
Five Love Stories en Brochette - Update

I spent some time this morning reading Tips and being left with the desire to read the entire trilogy. I had never looked at my postings the way other readers at this site might find them. I must say I am very pleased with the way the behind the scenes editors/administrators have put everything together. I opened up Five Love Stories en Brochette when I realized I hadn't posted a correction to the epilog. Several readers took exception to what happened to one of the characters, and I realized there was no reason to have done what I did. That is now fixed.

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Hmm... its been a few months and I haven't written a lick of poetry...
It must be due to the fact that I haven't really had anything major go on in my life...
I feel those creative juices flowing however and I'm getting that itch to write something... Bah... I'll get around to it eventually... maybe try my hand at something bigger than poetry *wink*
Hope I put out something soon!

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