Dawn Natelle

Times -- Ch. 05


This is the last of the stories that were written in advance for this series, so don't expect updates every two days any longer. It will probably be a week before Chapter 6 is ready: Dawn

May You Live in Interesting Times

Chapter 5

William rose early and found Joe sleeping in the hall outside his door. He prodded the boy with a foot, waking him.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 54


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

More from the little town of Ingersoll: Dawn

THURSDAY, June 16, 2016

Rachael stopped off at the bakery on the way to school, as she now did every day. Her Dad started at 5, and her mom at 7, so her visits at 8:30 brightened up their mornings.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 51


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

Just a short series of vignettes to keep the story moving: Dawn

MONDAY, June 13, 2016

Rachael was up early and got Bobby fed and off to school. Then she headed back to the church and the house next door where Mrs. Winchester lived.

As she got close, she saw Larissa, Carly and Mikki heading in from the opposite direction.

Another Fairy Tale?

In my recently finished “A Gentle Soul” I dealt with the way that fairy tales could be concocted. I have also come up with a rationale for the story of the fishes and the loaves in the Bible.

In the story five loaves and two fishes fed 5000 people that Jesus preached to. And amazingly, the remnants of the meal exceeded what they started with.

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A Gentle Soul - 4


A Gentle Soul - Conclusion

Here is the conclusion to the story. I apologize to those who liked the fairy tales in the story. The Grimm brothers do not play much of a role in this one: Dawn.

The company made its way into Southfarthing, where they broke up. The hobbits left for Fangorn with the pony cart containging the wood (and Entwives) while Ruth rode her little donkey cart pulled by Hansel and Gretel on towards her home.

A Gentle Soul - 3


A Gentle Soul – The Penultimate Chapter

I promised to take a month between stories after the last chapter, but that night I finished the tale (in my head). The chapter after this one is all there ready to get into the computer. This chapter took a bit more work. I will finish this story before getting back to Rachael and A Second Chance: Dawn.

A Gentle Soul - 2


A Gentle Soul

I gently teased Erin the other day when she posted a new Bian chapter a year after the last. Then I realized that I have a series that had gone dormant. This one is my secondary series, and will only be updated at a monthly level (roughly). I hope you enjoy it. It was fun to write: Dawn.

A Gentle Soul 2 – The Entwives

A Gentle Soul


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Other Keywords: 

This is the landing page for A Gentle Soul, an occasional series that I will be posting. It rips off the Grimm Brothers (who actually appear in Part 2) and J.R.R. Tolkien, the master of all epic fantasy. If you've seen The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies, but not read the books, get yourself to a library or bookstore and read them. I liked the movies, but the books are glorious.

A Second Chance Teasers

Fans of my series’ (River and A Second Chance) may remember that I often claim that I don’t write the stories, my characters do. That is true for a lot of the story, but I do come up with ideas, sometimes months before the chapters will be written. Often these come as I am about to fall asleep, or have just woken, and seem to be like little movies about my characters. I have decided to present a series of these that are waiting for chapters that can use them, sort of like promos for upcoming TV shows, or trailers for future movies.

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A Second Chance -- Chapter 49


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

Okay, I messed up. Somewhere along the story I started thinking this was Bobby’s 11th birthday, when in fact he was 9, turning 10. I have corrected the last chapter, but want to mention so people aren’t confused at how he got a year younger: Dawn

SATURDAY, June 11, 2016

A Second Chance -- Chapter 48


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

FRIDAY, June 10, 2016

Rachael woke up a few minutes early. She was making Bobby’s favorite breakfast: French Toast. Grandpa was always up before her, and she helped him into his shirt while the oil was heating. Mom and Geoff were next down, and finally Bobby, whose nose led him into the kitchen.

“French Toast,” he said for a whoop. “But it isn’t Sunday.”

A Second Chance -- Chapter 42


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

SATURDAY, June 4, 2016

Rachael was up very early. Her parents were already at work, and Bobby was going to have to get up when he woke later and help Grandpa whenever he could. He would make himself breakfast: cereal for him, and toast for Grandpa. This was the most responsibility the little boy had to this point, and he was told to call Maria at the bakeshop if there were problems.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 40


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

In this episode we go shopping. But don’t get excited. It is man shopping. In the store and out as soon as possible. One good retail experience and one not so good Not such a long wait between chapters: Dawn.

THURSDAY, June 2, 2016

A Second Chance -- Chapter 35


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

Sorry for the big gap since the last chapter. Apparently there was a major event early this week. It was the start of the World Junior Hockey Championship, which is more important to Canadians over the age of 14 than Christmas: Dawn

SATURDAY, May 28, 2016

A Second Chance -- Part 2


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This is just a place holder for the next batch of chapters in A Second Chance. The first part will have from 1-35, and 36 on will appear under this section. Hopefully I am doing this right, and in a couple weeks I should post the first Chapter under it. 'Til then, read the other parts under the main heading.



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