Dr.Who Meets Gaby-1: Meeting of the Minds

Dr.Who Meets Gaby-1: Meeting Of Minds
By Stanman63
Thanks To Maddy Bell for letting me do a Gaby fanfic.
Synopsis:The Master has created a paradox that requires the Doctor to meet Gaby/Drew.Gaby begins a journey, learning abut other versions of Drew/Gaby.
The White Guardian waited while the Doctor came to him, leaving the door to his T.A.R.D.I.S. open.

"White Guardian, why have you summoned me?"

"There is a rift forming that you need to prevent."

"Rift, what rift and why call upon me?"

"The rift has to do with the Master creating Paradox that will Disrupt the Universe if not halted."

"Very well, what has he done this time." [sigh]

"He has corrupted the life of the Cyclist."

"Drew Bond??!!"


"That is terrible, Drew Bond's influence cuts across several Timelines. I will do what I can, but how do I cure the disruption?"

"You will be given Special Authority to act. Use it wisely Doctor."

"That I will."

Then the Doctor left The White Guardian of Time and went to help Drew Bond.
The Meeting
"Hurry it up Drew or you will be late for school."

"Coming Dad."

I had to hurry up because I had overslept from Maddy's party last night. So I quickly did my ablutions not seeing Maddy's little reminder of Gaby.

"Why are you wearing those earrings? Did Maddy do it?"

"Thanks for seeing them Jules, could you please remove them so that I can let Maddy have them back? Why does she keep on doing this to me? Does she want me to be Gaby?"

"I don't know bro, but she seems to delight in these pranks without thinking about what harm it will cause."

"Well, when I give her back her jewelry, I will end it with her. Then there will be no more Gaby where she is concerned."

Mum looked at us with concern upon her face because Maddy and I were best mates and always together.

"Son, it is your decision, but are you sure that you want to do it?"

"Don't worry Mum; I am doing it to scare her away from turning me into Gaby. If she were to ask nicely, I might become Gaby for her."

"Drew, this is your choice. I will not say anything for or against except this; be sure of your decision."

"Thanks Mum, where's Dad?"

"He had to leave early for work, he is meeting John at Cuckney."

"Drew, Jules."

"Yes Mum," we chorused together.

"You'll need to catch the bus today, I need to rest up after the Turbo last night."

"Mum, are you sure?"

"Yes Drew, I am just a bit weak, that's all."

"Mum, you will take it easy please."

"Yes Jules."

After eating brekkie, consisting of milk and beans on toast, Jules and I hurried to the bus stop where Maddy and Rhod were waiting. As we arrived at the bus stop, I saw that Maddy was smiling until she saw me, then she came over to me and Jules. She was shocked when I handed her back her earrings.

"Sorry Gaby, but I forgot about the earrings last night, forgive me?'

"Maddy, I am Drew Bond, not Gaby as you just now called me. I was ready to let it slide, but you want me to stay Gaby even at school. You know what would happen if everybody found out about me being Gaby?"

"Gaby, I mean Drew, I would never hurt you for the world!!"

"Until you can see me as Drew and not as Gaby and agree to stop trying to trick me into being Gaby, I can't and will not forgive you."

Maddy started crying, knowing that she had caused it herself. When she looked back at me, she knew that I meant what I said.

“But what about the race this Saturday? Am I still invited?"

"Maddy, you are racing just as I am, just come over Friday night and Dad will take us to the race. Mum will let you borrow her bike."

"Thanks Drew, I do love you, you know."

"Yes, I know, but the question is do you want Drew or Gaby? When you can decide, let me know."

I held her as she cried, knowing that even though she had hurt me, I still loved her. Maddy had been tricking me into being Gaby ever since the cosplay convention where she tricked
me into being Gaby. That led to more Gaby times.

Why my body would not develop as a boy frightened me, would I become Gaby in time or Drew or a combination of them. I needed to find the answer and soon. I had been to the doctor about it, but the results were not conclusive.

It was then that a blue Police Call Box popped up behind Maddy. Before it appeared, there was a weird grinding noise that stopped as soon as it appeared. But the strangest thing of all was that a gentleman with red curly hair opened the box up from the inside and asked me

"Pardon me young man, but are you not Andrew Bond, son of Jenny and Dave Bond?"

I nodded silently as he grinned and stepped out of the box and ushered us inside then closed the door.

"Welcome to the T.A.R.D.I.S. No doubt you have a few questions for me. Please ask away."

"Why is it so big inside and so small outside?"

"That is due to trans-dimensional engineering. What you see outside is actually a doorway into the T.A.R.D.I.S."


"Yes, T.A.R.D.I.S. stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space."

"How do you know my name?"

"I am a Time Lord, so I know just about everything."

"Why were we brought in here?"

"If you had stayed at the bus stop, the driver would have picked you up and then would have been hit by an oncoming lorry, but now, that will not happen, we are now safe here inside of my T.A.R.D.I.S. The bus driver will now miss you."

"Look here, whoever you are; we do not appreciate anybody kidnapping us for whatever reason!! If you mean us no harm, why are we here??"

"Ah yes, you must be Juliet Bond, his sister. There is no need to worry, I shall not harm you, but the Master will if he can just for a laugh."

"Who is this Master? And who are you?"

"The Master is a renegade Time Lord intent upon ruling the universe and I am the Doctor. Madeline Peters."

"How do you know who we are and are you a Time Lord too?"

"Excellent deduction young Bond!! Yes, I am indeed a Time Lord. I am here to prevent the Master from causing you harm."

"But why Doctor? What is so special about me? Am I a Time Lord like you? Is that why my body is so messed up?"

"No child, you are not a Time Lord. I will show all of you the truth about yourself young Bond if you will please follow me."

Then a bell started sounding. "Dear me, I forgot to leave, Oh well, we shall go now." Then he fiddled with some controls and I heard that grinding sound until it stopped again.

"Not to worry, I just popped us back and then dematerialized before you arrived, now things should return to normal."

"Normal, but we are here, not at the stop."

"True Rhod, but when I return you, time will reset so that you were never in danger."

"Could you please explain yourself? You are talking in riddles. You sound like a mad man."

"Miss Bond, I can quite assure you that I am not a mad man as I am from Gallifrey, not Earth, although I do tend to visit your lovely planet."

"This is all so confusing, here we are on board some sort of space ship that is bigger inside than out and a totally wacko captain keeps on telling us wild tales. Will you please explain everything?"

"Well Jules, to explain everything would take quite some time. But I will explain why I am here. To put it simply, it all has to do with your brother."

"With Drew?"

"Yes, your brother is about to make a momentous decision that will change history and I am here to help."

"But how will you help me?"

"You are right now confused about your gender. You do not know if you are a boy or a girl and strangers keep on mistaking you for a girl."

"Yes, I just want to know who and what I am and having my friends to cause me to look like a girl does not help a bit."

"Drew, I said that I was sorry about the earrings."

"You did Maddy, but I still went to a race with them on and make up thanks to you and when I gave you the earrings back, you called me Gaby."

"Drew, I do love you."

"But do you want me or Gaby?"

"I don't know."

Then when Maddy began to cry, I saw just how confused that she was and I hugged her until she stopped crying.

"Maddy, I know that you love me and I love you, but right now, I think that the Doctor here can help me to see just who and what I am."


"Quite right young Mister Bond, if you will follow me to the Medical Station, we can sort you out good and proper."

"You already know about Drew don't you Doctor?"

"Yes I do and you as well Rhod or should I say Em?"

As he led us deeper into the bowels of his strange ship, I saw Rhod blanch at the Doctor talking about Rhod and Em. I did not know who Em was, but I had a feeling that we would know soon.

The Doctor led us into a room filled with all sorts of consoles and futuristic equipment, but it was dominated by a large screen and a table set at an angle, he motioned for me to get on the table.

"Up into the scanner please Drew and all will be explained."

I stepped into the chamber and saw a monitor come alive showing my innards, even my breakfast until the Doctor had cleared that off of the screen. "Sorry about that, I should have known that Drew had eaten just before we met."

"I thought that as a Time lord that you would know that."

"Well Maddy, some things do slip through, but we are here for your husband Drew, not you."

"Well, at least we know that we marry now."

"Not if the Master has his way Drew."

Then my innards were diagnosed and a voice over head began to speak.

"The patient is a teenage male whose body has yet to begin to go through puberty. If medical intervention is used, patient will become female, and bear children. If no intervention is administered, patient will be able to father children."


"Yes Maddy, but there are some changes that the Master will cause that will create different realities that will destroy the Earth and the universe in time."


"Jules, the Master is deadly, If I must die to stop him, then I will. I just hate to regenerate."


"As a Time Lord, I can regenerate my body 12 times, just like the Master can."

"But what about our friends and family? Will he attack them?"

"No, because I have placed Warsop within a Time Loop until I have dealt with the Master."

"But what will keep him from returning again?"

"The Master is an evil genius and he cannot stand the thought of collaborating with
anyone, not even himself."

"Doctor, according to these scans, I am a boy, yet they show that I am also a girl with boy bits. Which is true?" I began to cry, dreading the truth.

"Come dear child and have a Jelly Baby, they are quite good. Maddy if you will please look in that locker, you will find a bag of treats for everybody."

Then Maddy went to the locker and found bags and bags of Jelly Babies in all sorts of flavors. She handed them out to us and then closed the locker.

"Drew, you are a young man who has a great life ahead of you. What you saw upon the scanner was the Master's fiddling around with your D.N.A."

"You mean that he is why I look like a girl?"

"No Drew, He is why you in other realities become Gaby. He is trying to convince you to totally renounce either Drew or Gaby so that those who you will meet will change."

"But why?'

"Drew, the Master delights in causing misery to others as well as being bent upon the conquest of the universe."

"Can he actually do that?"

"Unfortunately, he has come close many a time."

Then the grinding noise started and then stopped. Then he led us to the Control Room and outside.
Drew into Gaby - All Things Denied
"This is the year 2012 and we are in front of Sylvie and Em's Salon."

Then Sylvie opened up the salon and when she saw us, she smiled weakly and when she saw Rhod, she was gob smacked with wonder.

"How can this be? How can I be seeing Rhod when he is now Em? Am I dreaming?"

"No Mum, you are not dreaming, I am your son Rhod before he becomes Em."

"But how can this be?"

"Hello there Miss Morgan, I am the Doctor. I can explain things for you, but I believe that we need a bit of privacy."

"Very well then, please follow me into my salon, and Rhod."

"Yes Mum?"

It is good to see my son again, even if I am dreaming."

After we had entered her salon, Sylvie shut and locked the door and closed the curtains covering the windows and door.

"Please be seated in the dining room while I prepare some tea."

As we were seating ourselves, I saw Em enter the room and when she saw us, she looked right at Rhod in wonder.

"Mum, am I dreaming? How can I be seeing myself as Rhod?"

"That is what I want to know too."

"Hello there Em, I am the Doctor, you and your mum are not dreaming. What you are both seeing is your friends before the Americans visited Wasop."

"But that was years ago!! How can that be if not a dream?"

Then the Doctor brought a flute from out of his coat and played a quick song very much like the grinding noise, then the box appeared as its noise abated.

"What you are seeing is my T.A.R.D.I.S., it is how I travel. I am a Time Lord of Gallifrey. We have conquered Time and Space. I have brought your friends from the past here so that Drew, Maddy and Rhod can see a possible future."

"You mean that there is a for me to undo what I did to Gaby?"

"No Em, I cannot change the past, but I can tell you that your goal will succeed."

"Please let me tell you Rhod, maybe in this way I can make amends to Gaby after all of this time."

Then, Sylvie brought in a tray laden with cups and a teapot, then after setting it down; she went back into the kitchen and returned with a tray of small sandwiches.

"It's not much, but there's plenty, help yourselves please."

Then after everybody had gotten their cup and snacks, Em began her tale of woe.

"It all began when the Americans came over during the Cultural Exchange Program, Britney and her sister Debbie both pulled a prank upon Drew by saying that he was a girl. It was only after they were heading back that they told Drew and Maddy about the prank."

"That was plain mean of them!!"

"Yes Maddy, and Brit took an evil delight in tricking Drew into wearing skirts when she could and Maddy?"

"Yes Em?"

"When Brit and Sabrina helped us from our Cheerleader Team the Sherwood Foresters, you and Jules drafted Drew into joining by making sure to pack Jules badminton kit in his bag."

"I am sorry Drew for that, I guess that I wanted Gaby there too."

"That's alright Mad."

Then Maddy hugged me again.

"But they did not tell their parents about Drew being a boy and got Maddy to make sure they Gaby came over by packing his bags, but Drew knew and confronted her about the deception. The only reason that Drew had packed his bags with Gaby stuff was that he was found to be a girl with boy bits."

"Those Walter girls caused my brother a lot of pain thanks to their pranking, I hope that they got punished good and proper!"

"They were Jules, but when Drew confronted Maddy about her part, she told Drew then and he accepted the news and went as Gaby. But when it was all over, the faculty of both schools told their parents and the girls were disqualified from being in any school activities. But the worst thing happened in Warsop thanks to Maddy and me."

"What did we do to Drew?"

"You received a gift for Gaby from one of the Americans, but you held onto it and used it to hurt Gaby. When your Mum held a birthday party for Drew, you handed me the present and said it was for Gaby. When I handed it to Drew and said Happy Birthday Gaby and he accepted it, both Clive and Paul finally knew the truth."

"When Drew was finally exposed, (sniff) Gaby slapped you so hard that you fell and then the gang turned against both of us. Then the Bonds moved to Germany to be with Mrs. Bond. It was only after you confessed your love for Gaby that you two got back together."

Then Maddy and I hugged the crying Em until she stopped. When she looked back up at us, we both smiled at her.

"Em, Maddy and I forgive you my friend. please do not fret about the past and look to the future."

"Yes young Em, you want to rebuild your old friendships, you will and will marry Allison very soon."

"Thank you sir for letting me know."

"Before we go, I must admonish the both of you to not tell anybody what you have heard."

"We won't" they both replied in unison.

As we left, I could see that Em was feeling better by the smile upon her face.

"Drew, would you like to see yourself here?"

"Yes, I want to meet Gaby face to face."

"Then let's enter my T.A.R.D.I.S. and go."
Drew into Gaby-Rough Waters Reconciliation
we entered his blue box and vanished to return to a palace where several bikes were held in a bike rack.

"Here we are at Castle Retribution - Home of Gabrielle Drew Bond and Madeline Anne Bond. You will be pleased to know that both of your parents are here as well as Granny Peters."

"Doctor, I was not prepared to meet everybody."

"That's O.K. bro, I will be there for you."

"And I will be there to for you cousin."

"Me too Drew."

"Thanks guys, your support means a lot to me."

Entering the pool area, I saw Gaby and Maddy both wearing tan swim cozzies that accentuated their figures. They were sleeping peacefully under the awning.

"Well, it looks as if Em was telling the truth; I have often wondered what Gaby would look like as Drew, now I know."

Looking at us was Mum wearing her old bike kit; behind her were Dad and Jules. Jules and I ran up to her and hugged her fiercely, then we let go.

"Mum, I love you."

"Me too Mum."

"And I love both of you even if you are from some other Earth."

"Mum, are things going well here?"

"Well enough kiddo, my Jules is married and is a Mum. She named her boy after you Drew."

"Well, she finally did something right."


Then she walloped me on the arm, but I could tell that she was not mad by the smile on her lips.

"I see that some things never change, come on in and meet your Dad and Jules. The Peters will be by soon.

"Is that my son Drew Jenny?"

"Yes Dad, it is me and Maddy."

"But how can this be? Drew is now Gaby, or has that changed Mum?"

"No, Gaby is still Gaby, drew is from another world. I do not know how or why, but we have a chance to see just how things could have been."

"Well son and Maddy, come here, I need a hug."

"Yes Dad."

"Yes Uncle Dave."

Being in Dad's arms, things seemed much simpler and I passed out into a peaceful slumber with Maddy beside me. When I woke up, Gaby and her Maddy were looking down at us.

"Well, it is good to know that there is a place where I am still Drew."

"Yeah, according to that Doctor friend of yours, Gaby and I are both pregnant thanks to Medical Science."

"That's brill Maddy, do you know the gender?"

"Please Drew, in my case, gender is a mixed bag." [sigh]

"Sorry Gaby, I was not thinking."

"Tell me about it my brother. I still am as absent minded about clothes as you are."

"You mean?"

"Yes Maddy, my Gaby keeps on borrowing my stuff after a bike race." [giggle]

"At least now I am Gaby, not Drew being Gaby." [giggle]

"Gaby, it looks as if you are comfortable with being Gaby now. I still have qualms about being outed when I am Gaby."

Then my Maddy and Gaby's Maddy gathered Gaby and I into a bear hug.

"Drew, Gaby forgave me for outing her at her birthday party, can you forgive me?"

"Yes Maddy, you were caught up in the events back then and needed to declare your Love for Gaby."

"Yes, but I was scared and I lost her during those rough years until our reconciliation and wedding."

"Maddy, I am scared that I can hurt Drew like that."

"No Maddy, you will not hurt your Drew, That event passed and you did not do what I did."

Then the Doctor entered and passed us a cup of tea.

"Here now my friends, drink this draught and sleep. Your parents have bedded down the others."

After we had drained our cups, he then gave Gaby his news.


"Yes Doctor?"

"You will give birth to a handsome boy and Maddy will give birth to a beautiful girl."

"Thank you Doctor," we chorused together as we went back to sleep.

When I woke up, I found that I was wearing a bike kit as well as my Maddy.

"I know that you would not want to be Gaby while here Drew, so my Maddy and I dressed the two of you in our spare kits." [giggle]

"I don't know, it might be fun."

"That it might very well be, but you could switch with Gaby and I am sure that would not be as much fun."

Then the Doctor stepped into the room with more tea.


"Well now Maddy, I have been called many things, but not that."

"Score one for us Maddy."

"Indeed Maddy."

Then they reached to hug when a spark erupted between them.

"What was that?"

"A good reminder that Maddy should not touch Maddy and Drew should not touch Gaby."

Then he took out a gizmo and aimed it at us, then smiled.

"Now you can touch, I have created a static zone where you can touch as long as we are here."

"Drew, Gaby, Maddy, breakfast is ready."

"Coming Aunt Carol." Gaby and I chorused together

"Coming Mum. Maddy one and two replied.

Then we headed down to the kitchen to begin the day. Down stairs, we saw Aunt Carol and Uncle John sitting at the kitchen table. When they saw us, they dropped their cups of tea.


"Yes Aunt Carol, it is me."

"But how can it be?"

"It is a long story Uncle John. I will tell you when everybody is here."

"Drew, are you and your Maddy happy?"

"Yes Aunt Carol. We are very happy together."

"I was worried about that, I have often wondered what life would be like for you two if you had stayed as Drew."

Then Dad and Mum came in from the patio.

"Come on out here where there is plenty of room."

Then we trekked out to the patio where we got busy with breakfast. Mum and Dad had made a buffet while Jules was busy with the tea kettles and cups. After we finished our repast, I began my tale.

"I am Drew Bond from a world where I do not become Gaby. In my world, we are about to move here to Germany to be with my Mum and Clive and Paul still do not know that I am Gaby.":

"I am glad that is true for you, here, that cost Maddy and I years of pain until we found each other again. [sniff]

"No Gaby my Love, I am the one that denied my Love for you and the rough waters between us until we were reconciled. My deepest regret is that it took so long and that I listened to Brit and Deb. They turned me against you."

"Yes my Love, but they paid the price in losing their friends and repeating the grade as well as being barred from school activities. They lost out on several scholarships for their prank."

"Are they sorry for their prank?"


"In other words, they are not."

"Give them time Drew, they still have anger in their hearts, once they release their anger, they will be healed and seek forgiveness."

"Did you forgive them?"

Yes we did Maddy."

"Then a bell sounded.

"Excuse me good people, but that bell means that it is time for us to go. It has been a most wonderful visit."

Then, leading us into his box, we left Gaby and Maddy and their family behind.

As we left Warsop behind, I could hear Rhod sobbing as he realized what was just said. Rhod looked shaken at the news of how things could turn out in the future and asked the Doctor. "Sir, this future frightens me, is this the only future which I have in store for me?"

"Child, this future is one where Drew becomes Gaby because the tests that he took show that he is more girl than boy. Unfortunately, events cause much grief between Maddy and Gaby."

"But why Doctor when I love Drew?"

"Because you have trouble accepting the fact that you love Gaby and because of your turmoil, the friendship is destroyed and will not reform until you finally declare your love for Gaby."

"Drew, why I would ever deny my love for you I will never understand, but I love you and always will."

"I know Maddy, but from what the Doctor has said, we will marry in time. I love you Maddy and one day want to wed you, but that is in the future and we need to see what the doctor says."

"In this history, you two have the blessings of your families. Maddy, your Mum and Dad both are waiting for you to decide that you love Gaby. They and Gaby's parents both see how much you both love each other, but the hurt must be overcome before the healing begins."

"This is but one history, Let me take you to a similar history that might happen."

"You mean that none of these histories are set and that Drew can still choose which history he wants?"

"Yes Jules, but some lead to utter chaos for the Earth. Those are the ones where there is no Gaby. Because of that, Drew does not meet certain people and cause change to happen."

"Just because Drew is a boy?" That is freaky."

"Drew is that rare individual that influences the Time Stream. Think of Drew as a control rod in a reactor, as long as he is there, the reactor operates safely, if absent, CHAOS."

"So I am some sort of safety valve? That's weird!"

"Yes young Bond, quite a responsibility."

Then that strange sound emitted from everywhere and then stopped. Then the Doctor ushered us into my room where we saw me and Maddy asleep, but I seemed to have become Gaby this time.
Drew into Gaby-Rough Waters Reconciliation
The End of Doctor Who Meets Gaby-2
To Be Continued In Doctor Who Meets Gaby-3

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