Stickmaker's blog

Repeat Customer

Coming up in the next Angel of... story:

Aaron was standing at a window, the lower portion of which was open. As was the screen beyond. Melody needed a moment to see who - or, rather, what - he was talking to: A small, nondescript grey bird standing on the window sill.

"You need to stop teasing that cat," said Aaron, sternly.

The bird gave an irate chirp.

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Rock and Roll Heaven?

Coming up in the next Angel of... story:

"You need to come by sometime and listen to us play," said CornFed.

"'Play'?" said Melody.

"We've got a Hell of a band," said Mannequin, smirking. "How can it be otherwise when we have an angel on piano?"

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Mixed Genre

Had an image pop into my head, something which may have been drawn already. Inigo Montoya and Wesley (dressed as the Dread Pirate Roberts) back to back with lightsabers in their left hands, smiling, surrounded by Sith and/or Jedi.

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Not Them :-)

Not the Night Master and the Dragon's Hand (a bit risqué):

(Part of large set of photos I took at NolaCon, the 1988 World Science Fiction Convention.)

Not sure why it took two attempts for the Tiny URL to go through. :-(

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Kravaal Island Background

Kravaal Island and the background tales of what happened there were inspired in part by the Boris Karloff movie The Man With Nine Lives and the music video for the Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star," as well as the Dark Star ominous, minor key version of the song.

In an interview a few years ago, Trevor Horn of the Buggles said he still had those glasses. ;-)

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A Conflict of Expectations

I had hoped to post the first installment of the next Masks serial today. However, "things happened" over the holidays (nothing majorly bad and a few things good, including some nice presents) and I'm only about halfway to the planned final length. I only just got my main villain of the piece completely fleshed out this morning! (He has connections to Rasputin, with some of my inspiration from Doc Savage and a bunch of other sources.)

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On the Topic of Fruit Cakes

There is a tradition involving fruitcakes which most folks currently alive are unaware of. Yes, people make fruitcakes for eating, often with whiskey of some sort, perhaps even with a small amount inside the container so that the fumes enrich the cake. However, these are not the fruitcakes traditionally given as gifts. Even if the tradition is no longer remembered by most of the people who follow it.

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In the Spirit of the Season

No-one knows how Devil's Hollow (which I can see part of from my front porch) got its name. I even asked at the Kentucky History Museum*. Here's one explanation:

*Their best guess was that it still looks like the kind of place where you might encounter the Devil.

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Bad Idea

In Masks XVIII there's the following:

"Scaring someone to trigger their latent powers is the stupidest..." said Tiger, as Middleton sat, further startling him. He leaned forward, aura flickering. "Didn't you idiots learn anything from Tokyo in 1983?!"

This was a reference to a sequence in the Japanese animated feature Harmageddon. For those who may not have seen the movie, I made a music video of this several years ago, and it can be found here:

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Oldies but Goodies

I have for decades been writing a column titled The Joy of High Tech, which has appeared in print and digital fanzines. I have recently begun rewriting some of the older ones and posting them to DreamWidth, at:

Folks who enjoy technology, science and the history of both might find these interesting.

The next Masks story is coming along slowly, recently reaching 23k words out of an estimated 40k - 50k.


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Blog About: 


For some reason, the blog entry I made yesterday hasn't shown. Oh, well.

Naped much of Saturday, went to bed early and slept in a bit on Sunday. Felt a lot better.

Took it easy Sunday, as well, though I did some errands and did a bit of writing on next Masks story. I also napped a lot and went to bed early.

Slept in a bit on Monday. Feeling vastly better. We'll see...

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Not a Well Man

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I've been fighting an irritable bowel attack for over a week. Thought I was about it over last night. Then I ate some sunflower seeds before bed.

Pretty sick all night, and taking a lot of medicines. Which meant that by the time I got soundly asleep I was *really* asleep. Woke this morning with neck and lower back hurting so bad I was barely able to feed the cats.

Gonna to use my neck traction, now. If you folks haven't heard from me in a couple of days, send someone to cut me down. :-)

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Current Events

Editors warn book writers not to include current events in works of fiction in progress, because by the time the work is finished the events will likely no longer be current. I am therefore not including anything about pandemics in the Masks story I'm working on. However, I planned months ago to have events in the story which lead to demonstrations against politician and police actions and inaction and those will still be there. There will also be at least one riot. However, all these will be due to events in the story.

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What's in a Name?

I have a terrible memory, especially for names. There's a sort of hereditary aphasia in my Mother's family which I seem to have a double dose of. Using "Denver" for "Detroit" in a recent story is one symptom of this. That I am having nerve problems with my hands which affect my touch typing isn't helping.

I recently discovered I had accidentally referred to Vic's wife Michelle as Melissa a few times in a few stories. I believe I have corrected all such instances. However, if anyone finds future incidents of this sort of name problem, please let me know.

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Wedding Belles?

I am about a fifth of the way through the actual writing of the next Masks story. (10k words out of an estimated 50k.) The first part is a flashback to shortly after the demon invasion. Then the story jumps forward to mid-2019.

As I was writing the second - and by far the largest - part of the new story I realized there were things which happened between Masks XXII and this one which might be of interest to readers. Such as Vic and Energia graduating with their Masters' degrees, and Gadgetive getting her Doctor's. Then there's the wedding of Vic and Michelle...

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MarCon 2000 Photos

I just finished uploading my recently scanned MarCon 2000 35mm negatives to an album on Flickr:


Science overrides politics. Unfortunately, sometimes politicians override scientists.

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Shutter Bug

The location of my flicker Album page:

One of my post-retirement projects is to scan all my old negatives (or, where there are no negatives, the prints). I'm posting these on Flickr in addition to my modern, digital photos.

I am particularly proud of the latest (as of this posting) album, which was taken entirely at night of the Christmas decorations for 1999, plus shots of the Moon and the Capital building:

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Masks 22 Notes

I'm reviewing some of the previous stories before I get into the meat of Masks 22. I am distressed to note the number of typos in Masks 21. I do remember that I wrote it in a hurry. So, will take my time with 22.

BTW, my photos of NASFiC 2019/WesterCon 72/1632 MiniCon/MantiCon 2019 can be found at:

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Non-Masks Anthology

I'm thinking about stories to include in a non-Masks anthology. So far, my own ideas include rewritten versions of several stories which have been posted here, including Unwanted Child. I have rewritten versions of stories which appeared in fanzines and on TSA and TG Stories. As well as some which have never appeared outside my computer and head.:-)

What do you folks suggest?

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Angel of Haven

I just passed 30k words on the next Angel story. I'm aiming for 50k.

Note, though, that my writing schedule is irregular just now. I went to ConGlomeration last weekend (will post a link to the photos after I upload them to Flickr) and my sister is currently in town visiting. I will be at MarCon next month. Also, it's (shudder) yardwork season. :-)

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Next Story (March, 2019)

I am about a third to a half finished with my next story, which will be _The Angel of Haven_. Here are a couple of excerpts:

"I don't like the fact that Mannequin keeps hanging around here," said Blackpool, scowling through his mask.

"When Mannequin stares into the Abyss," said Aaron, sagely, "the Abyss quickly looks away, mumbling excuses about how it has something important to do elsewhere."


"Why is she even here?" said CornFed, obviously not happy about the empowered woman's presence.

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Masks Timeline

A Sparse and Select History of Costumed Adventurers

Revised September 24, 2021

98,000 years ago The Sh'pokt take samples of early Homo sapiens from Earth to their home world, under the mistaken impression they were an unusually clever ape in danger of extinction.

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