And That is the Way it Happened -4-

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Janice spends one day shopping with her Mom. The next day she meets someone from school who recognizes her for who she is.

Madeline also helps smooth some things over.

And That
is the Way it Happened

Part 4

by Paula Dillon

Copyright © 2007 Paula Dillon
All Rights Reserved.

Saturday morning they woke after eight. Angela was already up and was preparing everyone a breakfast of pancakes, sugar free syrup, turkey sausage and hot tea.

The girls wandered in, a little bleary eyed, one by one, dressed in their nightclothes, robes and slippers. They set the table, put out the syrup and served the tea, as Angela brought the food to the table.

“Mom, you are going with us today. I am buying you some new clothes. So we will clean up the kitchen, take turns showering and getting ready. Ok?”

“You really don’t have to do that Janice.”

“I know, but I am going to do it.”

“If you insist, I guess I will go along with you, but you aren’t going to waste your money on Armani or Versace for me, that is my final word on that, girl.”

“Agreed, I guess I will settle for less if I have to.”

“We have some ideas about what would look good on you Mrs. Daniels. Margaret and I would like to adjust you wardrobe and give you a younger look. After all, you are still a pretty young thing,” Anna said.

Angela blushed. She was thirty-seven, having given birth to John at twenty-one. Bill had run away a couple of years later, leaving her to raise her son alone. It took two years for her to track him down, with a court order for child support. His payments had lasted all of eight months, before he had bolted again. Her ex mother in law told her that Bill died in a car crash, about four years ago. His blood alcohol level had been .19, over twice the legal limit.

She had worked so hard to get where she was, she never had time to get out and date again. Now with her son, become daughter, she might not get the chance again. How many men would accept a boy who had changed and became a girl, regardless of the situation?

Her wardrobe was functional and just a little plain, but was in good shape. She had spent her money well. She sometimes shopped resale, especially right after Bill had run out on her. She really did want to look better, but those clothes cost more than she had to spend.

“Ok, I will put myself in your hands girls. Just don’t buy me anything too racy.”

“Don’t worry about that. I help my Mom shop and I know what she likes. You wouldn’t mind dressing more like her would you?” Anna offered.

Reggie Givens always dressed sharp. She felt it gave her customers confidence in her abilities if she looked as good as, or better than her average customer. She always looked like the consummate businesswoman, or sexy socialite.

“She sometimes dresses a little too sexy for me, but generally I like her style.”

“Well you need to dress more sexily, now that Janice is getting to be such a looker. You’ll be able to attract attention from her.” Margaret said giggling.

In a way Margaret was right. Janice did look great when she dressed up. It would look a little strange if Angela looked like a wallflower next to her.

Janice and Margaret started on the kitchen, as Angela, Anna and Vanessa headed for the various bathrooms. They had the kitchen clean, as their turn to shower came.

Janice was the last, and the girls had her clothes all set out for her, as she dried. They didn’t have a corset for her, but had her put on her breast forms, a 34 B bra, with matching panties, a gray silk blouse, black denim mini, that came just above mid thigh, suntan pantyhose and some black pumps, with a three inch heel.

Anna worked on her hair, as Margaret did her makeup. They were able to get her ready faster that way. Vanessa set up a purse for her; with everything she would need from makeup, panty liners, her antiseptic cream and a new wallet, with everything that she would need.

“Tell me Poncho, why do your ID’s all show you as J.D. Daniels?” Vanessa asked.

“Oh that is easy, you see my father’s favorite drink was Jack Daniels and he insisted that I be named Jack Daniels. Mom was livid, but she was trying to make a go of their relationship, at that time. So when she filled out the birth certificate, she listed it as J.D. Daniels. She insisted though, on calling me John and said that father could call me Jack.”

“It sure simplifies things. Even dressed as a girl, you look enough like your ID’s, that you could insist that the sex, on your driver’s license, was just a clerical error. Why do you still have a learner’s permit, didn’t you ever test?” Vanessa asked.

“I never have taken the driving test. No reason too. Mom works long hours and needs the car. We never had the money for another car, or to put me on her insurance. They require proof of insurance, before you get your regular license now.”

“Well things have changed now; you can find a decent car for about six thousand and insurance for about a hundred and fifty a month. We need to get you a cell phone too, now that you are a girl, trouble can come looking for you. We can all get one, with one of those big airtime contracts. Mom would get off of my back then, about the number of minutes I burn. We could make it a corporate expense, I think, the car too, maybe,” Margaret said.

“Good Idea, run it by your Mom and maybe we can take care of the phones today at the mall.” Anna said.

Margaret called her Mom and ran the idea by her. Margaret told her friends that her Mom said it was a great idea and would work. She would meet them at the mall at two thirty and help them get the paperwork done. She also told them that they needed to be at the TV station at four, for a meeting.

Janice told her Mom about the ideas they had, as they drove to the mall. She even liked the idea about the car. It was nothing for John to walk home late from school, but now that he was Janice, she had worried about that point. Riding the school bus also could have been problematic too, she thought. She nixed the idea about the corporation buying cars and insurance though, from what she knew, that would put the assets of the corporation at risk from an accident.

They got to the mall and descended on the shops. The girls had to argue with Angela about the lingerie shops. Margaret was the one that pointed out that Victoria’s and Fredericks were mid line lingerie, not top end, like Prada, or La Perla. Janice hung back a little, because she didn’t know how her Mom felt about her being involved in the shopping for intimates. Her fears were put down, as Angela asked for her opinions. Janice wasn’t in the changing room with her to try them on, but she did see her when she modeled her lingerie for the girls.

The girls got Angela everything she would need, bras, panties, foundation garments she normally wore, slips, camisoles, sleep wear and a couple of robes. The fabrics were so sensual and the colors vibrant.

Angela thought the new bras she had picked supported her better and gave her a more youthful bust line. It wasn’t that she was sagging, but she was beginning to show her years there. She also had longed for some of the silkier sexier things. With her budget though, it was either serviceable long lasting under things or cheap, almost slutty things that rapidly deteriorated. She just loved the things she couldn’t afford before.

From the lingerie shops, the girls dragged Angela to some of the mid range boutiques. The clothes the girls picked looked good on her and made her look younger and fresher, although it would take a little for her to feel comfortable with the new hemlines and necklines. There was nothing too racy, or that would be out of place for the office she worked in. She just wasn’t use to hemlines above the knee and it has been years since she wore deep v and deep scoop neck blouses. Her old skirts were all an inch or three, below the knee.

Angela loved the blouses and tops the girls found for her though. She really enjoyed shopping with the girls. Anna showed her true worth and seemed to be able to find things that were not outrageously priced, as most women’s clothes were. What sold Angela in all this, was the look of pride in Janice’s eyes, as Angela was transformed from non-descript middle aged Mom, to attractive vibrant young lady. She had to wear some of her new things, because her old clothes had somehow disappeared. It couldn’t have been Janice, because she was always at her side.

The girls had insisted that she upgrade her makeup. They made sure she got some quality cosmetics. Angela had to admit that everything she got made her look and feel better about herself.

All in all, it wasn’t as bad as Angela feared, but more than what she wanted. Janice had spent just over nine hundred on lingerie, four thousand five hundred on clothes, shoes and accessories and another seven hundred on makeup, hair care and nail care. What amazed her was the amount of clothing that was purchased. She had enough clothes to replace three fourths of what she had.

They met Madeline in a restaurant, at the mall. She passed a phone out to each of the girl’s and one to Angela. That was another thing the other Mom’s had, that she didn’t have. The girls programmed the phones with all their numbers, the law firm’s numbers, each other’s home phone number’s and their parents’ cell phone numbers.

After eating, Anna and Vanessa rode with Madeline, while Margaret, Janice, and Angela rode in Margaret’s car. With all the packages, it was next to impossible for anybody else to ride with Margaret.

At the TV Station they found Walter Bradford, David and Helen Sebring, Reggie Givens, Carl Wright, the station manager Jack Williams and news director Sam Wilcox waiting for them at the receptionist desk. After greetings and introductions were made, they retired to a conference room.

“What did you want us for?” Janice asked.

“We have set up a teleconference; New York wants to meet with you four girls, in five minutes,” Jack said, checking his watch. He pointed to a big screen and a camera at the end of the big table they sat at. “You’ll be able to see them and they will see us.”

He counted down the seconds and the screen lit up with a picture. The room they saw, had people sitting around a desk and when it became clear that both sides were online, some one in New York began with introductions. Jack then made the introductions on his end.

“Ok, it is good to finally meet the crew that set us all on our ears,” Benjamin Sellers, National News Director for the network said. “I have to say to you, that I found it hard to believe that all of you were only sixteen years old. I was very impressed by your work.”

“Thank you,” the girls said smiling.

“Here is what we want to do. We want you four to appear on the morning show, on Wednesday, at nine-thirty our time, that would be eight-thirty your time. We want two days to push your appearance. We are planning on using you for twelve minutes airtime, with one commercial break, some of that time will consist of excerpts of your video and then our morning anchors will have some questions for you. We will shoot you from a studio there, so you don’t have to come here.”

“We have school on Wednesday,” Janice said.

“We have already checked with your principal and she assures us that your absence would pose no problem,” Mr. Williams said.

“I guess it is ok, if our parents approve of this,” Janice said looking at her Mom.

“I do have one concern about it Mr. Sellers,” Angela said.

“I imagine you do, let me say now, that we know about certain problems and rest assured that no mention will be made of them by any of us, about Ms. Davies or Daniels. She will be identified as Ms. Janice Davies by our anchors, by the way. We think that is best.”

“Then you do know.”

“Yes, this network has a policy of non-discrimination and diversity. Given the quality of Janice’s appearance, there will be no problems from our end. Your daughter’s work and that of all the girls, speaks for itself, Mrs. Daniels. That is all we care about. We will put that guarantee in writing for you. There will be no shock journalism from us.”

“Then I will agree after reading it.”

The other parents agreed too. This was too good an opportunity for their children to pass up.

Jack Williams passed out the contracts; Carl and Madeline went over them with a fine toothcomb and gave their assent. The parents signed, followed by the kids signing them and Jack Williams signed for the network.

“Wonderful,” Mr. Sellers said, after he was informed that all the requisite paperwork had been signed. “You will need to be at your local station at seven for makeup, wardrobe, sound and video checks.”

After the goodbyes were said Angela, Janice and Anna went with Reggie, while Margaret and Vanessa disappeared. Reggie drove over to her house, where she led Janice and Angela to her backroom. Reggie had Angela sit in her chair and went to work on her hair, while Anna took Janice into another area, to take care of washing and conditioning her hair.

“Mom is going to style your hair a bit, Janice. It will make getting it in shape in the mornings a little easier. She doesn’t want you to see what you or your Mom looks like, till you both see yourselves in a mirror together.”

“Ok, but tell her nothing curly, or too feminine, for me right now. I just want to wear it straight for the rest of the school year. Where did Margaret and Vanessa go?”

“Margaret and Vanessa are at your house and are working on your Mom’s room. She’ll need to get some old things out of the way, before she can get the new things in her closet and dresser.”

“Good, I think Mom started to really enjoy shopping. I know she hated to spend my money, but she really liked the clothes we got her.”

“Yeah you could see it in her eyes and her expression, as she tried on all those clothes. She looks five years younger now, and she is acting younger too.”

“She needs to get out and have some fun, but it is hard for her, working ten hour days, five days a week. She hasn’t worked this week. So it is going to be a short week financially for us.”

“No, I think Madeline has talked to her boss, she may not get her overtime, but she should get her regular pay.”

“Good. I hadn’t thought about all that, since I had been in the hospital.”

Reggie came in and got Janice, after she had moved Angela to the kitchen. Angela had a tight plastic cap on, with bits of hair pulled through, wrapped in foil.

“How do you want your hair sweety?”

“Just straight right now.”

“Bangs or no bangs?”

“No bangs.”

“Ok, medium length and straight it is, look at these hairstyles and choose one.” Reggie said, handing a stylebook to Janice.

“This is just too much to go through, make me look like Lindsey Monroe, on CSI New York.”

“That would look good on you, I think. Your faces and hair length are about the same,” Reggie said, as she started to work.

Reggie chatted with Janice as she worked. It made the time pass easier for her and her customer. She also picked up a lot of gossip this way, about who was sleeping with who, who was on the sauce and so on. A good hairdresser knew where all the bodies were buried. They also kept their clients secrets; a hairdresser who would talk about other clients, could frighten her clients away. In many ways, a hairdresser was like a confessor.

Janice was a little uncomfortable talking girl talk with her at first, but seemed to settle down. Reggie gave her some dope on her fellow high school students that she didn’t know. Things she thought might one day be useful, if some of the catty girls or some of their boyfriends gave her problems. She thanked her by telling Reggie a few things she knew about some of her fellow classmates.

Reggie was surprised at how knowledgeable Janice was about certain goings on. Janice may not have been in on some of the gossip the girls had, but there was nothing wrong with her eyes, ears and brain. She would definitely have to have a talk with her daughter and confirm some of them on the sly. She didn’t want Anna to know where her info came from. Janice liked the friends, of her friends, for the most part.

While Reggie worked on Janice, Anna took Angela and rinsed the hair color solution out and shampooed her hair.

Reggie had Janice go to another room and wait while she wrapped Angela’s hair on rods and then added permanent solution to her hair.

Reggie then went back to work on Janice.

“Do you trust me Janice?”

“Yes, why?”

“I am going to pluck your brows a bit and shape them. They won’t be as narrow as Margaret’s, but more like Anna’s, not quite a full comma, though,” Reggie said showing her a picture of what she wanted to do.

“That’s not too bad I guess.”

She then shaped her brows and added a few semi-permanent eyelashes of various lengths to give them a feathery look.

Anna rinsed the permanent solution out of Angela’s hair and added neutralizer, then she rinsed it again after a time.

Reggie told Anna to do Janice’s makeup in her own room and keep her there till she finished Angela’s hair and makeup. She told Anna what she wanted on Janice.

In Anna’s room, Anna had Janice undress and put on another outfit. Janice didn’t know where it came from. There was a green silk blouse, charcoal gray mini skirt, taupe pantyhose and black open toe sandals, with a three-inch heel.

Anna sat Janice on the stool in front of her vanity, facing away from the mirror and began to work on her face.

Reggie worked on Angela’s hair. She took the rollers out after drying it and then combed and styled it till she was happy with it. She plucked Angela’s brow into a pair of comma’s and added a few semi-permanent lashes to make her lashes look feathery.

She then had Angela change her clothes to a green silk blouse, a gray mini skirt, taupe pantyhose, and black open toed sandals, with three-inch heels. She smiled to herself, as she already knew what Janice was dressed in. She and the girls had planned this out a couple of days ago.

Reggie then did Angela’s makeup. Angela was good with makeup, she just didn’t use a lot, at least not like Reggie thought would make her look outstanding. Reggie was shooting for outstanding.

“Ok Angela stand up and close your eyes. I am going to lead you to a full length mirror,” Reggie said and then called out to Anna. “Anna we are ready.”

Anna had Janice close her eyes and led her to stand next to her Mom.

“Angela, Janice you are standing side by side. On a count of three open your eyes. Ready one, two, three, go.”

They opened their eyes and first looked at each other. Janice dropped her jaw open and Angela’s mouth formed an O.

“Oh my Janice, you look amazing. That hairstyle looks good on you without being overly feminine. The makeup looks great, Anna you are such a wizard.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Daniels.”

“You don’t look half bad yourself Mom. I think Reggie and the girls have been a little devious,” Janice said, as she looked at the clothes they both wore.

“Just a little darling. We did it for the two of you,” Reggie said. “You both look great. I think.”

“I love your hair Mom, those highlights are wonderful. We definitely look like mother and daughter.”

Janice and her Mom then looked closely at them selves. Reggie had done a wonderful job on them. They could see how much they looked like each other. Although Janice was a couple of inches shorter than her Mom, there was no mistaking the resemblance.

Janice leaned in to the mirror and checked her eyes out. Besides the makeup and even without it, they looked very feminine. More feminine than she may have wanted at first, but she wouldn’t change a thing about them now.

“Reggie, this was well worth waiting for, I want to thank you so much,” Angela said.

“Yeah Reggie, I mean Ms. Givens, thank you.”

“You can call me Reggie, when it’s just us girls. I like that and both of you are welcome. We need to go find out what kind of damage Margaret and Vanessa have done at your house. They should also have dinner ready.”

Everybody hugged, got their things and headed to Reggie’s car.

At the Daniel’s residence, Margaret and Vanessa had been as busy as bees. As much as they wanted to, they didn’t throw anything away. What they did do, was sort out the best of the rest and then laid what they weren’t sure about on the bed. That way they could go through it with Angela, when they got home. You just never knew what a woman would be attached to. They then hung, folded and put Angela’s new things in their proper place. She had enough new things to replace most of her old things.

Margaret then hit the vanity. Most of the cosmetics were easily replaced with the newer ones. They were much better than Angela was use to, and matched her skin better. She put the replacements exactly where the older things were, so Angela wouldn’t have a hard time finding what she needed.

Their work done, they headed to the kitchen. After Anna called them and gave them a warning, they started to fix dinner. Madeline had a chef teach Margaret, and herself, how to cook. They had enough money to just hire a cook, but Madeline liked the personal touch of a meal cooked by the family. Margaret had taken to cooking, like a fish to water, but was careful not to be a showoff to her friends. Today she decided to let it all hang out. She found what she wanted to cook and Vanessa helped with the preparation.

She decided to fix chicken Parmesan, stuffed mushrooms, broccoli, garlic cheese bread, with marinara sauce and a Caesars salad.

Vanessa set the table for dinner, she hadn’t had a lot of training setting a formal table, but Margaret gave her enough help to complete the job reasonably well.

Her stomach had been growling for a while. Now that the smells of cooking were wafting throughout the house, it was much worse. There was the promise in the air that the wait would be well compensated for. Margaret had stopped on the way home and picked up a special dessert, a Boston Cream pie from a ritzy pastry store. It alone had cost as much, or more, than most meals around her home. She was looking forward to sampling it.

Everything was ready when Janice and company arrived. They just followed their noses and found Margaret bringing everything to the table.

Margaret and Vanessa just stared at Janice and her Mom.

“You two look fantastic,” Margaret said. “There is no doubt you two are mother and daughter, no doubt at all.”

“Janice is going to be a real girly girl,” Vanessa said starring and smiling at her friend.

Everyone exchanged hugs and almost as one, they groaned from hunger.

“Margaret, everything looks and smells so delicious,” Angela said.

“I haven’t seen such fancy food anywhere, but at a restaurant,” Janice said.

“Well, let’s not waste time then, let’s eat,” Vanessa said.

Everybody sat and dug in to their salads. It had been hours since any of them had eaten, but they took their time.

They talked about the transformation, as they ate. Margaret and Vanessa wanted all the details. Reggie filled them in on what was done.

“Janice, I just can’t get over your eyes. They were expressive before, but now they look like they could reach into your soul,” Vanessa said. “You have just got to keep up with what Reggie started. I was jealous of your lashes before, now I guess, I will have Reggie work on mine too.”

“Does that mean you are going to be more girly too, Vanessa?” Janice asked, cocking a brow at her friend.

“Don’t get your hopes up too high, but I can’t just let you outshine me like that and not do something,” she said giggling. “I think we all will dress better, so you won’t stand out so much.”

“Vanessa is right Janice, if we dress better, you won’t seem so out of place. We all can turn a head or two. We will be your camouflage,” Anna said. “Maybe Margaret will wear some of her high class stuff too.”

“I could, but I would rather blend in with you two,” Margaret said, looking at her friends.

After dinner Angela, Janice and Reggie cleaned up the kitchen. It didn’t take long, as Margaret and Vanessa had cleaned up as they went.

They then went through Angela’s clothes, she kept a lot of her shoes and pants, a few of her skirts and dresses the girls had set on the bed. She junked all of her old lingerie, except for two items, that had meaning for her. For the most part, she loved her new clothes better. Anna and Janice bagged up the rest for a charity store, as Margaret and Vanessa showed Angela what they did.

Reggie insisted that Angela give them a fashion show. She dressed in a few of her office appropriate clothing things for them, but she mostly showed off her sexier new things. The girls, talked about how to accessorize this, or what might go better with that and how they just loved her new look. Angela beamed under this attention, while Janice just wore a look of pride, seeing her Mom.

Angela seemed to glow, under all the attention that she was getting. Janice had fun helping her Mom, she loved the new level of closeness she was feeling right now. They were close before, but Angela never went clothes shopping with John, and she had never done a fashion show like this. Mother’s seemed to be closer to their daughters and can do more things with them, than with sons.

Angela also noticed how Janice was more into her group than before, if that were even possible. The girl’s treated Janice as if she had been a girl all her life. She noted how much Janice acted like her friends. She seemed very comfortable, in this controlled environment at least. Angela would never have thought that John could slip away so easily. The girls were right too; John was a quiet one, unless he had a story to tell. Janice was more outgoing and effervescent in comparison.

After the fashion show, the girls all changed into their nightgowns. Even Reggie and Angela put on nightgowns. They then gathered in the family room and put on a movie. The girls talked about what they were going to do tomorrow. Sunday being the last day before Janice would go to school as a girl, the girls thought it best that she have a dry run tomorrow, to see how she reacted to having to get up at least a half hour earlier. They set an alarm for six am, the girls would get up and let Janice dress and get ready, as if she was going to school. Then the girls would get dressed and they, with Angela and Reggie, would go out for an early breakfast. This would also help all of them reset their internal clocks, after being out of school for nine days.

Everybody laid down to sleep at ten thirty. The girls in their sleeping bags on the family room floor, Reggie used Janice’s room and Angela in her room. It wasn’t easy going to sleep for them, they had gotten use to staying up late, but eventually they all began softly snoring.

Margaret was the first to wake with the glaring beep, beep, beep of the alarm clock. On her best days she wouldn’t be called a morning person. Anna, Vanessa and Janice woke to her complaints. Margaret finally shut the dang alarm off. Janice staggered off to use the bathroom. It took her a few seconds to realize she needed to sit.
She then went to her room to get her under things and allow the others the opportunity to relieve themselves.

She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, brushed out her hair, do her skin care, put her under things on and headed to her room to dress. Reggie had already gotten up and was in Angela’s room dressing. Janice picked out her clothes to wear; a skirt, a blouse, pantyhose and pumps, with a two-inch heel. She dressed and then started on her makeup, which was just the basics; a light foundation, mascara, just a touch of eye shadow and lipstick. She found her books and her purse, making sure she had what makeup she needed for touchups. She selected a sweater that went with what she wore and turned to her friends.

“Okay, if we were going to school now, you would be ten minutes late if you stopped for breakfast. You might want to shower at night that would save you twenty minutes. Overall you look very good,” Anna said, with Margaret and Vanessa adding their assent.

“Ok, I won’t be wearing a skirt to school in the foreseeable future at least, but you are right, I need more time to get ready now.”

Janice then sat and talked with the girls, as they took turns using the showers. Everyone showering that morning put a strain on the hot water heater, Anna and Vanessa had tepid showers, which greatly cut down their time in the shower.

When everybody was dressed, they went to the living room, where Reggie and Angela were having their morning coffee. Janice had to pass the scrutiny of the two Moms’. She passed with a few comments. All six of them grabbed their phones from where they had been charging and made their way to the car, Margaret’s was the most comfortable to fit all of them.

At eight forty, they pulled into the lot of the local IHoP restaurant. Janice hesitated for just a second and then straightened her back, before heading to the entrance. She had been lucky thus far, when she had gone out. They had shopped across town and eaten at restaurants that weren’t in her neighborhood. She had yet to run into people they knew, but this couldn’t go on forever.

They first person they met inside was Suzy Remington, the greeter, was a girl from their high school. She smiled and led them to their table. She gave no hint at recognition, at least to them, but she did a double take when she got back to her podium. She knew everybody there, except for one person. She had seen Janice on the news and recognized her, but the more she looked, the more certain she was of the identity of Janice. She knew John and the girls; they were always together at school. She also saw how natural Janice was and found herself in a conundrum. She didn’t feel she was a bigot, but she didn’t know how she felt about a boy parading around as a girl.

Janice caught some of the glances they were receiving. She was nervous, but inside she found the steel not to show it.

“Mom, I think I have been made, by some of the people here.”

“I think your right, but I haven’t seen any signs of trouble so far. I think you are doing alright though, so be proud of yourself and don’t let anybody get you down kid.”

Suzy was unable to contain herself and when she saw the tables around the girls empty and nobody was coming in, she went over them.

“Excuse me, but don’t I know you from school?” She asked quietly enough that she didn’t draw attention.

“Yes, I am afraid you do, Suzy. It is me John Daniels, although I would prefer you call me Janice now.”

“I thought so. So why are you dressed like that?”

“It’s a long story Suzy, but this is how my body is developing. I have a medical condition and there was no way I will ever develop as a guy. In fact, I have started growing breasts, my waist is beginning to narrow and my hips are expanding. This is all me Suzy, no silicone, or padding anywhere. The girls were trying to show me how I would look as a girl and I kinda got caught doing it. Since I will never mature as a guy, my doctors thought that this was a good idea. I was going to wait till this fall, but after Monday, too many people have seen me this way.”

“So you are this Janice Davies everybody has been talking about.”

“Yes that is me.”

“And you really are becoming a girl?”

“Yes I am. How do you feel about that? Will you let me at least have a chance?”

“I honestly don’t know how I feel about it. I just don’t know, but I won’t give you a hard time about it. I am not that way. I have to go.” Suzy said, seeing more people come in.

Everyone at the table could see the tension in Suzy’s shoulders as she walked away.

“Well that went ok I think,” Angela said. “I wonder how she will be tomorrow. She couldn’t make much of a scene here in her workplace.”

“Suzy is an ok girl,” Janice said. “She isn’t a trouble maker. It’s not her I am worried about. I am more worried about the guys that know me.”

“Like Clyde?” Vanessa asked.

“No Clyde is all huff, I can handle him any day by using my head. It’s the jocks, the guys who are always making trouble and the girls like Melissa Thompson, are the ones I worry about. Suzy may not be a supporter, but she won’t try hanging me from a tree.”

The rest of their meal went by without a hitch. Everyone just headed to the check out, instead of pushing their luck and heading to the restroom.

Suzy checked them out at the register and said, “Will I see you tomorrow?” In a pleasant easy tone.

“Yes, but dressed a little less feminine.”

“If what you said is true, I won’t give you any grief. You do look quite nice, by the way.”

“Thank you so much Suzy, that is more than I could expect.”

“See ya’ll tomorrow.”

“That went better than I hoped for,” Janice said, as they got in the car. “But like I said, she wasn’t one of the ones I was worried about.”

“Right, but every good encounter helps a little bit,” Angela added.

The girls drove back to Janice’s home. There they drilled her on what to expect and do tomorrow. The girls made her show them what she would wear the rest of the week. She laid out pants, tops, shoes and accessories, for everyday but Wednesday. Wednesday they had that interview and she would wear her Armani. She then remade her face, to show what makeup she would wear, which was mascara, foundation, or eye shadow, just a little mauve satin finish lipstick that almost matched her own natural lip color.

Margaret got a call on her cell phone; she said all of their mothers would be over this afternoon. The word was that her Mom had gotten some paperwork together to smooth things over at school. She also wanted to talk about the rest of the week.

“Let me cook dinner for them,” Janice said. “As long as the girls will help me.”

“Sure,” Angela said, “Anytime I don’t have to cook is a bonus girls.”

Janice huddled with the girls; they checked the fridge and pantry out. Janice ticked off what she wanted to cook and how she wanted it prepared. The girls began the prep work on the meal. Anna walked Janice through what she needed to do, but left the work to her.

Dinner took shape and the house filled with the aromas of savory foods being prepared. Angela greeted her guests as they arrived and led them to her living room. The mothers talked about this and that, until the girls stuck their heads around the corner and announced that dinner was ready.

Anna and Janice served everyone, and then sat down to eat. The women commented on how delightful the meal was and they wanted to know who had prepared the meal. Not only did the food taste and smell good, it was well presented on the plates. They were surprised to hear that Janice had done the cooking, albeit with Anna’s sure assistance.

“This is wonderful, Janice. How long have you been cooking?” Helen asked.

“I just started learning to cook in the last couple of weeks. I helped Mom in the kitchen a little and I can fix my own breakfast, but this is the first meal where I planned and cooked it myself, with my friends assistance of course,” Janice said.

“Don’t listen to her, we just peeled and chopped. Anybody can do that. She cooked it herself with just a little input from us,” Vanessa said.

“Well she did a wonderful job. I know Angela has got to be proud of her,” Madeline added.

“I have always been proud of my child. She is the light of my life.”

“So why are we all here, Ms. Bradford?” Janice asked.

“Patience my child, all will become clear after dinner and our other guests arrive. You know you have really come a long way in just a few weeks. I am amazed at your poise in all this.”

“It’s been hard in some ways, but I really have enjoyed it. I couldn’t have done it without the help of my friends.”

“That brings up one point that we can talk about now, Janice. In some ways it has been nice being alone, without our kids around, but the girls need to spend some time home, with their own families. I think the girls would even agree to that. I know they have put off dating for the last three weekends.”

“Boyfriends come and go Mom, we are still too young for a long term commitments, but yes I have missed going out,” Margaret said.

“You kids can get together after school each day, like you have been doing. The weekends you can get together also, but the girls need to come home. There are three girls, so maybe we can rotate who you spend the weekend with, if you need more work, or maybe cut back to sleeping over once a month or so,” Madeline opined. “Whatever, we have time to think about it.”

Everybody helped clear the table and was surprised to see so little to do in the kitchen. The girls had cleaned as they prepared dinner. It took a little over twenty minutes to get the kitchen in ship shape.

They finished just in time for the rest of the evening’s guests, Dr.’s Julie Spencer and Candace Walker.

“Ok, now we can get down to business,” Madeline said, opening her briefcase. “I need the letters of recommendation from you Dr. Spencer and you Dr. Walker.”

Dr Spencer and Walker, handed Madeline their recommendations, she gave them to Angela and Janice to read over and add their signatures.

“I also need Angela and Janice to sign these forms stating that Janice is undergoing her real life test in preparation to transition to being a female, and one requesting a legal name change. Instead of being J. D. Daniels, you will be Janice Dee Daniels. Dee was the middle name your Mom picked out. It can be changed if you want, but I think it sounds great. ”

“Yes, I like that name too, thank you Mom.”

Madeline went through a lot more paperwork with them, explaining things as she went. It was clear that she was an extremely organized person and lawyer. They had finished with the mountain of paper, when the doorbell rang again.

“I will get that, I know who it is,” Madeline said.

She left the room for a minute and came back with two people.

“Ok, I will make the introductions. This gentleman is the honorable William Kingston, Judge of the 245 th District Court and Elizabeth Moore, his clerk, this is Helen and Vanessa Sebring, Reggie and Anna Givens, my daughter Margaret, and finally Angela and J.D. Daniels.”

“I want to thank you Judge Kingston and you too Elizabeth, for coming here on a day off. We kind of have a minor emergency and need to meet some legal commitments before tomorrow.”

“It’s Ok Madeline, from what you have told me, I understand and you don’t ask for favors too often, so it is my pleasure. Elizabeth if you would swear everyone in for me.”

Madeline handed a form to Elizabeth and she went from person to person, swearing them in.

“Ok, that’s taken care of; it’s your show Madeline.”

Madeline went in an organized manner. First, J.D. Daniels became Janice Dee Daniels. The Judge questioned Janice and her Mom a bit before signing the order. Then Madeline presented a petition for a change in the legal status of Janice, from male to female. This brought more questions and included statements from the two Doctors present.

“The Court recognizes that it is the intent of Janice Daniels to transition from being a male, to female. We understand that the changes come from a medical necessity and that Janice Daniels, already at this point, doesn’t have the ability to present herself as a male at this time, nor will she at any time in the future. The Court authorizes the change in her legal status from male to female and we wish her the best in the future.”

The Judge signed all the forms and Elizabeth recorded all the motions, attaching the courts seal to them.

“I will forward the appropriate documents to the County, and you will be able to get an amended birth certificate and other documentation in about three weeks,” Elizabeth said, as she handed some paperwork back to Madeline.

“Now, I guess it is time for a party,” Judge Kingston said. “The court so orders. I want to meet these young ladies, that have caused quite a stir in the legal system.”

Janice wore a blank expression as she looked around. Everybody else had big grins on their faces, knowing they pulled one over on Janice.

“Why am I having a party?” She asked.

“It’s Janice’s birthday, silly,” Anna said giggling.

“It’s not my birthday. My birthday is in August.”

“Correction, John’s birthday was in August, Janice was just born a few minutes ago,” Vanessa said.

Janice had a thoughtful expression for a few seconds and then said, “I guess you are right. I think I will start celebrating April 16 Th instead of August 5 Th. What do you think Mom?”

“Legally your birthday is still August 5 Th,” Angela said, looking at the Judge who nodded that it was so. “But we can celebrate your birthday today.”

Vanessa, Anna and Margaret snuck off and returned with a cake, along with party favors and presents. The cake had Janice’s new name on it and one candle that was lit,

“All of you were in on this; I can’t believe you were able to keep this a secret. Especially you Anna,” Janice said.

Anna just grinned and stuck her tongue out at Janice.

Janice had to make a wish and blow out her candle. She then cut her cake and passed it out to the people present. Angela served ice cream to go with the cake.

Janice and the girls had to give a run down on how all this came about to the judge and his clerk. He asked about the bit of video covering the death of one of the suspects. Janice told him why they didn’t know about it till much later, due to her accident and subsequent hospitalization. The Judge asked about the accident, and Janice explained that due to a confidentiality agreement, she could not discuss the accident.

The Judge arched an eyebrow and said, “I hope it was a good settlement.” He looked at Madeline, who just grinned. “I see.”

Everyone gathered around Janice, who opened her presents. She carefully unwrapped the presents, trying hard not to damage the wrapping paper. Janice received several pair of earrings, on a earring tree, a new purse, a silk blouse, another pair of heels, a PDA, a necklace, perfume, a large picture of the four girls together, a charm bracelet, a leather bound diary, with a locked hasp and a set of keys.

Janice looked puzzled at the keys. They were car keys, Volkswagen keys to be exact. “You didn’t buy me a car did you Mom?”

Angela just smiled and said. “Yes, but you are paying for it.”

Janice jumped up, hugged her Mom and asked, “Really, where is it?”

“Out front I imagine dear,” Angela said looking to Madeline, who just grinned. “Yes it is out front.”

Janice and the girls ran outside and looked at it. Sitting in the driveway was a Platinum Gray, four door, VW Jetta gleaming brightly. Janice pushed a button on her key fob, the parking lights blinked, the car chirped, and the dome lights came on.

The girls jumped in one of the doors and sat in the new car. Janice in the drivers seat, put the key’s in the ignition and turned it to Acc. She then adjusted the volume of the Sirius radio and hunted for a station she liked. The adults just gathered around it.

“Janice you can’t drive it yet. Not without an adult driver beside you. You have your learner’s permit I know, but we will see about getting you tested Wednesday, after your interview. Your insurance document is in the center console,” Angela said. “I don’t want you walking to or from school anymore, or riding the school bus. Also I want you to carry your cell phone with you when you drive. Margaret has agreed to pick you up and give you a ride home, till you get your regular dirver’s license,” Angela said.

“Thank you Mom, I love it.”

Reluctantly, Janice was herded back into her house. The Judge and Elizabeth made their excuses, as they got their things to leave. Janice had to hug them, before they left. The Judge looked a little uneasy, but warmly returned her hug.

“Okay, we need to talk a little about tomorrow, Janice,” Madeline said. “The girls will spend one more night here, to help you get ready for school tomorrow. Your Mom is going to bring you to school. She'll meet me and your Doctors at school. We need to go to the Principal’s office, to sort out your changes.”

“Okay, I am glad that you will be there. I am more than a little nervous.”

“You have every right to be nervous dear. I understand that except for one class, there is at least one of our girls in each of your classes. Always have one of them with you; there is safety in numbers. Remember that Janice.”

“I will and thank you Mrs. Bradford,” Janice said, hugging her. “I want to thank each of you Mrs. Sebring, Ms. Givens, Dr. Spencer, Dr. Walker and especially you Mom,” she said, hugging each of them. “And of course I can’t forget my best friends, Anna, Vanessa and Margaret,” she said, group hugging them.

“You girls should get ready for bed now. I know it’s early, but you have been staying up late all week and you will have to get up early, so we can get all of you to school,” Angela said. “Anna, Margaret and Vanessa, go ahead and shower tonight. Janice will shower in the morning.”

“Ok,” they all said.

The four girls went to Janice’s room and Angela talked with the other Mom’s.

“Angela, it will all work out. I don’t want you to worry too much,” Madeline said.

“I hope so. I can’t help worrying though. Janice is my only child.”

“She has some good friends who will help her, Angela,” Reggie said.

“And she has got us,” Helen added, “I can’t help saying. I was a little upset at first. I thought the kids were playing some kind of sick joke at first. Now though, I see how much Janice has changed and how happy she is, I am behind you one hundred percent. Janice is really Janice; I don’t think John ever existed. That isn’t what I meant; I think that Janice was always fated to be. John was always around the girls; he was more comfortable with them and started early on to act like them. If you know what I mean?”

“Yes I understand Helen and I do appreciate all of you. I have felt a long time ago that this is what should happen. I just didn’t want to be the driving force behind John choosing to change. It had to be his decision.”

Angela hugged the women, they gathered their things and left.

The girls took turns hitting Janice’s showers and got dressed in Janice’s room. Janice got used to seeing her friends in various states of undress and it didn’t bother her. She wasn’t even uncomfortable stripping in front of them.

“You are more like us now, than different, Janice,” Anna said. “I always thought you were too cute to be a guy, but you are gorgeous as a girl. I like having you as a friend, as long as you don’t steal my boyfriends we are OK,” She said giggling.

“Yeah girlfriends don’t steal their girlfriend’s boys,” Margaret and Vanessa agreed.

“I don’t think you will have to worry about that. I haven’t had feelings one-way, or the other. If you know what I mean.”

“I have read that low testosterone in men and women, leads to a low libido,” Margaret said. “So I can understand that.”

“Really?” Vanessa asked.

“Yes really,” Anna said. “It’s testosterone in women too, that gives them a degree of sexual aggressiveness, or libido. Or that is what I too have read. Yours was off the chart on the low side. So your sexual libido was next to nil.”

Margaret got in front of Janice’s laptop, hopped onto the Internet and pulled up an article for them to read. Janice took Margaret’s place, Anna and Vanessa stood behind her and they read the article.

“That is interesting,” Vanessa said.

“Yeah, it explains a lot of things,” Janice said. “I like girls more than guys, but I never had feelings one way or another. I wonder how I would be if my body had been normal.”

“Who knows, you’re one of us now girl, and we don’t care if you like girls or boys. Just be our friend,” Margaret said.

The girls found their spot and laid down to sleep. Sleep came hard to them, as they lay awake, but finally after about forty-five minutes, they all drifted asleep.

*          *          *

End of Part 4
To Be Continued...
And That is the Way it Happened  © 2007 by Paula Dillon

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