The Working Girl Blog #50: Lecturing the Troops - Longest Day Ever

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Blog #50: Lecturing the Troops -
Longest Day Ever

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Bobbie, addressing the individual projects teams (one address per team), the whole morning of Wednesday, September 22:

"I'm sorry to be taking you out of your regular routines and schedules, but as I said to your bosses, I promise to only take up, at most, five minutes of your time.

"I am sure you have heard what happened to me last week. Well, I, and our company's management will not stand for such bigotry or harassment. I am officially authorized to tell you that that man who I had that altercation with was fired by the company on the same day of the incident.

"If, for whatever reason, you have problems with me, whether professional, commercial or personal, my door is open - let's work it out. Failing that, or if you would rather not talk with me, please talk with your immediate supervisor. If you do not get satisfaction, you are welcome to escalate it to higher authority.

"If you feel that you cannot work with me despite all of this, I have been authorized to tell you that Management will be open to any requests for transfer to a different branch or office, so long as there is a vacancy that you are qualified for, or you are free to seek employment elsewhere and HR will facilitate processing your paperwork, with all benefits due you.

"I am putting everyone on notice that any actions that may cause a fall-off in productivity, or sow discontent, that can be construed to have begun with any form of bigotry or harassment, shall be severely dealt with.

"As I am only authorized to take five minutes of your time, please reserve your questions. HR, our Branch Manager and myself, will be onhand after office hours to entertain your questions, or you may talk to my executive assistant at any time she is free.

"Thank you."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bobbie in her office, handling an employee after she'd given the same speech several times to the different units and teams of the branch office

Employee (barging into Bobbie's office unannounced and unexpectedly): "So?"

Bobbie (standing, and starting to be angry): "What do you mean, 'So?'"

Employee (belligerently): "You called me."

Bobbie: "I did not call you. I asked to meet with your team, not just you."

Employee (sitting down in Bobbie's guest chair, uninvited): "same difference."

Bobbie (buzzing Sammi): "Sammi, can you please come over?"

Sammi (over the phone intercom): "Right away, Maam."

Sammi (after a few moments): "Yes, Maam?"

Bobbie (pointing at the man): "This person doesn't have an appointment, and does not want to leave my office."

Sammi (thumbing a security radio, with a short burst of static): "Security, this is Ms Cabot's executive assistant. Please send someone to Ms Cabot's office, right away, please."

Employee (surprised): "What? Assistant?"

Security (over the radio): "Acknowledged."

Employee (a little panicked): "Ummm, I think I better leave."

Bobbie: "I think you should."

Employee (very subdued): "Ummm, Maam? May I ask what the meeting was about?"

Bobbie: "Where were you when I met with your team?"

Employee (sheepish): "Ummm, I was out in the parking lot, smoking, maam. I didn't want to bother anyone with..."

Bobbie (cutting him off): "Sammi, please bring me this man's file, and have security escort him to his desk. We don't want him wasting more of the company's time."

Sammi: "Yes, Maam. Security? Cancel that call. Reception desk two, please."

Security: "Acknowledged."

Bobbie (to employee): "I'm sure your office mates can brief you. If you have any further questions, talk to Sammi."

(Sammi drags the man by the arm out of the room)

Employee (sheepishly, to Bobbie): "Ummm, sorry, maam..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bobbie, in her office, at the end of the day, tired to death

Wednesday was a long day, although the meeting after work was actually more relaxing than anything, as no one was being difficult, and everyone was trying to show that they were on my side and that they were not in the least bit bigoted. Seems that little "meeting" with that employee made the rounds, and, I guess, coupled with my speech, it put everyone on notice. Fear of losing job security is a great tool to create better understanding among work-mates (and, yes, I'm being sarcastic). To be fair, though, most didn't care, and many were okay with it. The few that weren't - well, like I said... job security and such...

I had a couple of meetings with my boss and HR reps before that day, plus meetings with my lawyer and my therapist, and that song-and-dance Wednesday was largely concocted by my therapist and lawyer, with prior approval of the HR people:

We had composed the speech, with several things that had the particular nuances that my lawyer wanted: "I have been authorized" etc., plus words like "Bigotry" and "harassment" thrown in, as well as making sure that arrangements were made with security to be on standby, and to be ready to have belligerent people taken care of. For the other things, like referring to Sammi as "my executive assistant" or having me deliver the speech alone, and to not smile and be totally serious for the next few days - that was my therapist's contribution (to put everyone on notice that I was someone with clout, and will not brook any screw-ups et cetera). She also insisted on keeping the door open to meet with them after work.

It was especially hard for me to keep being stern and so on, and not let it affect me. At the end of the day, I practically collapsed from the tension and the emotions that I had been keeping bottled up. It's still very... brisk in the office, except for those that consider me a friend, and, though I couldn't really express my gratitude much, maybe after a few weeks have passed, maybe I can treat them to dinner or something.

I am keeping a portable voice-activated digital recorder on all the time, as my lawyer said it would come in handy in case someone says or does something "untoward" (my lawyer says, with the "one-party consent" statutes in DC, I am legally allowed to to this). I have been saving all the voice files onto my computer, and maybe I'll buy a couple of blank disks to save them on, and keep a set in a safe deposit box.

I didn't really plan on writing all of this, but with all the concerned private messages and emails from people like Aunt Andrea, Sephy, Theide, Beth, Holly and lots n lots n lots of others, I guess I felt I had to post this, if just to assure them that I'm doin' okay... Okay? lol

But no fool I - I have three new pepper sprayers: one looks like a lipstick which I keep in my purse at all times. A regular one that I carry when I jog (or will carry, rather - my lawyer said to hold off on any further jogging for a few weeks or so, and be sure no one's stalking me or anything like that), and a non-pressurized one that I can keep in the car. And I and my room mate are not going out much, at least for now. I have a speed-button on my phone for the police, and all that. So I think I'm covered.

I won't go into the legal things (I think it's best to keep that confidential for now) but suffice it to say, I'm staying. At least for now. Changing jobs, cities, closing up my internet alter-egos etc. and going maximum stealth - those are all things to think about. But right now, it's time to regroup.


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All my prayers for you dear heart...

Andrea Lena's picture

I am so proud of you!


Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Thank you

Thank you for sharing this "darker" side of how things can go.

Whatever you decide is best for you, I wish you all the best.



I'm SO glad to see you getting through this. I cannot imagine how rough this must be for you.

I sincerely hope you manage to put this behind you, and I hope you get all the support you need for as long as you need it!

Hugs to you, be well!

Although, would it be insensitive to ask something?

In your previous blogpost, you mentioned an upcoming Saturday session with your therapist, and maybe a conversation with your friend Nikki. How did everything go?

Sorry if my question bothers you.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

I have to admire your Chutzpah!

After I got out of the hospital and began to get better, the local Equal Rights group in Portland, expected me to go back to work as an Electrician. Well, after all that had happened I just did not have the courage. I even tried doing some volunteer Electrical work and it only took a couple days to get in a serious hole physically. I did keep my license and have until November to renew it again.

For me at the age of nearly 64, I wonder if it makes sense to jeapardise my income by trying to return to work. I was very good at the work, but I worry about the atmosphere.

I have a friend who is T but has not started to transition. I will support what ever she does. She's a programmer and makes a lot of money freelance.

I am looking hopefully at the next 10 years. It is easy to see that T folk are making progress.

Much peace



Yes, it was emotionally tough for you, and Mr. Fag Break took far too long to wise up and get a clue, but generally speaking it seems as though it generally paid off in the end.

It may not be in your nature to act all tough and 'distant' from them, but as the professionals said it's unfortunately necessary to drive home the message to the less sympathetic that you're boss.

It reminds me of the advice given to new teachers - they're supposed to go into the first few weeks of lessons at the start of each school year being really tough on their charges, to show that they are in control and won't tolerate any slack - then can gradually ease off and lighten up as the term progresses and the children settle into their roles.

Hopefully what you've done should nip the vast majority of any potential trouble in the bud, so you'll eventually be able to resume something approaching your previous relationship with your colleagues, and won't need to go to the extreme measures listed in your final paragraph.


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

The Working Girl Blog #50: Lecturing the Troops - Longest Day Ev

All things considered, you did what you had to do. I am glad that the situation was dealt with, but hate that you were hurt having to do what you did. You are a sweet young lady who I believe would rather blog about fun stuff.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Thinking back to English for non English speaking people

I'm sorry I only have two thumbs to give you up.

Keep being you and you have my sincere hope that this will soon be behind you, so that you, your associates, and most of all your true friends can go on without distractions.


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


Life Ain't Fair!

I'm sad that you had to go through all of this crap. From reading you blogs it seemed that things were going so well, then suddenly you have to cope with bigoted idiots. Please try to remember the positive side and rely on your friends to help you through the current hard times.

All My best - Ricky