Drew and the Tripeak challenge chapter 1

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Drew and the Tripeak challenge.
By Sharp


A Gabyverse Fan-Fiction
Chapter 1 The Charity Race.

Alice, "Have you seen the news? "They have just announced on the television that Lance Armstrong & Jenny Bond will both be entering the race as invited guests & be sponsored in aid of a Cancer Charity. In addition the Junior British champion will be racing with team Bond comprising of her family and friends.”

Baby, "Mum that will be one special day I want to see."

Alexis. "Well ladies I also know there are others who wish to watch the race so we have some planning to do now. Those who had not previously received their parts soon got them."

Galadrial. "I presume you need authentic costumes so we best call for the Royal Dresser."

"Mistress I already have everything prepared & I am enjoying being back at my old job. With your permission I would also like to be at the castle to watch the re-enactment and the cycle race come in. I know this presumptuous but would you object if I was Lady Anne's cousin Mary Queen of Scots."

Galadrial burst out laughing, "You are correct she did visit the castle & also Middleham. We have nobody filling that part so if you really want it then it is yours."

Alexis. "I decided to investigate further. Jenny Bond apparently is the world champion but she has decided to retire at the height of her career following treatment for cancer. The chemotherapy has left her in a weakened state and that is why she is riding as a guest rider rather than as team captain. This will be her last official race. She had decided to devote her time to training team Bond apparently there are several up and coming youngsters in the team.”

Jade. "I even found photos of Gaby captaining the Sherwood Foresters in America and also racing in cycle races in America. He always gave his name as D Bond, but as you can see from the newspapers over there he became quite a hot property."

"I noticed the bike he and Maddy both used was hand built by Biggs and contacted the maker. Since Gaby has been ridding her bike in America her business has really taken off. She has had to employ extra staff to build the customised bikes. When I mentioned Andrew & Gaby it was obvious to me she knew of the dual personality. I hope nobody minds but I have asked her to come and stay with us at the Castle before and after the race."

Helen. "Normally I am too busy to watch races, but you have my interest. You say he and his half cousin look like each other. Jade shows Helen the photos.”

Leslie. "They got my help when they found Drew or Gaby keeps been admitted to hospital with problems."

Helen. "Did it happen in America?"

Leslie. "It has happened on a couple of occasions about a month apart. The records over there were inconclusive. One of the doctors had put if this child was a girl & not a boy I would have thought she was having her periods."

Helen."Leslie how did you get all this information?”

“Sorry sister I contacted all the hospitals involved and said Doctor Helen Fullolove the eminent Geneticist was treating Gaby Bond/Drew Bond and could they send me all the documentation they had. Jade as she is nearer their ages found out Maddy will be due to start her period the day of the race.”

"We worked back and what did we find every time Gaby was admitted to hospital Maddy was starting. With this in mind I think there will be problems with Gaby shortly after the race finishes."

Helen read through all the details. "Sister you appear to be correct. The doctor in America was close to the mark."

Leslie. "I have anticipated your next move and had a word with your secretary and cancelled everything for the day of the race."

Helen spoke into the telephone. "The Mobile unit did it arrive?"

"Yes Madam everything is here."
"Good because I want all my team here prepared for emergency surgery on the day of the bike race."

Helen/ "Also I understand Hallam Royal in Sheffield has been treating Jenny Bond. Can you arrange for her to see me as soon as possible?"

A short while later the telephone rang and a voice said, "I got a message that I had to ring this number to make an appointment to see a Dr Fullolove."

"Ah Jenny Bond I presume. This is my private number. Yes I would like to meet up with you and all your family including your Niece & her parents."

Jenny, "Actually we are all together today as we have decided to treat the children & are having a family weekend out. Maddy has heard from some of her friends that this place called Hidden Corner is brilliant so we are all heading there in two mini coaches."

"Really. I am there now with my daughters so perhaps I will get to meet you sooner than anticipated."

Drew. "Mum who was that you rang?"

"It was my new doctor I have been transferred to. Apparently she wants to meet all the family."

Jules. "She probably wants to test all us females to see if we have a tendency towards cancer."

Drews father who was sat in the back reading a paper. "Jenny did you say Dr Fullolove?"

"Yes why is there a problem?" He started laughing, "By any chance did she say she was at Hidden Corner?"

Drew & Jules both looked at the paper and also burst out laughing. "Mum there is a picture of Dr Fullolove here & it says she is due to go to the palace to receive an award for her work in genetics."

Carol who was driving the minibus at the time pulled into a car park. "I am stopping so we can all read about her." They pulled into the car park of a Little Chef and decided to have a drink and toilet stop. They crowded round the paper to read it.

Drew went Quiet. "Mum do you think she could help me with my problems?"

Jenny thought for a moment. "Drew if she is half as good as it appears here she has probably already got the full load down on the both of us."

Drew’s father read the piece so the others did not miss out. Drews Grandmother said, “It says here she is the grand daughter of Lord Percy of Northumbria & is due to be awarded several awards for her genetic work.”

Jules, "So Mum your doctor is Lady Helen."

"Actually Jules we should be close to her home so she probably goes to Hidden Corner quite often."

All too soon they pulled up outside Hidden Corner and paid to go in as they went in Drew’s father said, "Does a Lady Helen live near here?"

Alice who was on the door pretended to play numb & said, "I do not think I know her but if it comes to mind I will tell her you have asked."

Once inside the group split up but arranged to meet by the giant’s castle for lunch. Drew went off with Maddy they soon found two little girls who were apparently lost.

Astrid started crying and so did Samantha her sister. Drew saw them first. "Maddy we have to try and help them they look like they are only four or five."

Maddy & Drew cuddled a child each. Eventually Samantha said, "Mummy has got lost & we need to look for her so she is not lost any more."

Maddy. "We will help you look for your mummy as she can not be far away."

As they went on the passage the girls cuddled Drew and Maddy. "Your mums screamed when they got here."

Astrid. "That would have been the hobbits playing tricks on people. Watch that girl who is following those women." The next second there was a scream and she ran to catch up with the others.

Drew. “Just what is going on here?"

Samantha. "Come we will introduce you to the Hobbits." It was Saskia & Zena who were on the jet control

Astrid. "I have brought my friends to meet you hobbits."

Drew. "Our little friends told us their mother was lost. I think for some reason they wanted to keep us separate from my parents. Not that I am objecting."

Saskia. "Drew is a strange name for a girl."

Maddy. "She is also called Gaby which is short for Gabriel. In that case we will call you Gaby like your twin sister." Drew decided not to argue.

Saskia. "As you are Miss Astrid’s friends we will show the secret areas here. First is Bilbo's house and then we will go to the secret levels.”

Drew looked at Astrid." Are you a hobbit princess or some thing?"

Astrid. "No I am not a hobbit princess, but they are my friends and companions."

As they entered the house Drew said, "Maddy I have just remembered do not eat or drink while we are underground for if we do then we will for ever live with the little people."

Saskia. "Fear not no harm will come to either of you while you are here. All who enter here have entered an enchanted land were nothing is as it seams. It is a child friendly area where those of us who wish to meet and play with children can. As to your safety our queen would never forgive us if something happened to you. Gaby Bond British Junior cycle Champion. There are those in our number who follow your progress with interest Drew. I understand you had an interesting time in America."

Drew looked at Maddy. "Not me I have not said a word about what happened over in America."
Jade found the group in the temple complex. "Hi I am Jade & no I am not a hobbit? My sisters’ bid you welcome to our realm.” Jade noticed Drew cross himself. "Did my little sister not say you are perfectly safe here Drew, and there is no need to cross ones self for protection. Like wise Maddy there is no need to rub the rabbit’s foot you always carry."

Drew looked at Jade & then at their two little friends. "Maddy I think we have been had. These two look just like younger versions of Jade."

As she spoke another two appeared. "Mum was wondering were you had got to. You know she is expecting guests later today."

Astrid. "Tell mum we have been entertaining her guests most of the day."

Drew. "I am Drew sometimes known as Gaby by my friends & this is my Cousin Maddy."

Astral. "Well I am Astral & these two are my cousins Astrid & Samantha & they are our sisters. Jade here is sort of our big sister.”

Drew. "To both of us it is obvious you are all closely related or you would not look like each other."

As she spoke Jade's mobile started to ring. Jade answered it. "Gaby apparently your mums have already met up with ours, and we are all now summoned to the great hall."

Astrid. "Please will you carry us as we are getting tired?"

Maddy. "I think we can give you a piggy back each." With the little ones one their backs they followed the others and eventually came to a very large room.

Drew. "Can somebody please remove Astrid I think she may be asleep."

Alexis came and lifted her off and then Samantha. Then she said, "Have my daughters looked after you well Gabriel?"

Gaby looked stunned and then turned and curtsied.

Maddy. “What are you doing Drew?"

Drew. "Maddy I am not entirely dense although some people think I go around with my head in clouds. Astrid here said, No I am not a Hobbit Princess. She did not say no I am not a Princess."

"She did say her mother would not allow us to be hurt while we were here. Maddy our sleeping little friends are indeed princesses. They are though rather special princesses. Maddy their mother goes by many names, but you may recognise Arwen or Galadrial or Titania."

Maddy. "Drew you have finally gone potty all those names are some of the names of the Elven Queen or Fairy Queen."

Drew was still holding the hand of Saskia and said, "Our little friends called Saskia here a hobbit. I have another name for her. Look at her height & then look at her ears. What I have here cousin Maddy is a real live leprechaun. Normally you only find one but here there are many. I remember enough to know from my book that for so many leprechauns to be here Saskia here must be a Royal Leprechaun. If she is a Royal Leprechaun then there must be a queen or queens around. Saskia when we first met her referred to little Astrid as mistress. If Astrid is an Elven Princess it is logical that her mum is a queen so hence me doing a curtsy. According to legend if you are lucky to catch a leprechaun they have to hand over all their collection of gold." Saskia started to shake.

"Do not worry my little friend while your gold could come in handy for me. I do not want to deprive you of your luck & certainly will not take it off my friends. Saskia What I would like though is for my mum to be cured so there is no threat of the cancer ever coming back."

Alexis. "Gaby What about your self is there nothing you would wish for?”

"Your majesty there is many things I could wish for I could have wished for money, but would it bring me happiness. I doubt it very much. I could wish that it was possible to cure all illness. I like reading although most of the stuff I read is technical journals. I have a thirst for knowledge. There are many things I want. I would like Maddy as my partner in life. I would like to race a fit and healthy mum and beat her."

Helen came into the room with Drews remaining family. She said, "Hello Andrew I need to have a little chat with you. I have been rather busy with the rest of your family. They have all been giving me blood samples."
Maddy. "Drew hates injections of any sort. But if it will help you can have some of mine." Drew closed his eyes & then felt somebody scrambles on to his knees & put their arms round him he opened his eyes and Astrid started kissing him. Drew never noticed the needle go in as he was too taken aback with Astrid.

Maddy."I will have to remember that the next time he needs an injection."

Carol. "Maddy it looks like you have competition for Drew now."

Maddy picked up Astrid. "Astrid here is no competition to me, but she is a friend and she was distracting Drew in the only way she knew. It worked he was distracted so much he did not notice the blood being extracted."

Helen."Actually I need to do a full medical on you both. I have already done the rest of your family while you played with Astrid."

Maddy. "So is there just us two to do?"

Helen. "Saskia can you look after Astrid for a while as I need to be with these two Gaby & Maddy. Gaby and Maddy followed Helen in to an adjacent room. "Please can you both strip down to your underwear. It is ok Drew I know all about your growth spurt. I though need to carry a full inspection out on you both."

Maddy. "I will go first if only to show that there is nothing to fear."

“Please lay on the table Maddy.” As she lay on the table it started to move. Eventually Helen said “Just one more thing, and then you can get dressed.”

Maddy had to put her feet into what looked like slings and then they where lifted up. Maddy. "This is one bit I hate I think it looks like a medieval device."

Helen. "Right finished with you Maddy, but can you stay here please while you get dressed. Your turn now Andrew”

Maddy "He is slightly bigger than me on the top."

Helen took the tape measure and double checked yes you are correct Maddy Drew is a C cup."
"Drew did the hospital show you how to check yourself for lumps in the breast?"

Drew shook his head. "My time in hospital was a blur to me."

Maddy. "I do not even know how to check & aunt being as she is it would be a good idea if we know."

Drew. "Dr Helen I am a boy and boys do not get breast cancer."

Helen. "Actually they can & you are more at risk if you are a boy who develops breasts & mother that has had it."

"So my sister Jules is also at risk?"

“Drew it depends on what my team find when they check your blood. It could be genetic & there again it may not."

Drew went through the scanner & Helen said, "This is interesting. Right Drew can you do the same as Maddy did and put your feet in those slings & I will do the rest.”

Helen placed her hands on Drew’s abdomen and gently pressed. Drew said, "Some times it gets very painful their & some times on the other side.”

Helen made notes of what Drew told her." I need to check your prostate & this will be uncomfortable. Maddy do you mind kissing Drew for awhile?"

Maddy did not object. Helen appeared to be fiddling about with his lower end. Helen pressed a button and spoke. "Leslie can you come in here and help me please I have a slight problem with Drew.”

Drew’s mother came in with Carol. "Can we help?”

Helen. "Drew, this may be cold."

Jenny laughed. "He is too preoccupied with Maddy to take any notice of what is happening to him."

Helen removed several large clots of blood and then said, "He is all cleaned up now." As Drew got off the table he noticed for the first time his mum & Carol.

Carol. “We have been here all the time but you two were preoccupied with kissing each other."

Drew. "Mum was there a problem?"

Jenny. "Not really you body is just adjusting itself like it does for us all."

Helen. "Drew you know you were diagnosed as inter sex before at one of the hospitals. You and your parents decided to wait and see which way your body went. Well your body has taken another step towards being female. You still have your penis, and your testicles are about the size of a pea. I doubt that they will ever work & in all probability will shrink or vanish without surgery. What happened in America is you have had a period like most girls have unfortunately you where not prepared for it. If my estimate is correct then you should be due one on the day of the Milk Race.”

Maddy. "Mine is due then."

Helen."There may still be some discharge for a day or two so I would recommend wearing a pad."

Jenny. "It looks more like Gaby is taking over and Drew is going to be consigned to the History books."

Drew thought for a moment. "Dr is this going to affect me with my ability to race?"

Helen. "Now your Vagina is fully opened I expect your other items to shrink as you body reabsorbs them. As for your cycling there should be no problem as you are already known as Gaby Bond the daughter of Jenny Bond. What I will do though is give your mother a note for the birth death and marriage office in Southport which will get your birth certificate altered to female."

Drew looked shocked. "But Maddy & I intended to get married when we were old enough."

Leslie returned. "Helen the office informed me two of the blood types are as interesting as Alex."

Helen. "Are you sure & it is both, and not one. I need to speak with all your family in the main hall. As you all know you have had blood tests done. Mr Bond & Mr Peters your tests would indicate you both are very closely related although you tell us you are not. Now to all the females except Maddy & Gaby. You all carry the gene that is predisposed to cancer."

Jules looked shocked. "So I could get it like mum."

"There is some good news though. Maddy & Gaby do not carry the gene & in fact their blood will hunt down & kill any infected cells. With this in mind I have to ask these two if they will donate some more blood to totally eradicate cancer cells in the remaining affected family members."

Drew started crying. "Jules I do not want to lose you. I hate injections but if it will help cure the others you can have some of my blood."

"Same here", said Maddy.

Samantha had thrown herself at Gaby. "Astrid got to do it the last time so this time it is me." While Gaby was distracted Helen took all she needed. A courier came and collected the blood and he drove it down to Leeds.

Helen. "It will be a week or so before it can be used. Now Jenny do you want to make the other announcement too your family?"

Drew. "No I will if Maddy will stay by my side. As you all know for sometime now I have kept collapsing and ending up in hospital. Some of you may also have noticed I have been developing breasts."

Maddy. "Yes I want some the same size."

“What you all may not know was I was diagnosed with an intersex condition. While Dr Helen was checking me over I apparently had a period. Dr Helen has talked this over with me & mum & Maddy. I have decided from today to become Gaby full-time. I still love Maddy like mad so there will be no change there. With the discovery that I was having periods like most girls it came as a shock to me. With the help of most of my friends though I have for some time been a part time girl. Now I have had to decide to abandon Drew who I have known all my life, and instead become Gaby full-time. I do not know how school will go. I pray that all my friends will still be my friends following my decision. I am thinking of the American Dan who was very upset when he found Rhod became Mafwney at the weekend. If Doctor Helen is correct then Maddy and I can cure the infected females in the family of the cancer. So perhaps one day I will still get to race my mum in a ladies race yet.”

“As you know mum has decided to retire from the racing scene at the height of her career. The milk race was to have been her final appearance. Along with Maddy I have formed team Bond-Peters. Mum has decided to become coach and manager for team Bond. While we will not be using Carbon fibre bikes like mums team. While in America Maddy & I had bikes built for us by Biggs. Mum after inspecting the bikes over decided that our other team members Cat & Mafwney could benefit from the same bikes so dad contacted Biggs in America to see about a couple of bikes for the other members.”

"Mum checked with the cycling association regarding our status as amateur riders. We can have sponsorship so long as we do not accept payment in cash. We can have the bikes and any backup provided by the companies sponsoring us. Back up includes transport & Hotel accommodation for us. The only thing none of us will get is a wage. When I went to Germany I modelled some skins. Well the same company has approached mum about being the provider of the sports wear for all of us girls. Mum explained to the company payment would infringe on our amateur status. The legal eagles came back with a trust fund for us each which none of us can access until we are 21. Mum double checked and discovered we can not access the fund but if need be certain adults can to cover our transport costs."

"Biggs bikes in America was a small operation building hand crafted bikes for enthusiasts. Following Maddy & I riding their bikes in the United States, their orders have taken off. They have had to take on additional specialist staff to fulfil the orders they received. Dad contacted Biggs and spoke to the boss. She is bringing us all a new bike each in team Bond pink. In addition to that Team GB has been to see mum. Apparently team GB has been watching me and my friends for some time. They are willing to put all their facilities at our disposal, but it will mean an upheaval for all four families as we will have to move nearer the facilities."

Drew paused for a moment and Samantha nudged him. "My little friend here is also reminding me I have something else to tell you all. As you all know Maddy and I look alike in fact we could be twins. Mum & her cousin Carol went in to the hospital at the same time. They both had twins and through a mix up at the hospital each end up with one of the others twins. Nobody noticed that each mother had a wrong twin. As luck would have it only one set of twins survived. When Helen did the blood test it confirmed what Maddy & I had been suspected for some time that Maddy & I are identical twin sisters. We have decided that rather than one set of our parents missing out we should both have two mums & dads so from today we are both Bond-Peters.”

"The suggestion that we train with team GB has caused our parents to think and act. They decided that a joint home would be better for us all. Mum though said, there are another two team members to consider. So with that in mind our parents decided to invite Rhod’s mum Silve & Cats mum & Grandma & also Ally's parents. All our parents decided that they would sell up and buy a new home nearer to the National cycling centre. Or at least away from our old home. It also has caused our parents to think about our education."

“With all our parents combining their housing funds they have managed to obtain a big house called Merlingwood which has considerable grounds. It is close to the motorway and so will not take us long to get to the National cycling centre in Manchester. The other three do as yet not know we are all moving into a big house together. Rhod knows his mum has been looking for a new shop for her business & that she has found one & that they will be moving away. He wants to take this opportunity to become Mfwany full-time. Ally & Cat though have no inclination that we are all moving in together."

“Now I get to the reason why we came today. Several weeks ago I received a rather strange letter. The letter said, Dear Drew-Gaby I have been a fan of yours for some time. I & my family are in a position to sponsor your team. If you would like to clarify this letter please ring the above number. Well I showed mum the letter and at first we thought it was a hoax, but she decided to ring the number and ask for the person concerned. Well as you all can see we followed the instructions and brought all the family. I though still have not met the person responsible for the letter. I have been playing with Saskia and enjoying myself. There has been no mention of Baby or the letter."

Alexis. "Gaby it was astute of you to recognise my daughter Astrid as an Elven princess however I am not Arwen, Titania or Galadrial although my great grand mother Galadrial is in this room with us. Also Baby the writer of the letter is here. Gaby for some time now Baby has had a fixation about you. Baby had intended sponsoring you herself. And she was greatly disappointed when she learned that Biggs were to sponsor you for the bikes & a German company for the skins. To please Baby I had my legal teams look at your contracts to see if there was any way your team could legally be helped without infringing on your rights. Areas they suggested were Transport, Accommodation & Catering. Also they pointed out up to now you have had your own cheer leading team. Apparently we can sponsor the cheerleaders for all they need. With the exception of Ally it is not possible to bring your cheerleading team further north. Baby decided though that we could provide the uniforms for the entire Gaby cheerleading team & ensure they got to the venues where you would be racing at."

"Apparently your former headmaster was quite willing to continue to provide the team with practise facilities. The games mistress will drive the cheer leaders in the mini coach we provided to all the venues.” Gaby looked at Maddy. "It looks like we will still be seeing most of the gang."

Gaby. "Why was Ally different?"

Alexis. "Actually in a way what happened was convenient. Alleys parents found they were being relocated as their work was moved further north." It was also brought to my notice that Mfwany may under perform if Ally was not close by. Ally herself was depressed with the forth coming move. When her parents learned that you & Maddy & Rhod & Cat were all intending to move in together they said to your parents. Would you mind an additional family in the commune? Your parents said yes, and then added. Each family has contributed a similar amount to the purchase of the house. We are also setting up an account that we all have to pay into to cover joint expenses like Rates, Gas, and Electric Water & House & Garden maintenance."

Gaby. "Hold on a minute. You are saying that five of our families are moving in to a very big house. If that is the case why are the other there families not here today?"

Alexis smiled. "They will be later after they have supervised the removal of all their belongings to their new home."

Gaby thought for a moment. "If that is the case then Maddy & I should have been helping them rather than being up here."

Alexis. "Gaby your parents knew full well you would want to help. So it was decided that as soon as you were away a team would go in and remove all your belongings."

Gaby. "But that will take ages to do."

Linda & Linze appeared. "Alexis we managed both houses in record time. And we went to help Cat & family with their removals. We did have to dispose of some of Drews clothing, but we have replaced it with suitable alternatives.”

Linze looked at Gaby. "You must be the young champion we have been hearing so much about. Normally we do not get to spend as much time with the others as we would like. We sort of do all the odd jobs that need doing." This brought some giggles from other quarters.

Linze. "Apparently because our new venture is not completed we are currently unemployed. With this in mind Baby suggested we might be your official drivers for a while."

Maddy said quietly, "Drivers/bodyguards more like."

Gaby looked at her mother, “I presume mum this is above board & I am allowed drivers? Gaby, Linda & Linze will be there for you if I can not be. Yes their job is a legitimate expense Gaby & will not infringe on your status."

As Gaby spoke a procession of leprechauns came in and their leader spoke with Alexis, “Your majesty we did as commanded and everything is in place each family has selected their bedrooms. We also took the opportunity to install an up to date computer room with a high speed internet connection. Your other guests are waiting in the anti room."

Alexis clapped her hands, "Saskia can you show our other guests in?" Gaby & Maddy ran to greet their friends and kissed them.

Cat."You will never guess what happened to us. All these little men appeared and emptied the house for us & then they put everything in the new house."

Ally." We got the same treatment & so did Rhod. When we got there your furniture & belongings had already been put in the new house."

Silve came forward and curtsied. "Your highness thank you for sending your people to help us move home. I myself may be one of your subjects, but I was never sure. My grand mother used to tell me stories of the Elven Queen & how when the time was ripe would she once again walk upon the face of the earth."

Alexis, "Silve what was your grand mothers' name?"

"Madam my granny was called Lepidoptra & my mother Butterfly."

Alexis. "Grand mother do you recall those names?"

Galadrial stepped forward and Silve said, "My lady this is yours I believe."

Galadrial looked at the bracelet passed to her. "No Silve that is for your daughter to wear now." Silve felt herself shimmer.

"What is happening to me?

Alexis, "Silve like Gaby you recognised me without promoting. For you and your daughter your heritage has finally caught up with you. If I my self can not deny my heritage then you Silve will not be able to do either."

Silve. "My granny so wished to be here when the queen was restored."

Alexis. "Lepidoptra & Butterfly I Alexis command your presence now this instant." As she spoke there was a flash & two females appeared.

They at first did not realise where thy were and were saying to each other. "We must give it another try & get back to Silve.”

Alexis. "Greetings ladies welcome to my abode."

The two of them looked at each other and Lepidoptra said, "Sorry Madame our transport spell must have misfired. We were trying to get to my daughter and grand daughter for they will need our help."

Alexis. "In that case you are at the correct place."

Lepidoptra. "Just a moment please while I put my distance glasses on."

She looked around. "By the daughters of Galadrial I now know were we are Butterfly. My queen Galadrial must have summands us here although there are many I do not know.” Lepidoptra looked around again. "No I am mistaken my friend did not summon us, but the queen did. I clearly see which rank each is now. Royal leprechauns & that many of them. Mer cousins & Fay sisters. My greatest wish was to live long enough to see this day the restoration of our Queen & I have been granted it."

"As I speak I feel my powers returning to me and as they do I recognise more of you. From your auras I recognise your rank and station. Your Majesty I was very remiss in not recognising you immediately. I see you have already claimed my grand daughter Silve and her daughter Mafwney. I am Lepidoptra and vow in front of my family that I will support you, and your children like I did with my sister Galadrial before you. Now your majesty I claim my right to present to you all my family members so that all present know she is of Lepidoptra blood."

Galadrial. "Old friend and sister of mine you also failed to spot me. Your claim to present your family formally is legitimate and so will be allowed. You though are not dressed correctly according to your status."

Alexis. "Can the Royal Dresser please ensure Lepidoptra & family are correctly attired before they are presented."

"Yes your majesty."

"Lepidoptra will you and Butterfly follow me. Princess Lepidoptra my Queen and yours commanded me to attire you correctly. I do not intend to loose my job again because a Fay Princess can not follow orders."

Mfwany. "Why am I in white and the others in Purple and gold."

Lepidoptra. "Actually you need some gold enhancements on that dress otherwise it is correct for you."

“Lepidoptra are they all to bear your insignia?"

"They are all my family so yes."

"Then Mafwney you and the rest shall bear the mark of Princess Lepidoptra. Now I can summands the queen’s champions so they may escort you to the presence of the queen.”

Lepidoptra when she saw the girls said, "Giants the queen has five champions."

One of the giants spoke. "Lepidoptra my family like yours have been restored by her majesty. Our Queen and friend commands us escort you to her presence."

Lepidoptra. "Daughter it would not be wise to keep our Queen waiting long."

As they neared the throne Galadrial came down to greet them. "Sister you were correct the senior family member should present you all to the new queen. However that task falls on me not you but me. I think protocol will allow us both to jointly present your family to Queen Alexis. First I must start with you though my sister Lepidoptra."

Galadrial curtsied. "High Queen I have great pleasure in presenting my sister Lepidoptra to you."

Alexis. "Lepidoptra I will call you aunt and all the rest cousins. As grand mothers sister you will be held in high esteem by all here. We all work and play together regardless of age or seniority. Tell me how do you feel at this moment?"

"Your majesty for a long time I was unable to draw my powers but recently they have been returning. At the moment I feel as if I am going to explode."

"Perhaps aunt you should demonstrate your powers for us."

"Your majesty it is forbidden that we do magic in front of your royal personage."

Alexis." But you also have to obey me, and so if I order you to then you must do as I say."

Lepidoptra looked at Galadrial for guidance and then said,
"Your highness the ban does not extend to sisters or nieces so if my niece made the request then I would be allowed to show her."

Alexis smiled. "So that is how you and Galadrial got round the ban. Would it not be simpler for the Queen to revoke the order if she saw fit? Now perhaps you can demonstrate your power by being correctly attired." Lepidoptra looked puzzled. "My Queen I am correctly attired as befits my station."

Alexis. "Why then do you still wear the tiara of a princess?"

"Because that is what I always wore at these occasions. I am sister of Galadrial and so a Royal Princess."

Galadrial. "Queen Alexis because of the circumstances my sister she never did receive her new Tiara so she wears what she has a right to."

Alexis "In that case Lepidoptra please place your crown on your daughters head. Butterfly for a short time you will get to wear the crown of a princess and then likewise you must pass it on to your daughter." Lepidoptra knelt before Alexis and the new tiara was placed upon her head."

Lepidoptra. "My sister presented me, but I will present my daughter Butterfly." Butterfly passed the tiara to Silve then she also received her new tiara from Alexis.

Galadrial "Silve it is now your turn." Silve turned to Mfwany and said, "This has just passed three generations and is yours until you pass it to your daughter." Silve then knelt before Alexis and also received her new Tiara. Finally it was Mfawny's turn.

But Alexis said; "Not yet Mfwany I wish to see all the members of Gaby's team Bond together."

Alexis looked at the group. “Team Coach Jenny Bond, Stylist Silve Morgan, Carol Peters Assistant Manager. Team Captain Gaby Peters-Bond, Vice captain Maddy Peters-Bond. Team members Katrina, Mfwany, Ally and Jules Peters-Bond. Sorry I forgot the two official drivers Linda & Linze & not forgetting my daughters Astrid, Samantha, Astral & Astrol with the security team. Starlight have we enough tiaras?"

“Yes Madame they are all ready for the princesses. This is one part of my job I enjoy."

Alex started with the two giant’s daughters. "Arise Princess of giants." There was clapping from the back of the hall. “My daughters now it is your time. While baby stays with me you four wish to accompany the team on their travels. If you go then the two giant princesses also go.”
“I already have noticed that you all get on very well. My daughters you have not as yet received your tiaras. Come and receive them. Now Mafwney this was your mothers and now is yours until you pass it to your daughter."

"Ally next please,” Ally brought out a tiara. "Your majesty with your permission may I use this."

Galadrial smiled. "So Ally you already know what this is then?"

"Queen Galadrial like Mafwney I am descended from one of your sisters and this was given to me along with a full list of my heritage. Long ago I realised Rhod was like me and descended from the Fay Queen. It took me a lot longer to realise that our entire small group where Fay. We all had been drawn to each other and worked best when together. We even have our own leader in Queen Gaby. When we are all together things seam to happen around Gaby. I watched Drew and the others I soon realised they was totally oblivious to what they where. I knew that the day would come when we would all find out exactly what we where. I knew that day had arrived when Linda & Linze arrived with an army of leprechauns to move us. I realised then that very soon we would all be meeting our Queen. Yes your majesty I knew we all where Fay, but none including me know how to access our power. If I had told the others they would have all thought I was crackers. Now at least I know I was not wrong. Gaby is my friend and like Jules her sister she had no idea that because of her Fay heritage she would one day become like her sister Jules."

Drew. "We turned up today because we received an offer of sponsorship for the team. I told mum who thought it was a good idea if we all came today."

Alexis placed the crown on Ally’s head. "A Fay princess you certainly are Ally this tiara alone tells me that. You have been well educated in your heritage. I know your mother never saw the crown or knew her heritage. So you must have received it from another source.”

“Your majesty I know full well who this crown came from."

Galadrial. "Please may I have it a moment?"

Galadrial examined the tiara. "Ally please inform me what you know of this tiara."
Ally looked at the Queen and then at Galadrial and curtsied again. "The tiara was given to me some time ago, and I promised I would never divulge who gave it to me. I was told that the tiara once belonged to the Great Galadrial herself. The royal jewellers managed to misplace it & instead of admitting what they had done they replaced it with a new one. Princess Galadrial never realised her tiara had been replaced, but her mother did & summands the Goldsmith responsible. He admitted he had misplaced the tiara and that he had replaced it with one of equal value."

The Queen."Look on top of the cupboard and bring me the contents of the box." The royal guard found the tiara where the queen had said it would be. The Queen turned to the Goldsmith. "My youngest daughter will be thrilled to receive this gift from you. You may go and do not be so careless in future." The Queen though did not give it to her youngest as she was heard to say, I think that tiara Galadrial has is old fashioned. I have asked granny to get me one more modern. The queen never got chance to change the original for the replica. All too soon Galadrial was taking over and should have passed her tiara on. There was trouble and all the enthronement’s got cancelled. Somehow the old Queen and her maid vanished in the trouble that followed." The old Queen though watched with interest the birth of her youngest daughter's Grand-Daughter. My mother never realised or suspected that my baby sitter was her own grand mother. Mum was never taught about her heritage as her mum thought it was for the best."

Galadrial. "Ally please kneel. It was my mother wish you wore this Tiara then so it shall be. Princess Ally this was once mine and should have gone to my younger sister, as the former owner of the tiara it gives me great pleasure to place it on your head although I believe mother has already done the job."

Ally. "Thank you Queen Galadrial. I must though ask Queen Alexis if she will repeat the procedure."

Alex. "If you want me to then I will also repeat what has been done."

After Alexis had repeated the procedure. Alley searched in her handbag and said, “Three Queens have now presented me. I was given the title of Guard of the Imperial Jewels by Queen Titania."

Galadrial smiled. “Ally did my mother give you something for either Alex or myself?"

Ally. "Great Grandma never really retired. She vowed never to interfere with any of her daughters & their families. When she saw mum was advertising for a baby sitter she went with her maid and applied for the job. Grandma was present and did not recognise either of them. It was grandma's recommendation that finally persuaded mum to have Titania & friend as my baby sitters.”

“I received coaching that mum never dreamed about. Titania & the other as I later learned was Tatiana both took good care of me. Once or twice I noticed Granny had a smirk on her face & since I have wondered if Granny knew all along it was her mum & aunt who looked after me.”

Alley was still rummaging in the bag and Alex said, “Ally three queens have placed the tiara on your head. Great Grandma Titania must have had her reasons for choosing you. Let all know you alone shall be responsible for the crown Jewels. Only those who wear or have worn Galadrial tiara can do that job. Now tell me where the twins may be found?"

"I do not know because they also moved when we moved & I do not have their new address. I doubt though that they will be far away."

Galadrial. "You moved to Merlingwood is that correct?

Ally replied "YES"

Galadrial. "Sisters come forward and join force with me & we will summands our mother in the way she taught us."

Ally’s grandmother said, "For weeks now I have been feeling my powers returning to me. If I can feel them so can you my sisters." They all linked hands but failed to summands Titania.

Alexis. "Stop for a moment the circle is far too small. Will the two Princess Giants take my youngest two to the centre and support them. Linda & Linze can you manage the two remaining princesses? Gaby & team next except Ally will you all join hands please now the remaining adults on the outer edge. Ally you take hold of Galadrial hand and your granny's & I will do the same on the other side. Now all join hands so everybody’s' hands is touching at least one person. "

Alexis. "Titania you ignored your daughters the first time. This time I Queen Alexis summands you with the help of all the family."

Ally. "You Titania bound me to Galadrial & Alexis. At the moment we are as one. We are all bound together youngest to oldest. One united family."

Alexis. "Titania you may ignore your daughters, but you certainly will not ignore me. I Queen Alexis, Queen of all the Fay command your appearance this instant.”

Titania spoke, “Well I better show myself then. I also have brought the Sea witch with me. As for you Alexis you are no Queen when other great Queens kneel before you.” After this Gaby and the others went to practice on their bikes.”

The Sea witch, "Empress Alexis it looks like I will also have a permanent home here as I have noticed my daughters are present. Can somebody explain what a Gaby is though? I overheard some of the younger ones talking and you would have thought it was the best thing since sliced bread."

"Aunt I will not only tell you but show you as well. Come with me as she has just gone to practising with the team."

Jenny was putting the team through their paces. At first she did not notice Alexis approach. "Oh Hello Alexis they have all reduced their timing considerably.”

"So Jenny the Bond is what they are all talking about. Jenny looked. "No I am only the trainer what are you doing here?"

Alexis. "I take it you two apparently know each other."

Jenny. “Alexis many times we have gone head to head over the same man. We both had to outdo each other. Well Jenny I can tell you I am back with Neptune himself. Only as no2 wife though. At least you did not compete with me there. What is the world’s ladies champion doing here?"

Alexis. "She is training the future world champions."

"Yes Jenny I kept a check on you I was interested to see how you turned out. I had an unfair advantage on you that I never let on about. You always though I was similar age to you when in reality I am considerably older. I genuinely wish your team luck."
Jenny. As you are here you might as well meet the team and their protectors."

The sea witches started to sneeze. Jenny” Have you got that hay fever again? This is the Team Bond captained by my Daughter Gabriel. Twins you got twins & all mine where singles. This is Maddy who is vice captain. Mafwney, Katrina & Ally & then Linda & Linze I believe you know their mother and father. Finally we have two of our taller members here today."

"Yes I have already guessed who their father is."

A little voice said, "Empress please do not forget we are here also."

Alexis "That is the voice of the team Bond protective Flight. Come out girls your Aunt wants to see you all."

"Finally the main sponsor of Team Bond & their number one fan Baby."

Baby. "I know what your Allergy is. Helen could soon cure it and then you will be able to move around freely."

"Sorry Alexis I have always had an allergy to Hobbits & leprechauns they make me sneeze like mad, and my eyes start streaming."

Alexis. "I think it is time we got you a cure. As for your competitive edge do you think you could beat Jenny at cycling? Jenny are you up for a race?"

Jenny looked across at the Sea Witch, "We always did make a good team at college perhaps we should see just how good you still are."

Gaby. "Mum if you intend racing then we are going round as well."

Baby. "Excellent Present & future champions all competing together."

Jenny said, "10 Laps will that do?" This time they all started together Jenny let the Sea witch takes the lead and then took it off her and then the Sea witch took the position back.

Mean while Gaby was planning her move. "Ok team time we went into full gear they are tiring out each other." As the junior team sailed past the two of them Ally shouted goodbye oldies see you at the finish. The two of them finished jointly & the two of them where arm in arm and laughing.

The sea witch said, "So Fae Princess I am an oldie am I."

Neptune turned up and said, "Neither of you did badly as you both equally shared the lead. Jenny is still recovering from major treatment and you where out of practise."

Jenny. "Old friend I think you would benefit from training with us. I had intended to retire due to my health. That has been sorted out for me and soon I will once again be back to full strength. "

"Jenny I do not mind training with you and the juniors. I am back with my first love." Linda & Linze looked at each other. "Yes girls I am your no 2 mum. This is of more interest to me than being in the nursery. Your father has decided to spend the majority of his time in their. Jenny could you do with an assistant coach to help train out team."

"The others have not said who their mothers and grandmothers are but I do not need telling. For all around me I see either my brothers or sisters when they where younger. Am I to presume this team has Titan, Dragon, and Mer all working together to ensure the safety of the team?"

Snow. "They are doing a good job."

"Father I did not realise you where an enthusiast."

"Gaby here is the Junior British Champion and while in America she put her transatlantic cousins to shame and beat the USA first junior team. I know Gaby preferred not to mention what happened over there. Apparently she got a mention in a local rag that was picked up by the Nationals. What should have been a quiet break for Gaby turned out to be anything but? What did the British Ambassador want with You Gabriel?"

“Apparently the race had been televised and because there was a lot of children from very important families taking place Buck house was watching the race."

"Once I start a race that is it and all I focus on. I knew I had to beat the opposition. I had been practising with one of the local cycle clubs and some of their members entered with me, but they mainly dropped out. I saw a gap and took it. The rest everybody knows."
"Not Quite Gabriel. Do I have to tell everybody the remainder?"

"Ok well apparently members of British Embassy came looking for me to ask if I would meet up with the daughter of the Ambassador. After thinking it over I asked If I could also bring my school friends who where on exchange with me. This was agreed to. When we got there we where all greeted like heroes. The Ambassador said, "I have a request to make. Gabriel I contacted your parents about this as they also need to give their permission. Each year all the Embassies hold a cycle race for teenagers. My wife has the job of selecting the children from any British nationals residing in America."

Most other embassies always manage to transfer the parents and children of promising candidates."

"So you want me to ride."

"Not exactly I would like you, Maddy, Jules, and Cat & Mfwany to all ride. My two daughters will take the last two places. As for bikes I have arranged for them to be Carbon fibre and red white and blue. My daughter assures me they are the most modern and lightest of all bikes. Whilst you are all here we need to see that the bikes are all ok for you and that your team colours."

Gaby looked at the Bikes and skins, "These are team GB colours."

"Correct Gaby."

"John what are you doing here?"

"Ensuring you have all the back up you need like all the other national teams have."

"I take it then this is a serious event and that we are expected to represent our country."

John. "You could say no and nobody would think any thing about it we would have to look else where. To be realistic though you are the best chance we will ever have of winning and you will have beaten the best in the world if you accept."

"When is the race?"

"Two weeks time Gabriel."

"I know the weakness of all the others, but for your daughters. We will all need to practise like mad if we are to stand any chance of winning the event.”

"Gaby for the next two week you and your team members will be staying here in the west wing. I have made arrangements for the team of cheer leaders all to get red white and blue uniforms. The Games mistress apparently had to ask for volunteers to make the numbers up." Your two American friends where the first to volunteer they wanted. To dance with the others. I have to tell you though the German team have a strong contender with Katrina."

Jules, "Well regardless it would still be team GB if it was team Gaby Bond or team Great Britain."

Gaby who had only been half listening said, "Oh I can beat Katrina. Her mum races in the same team as my mum & we are the best of friends."

"I can take it that you will represent team GB then. We had to make special arrangements as team GB have appointed a new coach for the junior team."

The team coach entered wearing team GB colours. "Mum we did not expect to see you here."

"The embassy has made special arrangements for me to continue with treatment while I am here. Just because three of you are family members does not mean you will get off lightly. What I want you all to do is work as a team and try and bring that cup back to GB."

For the next two weeks the team did nothing but train, train, train. Gaby said, "The ambassadors daughters are quite good & they sure know their bikes."

Jenny "Apparently if you win the team gets to keep the bikes."

"What about the skins?"

"All the rest is yours to keep regardless of the outcome."

Gaby's mind started doing overtime and she said, "How do we get these home when we win the race. Sorry mum I was thinking aloud."

"I think we can make special arrangements for these bikes and the others you have already gained while over here."

The big day arrived and television companies where beaming the race around the world. The BBC reporter was saying. "For the first time in ten years we stand a very good chance of winning this race." "Team GB is fielding three daughters of the legendary world Champion Jenny Bond. At least one of the daughters has already taken the British title and won the North American title and is the favourite to win this race." Jules was not quite as fast as the others but still she managed to stay with the group when they made their break."

The only one who managed to follow them through was Kattrina. "Hi Gaby I am going to make you work for your win today it looks like it is now just me and you left." They both pedalled hard and Kattrina said, "Go for it my friend I am all washed out." The place was in uproar as Gaby came over the finish line.

Gaby’s cheer leader had been saying go Gaby go."

The announcer got muddled up, "First place goes to team Gaby Bond. Sorry I should have said Gaby Bond of team GB." The cheerleaders picked up on his mistake and started shouting Come on Team Gaby Bond we want second & third as well." Maddy was next over the line followed By Kattrina. The rest of the team took all the places to eight, which was Jules.

Jules, "Mum I did better than I ever expected coming in eighth."

Gaby. "I am going to have to watch both you and Maddy."

The US president George Bush made the presentations. "Well done young lady. I can see you are taking after your famous mother Jenny Bond & apparently your friends have all been entertaining us while you raced. This race started out as an Embassy competition but over the years each Embassy has arranged foe the best young Cyclist in their country to be here this week all apart from the UK. You caused quite a stir when you took the American championship."

"When it was discovered you where British & on an exchange visit. This opened it up to the Ambassador to ask you to represent your country. As this year we have the top cyclists from all the countries here I have no hesitation in making you the first under 21 world champion."

Gaby introduced all the members of team Bond to the president and then said, "Kattrina represented her country Germany today but normally when we ride we ride as a team."

"So Katrina you also are part of Team Bond & today you became the third best in the world."

Gaby. "I suppose we will have to arrange for an exchange visit next year for me to try and retain my title. I suppose I am a bit like mum with cycling."

The British ambassador Sir Mark Spencer. "Gaby how would you feel about coming back for a month next year and entering several competitions?"

"I will have to check with my mum who arranges all my bookings but sure I would like to. Kattrina as a German national you can not be in the British team, but you can be my guest and enter all the races, but one as team Gaby Bond."

The German ambassador came over, "Mr President we take it as an honour you ask our Kattrina. It is no shame on us when she is beaten by Jenny Bonds Daughters as many of us wished she was in our national side. Our Kattrina tells me she has raced Gaby in Bavaria & Gaby won. I knew nothing of this so I have an invitation. The invitation is for all the Team Bond and that includes our Katrina & all their dancers to stay at the King Ludwig hotel and participate in the week long cycle events."

Gaby Looked at the German Ambassador and said, "May I ask who is sponsoring the event?"

"The event is sponsored by the Bavarian people. "The bikes for all competitors will be provided by our Major cycle manufacturer Apollonaris. So will team Gaby Bond all accept my invitation?"

Jules looked, “Actually I wanted to take part but during that week I am supposed to be participating in the Badminton finals in Munich”

"Good, Good. This is better than I expected. Claus my son is taking part in that event so you can go with him."

Jules looked at the others, "If the timings do not clash I will still ride with the team even if I come last."

Gaby & Maddy. "We can bring the cheer leaders to support you."

Snow turned to Jenny and said, "Now you are fully recovered what do you intend to do?"

Jenny, "To be honest I would like to defend my title. I also have promised Gaby I would be their coach."

John. "As for coaching team GB they would rather have you as Captain. Especially as we have some up and coming stars in the junior team."

Snow turned to Carol, "It looks like you will continue to be mother at home to all three girls. As then Jenny can continue with her career. Now you my daughter what to do with you. Take Jenny’s & Carol’s hands." "For as long as I can remember you and Jenny had tried to out do each other. I want you to take over the running of the junior team and give them all the encouragement you can."

"With this in mind I think you three should all look like each other. If anybody takes picture now it will always be of mother and daughters."

Gaby looked. "I can still tell who is who. They all have different bracelets."

Jenny. "A while back somebody said, "We all should do what we do best. My best is my cycling, Carols is being a mother. Agatha always was good at arranging things. This though does not mean I will delegate my responsibility as a mother only sharing it a little with others who I know can do a good job."

"Gaby, Maddy & Jules I will be actually seeing more of you all. As John told you, you are all now part of team GB in this case Great Britain & United Kingdom. Gaby while you may be captain of the junior team I am responsible for all teams. So we will all be entering those events suitable. The Apollonaris team have approached me about signing up you and Maddy. I said you are both too young to go professional yet. I also informed them you already have a good sponsorship deal with Briggs & a certain sports wear manufacturer."

Shortly after this Briggs got a visitor. Apollo wanted to buy Briggs out." "At first your friend refused and Apollo came back with a larger offer." "Eventually the MD of Apollo arrived at the shop." "He told your friend he wanted to ensure he had Gaby and Maddy on his bikes." "He promised that Briggs bikes would continue to be hand crafted for the next ten years." "The amount he offered your friend was a sum she could not refuse." "She decided she would come over here and ensure the bikes you rode always where up to scratch." "So I take it that we have some of the last Personal hand crafted Briggs bikes."

"Yes but you have me to maintain them along with your new lightweight carbon fibre bikes." "Apollo said nothing about you not riding them." "They only want to ensure you are ridding their bikes in all the races you do." "What you ride at other times is up to you." Gaby said, "Dianne I do rather a lot of mountain bike racing and Apollo Racing bikes would not be suitable." "Your mother has already discussed this with Apollo and they will supply the team with lightweight mountain bikes as well as the racing bikes."

"What they can not produce is a Tandem and I am allowed to build it and then send it to them to put on the team colours." "Likewise any special machines or adaptations will be made by me but painted by Apollo." Jenny said, "Gaby they have gone to considerable expense to ensure you ride their bikes." They know that you all are still amateurs but want to ensure you have a good start." For a moment Gaby and the others all appeared to be staring into space. Jenny said, "Are you ok Gaby," "Yes I was just having some silly thoughts," For a moment I thought I was a boy and Aunt Agatha was a witch." "It was totally ridiculous."

Alexis looked at Snow and said, "Just what is going on?" Snow said, "oh nothing Major just a slight shift in reality for the team for a little while.” "Agatha you may be my daughter but you always where more like a sister to Jenny so that is what you have become while Carol still stays as she was." "Agatha after this conversation you will forget who you where and what you did and concentrate on bringing the team up to scratch." "For the moment you will forget about your Liaison with Triton and will set about the task with gusto. Likewise Jenny & Carol you both shall forget what has gone before. Carol all three girls will still refer to you as mum and also Jenny."

"Girls I have some great news for you? My twin Agatha has agreed to manage you all and sort out the bookings and which races to enter. The first major event will be in Bavaria & we have been invited to enter by the Bavarian Prime minister. Jules I realised it may clash with your Badminton competition so arrangements have been put in place to ensure they do not clash.”

“Great Mum perhaps I will get to play with Clause again. He is so dreamy.”

“Jules you will have plenty of time for boys later. Yes you have been teamed up with Clause in the mixed doubles. Apparently he asked for you. Your liaison with Clause is causing quite a stir in Bavaria."

"Why should people be bothered as to why I am a friend with Clause?”

Alexis replied, "It is not because you are Jennies daughter but rather who Clause is the son of. Although Bavaria is part of Germany they still call themselves the Kingdom of Bavaria."

"Oh I get it like England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland."

"In many peoples eyes Clause is the crown prince of Bavaria. If he chooses you as his wife as is expected the Bavarian people would be happy he choose a sporting princess. You after all are the Daughter of the word champion & Sister to the junior world champion. They admire you for entering with the family team. The Bavarian people already consider they got Third and Eighth in the embassy race.”

Jules eyes opened wide. "But Clause is the son of the German Ambassador to America."

Agatha. "I was not there in America with you, but I happen to know King Sigfried of Bavaria & he does have a son called Clause who is tennis & Badminton mad. He has also asked his father who is mad on cycling if he can propose to the love of his life. Jules face went red.”

"Aunt Agatha you are teasing me."

Gaby. "If she is not then I will have a queen for a sister eventually & you will have to learn to speak German."

Jules. "Well just in case he does want to propose to me I will tell him I do not want to get married until I am 21. But we can become engaged if that is what he wishes."

"Gabriel Bond do you know who owns the company that sponsors your mother."

"Yes the team is Apollonaris."

"No Gaby that is the company and it is entirely owned by Sigfried of Bavaria. When he saw the television link of your race against some of the top riders he was impressed. He went to America & introduced himself as the Ambassador. That was who you met and you agreed to go and stay with. He has also a rather athletic sister and niece who you have already met. Kattrina or Kat as you call her. He was very pleased you wanted Kat in team Gaby Bond."

Gaby. "Now I understand why we have to have so much security. It is because of my sister & Princess Kat."

Kat was laughing away. "I watched your race with uncle Sigfried he was very impressed with you and when I mentioned you had already ridden with the Appolonaris team members including mum his ears picked up. While this had been the first year Uncle had sponsored a ladies team he had never thought about a junior team. He decided you just where too good not to sponsor."

Gaby. "I was scared but then I saw a lad who was bragging that he would win easy so I just had to prove him wrong. I was a little bit short on my normal Cheerleading team, but some of the Americans made up for that. The games mistress got quite a shock when they all went into their go Gaby Go routine.”

It was now several days since Gabby & Families visit. Also since the appearance of Lord Snow and his Brother things where slightly different. The centre was once again open to the paying public and since the Water Park had opened the numbers had considerably increased. Alexis had decided that as an estate owner she should re-open the village store.

"Alexis we could run that if you wished?"

"No I gave you both jobs here and it is perhaps better for a villager to do it." The door bell rang and a young woman and child were shown in. "Hello I noticed the village store was re-opening and I wondered if you needed a Manager or staff for it."

Chris looked at her. "You look more suited to office work."

"Actually I worked for a firm of Lawyers in London. I am divorced and have a child." "My sister who lives in the village is also a one parent family after the death of her husband by a drunk driver. Leila suggested I move in with her and we help each other. It looks like I will soon be also looking after my niece as my Sister has cancer and short of a miracle she has not much longer.”

Chris “For this moment you have the job if you want it and if you need time off just let me know. Now did you say there were two little girls? Here are passes for you and your sister. Bring the children as soon as you can."

"Thank you Boss sorry, but I did not catch your name earlier."

"I am Chris and am the partner of the boss." The woman left and soon arrived home.

"Leila I got a Job as shop Manageress in the village store. So I am only next door if you need help.” The two girls came home from the village school together.

"Mummy I have had a nice day at school and made lots of friends." Some of my friends live in the big house and we are all invited to tea."

Leila "We have never got an invite up there to the manor before.”

“Mummy my new friends said, "You now worked for their mummy & so all of us have to go for tea after school."


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