For more than two years I have been contemplating writing more about one of the characters in A California Saga. Well, the muse kicked in a few months ago, and the story is nearly completed. The title is The Redhead and the PM, and it is about Sylvia's older sister, Kate O'Donnell. As this story evolved, I realized that some of the things I wrote in Chapter 13 of Five Love Stories en Brochette would have to be changed. Thank heavens it is an author's prerogative to change the universe about which he writes. The necessary changes have now been made and posted. The new novel will probaly be posted in November or December.
The new story will have some interesting revelations about Musetta. It turns out that Jo O'Donnell, with Musetta's approval, removed some interesting things from Musetta's momoirs. After the deaths of some rather prominant people, these omissions will be included in a future edition of Musetta's Waltz . The person involved gave written permission to release the material after his death. He and Musetta carried on a romance for nearly seven years before she fell ill.
And it's good, too!
I was priviledged to see part of the story, pre edit and incomplete. I think it's wonderful! If you enjoyed the earlier stories like I did, you will love this. Take a chance, read it anyway. It might hook you in as much as the Saga has hooked me!