Doctor Who Meets Gaby- 6

Doctor Who Meets Gaby-6
By Stanman63
Thanks To Maddy Bell for letting me do a Gaby fanfic.
Synopsis:Gaby must make choices that will affect her future.

"You have that inner strength within you, you need to find it. That is why I am here."

"I thought that you were here because I was needing to choose and then I find out that I am the target of some mad man called the Master and now you tell me that you are here to help me to overcome some attack upon myself from the Master, that I must make a choice."

"That is correct young Bond."

"And all of this is because I am special, not because of my body's unique nature but because of the people that I meet."

"Actually, it is both, your body and interaction with others influences many others."

"And this was before the Master started targeting me."

"No, the Master actually helped to cause most of your history when he set out to stop you, but in doing so, he has made your history all the more secure." [chuckle]

"Then if he was to stop, everything would go back to normal?"

"No, because he is committed to this beyond his control. He has placed himself within a Time loop and he must complete it."

"Do you know the end results?"

"Not really, this demands choices from both of you."

"Is there no way to break the loop?"

"Only he can and he is committed."

Then Aunt Carol stood up.

"I am going to make some soda for everybody."

"I'll help."

"Thanks Rhod."

Then, after we had been served, Aunt Carol and Rhod sat down and my double spoke up.

"Drew, have you ever had a dream about why we are like we are?"

"No Drew, why?

"I had a nightmare where Mum was cursed my a witch for not giving her any money."

"That is weird."

"Yeah, she was pregnant with me at the time too." [shudder]

"Drew, that was no witch,"

"How do you know Doctor?"

"Because that was the Master's first contact with you."

"You mean that he is why I am like I am?"

"No Drew, he is playing mind games upon you. you are who and what you are in spite of the Master."

"I wish that I could show him to mess with me." [GRR

"Don't worry Drew, leave that to me."

"Well, as long as a Drew is on the job, I know that it will be handled properly." [chuckle]

"Careful Drew, remember about the car?"

"Oh sugar!! that's right Jules!!"

"What car Drew?"

"Dad let me and Mum ride to the bike shop, he was going to come for us in the Passat, but Meadows cut the brake lines."

"And Uncle Dave had to use Mum's Honda."

"No doubt the plods were as stupid as usual."

"Now Jules, they can't be everywhere."

"No, but can't they keep an eye on Drew?"

"Nor you Jules."

"What do you mean?"

"You and Robert, your boyfriend went out and Meadows attacked , he hurt Robert, but you got away."

"Oh Sugar!"

"When the plods showed up, you came back in, that is when I did something stupid."

"You went after Meadows."

"Right, but I was only going to see how he was able to know where we were, when George, and I saw the farmhouse, Meadows was there."

"And you took him out."

"Yes Drew, but it was a team effort and the plods wanted to get onto me for doing their job."

"That's not right Drew, they were careless!!" GRR

"Easy Maddy, he was jailed." [sigh]

"But when the plods asked about me being Gaby or Drew, I said that I was Drew becoming Gaby and that caused a lot of hurt."

"Drew, Dave was trying to understand who and what you are."

"I know Aunt Carol., but seeing Mum and Dad mad at each other was terrible."

"Because you could not answer."

"Yes, a times I still am confused."

"Drew, I love you no matter who you are."

"Thanks Maddy."

Then both of them hugged Drew.

"I am just glad that you did not stick my boobs back on after they popped off."

"Well, you did need to let your own get some fresh air."

"Drew, were they starting to look like a girls?"

"A bit Drew, why?"

"Same here."

"So I guess that every Drew grows boobs." [chuckle]

"Some more than others."


"Yes, but all are racing champs."

"Thanks Jules."

"Anytime bro."

"I just wish that my dreams wouldn't be so wild."

Then, releasing him from their hug, Drew continued.

"I have been dreaming about becoming Gaby and being Gaby. Not one Dream am I fully Drew."

"That will end as soon as you know who you are Drew."

"Thanks Doctor."

"I just wish that Meadows had stayed caught."

"Me too Maddy, I went riding and the plods told everybody that Meadows had escaped."

'And you went riding not knowing."

"Right Rhod, but when I stopped for a snack, I learned about it and headed home, but a storm hit and I hid in a barn."

"Sounds as if you were alright."

"I wish, I left my phone on my bed and I ran away when a guy called out to me."

""I would have run too."

"Thanks Mad, As it was, I got lost, took a spill in the creek and got rescued by a farm family."

"Did they get you back?"

"No, they had no phone and I took sick with pnuemonia."

"You always did get sick when it rains."

"Well, even worse was that Maddy and Harry ailed Jules and got caught by a plod."

"And Jules was grounded for going to see her boyfriend and harry was grounded for getting cheeky with his Mum."

"Don't forget Dave."

"What about Dad?"

"When Meadows started threatening Gaby's life, Dave became a lion.. It scared me and Jenny, he is normally a teddy bear."

"Aunt Carol, like me, he is soft until pushed, then we are both tough as nails."

"Yes Drew, but seeing Dave ready to kill for you was frightening."

"Wouldn't Uncle John do the same?"

"Good point Jules."

"And those farm folk got me back to the hospital, here I fought my biggest race."

"The pnuemonia almost took you, but you fought back."

"Yeah Rhod, luckily, the hospital kept my gender a secret."

"And that Meadows caused a guy on a motorbike to die too."

"How Maddy?'

By stringing a clothesline over the road to get Harry while he was cycling."

"That Meadows did it to hurt me!!"

"And poor Harry was scared."

"I know Aunt Carol, all because of me." [sniff] "Why can't the plods do something?"

"I wish that they could."

"And they get mad when we do their job!!."

"Where is James Bond when I need him?"

"Making another bloody movie."

After everybody cracked up over the last statement,

"That boy Harry was scared and so was Jules boyfriend all because of me. I want to end his reign of terror, but he seems to stay ahead of the plods."

"And Meadows has turned your Father into a raging bull. I have never seen Dave as angry as he is."

"In this case, Meadows is doing the Masters work for him."

"But why Doctor?"

"Kill one Drew and kill them all."


With that, we both passed out. When we awoke, We each had our head in the lap of a Maddy. She had been crying.

"Drew, what if he succeeds in killing you? I would die without you in my life."

"Same here Mad, That is why I must stop him."


"I do not know, but he has attacked this Drew and failed. There must be a special charm that protects us."

"But the other Drew is so baffled."

"Then we must give him the strength to be himself."

Then from the other bed a weeping Maddy looked at us with hope in her eyes.

"Please do, There is so much more to tell, the plods sent an inspector..."

"Wait Mad,"


Then she snogged him something fierce.

"I was afraid that you were gone." [sniff]

"No, I am here to stay."

The conviction in his voice soothed Maddy.

"Then where you go, I will follow."

"Thanks Mad."
In an unknown place, two men dressed alike except for the color of their suits and furniture were watching the previous scene with interest.

"Well Blackie, it looks as if the Master has failed."

"He needs to win in only one history Whitie."

"True, but he is up against my champion, the Doctor."

Be that as it may, the Master can revisit those that he has been to before."

"And do what?"

"That is his choice."

"As long as he obeys the rules."

"That Meadows has caused me too much pain, I must be strong, Please help me to be strong."

"You bet my double."

""My Drewbie is back!"

"Then let's get back to the others."

Then we all got up and went to where the others were and Uncle John and my doubles parents were there as well as the other Jules.

"Don't worry Drew Carol told us about our guests, which is my Drew?"

"I am Mum."

Then he ran and threw himself into her arms.

"I've missed you Mummy."

"I missed you too sport."

"I am glad that I am out of the house."

"Me too."

"What about your sis bro?"

"What about her?"

"Are you not happy to see me?"

"I guess, I thought that you would either be with Robert down here or with Gareth up in Warsop."

"Drew are you saying that you think that my boyfriends are more important than you?"


"You meany!!"

Then there was a good old tickle fight that released the tension.

"Drew, will you please tell about why we are here?"

"Sure Dad. Aunt Carol brought Maddy and I here because I needed to rest up from getting sick and basically get away from training. Thanks to me and Maddy wetting ourselves and me getting scalded by hot coffee, I had to be Gaby. Then two boys from down here invited Maddy and Gaby to a talk at a local castle and then a disco. I agreed to be Harry's pretend girlfriend when I saw that a local bully was making things hard for them."


"Yes, no kissing on the lips. I then got mad at that bully Cheeseman because he sold drugs at the disco and a boy almost died. Luckily, Harry and I gave him CPR and he survived. Then I made the decision to go after the bully."


"When the local bike shop found out that i was related to you Mum, Mad and i got to ride them for free and if I won the local race, I would get the bike. Then I won the first race and punched that bully in the nose for hurting Harry."

"Harry must have really impressed you then."

"He did Dad, and when I saw him do a drug drop, I told the plods and when I found his house, they came after me. Then I went and painted DRUG DEALER upon their front door. After that, I was the only one to complete the next race because Meadows killed the bully and almost me at the race. We are here because of Meadows. He has caused much grief in trying to kill me. He almost killed Harry, but got an innocent biker instead and has been threatening me as well."

"Drew, what was worse was that you agreed to help catch him again and failed."

"I know Mum and my Maddy almost died too."

"Drew, he thought that I was you and kidnapped me and left me in that car to suffocate. If you hadn't followed me and rescued me I would have died."

"But that creep got away again! And we still have no idea of where he is."

"Drew, that Meadows almost made me cross the line and break the law to protect you. and I still might if he shows up."

"I know Dad, that is why I must be ready for whatever is next."

"Drew, what about your being Gaby? has this not caused you some pain?"

"Yes Mum, I have had many weird dreams where I was either Gaby or turned into Gaby. At times, it feels that Gaby is taking over."

"That is why I wanted you back home so much and still do when all of this is over."

"I know Dad, but things will take a while to play out."

"What have you done about Harry?"

"Drew, even after I rejected him, he was still there, he really likes Gaby."

"Then, what happens when you return to Warsop?"

"That is why I tried to break up, so that he would not want to see Gaby, but he is still in love with her."

"I notice that you say her and not you."

"Doctor, I have to see Gaby as a character I play and not as me or else I will lose myself in the role."

"You have learned much about yourself young man. But there is still much too learn."

"Such has?"

Becoming Drew and Gaby without letting the two merge until you choose."

"How do I do that?"

"You have taken the first step already by treating Gaby as a role, you must treat drew that way as well."

"But I Am Drew."

"Yes, but Gaby as become a big part, you must see yourself as an actor playing two roles."

"Will my dreams stop being so weird then?"

"As you learn to control both parts of your personality, yes."

"Hold it Doctor! are you saying that my son is crazy??"

"No Jenny Bond, but as Drew, your son is quite different from Gaby and has developed two different personalities to cope. When his halve started to blend, he started having the dreams. As he learns to separate them and control them, he can become a mixture of both."

"You mean that Drew might start dressing better?" [giggle]

"Yes Jules, Drew can let Gaby's sense of fashion keep him from the accidents that bring out Gaby."

"But most of the time, i do not pack correctly."

"Yes, but when you let Gaby pack for Drew, Drew will stay Drew and then you can choose when to be Gaby."

"Drew, have there been any times that you wanted to be Gaby?"

"Yes Dad, at some of the conventions and a few time just to surprise others. "

"What was the difference?"

"I was in control of being Gaby."

"And why were you Gaby so often?'

"Because I had an accident and had to borrow clothes or forgot to pack any spares."

"Drew, whenever you were Gaby, I went along with it, but recently I have started to worry about you. I have wanted you to come back home and leave Gaby behind."

"Dave, I love you and we have argued about this before. i feel guilty for bringing Gaby to life in the first place."

"Jenny Bond, Gaby would have been born anyway with people seeing Drew as a girl, at least with Gaby, Drew has an identity for his female half that would otherwise leave your son confused."

"So you are saying that Gaby is Drew's safety valve for being seen as a girl?


"Will Drew ever cross the line and stay as Gaby?"

"That is his choice Jenny."

"Mum, just as the other Drew here, I choose to be Drew. As you can see, although I am in Drew mode I will be Gaby later on for the date with Harry."

"Are you sure that is wise?"

"Mum, I trust Harry, he will not hurt me with Maddy coming too."

"Very well Drew, but I will still worry." [sigh]

"There is one thing that everybody can do for me."

"What is that young Bond?"

"When I am Gaby and need to be Drew, help me to be Drew. I know that I might not be able to become Drew, but please ease up on the Gaby stuff."

"Drew, at times, I need Gaby." I know Jules, but at times you have hurt me when I was in Gaby mode."

"I know Drew, and at times i was jealous of Gaby and at time my teasing got out of hand."

"Alright Jules, please ease up."

"O.K. bro."

Then they hugged.

"Mum, I do not blame you for creating Gaby, at times I have had fun as Gaby, so please forgive yourself as I have forgiven you."

"Thanks Drew."

Then she set Drew upon her lap as she wept as she released her guilt.

Aunt Carol, I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed you. You need to forgive yourself for hurting me last Christmas as I have forgiven you."

"Drew, I have waited for you to tell me this for a long time." [sniff]

"Maddy, we have already talked, and like i said before, ask me and I might be Gaby for you."

"Okay Drew."

"Dad, you have always been there for me, i know that you are frightened for me. Please be there for when I decide who I will be."

"Will do son."
In the cold of space, an evil laugh sounded as a strange shapeless black mass settled down upon the moon.

"So, the Doctor has been to see where Gaby and her family are princesses and are the Rulers of most of Europe. Time to upset his plans. But just how to do it?"

Then a call came in from an outside source.

"Yes, who is it that disturbs the Masters thoughts?"

Then up on the screen, a strange robotic being appeared.

"We are the Daleks, you are inferior. Prepare for extermination."

"Well, would you rather attack me or the Earth?"


"Now, now, my dear Dalek, why not destroy the planet below me and end the Doctor's planet?"


Then the screen went dark until a human dressed in white appeared.

"Why have you given the Daleks access to the Earth? Until now, they ignored the planet."

"I have my reasons you Movallans."

"We can not allow them to gain access to the planet. We shall stop them."

"Do not worry, I shall not stop you."

"If you interfere, we will destroy you."

Then the screen went blank.

"Fools, the Daleks will soon deal with you for me, and I will then destroy what is left for threatening the Master."
The End of Doctor Who Meets Gaby-6
To Be Continued In Doctor Who Meets Gaby-7

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