Angharad's blog

Bastille Day

Bastille Day, 14th July, is the anniversary of the French mob storming the hated fortress/prison in the centre of Paris in 1789, and is commonly regarded as one of the beginnings of the French Revolution.

A few years later, 1986 to be precise, I rather sedately broke out of my own prison, coincidently on the same day. It came about by my going to see my general manager, who had got wind of my intentions via the grapevine--someone who'd been told in confidence, blabbed.

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I'm staying with my daughter for the next couple of nights, so real life might well get in the way of my art(if you believe that you'll believe anything!). Viz, I might just be too busy to have time to write.

The connection time to the internet has been awful tonight, taking twenty minutes to open BC to post. I haven't yet managed to get to my emails, lost the will to live before they opened. Must be the location, it isn't like this at home.

I'll post again when I can, possibly sunday or monday.


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Bike 678

I've managed to post Bike 678 tonight, however, the link to my dongle is not very good and I can't promise to get online every night. I will post as and when the vagueries of internet connections allow. Yorkshire is colder than Dorset -brrrrrrrr! I'll have to start wearing knickers again!

Whatever Next 23 -my take on the Gabyverse - has gone to Maddy Bell, so should be up in the next week or so.

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Women Paedophiles.

Women paedophiles are more common than we think. It's something I learned when doing counsellor training, however we never see or hear too much else about it. Then today on BBC Radio 4, Woman's Hour, there was an interesting article on it at the start of the programme, and lo and behold, at tea time some woman was arrested in Maine for child sexual abuse with her own children, which she was filming and selling via the internet. She was caught through liaison with West Midlands Police in the UK, who were investigating someone for downloading and selling child porn pictures on the net.

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Bike 10,000

I know everyone else has had more hits, but 'Bike' part 1, has this week achieved over ten thousand hits. Okay, so no one goes on to part two, let alone the other six billion episodes, but it's nice to think at least people have had a look before deciding it's total rubbish.

For those who have read it, thank you: for those who've read them all, I hope you have a good therapist?


From me an' Da Bonz.


My best bike.

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Bike 666

It seems something apocalyptic is expected in the next episode--though I'm not sure why. However, I try not to disappoint my reader - John in Wwwww..wherever. So will it all end tomorrow? You'll have to look in tomorrow and see, won't you? I don't know, I haven't written it yet but Bonzi is in a funny mood, so anything could happen.


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Bonkers 26

The next Totally Insane part 26, has been writted and sent for editing, which should please one person and stop the death threats. It should be posted sometime during the next few days. So for fans of the Kylie-verse, your patience will soon be rewarded.

Bonzi the Cat.

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Bike - 655.

Tonight's is being written as you read this. I've been marshalling on the Tour Series race at Exeter. Actually, I was selling programmes, but it helped the event, which was raising money for prostate cancer charities. The riders all 50 of them were hurtling around Exeter at far from safe speeds, there was at least one crash -but it was good spectator sport.

I've only just got home, so tonight's bike will be racing along as soon as I can write it.


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Fear of Discovery.

This has raised it's head again in my 'never-ending' tale of life and dormice. It's done so because it is a constant problem. My own transition was quite public and was known to hundreds if not thousands of people locally. I've also been 'outted' in the press two or three times, including mention on local TV and radio. So short of sending out six billion letters notifying everyone on the planet, it meant there'd be some who didn't know.

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BBC Radio 4 Today programme, included a piece on a project to monitor and reintroduce dormice on the Isle Of Wight, which isn't far from Portsmouth. In one wood alone they have 400 nesting boxes for dormice.

I'm delighted that my story is reasonably close to real life, and even more so to hera that in areas where they are being monitored, the rate of decline seems to be decreasing. Go for it Spike!



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Gabycon 2009 - a personal perspective.

I collected Brian on the way through, and stopped to eat my sandwiches at his house, then we went to play with the traffic. I'd left home at just before ten, and was at Brian's just before one pm. I'd only got lost once as well, which is good for me - I was to make up for it later.

The M42 seemed not too bad, Friday traffic is always heavy on the motorways, and we got held up a few times. Then the M1 near Nottingham was stop go, mainly stop. However, we chatted as we waited for the bottleneck to clear itself. This was almost habit forming, because it happened several times.

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Bike and Gabycon

This weekend, from Friday, I shall be attending the Gabycon. I'll be taking my little netbook plus dongle with me, and hope I can get a signal while 'oop north'. I also hope I can find an hour or so to write the odd episode of Bike. I'll make no promises other than to try and write and post if I have time. Otherwise normal service will be resumed on monday or tuesday.

I shall try and do an episode tomorrow, although I'll be packing and clearing six months' detritus from my car.


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Bloody Hills!

My cycling group did a thirty miler, which seemed to be forever climbing hills today - not hard in Dorset, place is full of them, 'delightful rolling countryside' say the visitors. They don't usually try to ride up them.

I am totally cream crackered, as the Cockney's would say. However, I have finished a complete story for the gabycon next weekend (8.5k words)which I will post here after it's been up on Maddy's site.

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According to the counter at the bottom of the page, the numbers are fast approaching six million. While I'm aware half of them are me checking for comments on my stories, or Gabi and Holly trying to make them grammatical after I've posted them, it's still an awful lots of hits.

Congratulations to Erin and her team for making this, in my opinion, the best tg fiction site on the net; and thanks for all the hard work they put in to enable us to read and post our masterpieces, we don't know or appreciate the half of it.

Three cheers for the Top Shelf team, hip hip...

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Happy Slapping

While cycling up The South Dorset Ridgeway on the A354, I got happy-slapped by a car diven by a youth with presumably his friend who did the slapping. Sadly, I didn't get the number, or a proper look at them being too busy struggling with the gradient and effects of gravity on my fat little body and bike laden with my work stuff.

I wasn't hurt, suffering only a light hit on the buttock, but it could have knocked me off or caused me to lose control of the bike and get myself run over: either way, I could have been badly injured.

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Violence in stories

The most recent episode of Bike and probably at least one more will feature violence. It's not something I enjoy writing about, although I find it challenging because I try to avoid it in real life as much as I can.

Unfortunately, I followed the characters into a dark area and it appears to be the only way out of this aspect of the story, and I am horrified that Cathy can give vent to such primordial actions to preserve herself and her loved ones, at the same time I'm sort of pleased she can do what is necessary. I'm not sure I could in her position.

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Bike 600

Well who would have thought I'd still be churning out this stuff more than eighteen months later? I know I write the stuff, Bonzi has a problem hitting the keys on a laptop - but I have little control over the characters, they just do what they do and I watch and write it down. This goes to prove that I'm totally bonkers, I suppose, nothing new there then.

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