Kate Craig-Wood green IT entrepreneur and TS.

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This attractive young woman was on the BBC Radio4 Midweek programme this morning. Will try and do a link.

Here's a link to her website with pix.



I heard the beginning but ...

... it's such a drippy, trivial programme (in my very humble opinion, of course :) ) I usually retune to R3 and eat my breakfast whilst reading the Grauniad (there have to be some advantages to increasing age, like the privilege of eating 9am breakfasts). I thought I heard a reference to transexual but when I heard her voice I thought I must have been mistaken. Silly really because the only TS I know in RL also has a lovely voice. So, thanks for drawing my attention to this Angharad.

She also rides motorcycles, which is what I did a lot of when I was 36. Another plus. She didn't look green though, just the usual pinkish tinge a lot of us sport.


Kate Craig-Wood

I am privileged to know Kate. She is a delightful, courageous and highly-motivated young woman whose generosity and tireless work for our planet and its people are an example to all those in business.

I wish her long life, health and happiness.


She's a Doctor Who fan?

I'm in love!

Good for her, nice to see someone who has made a sucess of their life despite difficulties.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa