College Fees - Chapter 7


College Fees - Chapter 7

by Susan Louise Montague

She thought long and hard about the scenario that had been put to her. What if in the morning she had to go back to being a guy full time? How would she feel?

Chapter 7

Linda and the girls caught a taxi back home from the nightclub. When they got back the coffee machine was put on and some mini microwave dinners were brought out. As Pamela put it, “the post alcohol munchies are the bane of every waist line, but an essential against bad hangovers”.

The girls were all chattering at the table about their night at the club and the different guys they had met. During this conversation Linda remained quite; however her silence was about to be broken with a bit of a shock.

Eventually it was Susan who spoke first, “So Linda; we are all dying to know who was that handsome chunk of man flesh you spent the night making out with?”

Linda nearly smothered on her coffee! She began coughing and spluttering at the shock of Susan’s question. How was she going to explain away the fact that she had spent the night making out with Dave? ‘OMG’ she thought, ‘how am I going to get out of this one’.

After Linda had recovered from her coughing fit Pamela started laughing, “You thought we didn’t notice didn’t you. I think every girl in the nightclub wanted to be in the position you were in with that stud.”

Poor Linda burst into tears, not knowing what to say. She began to explain, choking her words as she fought the urge to just cry and cry. After all how was she ever going to live this down? Now she was going to be thought of as a big gay sissy by the girls even though it really wasn’t her fault.

“It wasn’t my fault, he kissed me, and I didn’t know he was going to!” Tears began to pour down Linda’s face running her mascara.

Cindy got up from the table and walked over to Linda’s chair and gave her a big hug trying to comfort her. “It’s ok Linda,” she said, “we’re not going to judge you; the girls are just envious that you got the man of their dreams.”

“It’s not like what ye think,” replied Linda.

“There, there,” said Susan; as she too gave Linda a hug, “it’s bound to be an emotional experience for you, we are here to talk if you want; and we won’t say any more if you don’t want to discuss it.”

Linda couldn’t help but sense the warmth and caring of the three girls and Pamela too got up and hugged her saying, “I’m so sorry Linda, I didn’t mean to make fun of you, I was just teasing. I guess I just think of you as one of the girls and forget how new you are to this.”

Linda knew that moment that these three girls really loved her and were the closest thing to family she ever really had. She couldn’t lie to them about what happened, she had lied to herself earlier in the night, but now the truth had to be told. After all how could she lie to the people she knew she could depend on most in this world.

After Linda composed herself everything came pouring out. She told them how Dave’s first kiss had taken her by surprise. How she let him kiss her again because she thought he was a really nice guy and wanted to be able to keep him as a friend.

She even confessed to how she felt so sexy and wanted when she felt his hand on her satin panties. How the way she looked and was dressed made her feel so good at that moment. Linda told them about how she felt protected in the arms of such a strong genuine guy, and even told them about the orgasm! She finished up by saying that admittedly Dave was not so bad looking for a ‘MAN’. But that she would only meet him as a friend next time and not give him the wrong idea!

All the girls looked knowingly at each other when Linda had finished her heart felt piece. All of them felt a little guilt in their hearts about having been responsible for Linda’s current upset. But they also recognised true femininity when they saw it; and none of the emotions that Linda was experiencing were anything but totally female; with perhaps a hint of the residual male ego thrown in.

“Linda, I have to be honest with you,” said Susan, “firstly you wouldn’t be the first girl who ended up kissing a guy because he was really nice and snuck up on her before she realised it.

Secondly women don’t fall into relationships that easily because we get very emotionally attached when we do. We often go on the second date saying, ‘oh it will be fun being in his company or he is just a friend’, because not admitting how totally into a guy we are is a way of protecting ourselves from the guy hurting us.

Trust me honey guys can turn out to be assholes, even the ones who seen really nice at first. Finally no matter what way you look at it that guy was hot and you had an orgasm with just some harmless kissing and petting.

Basically what I am trying to say is that all your reactions were totally feminine; naturally female even.”

Linda looked a little taken aback at what Susan had said, but she knew in her heart it was the truth; she just wasn’t ready to fully accept it.

Susan saw the look on Linda’s face and gave her another hug. “It’s ok Linda,” she said, “We all care about you and we will be here to help you through this emotionally trying experience.”

At this the other girls hugged Linda as well and told her the same thing that they would be there to help her talk or whatever other support she needed. Linda began crying again, but not uncontrollably, she was now crying tears of joy because of the good friends she had; another naturally feminine reaction.

Then Cindy sprung the surprise of her life on Linda as she placed a small paper box on the table. “Linda,” she said, “I am giving you these and it is up to you what you do with them; they are female birth control pills!”

“What on earth would I want those for? It’s not like I’m going to get pregnant!” replied Linda

“I guess she doesn’t know what they can do,” laughed Susan; she continued, “Linda honey, the pill contains natural female hormones. If a man takes the pill his body will start to feminise by growing breasts and developing an hour glass figure.”

“And the hormones will get him thinking more like a girl as well,” said Pamela.

During this time Linda had remained silent, one part of her in total shock, and the other part of her scared at the possibilities that now lay before her.

Cindy seeing this then spoke up, “Listen Linda, I am going to leave these pills on the dressing table in your room, if you decide to try them take one morning and evening for the next month.

“If after a month you like the changes they are making to you then there are several options open to you. If you don’t then you will know for certain that womanhood is not for you.

But before you go to bed tonight I just want you to think about this. What if in the morning you could get a really good job as a guy and had to give up the whole being a girl thing. Just ask yourself how you would feel, because I think that deep down inside you know the answer.”

After this the girls who were getting tired said their goodnights. Linda who at this stage was in a semi-trance barely raised her voice to acknowledge this. She stood up and slowly walked back to her bedroom a couple of minutes behind them.

When Linda got to her bedroom she glanced at her dressing table and saw the box of birth control pills lying there just like Cindy had said. However she chose to ignore them and sat down on her bed in quiet contemplation.

As she sat there she looked down at her tanned legs and how good they looked in her high heels, she also thought about how good her satin underwear felt and about how sexy she felt looking and dressing like this.

‘What was it Cindy had called her the other morning?’ she thought, ‘a girly girl that was it! I suppose I have been like that haven’t I. All little accessories and stuff, constantly preening, I have been really revelling in this opportunity.’

She thought long and hard about the scenario that had been put to her. What if in the morning she had to go back to being a guy full time? How would she feel?

She looked at her nails and their pretty white tipped extensions, the curve of her bosom, the sensuous lace and satin of her dress. Then it struck her, she loved everything about her life right now, how she looked, how she dressed, the friends she was making. Things were never better for her.

‘I suppose I could see what this would be like,’ she thought, ‘after all the girls did say I could easily change my mind after a month.’

She stood up from her bed and walked across to the dressing table. Thinking to herself as she did so that it felt really good to walk in heels. Slowly opening the box she pushed one of the pills out of its foil wrapping and quickly swallowed it.

Linda spent the next couple of days practicing for her interview with the girls. During this time neither she nor them mentioned the birth control pills, she had even went so far as to replace the seal on the packed carefully each time she had went to it over the previous few days. Her male ego wasn’t quite ready to let go yet.

In fact in the previous few days Linda had slipped back into a state of self denial. She had blanked the entire Dave episode out of her head and she had also being telling herself that the pills were only to help her think more like a girl for her first month of work.

However much as she might have been denying this to herself the girl was rapidly taking hold. She even went to the mall a couple of days that she was bored and spent the time trying on clothes.

Finally Friday and the day of her interview arrived. Cindy was getting anxious as Linda took so long getting ready and she was also hoping that Linda would look good for her interview. However as Linda arrived down stairs looking spectacular in a white dress split at the waste by a black belt her worries were alleviated.

“I went for the lowest denier nude hose I had, does it all look ok with my black pumps and bag?” enquired Linda.

“You look perfect,” said Cindy, “on someone else that dress would say slut it’s so low cut but on you it just says elegant and sexy. The belt really dresses it up.”

“Well get your coat and lets head into town,”.

The two girls took a taxi instead of the bus as they were leaving nothing to chance. They arrived at the Et du Fem department store about 25 minutes before time.

They made their way through the first couple of floors using the escalators. “Whoa, this is clothes heaven,” said Linda, who looked a little embarrassed after saying this as it gave away the fact that she was more than enjoying the clothes aspect of being a girl.

“Yes it pretty much is,” said Cindy, “you are really getting into wearing the pretty clothes aren’t you,” she smiled.

Linda smiled back at her, realising she had be caught out, and answered, “yes, I guess I am.”

She looked a little embarrassed after saying this but Linda reassured her saying, “it’s ok hon, being a beautiful young woman with the figure for nice clothes is a wonderful experience for anyone.”

“And let’s face it,” she continued, “it’s hard not to like the fine sensuous fabrics that girls get to wear when compared to the rough and ready things boys have to put up with.”

When they got to the third floor Cindy suggested they take the elevator to the 14th floor where the administrative section was saying “I just wanted to give you a flavour of the place on the way up.”

Linda was very nervous as the approached the reception desk in the administrative area. Cindy caught her by the hand just before they went in and gave her a peck on the cheek saying, “It will all go fine Linda, and just be yourself.”

While Cindy’s words reassured Linda, the peck on the cheek left her feeling slightly disconcerted. Cindy was extremely beautiful and looked even more so today. Her long blonde hair shining brightly, her perfect tanned body encased in a blue mini dress and matching pumps that left nothing to the imagination.

Normally to be kissed by a girl like this Linda would have considered it a massive turn on, but all she felt was strong friendship. The kind you would feel for someone in whom you had no sexual interest. It was almost like she and Cindy were the same sex. A little shudder went down Linda’s spine at this thought but it quickly passed as Joyce Markham the woman who was to interview her approached.

Joyce was a middle aged woman, about forty-five or so, but still very beautiful. Her size ten figure was in great shape and she wore a dark colour skirt suit with black hose and pumps. She smiled warmly at Linda as she invited her into the office, and Linda knew straight away she was going to like this woman.

The interview lasted about 40 minutes or so and during this time Joyce was very impressed with Linda’s knowledge of fashion. She was even more so impressed with the practical answers Linda gave her when asked about how she would handle different situations that could arise while working in the store.

As the interview neared its end Joyce took a good look at how Linda had presented herself and was happy that this was a girl who knew her fashion. More importantly she made the assessment that Linda was aware of how clothes were set off by the accessories one decided upon.

“Well,” said Joyce, “I think this interview has lasted long enough. You are a beautiful, intelligent young woman Linda and I think you will make an excellent addition to the staff of Et du Fem!”

Linda couldn’t help herself and let out a yelp of delight as she smiled gleefully at Joyce. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I couldn’t help it, I’m so happy.”

“It’s ok,” said Joyce, “I think most fashionable young women of your age would give their right arm to work in a store like this. But remember you will have to work hard here as well, but we do reward hard work amply.”

“How would you feel about working in accessories, handbags, shoes, costume jewellery etc.? You seem like the kind of girl who knows how to accessorise her outfits, and between you and me the commission for selling high end bags is good too.”

Linda thought for a moment, while she had only been a girl for a few weeks she did seem to have a keen eye for the ‘right’ bracelet or necklace to set a piece off. The girls had even been asking her advice in recent days.

“I would love to work with accessories,” she found herself replying.

“Excellent,” said Joyce, “Now normally our student workers don’t start here until five and work the shift until ten but could you come in at four on Monday for orientation?”.

Linda pulled her pocket diary out of her bag to check her lectures, “Monday at four is fine, my last lecture ends at three-thirty.”

“Great,” replied Joyce, “I hope you don’t think it rude of me but I have an urgent management meeting this afternoon but I didn’t want to reschedule your interview. Will you be ok finding your own way back down.”

“No problem Ms Markham,” said Linda

“Please call me Joyce,” she replied, “we are a first name company, well it’s been a pleasure meeting you Linda and I hope we will have many enjoyable days here to come.”

Joyce held out her hand and Linda took it and they shook hands. “Thank you Joyce, “ said Linda, “I am sure I will enjoy working with you and Et du Fem.”

“Well I better be moving on to this report I need to prepare, goodbye until Monday,” smiled Joyce.

“Goodbye Joyce and thank you again,” smiled Linda.

As Linda walked out the door Joyce called her back for a second, “Don’t forget to thank your friends for recommending you. They are very highly thought of here you know.

Also I see Cindy accompanied you. You might ask her to pick up a uniform for you in your size, the new uniform stock is in tomorrow. I know she is working a shift tomorrow morning. That way you will be all set for Monday.”

After Linda had parted company with Joyce she nearly broke into a run heading back to the reception desk, but was slightly slowed down by her four inch heels. When she got there she couldn’t conceal her joy and ran straight over and hugged Cindy.

“You got it! Fantastic,” said Cindy.

“Oh before I forget you have to pick up a uniform for me tomorrow,” said Linda.

“Just let me put a note of than in my cell phone in case I forget,” said Cindy.

As the two girls headed back on the bus Cindy turned to Linda and said, “I guess you are going to have to get used to being a girl for a while now.”

“I guess I am,” said Linda.

Just as they neared their stop Linda blurted out, “Oh DAM.”

“What’s wrong?” asked Cindy, who looked rather surprised by Linda’s action.

“I have really messed up,” said Linda, she was almost crying.

“I totally messed up..........” she trailed off and had a petrified look on her face.

The bus pulled up and Cindy put an arm around the now near tearful Linda as they entered the house.

“Ok what’s wrong,” Cindy asked Linda for the second time.

“My last lecture is at 3:30pm on Monday, and I told Joyce Markham that I would be at work for four. If I was normal the time wouldn’t be a problem, but how the hell am I going to change from John to Linda and get into town for work in just 30 minutes?”

Linda was now nearly close to hysteria but Cindy took her in hand and said, “It’s not going to be a problem girl. You just go to the lecture ready for work, go as Linda.

No one is going to recognise you. Even if guys wonder why they didn’t notice this beautiful girl in their lectures before they certainly aren’t going to think that she was the plain looking nerdy guy that they probably never took any notice of. And it’s not like any girls will notice John missing either, he didn’t exactly stand out as being very attractive.”

Listening to Cindy’s words helped Linda calm down as they started to make sense to her. Cindy poured a glass of whiskey each for them from the last of their bottle and sat Linda down with it at the table to help calm her nerves.

As she sat there mulling over her drink Linda began to think about what Cindy had just said, ‘a beautiful attractive girl’ and ‘he (John) hadn’t stood out as being very attractive’.

Cindy had intended no malice in saying this to Linda, because in the past couple of weeks she had begun to think of Linda as just Linda. She didn’t realise that in practically insulting John’s looks she had also insulted something to which Linda believed she would one day return.

Linda forgave Cindy her words as she knew that she would never intentionally say anything to hurt her. However they struck a strong cord with her, she was ugly and boring as a guy. How did she ever wear a beard, the thoughts of having one now instead of a cleanly waxed face nearly made her sick.

Here she was now as Linda, attractive, no not just attractive but sexy and beautiful; and she liked being sexy and beautiful. It was going to be hard to return to boring, ugly John. The thought began to scare her and she quickly put it to the back of her mind.

“I guess I’m going to have one hell of an unusual day on Monday between college and work,” said Linda, breaking her silence, but now more composed.

“You sure are,” said Cindy, “but now isn’t the time to think about that. The girls are over the moon with joy for you and are on their way back early from squash. Think about Monday when it comes, tonight we are going out to celebrate!”

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