Angharad's blog

British Cycling and trans women

I am seriously considering resigning as a member of British Cycling after they decided to stop transwomen from competing in elite women's bike races.

This has all blown up after Emily Bridges transitioned, as a man she broke the national junior 25 mile record and is considered to have an unfair advantage over biological females. So they have suspended the policy on transgender cyclists.

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NHS services for children's gender identity can't cope with demand.

According to an article, children's services are overwhelmed by demand from youngsters who are uncertain about their gender. It is problematic for the youngsters who may develop other issues while having to wait 2 years or more for an initial appointment. However, things might eventually improve as a study has suggested that there need to be more regional hubs to deal with it involving a range of doctors and therapists who wouldn't otherwise be associated.

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Sorry, life got in the way.

I'm just very busy at the moment, did some teaching today on a conservation course helping some youngsters get to grips with surveying mammals and invertebrates at the local agricultural college where they also do conservation and wildlife courses. So I've had no time for writing today as my own courses are becoming increasingly demanding. I'll post when I can and try and at least keep Bike going.

Thanks for your patience.

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What gives these arseholes the right to kill?

An article from the Guardian details the murder of a Kurdish transgender woman by her brother, who may well get away with it.

It strikes me as perverse that it's acceptable to murder someone for being themselves but not for someone to live as they feel comfortable. This young woman was doing nothing to hurt anyone, so why kill her? The term honour killing is bizarre, it's a disgraceful killing and the disgrace is for the people who perpetrate and condone such murders. Shame on them.

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Too busy to post this week

Real life has caught up big time this week and I have an assignment to complete in the next couple of days, I am really busy also my elderly neighbour has also become increasingly needy and confused and I can't abandon her but she really soaks up the time. So sadly, I haven't time to write (except bloody carbon cycle and not carbon fibre, and grassland ecology) and most of that is calculations in gC per m squared per year.

Anyone who thinks the Open University is a soft option is probably too stupid to do a degree with them.

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Finding time to write

I shall be posting another Joiner's chapter shortly and probably another Drew Goes South, tomorrow. However, my university course is getting ever more demanding and I'm possibly going to have even less time than I do now, I'll have overlapping modules for a few months, the new one is the one that requires the equivalent of a dissertation, though I'm hoping the fieldwork I'll need to do for that will be fun.

Anyway, please take this as notice that my posting may be more erratic than usual.

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Reposting my Gaby trilogy

I'm going to repost the three books that make up my fanfic Gaby in Dorset Trilogy here. I've agreed this with Mads who of course invented the
main characters that the story involves.but is different enough to show my take on the Gabyverse, a bit more angst and action all with my off-beat sense of humour. For those who haven't seen them before, do enjoy them, for those who have seen them, do enjoy them again. I'm re-editing as I go along so they should read slightly better.

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Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

I wish you all a peaceful, prosperous and healthy 2022. The fact that all of these can be magically achieved by reading stories here and commenting on them (especially my ones, natch).

May we finally emerge from the spectre of Covid in all its awful varieties and start to live again but also to be kind to each other.

Finally, a toast to absent friends, may we always remember those who are no longer with us.

Angharad, Bonzi and Whizz.


April Ashley has died

The second British MtF to receive 'sex-change' surgery. She lived a chaotic life of peaks and troughs including the disgraceful divorce case where the establishment, including the leading UK gender psychiatrist almost destroyed her. She will be remembered as a beautiful and charismatic woman who campaigned for transgender rights and was awarded an MBE. May she rest in peace.

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Advice to Judges in England and Wales

An article from the Guardian reporting that the 'equal treatment benchbook,' published by the Judicial College suggests more protection for trans people when in court including prevention of revealing original names and genders unless relevant to the case in point and the use of preferred names and genders where possible.

I would hope there aren't that many of us up in front of the judge, but who knows.

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Concerning the history of transgender people in the UK

This fascinating article appeared in today's i newspaper and it concerns the history of transgender people and how the law treated them. Very few knew of a court case from 1968 which was heard in private and the details hidden away. It certainly affected the conduct of the April Ashley case in 1970 and is basically about the establishment elite giving the rest of us, especially transsexual people the heave-ho until the European Court of Human Rights caused Blair's government to amend the law.

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I've been rereading

Taylor Ryan's, Bailey Saga, which starts with Summer of Bailey.

I was the one who suggested Taylor should post here and I'm glad she did, the saga is a detailed description of the tribulations of adolescence made worse by the background of gender discomfort and bigotry or homophobia from some quarters. Virtually all the main characters have a story to tell as Bailey grows as a person and grows up in general. It is a very well written series that brings into focus the roller coaster ride that is adolescence and one person's in particular.

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If you need a good laugh

Then please do take a look at Jamie Hayworth's Susie and Jeffrey stories, they are a laugh a minute and a tribute to the theatre of the absurd. They do require a little work if you're not British, as the setting is very British, but it isn't all black pudding and flat caps. Also please go for a wee first or there is a danger you may have little accidents and don't eat or drink while reading them unless you have a wipe-clean screen, but do enjoy, they're really funny.

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Non-binary grave discovered in Finland from c 1000 AD.

A link to a Guardian story about someone they suspect was Klinefelters who was buried with grave goods of male and female, demonstrating they were respected by the community. My own thoughts as I read it were that the individual may well have been a shaman.

See link:

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Interesting article about remembering consequences of biological sex.

The following link is to an article about someone's brother who was a transman and who died of ovarian cancer. The fact that the person interviewed is the deputy speaker of the House of Lords, shows that both transsexualism and tragedy know no social boundaries and a poignant reminder that even after SRS we often have reminders of our original biological sex which can cause problems and even kill as well as therapies for the new gender may increase some risks. Includes a piece by an oncologist who specialises in transgender patients.

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Has Bike lost its attraction

I am beginning to wonder if Bike has had its day. It's interesting because when I stopped writing it for a year or two, I had regular pleas to start posting it again, but peculiarly, the people who lobbied hardest no longer seemed interested in commenting, so I presume they were no longer reading it. Comments are the only payment we receive as authors and I notice the number of reads and comments are dropping although the kudos stay about the same.

Do I continue posting Bike, or has it had its day? I am asking for your opinions.

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Another disappointment.

I have always been a fan of Richard Dawkins for his no-nonsense attitude to myths and superstition, science works on evidence not 'imaginary friends'. It appears he feels the same about transgender people which has led the American Humanist Association to withdraw an award they gave him 1996, as humanist of the year.

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