The Working Girl Blog #59: A Danny Christmas Commercial

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #59: A Danny Christmas Commercial

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Hi, everyone!

As some of you know, I am not too fond of using blogs as a means of advertising upcoming stories, and here I am doing the same thing. So, if you have that same peeve as I, tune out now.

That should be good news for some, right? Because this blog doesn't mean I'm back, heehee. Just another story commercial...

Lots have been happening in the short seventeen days since I posted #58. But I won't bore you all with the details, except to say that it's all good. Mostly. And I am doin' great! Super-fine, in fact. But I'm getting away from the point of this blog-commercial.

Keeping my word, and responding to those who posted comments, or sent me PMs and emails, I'd just like to say that, I am on the tail end of writing the next installment of my one-n-only readable story here in the Big Closet. I was hoping to have the story up by Christmas. Alas, my mediocre skills are not up to the task. BUT! Like Huckleberry Finn throwing his hat over the fence and saying, now he has no choice but to climb over the fence to get his hat, I say that I will have the story out on or before December 31. There. I said it. Now, like Huck, I have no choice but to post it by December 31...

I'd guess you can say it's like a belated Christmas gift to those who wrote, asking about Danny.

And speaking about those who wrote, I assure you all that, indeed, I have read ALL your little notes, comments and emails, and, as you see, I am doing my best to respond. Also, though I don't visit much, I had one of my girls write a little program for me that checks the site occassionally for PMs so I won't miss any. (Erin and the administrators have nothing to worry about - it's not like a smartbot or anything that can mess up the site: it's just a little Windows keystroke sim that logs on and copies my BCTS Inbox list, and it should log out in less that 30 seconds. And I guarantee it won't mess up or lock up the Closet.)

Anyway, so that's my news. December 31. Watch out for it. (And, if my luck holds out, maybe I can finish up a couple more about Kim and Mark soon as well.)

From the both of us to all of you - Happy Holidays, everyone!!

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Coming December 31, to a website near you:

Danny Part 7: Substitute Singer

* picture credit: Hey Monday

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