littlerocksilver's blog

Post Partum Depression

First of all I would like to thank everyone who read my recent efforts about the life of Cynthia Lewis (An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver). It has been particularly gratifying to see how many readers took my advice and read the first two stories in the series and voted on them. I just wish there had been more comments, constructive or otherwise.

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WOW! This has been so much fun.

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Wow! I just realized that I posted my first story here just a little over a year ago. This has been a very enjoyable experience. What really surprised me is that someone is still reading the old stories and actually voting on them. Thank you whoever you are. I am so happy you are enjoying them.

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This is neat!

Thank you everyone for reading the sequel to "An Incremental Journey". I notice that a large number of readers have gone back to that story as well as reading the sequel, "Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend". I know that is an assumption. Someone has been even so kind as to vote on the predecessor. Thank you so much. Now, if we can just get some comments on "Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend". They are most helpful for future stories.

Portia Bennett

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Thoughts about 'Five Love Stories en Brochette'

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First of all I would like to thank those of you who have taken the time to comment. I really do appreciate the effort you take to pull me out of my depression. I am in a bit of a quandry. There are five more postings to be made and my wonderful spouse and I are leaving this continent in five days. My original goal was to post "Five Love Stories en Brochette" before we left; however, time may make it difficult to do so. I might check out how to do the delayed posting. There is another option. I could stop posting and pick up after we return in the first week of August.

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Katie Who Used To Be Ben

I thought you might find this interesting and encouraging. It was posted on AOL and I put the essential link below.


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We all have dreams, at least I hope you do. Our dreams, not aspirations, probably reflect many of our desires, fears, hopes and events in the past and expected. I see it expressed in many of the stories concerning transformation that the persons dreams are permeated with the individual being in the physical form they have desired. They dream about finding their ideal partner, and other fantasy filled scenarios relating to their transgendered state.

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Renee Richards Revisited

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This is currently being run on AOL and elsewhere. We went through this controversy decades ago and it was resolved. Poor Sarah Gronert, she wants to play tennis and is reasonably good and a few bigots want to steal that from her. I have not seen any mention of what her chromosomal makeup is. I'll research later.

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I'm Just a Bit Curious

I check my stories listing several times a day, when I can, to see if there are any comments that need to be replied to. I had noted of late that the hits on all of my stories (there are only four) had basically dropped to zero on all chapters with just one or two hits here and there. Suddenly,over the last two days, all four novels are getting four to a half dozen or more daily hits for most of the chapters. "Who is Sylvia" is getting quite a few hits and it's not even a TG oriented story, although one character who makes a brief appearance is.

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FM is up!

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I just checked out of habit a few minutes ago and FictionMania was up and working. I did not verify that all the searches were working. There were 28 stories posted


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Musetta's Waltz Missing Chapter 5. It's there now.

I left Chapter 5 off when I posted yesterday. It is there now. Sorry for the foul up. My brain has been screwed up by too much anesthesia over the last few weeks.

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Brutality Against Women

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We've just had some horrible news here. Two women have died due to brutal attacks. A news reporter and a single mother have died. The mother died while taking a shower. Her ex-boyfriend beat down a door and shot her while her children were in the house. Anne Pressly, an ABC local reporter, was brutaly beaten by an unknown assailant last Sunday night in her house and died of her injuries just a while ago. We are heartbroken over both incidents. When will this madness end?


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Narragansett Fork Alert. Missing Chapter!!!!!!

I am not sure what happened but I left out Chapter 8. You might want to go back and read it. There is some important information there. I am surprised no one caught this because the continuity really suffers for it. Thank you Puddingtane (I'm sorry if I misspelled that)


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What to do with "The Heart of the Beholder"?

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Hello everyone,

I want to thank those who took the time to comment on the story and or send messages to me directly. There were some good, strong critics about the story's weaknesses and I thought I would try to elicit some further discussion.

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