The Working Girl Blog #61: Happy Easter

Hameshiach qam!
Be'emet qam!

Happy Easter!

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 3.0

Just a Short Hello, and a Happy Easter.

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Hello, everyone. Hope all of you are doing ok, and have been taking care of each other.

I've been doing ok, if anyone's curious - lots have happened Christmas and spring, and maybe I'll tell you guys about it. But among the major things are: ma n pop are doing okay, so's my sister n her hubby in California; my best friend finally has a boyfriend again; my room mate and I moved into our new place January; we went to Japan last month for a week or so to help out a little bit in the relief effort over there; I might be visiting Manila again next month coz of work; and there may be something major happening this June. But that's all I'm tellin heehee.

Anyway, have a wonderful, meaningful and happy Easter!

- Bobbie

p.s. New Danny, Library and Witching Hour chapters coming soon.


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