Angharad's blog

just who is crazy?

In many cultures transgendered individuals are reviled, as are those with different sexual orientations to the majority. On the whole, I suspect most of us are more danger to ourselves than to others. I saw a paper which suggests mental illness and self harming, including suicide is higher amongst GLB individuals. It didn't mention transgendered, but I should imagine it's similar for the same reasons, pressures and stresses from the majority to either conform or be persecuted.

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Scary Time!

I don't generally scare easily, within the bounds of realistic need to take threats seriously. However, last night gave me a sinking feeling. I hoped that the threat to BC was a temporary one, because the trauma to me personally, would be enormous, were it to close.

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Starting Bike

I am astonished - well all right then, surprised, that there are some hardy souls who are prepared to start with episode one of bike. I read it through just under a year ago, which means there's about three hundred more episodes than there was then. It took me a couple of days or more. To read 463 episodes, is a major undertaking. I wish them luck, when I was last informed it was about 600,000 words and longer than Tolkien or Tolstoy.

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The real meaning of sacrifice.

90 years ago today the Armistice was signed, ending the Great War. It was carnage on a scale not known before, where over a million British Servicemen and women perished, many in the mud of the Somme. It is perhaps beyond our imaginations to realise how awful this must have been, dealing with daily shelling, the cold or heat, constant sniper fire, poor food, lice, disease and boredom. Then if you cracked under the stress of it all, your own side would shoot you as a coward.

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Have you noticed?

Have you noticed that the list of users now includes everyone? It's a much better idea than the previous shorter list, although I'm not sure about being called a user--it implies some sort of addiction. Oh, maybe it isn't so inappropriate.

Angharad (as an author does that make me a pusher, as well?)

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Back from my travels.

Goodness, some of you missed me, I'm overwhelmed. I had a nice week away, and although the weather could have been better - one day was a wash out - I enjoyed myself. I walked miles bird watching, and was reasonably rewarded. I teamed up with a couple who hadn't hired a car, so we went off most days looking for spots to watch for new species of birds. Andy was better at it than I was - I haven't done much of it for years, so didn't get my eye in, until the end of the week.

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Well Done Erin!

Has anyone noticed the hits counter at the bottom of the page? It's now over 4 million. I think that congratulations are in order for our super web mistress and her team of elves, I mean helpers.

Congratulations Erin, I look forward to the next million.



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completely bonkers

For those of you who like to read my serial concerning the life and times of Kylie Mosse, I have some bad news. The next one will appear sometime in the next few days, once it's been proofed and I re-edit it.

I thought I'd better warn you, in case you wish to leave the country, now.



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Life imitating art?

Is Tom and Cathy's survey too late? See below from the BBC website.

Mammals facing extinction threat
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Barcelona

At least 25% of the world's mammal species are at risk of extinction, according to the first assessment of their status for a decade.

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My Hols

Just to give some advance warning, I'm away for a week from monday 20th October. I'm going to Menorca where I hope to do lots of walking and birdwatching (as in ornithology!). It's a favourite place of mine, although I'm going on my own this year - it does mean I can do what I want every day.

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Charlotte's Tale

In writing Bike and Bonkers, plus a few other bits and pieces Charlotte has been a little neglected. I plan on remedying that as soon as possible - it might also get one or two of you off my back. So please don't start on about Snafu, I'm well aware I haven't done any of it for ages, but I can only do so much at once and I have worked 12 hour days for the last few, so be thankful that Bonzi has been able to help me write what we have between us. He's the hardest working cat in Christendom (so he tells me).

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Tour of Britain

Well I've done my bit for another year. The weather driving from Dorchester to Tiverton was awful. It absolutely chucked it down. This stage of the race started at Chard, in Somerset and went on to Burnham on Sea in Devon. I was marshalling at Tiverton.

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Over the hill - conclusion.

I'm sure I'm boring you all stiff, but I have just completed another ride up the ridgeway, this time on my race bike - something a few days ago, I wouldn't have believed I could do. This bike is higher geared than the others, with only a compact chainset instead of the triple. It goes faster but takes more effort.

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Over the hill again.

In March last year I posted a blog about cycling over the South Dorset Ridgeway. From, the Weymouth side, it rises about 100m much of it in the form of a chalk escarpment. From the north it's a longer gentler pull, from the south, a much steeper prospect with nasty hairpin bend about a third of the way up.

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Totally Awsome Cycling!

The British Lion has roared at the track cycling in Beijing, a medal in every event so far plus a gold and silver in the Keirin and the same assured in the women's 3000m individual time trial. As a member of British Cycling; I am overjoyed. I presume I can stand down now, as they look as if they can cope without me. 8)

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