Angharad's blog

Rumours of my demise...

...are a trifle premature. Admittedly, a shoulder injury is making life tougher than it might otherwise be, but I'm still alive and brain boggled with my university studies. I've spent much of the day doing computer graphs on excel, which should be really easy to a normal human, but somehow whenever I go near excel it does weird things unlike the tutorials on you tube. The most used button - the 'undo' one.

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Decline in insect numbers is worrying.

I know most readers here see me as a nature nut and always harping on about some crisis or other in the weather or the environment, but this latest report, upon which this very readable article is based is frightening. I suspect the worldwide picture is that insects are declining at an increasing rate due to the over use and abuse of pesticides primarily, and then loss of habitat. One cause human activity, especially industrial farming.

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Birdwatching Holiday in Spain.

Apart from mosquito bites, which are heading towards twenty, I'm having a good time. Saturday had to be the most successful day, when we managed to get into the back of the El Hondo reserve (near Elche) and met up with some birders we saw last year. I doubt we would have seen some of the species without the extra eyes and expertise.

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Anniversary of the death of Lili Elbe

I was just installing a few bookmarks on a new computer (refurbished variety) as I'll be putting my regular one in for repair - tipped a cuppa over the keyboard and have been running it on a plug in kepboard - when I discovered that according to wiki, today, September 13th is the anniversary of the death of Lili Elbe, the Danish transsexual woman who died from complications arising from surgery in 1931.

As she was a real pioneer in the world of gender realisation, I think it fitting we remember her as a real person not just the subject of the Danish Girl. May she rest in peace.


Passed my first module

I am 60 credits richer than I was this time last year, just need the other 300 to finish the job.Sadly this means I have to pay my fees for next year which compared to most uni fees is modest, but then the Open University is the place for autodidacts, so we get much less in return in regard to teaching. Oh well, only 5 more years to go, good job I'm such a youngster.


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Thirty One Years.

I can't believe that it was thirty one years ago today that I turned up in work in a two piece skirt outfit feeling incredibly nervous but also very committed to dealing with anything that happened that or subsequent days. the official grapevine had informed people what was going to happen and I must admit most of the comments I received were encouraging. I wasn't the first in the NHS to have transitioned, but in sleepy West Dorset, I was a bit of a novelty for a while.

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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, but I seem to befalling apart physically. The other night I awoke to a strange pain in my mouth only to find I'd chewed the side of my tongue--I don't recommend it. Then, on Thursday evening, Whizz took exception to me rubbing one of her feet and attacked me, or more precisely my right hand. I think she caught a tendon and it's swollen and sore but I don't think infected, however, typing isn't very easy. Finally, just to take my mind off my hand I seem to have sinusitis which is causing the whole side of my face to be very tender with occasional jabs of pain in my ear.

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Philippa York to work as commentator on ITV4 TdF

Who is Philippa York? Only one of the greatest British cyclists of all time in her previous life as Robert Millar, who has announced her new identity. I attach a link from the Guardian (where else?) with a supportive article for those who want to read it. My only comment, I hope you're as successful in your new life as you were in the old.

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Sorry, site won't allow me to post BIke

Either the site has had a sudden attack of good taste or it's still not quite right. I've tried twice to post the next thrilling installment but all I get is a notice saying the form is outdated and to refresh the page. Life is too short to piss about with puters, so I'll post it tomorrow.


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Ten Years of Bike

In terms of longevity, it seems my series on the trials and tribulations and occasional triumph of Cathy Watts, other wise known as Lady Cameron or the Dormouse Lady, has become something of a feature on BC, which I think readers only give kudos or make comments out of sympathy for the poor deluded author and her two cats - the fact that she talks to them (the cats--who else?) demonstrates beyond doubt that she's either barmy or a witch or even a barmy witch. In real life she's neither, or so deluded she doesn't notice.

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'This is how it always is' by Laurie Frankel

This is a fictionalised account of real life. The author has a transgender daughter. It had very good reviews in the 'i' newspaper and on Amazon. I haven't read it - yet - but I'm sure I will soon.

It's available via Amazon so remember to buy it through BC so Erin gets the pennies.

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Bike - heading up to another hundred.

I hope no thinks it arrogant, but as Bike heads towards 3200, I know I shall be able to fill those episodes, albeit not necessarily on a daily basis. I've submitted my (I hope) end of term assignment which Whizz helped me write - got to blame someone if it fails. If it does I have to resubmit as I passed the others.

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Busy busy

Sorry haven't had the time or energy to write much of late. I have one more assignment to do for my course for this year, which I have to complete this weekend to submit before next thursday, the deadline. It counts as an exam and will be marked quite strictly and by someone other than my normal tutor, so I'm slightly anxious about it. I've been researching the subject in any spare time I have, hence no Bike this week and I've also been coping with a sore shoulder which doesn't like me typing for very long and occasionally has kept me awake at night, so I'm a little more tired than usual.

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Largest state with the smallest minds

The lone star state has apparently passed 'bathroom' legislation against transgender students, showing that the conservatives who control things there are still bent on bashing anyone who doesn't conform to their ideas of normality. I wish them happiness in their narrow and bitter lives.

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Inquest report on Vikki Thompson

From the Guardian, an inquest report on a young transgender woman who hanged herself at Leeds Prison in 2015. It makes quite uncomfortable reading and as with so many of these cases, these youngsters have been badly treated or abused since an early age, so it appears it was the case with Thompson, who then made things worse with drugs and alcohol and petty crime as they so often do. Surely, prison was the wrong place to send anyone with such a chaotic lifestyle without some form of rehabilitation/psychotherapy?

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I just realised

that when I was looking at something on my personal account page that a month ago I achieved my 10th anniversary as a member here. It doesn't seem that long ago, though it might to some of my readers. In those days I was only posting the odd blog here while I was still writing Snafu for Sapphire's Place and the early attempts at doing some Gaby stories on Maddy's site, then I got soaked riding my bike in a thunderstorm and Bike happened.

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Not every story has a happy ending

Nature is reputedly red in tooth and claw, things will kill each other possibly to eat or as rivals. This was the sad end to our dormouse survey today. The picture contains the body of a dormouse which has been attacked and killed possibly by a wood mouse. It was the only one we found today, making it doubly sad. To think the poor thing survived the winter then possibly went torpid overnight and met a wood mouse...


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