The Runner Part 3

The Runner Part 3

By Trashy Trisha

Marty found Tammy stretched out on the girl’s room floor. Being the concerned and loving partner she was, Marty jammed Tammy in the ribs several times with the toe of her shoe before announcing to the gathered crowd that yes…indeed…she was alive.

Several guys, evidentially quite familiar with the girl’s locker room, entered with a stretcher to carry poor Tammy to the nurse’s office. There she was pronounced fit to leave the school immediately before another fall occurred, thereby lessening the risk on a hastily paid law suit.

Marty, being several years older than Tammy, drove her home in her car. It was then that the newly weight bearing Tammy disclosed the latest chapter in her adventures in finding her inner girl.

“You’re what!”

Tammy completely broke down into tears as she tried to relate a plausible explanation of how a monogamous lesbian could possibly get pregnant. After Marty discounted the swimming pool, the toilet seat, and several other objects that could not possible fit comfortably into a human vagina, Tammy reached for the stars.

“I guess it just sorta happened. Oh my God Marty, whatever am I gonna do?”

Marty, after listening to all of Tammy’s wild explanations and such, told her the only thing that she could think of.

“Well, if it was the toilet seat, then maybe you could sue for child support.”

Marty broke up with laughter at the sake of her lover.

“Does this mean I’m now the father? Have you told your mother? Does she know?”

Tammy, trying to blow her nose and dry her eyes, shook her head no.

“She is going to absolutely freak. I’m gonna have triplets! Oh my God! Thirty diaper changes a day! Whatever am I gonna do? And I’m gonna have to breast feed them. I mean, it’s like a fortune in formula.”

“Personally, I think the breast feeding part is quite cool; very yuppie of you.”

“You would pick up on that!”

Marty began to laugh hysterically again.

“You are no fucking help you know.”

“Hey!! I’ll help. I’m your friend and lover. Of course I’ll help. I could drive to get the Pampers for you. Brahahahahaahahahahaha!”

Tammy began to wail as tears flowed down her face again. They finally arrived at Tammy’s house. Marty accompanied her inside to help break the news to Tammy’s mom.

“You’re WHAT!!!”

Marty thought that Tammy’s mom was going to pass out so she stood behind her chair.

“What do you mean you’re pregnant!”

Tammy’s mom was near a state of panic.

“How the hell did that happen?”

Marty began to laugh hysterically again. She couldn’t seem to stop though she tried. Tammy’s mom looked at her with an incredulous expression on her face.

“What the hell are you laughing about? What do you know about this?”

“What are you yelling at me for?? It was all Tammy’s fault.”

Both women looked at Tammy who sat silently with tears flowing down her face.

“What do you mean it was all her fault?”

“Well I told her to make sure the guys all wore condoms.”

“”What!? What guys? I’ve never been with ‘the guys’.”

Tammy was beside herself with anger now. It was bad enough to be subjected to the insane sexual appetites of her lesbian lover, but men? Oh my God! ‘Gag me with a pitch fork’, she thought.

“Well, it’s not surprising you don’t remember. Gawd! You were so stoned at the time and carrying on about wanting to have a baby. I mean, we were going to use the turkey baster…”

“What?” Both Tammy and her mother spoke simultaneously.

“You know Tammy. The turkey baster I have. I mean it’s worked before. But noooooo…not you! You didn’t want to take a chance so you had to fuck all the guys at the party.”

Tammy quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. This time she vomited for an entirely different reason. The very thought of having sex with men made her so ill. Marty followed her into the bathroom and held her head.

“Don’t worry baby.” Marty softly cooed. “They were mostly guys we know from school, you know? There’re clean and all and quite potent. Some of them even did you twice and I made sure that they only used your pussy…and occasionally your mouth. Don’t you remember? Remember when I wouldn’t tongue kiss you for a week?”

Suddenly they both heard Tammy’s mom begin to mumble something. Marty got Tammy up off her knees and walked her back into the kitchen.

“Get out! Both of you! Get out of my house! I don’t want you two perverts in my sight! You’re both disgusting!”

She threw a coffee cup at the two girls and continued to shout at them. Marty looked at Tammy and pulled her arm. They both hurriedly left the house as Tammy’s mom followed them yelling, shouting, and cursing the two girls.

Tammy began to tremble and feel light headed. Marty got her back into her car and started the engine. She turned toward Tammy and smiled.

“Don’t worry baby, you can stay with me. There are only three months left of school and then I graduate. We’ll get our own place. You know I already have that job waiting and the money’s real good. We’ll make it work.”

“But what about me? I’m only fifteen and I’ll have to leave school! Oh Gawd! I’ll be a mother with…three kids!”

“How did you know that?”

Tammy burst into tears again and fortunately didn’t have to go through any kind of a story of how she knew.

The next day in school, Marty couldn’t wait to tell anyone who’d listen that her girl friend was preggers. By ten in the morning, Tammy was already beginning to hear the snide remarks. ‘Slut’, ‘whore’, ‘breeder’, and a whole gamut of nasty remarks could be heard wafting through the halls where ever Tammy was seen. Half the boys in school claimed paternity and wanted sexual rights to the mom-to-be.

She was not permitted to run with the track team for fear of her hurting herself and suing the school. She was also told that they had no ‘facilities’ for pregnant students and she would have to finish the year at home. There after she would need to attend a special school for pregnant girls.

Tammy remained home the next day and got to know Marty’s mom. Her name was Louise but she insisted on being called Lou. Lou was a born again lesbian and Tammy could see where Marty got many of her mannerisms and ideas from.

Lou was sympathetic and very accommodating to Tammy. She kept speaking of her ‘grandchildren’ and how exciting it would be to have little ones running around the house again. She always wanted more children but couldn’t deal with the men that came attached to the pricks needed.

The first trimester blew past so quickly that it seemed to be a matter of days. Tammy looked a good deal more pregnant than she was. Already gaining twenty two pounds, Tammy was filling out and looked nearly six months pregnant. She knew it wouldn’t get easier as the summer months began.

During the second trimester, Tammy morphed into an alien creature designed specifically to do only one task; bear children! She continued to accumulate weight as her belly ballooned outward. Her breasts became very sensitive and they too began to grow quickly.

With all of the various new and interesting hormones flowing through her system, Tammy broke out in so many wonderful places starting with her face. She would daily awaken, if she could sleep at all, to a new outbreak somewhere impossible for her to see. Her feet were long gone from sight and it was becoming difficult to even see her belly over her expanding breasts.

Then, one day at the market with Marty’s mom, it happened! Her breasts suddenly let down and two enormous wet spots developed on Tammy’s blouse. She was positively horrified and humiliated beyond words. Tammy quickly covered herself as best she could with her hands and ran straight to the women’s room. She hid herself away in an empty stall and began to cry.

After that incident, Tammy started to express her milk several times a day on a regular basis. Marty found the entire incident and the expressing to be somewhat of a mystery. She did, however appreciate the fact that her lover had this marvelous new ‘toy’ she could play with. Marty received endless pleasure from helping Tammy with the task.

As the last third of Tammy’s pregnancy began, her weight ballooned up to a sixty seven pound gain. All three of the babies, two girls and one boy, were normal and healthy. In fact they were a little bit too healthy. The doctor was amazed that they appeared to be normal size, if not better, and he predicted that she would carry them to full term, which was no surprise to her.

Tammy was unable to get around easily any more. She needed help rising and dressing. She found the simplest task to be over whelming physically. Tammy spent most of her day watching television with Marty’s mom and rubbing her belly. The only other task for the day was expressing and refrigerating, or freezing all the milk. Tammy’s mom had long since started to use the milk for their daily needs whether it was a bowl of cereal, coffee, or even baking. They had between twenty four and thirty two ounces to deal with each day and Tammy hadn’t even given birth yet!

The triplets kicked constantly which created the most bizarre show across her expanse of belly. One would poke here and another there and the third somewhere entirely different. Tammy found that she now had to pee every few hours, sometimes even more frequently. There was simply no more room within her. Even her eating habits changed to small meals every so often.

Tammy couldn’t seem to find a comfortable position for herself any more. She rarely slept for more than two or three hours at a time. Worse of all was that Marty had taken to going out several times a week ‘with the guys’ leaving her alone or with ‘mom’. Tammy felt ugly, fat, and totally undesirable to her lover, who had long since stopped making love to her. She cried often.

The last month totally sapped what little spirit Tammy had remaining. She went to her doctor’s appointment as a part of her pre-natal care regimen and was told that a high degree of proteins was found in her urine. The doctor told her that she would need to spend the final month of her pregnancy in bed!

Marty’s mom was kind enough to give up her bedroom and her king sized bed, to Tammy. And so Tammy remained day after day. She was beyond boredom and beyond tears. Very often she would simply lie in bed and stare at nothing in particular. Once in a while a tear would fall from her eyes.

Her belly extended so far out that the only really comfortable position was in a semi-recline. She would slip in and out of consciousness. When she did sleep, she dreamt of her past, when she was still Timmy, and how she missed those days so very much.

Nobody came to visit her and nobody called to say hello. It was Tammy and ‘mom’ and, on rarer and rarer occasions, Marty. The month crept along ever so slowly until that final day when, with the help of Marty and mom, Tammy was taken to the hospital.

Several hours later it was all over. Tammy lied in bed surrounded by her three new babies. All were born quite healthy. The smallest, the boy, weighed seven pounds and twelve ounces. The two girls weighed eight pounds fourteen ounces and nine pounds and one ounce. Tammy had carried nearly twenty six pounds of life within her!

She fed them on the hospitals schedule but they demanded more. It seemed like there was always one, or two, of them attached to her nipples. The nurses were amazed at not only the birth, which set a triplet combined weight record for the hospital, but also the volume of milk Tammy’s breasts produced; also a record.

Allowing Tammy a little more recovery time, all four of them were released from the hospital. Marty and mom had turned the bedroom into a nursery as well as their bedroom. In this manner it was easy to bring the babies to Tammy for feeding around the clock.

Tammy spent most of her time tending to the little ones. After two months, they were going through nearly thirty changes a day and tube after tube of A&D ointment. Tammy’s breasts became even larger and were now a thirty eight double E. It seemed like the milk constantly flowed and if a baby wasn’t drinking it, everybody else was. Some of Marty’s friends from her job were also coming over to enjoy what Tammy naturally had to offer. Tammy even allowed a few of them to taste her milk directly from her breast.

Once Tammy fully recovered from the surgery, she began to become more active with the little ones. Walks in the triple stroller and other outings were a daily event. The only problem is that all the weight Tammy had gained during her pregnancy not only remained, but actually started to increase. Tammy was beside herself with the fact that three months after the birth of the triplets, she still couldn’t see her feet!

As time pasted, Tammy’s body seemed to settle into its own position. Her pendulous breasts, in spite of a custom fitted nursing bra, seemed to constantly be resting on the top of her huge belly. Her shape was so bad that she gave up trying to wear anything with some style to it and settled on triple XL men’s tee shirts or shapeless, one size fits all clothing from K-Mart. Her feet were so swollen that Tammy could only get into slippers or thongs.

Marty simply couldn’t get into the ‘new’ Tammy at all and they sex life was completely non-existent. Very often Marty wouldn’t even come home until she knew Tammy was asleep. And helping with the little ones was just not in Marty’s program.

“Listen sweet heart…” He would say. “You wanted them…so you take care of them. They want your boobs anyway so you might as well change the little buggers while you’re at it.”

When Tammy spoke of maybe going back to school and getting her GED, Marty had an answer for that as well.

“Oh yeah? What for? You’re a breeder plain and simple. You don’t need to study anything for that. Just take care of the kiddies and see that this place stays reasonably clean. I will take care of the rest. Don’t worry your pretty little head about school and learning.”

Years went past and the little ones weren’t quite so little any more. Tammy found herself at her old school inquiring about the pre-K program for the triplets. Some of the administrators were still there and upon seeing her, came to say hello. They smiled as they spoke with her but Tammy could see from the look in their eyes that they were shocked at the way she looked. Nobody would have ever expected Tammy, of all people, Ms. Vanity, to let herself physically go so quickly and in such a manner.

After finding out what she needed to know, and getting the kiddies registered, Tammy found herself wandering around the building and dredging up old memories of better days. The halls were quiet with all the students busy in classes.

Tammy wandered without any thought of seeing anything specific. Her memories were so disordered and cut short but her circumstances. Anyway, school was not really a favored place for her.

She finally came to the gym and walked into the vast cavernous room. The smell was the same; maybe a bit more intense with the aroma or perspiration. Then she wandered into the place where her nightmare began; the girl’s room. She walked to the mirror and looked at herself. She barely recognized the face that stared back at her. She looked much older than her years.

Suddenly there was a bright flash of light! It was so bright that Tammy had to shield her eyes from it. At first Tammy thought there was something very wrong with her. Then she remembered!

“No! Noooooo!!!!! Stay away from me! Go away! You’ve done too much already!”

“No, my dear. I have done nothing. It was you who asked me to change your life. All I did was to give you the opportunity to do so.”

The voice was calm and as soothing as Tammy remembered it to be. She opened her eyes to see the apparition that had so radically altered her existence years ago. She began to cry.

“What do you want from me now? Haven’t you done enough? Please just leave me alone.”

Her fairy God Mother came to her and put an arm around the crying woman.

“There, there baby. It’ll all be over soon. Just answer this question and then I’ll leave you alone, okay?”

Tammy sniffled and nodded her head. She felt too tired to do anything else.

“If you could have only one thing, one change, what would that be? What would be the one thing that would make everything alright?”

Tammy tried very hard to compose herself. She wanted to be rid of this horrid spirit and she wanted to be left alone.

“I…I…I…” She was having difficulty getting her words out. The tears were still running down her cheeks. “I want to try and run that trial one more time.”

“You mean you want one more chance to at least make the team? Like you wanted years ago on that afternoon when you failed?”

“Yes. Just one more chance.”

With that, the Fairy God Mother drew back her arm and once again flung it forward to the center stall. The fairy dust glittered and sparkled as it flew to the door and then encompassed the entire stall.

“Better hurry dear. It doesn’t last long.”

Tammy hurried into the stall and once again sat down on the seat. She waited for the dust to fade before getting up again to exit. As she arose from the seat, she could feel the difference in her.

“Come on out Timmy. The coach is still timing people.”

Timmy exited the stall. He was still crying, but now had a broad smile on his face. He was even wearing his old track shorts and tee shirt. ‘Oh my God’, he thought. He still had on Heather’s spare panties because his boxers were ruined.

Timmy fell to his knees and hugged his Fairy God Mother’s shins.

“Thank you. Thank you. Oh thank you so much!”

The spirit patted his head lightly and smiled down at him.

“All you ever needed to do was try one more time my child. Now…you are in the wrong toilet. You need to get out of here and go run like you’ve never run before. If you don’t get the time you need, who knows, you may have to return to three screaming brats!”

With that being said, Timmy jumped up and ran out of the girl’s room. His Fairy God Mother smiled as he fled. He ran down to the field and asked to try one last time. The coach smiled at him and nodded his head.

Later that day, as Timmy stood smiling next to his locker, he packed his books up and turned to leave the school. Across from him he saw Martina…Marty, at her locker. She turned toward him and smiled.

“You did well today. If you run like that all the time, you’ll be good.”

Timmy blushed and looked down at his feet.


Marty smiled and pointed her index finger toward Timmy. She then, in dramatic fashion, turned her hand over and crooked her finger at Timmy, beckoning him to come closer. Timmy slowly walked across to her. Facing him, she rapped her arm around his shoulder and leaned down till her mouth was next to his ear.

“There’s just one thing honey…” She said as she licked the rim of his ear. “In those tight pants, your panty line is showing.”

Timmy freaked out and tried to break away but Marty was too strong for him. She held him tightly and leaned back down to his ear again.

“Relax sweet heart. I won’t tell a soul. Anyway, I think you look kind of…hot in them? Would you like to come over and help me study this Friday night? That is if you aren’t doing anything more interesting.”

Her smile was wicked and Timmy blushed a deep shade of red. “Anything more interesting?’ He couldn’t think of anything that would be more interesting.

“Okay. Sure. I’d love that.” He looked down at his feet as he spoke and shuffled one foot against the other.

“Great! And Timmy…”

“Yes Marty.”

“Why don’t you come dressed, know what I mean?”

The End

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