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by Wren Erindae Phoenix
Inspired by Rasufelle’s Ultimate Challenge “Burning Bridges”
Okay, sit down. I hope you are, because I’ve never written a letter quite like this in my life. I need you to try and read this all the way through before you judge me. It’s going to be weird and hard to accept or understand, but I HAVE to do this, for my own sanity, although you’re going to doubt I have any...
Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Friday, 04/15/2011 - 03:44:12 AM (-0400), this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers to enjoy. ~Sephrena
Okay, sit down. I hope you are, because I’ve never written a letter quite like this in my life. I need you to try and read this all the way through before you judge me. It’s going to be weird and hard to accept or understand, but I HAVE to do this, for my own sanity, although you’re going to doubt I have any.
First thing I want to say is that I love you very much. I don’t know if you will be able to accept this. A large part of me worries that you will never want to talk to me again. I have a problem, and it’s not one that can be “cured” or that I can do much about. I have tried, almost my whole life, to deny this, or to wish it away. I have lied, I have hidden, and I have tried to run away from this. I cannot deal with it anymore; I can’t handle the depression and pain this causes me. If you never want to see me again, I will try to understand.
I am transgender. My body is a non-functional male, and my brain-well, my brain is female. I am a prisoner in this ugly, hulking, disgusting thing. I’ve spent most of my life trying to cover up the fact that I don’t fit. When I was a kid, I used to hide in the basement, knowing that I was perverted and insane, and that someday Mom and Dad were going to have to have me institutionalized. Did anyone wonder why I had a hard time with religion? I knew that I was an abomination, and could not be forgiven for my sins. I was sure that I was going to die and that I would burn in Hell.
I am not a transvestite, although I have experimented, and I won’t be changing my sex. I’ll die this way, and sometimes I think that it can’t come too soon. Am I a homosexual? That’s a hard question. Once again, I’ve experimented in the past. In my head, I’m a girl attracted to women. I consider myself a Heterosexual Lesbian. Let’s just say that sex is unimportant to me. My wife and I have never consummated our marriage, at least not in any conventional way.
As I said, I am completely non-functional, sexually. Really, I’ve always been this way. I’ll never have children of my own, which is one of my biggest regrets. Step kids are cool, but l get plenty of reminders that they aren’t MY kids.
I’ve learned a great deal about people like me, and there are a lot more of us than you think. There are actual biological causes for this, it’s not imaginary or delusional, and I certainly didn’t ask for this! I believe the leading theory is that it is a “glitch” in late brain development during the pregnancy. One belief is (if I understand it correctly) that the developing brain is exposed to a “Hormone Wash” which affects the brain in a crucial way. It’s no one’s fault, and there is nothing that can be done to change things. It would be like trying to change an arm to grow as a leg.
In case you are wondering, I do see a counselor to help me deal with this stuff. I thought I was handling it okay, but lately , my depression has become more intense. I get very grumpy and I just want to cry until it stops. It used to last for hours, but lately, it has taken days to recover. I’m really tired of trying to be someone I’m not.
I want to help you understand me. A writer I respect once used an interesting example. Take a pair of shoes; put the left one on the right foot and the right one on the left foot. Walk around in them. Not impossible, but not comfortable, either. Welcome to my life. Now do it for 40 years.
I have always tried to be as non-girly as I could be. I know I can never be a girl. Even cross dressing is ridiculous with this body. You won’t be seeing ME in a dress. I don’t want to “come out” to everyone, but I wanted you to know what’s been going on. My alternative is to start pulling away from everyone, and I don’t want to do that. If this is too much for you, I will do my best to understand. I love you no matter what.
I “created” the person you know, so that I could appear to be more masculine, to make everyone happy. He’s not “real”, it’s just a mask. Lately, it’s causing a lot of stress, and that is causing real, physical effects on my health, so I’m taking this risk.
Hi, my name is Wren. I’m a nice person, fairly intelligent, very ugly, but still…I’m kind of the big sister you never knew you had. I’m trying to take some control of my life, not change everything. I’m still (mostly) the same person you’ve always known, maybe a bit more relaxed, and in some ways a little happier. Do you think you can deal with this?
No, I didn’t send this. I’ve received some advice that I should do this in person. I’m working on it, but I’m terrified.
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Personally? I think you did
Personally? I think you did a very good job with this. I'm not going to advise you to send it, but I think that explained this way, your siblings will understand.
Nice reference to "Shoes" there.
Good luck honey.

Wren,thank you,
'what you have written is from the heart and heart warming.It is a beautiful letter.Whether or not
you send it is your decision,and I am glad it is not mine.You do,however,have my prayers,my love and
support.I have just spent the whole day with a friend who is going through the same as you.I can only
hope that it works out for both of you.It is not easy,and this is something that I have to go through
shortly and I am not looking forward to it.Love and best wishes,Alison.
You may share this
with them in your own time but you'll always have family here. And we know that our Wren's one hell of a sweet girl.
Bailey Summers
With a couple modifications I could use that letter.
I find myself in the curious position of being out to just about all of my friends, and am getting ready to be Janet full time, but I've yet to tell my mother & sister.
My mother is perhaps the biggest problem: She is going on 90 and often has problems with confusion. Still living on her own, but only by dint of a LOT of help from my sister.
While she often suffers from confusion, and is nearly blind, there isn't that much wrong with her: She could well match her grandfather's longevity record. He missed being a centenarian by only a couple weeks.
My psychiatrist is in favor of reverting to my decades long pretense of being male on the six or eight times a year I go to see her, rather than throwing a weird new concept in her face, but as it has been getting harder and harder to revert to male mode after only a weekend as female, reverting for days on end for a visit would be more than a little stress-inducing.
A Letter To My Siblings
Me, I hope that you find that your family accepts who you are and you find a Church where you can be yourself. [If you have not already found one.]
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Your letter is heart felt and your story isn't very different from many of us. It is hard to be one self when our inside is so very different from what we see in the mirror every morning. I am also the victim of a pre-natal condition that was actually treatable pre-natally at the time of my birth. I have come to terms with myself and have done everything I could to make my outer vision support the one inside me. I was fortunate to have the loving support of total strangers and my older sister.
We each need to come to some inner peace with ourselves and that doesn't come from God or a church. Sooner or later we must accept ourselves for what we are and not let others, or our own interal conflicts, destroy our lives. This life is all we have and I truly wish you the blessing of being able to make peace with yourself.
Peace to You Wren!!!
hugs, Wren
I hope you can talk to them, or send the letter, whichever works. As for cross-dressing, you might be being too hard on yourself. I figured I would never be able to go outside dressed, and now, I'm applying for jobs dressed as Dorothy! So you aren't a supermodel, look around, most women aren't. Hugs.
Burning Bridges? Maybe building them instead.
You start your letter with a reference to burning bridges. Perhaps by communicating with your family, either by this letter or in person, you Wren, instead of burning the bridge will be building a bridge to connect your siblings with the sister they never knew they had, (or maybe they had an inkling and were afraid to ask you, who you relly were).
Bright Blessings on You
Wren, my sister, I wish that I could just hold you and make the fear and pain go away. I cannot; it will not but that letter is an incredible and intimate communication. To send or not is your decision.
I transitioned at age 54 and am the eldest of 8 sibs. I came out to them individually by phone backed with e-mail. Score: 2 total rejection, 3 total acceptance, 2 just a little less than total acceptance. Works for me but I was something of an outsider (for obvious reasons). My parents have passed on but I know that my Father would have beaten me half to death then dragged my girl ass to the Archbishop and for the second time demanded an Exorcism. My Mother, I believe would be (is) completely accepting.
Among others, my sons completely accept me and think I am "cute" and the 2 (of 4 ) ex-wives that I am in contact with, well, 1 accepts, the other is one of my closest friends. We make much better sisters than we ever did spouses.
Generally, i suspect mixed reviews is likely the modal experience given time. Ultimately, however, I finally grasped the reality that what others think about me is none of my business. That attitude led to having quite good experiences working at Home Depot and later at a men's Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in the deep South of the USA.
Trust yourself, Wren and know that we love and value you.
Dance, Love, and cook with joy and great abandon
Acceptance by family
Of all the people that I have come out to my family has been the most critical. So called friends no longer talk to me, so they were not friends after all. Your letter sounds sincere and not apologetic but giving awareness.
As I tried to die because of my being intersexed I came to realize in order to get any one to accept me I had to accept myself. I've been out since 2000 and recently was told that SRS was not a possibility
. I didn't let that get me down, I made a choice over ten years ago to be myself. No one can seen under the clothes I wear, I have breast implants and some of my dresses show them off quite nicely.
You can send the letter or use it as a guide when you decide to tell each member of your family. What is important is how you feel about you.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Speaking from experience - in a sideways sort of way... wife recently discovered this part of me through reading one of my stories off my flashdrive. All the fear I thought would suddenly depart didn't really go anywhere, but has changed since now it's acceptance with a loving but sideways glance. I know what it's like to wonder if your family will accept you, even after they know. So far, so good. I know all too well about the 'very ugly' part as well; at sixty I'm never going to be Helen Mirren much less Helen Hunt. Excellent story; you pulled me in and didn't let go. Thanks!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
I send you lots of love and to let you know you do have people that care and love you.
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Everybody has to find their own solutions.
and I would be the last to try to advise anybody else on transitioning..
Each of us has to find our own route and despite all the help and good intentions from true friends, it only takes one cruel remark or viscious act by a detractor and years of effort can be put back in a few seconds.
Life sucks but we all have to do what we can with it.
Good story and very moving but my own disfunctionality tends to make me a little cynical and intolerant. I'm tempted to say stop feeling sorry for yourself, we all get kicked and kicked hard by some we should have every reasonable right to have support us; but shit happens. I'm tempted to advise you to 'move on, move out and try to find a better, friendlier and more tolerant place' but that would be contradicting my earlier words so I'll not give any uninvited advice. I'll just this. There are better places out there.
reading this again made me miss Wren more
such a good woman, but I hope we meet after life.
I posted
...a comment on another story, about how I was reminded of Wren, and of how much I miss her gentle wit.
"Take a pair of shoes; put the left one on the right foot and the right one on the left foot. Walk around in them. Not impossible, but not comfortable, either."
That's from A Summer's Odyssey, if I remember right. Krista knows what needs to be said and when.
It's from Heather Rose Brown's story "Shoes"
The younger brother who was trying to explain why he knew he was girl inside to his/her older brother.