Heather Rose Brown's blog

Janegirl Camp Activity Ideas

I've been thinking about trying to expand on my Janegirl Camp story. I sorta felt one thing that might move the plot along would be having Zee and the other campers getting involved in different activities. I've come up with a few ideas, but I've been struggling to come up with any really interesting ones, so I thought I'd try asking others for suggestions.

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Working on the next chapter of Ian & Brice/Bryce

For those who've been following my story, Ian & Brice/Bryce, I'm still working on the next chapter, but things are going a bit slowly. a big part of that is because I can feel how Ian will want to be held, as well as how afraid he is of doing anything like that would trigger another flashback.

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Back burner is bubbling...

I currently have ... I think ... a couple dozen story ideas sitting on my back burner. One of those stories has been bubbling recently. The current working title I have for it is "Ward of the State".

In this story, being homeless is ... not exactly a crime, but it *is* an issue the state (of Norcal?) governor promised to "fix" as one of his campaign promises. Once he's been inaugurated, a law is passed, where anyone who is homeless is automatically declared a ward of the state, without regard to the age of the person.

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Breathless Dream

I just woke up from an amazing dream. It started off with me fending off some shadowy figures with powerful vocal attacks (sorta like Black Canary), then for some reason, one of the longer vocal attacks turned into singing. I've already forgotten the lyrics, but I know the song was called 'Breathless'.

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Portraying religious and spiritual beliefs in stories

In the next chapter of the story I'm working on, some religious/spiritual practices are discussed for a bit. I've been sorta struggling on how to portray the scene in a way that feels honest and realistic, without coming off as preachy or heavy handed. Does anyone have suggestions on how to best portray that sort of content in stories?

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Feel like I'm coming unraveled.

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Actually, it's feelin' more like the threads of sanity I've used to stitch a shredded soul together are coming undone, and ... stuff ... is leakin'; out. Part of me is curious 'bout that stuff. Another part of me seems to know what that stuff is, and is scared of seein' it again. But ... it's a kinda disconnected scared.

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Stories with scenes describing physical or emotional abuse

I recently posted the first chapter of a story where one of the main characters (Ian) had suffered both physical and emotional abuse. I've been working on it for almost a year now, and have only made it through three chapters. Part of the reason it took so long to get that far, was because it was emotionally draining to write. Another reason it took long, was because I kept on going back and forth on how much of Ian's past I should include in the story.

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Football & Soccer

In a story I've been reading here on BCTS, I noticed one of the characters mentioned both soccer about as frequently as football. This got me to wondering, do British folk use both terms about as frequently, or is that something just this author did. I'd always assumed football would be used, since that's what I usually saw in other stories, but I realize I could be very mistaken in that assumption. If there's anyone out there who'd be willing to clear things up for me, I'd much appreciate it! :)

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Woke from a vivd dream

In the dream, there was a dark place, lit by a few spotlights. Someone was dancing from light to light. I heard a musicbox playing, and a group of women singing. I don't remember all the lyrics, but here's what I was able to hold onto when I woke up.

Beautiful dancer, dancing in my dreams.
Beautiful dancer, all's not what it seems.
Beautiful dancer, dancing in my heart.
Beautiful dancer, dancing every part,
Except for the part, written just for you.
Beautiful dancer, what are you to do?

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South-Jersey-Verse by Heather Rose Brown

While writing some of my stories, I've imagined them in the same universe, and had a general idea of where those stories took place, but never really organized everything until now. All of these stories are set in the South-Jersey-Verse. Below is a picture of the area, with imaginary city names based on the names of cities in the "real" world. Below that is a list of the cities, and the stories set in those locations.

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For Want of a Comma-Tommy's uniform

For those who have been following my story, For Want of a Comma, below is a picture of how I sorta imagine Tommy looks after changing into his uniform. Except for the shoes, I created the uniform from scratch, imported them into Second Life, then took a photo there.

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Dust and Memories

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I've been thinking a lot about ... a lot, and this morning I sorta realized something.

In the end, all we are is memories and dust. There aren't a whole lot of ways of making better dust, but memories ... try your best to leave good ones.

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Aunt Holly

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I just found out a few hours ago Aunt Holly died. Even though I knew her health had been getting worse, I had been hoping somehow she'd pull through. I guess, sometimes, just wishing with all your heart don't always work.

Some part of me just wants to cry, but I can't. All I can feel is numbness right now. And emptiness. The world feels emptier without Aunt Holly in it.

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Feeling contemplative

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I don't know if it's just because another birthday has come and gone, but I've kinda been wondering what kinda impact I've had on the world, and what sort of legacy I'll leave when I'm gone. I feel like I should be scrambling to make some lasting change in the world, but I barely have the energy to trod from one day to the next. I feel like there's a pair of scales approaching, and my soul weighs less than a breath. I know I'll pull out of this funk eventually, but I'm not at eventually. I'm here, right now, and I feel lost.

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Back Burner Stories 2

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It's been a while since I posted my first back burner stories blog. Since then, some stories have been finished, and others have been added to the back burner. Here's a few of those new stories I'm currently working on. :)

Better Than Living in a Box

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Dwarves and Elves and Transgendered Humans

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I just had a bit of a scene pop up in my head where someone was explaining how humans are the results of crossbreeding between elves and dwarves, and what we usually consider masculine or feminine are actually expressions of our dwarven and elfin natures. I really like the idea and it feels like an important part in the middle of a story, but I'm at a loss as to what the beginning or end might be. Any suggestions?

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Drabble, drabble, toil and trabble...

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In case you're wondering, this is a post about drabbles, not magic. ^.~ After posting my last drabble, I had looked through my stories and realized there were enough 100-word stories to make a collection. So, to make it easier for anyone who likes one of my drabbles to find the others (and to appease my obsessive need to organize things >.< ), I've created a new heading called Heather Rose's Drabbles, and placed the following stories under that heading:

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Backburner Stories accidently deleted

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I'd recently been trying to create a new blog while looking at an old blog, and I'd accidently deleted the old blog. I really liked the old blog and the responses I'd gotten to it, so I decided to create a new blog entry with the contents of the old blog. Wish me luck!

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I am so tired, but I can't sleep. I feel like there's a weight on top of me. Every breath I take seems to be harder to draw in. The weight on my chest seems to just get heavier. Part of me just wants to give up and not struggle any more. But ... I can't give up hope. Not yet.

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Eve's Apple

Just wanted to let everyone know the little button on the left side of the main screen that says, "Eve's Apple" will lead you to a sexy transgenerific lesbian romance comedy ... with crossdressing zombies!

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Looking for story writing advice

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Lately, when I've been writing stories, I've been feeling a little ... lost. I've been starting to get story ideas again and writing them, but I'm wondering if I'm really reaching my readers as well as I could. While I like telling myself little stories, the ones I write down are the ones I'm hoping others will enjoy. If there's anyone who read any of my stories and has any thoughts on how to make them better, I'd love to hear from you. :)

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New story art from Heather Rose Brown

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Below are images I created for a few of my stories that will eventually be posted on a new story site I found called Codey's World, which is an online fiction site focused on teens and young adults, although folks of all ages are welcome. Below each image is a synopsis of the story, and you can go to the story here on Big Closet by clicking on the image. :)

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A story about stories

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This morning I woke with a story rolling around in my head that wouldn't let me go back to sleep until I wrote it down. I eventually posted it on the Fictioneer site under the name The Story. I know that may sound like a bit of a lame story title, but it kinda fit with the theme, and it was the best I could think of at what-am-I-doing-up-this-early am. It's basically a story about stories, and how they relate to reality.

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