A Prayer Answered: Chapter 11

  Sandra’s Grandfather causes more problems and a few unexpected parishioners come to her aid.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter Eleven
By Sara D.
Edited by "Michelle B." Thank You!!!

Chapter 11
The next morning we all arrived at the church in our best clothes. Grandma was holding me by the waist as we entered and were greeted by Pastor Gene.

“Well good morning Mrs. Simmons,” Pastor Gene said with a smile, “It’s good to see you again. Where’s Mr. Simmons?”

Grandma looked a bit upset and turned red. “That man will not be welcome here today, as he is not a true Christian and accepting of Sandra,” She said angrily.

“Mrs. Simmons, you should know all are welcome in God’s house. Each of us is but forgiveness away from Life.” Pastor Gene said with a calming voice. “What by chance has he done to upset you? I may be able to help you.”

Grandma related what had happened the night before, Pastor Gene looked surprised and then upset when she was finished.

“Yes that is a reason to be upset, but you must forgive him or your heart will be clouded with hate and will not allow you to live,” Pastor Gene said. “And if you have a hard time with it. Prayers are the way to ask for help.”

We thanked Pastor Gene, and Grandma and I found seats in a pew a few rows from the front. We were sitting and waiting for dad, mom and Brian to join us. Dad had stopped to talk to Pastor Gene. Once done Pastor Gene shook dad’s hand and smiled brightly. Brian was nowhere to be found and I looked over at dad as he took a seat next to grandma and mom.

“Where is Brian? I don’t see him,” I asked.

“I’m not sure Sandy; he was just right behind us. Why don’t you go and look for him?” Dad suggested.

I got up, and using the side door, I made my way around to see what he was up to. As soon as I stepped around to the front of the church I saw Brian being shoved aside as grandpa made his way inside the doors. I saw the look of surprise on Brian’s face as he followed grandpa into the church. He has pushed is way through the parishioners being greeted by Pastor Gene and stood at the front of the church.

As soon as grandpa reached the front he began to spew with more anger than the night before. “Listen friends, I come to warn you that Satan is among us disguised as the deviant standing at the doors. That child needs to be sent away from this house of the Lord.” He spat while pointing at me. “This…This is no girl before you. That thing… is… was a boy and is an abomination before God.” He continued glaring at me and around at the people just taking their seats on an otherwise beautiful Sunday morning.

I’ve never seen Pastor Gene move so fast; he stood right next to my grandfather looking very displeased. “Sir, you are in my church and no one here is an abomination, all here are children of God, including the lovely young woman you are speaking about. Everyone is welcome here, regardless of their situation.” Pastor Gene told him.

“No Pastor, that thing is a boy and should live as God made him, not some sort of pervert.” Grandpa spat some more still glaring at me.

“This girl is welcome here anytime she pleases,” a guy in the middle shouted out.

“Yah, we all wish you to leave,” another said in agreement.

“You are all allowing Satan in your presence. You are all dammed and will burn in hell for allowing this,” Grandpa continued to argue.

“Sir, you are the first person in my 30 years as Pastor I have had to ask to leave. You are not welcome.” Pastor Gene said in disgust.

“I will not leave until all of you cast out this disgraceful child.” He said again pointing in my direction.

“Sir, you are now ordered to leave.” Officer Thompson said as he stood up. “Or I will arrest you for trespassing,” He said then spoke to Pastor Gene “with your permission of course.”

“Yes of course if he does not leave immediately you may do so.”

Grandpa huffed and puffed for a few seconds then must have made the only smart choice this morning and left the church, but had to have the last word as he stepped out of the door. “You are no longer my family; all of you can go to hell.” He screamed looking directly at me then over at dad and grandma who was now giving me a hug, then he slammed the door to the church and left.

Grandma hugged my tighter and looked at me as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “I am so sorry Sandra.” She said as dad also came over and hugged me tight.

Pastor Gene then spoke to everyone. “What you heard from that man was not what we here believe. Those who believe in such ideas are wrong. God loves all his children, Jesus died on the cross for us.” Pastor Gene then began the service. His message was of love, acceptance.

I felt better once the service was over and that grandpa would not ruin my relationship with God. We all thanked Pastor Gene as we walked out. The five of us piled into the truck and headed home. I was just staring out the window as we drove.

“Are you going to be alright sweetie?” Grandma asked.

“I’ll be ok grandma, it just hard to think about what grandpa said and believes,” I said as I felt tears in my eyes.

“We are all her for you Sandy,” Brian said as he held my hand “and remember I love you.” He then leant over and gave me a kiss on the lips.

“I love you to Brian.” I said and blushed as dad; mom and grandma were all looking at us smiling.

We drove a few minutes and arrived at the house with a surprise waiting for us, Linda, Brian’s sister was home.

“Linda my dear, it is good to see you,” mom said hugging her daughter. “When did you get here?”

“Just now, I had to visit once you called and let me know you were getting married and I was getting a new sister.” She said then gave me a smile. “You must be Sandra.” She then shook my hand then smiled, “Sisters hug.” She said and squeezed me into a nice warm hug. Linda then gently pushed me back and looked me over. “You look fantastic; I think I’m going to love having you as a sister. You’re much better looking than that lanky boy that I used to know.” She said and giggled.

I had to giggle too. “Thank you Linda, you can call me Sandy for short. Most of my friends do.”

“Nice to see you again Linda,” Brian said and gave his sister a small hug “you know um, Sandy and I are seeing each other right?” Brian said blushing.

“Yes, mom has told me all about you and Sandy. I think you make a wonderful couple.” She said then smiled. “Weird though.” She said and laughed obviously joking.

“Weird? Sandy and I love each other.” Brian said sounding hurt.

“I was kidding brother dear, I was only joking. You’re such a dumb ass sometimes. I was just thinking with mom marrying David that if you continue to date Sandra, and one day you’ll be marrying your sister.”

“Yah Brian, she was only kidding. I got the joke.” I told him then gave him a peck on the cheek.

“I know that, I was just pulling her leg to get a rise out of her.

“Let’s all go inside,” Mom said as she led us into her home “and have a nice talk.”

“That’s a nice Idea, I would love to talk to you all” Linda said then looked over at grandma “I’m sorry, you look familiar but I don’t know you.”

“Hello, I’m Melisa Simmons, Claudia’s mother.” Grandma said shaking Linda’s hand.

“Oh yah, nice to see you again, we met at the funeral.” Linda said somberly. “Sorry.”

Grandma looked a little pained as she probably remembered mom’s funeral. “Yes, it was a tough time for us all.” Grandma said then remained silent until we all reached mom’s kitchen and sat down. “Anyone else care for some tea?” Grandma asked.

“I would love some.” Mom said and got up and started gathering the pot and tea bags. Grandma got up and gave her a hand.

Linda didn’t wait long and started asking me all sorts of questions. “So Sandra, how long have you been a girl?” She asked.

“All of my life.” I told her.

“What I mean is how long have you been dressing as a girl?” She said and her hand on mine. I knew what she meant, but I wanted her to know that I have felt like a girl for all of my life.

“Almost two weeks full time, and off and on with my mom from the time I was young.” I answered honestly.

“Two weeks wow, you look to have been at it a lot longer than that. I would never guess you were once a boy meeting you for the first time.

Linda, Grandma, Mom and I continued to chat. Dad and Brian excused themselves to the garage to do guy stuff. Too much estrogen in the house for them I guess. We talked for hours and had several cups of tea and crackers. It was nice being one of the girls, and we talked about more than just me. Linda asked me about Brian, and the dance. Mom told her about the hotel after the dance. She asked about my dress, I told her I would show her it after dinner.

Later, Dad and Brian returned to the kitchen and asked if we wanted BBQ. We all agreed. Brian helped dad with the steaks, and I helped with the salad and bread. It turned out to be a nice day and great evening.

After we were all stuffed with meat and bread, Linda asked, “Can you show me that dress Sandy?”

“Sure” I answered, and led Linda into my house and to my room.

Linda looked around my room, possibly noticing the lavender color of the paint, my pink bedspread and makeup table. “Nice room, much different from before.” She said and sat on my bed.

“Thanks, don’t you want to see the dress?” I asked her, she looked un-interested.


I grabbed the dress from the dress bag and showed it to her. She looked at it wide eyed. “That is a lovely dress Sandy, but I really just wanted to talk to you in private.”

“Oh, um... ok.” I said worried.

“I wanted to ask what you thought about my mom and your dad getting married and about you and Brian as well.”

“Sure, I think their getting married is great. I love her and I know dad loves her too. She’s been great to me, I consider her to me my new mom. I miss my true mom more than you can know, but I know in my heart that she is smiling from Heaven that I have her.”

“That’s good; I know she loves your dad. I just don’t know how to feel about it. It was kind of abrupt that mom called me and told me two days ago.” She said pausing, “She talked about you, about Brian and you a lot of things came out and I just wanted a chance to really talk to you.”

“I’m glad we have this chance, I’ve always been jealous of how feminine you are and your grace.” I told her honestly.

“Well thank you, I’ve always had suspicions that Brian had the hot’s for you before, and to see you together now is kind of confusing. Have you two slept together?”

“Not yet, but I want to badly,” I told her and asked, “Can I be frank with you?”

“Sure, that’s what future sisters are for,” Linda said smiling.

“I am happy, but I am still unsure of how I should proceed. Brian say’s he loves me as I am. I like the way it feels when I use my equipment. But in the back of my mind I still want to be a full woman. What’s it like to be with a man as a woman?” I asked her.

“You honestly want to know?” She asked looking embarrassed.

“Please,” I said trying to look innocent.

“First tell me what you and Brian have done so far.”

“Besides kissing I fondled him, he tried to touch me but I stopped him.”

“Ok, so you want to know what it’s like to have a guy inside of you.”

I nodded my head yes.

Linda then very graphically explained how it felt to be a woman with a man and how I might not feel the same. She told me about another girl like me she met at college. Her friend had said that the sex after a sex change was great but sounded different from her own experiences. This is something I will have to ask Thelma on Thursday.

“Thank you Linda for being so informative, it gives me something to think about and talk to my Therapist and Brian about. I hope he understands that I am conflicted about all of this.”

“I am sure that Brian will accept you no matter what Sandy. He obviously loves you and will treat you with respect.”

“Thanks Linda.” I told her then gave her a hug.

“You’re welcome; now let’s see how that dress fits you.”

I took of my other clothes and grabbed the dress.

“Are those real?” Linda indicated my new breasts.

“Not yet, but these are the best money can buy. Thanks to our mom.” I said smiling and hopping she would accept me saying ‘our’ mom.

“Mom always knew how to make me happy and feminine, now she has another daughter to play with.” She said giving me a hug.

“Thanks.” I simply said then wiggled my way into that wonderful dress. Once I had it on I twirled for Linda showing her.

“Wow, you look great in that. I know you’ll have Brian eating out of your hand next Saturday.”

“You think so?”

“Absolutely,” Linda said with a smile “I should be getting home now; it was nice talking with you Sandy.”

“Same here Linda. Thanks again and I hope we can be great sisters.”

“Me too,” she said giving me a hug “Bye Sandy.”

“Bye.” I walked her to the door and ran into dad coming back. “Hi dad.”

“Hey sweetie, did you show Linda your dress? You’ve been with her for a while.” He said innocently.

“Yah dad and we had a nice chat. Can I talk to you about something?” I asked knowing it was time to tell him about my thoughts.

“Sure honey, what’s the matter?” He said and invited me to sit with him at the couch.

I sat down and let my feelings flow. How I felt about wanting and not wanting to change at the same time. How I wanted to be with Brian as I am now, and as a complete woman at the same time. I told him I felt conflicted, and thanked him for the opportunity he and mom were giving us next Saturday, but I told him I had these feelings.

Dad sat there looking stunned for a few seconds before speaking. “You know I love you no matter what Sandra. It’s your decision on how to go forward, sex is an important part of any long term relationship, but not the only part. You must find what is right for you. Don’t make a decision you will not be happy with for the sake of another. This is something I am sure you will deal with for a while until you figure out what you want. Let me ask you this, are you a boy in a dress, or are you a girl?”

“I’m a girl dad. I know that for sure. It’s just that I get excited by the clothes and I like how it feels when I… you know.” I told him honestly.

“From what Dr. Louis has told us, those feelings will fade with time as you continue on your hormones.”

“What about taking medication to keep me partly a boy.” I then related what Kelly had said in her email.

“That’s a crock, when I was in my 20’s before the Navy, I looked into that. It’s all a sham and the drugs they give you are harmful. Don’t even explore that, Promise me.”

“Ok dad, Thanks for listening.” I said feeling a bit down at hearing it may not be possible to get the best of both worlds as I thought I wanted it.

“Honey this is something you will have to talk to Dr. Louis about.” He finally said.

“Your right dad, I am sure she will explain and help me to figure this out. Night dad.”

“Good night sweetie, by the way you look wonderful in that dress.” He then gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks.” I then went up to my room took off the dress and went to bed.

I woke the next morning from a dream I had. I was a complete woman and was with Brian. It felt so real, and I had feelings of this is how it should be.

Monday was the usual start to the week and wasn’t any different for me, it was the same because Brain and I walked to school as normal. We were joined by Amy and Gina and we were all soon talking about the dance. Brian let it slip about the hotel, and I was expecting outrage.

“You guys are so lucky; I wish my parents would allow Paul and me to do that.” Gina said jealously.

“Me too. My parents would kill me if I even suggested such a thing.” Amy said as we arrived at school.

The school was bustling with activity and we soon were seeing the posters for the spring dance showing it to be formal, thanks to my friends. We had gotten together as a class and decided a formal dance would be great and everyone we talked to was talking about how cool it would be to have a formal dance for the junior’s and were all excited about Saturday.

The rest of the week went by quickly and I was soon in the waiting room at Thelma’s office.

I entered Thelma’s cozy office and was greeted by her. “Good afternoon Sandra, how was your week?”

“It was busy.” I simply said. I then related all that had happened with grandpa, the time at the hotel and how I felt about me, the email, and the dream. I left nothing out.

“Sandra, you are a complicated girl. You have feelings that a few like you have had. It’s just a way for you to try and figure it out. And yes it’s true that there is only one path, male or female. The hormones that you are one will ensure you have a feminine body and the blockers your on will prevent you from developing as a male. Are you having second thought?”

“Absolutely not, I am a girl.” I said almost screaming.

“I was just checking to see if you are sure yourself. Look these feeling although rare are normal. This dream of yours could be how thing should be, but a dream is just that. Explore your feelings, but be careful this Saturday and expect the unexpected. You may be surprised.” She said finishing.

Thelma concluded our session talking more about the changes I will experience with the hormone use and how my brain will ultimately change as well. I might see things differently, or my femininity will be enhanced.

I left feeling better about being able to voice my feelings and concerns and I was soon thinking about the dance.

Friday came and went quickly. The only thing of note was that Brenda and Kim were more open about their relationship and had gained a few female friends along with Amy, Gina and I as we chatted during lunch.

Saturday I woke early and was welcomed in the living room by Linda, mom and grandma who said they were all here to help me get ready.

“It’s so early what needs to be done?”

Mom responded, “Everything my dear. I made an appointment at your mom’s salon for nails, hair and makeup. I invited your friends Amy and Gina, to meet us there.” I could not help but smile at the idea.

Dad drove us to the mall and parked the car. He and Brian planned to go to the movies while we girls were primped and prodded.

We were greeted at my mom’s salon ‘Claudia’s’ by Marge the manager and her assistant Mindy.

Marge, who had been mom’s closest friend at the salon before she died, led me to her station and began working on my nails. Mindy began working on Amy and Gina waited patiently for the other girl to become available.

Marge expertly filed and polished my nails. While I was under the nail dryer, she began working on Gina. Amy was soon seated next to me and we were both admiring our nails. Mine were a dark pink, and Amy’s were a light red. Once the machine beeped its completion Marge washed and then began to style my hair. It was much longer than the last time and I was happy to be without a wig. Once I was done, Marge talked me through the steps she was taking to enhance my features and what type of make-up she was using.

Almost three hours later all three of us were done and admiring each other in the salon mirrors. I thought all three of us looked fabulous. I was startled by two handsome guys whistling their approval when dad and Brian walked into the salon to pick us up.

Both men had the look of astonishment on their faces and they took in what Marge and Mindy were able to do for us. I was impressed as I know they were too.

“Wow you look great!” Brian was the first to find his voice, “I’m going to be the luckiest guy at the dance tonight.” He then looked over at Gina and Amy "And Paul and Matt I am sure will feel the same way.”

“Thanks.” All three of us said at the same time. Dad then drove us all home, us girls agreed that we would meet at my house and then have the limo take us to the dance from there.

Once I got home I had to pry myself away from Brian, he was in awe and didn’t hesitate to let me know.

“Brian, I have to get ready, I’m going to my room to put the dress on and you need to go get into you tux.”

“Your right as always my love, I will see you shortly.” He said trying to kiss me.

I held him away for a moment, “You will have to wait, for right now I don’t want you messing up my makeup. He walked away like a sad puppy.

I first put on the powder blue satin panties and matching strapless bra. I made sure my breasts were glued securely and then stepped into panty hose, I then followed with the dress with mom’s help and grandma zipped me up. The satin of that lavender dress felt wonderful. I pushed those thought from my mind and mom handed me my 2” pumps and I slipped them on. Both mom and Grandma smiled as I stood and twirled around. I saw my reflection in the mirror and knew what I was doing was right. I thought to myself, I am a girl and I knew what that meant, and I also knew I had to tell Brian tonight.

“What’s the matter sweetie?” Mom asked as I wiped a tear from my eyes, careful not to mess up my mascara.

“I just realized how much I love being a girl, and I don’t want to disappoint Brian.” I said regaining my composure.

“Listen honey, I know with assurance that my Brian loves you with all his heart. He always has, and no matter what you decide to do physically, he will support you.” Mom told me then gave me a hug.

“You are a unique woman and you are lucky to have such an amazing man at sixteen.” Grandma said joining the hug.

“Thanks you two, I appreciate your support and understanding.”

“You’re welcome. Now how about we go down stairs and break the hearts of the young men waiting there,” mom said smiling. “Just give us a few seconds to get into the living room first.”

“Ok,” I said and waited a minute to let them get to the living room.

As I stepped onto the bottom step I was announced.

“Arriving is our princess, Sandra.” Mom said proudly.

I stepped into the living room and was greeted by the flash of dad’s camera and the audible gasp of Brian.

“My God, Sandra you’re beautiful, you are truly a princess.” Brian said admiring me with the cutest smile.

I took his arm as he offered me corsage. “It’s beautiful, thank you.” Brian finished pinning the corsage on left side of my dress. Once he was done I kissed him. We were both in a sea of flashes from dad’s camera.

“You two make a wonderful and cute couple.” Dad said finally lowering the camera. The doorbell rang and Amy, Matt, Gina and Paul came in.

“Wow you all look nice.” Mom said to them. We were all then grouped together for more pictures first as couples, then just the girls and lastly just the guys.

Soon we were driving away in the limo waving to my parents and on our way. Once we arrived at the dance hall we could not see one couple that had not dressed up. Amy and I were glad that the idea had caught on. Everyone looked nice; most of the students were gathered around the tables and chatting. Our group found an empty table and set our stuff on the chairs. Brain and I grabbed our snack plates and made our way to the buffet table. The food looked great and I could tell everyone was enjoying themselves.

We finished eating and then hit the dance floor. The music was mostly new but the DJ threw in some classic rock and slow dance music from time to time. Brian and I were on the dance floor for almost an hour. We bumped into Brenda and Kim who seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. Both of them were beautifully dressed, each of them had on dresses that complemented the other.

About fifteen minutes later Kim came up to us in a panic. “Have either of you seen Brenda?”

“Not since we bumped into you earlier.” I told her.

“Dam, I knew I should have gone with her to the bathroom. She had to use it but I was talking with Mrs. Sherman.” She said in one breath. “We have to find her. I saw her talking to some guy by the door just before she went into the bathroom and haven’t seen her since. I checked the bathroom and all inside. Can you guys help me find her?”

“Of course, I’ll check both bathrooms again, Brian can you check outside?” I asked.

“Sure, I’ll check the parking lot and the back side as well.” Brian made his way to the front door.

“Kim you should go talk to Principal Sherman and make sure she knows we are looking for Brenda.” I suggested.

“I already did, I’ll go with you and help you check the bathrooms and behind the stage.” She recommended.

Kim and I checked and could not find Brenda anywhere inside, so we went outside to help Brian. I knew it was important to find Brenda, girls like us need to stick together.

When we got outside we both turned as we heard a loud scream. We saw a man pushing Brenda against the back wall and push a knife into Brenda’s stomach. The ear piercing scream could be heard across the parking lot. I then saw Brian run toward the guy.

“Hey!” Brian yelled at the guy and took after him tackling the offender into some bushes around the corner.

We then heard a quick chirp of a siren on the other side of the building. Kim stopped to take care of Brenda and I ran to see what happened around the corner. I saw the cop get out of his car and place Brian and the guy in handcuffs. ‘Oh no. Now what?’ I thought as I approached them.

“That tall guy attacked my friend around the corner!” I said screaming.

The officer pushed both of them into the back of his car and drove around the corner to see about Brenda. I ran up to Kim who was on the phone with 911. The cop got out of the car and checked on Brenda’s condition and started calling for an ambulance. He then grabbed a bag out of his car, told us to keep clear and told Kim to hold the cloth over the wound while he called for backup.

Two more police cars showed up. He told them to look for the knife in the bushes and directed the ambulance crew over to Brenda as soon as it showed up. Other students started coming out of the dance obviously hearing the sirens. Mrs. Sherman was close behind them, she gasped as she got up to us.

“My God what happened to Brenda?” She said fidgeting.

“She was… she was attacked by that man in the cop car…” Kim hardly got out.

“Who? Brian?” Mrs. Sherman asked only seeing Brian through the back door?

“No, the other one” as I pointed to the dirt bag behind Brian.

The EMT’s quickly gathered up Brenda and left for the hospital. The cops separated Kim and I and questioned us. I told the first cop that I heard the scream and turned to see him stab Brenda and Brian run after him. He then got the same story from Kim. He let Brian out of the car and asked for his side. He told the cop that he saw Brenda trying to get away from the man but the creep ‘his words’ had pushed Brenda against a wall and then heard her scream as he saw him stab Brenda in the stomach. He then ran after the bastard to stop him from getting away. The cop took the cuffs off of Brian and thanked him.

The cops had found the knife and questioned almost everyone. We were all shocked as we did not know why that man had attacked Brenda; he was conveniently being quite once he was arrested.

We were told by Mrs. Sherman that she would contact our parents and that the dance was concluded. I told her we were going to take Kim to the hospital and check on Brenda. I then got on my cell and let dad know what was going on and were we were going. He said he and his mom would meet us at the hospital.

We found our limo driver and he quickly got us to the Hospital. Gina’s mom had showed up and took her and Amy home, along with their dates. When we arrived we found that Brenda was being seen in the ER. Brenda’s father showed up just behind us and frantically asked the ER staff about his daughter’s condition.

A doctor I recognized came out shortly and spoke. “Mr. Chambers, I’m doctor Jenson, your daughter was stabbed in the abdomen, and the knife thankfully it appears to have missed any major organs but did nicked her large intestine. She has been taken surgery to take care of that and to check for other injuries. I will let surgeon talk to you when she gets out of surgery.”

“Thank you Dr. Jenson. Do you know what might happen?”

“No, the surgeon will be best to answer those questions; surgery is on the second floor. I’m sorry but minors are not allowed up there.” He said looking at Kim, Brian and I.

“Look kids, I know you are now close to Brenda, and I thank you for that. I will give your dad a call and let you know what happens.” Just then Dad and mom both walked in followed by haggard red headed women.

“Kimmy, what happened.”

“Mom,” Kim looked as if she saw a ghost. “My date was attacked and stabbed at the dance.” Kim said in a panic.

I was confused as I looked at both their reactions and Mr. Chambers’ reaction. Mom and dad looked confused too.

“Brenda was attacked by a man who was outside the dance, but I tackled him before he could get away.” Brian told Mrs. Sanders.

“Who’s Brenda?” Mrs. Sanders asked looking even more confused than before.

Kim looked as she was about to puke “my date.”

To Be Continued... And please leave a comment...

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