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The Working Girl Blog #27:
Thought I'd be jogging alone today, or Seems it's my day for indulging in girl clichés To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/19261/working-girl-blogs |
I woke up late today. Well, actually, I haven't slept much. Still a little too jazzed about the news I received yesterday, I guess.
( http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/19728/working-girl-blog-2... )
Anyway, I was in and out of sleep, and the upshot of it was that I woke up late for my usual 7AM Saturday jog. I hurried to get ready. Still, it took me more than fifteen minutes to do so. I don't like to be such a cliché girl, but looking presentable has become a priority for me for a while now. Also, in a slightly cockeyed way, I was actually a little proud during the moments when I act like the cliché image of a girl. Not a very enlightened way to think and behave, I'm sure, and I will never be a good representative for female liberation, most especially since I am not a real girl.
I guess another girl cliché - I didn't want to wear the same thing I wore before so I rooted around and tried to put together a nice outfit - my new white Nike Air Max trainers, an old pair of fuchsia sweatpants (which I only wore for sleeping), and a old gray-black tanktop over my gray t-shirt bra.
Since there were no pockets in the pants, I wore an old fanny belt to keep my keys, wallet, phone and pepper spray. (Given how... unfashionable fannypacks are, I kept it hidden under the shirt).
I left my place and congratulated myself that I was only twenty minutes behind schedule. Anyway, when I got downstairs, I saw two of my previous jogging partners in the lounge. I had assumed that, given I was late, the girls would have gone ahead. But they waited for me. Apparently, they were trying to call me, but my phone was accidentally switched off. And since they couldn't contact me, they decided to wait a while.
We went on our way, this time making better time than before. We had a good workout, in fact it was such as good workout that all three of us were gasping as we finished the hour. We had a little giggle about that, and went to the coffee place for some drinks and to cool off. Seems we're developing a routine. We were all pooped, so we said goodbye after resting for a bit.
I waved goodbye, and went on home a little leisurely, enjoying the cool breeze and the nice morning sunshine.
As tired as I was, I was still thinking of my good news from yesterday. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell the girls, but I think it would have been inappropriate if I did. So I decided right there and then to tell my mom and dad instead, maybe tomorrow. After all, mom said I had an open invitation.
Mom and dad usually went to the eight AM mass, as most of those in the area did, and would hang around with their friends for a while. To be safe, I decided to go visit at eleven. This means I’d just be on time for lunch. No fool am I. Heehee.
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The Working Girl Blog #27: Thought I'd be jogging alone today
Bobbie, to me, you are a real girl and a good role model for other women since you are a team leader.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
'Not a real girl'
Ouch. Kinda harsh when put that way, but physically that is true, sad to say. Clearly you are not doing the deep stealth or really stealth, thing but I ( and you ) know what we are, it always bothers me how the deep stealth gals think they are really fooling themselves. There are plus and minuses to being who we are and even after 20 years, I still come to the conclusion that it stinks to be trans, but it stinks even more to be a man, so here we are.
Anyway, off of my soapbox. I am glad for your wonderful financial news. Have a blessed day.
I thought you made an excellent point.
but I ( and you ) know what we are, it always bothers me how the deep stealth gals think they are really fooling themselves I totally agree that it is very easy to see that. The world wants to define many here as not being authentic, when nothing could be further from the truth. You are who you are, regardless of anyone else's definition. I'm glad you got on your soapbox in the first place. Thank you.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
If I May....
You are absolutely right...as usual mom. But, if I may go one step further and say we are who we are regardless of the symbols we choose to define ourselves.
Your Lil Brat
You may have a cricket, and maybe even a fairy godmother, but you're a real girl already. No strings attached, right? F on your documents? You walk into your place of employment and you are perceived to be a professional go-to woman, right? Next time I wish upon a star I'll remember to wish for you to know you are worthy of respect and admiration. Hope your lunch with your parents goes well.
Not a real girl?
What does it take to be a 'real' girl anyway? If you are living as female and accepted as female then you are a real girl in my book. While I realize you will always be someone who transitioned, that doesn't diminish the day to day life experiences of being female. Transwomen shouldn't be treated by others (or think of themselves) as second class women.