littlerocksilver's blog

The Last Waltz - New Material in Musetta's Waltz

Today's posting is the next to the last for Musetta's Waltz. This is the first of the new material - the material that had been removed before publishing the first edition. The primary reason for not publishing this chapter was because it revealed the tunnel between the two houses. That was an still an important secret. When you read The Redhead and the PM, it will become obvious the reason they can now talk about it. The next and last posting is two chapters and they reveal something that wasn't even hinted at in the first edition. They reveal a slightly different Musetta.

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The Cynthia Chronicles on Stardust

I am posting each of the novellas of The Cynthia Chronicles on Stardust. They will be posted as complete novellas, rather than a chapter at a time. This might help the readers enjoy an entire story without a break. Portia

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Great News - Musetta Is Out of Prison

Musetta Floria Meyers has been released from prison, her convictions have been reversed. She has arrived in Redding, California, and has met the O'Donnell's. Everything is looking particularly sunny for her future.

Just thought you might want to know.


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Darkness Is Not My Thing

Musetta' Waltz was an experiment that I guarantee you I will never venture into again. I wanted to write a story about the transgendered prisoner that Richard O'Donnell fell in love with and eventually married. The problem was she was a three time loser, and that was the reason she was there in the first place. As I said somewhere before, I was painted into a corner, after all pleasant events, supportive family, acceptance are not going to get someone in jail. In defense of Musetta's Waltz, it does get better, a lot better for her.

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New Story Required Changes to Old

For more than two years I have been contemplating writing more about one of the characters in A California Saga. Well, the muse kicked in a few months ago, and the story is nearly completed. The title is The Redhead and the PM, and it is about Sylvia's older sister, Kate O'Donnell. As this story evolved, I realized that some of the things I wrote in Chapter 13 of Five Love Stories en Brochette would have to be changed. Thank heavens it is an author's prerogative to change the universe about which he writes. The necessary changes have now been made and posted.

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Musetta's Waltz Update

It's been more than two years since Musetta came to life. Dr. O'Donnell asks her if she has Klinefelter's Syndrome. She didn't know what it was and in the story as originally written it turns out she didn't. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that her having Klinefelters made a lot of sense. It explained her natural appearance and some of her personality. I made some corrections in Chapters 11 and 12 to now reflect that she had this condition. It does nothing to change the story other than to make it a bit more realistic.



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Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, The Saga Continues, Chaps. 20, 21, 22 & 23

I have mentioned several times that I would never post a story until the entire story was completed. Well, I was in error. Several readers felt that Jim and Margot Campion's punishment was far too severe. Hey, they did steal more than $50,000,000, and cheated at golf. Some also felt that they shouldn't have lost their personalities. I'm not sure that fact was ever established. Well, I began to wonder what actually happened to them. We had left them under the very loving care of Bob and Hilda Brewer. What could possibly go wrong?

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Lessons Learned

Thank heavens this site has never slid into the pit that some other sites, TG and otherwise have slid into. Still, once in a while, I have felt that the sex act between consenting lovers was an important part of the story. Not being particularly good at delicate descriptions that let every reader know exactly what was going on in exquisit, emotion filled detail without being somewhat graphic, I fell into the latter category. What I have determined, looking at the numbers, is that two lovers consumating their relationship is a turn-off for many readers.

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For All You Non-Golfers Out There - Golfers Too

I've started posting a story about Bobbie (Schmedlap) Anderson, Cindy's best friend. You might remember (Cynthis and the Reluctant Girlfriend) that Bobbie used to be Bobby, a ten year old, sports loving little boy who happened to be a girl. Thanks to Cindy and The Wizard, she became that girl. Let there be no doubt about it, Bobbie is all woman, and a very sensual woman at that, when it comes to her relationship with her boyfriend, and now husband Andy Anderson; however, Bobbie refuses to allow a male dominated sport hold her back. She knows actions speak louder than words.

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Are there Any Golfers Out There?

I have been working for some time on The Cynthia Chronicals - Volume 2. One of the stories in the series is completed; however, it was written out of sequence and must wait for other stories to be written before it can be published. I need someone who is golf knowledgeable to read my current effort that should be finished within the week. It is written around Bobbie Anderson (nee Schmedlap) who is Cyndy's best friend, so it would be very helpful if the reader was familiar with the previous stories in the series.

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Five Love Stories en Brochette - Update

I spent some time this morning reading Tips and being left with the desire to read the entire trilogy. I had never looked at my postings the way other readers at this site might find them. I must say I am very pleased with the way the behind the scenes editors/administrators have put everything together. I opened up Five Love Stories en Brochette when I realized I hadn't posted a correction to the epilog. Several readers took exception to what happened to one of the characters, and I realized there was no reason to have done what I did. That is now fixed.

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Te Deum - Bryn Terfel Jones

I have just finished listening to the first act of Tosca by Giacomo Puccini, a production by the Metropolitan Opera. The evil Baron Scarpia sings to the background of the very sacred Te Deum about how he wants to ravage the beautiful, flamboyant Floria Tosca. Bryn Terfel (Jones) did a fabulous job as the evil chief of police. He'll get his in the next act. His performance literally brought tears to my eyes. It is such an emotional experience.

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Bike: 23 April 2010, 11:45 AM

It's a good news - bad news situation. As of a few minutes ago, I have officially caught up. Now, like so many others, I am sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next episode. I guess the good news is that I can get back to my own writing that seems to have been put on hold. My muse was as entranced as I was.

Thank you, Angharad, for propagating these little bundles of sweet entertainment.


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Wuthering Dormice - As Easy as starting to read and not putting it down

After being rather nicely put in my place the other day after commenting on another blogger's premise, I went to Holly's compilation and copied the first 50 chapters. I think that was late yesterday. Finished those and have copied the next fifty chapters. Will probably finish those this evening. Other than being especially well written, sweet, delightful, insightful, tear jerking, giving warm feelings to the tummy, I don't understand what the stir is all about. Excuse me, I have some reading to do.

:) Portia

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The Cynthia Chronicals - Volume 1 Coming to a Close

The penultimate posting of the Cynthia Chronicles is now up. To me, Chapter 8 represents the most important chapter in Cindy's life since her first encounter with The Wizard many years before. There are several chapters and tales under construction that may eventually appear in The Cynthia Chronicles - Volume 2. These will follow the further adventures of the group as they go through college and beyond. We will find out what the major motivation has been behind The Wizard and his group's actions.

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Thank You Dear Readers

Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting on Cynthia and the High School Years - Part 1. When I conceived this little series of stories I knew I was going to take it to where the story is at the moment. The early emphasis of the story was on the male to female transformations; however, I knew that one of the most important events would be a female to male transformation. A major thought was that it was the person inside, not necessarily their physical being, that mattered. I also knew that there are many of you who sympathize with the FTM or are perhaps one.

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Cynthia and the High School Years - Part 1 - Chapter 11 Posted

I just couldn't stand it and had to post this chapter instead of waiting another day or two. I am really very proud of it. This chapter brings us to the second major event in Cyndy's life. Her transformation being the first one. Please let me know if you like what I did. There are still two chapters remaining in Part 1 to try to straighten this mess out.

:) Portia

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Please, Everyone Have a Safe and Happy Holiday

Whether or not you celebrate the American Thanksgiving, another Thanksgiving, or nothing at all. Take it easy, take your time, and enjoy whatever it is that you enjoy. Life is too short to let a moment's carelessness or inattention put you in danger. Please be careful where ever you go, whatever you do. I want to read good stories next week, not unhappy news.


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What Happened to Fiddle Jamie?

I had been following her progress for some time, through FFS, job changes, etc and I thought she was going to have her surgery last month. It appears now that all her entries on You Tube are removed or access is prevented. Has anyone else been following her? Does anyone know what happened?


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