I spent some time this morning reading Tips and being left with the desire to read the entire trilogy. I had never looked at my postings the way other readers at this site might find them. I must say I am very pleased with the way the behind the scenes editors/administrators have put everything together. I opened up Five Love Stories en Brochette when I realized I hadn't posted a correction to the epilog. Several readers took exception to what happened to one of the characters, and I realized there was no reason to have done what I did. That is now fixed. If you haven't read the story, it is five love stories that gradually unfold as we follow the love story of the two main characters, hence the title. Two of the characters are intersexed, and one, now deceased, is transgendered. Her story is told in three other novels. With one exception, the acts are about people in love. If you haven't read it, you might enjoy it. Some of the sex scenes are a bit graphic. There is no brutality, again with one exception. There is a little mystery that at least one of the previous readers figured out before the end. It's more about how the characters in the story solve the mystery. The story is right at 133,000 words, so it will probably take a while to read it. I still feel good about it, and will try to fix other errors as I find them and get the time. I have corrected the errors in the German dialog in my copy and will eventually get those fixed here. Thanks to Carpe Diem for the help in getting the German right.
Unlike some of the writers here and on similar sites, I do not abandon my children once they are turned loose. I will continue to try to correct my mistakes. Holly Hart has been a godsend in helping me get it right. Still, it's difficult to get it all right. I have the final responsibilty for getting the errors fixed, and I miss a lot.
Please read the story. Feedback is always greatly appreciated.