The latest research shows what we suspected, women are left out of the authorship of many scientific papers, we all know of Rosalind Franklin and DNA, it seems it's still happening. I hope that when I am able to continue my research, I am able to publish, it isn't ground breaking stuff but I hope it will show one woman is trying to buck the trend.
Not always true. When the
Not always true. When the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine was first developed, a man and a woman were credited.
Oxford University scientists launched a joint enterprise that is set to have a profound impact on the health of our planet. On 11 February, research teams led by Professor Andy Pollard and Professor Sarah Gilbert – both based at the Oxford Vaccine Centre – decided to combine their talents to develop and manufacture a vaccine that could protect people from the deadly new coronavirus that was beginning to spread across the world.
Now you won't see his name mentioned. He was chief investigator for the clinical trials of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in 2020, which led to authorisation of the vaccine for use in more than 175 countries with over 2.5 billion doses distributed by the end of 2021.Professor Sarah Gilbert was the inventor of the vaccine.
I don't mind female scientists getting recognition, as long as the dinner is ready when I get home......
I'm kidding. I always think of the talent that has been supressed for hundereds of years. Imagine if women were always educated the same as men. Where would we be scientifically now?
Yet... in some places
it is becoming harder if not downright impossible for a woman to get a decent education. Even in some so-called western countries, parts of the country are turning against science in general and restricting the choices a woman can make. If that trend continues, then the chances of a woman making significant scientific advances will diminish rapidly. The people doing this would rather the women in their life dedicate their lives to producing more and more babies. (does 'God, Guns and Babies' sound familiar?). These people want to return to the time when a woman needed the permission of a man to open a bank account... Women CEOs of multinational corporations? forget it.
I applaud every breakthrough that women make in formerly male bastions. I watched with admiration a few weeks ago as a young lady expertly handled a 100+ tonne steam loco that was on a preserved line. She did a better job of handling it than many men.
It is time for true equality of the sexes.
Stopped clock syndrome?
There are are always exceptions to that rule apparently where women get credit.
I know I get some of that at work where I am sure I did not get as much credit as a male colleague would've.
I was demoted a band when interviewed when finding a job between divisions of my company.
I got hired as a band 4 in one division but when I was given my two weeks, I found another position but for some idiotic reason my leadership responsibilities at previous companies was not 'sufficient' to be a band 4 despite over 16 years of overall work experience. and I had to take a band cut to a band 3.
In retrospect I should've just taken the job and then quit and got better treatment hopefully at another company.
I did not quit but I finally got transferred to another group in the company where I 'proved' myself (again). At 23 years of work experience I finally clawed back to being a band 4 engineer again.
It is just total bollocks.
While women are getting more credit these days, it still falls way short of what men get.
Women Scientists?
That is somewhat discouraging for where would be be but not for Madame Curie?
Happy for the Exception
My niece was in the class that was the first to include women at a prestigious Midwestern engineering college. Four years later she graduated number one in her class. That was about twenty-five years ago.
About ten years ago I had a major heart incident resulting in a stint. Conincodentally, my niece was the head engineer on the team that developed that stint.
About four years ago she became VP of research and development for that medical devices manufacturer.
And -- she is one of the sweetest people I know.
I'm delighted to carry a bit of her genius in my heart.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Professor Michelle Simmons
At the University of New South Wales (that's in Australia for all the dummies out there) has just been publicly acclaimed for developing a new type of quantum computer that it is said will revolutionise the science of computing.
So.....the times they are a'changing.