging that it wasn't loud enough for Melissa to hear, luckily it wasn't.
He quickly pulled his mobile phone out of his pocket and speed texted Graeme a warning, praying that it would get to him in time. But just when he pressed 'SEND', reality caught up with him again, Graeme's phone didn't have a silent setting.

“Oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t! Please let his phone be switched off, please let his...”

And then he heard the all too familiar sound of Graeme's phone ringing.
Charlie cringed, his best friend was doomed and it was all his fault. All he could do was attempt to listen into what was going on.

“What's that sound? …..... Is it.... is it coming from underneath my bath tub? …...... Jenkins! Call security!”
Next, Charlie could hear a scream, then the cries of “Perve! Perve under my bathtub! Security!”

Charlie heard nothing more as he passed out, which he frequently did in such situations.

He awoke what turned out to be an hour later, still hidden in the cupboard, he was thanking the heavens that he hadn't fallen out when he overheard some more shouting.

“Great! First I find some pervert in my bathroom, and now this!”

“I'm sorry Mrs. Tate....”

“Well there's no use in being sorry Jenkins, if my band can't perform today then they're screwed, they'll be the laughing stock of the whole festival, no the WHOLE COUNTRY!”

“Well if Miss Rachel doesn't want to be part of the group any more, you can't force her to be.”

“Yes, I guess not Jenkins. Right, I have to go perform now, in the mean time find me a girl to replace Rachel!”

“What just any odd girl?”

“NO!” Charlie could hear something being thrown again “Not just any girl Jenkins, one who can sing well and knows ALL the words to ALL the songs!”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Good. Now don't let me down Jenkins, or else your job will be on the line too!”

“Yes ma'am.”

Charlie waited until he was sure Jenkins had scurried off, before leaving the cupboard.

“Graeme?” he said softly.

No response.

After searching the entire bus, Charlie eventually gave up and decided to leave, little did he know Jenkins was just outside....

“Considering this is a music festival, there are basically no girls who can sing, and if they can they don't know the freakin' words!” Jenkins was mumbling to himself. “Gotta find a girl though, I can't lose this job, I have 4 mouths to feed at home and HEY! Who are you?”
Jenkins had just boarded the bus to find Charlie peeking into a closet.

“I....I....I....” Charlie couldn't put a sentence together.

“SECUTIRY!” yelled Jenkins, “Oh you're gonna be in deep trouble for this, just like that boy we found earlier, you're gonna get banned from every festival in the country, heck you might even get a bit of Juvey, Mrs. Tate knows how to pull a few strings with the law as well as her guitar you know!”

“No, please no!” Charlie was in tears “I.... I can help you find a girl to replace Rachel! I know all the words to All Girl's songs, and i'm a very good teacher. I.....I can teach them to any good singers you find!”

“What did you just say?” Jenkins raised an eyebrow.

“I can teach them, the lyrics, to any good singers you find?”

“No before that....”

“I.....I know all the words to their songs?”

“Oh really?” Jenkins grinned “This gives me a much better idea.”

“Right Jenkins, All Girl are up in 15 minutes, have you found me a girl?”

“Yes ma'am”

“Can she sing? Does she know the lyrics? Where is she?”

“I'll just go get her for you” Jenkins stepped into one of the dressing rooms and back out again, pulling the arm of a young blonde girl wearing a yellow one-piece.

“Mrs. Tate, this is Charlotte, the newest edition to All Girl.”

Melissa scanned the girl from her long legs, her modest breasts, up to her pretty face.

“She's perfect. Good job Jenkins. Now you better just pray she can sing well enough.” And with that, Melissa trotted off into her dressing room.

Jenkins turned to the girl, “Alright, you better not mess this up or else you're going straight to Juvey.”

Charlotte nodded, trying to keep tears from falling, she didn't want to have to redo her eye makeup again.

Jenkins was giving her a final inspection, “Ok your fake breasts look like they're going to stay in place, your little friend looks well hidden, and you just look stunning in that one-piece Charlie, I mean Charlotte.” Jenkins winked.

Charlotte simply nodded again.

“OI! You're going to have to say something ya know, I want to hear whether those experimental pills changed your voice or not!”

Charlotte spoke in a shy, yet obviously feminine voice; “Sorry Mr Jenkins.”

“Atta girl! Now get out there and save you and your buddy from being put behind bars!”

Charlotte walked to backstage, where she met up with the other 2 members of the group, they started rehearsing lines together before they were ushered on stage by a man with a clipboard, who struggled to keep his eyes off of their legs and breats.

Wearing matching one-pieces, in pink, green and yellow, All Girl strutted onto the stage to a roar from the crowd.

The group's most senior member; Mary, introduced the audience to the bands newest member; Charlotte before the girl in green told them that this was the first time she had performed with them and that she was to become a permanent edition to the group.
The news was welcomed with applause, and wolf whistles from the men.

The music started, and the girls raised their microphones to their mouths, ready to sing their hearts out.

Charlie never had the courage to sing in front of anyone before, but that was all about to change for her, whether she liked it or not.

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Charlie/Charlotte sure did

find a way to get to go to festival.

May Your Light Forever Shine

I have read forced fem stories before but this one

was done with grace and class. I wonder what Graeme will think of his friend as the newest member of All Girl? I liked reading this, thank you for sharing.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."



expermental pills?

He just happens have some on hand? But still a good story, nevertheless.



Yeah I couldn't really think

Yeah I couldn't really think of a reason for him having them, so I just let it slide.


Raff01's picture

Big music festival....drugs.... not much of a stretch. A bit odd being expermentail, but still a fun story

The Other Side


How will Charlie accept his intorduction to the other side. Will this be a one night stand, or a permanent change.



I liked it too

I agree with Dorothy that the pills came from nowhere and probably that bit of the story wasn't needed anyway. It looks like Charlie is quite feminine in appearance and perhaps he turns out to be very girly. I do like girl singers with husky voices anyway so would it matter? In any case if he knows all the words he/she probably mimics the star.
I hope you keep the story going and that Charlie is a big success at the festival.
Well done.


See you Jimmy...

WebDeb's picture me dude one more time and I will give you a Glasgow kiss.
Really enjoyed this story and if you continue it I will buy you a case of Tennent's.

Luv 'n' hugs.

Deal! Haha

Deal! Haha

This was more the ...

Jezzi Stewart's picture

... beginning of a story than a whole story. I hope you continue it.

BE a lady!

killing me

Why are you killing me. This story is great but you stopped it in a spot where I need to read more. Please finish this story. please

Awww, really?

I was really enjoying this, but I have to agree with others. Two little words changed this from an interesting tale into a spoof... experimental pills?
Oh well, it was fun nevertheless.

Great story

A really enjoyable story, and I didn't even blink over the pills, thing.

It was well written, highly credible and I thought just the right length (remember, always leave them asking for more!).

Thank you


Funny. I especially like the experimental pills to change the voice. hahaha

One wonders what else Is

One wonders what else Is gonna change....

I enjoyed the story, I can believe I missed it til now.

Performance enhancers

The experimental thing sounded kinda lame to me too, but the story itself was solid. Now if those pills were maybe a little illegal which really is what experimental would mean since they would be unapproved, they maybe our not so nice promoter has been helping young starlets cheat a little.

Singing can be tough on the vocal cords and the abuse the party scene puts on them doesn't help. If this stuff tighten the cords then a male with a soft tenor just might get a very feminine voice out of the deal.
PS: I have always been mistaken for a woman on the phone or any speaker device as have most of the guys in my Gaelic family. Both my brothers took up smoking to destroy their voices so that would stop. Thank goodness, no cancer so far.