Drew and the Tripeak challenge chapter 3

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Drew and the Tri-peak Challenge
By Sharp.


A Gabyverse Fan-Fiction


Nyola came up to Draco but kept her eyes facing to the ground. "Please Lord Vishnu I was told I had to introduce myself to you. I was with Lady Gaby when we found Samantha. I do not know what this person has done wrong. I do know she has the friendship of the little ones called Astrid and Cleo, and while you may not be scared of my protector Justice. You stated yourself the little ones caused you the most trouble."

Draco, "Yes Nyola and I was correct. My Cream daughter consistently ignores me she may be my eldest child but she is still the baby of the family as she will never ever grow up, and like those other terrible two Astrid & Cleo gives me a big headache. What would you do with her?"

"Sir I have the friendship and companionship of Lady Gaby. You yourself heard the vows your daughter made. She has already joined an exclusive club called The Golden Valkerie. Your daughter took it upon herself to take the blame for wearing that dress, when I know who instructed the Red queen to place her in it. It though is not my place to tell you who the instruction came from."

Draco, "Nyola I see even you are getting braver. I think a bit of fire must be also in you. I know my brother has accepted you, but most of my water nieces are not as bold and outspoken as you are." Draco glared at Nyola.

The pixie inside her bra said. "Do not let him get away with that Nyola. Pull yourself to your full height and lift your head up and glare back." Nyola did as instructed.

Draco burst out laughing. "Yes Nyola I can see you have your own personal fire. Come out Sepal. I take it that either Alexis or Astrid ordered the Red Queen to place Cream in that dress."

"You know full well I could never tell on any of my sisters regardless of which they are. I will say though Alexis thought it was not the done thing for a Daughter of Draco to be a personal assistant to a TV broadcaster. Also she thought it was time you implemented your vow concerning Cream. Admittedly it needed the song of the Valkerie to draw her home. But return she did without kicking and screaming like you forecast. Now her sisters large and small insist you place her hand in that of Alexis so they may be one as they should be."

Draco looked around and said, "Sorry Baby I have to do this. For long enough I have given you free reign now though you must learn some of the responsibilities of a daughter of Draco. I fear in future that I am in for a bigger headache as you apparently have teamed up with Astrid and Cleo. One thing is for sure that you could not be in safer hands than those two dragons. Now I have done my duty I for one would like to get back to watching the remainder of the race with out interruption." As he spoke the sound of the singers started to get faster.

Alexis, “I think we had better get to the finishing point."

Gaby was in third place when she heard the sound change. She signalled to the team and they made a break and where followed by the Frenchman and the German.

Kattrina, "Gaby two of the others have come with us."

Just before the finishing line the German burst a tire so he jumped off his bike and lifted it up and started running for all he was worth. He came in sixth place behind the Frenchman. Gaby and Kattrina battled it out for first place in the race, and it was down to a photo finish. Eventually Gaby was declared the winner. The German came up and gave Gaby a hug, "Congratulations Tsarina who rides."

For a second or two Gaby was speechless. "Sorry mistress we both recognise the song at first I thought it was calling for the Kaiser and then I realised when my friend said they are calling all true Celts to support the queen. Hence me calling you Tsarina Gaby. I am please to have come in sixth place to a queen, and ask a boon may my French colleague and I have the Privilege of riding round with you on a lap of honour?

Gaby, "Yes you may but not on your bikes. We have a special one for the winners.” The two men looked at the bike that appeared to be two welded together and had a third seat raised high above the front two. Already Gaby's standard fluttered in the wind. “My team will not mind you two pedalling this, as it is quite hard work. After we have done a lap of honour you must join us in our celebrations."

The two men did not see Polly slip into one of the saddlebags behind them. The Frenchman spoke. "Did you not see that flag? Do you realise the significance of it?"

"I do and any with Celtic in their blood will also."

The German, “I had to look twice as I did not believe it. Yes my friend I know better than most what that flag is. The White Rose is the kingdom of York. The Golden dragon has significance though when combined with the Dragon singers. The Dragon singers always accompanied the ancient Kings of Brigantia in to Battle. Today they sang their ancient song when Gaby raced. The dragon singers are supporting their queen who battles. When I came here today I came to race. It is the first time I have raced in Britain and the first time I have come across Gaby, but I know of her mother who is the ladies World Champion."

"My forefathers have for generations waited for this day. I am lucky to be the one of our family to be selected to transport Gaby. No Grand Maestro before me has ever done that before."

"Ah my brother I take it you are Grand Master of the brotherhood of Odin. I am your French counterpart and am the Grand Master of the brotherhood of Herne. We are mainly foresters and hunters. But I also like to cycle. It is perhaps a good job Gaby cannot hear us talk. Neither of us is supposed to tell others what society we belong to. I though recognised you immediately as a fellow brother." The pixie in the saddlebag giggled as she broadcast their chatting.

Alexis called Herne and Odin over. "It appears we have two visiting grand masters and you two are the principal members of their clubs. They are currently taking Gaby on a lap around the arena.”

Herne started to laugh. "Is that what they are calling themselves these days? I wonder if there is any druid left in either one of them."

Odin, "We will dine with them and when they are relaxed see how much they will reveal. Although they both are saying stuff to each other that is not for mortal ears."

Alexis, "Gentlemen that is my little sister Petal who is the spy on the bike."

Just after Alexis finished speaking another broadcast came through. "Hi it is Louie here I am on a Bike with Grand Odin." At this news the recipient got excited. "Hold on I have not finished we both are taking the winner of the race round on a lap of honour along with her standard a golden dragon above a white rose. Not only that, But she also has Dragon singers. Yes they look like the real thing, or at least are dressed as such. No their weapons are missing as they should be when singing for a queen. No she has no idea that either of us are from the international brotherhood. No she can not hear me. Look I will pass you over to Grand Odin and you may speak directly."

"Ya Grand Odin is correct. No it was purely accidental we met. The song they sing is the song of the Valkerie, which starts out the same as Land of my fathers. I will tell you now do not do any thing stupid or I personally will hunt you down. Better me than Odin himself or the Valkaries'. Your master forgot to tell you we also saw the Valkaries' escort the golden dragon. I would rather face Justice ten times than face the Valkaries'. They have changed and are far more dangerous than when Lord Odin controlled them. Hello, Hello are you still there? I tried to warn you it was not a good idea to call yourself the brotherhood of Herne. It is pure folly and certainly not a good idea to call yourself that, and then hunt his deer. At least we have the blessing of Odin. I am the last of my line to carry Odin's Staff. I hope I live long enough to return the staff."

As he spoke the telephone rang. "Grand Odin you where correct. Herne is not too pleased and is taking us all to trial. He even brought Armies of small warriors I have never seen the like of before. Please ask our master to summands the help of our mistress Cartumandia." With that the line went dead.

"Apparently my friend all your colleagues have been rounded up by Herne and his hordes."

"But how did they know where to go?"

"The last words your colleague said were for you to summons Queen Cartumandia to help them. As for how did they know? That is far easier." He reaches over and opens the saddlebag. "This my friend is how they know. They know exactly who we are and what was said. Well I suppose we had better take the statuette with us when we accompany Gaby to the party. With that Grand Odin undid his shirt and placed the pixie in an inside pocket. I will find out later who placed you in the saddle bag."

They came to a stop and realised the Dragon singers had a chair upon a platform. Venutias spoke, "They have to carry the victor into the tent. As for you Grand Odin I request the return of my staff. As we speak your brothers also are being collected. Also there are another two items that need returning to Odin himself."

A little head peeped out, "Hi Venutias I am quite warm and safe here and I can feed so I will stay until the end of the celebrations. He is quite a sweetie and is very loyal to both you and Odin. He has the ancient power of the Druids but has never used it, as he does not know how. In a second or two he will get his first lesson and then he will be able to return the staff."

Grand Odin looked down at his hands as they where getting thinner and his hair was getting longer. He looked down as two mountains emerged from his chest. His tummy got slimmer and there was a crack as his hips widened.

Grand Odin looked at himself and said, “So the vows I said where true, only a female can hold the post of Grand Odin. Well this is a change. I would return the staff, but after the death of a previous grand Master none of us knew where to find it. On his death bed all he would say was it will be there when you need it."

The pixie appeared and said, "Hi again I could not help hearing what was said and there is this in the pocket. Is that what you have misplaced?"

The Grand Odin pulls out a broach shaped like a penis. "Sorry little one I forgot that was in there it is rather rude so I tend not to wear it. It was given to me when I was but a child and I take it everywhere. As for the Staff of Odin the last Gran Master died a hero's death. He would not tell the remaining brothers where it was or where the staff was hidden. The SS tried everything. When he died on them they did not know what to do and so one of the brighter ones. Found a very old cane and sent it to Berlin. Saying the Grand master was dead but they had the staff of Odin and where forwarding it to Berlin. The remaining brothers all knew that was not true but kept quiet. Eventually when everything had quietened down I was elected Grand Master of the lodge as my father before me had been. They did that although I was still in my minority, I knew I had been entrusted with a great secret but I have no idea how to find it."

Draco said, "Please may I examine the broach?" It is handed to him and he smiles and walks across to Alexis and fastens it on her gown."

Alexis spoke, "The daughters of Venutias have protected their secret well. Now though it is returned to me. I wear the staff of Odin with pride. Venutias, Cartumandia remains with me but I think you and your companions need female companionship. So with this in mind would the sisters of Venutias and Cartumandia look after the Dragon singers?"

The two former grand masters spoke as one, “It is agreeable now the charm is lifted that our companions if they desire make a match with the Dragon singers. We though can not."

Alexis spoke, "Neither of you need say any more. Odin and Perfecta take your daughter's home, but ensure they come to cycle practise. First though I have a present for you both." Astrid and Cleo appeared

Astrid spoke, "No going back for either of you two, it is the Hellhounds for you both."

"No, No, No that is not what we where promised. We want Gaby. We want Gaby."

"Okay you two I did promise I would ride with you. Just one circuit though. Astrid will you summoned the rest of our sisters to accompany us?"

Perfecta spoke, "It is such a long time since Odin rode with such a Horde. Do you mind if we also accompany you."

Gaby said, “Draco and the Matrons can all come if they wish. Nobody is to be left out. The ride will show we are united as a family. True we are rather a strange one but we are all family. The last time I went on a flight I had an adventure so who knows what will happen this time. With that they all took off even the Dragon singers found they where being carried by their female counterparts.

Soon they where flying over the Alps. They where close to the village of Samnaun in Switzerland. It was very close to the Austrian Boarder. Odin's twin daughters said, "Gaby did you see that? They realised a girl was being chased by men with a pack of hounds. She dived into the water and swam across a river. She got out and started to run again. One of the men took a shot at her and missed.

They heard the men say, "She is heading for the caves of atonement if she makes it there we will never find her."

"Gaby I know the caves so can we help her?"

Odin spoke, "Daughters we are all close by to help. But this is a good chance to test your skills. I suggest you each take a Pixie".

Sepal called for Rose and Iris to assist the daughters of Odin. "Petal and I also will go with Gaby." The small group soon found themselves in the entrance of the caves of atonement.

"It looks like somebody is living here Gaby."

"Look out somebody is coming." With that the three became invisible.

The girl grabbed something from the small bundle and said, "Mother protect me." A doorway opened in the rock. Gaby and the other followed her through. Petal stayed behind and hid in a small cleft.

The men arrived. They looked for her footprints but there was no trace. "She has been here. See she had had a fire here before. I suppose we could send the dogs in. Although the last time I tried that they ran out terrified as if the hounds of hell where after them."

Petal chuckled, "This time the hounds of hell will be after them and you. I am summonsing them to chase you away."

With in seconds of releasing the dogs they where back and running for there lives the men ran after the dogs. I told you they are terrified of those caves."

Odin, “Draco your little daughter has summoned the hounds perhaps we should follow them and see what transpires."

The Girl spoke again, "Thank you for your help. The dogs would have run away as before, but it gets harder each time they try and capture me. Now would you care to show yourselves and I better let the one in who got left outside. Oh Pixies it is a long time since I saw one of your kind. Sorry Golden Fire pixies and you are the first I have met. Gaby realised the girl was scanning them all in turn. Two daughters of Lord Odin no wonder the dogs fled. It would not be imaginary Hellhounds chasing them this time, but the real thing, and I bet the men lost a few pounds as well after that shock."

Back in Samnaun the three men had all headed to the toilet and with in seconds had made a terrible stench. The wives of the three said, “Just what have you been up to now? You would not have been trying to make sport with the mountain woman would you? You know what we told you we would do if we ever caught you making sport with her. Ignore her and do not go near her again. Yes we all know you have chased her, and lucky for you that none of you caught her. She must have given you a real scare this time. Well at least you will be slimmer and fitter."

Back at the cave the woman looked puzzled, and looked at the pixies again. Sorry I missed something, “Pixies born of Lord Draco's blood. No wonder you are fire pixies how is Uncle Draco? You though puzzle me I can not scan you there is a block preventing me. What can not escape me is how my cousins all react around you. Pixie and Valkerie quite a protective combination if I may say so. So even little Petal has more fire power than I can conjure up. Then you must be important indeed. I see you also have met mother is she still called Justice or something different? If you have not guessed already that I am Storm her eldest daughter. Now please whom am I conversing with?"

Petal spoke, "You where correct I am Petal and this is Sepal my sister. These are two of our daughters Rose and Iris. Your mother these days has a pixie of her own, our sister Polly. Normally she attends to the Golden Empress or one of her faces. I believe she is currently on a hunting expedition in the Alps."

Storm burst out laughing. "Mother and my Uncles are chasing the men away. It is time I returned home although I am unsure of mother's reaction to me. We always where either the best of friends or very volatile."

Gaby, "You are bleeding did they hit you with the bullet?

"No my friend, I fell and grazed myself. They are like children who have to better each other. The women of the village leave me food, as they believe I bring them good luck. The males from time to time try to capture me. Some chance of that although I am getting fed up of this and have been considering moving on. For some time now I feel as if my energy is draining from me and I am making mistakes. Why with even the Pixies I should have been able to read them at once and I made several mistakes.”

"Gaby holds her hand out and says Storm I am Gaby now sleep my friend."

At this Petal speaks, “You all better come out. Storm is sleeping and I can smell you all." At this lots of little Pixies emerged.

Gaby, "She has quite a collection of you here."

“Please mistress can you scare the hounds away while we feed, as we are all rather hungry. The mistress could not get enough food for us all and she has been doing without and that is why she is making many mistakes."

Gaby, "The daughters of Odin will see you come to no harm while you clean yourselves and feed. Then can you bring me all the honey or nectar you can find. Tell the bees the queen has need of it, and she will return it to them as soon as she is able. If they will allow you Royal jelly that would be a bonus. I need all the energy I can possibly get. I now need to help Storm as she has just about used up her entire life force."

"Mistress we will all be back soon with help and food."

Gaby looked round the cave, "Petal this will do can you singe either end. I will have to lie down at the side of Storm, and one end will have to go in my arm, and the other in Storm's arm. Petal and Sepal can you hold the connection in place. Justice helped me when I needed it and so did Alexis. Now it is my turn to help. I hope my blood is compatible with hers if not I might kill us both."

Soon the pixies returned carrying food for Gaby. Then there was a great bussing sound. One of the pixies said, "The Queen bees all ordered the workers to come and feed you when we told them you had requested help. Every hive in the area is sending help they all know and like Storm. Over the years she has helped them all and now it is their chance to help her by helping you."

In the village of Samnaun the women noticed the massive black cloud that continually kept going in and out of the cave. They went and found their husbands. "Just what did you do to that girl? That black cloud bodes ill for us all if you have harmed her at all. You know the ancient ones will enact retribution on us if she is hurt or has been hurt."

One of the men said, "He fired into the air to scare her but we did not catch nor harm her. The dogs entered the cave but ran away terrified like the demons of Hell where after them."

Back at the cave Gaby found she was being continually being fed by the bees. Soon she noticed colour start to come back into Storm. “Petal you now may summon Alexis and Justice as they will need to be here to see what I have done. Storm when she awakes will find she is slightly different from before. Bees thank you for your help that should give both of us plenty of energy. I could do with your special mixture before a race."

Petal, "They say thank you for saving Storm. They are beholden to you and will ensure you get plenty of the Royal mixture you need."

Justice arrived and looked at Gaby and then Storm. "I had to share my life force with her Justine. She is one with me now. It was the only way I could think to save her quickly. Soon she shall awaken. Petal and Sepal applied pressure where the straw had been connected. The bees have been feeding me so I had enough energy to produce enough life force for the two of us."

Gaby, “Justice before you blow your top. Storm described it as a game that had got out of hand and she does not want any of her kin causing retribution on her behalf."

As Gaby spoke Storm came to and noticed Alexis and Justine. "Mum is that you I have been off it recently and I think I must have collapsed as I remember Golden Pixies and Odin's daughters and a girl. Then all went blank, I do remember a voice assuring me every thing was going to be alright."

The women started climbing the mountain and had almost reached their goal when the black cloud vanished. "Oh no we are too late. The spirit has gone. Regardless we shall go in and prepare her body for the next life. It is right somebody does it for her, and we shall all carry her down to the cemetery." Polly heard them talk and realised they where no threat.

After searching a while they found the door. They entered and saw a body laid upon a stone slab. "On no we are too late. It must have been the spirit leaving we saw." They knelt before the body and spoke. "Mistress we will chastise them when we return for now though we mourn your departing."

They where greatly surprised when a voice said, "Ladies I think you are some what premature. I was only sleeping. I have not departed yet. Although I will soon be gone from this place, and you will not have to fear your men chasing me as they did for sport. I take it they enjoyed my sisters hunting them for a change? Or did they not tell you that? No I believe they would not tell you what occurred. I should think though they should at the very least lose several pounds each with a bout of diarrhoea."

The women burst out laughing. "So that is what caused them all to spend hours at the toilet. Well when we have finished with them they will have lost considerably more. We apologise for their treatment of you. Do you mind if we carry your body back to the village as if you where dead?

Alexis materialised and said, “Yes It may teach them it is not a good idea to pursue any female like they did, and especially when she has Justice as a mother. Had your spouses actually managed to harm Storm then I would have found it hard to prevent the retribution that would have ultimately ensued. As it is Storm asked that the children where not harmed as they where only playing a game that got out of hand. She was in a much weakened state when my sister found her. The cloud you saw from the village of Samnaun was a battle for her life. So ladies you all have had a very close shave indeed.”

Storm recognised the basket, “You where the ones who kept bringing me baskets of food and then it stopped why?"

"Sorry we all went through a bad patch it was not your fault. All the farms close by in Austria and Italy contracted a disease and so the regional government decreed all our stock was to be destroyed to safe guard other areas of the country. Hence no Eggs, Milk or cheese to spare. All we had was the crops we had. The men got angry when you took some of them. They did not realise we had brought you food, and that you also needed substance. My late mother will be angry with us for allowing what we did. We vowed to take care of you and we failed. So now the ancients will be angry with us."

Justine, "I am not called Justice for nothing. I find your hearts are true, as are the words you speak. My daughter was not the only one who relied on the food parcels. She shared all she had with others less fortunate than herself. They in turn ensured your crops prospered. It was not just an old woman's whim when she asked you to care for my daughter. You did well to follow her instructions for so long and she should be proud of you. I think it should be rather a spectacular funeral for my daughter."

"Storm will lie still while you carry her down. There the doctor will pronounce her dead. You will create a massive funeral pyre, and place her body on the top. The rest you will just have to wait and see but I guarantee the men will be terrified for ages to come. All I ask is that you continue to bring a basket with food. If times are hard write a note and explain what is wrong. This way the others who rely on the food can find alternative sources. Now you have seen Storm and her sister we feel you should also see their little sisters."

Petal appeared in front of them and said, "The five of us you see here represent those you have feed. We have taken them to a place of safety where they can all recover. They will be back though to ensure your crops prosper and collect their food basket. Note though they ask you do as Justice Requests, and organise a funeral for Storm will not return. The sisters of Storm might occasionally come to check up on the males in your village of Samnaun. Just because we are small does not mean we can not cause harm. See that dead tree over there; well this is a small demonstration of the power we exhort when we get angry." The tree burst into flames instantly. "Storm could do far worse than that. Now watch again. This time you will see the same tree grow and flower. My friends this is no trick or illusion. The same will happen with Storm."

"You are not just ancients are you?

Alexis, “Very few humans have ever seen any of my people yet they live along side you, but they are not recognised as such. So you are privileged to see any of us. As we speak many more of the ancients are close by awaiting the return of their sister. So please do as requested."

The women knelt to the ground and said, "Earth mother, Flora and Fauna we promise we and our daughters will deliver our dues. For a year a female from our village will live in the cave and we will bring substance for her and those others who need it. After a year a new female from our village will be chosen. There will always be one of us designated to live in the caves of atonement."

Gabriel, "Come here and let me see your hands. Alexis they all are marked as devotees of Mother Earth. Lucy will not mind if I accept those conditions on her behalf. After tomorrow no married male will live permanently in the village. Some may come for holidays. A girl from the village may bring a man into the village and court him, but once they are married the two of them will spend the first night in the caves. Likewise any boys born in the village once they are of marriageable age will spend an evening with their bride. There they will both become pregnant and the village will prosper. Now I would like to make a suggestion?"

"So mistress you as our ladies representative would like us after the funeral to spend an evening in the cave, and all six of us will awake in the morning following, and find we are pregnant with twins. We will become a village of twins. We the daughters of Mother Earth are agreeable to that. Our husbands may need a little persuasion but we are sure if we tell them that it will increase their fertility to spend the night in the cave. They will only be too glad to agree to the conditions. Now though we have tallied to long, and have a funeral to arrange for Storm."

There could be no doubt in the village when they saw the women carrying the remains of Storm what had transpired, and who was responsible.

"We have communed with the gods and they informed us we where to build a massive pyre and place her body in the midst of it so she shall be received by her sisters in the heavens. They further informed us that if it were not done right the ancients would lay blame on the whole village. As it is as punishment they require all married couples from the village to spend one night in the cave of atonement so they may be known and blessed. In addition one maiden shall be selected each year and spend a year in the caves with only food provided by the village as substance.”

The headman of the village spoke, "I may be old and decrepit, but I think these three have negotiated a satisfactory agreement for us. Their husbands though have brought shame and disgrace on to us all. Let them be stripped and fastened to the funeral pyre. There they may contemplate what their fate would have been had not their wives spoke with the gods on their behalf."

"I though will personally insure the arrangements are fully carried out. Now though my sentence will be carried out with these three."

While the three men found themselves naked, and on their knees bound to wooden stakes the villagers continued pilling the wood ever higher. The three terrified men could do little but watch as tree after tree was placed on the pyre. Eventually the head man said, "It is high enough now. Now you three you are to kiss the body and ask for forgiveness. We shall see in the morning if you are forgiven? I shall spend all night on the top of the bier with her. For it is not right she spends it alone. I shall also atone as I should have stopped you three from your sport, and I turned a blind eye."

During the night a thunderstorm the village had never seen the like of before occurred. The three men where terrified. Lightening hit the stakes where they were bound and they became free. They turned to see the flames engulfing the pyre. "The headman he is spending the night on the top." Try as they might, they were not able reach the headman.

They summoned all the villagers but nobody could get anywhere close due to the heat. As the villagers watched the sisters of Storm appeared, and took the two bodies with them. The three men said, "He died because of us we can not bring him back, but we will go to the caves of atonement and do as requested."

The wives smiled and said, “We will spend the night with you as by now you must be frozen." With that they departed for the caves of Atonement."

Storm looked at the old man she carried away from the flames. "He knew what would happen and was prepared to accompany me to the next life. He but sleeps now sisters."

"Mother I do not want his death on my conscience. Can we not return him as was the tree?"

Alexis spoke, "Storm you know that is not possible as they all saw the Valkaries' come and take you both to heaven. He knew full well that this was a possibility. Before he passed out though he said, Mistress of Storms I am pure I have never had a woman in my entire life. I shall accompany you to the after life, and there we will be companions for all eternity. He also kissed you and said, “Ah if I had been younger I would have tried to catch you as my partner. That was not to be.

"My last words where there was to be no recrimination. I owe my life to Gabriel who shared her life force with me. I am a daughter of Justice and as such he shall not perish. He kissed me and so I shall kiss him and breathe the power of the Storm into him."

Storm kissed the old man and said, "I Storm on the behalf of my sisters accept you as my companion for all eternity. You will forever accompany me on my travels. Where together we will right wrongs and aid the oppressed." As she spoke the Old mans body begin to change. Storm was stunned, "Mother what is happening to him?"

Justice, “Storm my daughter you where very ill when you where found. Gaby shared her life force with you and the bees provided her with the substance she needed. You my daughter became one with Gaby and all those of her blood. You have just ensured the old man is your companion and sister for a long time to come. It is time you awoke Gale your sister for you have much to teach her."

The old man awoke and looked down at his clothes. He looked at his hands and then said; "May I have a looking glass so I may see what I look like? With that a mirror was handed to him. "I look like a twin of the one who died." For a moment there was silence and then he spoke.

"I can not go back can I?”

Alexis, "You are now reborn as Gale sister to Storm and eternally bound to her as you are to me. The villagers will erect a memorial to you and the girl who perished. It will become a village of women. As a woman you and Storm may enter the village as often as you wish. You both though will live with your sisters and me in future. As for your skills we can find you something to do. Storm breathed new life into you as it was breathed into her. Storm unwittingly has elevated you far beyond your station. You like her are now one with me Alexis Golden Empress, Eternal queen of the heavens.”

In the morning the villages looked at the ashes and decided to gather them up. We will build a memorial to their headman and the unknown girl. Through the day this time they built another Pyre, but built it of stone. Inside the pyre they placed the ashes and said prayers for the departed. We promise we will always honour this day."

Back at the caves the men had survived the night. They went to attend their toilet the next second there was screaming. The wives rushed to see what was wrong. "All three of us went to the toilet and it just dropped off in our hands."

The wives trying to keep a straight face said, “Perhaps we can glue it back on? The husbands thought this was a good idea but before anything could be done mountains started to appear on the chest of the men. The women laughed, "No wonder you could not give us children you are all women like us."

"No dears we have been cursed because we caused the death of the girl. She is changing us to her likeness."

The wives spoke, "You shall all sleep and forget you where ever men. Like us you will discover the cave causes all who sleep in it to give birth."

Unknown to the women Storm and Gale were watching. Storm said they are all mothers in waiting three should deliver before the night is out. As they watched the Bellies on three of the women seamed to get larger. The three former men awoke to find they had leaking breasts and an extremely swollen tummy.

Their former partners, "You all have not much longer to go and it will be all over for all three of you."

No sooner had the woman spoke than one of the three gave a scream, and this was followed by the sound of babies crying. She was followed in quick succession by the other two. Before long the naked females where breast-feeding the babies. One said, that was the strangest dream I had that I was a man. No man I know though has ever given birth like we have. I can not even remember what the man looked like who got me in this state. Well I have two little daughters now and I certainly will never need a man again. The other women started to laugh can you imagine a man giving birth with that little thing they have got or suckling the twins like us."

Gale, "Storm they do not know what they once where do they. Gale, once they gave birth, and suckled the child they are forever mothers. They will dote on all their children and never think once where the father is. When they are ready again they will return and keep returning. I see them having lots more children yet. As for the former wives they will return with them in nine months time to give birth and once again twins will be born. Storm does that mean in 18 months time they will be returning again?

"Wait and see sister. As for myself I feel strange and need to ask mothers advice."

They could not find Justine but saw Draco and Storm said. "Lord Draco both Gale and I have a strange feeling in the pit of our tummies."

Draco, "It was inevitable you both have a bad case of Alexitis. I have seen many cases of it and unless it is treated could be fatal for you both. The best way to get treatment is to go and tell Alexis immediately."

Justine appeared, "Draco that was terrible telling them Alexitis was fatal."

"Sister you know as well as I do that there is only one treatment for Alexitis. I fear we will have considerable more grand children to attend to. I am not even sure if Petal and Sepal have worked out yet that all their children are Alexi's clones. As will the children of Gale and Storm be. You know our children have not turned out so bad, and they keep finding each other. I suppose I should tell Alexis that the Pixie children can easily track down missing family members. That can wait until the morning."

Rose and Iris overheard all this, "We better tell Petal."

"Petal, Petal, Storm & Gale are very ill they have very bad case of Alexitis. Lord Draco said so." He also said we where all the little blood sisters of Astrid. Yes and he said we can all track the missing Fay easily."

Petal said, "I think you have been ear wigging at conversations. I also have heard of Alexitis before and, it is fatal unless you receive immediate treatment."

"Rose and Iris.”Yes that is what Lord Draco also said, Should we go and find Alexis or Astrid?”

"I think you two should go. And find Astrid, and Cleo, and tell them Gale and Storm have both bad cases of Alexitis. They will give you instructions."

Sepal, "You do realise once they do that all will know of Storm and Gale's condition."

"Yes I know, but it will keep those two occupied for a while. Fancy going to watch Alexis, and those two?”

Astrid sent the two of them to Snow to tell him the news and he sent them to Endora and Andorra. Andorra grinned, “Lord Herne and Neptune should also be informed of what is happening.”

After a while Rose and Iris ran out of people to tell. “I hope we do not get Alexitis, poor Storm and Gale. I hope they get the cure in time."

A leprechaun, “Excuse me did you say Alexitis was the disorder? Have you told the queen bees as they should all be told? Now I will be bidding you good day, and I better go and give those two my congratulations.”

Once again Rose and Iris set off. After a while Rose said, "The Leprechaun made a mistake he said Congratulations rather than condolences.

Astrid was keeping an eye on the two of them, and eventually they got back to Astrid, "Have you told the Empress as you appear to have told everybody else."

“Empress Alexis our friends Storm and Gale have contracted a terrible disorder called Alexitis and unless they get help then it will be fatal for them. Please, please help our friends."

Alexis, “While you two have been running around telling everybody the news I have solved the problem. Both Storm and Gale though are going to need constant pixie attention to ensure they stay well."

“Yes Mistress Alexis we will look after them. That is what we do best. Did Lord Draco tell you the pixies could be used to track missing family members?”

Gaby, "So both Storm and Gale have decided to be mothers. It will be interesting to know how long it is before Rose and Iris realise they have been had. They did bring us an interesting bit of information about the pixie children. I wonder if that was meant for our hearing, and the two of them knew all along Rose and Iris where there."

Eventually Rose and Iris found Storm and Gale. "Are you both feeling better now?”

Gale, "Well to be honest with you we have had the cure, and now we have to see if it works and if not we will have to have the cure again."

“Please Mistress we will help look after you.”

Gale winks at Storm who said, “Well we may very sick, and we might we might swell up a lot and look like we might explode.”

Rose crack out laughing, "I think we might have seen some thing very similar. Are their lots of blood and gore, and aliens growing inside you, and do they burst out with lots of blood and gore everywhere?

Storm, “Well yes that sounds very similar although I doubt it was actually a case of Alexitis."

Iris, "That is not going to happen to you two is it? I was just getting to like being with you both."

Storm, "Iris dear Iris, Rose has already worked out what is wrong. Yes what Rose said was true although I would not have put it exactly like that. I would have said Justine is soon to be a grand mother again."

"Oh, Oh, Oh you're both having babies. We can help with them. Pixies are very good with babies."

"We both know you will make good sisters or aunts to babies."

Gale, "Will I forget what I once was like the others did?

Storm, "Had you been younger I would have let you catch me. You where meant to be with me always. If you had caught me the same would have happened. You will always remember what once was unless you wish me to wipe it from your mind?”

"No thank you I prefer not to have it meddled with. Besides I am quite enjoying walking among the villagers and watching the gradual transformations of the men. There already appears to be quite a few babies in the village. What has puzzled me is how we both became pregnant. I know how humans do it, but how did we do it."

Iris, "If you do not know then Gale will have lots of Alexitis. All pixies know they only have to look at Empress Alexis, and babies pop out."

Gale thought for a moment, "Storm you knew? You knew when we embraced her in the pool."

"I was not sure as with mother it was a dangerous affair. Anybody mating with Mum needed to be a good fighter or like taking a risk, or be wrong in the head."

Gale thought for a moment, "Herne would not take the risk, Neptune is a gentleman, and Draco is a risk taker is he our father like he is the little ones? Are they our little sisters?"

"Gale I never bothered to think it out and yes I think you must be correct. Draco's blood flows in Gaby, and so she could give me a transfusion. Oh I have just realised, Gaby and Alexis are one. We both embraced Alexis in the pool. No wonder Astrid is described as sister and child of Alexis."

Rose, "We are all little Alexis every golden fire pixie."

They both ran off and saw Lord Snow, “We know big secret, we know who father to Justice Children we worked it out."

Endora, "Well tell us how you worked it out."

Iris, “They would have to like fighting. They would have to be very strong or Justice would eat them. They would have to be wrong in the head or like to take risks."

Snow and Endora both burst out laughing. "Justice would never say, and we did not think to think it out logically like you two."

"Yes Rose and Iris I believe your deductions are correct."

Neptune, "Why did you not choose me little ones?"

"Lord Neptune is a gentleman although he likes good fight; He will not fight lady like Draco."

Draco and Justice appeared shortly after this and Snow said, "Ah Draco my boy have you fought your sister lately. I notice you have a few scars that look like your sister has accidentally caught you at some time."

Petal, “Last time he fight sister he come off worst he had to have Petal sew him back together. Lady Justine also vanished, and Petal did not see her for a long time. Draco glared at Petal who said, "I can glare back at you I am not scared of you. I know secrets, but have not told. Petal sent sister to look for Lady Justine because she was worried she also was hurt badly."

Justine, "Petal no."

Snow, "Petal has not told us, but these two have already worked it out, and I presume already broadcast who the father of Justine's children is.

Justine glared across at them but Alexis spoke up. Justine for years they have all speculated whom the father might be. These two have listened to what others have said, and made their own deductions. Not that it matters any more they are all my sisters as you both know full well. So I will not have either of you hurting my little sisters, because they spoke the truth.”

Petal, “Petal would fight Lord Draco, and Justine if either hurts Petals babies. Lord Draco is not only one with fire in belly Petal has plenty of fire in hers."

Draco burst out laughing, “Petal I have no intention of fighting you. I might loose. In fact I think I have already lost the battle with you. Neither Justice nor I will harm your babies. I already know my flames will not stop you once you set out on a task. I know from personal experience once Petal has started a task however dangerous or onerous she has to finish the job, and do a good one at that. No Petal had either of us harmed any of your babies in any way you would have become a very deadly enemy. Just because you are small does not mean you are not able to deliver a fatal blow. Yes Justice and I fight, as we tend to enjoy them. Neptune would fight me as would Odin or Herne. None of the others though would take on Justice. Well honestly who is going to risk having their head bitten off as an after mating ritual.”

Justine, "Petal we all know of your bravery. We also know both Draco and myself would rather face the killer matrons than have to face up to even a tiny golden queen. My glare is about as far as I dare do with you. You are one with Alexis, and there is no way either of us could take on your sister. I for one am enjoying my time here. I am getting younger and I have my personal pixie to keep me eternally young. Two of my daughters are to make Draco and me grand parents again. Neither of us though intends to sit by the fire reading books or Narrating stories of tales long ago for long."

Rose looked at Justine and said, "Will Nana Justine tell us some stories please?"

Justine looked around and realised all the little pixies where all sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her. "Ok I will tell a story as I knew it. One day I was at home with my imps. There was a knock at the door. It was my brother Pan. He had been in the wild wood and saw something. A man in a Range Rover was chasing a child on a bike. He knocked the child, and the bike into the River. The man drove away laughing a most evil laugh. Pan heard him say well princess that is the last they will see of you.

Pan soon found the bike and after a bit of searching found the child. He brought the child to me and then went to find human help. The child he found was very pretty. I realised the child had taken in many poisons that flow in the river. I nipped her finger, and gave her one of my special anti venom shots. Mean while Pan had found help, and the child was taken to hospital in a car."

"Shortly after I gave the anti venom I realised the child was no ordinary child. I sent an imp or two to inform Draco, and I discovered Empress Alexis already knew of the child's existence. When my brother found out the child had been attacked and injured he was furious as only he can be. I believe that the imps all but one ran for shelter. That Pixie was the second to actually stand up to Lord Draco. Even he admired her guts. There and then he made her his daughter with instructions to look after the little ones.”

“With the aid of the Pixie trackers Lord Draco soon was on the tail of the person who had attacked the young girl. Pollen overheard me tell Lord Draco about the girl. That was enough for Pollen. Pollen immediately mobilised the pixie hordes. I tell you now the anger of Draco is nothing compared to the anger of the pixie hordes when riled. Yet they are the most placid and peaceful of our people. Pollen had called up other Fay reserves to be ready if needed. It did not take long to find the person responsible for the attack on the child. They discovered he was not finished. He intended to go after the family of the young girl on a special fun day. He was going dressed up as a bumbling pink blob and intended to shoot them with a shotgun.”

“He did not know though he had a very dangerous adversary in Pollen. As he slept Pollen and the pixies probed his mind and decided to teach him a lesson he would never ever forget. Meanwhile the human doctors where doing all they could for the young child. Eventually she came out of her coma and was allowed home."

"Justice was that girl our Gaby because we had lots of fun hunting him that hurt Gaby? Please just one more story. And then it is bed for us all. Will Nana Justice come, and tuck us all in to bed?”

Alexis, "I think it is perhaps better if Petal, Sepal and Polly do that, but I am sure your Nana can think of another story to keep you happy."

Justice, “Ok then one more and then it is bedtime for you. I am tired as well so it will not be a long one. One day there was this brother and sister who loved each other lots. The Girl was immensely strong, and was sad no men would come near her because she was so strong. One day while fighting her brother she realised the only man she could ever get was her brother she loved fighting with. She resolved to ensure she carried at least one of her brother's children. While fighting him she sprayed him with chemicals that marked him out as her mate. He said, “So you want to take this up a stage do you. Well they fought day and night for a whole month. Their fighting could be heard far away. One pixie came to see what the trouble was and saw the brother and sister fighting. She also realised there was a great love between then, and resolved to tell nobody. Eventually the sister fled the scene of the fight. The pixie approached cautiously and saw the brother had a great gash from the fighting. She packed the wound with pixie dust, and sewed the wound up. She herself had to endure flames from the dragon brother, but eventually she did the job. The Pixie arrived home all dirty and covered in blood. Her sister helped her clean herself. Not before they where both covered in blood, as it took a lot of getting off.”

“Well throughout the land both sisters became famous, although some thought it was just a story. One day a great fire arose in the land and that same Pixie endured the flames to save many of her friends and companions by keeping an escape route open. All the pixies then realised she had spoke the truth previously about finding an injured dragon. Well one day she was to meet up with the brother and sister again. This time though she was not scared of either of them, and told them both so. Now though the lady needs the help of the little pixie. She knows the pixie can help her locate her missing children. So that all you pixie children are all going to need some rest? So that you are to play find Justice's children in the morning?”

With that the pixies said, "Goodnight Nana Justice we will find them for you."

Draco looked at Justice, "They have all turned our rather well. Have you something to tell me. Perhaps you have Dracoitis or even the far more fatal Alexitis. I for a time thought you might even have contracted Gabyitis. Although I have not heard of any with that condition yet. God help me if we ever get a case or two of Astriditis.”

Petal, "You both know full well we only have acute cases of Alexitis as your daughters Storm and Gale know full well. Even Sepal and I have had real bad bouts of Alexitis before now. We have all noticed a change in Justice Lord Draco. At first we thought it was because she has a pixie daughter to look after her. We also noticed the scent of Justice is changing."

"Yes Petal you are correct I could not but notice the aroma myself. It is not aimed at me is it Justice? Have you something to tell me?”

"Lord Draco I have nothing to tell you. I recently took a bath and it changed my aroma that is all."

Draco, "I presume you fell in or some thing, and did Alexis just happen to rescue you from the water? Well she just happened to be swimming with my daughters and there was nothing wrong in that."

Iris, "Yes and Lady Justine go swimming everyday since then with Alexis. I saw Alexis giving Lady Justice swimming lessons each day."

Draco just grinned, "Justice that must be it if you are having swimming lessons daily." I was going to offer to fight you but I better not just in case you have acute Alexitis."

Justice let out a groan; "Ok, Ok I have had swimming lessons with Alexis. Now can I have some privacy?”

Petal, "They mean no harm and are only teasing you Justice. They all know you also got very bad case of Alexitis like your daughters. So Petal tells you no fighting with Lord Draco is that understood? Tomorrow you go for another swimming lesson with Alexis while Petals babies search for Justice Babies. Justice has many babies."

This caused the others to laugh. Draco, "Now or in the future?"

Justine. "Oh, Oh, Oh." She fled to her room. Alexis knocked on the door and entered.

"Alexis I am stupid. I should have realised. Even when Draco said the girls had Alexitis I did not realise, and I should have. Trouble was previously it was Dracoitis I got, and I did not recognise the symptoms as the same. I accidentally fell in while watching my daughters, or at least I am now half suspecting I was initially pushed into the pool. I could never swim and so had to cling hold of you."

Alexis, “I think you where helped into the water. In fact I would say you where actively helped to have that initial swimming lesson from me. Now though I also think it is time you also went flying with me. As for your Aroma I would have thought you would have realised when Cleo said you smelled like her mum. From the day you found Gaby you have been changing. One drop of my blood was enough for you. You already had over 50% of the same genes. Your transformation did not take long at all. Some of your sisters have taken far longer to integrate with me while the pixies where by far the fastest. You over all your sisters had an advantage. You already have mated with my father, and been subject to the changes that wrought. Petal, Sepal & Polly all where covered in his blood and so similar things applied to them.”

“Every part of me calls to the other. You where drawn to me just as all the parts of me are. Storm and Gale where also called. They both though had my life drawn into them.”

"Oh I think I understand. Gaby provided a blood transfusion for Storm who then breathed life into her sister. I checked Gaby out and without realising and contaminated myself."

Alexis, “I very much doubt you are expecting though. You could be, but as you where infused by Gaby it is more likely you have a few years before you get acute Alexitis. You and your daughters are all suffering from a milder form of Alexitis. They need to be with the other faces that are also part of me. By now you will have heard the voices. All parts of me communicate with each other. I know exactly what is going on, and who is doing what. Father is correct the little ones do cause him the most trouble. That is because they know full well they have bigger stronger sisters to back them up."

"Take Astrid, Astrol and Astral. For a long time I did not realise they existed, nor that my cousins had given birth to my children. When they happened to find their way to me things started to happen very rapidly. It also brought about the demise of Alex Middleham, and the birth of Alexis. Initially I had a wife Christine. I also had a cousin Angela who wanted me as a partner. Well I now live with all my cousins and partners. Most of the initial ones already have had children to me. Even Petal and Sepal had my children without realising what they where. They started to panic when I fed them. I got No; no, no it makes Petals babies go Zip. In fact I Justice suppose I should be glad you and Draco where so vigorous in your mating."

Justine started to laugh, "I could just imagine those two playing a game of Zip there goes another baby. I do not understand what you mean about Draco though."

"Well I would not be here and neither would Gaby nor any of the other golden Queens. You injured Draco quite badly. It took all the skill and perseverance of Petal to fix the wound. She used that much Pixie dust to stem the flow of blood it altered Draco's genetic make up forever. After the fight with you all he can now produce is Golden daughters. Not only that but we are an identical clone of each other. It only needs one blood cell from me to alter a person's genetic make up. If they where male then they are in for quite a shock. As for Petal she well deserved the medal she received for her bravery.”

"Sorry Alexis we always got a little rough. I did not realise he was badly injured or I would have sewn it myself. I contaminated myself with Gaby when I gave her the anti venom. It was only one little drop that is all."

"Justice unlike some of the family your blood must have been very similar to mine to start with, and it only needed a small, but very quick change to you for the transformation to be permanent. Gaby was very similar to me when I first heard about her. I took a team to America to give her a transfusion. What puzzled me was why she needed the anti venom from you. Well we eventually found the cause. It appears Gaby had been drugged with a dart gun, and was trying to escape when she went into the river. Meadows thought he had killed her when her body was swept away.”

“Talking of swimming you should by now have all the abilities to swim that the others all have including Gaby. All the parts of me are drawn together like magnets. Astrid and all the little ones can go into a strange town where there is nobody they know. I will guarantee they will find at least one family member. An example is Samantha, she was one that we did not plan on Gaby finding, but once she had then we also found the whereabouts of several other family members."

"Gaby as you will have noticed has cycling on her brain. It is obvious to me she needed support and also somebody to keep an eye on her when she is racing. That is where you come in and the pixies. She needs freedom, but also protection. You have experience, which she lacks. Even Gaby has quickly learned that pixies can be very useful. Most people think though they are Barbie or Sindy type dolls and do not give them a second thought. A prime example was Samantha who thought the pixie was a doll."

"Yes Alexis I myself have learned how useful having a personal Pixie can be. I know I had looked after some of the pixies but I never considered they could give me a personal service. Like they do."

Visit to Venutias.

There was a knock on his door and several of the Dragon Warriors entered, “Sire we have heard that the Dragon Queen intends to take her chariot over and across the three great mountains of Brigantia. This she must not do with out a dragon escort. We realised none of us have ever driven these types of chariots before. So we have been practising. We have been told that the challenge finishes at your ancient capital on Mount Ingleborough. We can not allow the Queen to race with out us being present."

"Ah my fortress and favourite home. I understand it has been fully restored by the golden Queens. I have not visited it yet, so perhaps it is time I also went to watch this challenge." Venutias smiled, “You all have managed to ride these chariots that need no horses?

"Sire we took knocks and got bruises, but we all persevered. We are after all warriors so anything the Queen can do so can we. We fell off, but got back on again. Eventually we succeeded. Even our partners managed it and persuaded us we should enter as team Brigantia. We also wondered if you would like to lead us. We doubt we will keep up with the mistress, but we will enter the race with her as is the right of the Dragon Warriors."

Venutias looked at his two companions.

Hadrian chuckled; “Well I for one would not mind leading the Dragon warriors on the Tri peak tournament. I understand only the strongest and hardiest of the racers ever complete the race. I also know Caractacus our Welsh companion would love to accompany us in the race. It will be the first time I Hadrian have ever set foot on those Mountains. I suggest the team be called the Dragons of Brigantia. I for one do not mind accompanying my friends if they do not object to this old Roman being with you."

The Welsh prince spoke, "Hadrian you once where Emperor and we where enemies. Now we eat, sit and drink at the same temple. You took our Princess Helen as your wife and tried your best to integrate both our peoples. I though like Venutias have now retired and others now have taken our place. I though would like to enter with the Dragons on this, even if it is only a race, and not an actual battle. Our feuding is long since over so brother Hadrian we three former Princes shall united lead the Dragons of Brigantia in support of their queen on to the field of battle."

"Sire I should further inform you. Several other organisations with affiliation to the Golden one are also entering teams. We though are the original Brigantia team. The White coats are to enter the race under the ancient Clifford Standard of the Red Wyvern. The Newly formed Yorkshire Regiment has also entered a team under the standard of the White Rose."

Venutias, “Well all our men will ride as Celtic warriors and all the ladies as Romans. We will show all that for the most part Romans and Celts where great friends for most of the time."

With that the three friends set about practising riding a bike. Hadrian said, "Gaby makes it look so easy. I have more bruises than when I went into battle."

Pippa was watching their antics and reported back to Justice. "So they wish to ride as Celtic warriors & Roman maids. Perhaps the Roman gods should be there to welcome them. I will have a word with Alexis and see what she says."

"Justine, Gaby rides because she loves cycling. I have no objection to you entering if you wish?"

"No Alexis my brother Lord Draco meant to have the rest of us dressed as Roman gods to welcome the competitors to the Palace of Ingleborough. Why even Pan and Herne could put in appearances and nobody would look twice. Nobody would think it odd to have horrible hobbits all running around playing practical jokes on people."

Alexis turned to Baby and said, "Well it is obvious that some want a big party. What do you think the remaining Hobbits would say?"

"Mistress Alexis, You know full well they will be over the moon at a mention of a party. I can commence operation Ingleborough if you wish?"

Justine looked at Alexis, "Please let them do as they wish?"

"Justine you have much yet to learn. I presume then if you are asking that the hobbits will have already started work on the site. They will have already presumed I have given the go ahead."

"Perhaps I should shock them all and say no party."

Baby looked visibly shocked at this suggestion. "Mistress you would have to contend with some very grumpy hobbits, and pixies if it did not get the go ahead now."

"See what I mean even my Baby is eager to have a party on Ingleborough. Well I can not have a grumpy Baby can I. So I give my formal permission to plan a party at Venutias old Palace? I though expect all those participating in the preparation of the party to still perform their normal duties as well as prepare Ingleborough to receive Roman Gods and visiting dignitaries."

Justine looked at Baby, "Just how do you intend to do that as I know the last time I flew over it there was nothing but a pile of rocks?"

"Ah Justine perhaps you should have a word with Mistress Amanda. She saw who restored the palace. It only needs a good clean and decoration to be ready in time. Even the direct link for Neptune has already been prepared. Nobody will notice as Ingleborough is shrouded in mist all of the time."

"Baby perhaps you should go with Justine to oversee the preparation for the party."

Meanwhile back at Merlingwood in Thornton Gaby was practising hard. Mafwney spoke, "Gaby why is this race so important?

"I have done this race once before. This though is the first time I have the full backing of a team. I also heard that another party is planned at the end of the race. I am not supposed to say anything. It is a hobbit secret you know."

Mafwney giggled, "Ah the Hobbits are never very good at secrets. I better tell the others that it is a hobbit secret. I also better get practising, as I have never done this type of race before. I also have a request from the dragon warriors. They wondered if they and their partners could come here to use the facilities as they wish to accompany you at the race."

“Mafwney I think we are in for rather a large entry this year. Lady Anne has put in a similar request to me, as Venutias has to you. Well if they want to enter then so be it but I will be making sure they work hard while they are here training."

Venutias came and greeted Gaby. "Thank you for allowing us to train. It is not unlike going into battle upon our chariots. The warriors could not allow you to race over the three sleeping maidens with out a contingent of Dragon warriors being present as there is great danger."

"Venutias I do know Ingleborough was once your home, and these day has been abandoned. Perhaps after the race is over we could have a party or something and bring the maids back to life?"

Petal was close by and heard all that was said. She shot off and found Saskia and the Leprechauns. "Gaby wants a big party on Ingleborough. So big in fact that it awakes the sleeping maids."

Neptune was watching and said to himself. "I better go and warn Rombald three of his daughters will soon return. Even they can not ignore Fay magic once it is released upon Ingleborough, Whernside and Penyghent."

Rombald was playing with his younger daughters when Petal arrived and then shortly after came Neptune. Both carried the same message. "Lord Rombald, I thought I better warn you that Inga, Wherna & Penny will soon be returning. I heard Gaby order the Hobbits to arrange a great party at the former palace of Lord Venutias. It has to have the theme of Roman gods, and Pan and Herne are also invited. From what I heard all gods large or small will be expected to put in an appearance."

Rombald called his family and said, “We have to go and help with the restoration of the Palace of dragons, and ensure the three sleeping guardians awake in plenty of time.”

One of the girls said, "Father Can Mistress Astrid also come?"

Rombald spoke, "The mistress is a law unto herself. If she or any of her brood wish to accompany us then they will. And you brother must have thought it important to drag yourself away from the Sea."

"Ah brother, The Fay builders are for ever providing new and interesting ways for me to get around. They keep opening up old blocked or closed ways, and also providing new ways to me to visit my family. I though think those three daughters of yours have slept for long enough, and it is high time a little dragon or dragons awoke them all."

"Father in that case we do need Astrid and her sisters. They could easily awake those sleepy heads of Lord Rombald. Why should they sleep while we have to get the place ready for that party? They have already slept through the visit by Empress Alexis to the mountain some time ago. They now have angry siblings to deal with."

Astrid spoke, "I agree with you they shall get quite an awaking.

Rombald's wife laughed and said, "Astrid certainly awoke me so she is up to the job. It only needs us to find where they lie sleeping."

A short time later Rombald along with his brothers and children looked round the site. "Well we at least can help restore those buildings. Astrid can you lift that rock high up and then drop it? Astrid obliged the stone plummeted to the ground and they all felt the ground tremble.

Rombald chuckled, "Ah at least one reacted to that. Astrid noticed a large rock had moved away from a cave entrance and she went to investigate.

Pippa spoke, “Am I allowed to awake her Astrid?" "Pixies can easy awake her." Astrid sat down and watched as pixie after pixie went into the cave and carried the still sleeping giantess out."

Rombald's wife, "Oh no Rombald I have just realised how they intend to awake her."

Rombald was laughing. "She will be cross when she awakes if you do that Pippa."

Pippa said, "Too late Lord Rombald she has started rolling down the hill towards the Tarn."

"Ouch, ouch that is cold. Who threw water at me?" The giantess looked around and saw nobody only herself. "I must have been sleepwalking. Oh well I better go and check up on the palace before I go to sleep again." She rubbed her eyes and notices a considerable amount of activity on the mountain top. I think I better find my sisters, and tell them somebody has moved on to the mountain while we slept."

Inga went marching off across the moor. Soon she arrived at the Great hole known as Gaping Ghyll. "I always hated this place but I know you two will be down here somewhere. Well here goes. I will try shouting first." Inga looked around and said to herself that will do fine to amplify my voice. She picked up a tree stump and soon knocked the centre out. "Sisters awake we have slept too long somebody has invaded the palace we where supposed to protect. Sisters awake it is I Inga."

A few seconds later Penny popped her head out of the great Chasm and said, "Ok Inga cut the noise down. I will go back and find Wherna."

What seamed like an eternity later another head popped out? "Hi Inga, I just been told you have your knickers in a twist over somebody invading the palace. Nobody is going to be fool enough to do that when we are around. They all know we guard it until it is back to its original use as a palace again. Do you mind giving us two a helping hand out of here it appears to have got taller since we fell asleep?"

Inga helped her sisters out and one spotted Petal on Inga's hair. "I like your decoration Inga. Where did you find this? Can you get us one also?"

Penny gently picked up Petal and examined her. "Well well a golden pixie. And who might you be?"

"I am Pixie Petal one of the smallest of Lord Draco's Golden daughters. I have come to collect you sleepy heads. Your father Lord Rombald is not amused you all slept through a visit by the great queen to the palace you where all supposed to be guarding."

Inga, "That explains all the workmen I noticed."

Penny, "Thank you little cousin for bringing us this news."

Petal, "I better be honest with you Inga. Your cousins decided to awake you, and while your parents and siblings watched we carried you out of the cave. Some how after we had placed you on to the ground you started to roll down the mountain and into the tarn.”

Uncle Rombald was laughing away, "That will teach her to fall asleep while on guard duty."

Penny, "You had better show us the tarn as we could also do with freshening up as we are a little bit wiffy from being in the cave for so long."

Inga, "I take it little cousin you can clothe me if I have another wash?"

"My instructions were to find you and then dress you all in preparation for your nuptials. Your father has decided you three should all be married off. Your mother also agrees with Lord Rombald. I for one did not want to make him cross so I did his bidding to awake you.”

"Well little cousin if father thinks he can marry us off on the cheap he has another thing coming. We will do his bidding, but we all want a lavish wedding with plenty of little cousins as bridesmaids. How fares our brothers and sisters golden cousin?

Petal thought for a moment, "I have not actually met them all but I do know your younger sisters are great favourites of Miss Astrid. Lord Rombald and his partners I have met several times. We are preparing the palace for a great party to which you are invited. There is something else I must do before you can all enter."

Petal pointed her hands at the three giants and they shrunk until they where about six feet tall. The three looked at each other and then Inga spoke, “You are but a Pixie only dragons have that sort of power. Even then only the most powerful of dragons can do that to us. Mother certainly could not.”

Rombald, “Yes my daughters you are correct even the real Petal could not manage that. That Pixie although it appears to be Petal, certainly can not be her. There are only two I know who can actually do that. As Mistress Astrid is here with me it can only be The Empress herself."

Alexis materialised in front of them. Sorry ladies I could not resist that after the real Petal caused Inga to go rolling into the tarn. She was in rather a tizzy so I took charge."

All three curtsied, "I am Inga and these are my sisters Penny & Wherna. Empress we apologise for not guarding the palace correctly. You should punish us for that if nothing else."

Astrid grinned and pointed her hand this time. "That is better you shall be the same size as you younger sisters. You can now play with the hobbits." The three groaned and looked at Rombald."

"Father Do we have to play with hobbits?"

Their mother looked at them very crossly. You all had a simple job to do. That was to guard the palace. Instead of guarding it you all fell asleep. You have a choice a good hiding off me or playing with your younger sisters."

Rombald looked at them, "Well the choice is yours."

Father before we make our mind up. We need to know when do you intend to marry us off. As we can not fulfil out duties to our little sisters if we are married off."

Alexis restored them to how she had them before and Rombald said, "Empress Alexis I take it these three will be married this very evening on Mount Ingleborough."

Alexis spoke, "Astrid you may have them to play with after they have said their vows. For now though they will have their wedding as they requested with hundreds of their little cousins as attendants." This brought a big grin across the face of Astrid."

Rombald laughed, "Well I also insist they have their sisters as attendants as well. I am also positive all your smaller cousins will readily agree to be your attendants."

Penny looked surprised at what her father had said and turned to their mother. "Mum dad has agreed to our demands with out arguing and has increased the number of attendants. Somehow I think we have slipped up with our demands. Perhaps we should have demanded a big party with lots of guests.

Their mother spoke, "Well you are going to get that as well. As the hobbits have already seen to that, and sent the invitations out to your guests."

Penny spoke up; "You two are such nitwits. Think for a moment we have been sleeping for at least a thousand years. Only King Venutias knew where we resided. He was human and will be long gone so how did they know how to find us? Also father can never marry us off. Have you forgotten he promised we would one day become attendants to a gold queen? Father would never break his promise. Perhaps we should have asked him who he serves these days."

As she spoke the younger sisters appeared already attired. "Come on you three your spouse awaits you all."

Inga spoke, "Obviously Penny father has forgotten and has made new arrangements for us."

Wherna looked at her two sisters and then at the real Petal. She burst out laughing. "You two do not have a very good memory do you. I for one will be happy to comply with fathers wished, as you should be. Who has just changed our appearance three times recently? Father has not forgotten his commitment to us he intends us to be the partners of Uncle Draco's child, and for us to bear many children."

"I for one have no objection to what is to transpire."

"Look my sisters at the pixie and tell me what you see. Then look around your selves and again tell me what you see."

"Well she looks like a little gold statuette. So she is a golden daughter of Uncle Draco. We are not to be married off to a pixie are we?"

Astrid was nearly bursting her sides laughing. "I will give you two a clue." Astrid transformed herself into a little dragon."

"Oh she is a little dragon."

Wherna shook her head. "Father I can not believe these two can be so dense. They obviously are not ready for the task ahead and would be more suited to the nursery."

"I will take the path chosen for me, and if I am allowed I would not mind getting to know my younger siblings. Sisters father has changed who we are to become united with."

Inga said, "See I was correct."

Penny saw Astrid laughing and looked at Alexis. "Oh, Oh, Oh Inga we have boobed big time, and we did not see it. Please accept my apologies neither of us expected father to do what he is about to do. I my liege also accept my father's wishes. I accept the hand of my liege lord and agree to be her companion for all eternity.

Some time late it started to sink in for Inga. "Astrid can you change to a dragon again please I think I missed something before. You are a little golden dragon and by any chance can Petal do the same? So Uncle Draco produces Golden children & Grandchildren. Then that means Alexis must be a golden Queen."

Astrid, "Very nearly correct Inga, but Alexis is not a queen & neither am I, nor am I a princess."

At this Inga looked puzzled. By now both sisters where laughing and Penny said, "Oh look it is Uncle Herne and Uncle Pan perhaps they can enlighten you Inga."

Pan could see Inga was Puzzled and asked her what was the problem and then said "Well start with the lowest and work your way up."

Inga started to recite the various titles from a Sir or Lady up to King and Queen.

Herne, "Inga why do you want to know as we all have been summoned by Empress Alexis to a party."

"Oh, Oh, Oh, No wonder they are all laughing at me." With that Inga flings herself at Alexis and said, "I am sorry I was not thinking what a Queen of Queens is please forgive me."

Rombald with tears coming out of his eyes said, "Well brothers you with your own eyes witnessed my daughter shamelessly throw herself at Empress Alexis and bind herself."

Pan spoke, "Inga my niece it appears you have contracted the disease called Alexitis which has to work its course. I noticed my sister's children have the same disorder, and she also appears to have it in a mild form."

With this Inga let out a wail and Cleo came to see what the trouble was. Inga told her “I have a bad case of Alexitis, and Uncle Pan says it is contagious as some others already have it.”

Cleo, "Did he tell you the worst cases swell until they are ready to explode?”

“I bet he did not tell you if you are the size I am that you do not get it bad at all. It must be with playing with the hobbits all the time."

"Astrid wanted me to come and play with them and I was being snooty. She was trying to tell me if I did that I would not contract this terrible disease. Perhaps if I am reduced in height to that of my little sisters the symptoms will not be as severe."

Both Penny and Wherna shook their heads. Penny spoke, "Yes Inga we have been told Aunt Justine's daughters Gale and Storm have already contracted the disease. To look at them you would not know, but it is the continual sickness that gives it away and the increase in weight."

Inga let out another wail, "I need to see Grandma Endora she will help me."

Cleo pointed her hand at Inga, "Inga I can not stand that terrible racket you are making. Uncle Rombald you were wrong I also can do this as can any of my sisters." With that Cleo reduced Inga to the size of a baby. Even Rombald's wife had to smile as Cleo handed her Inga and said, "Aunt your baby Inga is crying and needs feeding."

Penny, “Inga has she to go through all her childhood again?"

Instead of feeding Inga Rombald's wife handed Inga back to Alexis, “She is your responsibility now as Rombald was going to give her to you but she jumped the gun."

Penny and Wherna looked in amazement as Alexis started to feed Inga. Alexis, "She will have calmed down shortly." Sure enough Inga stopped the wailing and looked like she was enjoying her feeding.

Penny, "Inga has already become a golden companion her aura has just chanced to the same as the Empress."

Alexis's hands Inga back to Rombald's wife and say, "Well the other two better transform the same way." With that Astrid and Cleo transformed them into babies and passed them to Alexis. Uncle Rombald they will always be your daughters this is just the quickest way to assimilate them as my companions. Soon they shall be returned as your daughters.”

Endora had been watching, "Alexis that is one neat trick I could never do that although I have heard of it been done previously."

"Alexis the Matrons and I all appear to be getting younger. Are you slowly regenerating us also?"

"With one or two exceptions virtually every one of you is regenerating. Some are just taking quite while to change. Your sister Andorra should by now have noticed her eye sight returning and should have slimmed down considerably. In fact as I understand it she is a firm favourite of those helping her get trim."

Endora laughed as Cleo mimicked Andorra, "Those two naughty girls are at it again fighting, fighting, fighting, Endora I am more of a mother to them than you, and so I will have to put a stop to it. Oh dear Girls, Girls stop that fighting at once."

Rombald started to laugh, "Cleo you have her spot on. One day I was having a bout of friendly Wrestling with my wife when I got similar. Andorra thought I was a girl because I had long hair at the time and her eyesight was failing. We just stopped and got quite a lecture on being proper ladies."

"Ah Andorra I was just telling them how you stopped me and my partner from having a wrestling bout."

"Did you tell them how I mistook you for a girl and made the two of you come to me each day for lessons on manners."

Rombald, "For a whole year I ended up having to dress like my sisters and go for lessons with Andorra. My sisters and wife all thought it was hilarious. As I always liked Andorra I will abide with her wishes. Then she surprised me at the end of the year and said, "Well Rombald do not let me catch you fighting again or it will be 100 years in dresses. Did you not think I would not recognise your smell even if I can not see correctly? Now perhaps you will be more of a gentleman like Neptune. One of these days I will catch Draco fighting, but she never did."

"After that I had my hair cut short so there was no mistaking who I was. The only wrestling my wife and I did after that was in the bedroom and you can see the results in front of you."

Andorra started to laugh herself as Cleo said, “Rombald you are a naughty boy I thought I had knocked out all that nonsense from you. As for those other two terrible twins they are at it again and knocking seven bells out of each other. "

"Cleo I think your impression of me is a little off I was never so bossy. As for the twins they where still at recently. I had to go and separate them not long ago."

Gaby, "I heard about that from Astrid and the Yellow queen. They staged it just for you, as they both knew you would come to separate them. I do know they are the best of friends but had to make it look realistic to grab your attention.”

Alexis spoke, "Andorra my grandmothers have the greatest respect for you. We all know why you brought the matrons. I though was calling all my family to return and after your nap on the moon that is what you did. I do know all the young ones love having you around. Even if they try to mimic you."

Astral stood there and did the actions, "Girls, Girls, Girls you will never get to be queens if you act like that. It looks like you have both forgot all I taught you how to be young ladies."

Alexis spoke, "That is enough Andorra what they are all trying to say is they all love having you around. I have noticed things tend to run more smoothly when you are around. Now will you help me with our three new recruits? They need training on being ladies."

Rombald laughed but Andorra looked at him and said, "If you do not behave I will also be giving you additional lessons." Rombald stopped laughing immediately, but did not reckon on the pixies tickling him.

"Rombald I warned you what would happen if you continued laughing."

Alexis came to his defence. "It appears that the smallest of us has decided to make Rombald laugh. It appears they wanted to see him dressed as a girl going through all the lessons with Andorra."

"Rombald I can not back down on what I said, but if you can demonstrate you still remember my lessons you will only have to do a day. In fact I never punished the twins either so they can also prove they remember their lessons with me or I will have them for as long as is needed."

Petal, "If it pleases your majesty the pixie horde would also like to attend as they where responsible for getting Lord Rombald into trouble. I personally think Lord Draco and Lady Justine should also be made to go as I caught them both fighting, and I got covered in Lord Draco's blood as a result of sewing him up."

Andorra curtsied and said, "Obviously I am talking to a Golden pixie queen who ranks the same as I do. Thank you for your suggestion, and yes I agree to your request. Fancy you two fighting in front of a pixie queen. I will have to punish you both if you can not behave yourselves in front of a queen."

Draco looked at Petal, "But Andorra when it happened she was not a Golden queen."

"Draco my boy have you never learned anything. You never ever contradict a Golden Queen, and although she is small she is certainly a Golden queen. Justine I should also be giving you the same sentence, but I understand you are currently not fit enough. However I expect you to also prove to me you can be a lady."

Justine smiled and said, "Yes Endora once my flight is old enough I will return with them and do the penance for my error. May I apologise to my brother? I did not realise at the time I had injured him like I did. Golden Queen Petal I also apologise for fighting in front of you, and I thank you for sewing up my brother and healing him."

"Draco what is this? Did you have a pixie Queen stitch you up?"

"Aunt Andorra it is such a long time ago now. I do not remember all the details."

Andorra looked at Petal, "Can I prevail on you to enlighten us what happened?"

"Well I sent my sister after Justice and did not see her for a long time after that. I saw Lord Draco was bleeding profusely, and would have probably died of his injuries had I not stopped the bleeding. As I have told before I had to pack a considerable amount of pixie dust into the wound to stem the flow of blood. This was all before I could start on the sewing. Dragon hide is very tough to sew, but eventually Petal managed it. I then went home and my sister helped clean me off the dragon blood. I was covered from head to foot in it."

Andorra, "So you two pixies where covered in Draco's blood?"

Polly, "No actually three of us where although I was a little later and Lord Draco deliberately cut himself for me."

"No wonder Alexis took no action against you. However I have wanted an excuse to see just how much of my lessons you remember. So Draco father of Golden queens you shall spend the day with Rombald at my school. If like Rombald you can prove you can be a gentleman then I will release you from further lessons. I think though there are those among us who will try and trip you both up."

Andorra spoke, "Now you three Pixie Queens why are you not normal in size like us? You should be able to alter yourself to any size if you have been covered in Draco's blood."

A few seconds later three Golden haired girls stood in front of Andorra. "Sorry Queen Andorra we did not realise we could do that. We did know our powers had greatly enhanced after out meeting with Lord Draco. We also realised that Astrid and Cleo could change size as can the Empress as she recently proved to Lord Rombald's daughters."

"Ah yes those three where supposed to be my companions, but I understand they are now Alexis. Well I suppose Rombald did keep his promise. They have a Golden Queen of Queens as a companion ."

For most of the Fae they celebrated through the night. There were some exceptions. One was Gaby Bond who went to her bed early as she intended winning the Tri-Peaks race. Little did she realise it would be the hardest race she had ever ridden in.

The following morning Gaby was up early and dressed in team Gaby Bond colours. As she looked around she realised many people had camped out on the hillside. She realised they must have arrived after she went to sleep. She then spotted some faces she knew. Nicola Cook & Victoria Pendleton who where in her mums British Olympic team.

“Hi Gaby, Surprised to see us here. Our team captain suggested we needed the practise. She also suggested Team Appolonaris could do with the exercise as well. Instead you got the entire German & British Olympic teams. I see we have a lot of competition today.”

Tina comes across and hugs Gaby. “Your mama asked if the team would like to come. So I brought a few extra.”

Gaby started to smile when she saw a man in a yellow jersey. “I was informed this was an open race. I also know you have previously won this race before. This time Gabriel I will make you work hard if you are to win it.”

“Lance when I beat you again I expect you to present me with that yellow jersey of yours.”

This got a giggle from the ladies. Jenny appeared all togged up. “Mum you are riding as well.”

“Gaby the doctors have given me the all clear. Tina I presume you are captain of the German team.”

“Yes but Kat is in team GB and she intends to try and beat me. She also suggested that when London has the Olympics in 2012 that they include the Tri-Peaks race as part of the Olympics.”

The organisers decided to start the men off 45 seconds after the women & children. With that Gaby lined up and as soon as the gun went she was off. From the start she decided to stay with. Tina, Victoria & Penny this group of four took it in turn to take the lead.

Victoria. “Your mother said you were good. It is a pity we do not have you in our Olympic Squad for this year. We might have won gold or two.”

“I fully intend to be in the British Olympic squad for 2012. Mum was disappointed when she could not be in the team because of the cancer.”

Jenny managed to join the group bringing with her Kat & Maddy. “Hi ladies I see the boys have not managed to catch up with us yet. I thought Lance and some of the others would have caught up with us by now.”

Tina. “Captain Jenny these mountains are far harder to ride over. In Germany we go round or through them. Normally we do not cycle over them.”

Penny. “If nothing else going over these will get us ready for the Olympics. Perhaps one of us will get a medal.”

Gaby could hear the Dragon singers in the distance. Then she heard the Fae back at the stand. Gaby changed gear and was off like a rocket. The rest of that group set off after her. Gaby could hear the singing and it gave her strength.

The event was being televised for the first time. Charlotte Lemming was the reporter for the BBC News. “Well ladies and gentlemen it appears that Gabriel Bond the Junior World Champion has broken away from the leading pack that includes her mother and other top international riders. As we can see Gabriel is making a dash for the finishing post. She appears to be  ¼ of a mile in the lead. Yes she has just crossed the finishing post. We now have a major battle on our hands for second and third places. Well we have a photo finish for second and third places.”

One of the Judges. “Gabriel Bond first place. In second we have four senior international Ladies who tied three from England and one from Germany. In third place we had another tie. The Bond family have a family member in all three sections.”

The singing at the stands still continued as the men started to pass some of the ladies and children still in the race. The rest of team GB got to the finishing line before the men started to stream in. Gaby was surprised that Hadrian, Caractacus & Venutias led the men on past the finishing post. The dragon singers were still singing. Lance came in with that group. At first he thought he was in the led group until he saw the White Rose being raised at the finishing post and On Ilkley moor ba tat being played by the band.”

Nicole Cook. “Gabriel has your mother informed you that we would like you to train with us at the Velodrome in Manchester?”

Sharphawlad 21.09.08  © 2008

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Drew And The Tri-Peak Challenge

Is one of Sharphawlad's Gaby stories posted at Maddy Bell's site. He takes a different angle on the Drew/Gaby story that is well worth reading. He has a very vivid imagination that is reflected in his stories. I asked him if he was planning upon posting here, and these stories are the results.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Gaby Fanfiction

Thanks Stan. I will put up all the others including Helen which is a True story. I have altered a few names. It would not take a genius though to work out I live in what once was the Kingdom of Brigantia and gave Britain its name. Hope others enjoy them as much as you. I have quite a few stories I have already wrote but never sent in.