Doctor Who Meets Gaby-5

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Doctor Who Meets Gaby-5
By Stanman63
Thanks To Maddy Bell for letting me do a Gaby fanfic.
Synopsis:Gaby meets others who she has met before.

"You mean Annie-frid?"

"The same."

"Who are you talking about Drew?"

"A girl that lost the use of her legs when a horse collided with the car that she was in. She used to love ti cycle, so I gave her a ride upon the tandem Rhod."

"Now I remember, but the paper said that it was Gaby, not you."

"Yeah, it seems that the paper can't seem to get my name right." GRRR

"Drew, your friends know that it was you thanks to Paul. he made sure that they knew it was you,"

"I know Aunt Carol, but i still wonder if he thinks that Gaby is me?"

"Drew, people will see who they want to see."

"Thanks Doctor."

Then Freddie came in and Maddy gave me a tonsil massage. When she was through, I saw that the other Drew had gotten the same treatment from his Maddy.

"Why the snog Maddy? not that i mind, right Drew? "[chuckle]

"Right Drew."

Well, I want for Freddie to know that you are mine, right Maddy?"[giggle]

"Right Maddy."

"I guess that little demonstration is because i tried to snog Drew before." [sigh]

"Because you have no boyfriend, right?"

"Right Jules, no guy wants a girl in a wheelchair."

"Then it is time that we changed that."

"How Drew?"

"Well, what if you could walk?"

"But I can't."

"Please try for me."

"Sure Drew, but when i fall upon my face, I will get you."

Then she got up and in amazement, took a few steps and colllapsed into both Drew's arms and they reseated her in her wheelchair.

"How did you know that I could walk?"

"I come from a world where you can walk after riding thee tandem."

"And you knew that I could too. thanks Drew."

Then she kissed them both on the cheek.

"Maddy, I know that i got fresh with Drew, but he was so nice to me and I wanted him to know how much I appreciated him. I never really wanted to take him from you."

Then both Mads hugged her close.

"I know Fred, he is special. and I forgive you."

"And even though it was not my Drew, I too forgive you."

"Thanks, by the way Drew, how did you like my Dad calling in his team to escort us?"

"I did not mind, but that driver was a slug." [BRRRRR]

"Don't worry, Dad was able to dismiss him thanks to you. You know that he did it to protect me."

"I know, I was taking his precious jewel out, he allowed it all for you."

"I know, and John the Timekeeper and the press only added to the ride."

"Yeah, Gaby rides again."

"Drew, even though Gaby got credit, I got something out of it more than the ride or walking again."

"You are now going to a regular school?"

"Yep, yours, Warsop College. The press coverage uncovered the fact that your school is equipped to handle a wheelchair."

"Welcome to Warsop!" we chorused.

"Thanks guys. Drew, did you recover from the tournament?"

"Yes, I guess that shooting arrows is not my sport." [chuckle]

"Well, i am glad that Drew set me up with Gareth,."

"Jules, I knew that you would fret away over him, and jogging with you to get you in shape helped me to bond closer with you."

"Same with me and my Jules. too."

"Was that why you did it?"

"Yes, Jules, I want you to be happy and Gareth does that foyr you."

"Thanks bro."

"Anytime sis."

Then, we hugged and let go.

"Jules, i hope that you are safe around this boy, I don't think that you are ready to be a Mum."

"Don't worry Aunt Carol, we have discussed it and we have decided to wait until we marry."

"How did you do at the tournament?"

"I beat my opponent Rhod, but she was a bad sport and went after Drew at school." GRRR

"You mean me Jules, they shoved me down, not Drew and it was deliberate."

"You are right Maddy, sorry."

"At least they were all expelled and go to another school now."

"Jules, I would do anything to protect Drew."

"I know Maddy, me too. But I wish that Gareth and I were able to stop them."

"I was not hurt."

"No, but you could have been. but blaming myself won't accomplish anything. I learned that lesson and started to protect Drew better."

"Was this during the time our 'rents took a holiday in London?"

"Yes Drew, and you were Gaby for me too."

"Yeah, just before those Americans came over." [sigh]

"I guess that Brit and Deb really got to you."

"Rhod, they were worse than Maddy!!!"

"Me too Drew."

"Did they tell you that they were playing a joke about saying that you were a girl?"


Then Aunt Carol came ii and smiled.

"Dinner is ready, we are having spaghetti."

Then, we all tucked into our dinner.

"So, both Drews helped Jules with her tournament and both Mads were attacked because of Jules."

"Yes Rhod.."

"And Maddy and Drew had a time convincing me that he was a boy too." [giggle]

"Did Drew have to show you that he was a boy?"


"Well, just asking." [giggle]

"No, Drew showed me how his skins looked like a bra."

Then a strange gong sounded.

"Dear me, that was a warning bell, we haave to go or things can get dicey."

Then, after saying our farewells, we got into the blue box and left.
Going South
Then while in the T.A.R.D.I.S., the Doctor gave me a warning.

"Drew, in this history, things get a bit dicey for you."

"What do you mean?'

"In this history, your Aunt Carol talked you and Maddy to Dorchester on a vacation."

"That's sounds nice."

You are Gaby, not Drew."

"I am a Girl here?"

"No, events conspire to turn you into Gaby."

Then we entered the patio where Gaby and Maddy were sunning themselves. Then maddy saw us.


"Yes mad."

"We have visitors."




"Hello, i am the Doctor, I have brought Drew, Maddyu, Jules and Rhod with me."

"But I am Gaby and Mad is next to me."

"I brought them from another history Drew."

"And since I see Drew, then he has not been Gaby for a bit."

"But why are you Gaby here?"

"An old bat spilled coffee upon me when we stopped at a pub and I had to wear a skirt because my legs swelled up."

"Surely, you were able to be Drew."

"I am Drew, not Shirley."

"So I see."

"But did you not take any spare trousers?"

"Yes Rhod, but Mad and i wet ourselves and i left m them in the loo and somebody scarfed them. those i was wearing got sliced by the A & E nurse."

"That was why you were in a skirt?"

"Yes Jules, and we met a pair of guys that asked Maddy and me out."

"Tell the truth Gaby, you got us our dates."

"Hey, how was I to know that the disco and talk at the castle were on different night? And why did you ask Jules to express my Gaby bits?"

"I was trying to help you Gaby."

"Maddy, I did not need her bits."

"Sorry Gaby."

"Al right Maddy."

"Why were you guys down here anyway?"

"I got sick and I was sent to rest away from my bikes Rhod."

"I guess that Gaby's bits made you stay Gaby for a bit too.

"Yeah, the solvent evaporated."

"Yeah, too bad it did."

"Maddy, did you leave it open?"

"Why do you ask Drew?"

"Because i want to know."

"Yes I did Drew."

"Maddy, that was careless!! What if Drew needed to be Drew? Without the solvent, he was doomed to be Gaby until it wore off!!"

"I have some in case of an emergency."

"Where is it?"

"Why Gaby?"

"I need to be Drew right now."

"What about the boys?"

"My skin needs to breathe for a few hours."

"Will you be Gaby tonight?"

"I keep my promise Maddy."

"Am I forgiven?"


Then they snogged a bit and broke contact.

"What is this about boyfriends?"

"Harry and George were friends that wanted to ask us out. That was why i asked for Jules to send Drew his Gaby bits."

"Yes Maddy, but we made quite an impression on our rental bikes." [chuckle]

"Yeah, YOU got mentioned, not me!!" GRR



"Now you know how Drew feels when Gaby get credit."

"Sorry Drew."

"Alright Mad, but I just wish that things turned out differently." [sigh]

"Drew, I was the one that kept you going as Gaby."

"True, but Harry asked me to be a pretend girlfriend and I agreed."

"Why Drew?"

"Because of a local teen bully Cheeseman Jules."

"You never could resist a challenge, could you?"

"No, but because of me, he died." [sniff] "I caused his death." [sniff]


"Yes Doctor?"

"You need to grieve and give voice to your guilt."

"Very well, you're right Doctor. I agreed to race upon a local bikeshops bike as Gaby. Mum agreed that I could and that is why I got that new bike."

"Where is it?"

"Well, I won it by winning the first race and when Cheddar attacked Harry, I slapped him hard."

"I knew it, my sis had to do something." [snigger]

"Well, I admit that it is funny now, but Aunt Carol and my 'rents got onto me for brawling." [sigh]

"That means that there was another race."

"Yes Rhod, and more."


"Yes, We saw Cheddar make a drop and told the police, they looked into it. But i got mad when a local boy almost died at the disco. If not for me and Harry giving him CPR, he would have died."

"What did you do then?"

I saw where he lived and they tried to run me over while I was biking. So i wrote DRUG DEALER upon their door."

"Not very smart, brave, but dumb."

"I know now, but I was seeing red."

"That is when they went after Gaby."

"True Maddy, I was racing again to beat Cheddar when an SUV took out Cheddar and almost me. i was the only one that completed the race." [shudder]

"Drew, you are not guilty of his death. Do not let guilt reign over you."

"Worse or best of all, my family came down then."

"Because you needed them Drew."

"I know, but I caused a lot of turmoil."


"Give up the guilt."
Crossing The Line.
"Easier said than done."

"It is Drew, but once you forgive yourself, nobody can use that guilt against you."

"Thanks Doctor."

Then we both gave the Doctor a big hug and let him go.

"I have met many a people in my travels, but none have broken my heart like you two young men have. My thanks to both of you Drews."

"You're welcome Doctor, but I had to stay because I was a witness to the crime."

"Me too Drew."

"That's right and I got to keep the wheels for another bike."

"Don't forget about how this affected your boy friend Drew."

"Aunt Carol?"

"Sorry, but I overheard everything."

"O.K. But I wish that I never had a boyfriend down here."

"You sure did have fun doing it Gaby."

"Maddy, I never wanted to be a girlfriend, but you kept on pushing it on me and when I responded as Gaby, you got jealous,"

"I was afraid that you were becomimg Gaby full time."

"And jealous."

"Yes, jealous because I was a real girl and you have guys fawning all over you."

"Maddy, I was scared of Gaby taking over, I still am."

"Drew, I know that your Dad wants you back home in Drew mode and your Mum feels responsible for creating Gaby."

"What about you Aunt Carol?"

"Like your sis, I love you as Gaby and Drew."

"And as Gaby, I have a great sis."

"But aren't you at times jealous of me?"

"Yes Drew, because you have Dad time as Drew and I have to contend with you as a sis. I need time with our 'rents without you hogging attention at times."

"Well Jules, my sister, it is plain to me just how you can get more attention from Mum and Dad."

"How is that Sherlock Bond?"

"Very simple really sis."


"Ride a bike." we both chorused.


Then Jules and me and the other Drew got into a tickle fight that involved everybody. When it was over, my double came over to me.

"Drew, I wish that my Jules could hear what you just said."

"Don't worry, I will tell her too."

Thanks Mad."

"I am glad that you are here to see this Drew, considering everything."

"What happened?"

"Drew almost got hit by a car."

"It was horrible, i had reached for Aunt Carol's bag and a SUV tried to get me. I couldn't move, if not for Dad and Gareth, I would have died then." [shudder]

"And when the plods came to investigate, Carol got mad and was ready to make mincemeat out of them."

"Yeah, because of that scum, I couldn't ride and got mad. I got cheeky with Dad and got grounded."

"I Saw you down there that night with Uncle Dave washing the cars, you got soaked too." [giggle]

"And Dad sent me in when he saw me too." [chortle]


"Wet shirt, bra effect Rhod."

OH, that."

"Drew, you tart, how dare you get your Dad's goat."

"It was not me Aunt Carol, it was Gaby."

Then after we all had a good laugh, Aunt Carol got up.

"Anybody want a soda?"

"I will help out."

"Thanks Rhod."

Then they went and returned with a soda for everybody.

"Let me get this straight, Meadows was still free?"

"Yes, Mum and I had a nice ride, but I was still seething over this scumbag. He had hurt Jules boyfriend and almost captured Jules. Dad had to get us in Aunt Carol's car."


"Dad's Passat had the brake lines cut."

"Let me guess, you did something."

"Well, it was Harry and me that caught meadows for the plods."

"And they wanted to jail you for doing their job."

"Almost, the plods that were on the case were quite decent and said that we had done good."

"Drew, meadows escaped custody too."

"I know Maddy, and that caused a lot of grief too."

"But you did not know that he was out."

"I know mad, but I went biking without my phone and when I stopped for a bacon roll, i found out and headed home. But a storm hit and I went into a barn only to run from the owner. I slipped into a local stream and almost drown. If not for some local farmers, I would have drowned."

"To make matters worse, Meadows kept calling and enraging your Dad, I have never seen him so angry."

"I never meant for Dad to get so mad."

"Drew, Dave was protecting you as best that he could."

"It is still scary."

"Your mum said so too."

"At least the family got me to a hospital where I recovered from being sick."

"Drew, you were very sick. you almost died on us."

"I know Maddy, I had several weird dream too."

"What dreams Drew?"

"About me turning into Gaby Doctor."

"Those dreams are where the Master id trying to destroy who you are. Resist as best you can."

"But how?"

"You have the power within you. You must find it."
The End of Doctor Who Meets Gaby-5
To Be Continued In Doctor Who Meets Gaby-6

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