Katrina: Email from the Edge

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To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@ gmail.com
Re: Hot date!

Sorry for the short note, but the time change is really getting me. I promise to be longer next time.

OMG! You are not going to believe this, girl!

Ok. So I get off the plane, and who is waiting for me at baggage, but Mr. Super Cute, Trent! He was all smiling and everything. He said he couldn’t find his bag. I mean, I took forever to get there (potty break and MAKEUP) :)). Anyway, he’s still there looking at the carousel, and I see my crazy patterned luggage with the cute Hello Kitty tags (ty, Marisa). They were so worth the grand they cost.

He comes up to me and asks if he can help me carry my bags. He has a big macho shoulder bag, so I say sure! He drags my psycho luggage and he asks where I ‘m going, and I say the Sukhothai Bangkok. He’s all impressed that I’m staying at such a ritzy place (if he only knew how I can afford it). He says he is staying at some dive on the outskirts of town. He’s in the country on some kind of research trip for his grad studies. He must be really smart!

After we clear customs, he asks if we could share a ride in a cab. I am so grateful for the company, of course I say yes. He’s just sooo nice, Marisa, you wouldn’t believe. I was not looking all that great; I mean that ratty jean mini you hate and my fave Hello Kitty tee (Sooo cute!).

He has just the coolest eyes, Marisa! Ice Blue! He almost looks like a vampire! He’s in really good shape too. He asked me all about where I was from and all, and why I was here. I couldn’t tell him exactly why, but I didn’t want to lie, so I told him I was visiting the country for an extended stay before I go to college. He seemed to accept that, I guess. I hated not being truthful with him, but there was no way I was going to give him my secret.

I know. If you would have been here you would have said, “Tell him!” But you’re not so nyah.

His last name is Roberts, and he comes from central Cal. Sounds pretty boring to me. He’s an engineering student from what he said, but I couldn’t focus on anything but his eyes! All I heard was blah blah blah.

When we got to the hotel, he asked me to dinner. Me! I couldn’t believe it. I mean, if he knew about me, he would have been out the door in a heartbeat, but I wanted to be romanced, if only for dinner. I think I’ve earned it!

BTW, I'm so glad I did the name change on my 18th. Going around as Kerry would have been a little awkward, but I guess Kerry is kind of androgynous, so it would have been okay, I guess. I just want to get as far away from my other self as I can. Some tween girl thought I was "you know who" and asked for my autograph. Come on. I need to have the doc see what he can do about that. it gets really old.

Anyway, he didn’t look like he could afford to buy cereal, so I said I didn’t know if I could. I wanted to so bad, but I wanted to see what he would do. He offered to take me to one of the restaurants in the hotel. It was a Thai Restaurant, called Celadon or something like that. It was pretty nice, I guess, but no one has ever taken me to a nice restaurant before, so I wouldn’t know one if I saw one. Hard to believe on all of the dates I ever had, no one ever thought to take me out to eat. Whatever.

He actually wanted to come up to my room and change for dinner, but there was no way I was going to let him do that. I showered and changed into my cute little red dress (the one we bought at Macy’s, remember?) I looked totally cute and took a little extra time on my makeup. I did it for evening, a little more dramatic. I put on my 4 inch red stilettos and was ready to go. I was going to let him know that this little girl was no one to be messed with.

We met, and he found a place to change into a dinner jacket and pants with a nice white shirt. My heart went pitty pat. He looked HOT! He really went overboard complimenting me. That was sooo nice. He complimented me! I almost didn’t know how to react. He was so different from the animals I have been with.

Marisa, it was the best time I’ve ever had. We ate, talked, and danced. He really seemed to be interested in me. I was waiting for the part where he grabs my ass, or tries to feel my boobs or worse, but he never did. I almost wish he had. Was I not good enough for him?
I don’t know.

The evening went on and on. We finally ran out of gas at two in the morning. Jet lag is a killer. I had my first appointment with the surgeon in the afternoon so I told I needed to get going. He offered to walk me up to my room but I told him I would be okay. He seemed disappointed, but asked if he could see me again.

I didn’t know what to say about that. I told him that I was going to be unavailable for the next 2 months, but he was welcome to call me after that, if he still wanted to. We’ll see how bad he wants to see me again. I’m betting I never hear from the guy again.

Well, enough about that. In two days, I’ll be a different person, at least physically. I wonder how it will change me inside. I can’t think about that now. I just want to get out of these heels and into my nightie. This girl is pooped. Wish me luck! I’ll probably send you one more email before the surgery. Then I’ll be out of it for a couple of days.



As usual, ANY comments you may have are always welcome!

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Great installment

Wow Cindilee. I'm just dreading the bad part I'm sure will come but I'm loving the story.


Extravagance's picture

When she's a complete woman, she'll take the world by storm! ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

I'm so sorry for her...

Andrea Lena's picture

...here she's excited and looking forward to everything and I can't help but feel like the parent she needs; the one who should have bestowed enough love so that she wouldn't be constantly defining herself by the things people give her rather than the heart she already has. The title, I expect, was a throwback to Carrie Fisher's Postcards from the Edge, which makes sense since both of them seem to feel hopeless. I can only hope myself that the reason the young man withheld physical affection was out of a sense of respect and regard rather than disdain. Thank you!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Poor child/almost woman has not had a good life so far

Due to her TG, the lost of the mother at adolescence and her ex-military dad she has made some foolish decisions -- the prostitution for one -- to get her to this point.

She is alternately upbeat, almost a giggling teenager in love then fatalistic, almost depressed/suicidal or at least beyond caring if she lives or dies.

Can she integrate herself into one whole person, recover from the surgery and make a life for herself or will she fall in to the trap it may become?

The man was hard to read. Just a grad student /researcher or something else? I chose the straight forward explanation for now but we shall see. And even if that is so, will he accept her post op IF she tells him the truth?

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Lei è molto saggio, Drea

Voi siete più vicini alla verità di quanto tu creda!




A Little Naive Here, Yathink?

I guess I can't blame Katrina for accepting a situation that seems too good to be true, and she's doing the responsible thing, sort of, in trying to put things off until after the recovery period. (There's even a chance -- maybe about five percent -- that it'll work. Actually, I'd give less than even money that she makes it through the night.) Given her background and the fact that she's been setting her own agenda for so long, I'm a bit surprised she'd fall that easily. New environment and all that, I suppose.

Solid work by the author in conveying what's going on from a narrator who hasn't a clue, though I'm not sure she didn't lay it on too thick with the dinner jacket from a guy who's staying at "some dive out of town".

FWIW, I hope the "vampire" description doesn't turn out to be literally true; if it is, I'd have preferred a subtler way of foreshadowing it. On the other hand, I guess it's a reasonable way to make us more comfortable with the prospect should Katrina's almost hyper-real back story take a supernatural turn.

Anyway, it's clear that Trent isn't what he seems, and it's very likely that he has a sinister objective of some sort. I suppose it could be nothing more than trying to score with someone he thinks is Aly Michalka traveling incognito, or that he thinks blackmail or media exposure might be in order somehow; the real Aly, according to Wikipedia, seems to be conspicuously Christian. (It's probably clear to whoever's reading this that I'd never heard of her before this story.)

But I'm inclined to doubt that Aly has anything to do with Trent's plan/scheme. Whether Katrina has been chosen relatively randomly or this is payback for something in Kerry's previous lowlife -- or even something instigated by her father, though I certainly didn't get that vibe from him when we met him in part one -- I'm expecting something relatively straightforward.


No vampires in this story.

I'm portraying RL in this story. I agree though, I would hope my springing a vampire character would be a bit more subtle. :)

I do identify with Katrina somewhat, due to circumstances I might relate later, maybe in a blog (VERY painful for me).

Very good analysis. I picked her to be a lookalike for Aly for that reason! She's totally from different circumstances.




Katrina: Email from the Edge

She may have very well met a gentleman who does not grope.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


I suspect he will turn up researching the clinic and if his motives are evil, I suspect that he may have met his match.

I hope that he is simply who he says he is. As one who fell into a pair of incredible ice blue eyes and didn't swim out for 5 years, trust me I know that power. Barbara was a sweet woman.


Dance, Love, and cook with joy and great abandon


You guys are very insightful! (i'm not being sarcastic, either)

I really enjoy reading the comments! Thank you so much. You help me more than you know!




It's nice to see some

It's nice to see some sunshine in Katrina's life.

(Whoops, I made a funny that shows my age... Katrina, sunshine... heh heh... google it.)


Andrea Lena's picture


Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

but no waves!

I get it!


