In my recently finished “A Gentle Soul” I dealt with the way that fairy tales could be concocted. I have also come up with a rationale for the story of the fishes and the loaves in the Bible.
In the story five loaves and two fishes fed 5000 people that Jesus preached to. And amazingly, the remnants of the meal exceeded what they started with.
This is how I see it going down. The 5000 people coming to hear Jesus would not wander out of the city without packing a lunch. People are not stupid. So when it came time for lunch, and Jesus sent out the loaves and fishes, most people had their own food. And in the Christian principle of sharing, they gave some of what they didn’t need into the baskets for those who didn’t bring food (some people are stupid). In the end, there was more left over than they started with. It’s a miracle.
This is just a little explanation of how the mind of an iconoclast works.