The Haints Part 3

The Haints

By Jamie Lee

Author’s Note: This story is a work of pure fiction, meant to be read for pure enjoyment. It is not based on facts of any kind, just those I made up in my mind. I realize some of which is in this story may seem far fetched, but it’s a story, dreamed up from the gray matter between my ears. So please read this story in the spirit it’s meant to be read, for fun. Jamie Lee

We had wandered the ether for millions upon millions of years, searching for an appropriate home that would serve our created purpose. Our creator had a dream to use us to bring harmony to her planet, but was too late, as with the rest of the planet, we were thrown out into the ether and left to drift until we found our purpose. We wandered past planet after planet, some having no life, and some with life but not needing our purpose. It wasn’t until we approached a system from the perpendicular that we observe a planet, a blue planet, with indications of needing our purpose, if only we could find the one which would become our catalyst.

~*~*~Part 3~*~*~

*-*-*Chapters 13-18*-*-*

*-*-*Chapter 13*-*-*

When the Jinks returned home, the talk centered around Tameria’s physical appearance after The Haints transformed her. Sheepishly she told them, “Um...I sort of already had that talk with them, what I would look like afterwards. They told me after all their time with me at school and elsewhere, it would be possible to give me the body of a girl my age and at that level of puberty. They saw that I was a bit upset, worried that I wouldn’t be as developed up top as some girls, but assured me I had nothing to worry about. They even said they could change my eye color but I said I like the color I have now.”

When the reprimand Tameria thought would be headed her way because of her talking with The Haints didn’t come, Tameria let out the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. What did shock her was the statement she heard from her mother. “I’m glad you’ve decided how you want to appear to the world, and that you’re comfortable with your decision. Too many girls your age, and younger or older, still haven’t come to terms with their looks. And it plays on their self images. I think your decision to speak with The Haints shouldn’t come as a surprise since you were strong enough this past summer to tell us of your true self. Your dad and I are very proud of you for the courage you’ve so far shown in going through something extremely new to you. And the courage to stand up for yourself.” Tears started falling when Tameria heard her moms’ words, and thinking Tameria was upset, the three Jinks pulled Tameria into a tight hug, telling her it’d be okay. It was their turn to be surprised when Tameria told them, “I’m not upset, just so happy to have all three of you with me and helping me. I love you three very much.”

Everyone had dried their eyes when the front door to the house opened and two very excited boys came flying into the house. Both boys stopped and looked at their parents and sisters, noticing the looks on their faces. “Is something wrong?” Peter asked, wondering, for a kid his age, if a relative had been hurt. It was Tameria who went to her brothers, kneeled down in front of them, and gathered them into a hug before telling them, “No, we’re just very, very happy, and happy to see you two home.” She then kissed each boy on his cheek, eliciting the usual reaction from them of big sister giving them a kiss, before Tameria told them, “I love you both very much.” The sisterly kiss was forgotten because of Tameria’s last words, and both boys hugged her back before telling her, “We love you too...except when you kiss us,” they almost said simultaneously. “Oh, is that so?” Tameria told the two boys as a twinkle developed in her eyes. Peter and Bradley realized their mistake the moment they saw the twinkle in Tameria’s eyes, for the next instant, Tameria began tickling both boys. Neither boy was defenseless as they ganged up and Tameria and began tickling her. They were giving as good as they got until Brian, Carol, and Karen joined in and the free for all was on. And Peter and Bradely loved it all. The end came by way of the six Jinks going into a family group hug, causing the house to be filled with a love that could be cut with a knife.

Once the group hug broke up, Bradley walked back to the front door and came back with a sack they’d brought inside with them. Peter pulled something wrapped in tissue paper from the bag and handed it to his mom. “We got you this mom,” he told her, as everyone watched Carol unwrapped the object. When Carol saw the glass statuette of a beautiful Unicorn she was overwhelmed. Trying to talk through the lump in her throat, she told the boys, “Oh boys, it’s so beautiful. Thank you…” and tears ran down her cheeks. Bradley lifted another wrapped item from the bag and handed it to their dad. From the shape, it appeared to be a wine bottle. But as everyone watched, it was indeed a clear wine bottle, but with a three mast schooner inside. “ my goodness, boys,” Brian tried to say more but like Carol, the lump in his throat wouldn’t let him. He gathered both boys into a hug and told them, “I love it, thank you.” (Neither boy saw Brian wipe the tears off his face.) Peter again pulled a wrapped item from the bag and handed it to Karen. As they all had done before, they watched as Karen unwrapped her package, and immediately broke out into sobs, as she held an exquisitely made glass statuette of a ballerina. Because she was crying so hard, the only thing she could do was pull her brothers into a hug long enough until she could say, “Thank you, I love you both.” Bradely once again pulled a package from the bag and handed it to Tameria. Tameria slowly unwrapped her package, almost dropping it when she saw the beautiful glass statuette of a woman holding a baby. Letting out a cry, which caused Brian to grab the statuette, Tameria’s hands flew to her face, covering it as she cried deep wracking sobs. Peter looked at Bradley, and Bradley at Peter, before both boys went to Tameria and pulled her into their own hug. “We’re sorry we upset you Tameria. We thought this was the perfect gift for you.” Tameria’s head snapped up and her hands encircled both boys, before telling them, “Oh you two, you haven’t upset me. You’ve made me very happy with your gift. It’s perfect.” She then reached up and wiped the tears from her brothers’ cheeks. “If you two aren’t the sweetest brothers to have,” Tameria told them before pulling them into another hug.

As the four older Jinks watched, Peter folded up the bag and took it out to the kitchen. This caused the four to ask the question Carol vocalized when Peter returned. “Um, boys? What did you get for yourselves at The Fun Park?” While Tameria and Karen may not have seen the slight smirk both boys gave each other, Brian and Carol did. Both knew from experience this could be both good and downright bad. But neither were prepared for what they heard next, as Bradely told the four, “We got to see how happy you all were with our gifts.” Peter was eight years old, and Bradley was seven years old, and what they had just said had caused the four older Jinks to regard the two boys as more than two young boys. The four could see unselfishness of their actions and the maturity it took for them to perform it. It was Tameria who asked, ”So, you still think they are too immature to know about you?”

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. We are reconsidering our decision. Tameria Jinks.”

Glancing at the clock, Carol told Peter and Bradley, “Boys, I think it’s time for the two of you to go take your baths, before you go to bed. You’ve had a very busy day and I don’t want you two to be groggy all day tomorrow.” Before Peter and Bradley started towards the stairs, Brian asked, “Boys, these are very nice gifts you gave us, but where did you get the money to buy them?” Carol and Brian saw the smirk cross the boys’ faces before Bradley said, “Mark and Cindy told us their mom and dad had talked about going to The Fun Park a while before Thanksgiving. And they said they’d ask their parents if we could go with them, as long as you said we could go. So for the past...” and Bradley counted on his fingers, “...fifteen allowences, Peter and me have been saving for The Fun Park.” Brian did a quick calculation, at five dollars a week for fifteen weeks, and discovered each of his sons had sixty dollars for The Fun Park. That was one hundred and twenty plus the forty they’d been given, they took one hundred and sixty dollars, between them, to The Fun Park. “And did you have any money left over?” Brian asked. “Yes sir,” Peter replied. “After we asked Mr. Fisher if we could buy lunch for everyone, we had twenty dollars left.” Peter and Bradley didn’t understand when Brian looked at Carol, then the two looked at Tameria then Karen, and Tameria and Karen looked at their parents, but liked what they heard when Karen said, “You two did real good taking care of the money you had with you. Now, you two best do what mom said, and go get cleaned up before going to bed, or…” And Karen stood up and started for the boys, holding out her hands and acting as though she was about to start tickling the boys. This had the desired effect of getting both boys to run toward, and up the stairs to their room. It was Tameria who voiced what everyone was thinking by saying, “Those two stinkers had this whole thing planned weeks ago. They’re more than something else. ”Their planning is another reason to reconsider your decision, don’t you think.” Tameri thought to The Haints.

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. This additional information has indeed provided further data to help reevaluate our decision. Tameria Jinks. We also gained access to the security devices at the entertainment construct, and monitored their activity. That too is being used to help The Haints reevaluate their decision. Tameria Jinks.”

Tameria didn’t realize she’d been nodding her head because of what The Haints said, but Carol did and asked, “Why are you nodding your head, Tameria?” The question brought Tameria back to the here and now after speaking with The Haints. “I’ve asked if what we’ve seen Peter and Bradley do today wouldn’t cause The Haints to change their minds about telling the boys about them. The Haints also watched over them while they were at The Fun Park, and because of the boys planning, their reasoning with the gifts, and what The Haints saw at the Park, they are reevaluating their decision not to tell Peter and Bradley about themselves.” Carol and Brian looked at each other, a look of concern crossing their faces. “But if The Haints do tell the boys, and the boys slip up at school or some other time, what then?” Because Tameria had been with The Haints the longest, she told her parents, “The Haints will help Peter and Bradley not tell anyone, it’s what they’ve done to those who know about The Haints. They’ll know about The Haints, but won’t be able to talk about them unless they are with others who also know about The Haints.” That bit of information caused Brian and Carol to relax, just at the moment when a loud thump was heard coming from upstairs. “So, I guess we’re back to normal,” Karen said, as Carol got up to go see what the imps were up to. They may have just demonstrated a level of maturity for boys their age, but they were still boys of their age and prone to just about anything.

No one was eager to climb out of bed Saturday, Carol and Brian especially, for obvious reasons. But breakfast finally started at nine in the morning, before chores were assigned, and homework after chores. The rest of Saturday and Sunday was a time for the Jinks to play together and rest, because it wouldn’t be long before things were going to change.

Monday was a different story, even more so because those who knew of The Haints were gushing with excitement over Tameria’s upcoming transformation. That excitement was first evident when all the girls were on the school bus that took them to school, making Tameria wish she had several gallons of ice water with her. “Well, come on, spill. Are you excited? What’s the first thing you’re going to do afterwards?” An excited Beckie asked Tameria. “You know, we should plan a shopping trip afterwards,” Grace said, “And then…” Tameria held up her hands and told the three, “Whoa whoa whoa...hold on a minute. You three have got to calm down. You get to school acting like you’ve just downed a whole bag of sugar and you know others are going to wonder what’s up. I don’t know what I’ll do afterwards, except get used to the change. After all, I’ll be completely like you are in every physical way. And it may take me some time to relearn how to do some things. You have to remember that right now I have a boy body, which is structurally different than the bodies you three have. Our center of gravity is different, our bone structure is different which makes us move differently. All of these things will change and will require relearning if I’m not to fall flat on my face. I’ll be like a baby taking its first steps, but a much older one.” Tameria started to notice how their excitement, and whispering, had started gaining attention and told the other three, “We’re gaining unwanted attention. Let’s table this talk until we can be alone.” That caused the three girls to look around and notice more than a few eyes on them, and nodded their heads in agreement.

If Tameria thought Beckie, Grace, and Tara were acting sugar ladened, she didn’t count on how those at school, who knew about The Haints, were going to act when they saw her. And as she did with her three close friends, she told those at school to act normal or they were going to be asked questions they couldn’t answer--literally. And so it went the rest of Monday at school, with Tameria calming down excited friends when she met them, a teacher here and there who was paying her a bit too much attention, all the while she tried to pay attention in her classes. The four girls did find time to talk privately in school, but decided walking home would give them more time to plan Tameria’s afterwards.

By Tuesday Tameria was about to scream. Everyone who knew about The Haints, and had been involved in the group meeting, were constantly asking her questions, and offering suggestions what to do after her transformation. With nine days to go, Tameria wasn’t sure she could stand much more of the bombardment she was receiving. She experienced more of the morons who took exception to how she presented herself, which The Haints cured, and all the concern about the change she would soon experience. And when she told her parents she was going to call off the change, and why, they sat her down and talked with her, reminding her that friends could get over bearing sometimes, but it was because they liked her and cared for her. That talk helped calm her down, and made her see the truth in what her parents said. But she still came home some days, went to her room, laid on her bed, pulled the pillow over her head, and screamed until she almost lost her voice. When this happened, Carol was always there for her, rubbing her back as Tameria lay on her bed, reminding Tameria that it wouldn’t be long now.

During the ten days before the change would take place, The Haints had made it clear to Tameria, and her parents, that Tameria needed to eat as much protein as possible, even more the day the change would start. They said it was to help make sure there would be sufficient building material when they started their work. And so it was The Wednesday when the change would start, when Tameria got home from school, and everyone who knew of the change was on edge. Tameria was quiet throughout the entire school day, quieter than normal. Her friends wished her well and would see her the following Monday. Beckie, Grace, and Tara said they’d call to see how things went and would come over after the change was finished. Even Tameria’s teachers, who knew about The Haints, gave her encouragement, though they themselves looked worried. The walk home was somber for the four friends, even though the three friends tried to carry on a normal conversation. When they finally arrived at Tameria’s house, there were tears in the eyes of the three girls, as they wished Tameria well before hugging her and watching as Tameria walked into her house. The three went their separate ways, each wondering if they’d really see Tameria again, alive.

Carol had been standing at the window watching for Tameria and her three close friends, hoping the decision Tameria had made was right for her. Carol had done enough research to know had Tameria chosen the medical way, it was a safe and sure method for Tameria to reach her goal. Even after her own conversation with The Haints, she still had reservations about letting The Haints do the transformation because she knew so little of their abilities and maybe ulterior motives. But Tameria trusted them, and her mind was made up, so all Carol and Brian could do was support her decision. Carol watched as the three girls gave Tameria hugs, wiping tears from their eyes--they were worried too--before Tameria headed to the house and walked through the front door. Tameria never said a word, but ran to her mom and held her in a tight hug, asking, “Have I made the right decision?” Tears ran down Carol’s cheeks, herself hurting because her daughter hurt, before asking, “Haven’t The Haints looked out for you this far? Haven’t they helped others change for the better? And don’t you trust them implicitly? Sweetheart, are you frightened because you are to become a whole girl, one who can give birth as other women do, or because Robert is going to never have existed?” All a surprised Carol heard was, “Yes!”

“I spoke with The Haints today,” Carol told Tameria, “And they told me when you go to bed tonight, they’d put you into a deep sleep, and we were not to go into your room until they contacted us. And because of this, and what Peter and Bradley showed The Haints, they have changed their minds and are willing to tell the boys about themselves. So when the boys get home, and your dad and Karen, we’re all going to sit down with the boys and start explaining The Haints to them. Then it will be The Haints turn to speak with the boys. And, they’d like it if you’d do the first part of the explaining, since they really look up to you. Okay, sweetheart?”

Carol felt Tameria’s head nod yes before telling her, “Why don’t you go get changed then come down to the kitchen. Okay?” Again Carol felt Tameria’s head nod yes, before Tameria released her mom and went up to her room. Carol watched as Tameria slowly climbed the stairs, realizing that all too soon a real girl would be coming down those same stairs. More tears fell from Carol’s eyes, knowing she would never have had an oldest son.

Carol and Tameria were in the kitchen talking and snacking when the front door opened and slammed shut, indicating the boys were home. Carol looked toward the front door as both boys walked into the kitchen. “Um...did I or did I not tell you two NOT to slam the front door before today?” Carol asked Peter and Bradley, who both found something interesting to look at on the kitchen floor. “Well, yeah, you sort of did,” Bradley replied, still looking at the kitchen floor. “Look at me boys,” Carol told them, trying her hardest not to laugh at their current expressions. “First off, I did tell you before today about slamming the front door, and it’s ‘Yes Ma’am’, not yeah! Got it?” When neither boy replied she asked, “Got it?” Carol could see the smirks on their faces, catching on they slammed the front door deliberately. “Yes ma’am,” both boys replied, before Peter asked, “Can we have a snack.” Carol kept a straight face, or as straight as she could, but was chuckling to herself inside at what those two imps had done. “It’s may I and yes you may have a snack,” Carol told the two and pointed to the food stuffs on the island counter.

When both boys had their mouths full, and therefore couldn’t respond right away, Carol told them, “We’re going to have a family meeting when your dad and sister get home. So save your questions until we’re all together. After you’ve finished eating what you have, I want you two to go change and lay down and rest until someone comes to get you.” Both Tameria and Carol saw the questions in the eyes of both boys, but knew when their mom gave an order, they’d follow it without question--sort of. After the boys left, and the door to their room was heard slamming shut, Tameria and Carol broke out in laughter. “Those two stinkers slammed the front door on purpose,” Tameria said. “Oh you know it,” Carol replied, as the two women resumed their laughter. “Do you think they’ll be okay after we tell them about The Haints? Or after The Haints talk to them?” Tameria asked her mom, who Tameria saw had a worried look on her face. “Sweetheart, The Haints have never physically hurt anyone, or let anyone get hurt physically. We’ve seen what it was like on their planet before it blew up, so I don’t think they’ll hurt Peter or Bradley. What worries me is how the boys will react when they learn what we know.” Tameria walked over to her mom and pulled her into a hug, telling her, “I think from what we’ve recently seen, they’ll be okay with what they hear. And if they’re not, I’ll just have to kiss them again.” That statement got both women laughing again, and earned Tameria a kiss on the top of her head from her mom.

Both women turned when they heard the front door open, and saw Karen walk into the house. Karen could see that Tameria and her mom had been having a serious conversation, just by the expressions on their faces. “Are you two okay, is there something I should know about?” Karen asked the two as she set the packages she was carrying down near the stairs. “Yes, you need to know that The Haints have changed their minds about revealing themselves to Peter and Bradley, and we’re going to tell them when your dad gets home,” Carol told Karen, as the front door opened again and Brian came into the house. “Perfect timing, dear, we were just talking about you,” Carol told him with just a bit of a smirk to her mouth. “Uh huh,” Brian replied, “And I’ll bet it wasn’t anything good, right,” Brian said as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing Carol and giving her a very sensuous kiss. “EEEEWWW,” they heard from Tameria, and “Get a room,” from Karen, before the couple started laughing at the antics of their two daughters.

Carol gave Brian a quick peck on the lips before telling him, “The Haints have decided to reveal themselves to the boys. They believe with what they saw from the boys the other day, that the boys can be trusted with their secret.” Carol saw concern on Brian’s face before he said, “But will the boys be able to handle what they are about to be told? You know how secrets can change how a person acts, and this talk could change how the boys act, and not for the better.” Carol had had this same thought, but after thinking about what the boys said and did last Friday, felt they’d be okay. And told Brian the exact same thing. “Karen, would you please go get the boys and bring them into the study?” Carol asked Karen, before taking Brian’s hand and leading him to the study, with Tameria following behind. Five minutes later, Peter, Bradley, and Karen following, walked into the study. Karen sat down in an armchair as Carol beckoned the boys to come sit on either side of Tameria on the small couch. “Boys,” Brian began, “We have something to tell you and then we’re going to have you listen to some friends we know. Tameria is going to be the one to tell you what we want you to know, but you must understand that it’s very important that you keep all of this to yourselves. It’s also important that you don’t act up around others just because you know something they may not know, GOT IT?” Peter and Bradley had heard their dad use the last two words on more than one occasion, and knew from experience when it was emphasized it was very serious. As if the two boys’ brains were wired together, they replied, “Yes sir,” at the same time.

Tameria held out her hands to her brothers, an indication to them that she wanted to hold their hands. After they took her hands, she started speaking. “Peter, Bradley,” Tameria said as she looked at each boy. “A few months ago something kind of neat happened to me, I met some things.” As Tameria watched the faces of her brothers, she saw the question form on Bradley’s face before he asked, “Don’t you mean someone? How can anyone mean some things?” Tameria chuckled and told him, “No, these are some things, let me explain…” Tameria finished telling the boys about The Haints and why they landed on Earth. And that at first they weren’t going to reveal themselves to the boys because they felt the boys were too immature. But because of what they did last Friday caused The Haints to reevaluate their decision, and that they decided to speak with the boys. “Now I want you two to relax, and not get upset or excited, because The Haints are going to speak directly to both of you. It’s going to seem strange hearing someone talk that you can’t see, but it will be okay. Got it?” Tameria looked at each of her brothers after what she told them, and saw each boy nod his head in understanding. “Okay, I want you to hold my hands, close your eyes and relax. Ready?” Tameria asked, getting two more nods.

”We are The Haints. Peter Jinks. Bradley Jinks. We will you no harm. You are safe with us. Do you understand?”

Carol, Brian, and Karen had been added by The Haints to the conference with Peter and Bradley, so they heard the question The Haints asked. “Peter, Bradley, The Haints can hear you if you speak, as well if you think speak. So just answer whichever way is easiest for the both of you,” Carol told the two boys.

“Yes ma’am,” they said in unison, “We understand.” And Bradley added, “WOW, this is sooo cool!”

”We are The Haints. Peter Jinks. Bradley Jinks. We come from a planet which was destroyed some millions of Earth years ago. A planet which was up from this solar systems ‘ rotation and a very long way away. Do you understand?”

“You’re telling us your planet was destroyed a very long time ago, and because our solar system is in a circle, your planet was a long way away and up from our solar system. I think the word you mean is perpendicular, right?” It took Peter a bit to pronounce the word, but he got his meaning across.

”We are The Haints. Peter Jinks. Bradley Jinks. Yes. You are correct . Peter Jinks. Our planet was far away in the perpendicular to this solar system. Our creator made us so we could put an end to all aggression on our planet. But there weren’t enough of us to act in time and the aggressive ones used a weapon which caused our planet to explode. We have traveled longer than your planet has existed. We have viewed planets and events which can’t be seen from this planet. We found this world and saw it was in need of our help, if it was to escape the fate our planet suffered. We saw in Tameria Jinks a human who would welcome us and help us save your planet. And if you allow us, we will be with Peter Jinks and Bradley Jinks. You must understand that no one else must know about us, unless we will it. You must understand that you must not act differently than you’ve already shown The Haints. You two are like Tameria Jinks in that you care for others and will do great things when you become mature humans.”

“WOW OH WOW,” Bradley exclaimed. “This is sooo really cool! Um...Tameria, how do we tell The Haints they can be with us?” Bradley asked Tameria, seeing the smile on his sisters’ face. “All you do is tell them you want them to be with you,” Tameria said, “You give them permission to be with you. But understand, what they said about no one knowing about them is very important. If the wrong people find out about them, they’ll try to use them for their own purposes. And those purposes could be bad. You two understand?” After Peter and Bradley acknowledged they understood, they then told The Haints they had permission to be with each boy, and then they each leaned into Tameria, realizing the nature of what occurred. It was Bradley who asked, as tears rolled down his cheeks, “a lot of people died when their planet blew up, didn’t they?” Tameria put her arms around her brothers before telling them, “Yes, Bradley, a lot of people died when their planet blew up. All because some people couldn’t stand that everyone didn’t believe as they did. Peter, Bradley, it’s okay to believe differently than others, as long as your beliefs don’t hurt others. Many wonderful things have been discovered because some had different beliefs, just as many have been hurt or killed because they believed differently. The difference is that of being more concerned about others than only concerned about yourself. Do you two understand, understand the difference?” Tameria had just given her brothers a lot of mature information, but wasn’t really surprised when they told her, “Yes.”

“Peter, Bradley, there’s something else you need to know. Tonight, when I go to bed, The Haints are going to transform me into a real girl. So I may not see the two of you until late Friday. And, you must NOT come into my room. Got it?” Tameria looked first to Peter then to Bradley, after telling them what she was about to undergo. Carol, Brian, and Karen, along with Tameria, saw the look on Bradley’s face, one which they all knew meant he was thinking about something. And that something ended up being, “Um...Tameria, are you saying that someday you’ll be like that glass statue of the lady holding the baby?” Tameria pulled Bradley in tight to her and told him, “Yes. It means exactly that, someday I’ll be a mother, like our mother is to us. And you two will become Uncles.” Bradley’s only reply was, “Cooool…”

It was Carol who first spotted the twinkle in Peter’s eyes. She nudged Brian and mouthed, ‘Look at Peter’s eyes’. She then got Karen’s attention and did the same to her. All three knew from experience when either boy got a twinkle in his eyes that something was up and it could be good or bad. And when Peter went into his act, all three had to cover their mouths tightly to avert the laughs the three had developed. “AW NO...AW NO…” Peter moaned, as his left hand went to his forehead and started rubbing it. “AW this is horrible, Bradley.” Tameria had already turned her head to look at Peter, and Bradley had leaned forward to look at Peter when he said Bradley’s name. “Bradley, do you know what this means, when Tameria is a real girl? She’s gonna wanna kiss us more, lots more.” Now the three older Jinks had both hands covering their mouths, desperately trying to prevent the rucas laughter from escaping their mouths. “Eww YUCK. How are we gonna stop her?” Bradley asked Peter, knowing full well what Peter was doing. The three older Jinks were now almost past their abilities to keep from laughing, with a few snickers escaping their lips. They watched as Tameria did a slow burn, or so it seemed, first looking at Peter, then Bradley, as both boys were wearing their patented disgusted looking faces. “Oh ho, so you aren’t going to like your real sister kissing you, is it? Well…,” but Tameria never finished the sentence, because she turned her hands into claws and proceeded to go after the ribs of both boys; pulling the boys into her as she did so. The laughter and squeal from both boys broke the dam the older Jinks had been holding back, and the room was awash with laughter. Peter and Bradley were squirming so much they slid right off the couch and onto the floor, where they proceeded to get back up and have a go at Tameria. Tameria had her hands full, trying to give back what she herself was receiving, until Carol and Karen snuck up behind Peter and Bradley and pulled both boys back to them and continued the tickle session. Tameria was laughing, Brian was laughing, Carol and Karen were laughing, and the boys loved what was happening. The tickling stopped a few moments later, with Carol and Karen hugging the two boys, and the boys leaning into the hugs. At that precise moment, the love in that room even touched The Haints, and they knew they’d chosen well with this family group.

Carol happened to glance at the clock on the wall and saw it close to 8:30 p.m. “Boys,” she said, “It’s time for you two to get ready for bed. Shower or bathe, brush your teeth and put your night clothes on.” She finished, and received an, “Okay mommy.” Peter turned and hugged Karen, before kissing her on the cheek. Bradley did the same to Carol, before both boys got up and headed to their bedroom. “Well, that went much better than I expected it would,” Brian said to the rest of his family. “I thought for sure when The Haints spoke to the boys they’d run off in terror because of hearing voices in their head.” It was Tameria who said, “I don’t think there ever was anything to worry about, given their attitudes of late. I almost think they knew something was up but not sure if they should ask or needed to ask. And I’ll add, I’m awfully glad they’re my brothers.” Carol patted Tameria’s knee and told her, “Well said, sweetheart, well said.” With the boys off getting ready for bed, the four headed to the kitchen, to get drinks and something to snack on until it was time for Tameria to head off for her transformation.

It was a subject they’d talked about before, but now that it was about to transpire, there was little more to say. The expressions on the others’ faces didn’t go unnoticed by Tameria, who told them, “It’s going to be okay, please don’t worry. I’ll be fine, and I won’t feel a thing the entire time.” Karen knuckled tears out of her eyes, as did Carol and Brian, all three knowing if something did go wrong, they’d lose a very precious and special girl forever. The boys finally came back down to say goodnight, with Bradley asking Tameria, “You sure you’re gonna be alright? Nothing gonna happen to you? ‘Cause I don’t want nothing to happen to you, Tameria.” Tameria pulled her little brother into a tight hug, and wiped tears out of her eyes with her free hand. “Yes, little one, I’m going to be alright. Now you get to bed and I’ll see you sometime Friday. Got it,” she gently asked him, kissing him lightly on the cheek. Bradley nodded his head, kissed Tameria on the cheek and headed off to bed, followed by Brian and Carol who would tuck the boys in and try to answer any questions they might have left.

Peter and Bradley awoke a little after 8 a.m., going through their usual routine of one in the bathroom and one getting dressed and making his bed. When both boys were ready, they went and stood before the door to Tameria’s room. “Do you think she’s okay,” Bradley asked Peter, as Peter puts his arm around his little brothers’ shoulder. “Well, The Haints did say they’d take care of Tameria, so I guess we gotta trust them,” Peter replied as they quietly walked back down the hall to their parents’ room, only to see the red plastic tag on the door knob; they didn’t know how much Brian and Carol needed each other through the night. Knowing not to disturb their parents, they headed down to the kitchen, finding Karen already there, a cup of coffee in her hands.

“Hi guys,” she said gently, “How are you two doing? Did you sleep well?” Bradley walked over to Karen, put his little arms around her neck, laid his head on her shoulder and started crying. Karen sat the cup down on the kitchen table and pulled her youngest brother into her lap. As she held Bradley, Peter walked over and repeated Bradley’s actions, getting himself pulled into a hug by Karen. “Karen,” Bradley said between cries, “” Karen rubbed the boys’ back as she told him, “Bradley, I wasn’t with Tameria at school, or at the mall, when The Haints kept Tameria from being hurt by showing several people just what happens when hate takes total control of people. Yes, Bradley, Tameria is really going to be okay.” She laid her head on Bradley’s head, then kissing the top of his head asked, “How about scrambled eggs and bacon this morning?” She felt both boys nod their heads and told them, “Okay, you two set the table for everyone, get out the toaster and the bread, and we’ll get this show on the road.” Peter lifted his head off Karen’s shoulder before telling her, “This isn’t a show, we’re getting breakfast.” Karen gave Peter an incredulous look before replying, “Why this is so a show we’re putting on. You two are the prop men and I’m the director,” she said with just a bit of snootiness in her voice, causing both boys to laugh at her silliness. “Now scoot, let’s get things ready,” Karen told her brothers, kissing each on his cheek before the three got to work.

Carol and Brian were just concluding needing each other, again, as they’d done most of the night, when Carol said, “Hmmm...I smell bacon cooking. And eggs. You don’t suppose those two stinkers are doing something they know they’re not cleared to do, do you?” Brian lifted his head off Carol’s left breast and told her, “I’m administering to your needs and all you can say is, ‘I smell bacon cooking.’ What? Have I lost my touch?” “Sweetheart, your administrations were beyond wonderful, and I really needed you so much last night, and may again tonight, but we better go see if the boys aren’t trying to burn the kitchen down as a hint they’d like a bigger room.” The two shared another passionate kiss, as Carol reached down and gently caressed Brian’s member. “Darling, if you continue with that, we may have to buy a new house if the boys are indeed hinting they’d like a bigger room by burning down the kitchen.” They shared one more deep, passionate, kiss before getting out of bed and getting dressed.

“Okay, you two,” Karen told Carol and Brian, when they walked into the kitchen, “Sit down, breakfast is ready. I’ve had a terrible time keeping these two urchins out of everything until you two came out of your cave.” Karen winked at her brothers, causing both to snicker at what she just told their parents. “Oooo...I think we were just compared to bears, darling,” Brian told Carol. “Yeah, I got that impression,” Carol replied, as Brian circled the table one way and Carol the other, before pouncing on Peter and Bradley, and hugging Karen. The boys, as they usually did when pounced upon, laughed and screamed and loved every minute of the attention. Karen for her part, fiercely hugged each of her parents, wiping tears away afterwards. “Yeah, we know honey, we’re worried too,” they each whispered into Karen’s ear.

When everyone had eaten their fill, it was Brian who said to the boys, “Um...gentleman, you two are invited on an excursion to the local business conglomerate. There will be confections, merriment, and a connoisseur’s delight of edible sustenance.” Peter slowly turned his head toward Bradley, as Bradley did the same to Peter, before both boys slowly shook their heads, looked toward the kitchen ceiling and said in unison, while looking at the father, “HUH?” Neither Karen, Brian or Carol could hold back the laughter that built from the two boys’ theatrics. “Guys, your mom and I are going to take you to the mall. You know, that place with all the stores, that huge food court, candy stores, and the arcade.” When neither boy responded, Brian and Carol suddenly looked worried, until both boys broke out into laughter, high fiving each other. “Got ya,” Bradley said as he and Peter continued to laugh. Both boys quickly slid out of their chairs and under the table as the three older Jinks started their approach to even out the little score the boys achieved. “Oh, look dear,” Carol said to Brian, “Look how they cringe at our approach. Maybe we should cancel the outing to the mall.” “NO, NO, DON’T DO THAT,” both boys yelled, and immediately came out from under the kitchen table. Only to immediately be grabbed by Brian and Carol. It was quite noisy in the kitchen for the next few minutes, as the boys paid the price for putting one over on their parents. And they all loved it.

Brian, Carol, and Karen had discussed the night before how to keep Peter and Bradley busy so they wouldn’t worry about Tameria. While the two were young, they had always been fascinated by everything they saw at the mall, even the entire structure itself. And they asked more questions than Brian or Carol could even answer, some rather mature for one seven years old and one eight years old. All three Jinks also knew that by taking the boys to the mall they’d be dead tired when they returned home, making it easier for them to sleep soundly through the night, and not worry so much about Tameria. What the three would do Friday depended when, or if, Tameria was ready to walk out of her room; hopefully not, ever.

When the paybacks had been awarded, and everyone had calmed down, it was Carol who took charge and announced, “Peter, Bradley, if you will please help clean up, then got upstairs to your room, brush your teeth again, use the toilet, and put what knick-knacks you carry in your pockets, your dad and I will take you to the mall.” Flash Gordon was slow compared to how fast the two boys rinsed off the dishes, put them into the dishwasher, put away the now unplugged toaster and bread, put away the condiments, and helped dry the pans that Karen washed. In fact, they pushed and pulled Karen over to the sink and practically shoved the necessary items into her hands for washing the pans. It took all the will power Carol and Brian possessed to keep from laughing out loud watching their boys at work, but not hard to feel proud of their two young boys.

It was quiet in the house after the four left for the mall, and Karen found herself sitting on the floor outside of Tameria’s bedroom, with her knees drawn up to her chest. “You will take care of her, won’t you? We really need her to be okay.” Karen stabbed at tears that were rolling down her cheeks, not expecting what was said next.

”We are The Haints. Karen Jinks. Tameria Jinks is progressing as planned. Worry not for your sister. Karen Jinks. We will protect her during her transition. Karen Jinks. Be at peace. Karen Jinks. All is well.”

Such overwhelming relief washed over Karen that she rested her head on her knees and wept openly, finally knowing Tameria was alright. She didn’t know how long she had cried, or sat at Tameria’s bedroom door, but felt much lighter as she went to the kitchen to get something to drink. She even felt so much better that she decided to watch a movie, one which would provide the laughter she felt building inside her. One which would help her remember that Tameria would be walking out of her bedroom very soon now. One she knew her soon to be new sister loved to watch.

*-*-*Chapter 14*-*-*

When the movie had finished, Karen fell asleep on the couch, only to be awakened some time later by a gentle kiss on her cheek. Heavy eyelids fluttered open to allow her to view Brandley standing before her, holding a bag in one of his hands. “Hi, sis,” Bradley said before raising the bag, “We brought you something from the mall.” Karen’s eyes went big as she saw the bag was from Jeb’s Candy’s, a candy store a person could easily spend half an hour perusing the shelves due to all the choices available. Karen also knew, from experience, that Jeb’s carried a chocolate that could only be described as nectar of the Gods. Sitting up, she took the bag Bradley offered, and all but squealed with delight when she saw that indeed, chocolate was in the bag. She gave Bradley a questioning look because this chocolate was not inexpensive. “ and Peter had some allowance left over, and mom and dad helped.” Karen patted the couch to her left, indicating for Bradley to sit beside her. Looking up, she saw Peter sheepishly standing a few feet away, so she patted the right side of her and Peter crawled up beside her. When both boys were sitting beside her, she told them, “Oh you two are so special, thank you for this chocolate.” Then she did something both boys acted like they thoroughly hated, she kissed each on the cheek. Hearing Peter yell, “MOM,” brought Carol and Brian out of the kitchen, and had them holding back laughter when Peter asked, “Mom, is there any cleaning stuff for kissing cooties?” It started with uncontrollable snickers from Bradley, because of what Peter just said, and blossomed into full blown laughter, which caused Bradley to slide off the couch and land on flat his back on the floor. As Bradley continued to laugh, holding his stomach as he did so, Carol and Brian joined in, and increased their volume when Karen, giving Peter an icy stare, kissed him again. Peter gave Karen a contemptuous look before attacking her ribs. When Karen and Peter finished their attacks and counter-attacks, Karen had pulled Peter into a tight hug, reaching up every so often to wipe a tear from his cheeks. “Is Tameria going to be okay?” He asked Karen, as she wiped off another set of tears from his cheeks. “Sweetheart, I have it on very good authority that Tameria is doing just fine,” Karen told her brother as she held him close. “That’s good to hear,” Peter said, as she leaned into his older sister’s hug.

“Guys, I think you two need to go shower or bathe after your busy day, and then we’ll have a snack before you two go to bed.” Brian had seen how tired Peter and Bradley looked when they had returned home, so he and Carol had decided an early bedtime would be best for the two. Peter kissed Karen on the cheek before getting off the couch and following Bradley up to their bedroom. When the boys were out of earshot, Karen told her mom and dad, “The Haints spoke to me just after you all left for the mall. I guess I was so worried about Tameria they felt it necessary to reassure me she was alright and progressing as they had planned.” She reached up and wiped escaping tears off her cheeks, before the three found themselves in another hug. “She’s alright, mom and dad. We’ll see her shortly.”

With the boys fast asleep, Karen bid her parents a good night and watched as they walked hand in hand down the hall to their bedroom, putting the red plastic tag on the door knob before closing the door. Karen smiled at the thought of the love her parents were going to share again that night, hoping she too could someday find a man as wonderful as her dad. She didn’t realize how tired she actually was until after she’d used the bathroom. She didn’t remember falling asleep when she crawled into bed, but knew the next morning that this was the first time since Tameria had gone to bed Wednesday, that she had slept soundly.

As sleep abated, Karen started to realize there were noises coming from downstairs; they sounded like pans being banged. Not bothering to dress, she threw on her robe, opened the door to her bedroom, and saw Peter and Bradley looking at her blurry eyed. “What’s all that noise,” Bradley asked, just before Carol and Brian came out of their bedroom. “What the hell is going on?” A rather irritated Brian asked, receiving blank looks from the three children. “Well, we aren’t going to find out standing her,” Carol smartly told the small group, as she turned and started down the stairs, with the others right behind her.

The five Jinks came to an abrupt halt when they reached the kitchen, stunned looks plastered on their faces. It took only a moment after they heard, “Hi guys, ya’ll sleep good,” coming from Tameria, before a joyous riot broke out. Peter and Bradley were hugging Tameria’s waist, while the older Jinks had Tameria at the center of their hugs. “Guys, guys, air, I need air,” Tameria said before the pressure of the hugs lessened. Tameria saw the tears on everyone’s face, as she gently reached out to wipe them away. It was Carol who reached up to gently wipe the tears from Tameria’s cheeks as Tameria told them all, “Hey, I’m okay. Breakfast anyone? OH, THE BACON!!” Brian turned and turned the bacon just as it all had started to smoke. Thankfully it wasn’t burnt too bad, but that wasn’t a concern to everyone right now. The happy family went about their breakfast tasks, Peter and Bradley again becoming the prop men, with Carol becoming the director. Brian helped Peter skip the step stool by lifting his son high enough to reach the plates and glasses in the cabinet, which he dutifully handed to Bradley. Carol had pointed to Tameria’s chair and told her, “SIT,” before finishing what Tameria had started. Getting breakfast going was slower than usual, because everyone couldn’t keep from looking at Tameria and the slight changes they saw.

The three older Jinks found it almost comical as they watched Bradley and Peter eat their breakfast while they constantly looked at their new sister. And had they not had a free hand to cover their mouths, they’d have sprayed food all over the table when Bradley said to Tameria with a mouth full of scrambled eggs, “Wow, sis, you’re so much more beautiful.” And it caused them even more problems when Peter said, “Yeah, the old Tameria was pretty, but you’re really pretty.” It’s hard to snicker with a mouth full of scrambled eggs, and hard not to choke as they are swallowed. But the three managed it as they watched Tameria school her face into a perfect school marm and arched one eyebrow as she glared from little brother to little brother. And it was even funnier as both boys THOUGHT they’d stepped over the line before Tameria pulled them into a hug and told the two, “And I feel so much more prettier.” Brian, Carol, and Karen lost it and began to laugh out loud, seeing the look of relief on the two boys’ faces. “And I love you two very much,” Tameria told her brothers, right before she kissed each one on their cheeks. “Aww, yuck, MOM she’s done it again. She gave us cooties.” That statement of Peter’s brought down the house. Bradley slid off his chair and ended up under the kitchen table. Brian, Carol, and Karen were laughing so hard that tears were streaming down their cheeks. And Peter, Peter was caught in Tameria’s grip, and getting more kisses than he’d had since he was born. Everyone suddenly stopped laughing when they heard Peter crying as he told Tameria, “I sure missed you. I was worried we’d never see you again.” Tameria hugged the diminutive boy as he cried against her chest, helping Tameria realize that the breasts he was leaning against were real. And be used one day to cater to the needs of her own child.

Talk during the rest of breakfast centered around Tameria and her change. “Yes,” she replied when Karen asked if she felt different, “I can tell I walk differently, if a little bit off balance right now.” “No, I don’t remember anything that happened,” was the answer she gave Peter’s question. Bradley was studying Tameria’s face intently before he said, “Your nose is nicer looking, more like a girls’ nose.” That observation drew comments from the older Jinks, agreeing with Bradley’s assessment. Other features were pointed out, as their morning meal came to an end, which beget the reply from Tameria, “I hadn’t noticed. I haven’t been awake that long.” With everyone done eating, the prop men began their work, while the ladies started on the plates, glasses, and utensils. Brian stood off to the side and studied his new daughter, noticing the change of her hips, her narrower waist, and a few inches in height gain. While he didn’t know if The Haints could lengthen her hair, it did seem to be several inches longer--but this thought might be because he hadn’t seen his daughter in a day and a half. Still, The Haints do very good work.

Carol cleared her throat, causing Brian to stop his observations, and look to his wife. With eye movements and subtle head movements toward the garage, Brian finally caught on what his wife wanted. “Hey, boys. I need some help out in the garage moving things around to straighten up the place.” Peter looked over to Bradley, who looked back, before they both rolled their eyes, looked up to the ceiling, and shook their heads before Bradley told his dad, “Dad, why can’t you just say we need to go with you to the garage so the ladies can talk? Sheesh, parents.” Bradley’s words, and the stunned look on Brian’s face caused the three girls to start laughing, and continue to laugh as they watched both boys each take one of Brian’s hands and pull the man towards the garage. Only when the door to the garage did the laughter die out.

When the door to the garage closed, if there had been a fly on the wall it would have thought the noise in the kitchen was the start of a sleepover. First Carol shot Tameria a question, then Karen fired a question, then Carol, then Karen, all before Tameria had a chance to answer the first question asked. Tameria was so overcome with joy at the care her mother and sister were showing that she started crying and pulled the other two women into a hug. “Thank you so much for caring about me. Even after what The Haints told me I was really scared I’d never see all of you again.” And if that fly were big enough, it would have gone and brought back a box of tissues, a big box.

When the three had dried their eyes, Tameria told her mom and sister, “Both of you have helped me so much since I came out to the family, but I’m going to need help in an area that at the time wasn’t important. The Haints told me I’m going to have my first period tomorrow, and I’ll need help big time.” Tameria became annoyed when Carol and Karen both started snickering. “I don’t think it’s funny, I’m really scared about all this,” Tameria told the two women, and wiped at more tears that wanted to slide down her cheeks. “Oh honey, we’re sorry, it’s just that neither of us thought we’d ever have to deal with that subject with you. You would have gone on hormones, when you were of age after you had the surgery, and periods wouldn’t be a thing you’d needed to worry about. But now, now that The Haints have transformed you, well, it just caught us off guard. Plus, Tameria, you remember yourself as Robert, and will get to experience something regular boys will never experience. Someday you can become a mother, and know how it feels to bring a life into this world.”

The three ladies consoled each other again in another group hug, and almost emptied the box of tissues that Carol placed on the kitchen table. She looked at the time, 10 a.m., and told Tameria and Karen, “Girls, go get dressed, we’re going shopping, and have lunch out today.” Karen and Tameria kissed Carol before speeding off to their rooms, Carol following at a slower pace. With purses in hand, Carol led the three out to the garage where she told Brian and the boys, “You three hold down the house, we’re going shopping and lunch out today.” The three girls started laughing as they watched the three boys roll their eyes, look to the ceiling before shaking their heads. Brian kissed Carol goodbye, while Bradley hugged Karen--and received a kiss--as Peter hugged Tameria--and received a kiss. The boys watched as Carol backed her car out of the garage, down the driveway and away toward their shopping trip. “Guys, when you get married, you can look forward to this happening quite often. And if you get upset about it, you’ll spend the night out in the backyard in a sleeping bag.” The boys looked at each other before Peter told his dad, “Dad I got a bridge I’ll sell ya, cheap.” Brian knew when he’d been had, and grabbed both boys around their waist before hoisting them into the air and carrying them into the house--Bradley did the honors of opening the door to the house. And the boys loved it.

Because The Haints told Tameria she would have her first period tomorrow, Saturday, the ladies first stop was a major chain drug store to get the necessary sanitary items Tameria would need, it was also to help Tameria learn about something she previously would never have needed. After parking the car, going into the store, and finding the aisle containing the feminine sanitary products, Carol and Karen started answering Tameria’s questions as well as telling her the whens, whatfors, and how tos of using the sanitary products. After Karen’s rather unpleasant experience a year ago, they made sure to emphasize how important it was to maintain cleanliness at all times, or it was possible to develop some rather annoying unpleasantness. After selecting the necessary items, pads and tampons, plus cleansing products, Carol then took Tameria to the family planning aisle, and told her, “Tameria, I’m not naive to believe you’d wait until marriage before becoming sexually active, which is a decision only you can make. But if you decide to become sexually active, then I want you to make DAMN sure that boy uses a condom. NO CONDOM, NO ENTRY!! GOT IT?” Carol’s last statement had Tameria and Karen leaning on each other, holding each other up while they tried to suppress the laughter they tried not to broadcast all over the store. Even Carol started laughing at seeing what her last statement had done to her daughters. Carol untangled Tameria from Karen before telling her, “Sweetheart, I’ve known girls in my high school class who got pregnant before they turned eighteen, and it turned their lives upside down. At the time, they had to drop out of school and finish high school at home. And with some of the families, when the baby came, it was a burden on the family. And some of the girls were kicked out of their homes, needing to move in with family members who were more sympathetic with their needs. Sweetheart, right now the thought of having sex will be alluring to you because it’s something new, uncharted territory. I just want you to make sure you’re safe if you decide to become sexually active. There’s another couple of reasons to wait in becoming sexually active. Boys have a tendency to brag about their “conquests,” blab about the girls they’ve had sex with. You could develop a reputation of being “easy,” a girl who spreads her legs at the drop of a hat. Right now, from what I gather, you have a good reputation at school, so much so that many girls, and guys, look up to you. They’ve seen what many have put you through and have admired your perseverance. The other reason deals with STDs, some which you’d never get out of your system, some that’d stay with you for life, and maybe cause major problems down the road.” Carol’s words brought tears to Tameria’s eyes, making her pull her mother into a hug and whispering, “I love you so much, mom.” Once all three had dried their eyes, Carol explained to Tameria about condoms, and the various ones available. She also made Tameria understand that no condom was 100% safe, that they could, and sometimes did, leak. And so unlike the mom they saw at home, Carol then regaled the girls with a few of her adventures down the exploration path, and how none could compare to their father. Right then, right there, Tameria and Karen could not feel closer to their mom if they both sat right in her lap. And right then and right there, Tameria decided where her future path would lead after high school. But many things could change in three and a half years.

Carol paid for the item they’d selected, even throwing in a few snack items as well, before they went out to the car, placed their purchases into the trunk, and drove the short distance to the mall, where the real shopping would begin. Their first stop was at a very well known lingerie shop, not a major chain store, but one owned by a local woman Carol knew. This woman’s son had been like Robert, and like Carol, she helped him in every way possible to be the person he had to be. But at the time they found it hard to find items they liked, or could afford, so she and her daughter decided to open their own store. Over the years they’d built a reputation of helping not only naturally born girls but those who had been born into the wrong bodies. And they had a wide selection of everything a woman would want, and at a price she could afford.

Barb saw Carol and her daughters walk into her store, eagerly going up to Carol and giving her old friend a big hug. “Oh it’s good to see you again, dear, where have you been keeping yourself?” Carol returned the hug before telling her friend, “Busy with our youngest new daughter, and you know how Peter and Bradley can be, like trying to catch a train that’s running seventy miles per hour.” Barb laughed at Carol’s description of her sons, because she’d seen it for herself. “Well,” Barb started after breaking the hug with Carol, “What can I do for you three ladies today?” The three looked at each other for a moment, giving each other the “Are we sure about this” look. Tameria needed to be re-measured after her transformation, and Barb knew about Robert coming out to his family. As they drove to this area, Carol explained to Tameria and Karen that Barb had known about Robert’s coming out, but with Tameria’s change, she would start asking questions. And the only way she could see to explain everything was to introduce her to The Haints. The three kicked around the pros and cons but had the decision made for them when The Haints told them the idea had merit, since it would give them a chance to be at the mall.

Carol cleared her throat before saying, “Um...Barb, Tameria needs re-measured, but before that happens, is there somewhere we can talk in private? Real private?” Barb looked at the serious look on the face of her high school friend before telling Carol, “Yeah, sure, follow me. Stevie, I’m going to be helping these ladies, you and Toni keep watch, okay?” When Stevie said, “Okay mom,” Barb led the three ladies to the very back of the store, and into the office. After Barb closed the door, she turned to her friend and asked, “Is everything alright Carol? You look really worried.” Carol realized what Barb was implying before pulling her friend into a hug and telling her, “Oh I’m sorry Barb, I didn’t mean to scare you. Yes, everything is fine, but there is something you need to know about Tameria before you re-measure her.”

Carol took her friends’ hand and guided her to one of the chairs in the office, sitting down beside her as she started speaking. “Some time ago, Tameria met some...friends...that have really helped her through her changes. In fact they really helped her just recently. She is now a complete girl, totally girl, 100% girl, a girl who can conceive and the whole nine yards.” Barb looked over to where Tameria now sat, looked back to Carol, looked to Karen, and saw all three nodding their heads. “Is this some kind of a joke,” Barb asked, venom in her voice. “There’s no way she’s old enough to have had THE surgery, and no way in HELL there is any way she could have a womb.” Tameria came over and kneeled before Barb and took her hands before telling her, “Mrs. Gathers, this is no joke. No one is trying to play any tricks on you, I haven’t had any surgery, or hormones, or anything else. These friends who found me did it all and they did it all in a day and a half. Again Barb looked at Carol, who still had her hand on Barb’s arm, then at Karen and saw the three women were telling her the truth.

“Mrs. Gathers,” Tameria said softly, “These friends would like to speak with you, would like to explain themselves, but will do so only if you give them permission. They won’t force themselves on anyone who isn’t about to hurt someone.” When Barb looked into the faces of the three women before her, she saw only love and concern for her. Carol had told her girls of the hard time Stevie had had when he came out, and that Barb and her husband almost lost her because of some who took exception to her change. Those same people, adults by the way, are now rethinking their attitudes thanks to the taxpayers of the State. “What do I have to do,” Barb asked in a soft voice. “Nothing, Mrs. Gathers, just close your eyes and relax,” Tameria told her, as Carol removed her arm from Barb’s arm. “And Mrs. Gathers, don’t be alarmed by the voice you’ll hear, it’s just our friends.” The three ladies watched as Barb tried to relax before closing her eyes. Carol hoped they’d made the right decision.

”We are The Haints. Barbra Gathers.”

Barb’s eyes snapped open at the same time she jerked her hands back to her chest. “MY GAWD, was that your friends, Tameria?” Barb asked as her hands went to her mouth. “They...I...they were in my mind. I heard voices. OH GAWD! Tameria?” Barb reached her hands out to Tameria and continued with, “Is this really real? I’m not imagining it, right? Please, say I’m not?” Tameria released one of Barb’s hands and gently wiped the tears sliding down Barbs cheeks, while telling her, “No Mrs. Gathers, this is real, maybe more real than you could imagine, but real all the same.” “Oh my,” Barb said, reaching up to take the hand Tameria used to wipe off the tears, before she again closed her eyes and tried to relax.

”Be at peace. Barbra Gathers. We are The Haints. Barbra Gathers. We will you no harm. Barbra Gathers. We wish to speak with you. Barbra Gathers. We wish to tell you our story. Barbra Gathers. Only if you will us too. Barbra Gathers. Because it is a sad story, a story of how our planet died. Barbra Gathers. A story that could, one day, be the fate of this planet. Barbra Gathers.”

Carol, Karen, and Tameria, because of their links with The Haints, could hear what they had told Barb. And Carol was happy for her friend when they heard Barb tell The Haints, “Please, tell your story.” As The Haints had done with many before Barb, they told the general direction where their planet had been; how one group felt everyone should believe as they did, and seeing others disagreed, started a war. How their creator had made them in order to stop all the aggression which was tearing their world apart, but with so few of The Haints, they were too late. The war raged for years, killing hundreds of thousands, many of them their own aggressives. And when the aggressives saw their defeat was at hand, deployed a weapon that ruptured the planets’ core and completely destroyed the planet. They told of how long they drifted in space, how they learned and changed over the millions of years during their drifting. They told of the planets they passed, the ones they saw with life but not needing their purpose, and of finding the Earth and of the one person who could help them achieve their purpose.

”...if you permit. Barbra Gathers. We can allow you to see all we saw. Barbra Gathers.”

Barb felt soft hands wiping tears off her cheeks, “It’s alright Mrs. Gathers, you don’t have to see what happened to The Haints’ planet. They only want to make you aware that the same can happen to our planet, if things continue as they are going.” Tameria told Barb before taking her hands again. Barb simply nodded her head, mentally telling The Haints to show her all that they saw. As The Haints started their “recording,” Barb’s hands tightened in Tameria’s hands, more tears falling from her eyes, and a cry of agony coming from Barb’s mouth. Barb suddenly pulled her hands from Tameria’s, covered her face and began weeping in earnest. Tameria reached up and pulled the woman into a tight hug and let her cry on her shoulder. “Oh those poor people, dead, all of them, all because of those self righteous BASTARDS,” Barb said and continued to cry. As Barb’s crying slowed she asked Tameria, “Can they help Stevie, like they did you?” Tameria’s only reply was, “Ask them.”

”Be at peace. Barbra Gathers. If you allow, we will be with you. Barbra Gathers. With you we can bring harmony to those who will to harm others. We have learned from Tameria Jinks that some aggression is necessary for humans, but we will to stop that aggression which could end this planet as did ours.”

Barb’s crying had stopped, shortly before The Haints spoke to her again. She gently pushed back from Tameria and leaned back in the chair before asking, “Be with ME? They want to be with me. What do they mean, Tameria?” “Mrs. Gathers, you must now realize what The Haints are, right?” Tameria asked, and saw Barb nod her head, “Their nanites, hundreds of nanites.” “That’s right, Mrs. Gathers,” Tameria said before continuing with, “They can, if you allow it, be inside of you, or any person, and help you as well as help others. It wasn’t explained how, but they can, I guess, shield themselves in case of any medical exam which looks at the inside of the body. They want us to be their legs, getting them from place to place where they can quash aggression that’s aimed at hurting others. It will take years, but their goal is to bring harmony, peace, really, to our world. So our world, and those on it, don’t suffer the same fate as their planet. Mrs. Gathers, if you help them, let them be with you, just by going about your daily life they will take care of the rest.” As Tameria gently wiped tears off Barb’s cheeks, again, Barb asked, “How do I let them be with me?” Tameria smiled before telling Babr, “Just ask, Mrs. Gathers. Just ask.” The three ladies could hear Barb ask The Haints to be with her, and to help Stevie if they could, or would. They told Barb they’d need to speak with Stevie first, and as they did with Tameria, they had the ability to do the same with Stevie. Barb excused herself for a moment, before coming back with Stevie. And as what occurred to Barb, the same occurred to Stevie, with much the same results. The only difference was how grateful she was for what The Haints could do for her, and a promise The Haints would be with her always.

Six weeks later Carol got a phone call from Barb, telling her she and her new daughter would like to take the Jinks women out to dinner.

Carol phoned home before they arrived, telling Brian they’d need help unloading the car. And as Peter and Bradley watched, their dad rolled his eyes, looked toward the ceiling, shook his head before saying, “! They’ve broke the bank.” The two boys had heard this from their father before, so they knew their mom and sisters had purchased a whole lot of something. Something that cost a lot. And when Carol pulled into the garage, and the three Jinks males saw what was in the back seat, and the trunk, they all tried to remember something they’d forgotten to do. It took the three women and the Jinks males two trips each to completely empty the car, some of which was handed to the two boys and Brian. When the three saw what they’d been given, unloading the car didn’t seem such a chore after all.

What was left of Saturday was spent with Tameria taking a walk with Karen, trying to get used to her new body and the different balance it brought to light. Carol and the boys fixed a nice dinner which led to flipping of coins as to which movie they’d watch after dinner. The boys won the toss, causing several suppressed groans. But the two boys surprised the rest of the family when they chose a movie they knew everyone would like, and not one of their favorite movies. By the end of the movie, both boys could hardly keep their eyes open, so Brian and Carol carried them to their room, helped them get cleaned up and dressed before putting them to bed. Both parents couldn’t be more proud of how both boys had acted today, and hoped they’d continued to act. Of course, both boys were sound asleep and didn’t see the crossed fingers both parents had at the time. Tameria and Karen made their way to bed, showering before getting into bed. Brian and Carol went to their room, Brian hanging the red plastic card on the door knob before he and Carol helped each other bathe, and before continuing their administrations once they got into bed.

Sunday started off with brunch, even with Bradley and Peter. It was a day to make sure all homework was caught up. Another walk for Tameria with Karen, a general rest day before the business week hit them on Monday. And it was Tameria who really dreaded Monday, when her girlfriends would have more questions than she could, or would, answer. None of the girls had been able to come over Friday or the rest of the weekend, since their parents had plans of their own, so they would be on overdrive. Tameria now wished there was some way for the bus to haul a water tank filled with ice cold water, because her friends would be needing it.

*-*-*Chapter 15*-*-*

The Haints had told Tameria that as soon as every student had been picked up, they’d altered memories concerning Tameria. As happened before, those students would experience a rapid onset of a headache that dissipated just as rapidly. Then they would only know that Tameria was a real girl and have no memory of having a headache. But first, Tameria had to deal with her girlfriends. Tameria felt it the minute she stepped on the bus, the buzz coming from the back where she and her girlfriends sat. Beckie and Tara were practically rocking the bus, they were so excited to hear about Tameria’s experience. Tameria had to put her hand over Beckie’s mouth to help keep the girl from blurting out her questions. “Guys, CALM DOWN,” an exasperated Tameria whispered harshly. “Listen, right now everyone knows me as Robert turned girl, and only you three and a few others know about the whole truth. When everyone had been picked up, “They” will do their thing and everyone on this bus will only remember me as Tameria, a girl. So keep it down, GOT IT?” Even Tameria’s rather harsh admonition couldn’t keep the two calm, so Tameria quietly answered the questions she could and deferred others until later. It didn’t get any better when Grace practically ran onto the bus and down the aisle, dropping in the seat next to Tameria and firing away with her questions. Tameria clamped a hand over Grace’s mouth and told her the same thing she told Beckie and Tara; it had the same effect, not a thing.

“Well how’s it feel to be real now?” “Have you fingered yourself yet?” “Have you played with your boobs?” “You know there’s this neat trick…,” and Tameria put her hand over Tara’s mouth before telling her, “NOT HERE!!” Tameria did try to tell her friends, in a low voice, how it felt for her to be a real girl, and how she’d have to be careful for a few days until she was used to her new body. And it was Beckie who offered with a smirk, “You know, now that you are you, we could have a sleepover and have a foursome.” That comment caused Tameria to blush, but Tara and Grace to giggle. The three also saw the twinkle in Tameria’s eyes, telling them she wasn’t completely opposed to the idea. It wasn’t long after the last student had been picked up, and while the bus was stopped at a red light, that everyone but the four girls had a sudden headache that vanished as quickly as it came. The three girls may have missed the moment, but Tameria didn’t, and told the girls about what had just happened. They were now safe to talk about “girl” things.

Tameria went on to tell the three girls that The Haints would start altering memories today at school. She described what the three would witness, and how important it was that they not react in any way or they might draw unwanted attention to themselves. Given the limited number of people who knew about The Haints, it would take them several days before everyone at school had their memories altered. Tameria also told them that The Haints would search for any who had known Robert, when the girls were anywhere out of school, so again, not react in any way when the change took place. Even though Tameria had told them what would begin happening today, their spirits just wouldn’t be dampened. They still wanted to ask Tameria lots of questions and couldn’t wait to see the changes take place. ‘Maybe telling these three about The Haints wasn’t such a good idea,’ Tameria thought to herself. ‘I can understand they’re being curious about my change, but they’re now acting like this is all a game of some sort. I do hope I’m wrong,’ Tameria’s thoughts continued. The bus finally arrived at the high school, allowing its passengers to escape the confines of their conveyance. Beckie, Grace, and Tara were just too giddy, and once again Tameria had to pull them aside and slam them about drawing unwanted attention to themselves. She had to remind them about people who would go to great lengths to acquire The Haints should they learn of them. And what could happen to the girls should it become known The Haints are with them, including taking the girls apart piece by piece until they found what they were after. Tameria hated herself for what she just told the girls, but they needed to hear the truth about some people.

That reminder helped to calm the three girls down a bit, just a bit, kind of, sort of, actually not at all. But they weren’t as vocal in their excitement. Thankfully. Everyone at school who knew of The Haints had also been told what to expect as classes started and as the day progressed. So when those same people started seeing people in school act like their heads were hurting, only to not acknowledge it afterwards, they didn’t become alarmed. Several girls did continue to act as though their heads were hurting, but that was because of something altogether different and would pass in a few days. There was something that started occurring after memories had been altered, and it was almost as bad for Tameria as the first time Robert came to school as Tameria.

When Robert first attended school as Tameria, she received all sorts of dirty looks, derogative comments, and many different attempts to embarrass her. She even had to be protected from some who wanted to physically hurt her. Now, with her change, and resculpted body, she had become a girl magnet. She couldn’t walk down the hall without almost every boy turning to watch her walk by. She couldn’t go to the restroom without coming out and finding a group of boys conveniently standing nearby. At one time the girls at school would have stood up for Tameria, helped protect her and admired her courage. But not now, at least for several of the girls. No, those few now considered Tameria to be a competitor, another beautiful girl who was drawing boys like roadkill draws flies. And it was these girls who went out of their way to be ice queens to Tameria, doing their best to put Tameria in a bad light so they became the boys sole focus.

As when Robert came out as Tameria, she wasn’t looking to garner attention from anyone. She just wanted to attend school as herself. And as the old Tameria had been confronted with violence in the restrooms, so too did Tameria experience her first confrontation in the girls restroom. She had just used a stall to take care of her continuing monthly, and was washing up when the restroom door slammed open and four very angry girls stomped in, blocking Tameria’s exit. “So,” Casey, the self appointed leader of the four started off, “Miss beauty queen thinks she’s going to waltz around school getting every boy interested in her so she can gain their votes at the upcoming Homecoming dance. Well guess what, missy, that ain’t gonna happen. We’re gonna fix it so no one votes for you.” Because Tameria had been through this garbage before, she knew what would happen next would not only surprise these four but shock them senseless.

As the four girls had all their attention riveted on Tameria, they didn’t notice Mrs. Glasstow or Mrs. Bridges walk into the restroom behind them. When the four girls were two steps away from Tameria, they suddenly froze in their tracks, completely unable to move. “You alright Tameria?” Jenny Glasstow asked, as she and Janet Bridges walked around the four girls and stood next to Tameria. “Girls,” Janet Bridges said, “You’ve made a very bad mistake threatening another girl over something as stupid as votes for the upcoming Homecoming dance. Not only have you shown how petty you are, but you’ve also gained yourself two weeks detention, and your parents told just how vain you really are.” The three standing in front of the girls watched as six sets of eyes widened at the mention of their parents knowing how they just acted, and of the two weeks detention. Casey, on the other hand, showed she was royally pissed, and cared nothing about the detention or her parents being notified. Tameria walked up to stand eye to Casey before telling her, “This was all you’re doing, Casey Marshall, you and no one else caused this to happen. You can’t blame me for your vanity, only yourself. But I assure you that is about to change.” As Jenny, Janet, and Tameria watched, the four girls suddenly developed hard hitting headaches; they’d been released so they’d all brought their hands up to the sides of their heads. As the three watched the next step, as all four girls’ eyes went wide at seeing what The Haints saw happen to their planet.

”We are The Haints. The four of you believe hate to be the solution? Look at what hate can really do. You will remember nothing of us. You will remember the lesson on hate, but not be able to speak of it to anyone. No longer will you hate. You will only want to care and help those in need. You will remember what you almost did to Tameria Jinks. You will remember how wrong you were to hate. We are The Haints.”

As the three women had seen before, after The Haints prevented Tameria from being hurt, the four girls broke down in tears, dropping into heaps on the restroom floor. It was several minutes before they’d regained some control over themselves before Casey told Tameria, “I’m so sorry, Tameria. You’re right, all of this is my fault, and over nothing really important.” As Jenny and Janet watched, Tameria knelt down before Casey and pulled her into a tight hug, which Casey returned, before telling her, “Casey, you have seen what happens when hate takes control of people. But it took this instance that forced you to face the real reason for the hate you carry, and it isn’t because of me. Is it?” Casey shook her head no, before going into details why she’s been so angry. Tears fell from Tameria’s eyes, and shocked Jenny and Janet, as well as the other three girls, as Casey told what her brother and father had been doing to her. And how they’d been constantly telling her how the wicked witch of the west was more attractive than she was. While Tameria held Casey close as she started crying again, Jenny called the police and CPS and reported the sexual abuse that the girl had been enduring.

“Tameria, help Casey up so she and the other girls can clean their faces before we all go to my office, the police and someone from CPS will be there shortly. And this puts a different light on why you four confronted Tameria, one we’re needing to talk about. I can’t let what you almost did go unpunished, but I think under the circumstances, it won’t be as severe as it would have had Casey’s abuse not come to light. And you three,” and Jenny pointed to the other three girls that came in the restroom with Casey, “This is not your story to tell, about the abuse. So not one word to anyone, you may have to give a statement of anything you may know about it. Girls, if any word of this gets out, other than by the police or CPS, your asses are going to be mine until you graduate or your family moves away. DO...YOU...UNDERSTAND...ME?” The three girls looked like Bobble dolls nodding their heads, yes. Hearing about the abuse Casey had been enduring brought back memories to Jenny about a girl about Casey’s age, several years ago, who was also being abused. And how the girls’ mother came home from work one day to find her hanging from the ceiling in the garage. The girl had left a video telling everything and how she couldn’t stand it anymore that no one would believe her about the fact that her pastor father had been raping her over the past five years. Jenny wiped away a tear and the group walked to her office.

Jenny had Janet take the four girls to one of the conference rooms in the office, to wait until the police and someone from CPS arrived. She also sent word to the teachers of the four girls that there had been an emergency and they were to be excused from this periods’ class--she’d play it by ear for the rest of their classes. Jenny knew from experience but she had to try anyway by telling Tameria, “Tameria, I think you best go on to class, we’ll give you a pass.” Jenny had to fight to hide the smile that wanted to break out when Tameria told her, “Sorry, Mrs. Glasstow, I’m going to stay with Casey and be there for her through all this.” Robert Jinks would never have wanted anything to do with anyone who had attacked him or been prevented from it happening. He would have told them where to go before walking off. As Tameria, it was a whole different story. As she’d done before, here she was, being there for a classmate who needed support, a classmate who was about to hurt her. Jenny pitied anyone in Tameria’s future, because she was going to be a force to be reckoned with. Jenny sent word to Tameria’s teacher of the emergency and Tameria’s to be excused from this periods’ class.

Fifteen minutes after the girls had been taken to one of the conference rooms, and Jenny had returned to her office, two detectives from the police department arrived at the school, asking to see Principal Glasstow. A few moments after the detectives arrived, a woman from CPS arrived, requesting the same. The three were escorted back to Jenny’s office, where introductions were made before Jenny had them come into her office, closing the door after them. When Jenny shook hands with each individual, she noticed how each had a sudden headache which vanished just as quickly--The Haints had adjusted the memories of these three people in case they knew of Robert Jinks becoming Tameria.

Detectives Kelly Bailey and Joyce Tripton were seasoned detectives, each with over fifteen years of service. Betty Wells, with the CPS, had been with that department over twenty years, and it showed on her face. “Principal Glasstow,” Kelly said, abruptly getting down to business, something not lost on Jenny. “Would you tell us what occurred that led to the revelation of this girls’ alleged sexual abuse?” Kelly didn’t notice the anger that flared in the eyes of Joyce and Betty, or knew the control Jenny was exerting on herself not to bite the man’s head off for his insensitive question. Grinding her teeth, Jenny told the detective, “Detective Bailey, it’s taking me a great deal of self control not to kick you butt from here to Sunday for the insensitive question you asked. Have you ever been RAPED DETECTIVE?”

Jenny saw a tear roll down the detective’s cheek before he said, “I had a cousin years ago who had been systematically raped by her pastor father. She tried telling everyone in the family, even those outside the family. But no one believed her. One day her mom arrived home to find my cousin hanging from the ceiling in the garage. After seeing the video she left, the family, and outsiders, tried to prosecute the father. But his lawyer was able to convince the Courts the girl was just angry over something her father wouldn’t let her do, and killed herself over it. So in a sense, Principal Glasstow, yes, I have been raped. Raped by a father who sexually abused his daughter to the point she killed herself, depriving everyone of a very beautifully spirited person.” Kelly didn’t register the shock that stood on Jenny’s or Joyce’s faces after hearing Kelly’s story. “I remember that tragedy,” Betty said, “She was a very beautiful girl. The couple divorced and the wife took him to the cleaners. He had to leave town, and could no longer be a pastor. Last I heard he was living on skid row somewhere out west.” Joyce had laid her hand on Kelly’s arm, and Kelly then said, “I’m sorry, Principal Glasstow if you believe my question is insensitive, but if we’re to put two sick dogs down, as they should be, we MUST NOT make any unsubstantiated allegations. Since my cousin’s death, I’ve watched as too many abusers have gotten off because of a technicality, and I’m tired of it happening. This time, Principal Glasstow, this time those two BASTARDS will be sent to prison because we did everything right. We are going to tie up this case with nice neat bows so that no shyster lawyer can get those assholes off with a technicality.” Joyce and Jenny were really shocked at the venom Kelly displayed, but more shocked when Betty said, “Amen!”

Jenny wiped her eyes before getting everyone bottled water from the small fridge she kept in her office. She then told the events which led up to Casey Marshall revealing the abuse she’d been enduring from her brother and father. She also told of Tameria Jinks, the girl who was the target, kneeling before Casey and taking the girl in her arms and letting Casey cry on her shoulder. “Detectives, Tameria is a very special girl, one who wears her heart on her sleeve. Tameria will stay with Casey through all this, and be there to support her. If you’re planning to interview the girls separately, know that Tameria will be with Casey during your interview or you may not get anything from Casey--she’ll be too scared to speak out against her brother and father.” The four discussed what they planned to do before they all left Jenny’s office and walked down to the conference room where everyone waited.

Jenny made the introductions after the three visitors had entered the conference room, noticing Casey being held by Tameria. Joyce could tell Kelly was still upset over the story he told, and gently squeezed his arm just as he was about to speak. With her eyes, and the expression on her face, he got the message that she’d talk to Casey while he took statements from the three girls who were with Casey. “Mrs. Bridges, would you please sit in with me while I take the three girls’ statements?” Kelly finally said. “I need to have a guardian of some nature with me during questioning,” he added before Janet led the way to the connecting door to the other conference room, bidding the girls to follow her.

Betty took the seat next to Casey, while Jenny sat next to Tameria; detective Tripton sat across the table from the two girls. Only Tameria had acknowledged the introductions, Casey still had tears running down her cheeks and hadn’t said a word. “Hi Casey, I’m detective Joyce Tripton, mind if I ask you a few questions?” Jenny, Betty, and Joyce felt some progress might be made when they heard Casey chuckle then say, “Tripton, I bet you heard every joke and pun the kids in your school could come up with. Right?” Joyce laughed herself, because Casey was right, she had heard every joke, pun, and slight the kids at her schools could come up with during her time in school. “Yes, you’re right, they did and I have. You’re very perceptive. Casey,” Joyce asked in a soft, gentle voice, as she set a portable recorder on the table and turned it on, “do you think you’re up to telling me your story, from when it started up to now?” Joyce’s question caused Casey to sit up and look at Joyce before asking, “You believe me? When others haven’t? When others blew me off as just a girl mad at her dad and brother?” Casey took the tissue Tameria gave her and wiped her eyes, before Joyce asked, “Didn’t you tell your mother what your dad and brother were doing to you?” Fresh tears started falling from Casey’s eyes before she told Joyce, “My dad almost killed her when she confronted him about what he was doing to me. He even threatened my little sister, Terry, threatened to start on her if mom didn’t keep her mouth shut.” Joyce shut off the recorder, looked at Betty, who got the message and excused herself to make a phone call. Joyce excused herself and went next door to speak with Kelly, who agreed with Joyce before Joyce made a call herself.

After Joyce and Betty returned, Joyce restarted the recorder and asked Casey, “Casey, please tell me your story from the beginning. And don’t leave anything out.” Casey looked at Tameria, who nodded, then at Jenny, who also nodded, before recalling the events that had occurred for the past two years. “I was twelve, I’d just finished my first period, when my dad came into my room after I’d gone to bed. He sat down next to me and started touching me, and told me he was going to make me a big girl. And if I gave him any trouble, he’d have to make Terry a big girl--she was ten at the time.”

For the next hour, Casey described everything her dad did and how he and her brother took turns coming into her room each night to have sex with her, all the while knowing if she didn’t comply, they’d go to Terry. She told how the first time it happened, she told her mom, who confronted her dad and watched as he beat her mom into unconsciousness. Or the time her mom came into her room when her dad was on top of her and tried to beat him off her, only to get a fist in her face, knocking her out into the hallway--he closed and locked the door. Or how Terry tried to stop her dad from slapping her mom and getting backhanded so hard it knocked her into the wall, knocking her out. Casey said her mom tried to get help, but everyone said they couldn’t help unless they had proof. And the ones who came to investigate, found nothing, but mom paid for it afterwards. Casey told Joyce the only time her brother or dad didn’t have sex with her was when they were so drunk or high they just passed out until morning. She also told them she would have committed suicide if it weren’t for what they’d start doing to Terry. At that point, Casey broke down, and Tameria pulled her into a tight hug to let her cry. Joyce shut off the recorder, she had enough to take to the DA and have charges brought against Casey’s father and brother. And get that family the much needed help they deserved; she’d slit some sacks if she got any guff about hands being tied.

When Casey had calmed down, Betty asked, “Casey, do you have any family in the area?” Casey nodded her head, afraid to speak at the moment. When she felt she could speak she told Betty, “My dads’ mom lives a couple of hours west of here, and I’ve an Uncle who lives about thirty minutes away.” “Do you think they’d let you stay with them,” Betty asked, hoping her Uncle would take the girls in since they could continue going to the same school. “Well, Uncle Steve always said we’d be welcome anytime, so maybe he’d let us stay with his family. I like to stay with him so I could continue school here; you’d have to call him.” Casey gave Betty Steve’s phone number, and she excused herself to make a call. When she came back she was ecstatic, having just received an ear full when she spoke with Steve and told him why she was calling. She had to caution him not to do anything rash, least he ended up in jail; he wanted to kill his brother and nephew. And the girls could stay with his family as long as it was needed--even their mom could stay. “Casey, I just talked with your Uncle Steve and he said you, Terry, and your mom could stay with his family for as long as was needed. Casey, you’re going to stay with him and his family until this entire mess is settled.” Upon hearing Betty words, Casey broke down again, uttering between sobs, “Oh thank God, it’s over.”

The three girls Kelly interviewed knew nothing of the trouble Casey had at home, Casey always changing the subject, and becoming angry, when one of the girls asked her about something that Casey let slip. One of Betty’s co-workers went to Terry’s school and spoke with the principal, who in turn had Terry brought to the office and let the CPS worker explain to Terry who would pick her up after school. She also told Terry that Casey had finally been able to tell about everything that’s been happening at her home, which caused Terry to break down just as Casey had, knowing it was finally over.

Kelly and Joyce thanked everyone for their cooperation before leaving, and phoned their boss on the way to speak with the DA. After Joyce explained what they had, their boss called the DA and told her to expect his two detectives and get two arrest warrants warmed up for two very nasty individuals. Two individuals who’d been raping the oldest daughter almost every night since she was twelve--the leutenent had to poor cold water over the phone receiver after what he heard from the DA.

The DA listened to the recording of Casey’s story, filled out the paperwork, took it and the recording to a judge, and dad and brother were behind bars before the sun had thought to set; both a little worse for wear since both tried to resist being arrested. Both Joyce and Kelly were at the house when the arrests were made, and stayed behind to tell Casey’s mom how brave Casey had been to tell the whole story about the family’s troubles. And that she and the girls would be staying with her brother-in-laws’ family until everything was worked out. To say their mom was relieved was an understatement, if how long she cried was any indication. Back at school, Jenny let the other three girls go back to their classes, but excused Tameria and Casey for the rest of the morning--Casey needed the time. When lunch rolled around, Casey was calmer and able to go with Tameria to get something to eat before going to her afternoon classes. No one knew how she did it, but Tameria was always at Casey’s class to walk her to her next class and not be late for her own next class. Because of one act of kindness, a strong bond of friendship developed between Casey and Tameria. One that lasted until Casey’s death, at the ripe old age of 102.

The court appointed attorneys for the brother and dad--he didn’t need no fucking lawyer--advised both to plead guilty after they saw everything the DA was going to present at a jury trial. Their attorneys told them if they had a jury trial, with what the DA was going to present, both of them might get parole after they had died in prison. But that wasn’t all of dads’ problems, though. Seems a further investigation into his finances revealed several accounts he’d kept hidden from his wife, which caused the IRS to get involved. The sixteen years he and his son received in a summary judgement, just turned into thirty five for him because of evading taxes. Once the IRS took their share, the rest went to Casey, Terry, and their mom--with what they received, they’d have no trouble buying another house, one without the horrible memories. Mom received the house and everything inside, plus all of his assets, and the divorce she so longed for but he refused to give her. Oh, and in their further investigation, the IRS discovered several offshore accounts he had kept, which meant more for the three ladies after the IRS got their share, and more prison time for him.

Tameria did experience a few more unexpected surprises before Thanksgiving and Christmas break. Before Thanksgiving, a group of boys decided they wanted to know Tameria better, and cornered her in the girls locker room one day after school. The Haints took over, froze the boys, alerted Jenny and others, and the boys are now guests of the States’ Juvenile Detention facility; they also got a huge dose of The Haints recording. Another group of girls had a go at Tameria because of her grades, just before the Christmas break. Those girls saw things they’d never imagined, and received an additional two weeks break beside the one week Christmas break; the school had cracked down and there were no more detentions for such infractions. And their parents were not happy with their daughters, something about being grounded until pigs could fly. All in all, after the start of the New Year, the rest of Tameria’s school year went well; only a few minor problems occurred.

Tameria had made a name for herself because of the help she’d give to those who were having problems with their classes, or problems with relationships, or like Casey, problems at home. She was asked to try out for this or that, and even the cheerleaders asked her to try out for next year’s team. As TG Tameria, she would never have thought to try out for the events she’d been asked, especially cheerleading, which she declined, telling the cheerleaders, she had four left feet and three right feet, but thanked them all the same. And when the end of her freshman year finally came, she already had an internship lined up at the local Mental Health Clinic, hoping it would help her make sure this was the path she had planned to follow.

Three Saturdays before the final week of school, Beckie, Grace, Tara, and Tameria were in Tameria’s bedroom trying to get their homework finished. It was rather hard for them to do because it was constantly interrupted by talk of the End of The Year dance that had become a custom the Friday before the last two weeks of school. Several years ago, teachers had come to Jenny and complained how stressed out their students were when finals started, and couldn’t something be done to help ease that stress? Several ideas were kicked around at a faculty meeting one day after school, when one frustrated teacher hollered, “Why not just have a dance the Friday before the last two weeks of school?” The teacher who hollered decided she wanted to be somewhere else when every eye in the room bore down on her. That is until she started seeing smiles, and affirmations of that being a wonderful idea. It wouldn’t be a formal dance, though the slouch look wouldn’t be allowed, but it would allow the students time to unwind a bit before reviews started the next week, with finals beginning later that week and into the last week of school.

During the year, Beckie, Tara, and Grace had seen numerous flies vying for their attention, but all had been shooed away for one reason or another--usually because they wore their egos in their pants. But the three girls did start friendships with three boys that over time blossomed into exclusivity that gave everyone the feeling that three weddings would take place one day. And as it happened, it did, in time.

“Aarrrggghhh, what am I going to wear?” Beckie moaned, causing the other three to chuckle at her anguish. “Beckie,” Grace said with her tongue in her cheek, “You know Sam won’t care what you wear. In fact, I have it on good authority he wouldn’t care if you didn’t wear anything.” Tameria ducked as the pillow Beckie threw hit Grace smack in the face, causing all four to break down into ruckus laughter. “Beckie, don’t sweat it, Sam will love anything nice you wear, and you know it,” Grace said, throwing the pillow back at Beckie. “Yeah, I know, he’s such a sweetheart. He even cried that day he came over and went to use the bathroom, only to find my sister there in her birthday suit. It took us about an hour to calm him down, he was crying so hard, and apologizing, he was so embarrassed and sorry about the whole thing.” She laughed before telling the three, “My mom and sister told me if I didn’t put a hook in that boy, they were going to kick my butt. They were that taken with him. There were several other instances where my butt was threatened, simply because of the things Sam had done.” She finished this by holding up her ring finger and showing the promise ring Sam had given her. Three pillows sailed through the air in an effort to pelt Beckie.

The three noticed Grace had left the building, staring out into space lost in thought. That didn’t last long as the pillow Tara threw brought Grace back to the bedroom in an instant. “Hey...what was that for?” Grace asked, as she took the pillow and hugged it to her chest, threatening to leave the building again, until Tameria and Beckie gave her the same treatment. “Aw come on, stop already. What is with you three? Can’t a girl dream and plan?” In a very dramatic fashion, Grace swept hair out of her eyes with the hand that contained a very nice promise ring. Three more pillows hit their mark. “Jake says I look real nice in that yellow dress I have. Don’t you all agree,” she finished in another dramatic fashion, only to get another three pillows for her effort.

“Well, I’m going to wear my Kelly green skirt and the light green satin blouse,” Tara said, as she too tried to dramatically show off her promise ring, only to stop at the look on Tameria’s face. “OH gawd, Tameria, I’m sorry,” she said before rushing over and taking Tameria into a hug, and tears rolled down Tameria’s cheeks. “That’s ALL right Tara, you three have a right to be happy, and I’m happy for you three, REALLY I am.” The three girls had been so happy they’d found three boys their parents, and grandparents, approved of, who treated them with respect and consideration, that they forgot Tameria was still without a boyfriend because of her past experience. “Tameria,” Beckie started to say, “I’ve seen several boys who would love to call you their girlfriend and who are every bit as nice as the three we have. Sweetheart,” she said before getting off the bed and going over to Tameria, kneeling down and taking Tameria’s hands, “You are the most sweetest, kindest, and most considerate girl I have ever known. And after they did their work, cuter than a mouse’s ear.” Beckie’s last statement had the required affect, it made Tameria laugh before telling Beckie, “That’s a bug’s ear, you dope.” The two girls hugged deeply before Tameria told her, “I love you my sister.”

What the three girls would wear was sort of sorted out, and they’d gone back to their homework, when Tameria’s cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID on the small screen and saw James Kincade, and a memory came flooding back. James Kincade is the sophomore boy who punched Tameria in the stomach when she was TG Tameria. He was also the boy Tameria suggested to Jenny to let The Haints try to help him instead of his parents sending him off to a military school. James was not like most of the students now, who only knew Tameria as a girl, but the boy The Haints helped realize he needed help, and showed him what hate could do. He remembered what he had done, and after several sessions of counseling for him and his parents, he changed back into the fine young man he was when he started school as a freshman. His change showed him the apology he owed Tameria, and anything else she needed. Those memories cause Tameria to also remember James after he received counseling, and his profuse apologies and his asking her to forgive him. And when he asked her to sit with him and the story he told her. And the tears he shed as he told his story and offering her his apologies. And how he was always there when Tameria least expected it, but needed it, making her laugh with some snarky remark or joke; he was not the same boy who had punched her in the stomach.

“It’s James Kincade,” Tameria told the three girls. “Well DON’T leave the boy in la la la land girl, answer it,” Tara told her, as Tameria saw the smiles on the three girls. They like many others saw the change that had taken place in James Kincade since the incident with Tameria. Many had been skeptical at first, but with his apologizing to those he’d hurt one way or another, and his better overall attitude, he soon was considered a new person.

Pressing the accept icon on her cell phone, Tameria said, “Hello…”

“Um...hi, Tameria? This is James Kincade.”

“Oh, hi James, how are you doing,” Tameria asked.

“A lot better than that day I was a big jerk. I’ve told you this many times before, but I’m so sorry for punching you. And I’ll understand if you say no, but I was wondering if anyone was taking you to the End of Year dance next Friday?”

Beckie, Grace, and Tara had practically crawled into Tameria’s lap so they could hear the whole conversation. “Guys, please, give me some breathing room,” Tameria told the girls, as she tried to keep James from hearing what she said.

“, James, no one is taking me to the dance. In fact I really wasn’t planning to go. Why do you ask?” Deep down Tameria had started liking the new James, and had hoped they’d start going steady. But memories prevented her from going that direction, until now.

“ wondering…”


“Yes Tameria?”

“Take a breath. Relax. I can’t bite you over the phone.”

Tameria heard James chuckle, before she heard him take a deep breath, and let it out before he asked, “Would you like to go to the dance with me? I thought we could go to dinner first, your choice of places.

The look on Tameria’s face said it all to the three girls, who then proceeded to act like drunken fools. Tameria had to sush them before she said to James, “I’d been hoping you’d ask, James. And I’m sorry if I’ve been putting you off, memories you know. Oh, not of you but several others. And dinner, do you like Mexican?” Tameria could hear how elated James was and told him, “James...James, take a breath, calm down,” Tameria laughed at James’ antics. She then got serious when she heard James crying, asking, “James...are you alright?”

James fought back more tears before telling Tameria, “Yeah, Tameria, I’m alright. I was so happy you accepted but then realized you shouldn’t have because of what I did to you. You are such a sweet young lady, Tameria Jinks. Thank you for letting me take you to the dance. I’ll see you Monday, okay? Goodbye.”

“That’s really sweet of you to say, James. And I’ll see you Monday. ...bye.”

The scream Brian and Carol heard caused both of them to run up to Tameria’s bedroom to see what had happened. When they opened the door to Tameria’s bedroom, they saw Beckie, Grace, and Tara in a group hug with Tameria, yelling, “You got a date to the got a date to the dance…” Brian and Carol could only smile because of what they saw, but more so because of the huge smile on Tameria’s face, something which had been lacking for some time. She’d been happy, but not to the level they now saw. She was truly, and honestly, happy.

Homework was forgotten for some time as the four girls started planning, in earnest, for the dance. Because this would be Tameria’s first dance, all three girls jumped up and headed straight to Tameria’s closet, where they proceeded to find just the right casual dress for Tameria to wear. By the time they’d finished, every dress Tameria owned was laying on the bed or had been tried on by Tameria in order for her friends to determine if “it” was the one. And being her friend, they also had to make sure she chose the right shoes and lingerie, even though she insisted James would never see any of it. All three girls just giggled at her last statement--laughing even harder when Tameria tried to give them her stink eye. After all the dresses had been returned to Tameria’s closet, the idea of transportation came up, or the question of how they’d get to the dance or out to eat came up. None of the girls could come up with a solution to get all four girls and all four boys to the dance and out to eat, if any, other than James, wanted too. It was Tameria who told the three, “Guess we’d better go talk with my parents, maybe they have an idea. Oh, and you three might call your others and find out if they’d like to go out to eat with James and me before the dance.” Tameria just chuckled at how fast cell phones appeared and calls made. And how long it took to ask a simple question. When the girls saw the impatient look on Tameria’s face, all three stuck out their tongues at her before “sugaryly” saying goodbye to their intendeds. As Tameria turned to walk out of her bedroom, three pillows hit her in the back of the head, and a chorus of “so there” was heard from the girls.

The girls found Tameria’s parents in the kitchen playing a card game, so they all sat down to watch and wait until it was over to pose their questions. They watched as Carol took a card from the discard pile before discarding a card. Brian picked a card and discarded another card. Carol took a card off the discard pile, and discarded a card Brian immediately picked up before shouting, “GIN.” He laid down ace thru five then seven thru jack. Carol leaned back in her chair, threw her head back and exclaimed, “OH GAWD NOOOOO…” As the girls watched, Brian leaned back in his chair, folded his hands across his chest and said, “Nanner...nanner...naaanneerr!” All four girls put their hands over their mouths as they tried not to laugh out loud at the antics of the two adults. “Just do me one favor Brian, don’t pick THAT restaurant! Pick any other you want, just not THAT one.” Carol had her hands over her eyes as she pleaded with Brian, before Grace asked, “What restaurant is that Mr. J?” In as solemn a voice as he could muster, Brian said, “That rather new seafood restaurant, Grace. The one that serves seafood in a rather unique way.” “The damn place should be called the bait shack, it’s fresh enough,” Carol said with a lot of contempt in her voice. “Oh honey, it wasn’t that bad, at least I didn’t think so,” Brian told her as the girls saw him start to chuckle. “That damn seafood was so fresh you could have put it right on a hook,” Carol said with flame in her voice.

It was Beckie who ventured the next question by asking, “What was so bad about that seafood?” Carol’s head immediately snapped up before she told Brian, “Brian Devlin Jinks, DON’T YOU DARE! You keep your mouth shut, you hear. NOT ONE WORD OR YOU’RE GOING TO BE CELIBET UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE.” The imps of the family came from Brian’s side of the family. It was never a good idea to tell him not to tell a funny story if you wanted to keep him quiet, and Carol knew it. “You see, girls, a couple Carol and I have known since high school, the James’, asked us out to dinner at that new seafood restaurant. It’s unlike any restaurant you’ve ever been to because they serve the food in an, um, unique way.” “UNIQUE WAY, hell, the damn food was still alive. If it’d been a cow we could have milked the thing,” Carol told the five in disgust.

“As I was saying before being interrupted, the food they bring to the table is very fresh, just seconds dead, sort of. Paul talked Carol into trying the octopus tentacle, which she did. They cut it up into six inch pieces and bring it out on a plate. And it’s, um, still moving.” “Yeah, it was moving alright, and all of you thought it was so hilarious.” The girls noticed Carol had started chuckling now as Brian got into more of the story. “Well, girls, Carol bucked up and took a piece, put it in her mouth, and one of the suckers stuck itself to the inside of Carol’s cheek.” It took microseconds before the snickering started, followed by full blown laughter by the four girls. The were banging the kitchen table, howling, and gasping for air as their laughter continued. When Tara’s laughter had slowed a bit, she asked, “How’d you get it out of your mouth, Mrs. Jinks?” Beckie, Grace, and Tameria quieted because they wanted to hear Carol’s answer. Carol’s face started turning red as she softly said, “I used a spoon to pry it loose.” The girls looked at each other before Beckie said, “We didn’t hear you, Mrs. Jinks.” Carol’s face was completely red now as she bellowed out, “I USED A DAMN SPOON TO PRY IT OFF MY CHEEK.” Microseconds later, all four girls had died in their chairs. They were laughing so hard they had tears rolling down their cheeks. And at one point each had slid out of their chair and ended up on the floor under the kitchen table, where they continue to laugh their heads off, picturing Carol with a spoon in her mouth, along with a piece of octopus tentacle stuck to the inside of her cheek, prying away to get the thing out of her mouth. Brian and Carol were laughing right along with the girls. Brian leaned over and kissed Carol before she told him, “I’ll get you for this.” Brian’s second kiss was much more passionate than the first, hearing from Carol, “Maybe after we straighten something out.”

The girls’ laughter finally stopped, and the four crawled out from under the kitchen table. Carol had gone to the fridge and brought back six bottles of bottled water, knowing after all the foolishness it would be needed. When the girls had tissued their eyes, Carol asked, “So girls, what’s up?” “Well mom, we have a bit of a transportation problem. You see, we all have dates to the End of The Year dance, but can’t figure out how we’re going to get to the restaurant, then to the dance, then home. And we were wondering if you had any ideas,” Tameria asked, as she saw a look come over her parents’ faces.” “You have a date, Tameria?” Carol asked, then, “Who’s the boy?” Tameria scrunched up her face and said, “Um, you remember that boy who punched me in the stomach shortly after school started, James Kincade, it’s him.” Carol knew of James Kincade, and had seen the remarkable change in him since that day. But she wanted to hear it from Tameria, and why the change took place, since no one has said a word. “Yes, I know him Tameria, and remember what he did to you. And I’ve seen such a change in him since that day but don’t know how it happened. Care to explain?”

Tameria told her parents, and the girls, that she had a feeling just after James punched her, one The Haints helped her see. “You see mom, James’ dad had visitation rights for James on the weekends, and he would give James the hate speech garbage every time James was with him. And if James told his dad he couldn’t do any of the things his dad said he should do, his dad would beat him. He never left any marks, but he’d beat James at some point the times he was with his dad. He became angry because of what his dad was doing, and angerier because his mom told him to just say ‘yes’ and then forget it. But as he told his mom that wouldn’t work, because his dad would then take him out and expect him to do exactly what his dad had just told him. And when he didn’t, he’d get beaten. Everything had boiled up inside him, and I just happened to be at the wrong spot at the wrong time, and he exploded. I told Jenny not to let his mom and step-dad send him to that military school because there was something else going on with him and he needed help. His mom and step-dad too. The Haints helped him see that he needed help, and when they got it the entire truth came out his mom went back to the Judge and had his dads’ visitation rights eliminated. The police got involved and he ended up getting five years in prison.”

“Mom, he’s really a sweet boy, after he stopped being forced to spend time with his dad. Jenny said he looks just like he did his freshman year. And mom, when he asked me to the dance, he cried while on the phone, thinking I really shouldn’t agree to go with him because of what he did. Please, mom, don’t say no.” Tameria was upset, worried that her parents would tell her she couldn’t go, and didn’t see the slight smiles on both Brian and Carol--but the girls did. “So, girls,” Brian began, “You have a transportation problem, eh. Hmm...I wonder how we can solve that problem, with two cars sitting in our garage? I wonder?” Tameria let out a squeal that caused everyone to cover their ears, before she jumped up and ran to hug both her parents. “I think we can kill two birds with one stone.” Carol gave Brian a suspicious look as he said that, knowing full well he was up to something. “Where did you girls want to eat before the dance?” Brian asked and received four, “The Mexican restaurant.” Carol’s eyes got wide as she saw the glint in Brian’s eyes. “Oh no you don’t mister,” Carol said emphatically, “You are NOT going to take me to the Mexican restaurant, not after that last time.”

Innocently, Tameria asked, “Gee, mom, what happened?” Brian looked at his daughter, and noticed the sweet, ‘who me’ look on her face. “Well, girls, Brian and I went to the Mexican restaurant before we went to the movies. Half way through the movie, Brian, all by himself, cleared the entire theater of anyone who wanted to breathe.” Carol watched as Brian’s face turned a deep red, just about the time the girls found themselves on the floor, under the kitchen table, again. The four girls were laughing so hard no sound was coming out of their mouths at one point. It was Grace who said, “Oh gawd, my stomach hurts so much,” as she continued laughing. Carol just air kissed Brian before telling him, “Paybacks a bitch, ain’t it?” She leaned over and sucked Brian’s tongue right out of his mouth. When she’d finished the kiss, Brian told her, “We’ll see who gets what later, lady.” Once again the girls crawled out from under the kitchen table, getting back into their chairs before Tameria asked, “So, you have a plan for us, daddy?” Carol knew what Brian intended and told the girls, “Brian’s plan is for me to take you four to the restaurant and then to the dance, while Brian takes the boys. Brian and I will have dinner at the same restaurant and stay at the dance until it’s time to leave. That way no one will have to make so many trips. I know it isn’t the way you girls would like it to go, but as young as you are, you shouldn’t be alone with these boys, yet.”

From the looks on the four girls’ faces, Carol was right, the girls didn’t like the arrangements. But at least they’d be with their boyfriends twice during the evening. Plus, they still had two weeks of school left before new arrangements would have to be made. Carol and Brian knew the parents of the four boys, and knew each boy would never think of being anything but a gentleman. Still, male human nature being what it was, it was better to err on the side of caution than let fate have its hand and cause any unplanned interruptions. “Girls, Brian and I will go and call all of the parents, but I believe you four still have homework to complete? Right?” Carol told and asked the girls, seeing sheepish looks on their faces. The four nodded their heads before leaving the kitchen table and returning to Tameria’s bedroom to finish their homework. While the girls worked on their homework, Brian called the boys’ parents and explained the plans for the night of the End of The Year dance, while Carol called Beckie, Grace, and Tara’s parents. When all the calls had been made, every parent, to a one, had thanked Carol and Brian for wanting to help the kids and offering to chaperone the evening. And after the calls, and while the girls were busy with their homework, Brian and Carol engage in a bit of freehand cuddling, almost causing the couple to lock the girls in Tameria’s bedroom. Sleep for this couple would be long in coming on this night.

*-*-*Chapter 16*-*-*

Everyone’s interests were drawn elsewhere, what with only three weeks left of school. Most were studying for finals, while also making last minute plans for the upcoming dance, so Tameria had a fairly quiet week prior to the dance on Friday. The teachers tried not to go overboard with homework during the third week before the two weeks left in school, but neither would they let the classes slack off because it was close to the end of school. Plans called for the next to last week of school to be a review week, then for the final week, first and second period finals would be on Monday, third and fourth on Tuesday, and fifth and six on Wednesday, with Thursday as makeup for any with excused absences Monday thru Wednesday. Friday all students would report to their first period classes, receive their grades and then be dismissed for the summer. Seniors would be held to go over last minute changes for their graduation on Saturday, and to wish them the best for their future.

Several teachers started reviews a week early, giving those needing more help a chance to get the help they needed. Mock final exams were given, much to the displeasure of the students, but were reviewed in class and used to show each student what areas they were weak in and where to concentrate their studies; it took some doing by the teachers to put a lot of students at ease when taking the mock exams. Some teachers even brought surprises for their classes, some store bought, some made by each teacher. Each teacher, in their own way, was trying to reduce the stress they’d seen too much of and which caused many students to do poorly on their final exams, despite those same students exhibiting better work than shown on the exams. And their efforts seemed to have paid off, as the results of the final exams showed.

Friday turned out to be the worst day for all of the teachers, because the End of The Year dance was that night. While it seemed to be the only topic most of the girls wanted to discuss, many of the boys tried to act stoic, all manly, and not show their excitement. James Kincade was not one of those boys, he was excited, and showed it, almost acting like most of the girls. Until the memory of what he had done to Tameria came rushing back. Several times during their short time together between classes, Tameria had to reassure James that she’d forgiven him and wanted to go to the dance with him, and only him. She had even wiped the tears off his cheeks during many of those times. During the time they spent together at lunch, James finally had the courage to ask Tameria why, after what he did, she wanted to be with him. Tameria saw some tough love was needed right now or James would continue to beat himself up over what he’d done to her. “You listen to me, James Mitchell Kincade, you will stop beating yourself up over what happened, it’s in the past, done, over, can’t be fixed. You stop beating yourself up or I’m going to kick you butt up one side and down the other. You GOT THAT mister?” A shocked James looked into the fiery eyes of Tameria Jinks, not having seen that look before, and his heart melted. He took her hands in his and told her, “Yes, I understand, and I love you.” James started laughing as he watched Tameria’s face change expressions several times before she was looking at him with a gaping mouth. He gently pressed under her chin, closing her mouth before telling her, “You might catch flies if you leave your mouth hanging open like that.” Tameria’s mouth started working again, but no words came out, just tears forming in her eyes. As they started sliding down her cheeks, she said, “You love me? foolin’...honestly, me?”

James reached up and gently wiped the tears off her cheeks before explaining, “Tameria, I learned it was because of you that I didn’t end up at that military school. That it was because of what you said to Principal Glasstow that helped me, my mom, and step-dad get things straightened out. Since then I’ve been watching you and how you are with everyone, how you’re willing to help and how you really care. And the simple truth is, I fell in love with you, all of you. I can’t explain it any better than that,, Tameria Jinks.” As Tameria watched, James took a small box out of his backpack, opened it as he held the box in front of Tameria and showed her it contained a promise ring. Tameria had been so focused on James, and the ring, that she didn’t notice when Beckie and Sam, Grace and Jake, and Tara and Tony had sat down around them at the table. Beckie, Grace, and Tara had the biggest smiles on their faces as they saw what James was holding, while Sam, Jake, and Tony tried to hold theirs back and did a very poor job of it. All of them had seen the change in James, from his first few weeks at school, and proud to know him because of it. “Tameria,” James began, as he held the open box before her, “I have fallen deeply in love with you, and if the winds of fate have it in their power, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. I know we’re too young right now to take steps in that direction, but when we can, I’d like to replace this ring with a proper one that has a bigger stone on it.” Grace, Tara, and Beckie had covered their mouths with their hands, holding back screams that were building up over what they were witnessing.

Tameria’s thoughts were all mush, she couldn’t get any of them put into any order. But that changed when she heard,

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. We speak to you and you alone. Tameria Jinks. We have watched James Kincade and deem him truthful in all he has said. We also deem his truthfulness in his love for you. Tameria Jinks. Be not uncertain. Tameria Jinks. We The Haints have also deemed your love for him to be truthful, honest, and sincere. Be at peace. Tameria Jinks. In accepting the offer made by James Kincade.”

TG Tameria never gave herself a chance of finding a boyfriend, much less a husband. And it hadn’t changed much since her transition. But The Haints were right, she had come to love James Kincade since his path had been repaired, and had just kept denying it to herself. Now she was being forced to see the truth she’d been hiding for so long, her love for him, and she now noticed they weren’t alone. Tameria looked at each of the eight people who sat with her and James, and each one was nodding their head, telling her to accept. She looked back into James’ eyes before telling him in a soft voice, “I’ve fallen in love with you, too, James Mitchell Kincade. I’ve also watched you since your change, and while you try to hide it sometimes, you really care about people. I too would like to spend the rest of my life with you,” Tameria finished, as she held up her left hand for James to put the ring on her ring finger.

The entire cafeteria staff, and all the teachers in the cafeteria came running in the directions of the screams when the girls finally cut loose as James put the ring on Tameria’s finger. All the adults stopped short when they saw why the screams had occurred, and just smiled, shook their heads and left the group to themselves. Many of the nearby students weren’t so happy, now that they had trouble with their hearing. But they too were happy for the couple, some even getting paid off for bets they’d made several weeks ago. Tameria’s feet never touched the floor for the rest of the day. Even her teachers had to get her attention more than once, which was not like Tameria at all. But it didn’t take long for them to see the ring on her finger and to know where Tameria’s mind was at the moment. Several of her teachers even congratulated her, most just smiling as she left the class, but all cautioned her not to let this divert her attention to the upcoming finals.

Beckie, Grace, and Tara had to practically carry Tameria to the bus, sit her down, and make sure she got off at the right stop. They almost had to make sure she got home, but Carol was waiting and helped her floating daughter make it into the house. When they got into the house, Carol removed Tameria’s backpack, then guided her into the kitchen and sat her down. Carol waved her hand up and down in front of Tameria’s eyes, but saw no reaction. Carol then fixed herself a cup of tea and a mug of hot chocolate for Tameria--one of her greatest weaknesses. Where Carol’s hand waving had no effect, wafting the mug under Tameria’s nose did, as Tameria said, “Oh mom, I so love him, and he loves me. I never gave it much hope for something like this,” she finished as she looked at the promise ring on her ring finger.

Carol thought back to her high school days, and the moment Brian had done much the same thing with her. She also remembered the numerous times over the next few years where she thought it would all come crashing down. But it hadn’t, and here they are after many years with four wonderful children. Carol pulled Tameria into a hug and told her, “I’m so happy for you, but I’m also worried for you at the same time.” Carol held up her hand to stop Tameria from speaking before she went on to explain. “Sweetie, you weren’t the only one who had their doubts about you finding a boyfriend or getting married at the very start. Your father and I had our doubts, because this was all new to us. But after your transition, and how you looked after coming out of the body shop,” and Tameria playfully swatted her mom before Carol continued, “your father and I knew it was only a matter of time before you found the right boy for you. And even though James attacked you back then, he’s turned into a young man we’d be proud to call our son-in-law.” Tameria could hear it in her moms’ voice, the ‘but’ she hadn’t said. “But?” Tameria questioned. “But…,” Carol began, but stopped to gather her thoughts. “ need to understand that right now you are flying higher than the moon about what just happened. And you will for a few more days. But you will come back to Earth, back to reality, and then you’re going to start seeing things you aren’t going to like or really bother you about James. This is normal, Tameria, between two people, but the trick is to understand that it is normal and not just one sided. James will likely see similar things in you. When this happens, and it will, DON’T clam up, be open about it with him, and encourage him to do the same. The only reason your father and I have been together for so long is not only because of our deep love for each other, but because we’re open about the times when we get mad at each other. We’ve had some pretty mean knock down, drag out fights over the years, and it’s been because we each thought we were right. But we learned not to walk away when they get that way, to stay and continue talking. And we both learned something else, to ask ourselves one question that has really saved us from blowing up over things that really weren’t that important.”

Tameria had never heard her mom talk like this before. Sure, she’s told about how to act when and where, how to treat people, but never about these types of topics. Tameria gained a greater measure of respect for her mom right then, and a deeper love because her mom trusted her enough to open up to her. “Mom, you said one question, what is it?” Carol closed her eyes, forming her words in her mind before speaking, “Tameria, it is one of the most difficult questions to ask because it has to be asked when you are about to chew nails, bite off someone’s head, or want to drop kick someone so far they’d be into next week before anyone else. When you get this way, don’t speak before you ask yourself, ’Just how important is this to be upset over.’ Doing this isn’t easy, because you may really want to light into someone right then. You may be boiling mad, spitting fire, or about too. You might even want to take what’s in your hand and launch it right at the person, but don’t do any of this until you ask yourself that question. And trust me, when you do, you may see just how petty it was to even become angry. I know it’s made me see that side of me many times. And don’t keep this to yourself, share it with James if you really want to spend the rest of your life with him. Because this will last you a lifetime together.” Tameria set her mug down on the kitchen table, and pulled her mom into a tight hug. “Thanks mom, I love you so very much.” Tameria’s tears wet Carol’s blouse, and she told Tameria, “I love you bunches, sweetheart.”

Tameria’s idea for Mexican had to be nixed when two of the boys said they were very allergic to many of the spices used in Mexican cooking. And Italian was ruled out when gluten intolerance was brought up. When Jake suggested Chinese, and there were no objections, the Chinese Buffet restaurant was chosen for their evening dinner. When Carol and Brian picked up their respective genders, they both laid down the law to each young person, right in front of their parent or parents; none of the parents complained about the law that was given. The law was simple, be on your best behavior or everyone goes home, whether they’ve had dinner or at the dance. Step out of line and everyone goes home. No one went home early that night.

All of the girls wore nice, but casual dresses, nylons and low heels, subdued makeup, as well as subdued jewelry, outfits which would be accepted if they were attending church. The boys were dressed just as casual, with dress pants, nice dress shirts, dress shoes, and would also be accepted if they were going to attend church. And even though everyone believed themselves casually dressed, they made quite an impression when they walked into the restaurant. They all made an even bigger impression by their behavior, which shocked some of the older people there, who expected them to be a rowdy bunch of kids. Some of the older people even questioned Brian and Carol, and offered words of kindness because of how well all eight young people were behaving. And how nicely the young men were treating the young ladies, compared how they’d seen some young men treat young ladies. As Brian had decided dessert was in order, he made sure to pass by the table where the kids were sitting, stopped and quietly told them, “You kids are making quite an impression because of your behavior. Carol and I have had more than one person compliment all of you on how nice you’re behaving. And gentlemen, you have REALLY impressed the older people by how you’re treating these beautiful young ladies. Carol and I are very proud of you all.” No bigger smiles could be seen in the immediate vicinity, after what Brian told them, and eight hands joined together under the table. All of them were really enjoying their time together, as couples and as a group. They didn’t know it at the time, but this togetherness was something that would last for years to come.

When it was time to leave, and everyone had had enough to eat, Brian paid the bill while the eight kids discussed whether to leave a tip, since it was a buffet. In the end, the boys each laid ten dollars on the table, believing if a tip wasn’t needed at least they showed their appreciation for what they ate. The dinner had been timed so once they left the restaurant they would arrive at the high school right at 7 p.m. when the dance started; Brian and Carol didn’t want them to be standing around outside where someone could take acception with who was with who and start something, or remember a slight and try to start something. It may have sounded ridiculous to some, but Brian and Carol wanted to find parking spaces adjacent to each other, so neither group had to walk across the parking lot, while the other group waited. This way, a young man could take a young girl’s arm and walk together into the dance. And it worked as Brian and Carol had hoped, with each young man taking the arm of his young lady and walking together into the gym for the dance. Of course, Carol and Brian lagged a few feet behind, not wanting to make it seem too obvious they were watching the kids. Carol had notified Jenny what she and Brian had planned to do, and Jenny was more than happy with their idea. She even said it would make it look like there were more than a few chaperones at the dance, even though it was only the eight kids Brian and Carol were chaperoning.

More than a few other students at the dance tried to make something out of Carol and Brian being there, but the eight said they had no problem with it because they had no desire to lose the trust Mr. and Mrs. Jinks had in them. Those same students, by the way, knowing which areas were off limits, were asked to leave the dance after a while because they’d tried to reach those same off limits areas for a bit of very alone time. Not only were they asked to leave, but their parents were called to inform them of the child’s behavior while at the dance--which was clearly spelled out in the student handbook under Dances. When this had been done at past dances, several of the students came to school on Monday with very different attitudes.

Brian and Carol took advantage of the slower songs to slow dance, needing to modify THEIR behavior so as not to give the kids any ideas. Their usual method of slow dancing was to get as close to each other as possible and see who could get whose motor going first, which at a high school dance, would have been cause to ask them to leave. Still, they enjoyed being together as they kept an eye on the four couples. The lights came on at 10:30 p.m., signaling the end of the dance. The couple thought they’d surprise the kids, and did, when the two cars pulled up outside The Frozen Cow Barn, the best ice cream place in town, allowing each couple a little more time together that night.

As Brian was about to pay for everyone’s ice cream, Sam stepped up and told him, “Not this time, Mr. J, us boys will pay the tab for everyone. And we want to thank you and your wife for doing this for us, we really appreciate it.” Every boy to a man, shook Brian’s hand and gave Carol a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The girls did likewise with Carol, but hugged Brian and kissed his cheek--Carol had to wipe off the lipstick colors they left behind. Brian seemed to have developed something in his eye, as they all watched as he wiped his eyes. Carol wasn’t that bashful, and had no problem letting everyone see the tears she wiped off her cheeks. “Thank you very much, kids, that was very kind of all of you,” Carol told the group; Brian had developed a sudden problem with his throat. Another thing Brian and Carol had discussed, taking both cars to each boys house to let the girls say goodnight as they dropped off each boy. The goodnight kisses lingered just a bit, but were sweet and without any sexual overtones--they couldn’t be, what with two sets of parents watching. And when they dropped James off, Brian and Carol thought they’d have to go get Tameria and keep her from drifting off into the atmosphere, after her kiss with James; he seemed to float into his house.

Peter and Bradley were already in bed, so when the three came into the house, Karen grabbed Tameria’s arm and drug her upstairs to her room. “Okay, little sister, give, and don’t leave anything out,” Karen told Tameria, as the two sat on Karen’s bed. “Hello, Karen to Tameria, Karen to Tameria,” Karen said, as she waved her hand in front of Tameria’s face. About that time Karen heard, “She did that the day James put that promise ring on her finger. Blow in her ear, that works for me sometimes. Dad and I are going to bed, goodnight Karen--and Tameria, Earth to Tameria. Night hon…,” Carol said before closing the door to Karen’s bedroom, taking Brian’s hand and going to their bedroom, hanging the red plastic tag on the door knob before she closed the bedroom door. Karen waved her hand up and down in front of Tameria’s face, but still wasn’t getting any response. Her eyes twinkled as she gently moved Tameria’s hair out of the way and gently blew into Tameria’s ear. “Hey,” Tameria said, as she pushed Karen’s face away from her ear, “What’d you do that for?” Karen laughed as she gently took Tameria’s face in both of her hands before telling her, “You, my dear sweet sister, were not on this planet. You were off in la la land. You, my dear sweet sister, are hopelessly in love and I’m so happy for you.” Tameria hugged Karen as happy tears rolled down her cheeks. “I do love him, Karen, God help me, I do,” Tameria said as she held her big sister. “I know sweetheart, I know, and I’m very happy you finally found the right someone just for you,” Karen told her younger sister as she held onto her. The girls talked for the next thirty minutes, Tameria telling Karen everything, before both realized they best get cleaned up and into bed. “I love you Karen, and always will,” Tameria told Karen, before kissing her on the cheek and leaving to get ready for bed. It had been a busy day and she was really tired.

Brian, Carol, and Karen all knew how stressed Tameria was about the upcoming final exams, though she did a good job hiding that fact, and they needed to help her unwind so she could study better. They knew if something wasn’t done during the weekend, Tameria would spend all of her time in her room finishing what homework she had, and studying for the finals. She needed to get out for part of each day Saturday and Sunday. Tameria wasn’t going to like what they were going to do, but they felt it was best for her. First, Tameria was going to be in bed no later than 11 p.m., period, no if’s and’s or but’s. Secondly, they were going out for lunch Saturday and Sunday, again, no if’s and’s or but’s. And thirdly, Carol and Karen were going to take her out shopping for two hours both Saturday and Sunday afternoons right after lunch, which in all likely-hood would royally piss Tameria off. But as they were going to tell her, cramming information into her brain before it’s needed will do more harm than good. Plus, she’d need a few distractions at times.

8 a.m. Saturday morning arrived to find only two Jinks up and getting dressed, or so those two thought. As they did every morning when they got up, one used the bathroom while the other dressed and made his bed. When they were both ready, they started towards their parents’ bedroom, only to see the red plastic tag on the door knob. Seeing the indication not to go into their parents’ bedroom, they turned around and went to Karen’s bedroom, only to find the door open and no Karen. When they made their way to the kitchen, they found Karen mixing something in a large glass bowl, and the large skillet on the stove and a package of bacon nearby. “Hi there, did you two sleep well?” Karen asked her brothers, and she continued mixing the mixture in the bowl. “How does pancakes sound for breakfast, and bacon?” Karen giggled as the two immediately flew into action to get the table set, that being their answer to her question. Once the fragrances of pancakes and bacon cooking started to permeate the air, it wasn’t long before Tameira, Brian, and Carol arrived in the kitchen, still looking like something the cat dug up and brought into the house. The three looked at each other, then at Karen with her hand over her mouth and her eyes sparkling with laughter, and said in unison, “NOT...ONE...WORD!!” Tameria wasn’t awake enough to see it, but Karen could see that her parents hadn’t slept much all night.

Karen poured her mom and dad a mug of coffee, and was about to ask Tameria if she would like a mug, but Tameria was sitting at the table, her chin resting on the palms of her hands with her elbows on the kitchen table. And she looked like she’d gone back to sleep. Karen saw the twinkle in the eyes of Peter and Bradley, and she nudged her parents, head pointing to the two boys. As the three watched, the two boys looked at Tameria, back at each other with a smirk, and after nodding their heads, got up and walked over to stand on each side of Tameria. Bradley held up his hand and started raising his fingers. When he reached three, both boys kissed the sleeping Tameria on each of her cheeks. “HEY,WHAT THE…,” Tameria hollered as her head shot up received two more kisses before hearing, “Morning sis,” from the two boys. Karen was laughing so hard she almost let the bacon burn. Brian and Carol almost coated the top of the kitchen table with coffee because of their younger children’s antics, which caused them to start laughing. But, Tameria was awake now, and could be asked what she would like to drink. With what sounded like a snarl, she said, “COFFEE...please.” That reaction to Karen’s question got the older Jinks laughing again, and it was Karen who walked over to Tameria, hugged her and said after she kissed Tameria’s cheek, “Morning sis. Coffee coming up.”

Breakfast perked up everyone, too much so for Peter and Bradley, who again acted as though they’d just had a five pound bag of sugar. Carol and Brian had already discussed how to keep the boys busy today, so they calmly explained the rules for Tameria’s weekend. She wasn’t as upset and the parents had believed she’d be, but she wasn’t exactly happy with the 11 p.m. bedtime. She argued, “But I could use one more hour to study, say until 1 a.m.” Both Brian and Carol gave her the stink eye before Tameria said, “Okay, midnight then.” The stink eyes continued until Tameria finally capitulated and said, “Okay, 11 p.m.” “Sweetheart,” Brian began, “Please don’t think we’re trying to be ogres with you, we’re not. We just want to make sure you take care of yourself as you get ready for your finals. And you can’t do that if you’re going to bed in the early morning.” Tameria was nodding her head as she told her parents, “Yeah, I know, but I’m worried that I won’t be ready. That if I use all the available time to study I’ll be that much more ready.” It was Carol who shook her head and said to Tameria, “It doesn’t work that way, honey. You think by studying longer hours you’ll be more prepared, but you only end up being more tired and less able to think during the test. I know, I’ve done it a few times and didn’t like my test results. No, sweetheart, study the best you can, get a good night’s sleep, study again the next day, more good sleep, and by the time the test comes around, you’ll be more than ready. Trust me dear, when I tell you this.” When Tameria looked at her parents, and then at Karen, all three were nodding their heads. Because all three had been there, done that, and learned the lesson the hard way.

With help from Bradley and Peter, the breakfast dishes had been taken care of and everything put away before Carol said, “Boys, how about you two go shopping with me?” Both boys let out a groan and they banged their heads against the kitchen table, occasionally glancing at their mom, who wasn’t fooled for one minute. “Come on guys, you two do need a few things, and there’s the arcade, and that movie playing you two wanted to see, and maybe that restaurant you like.” Peter almost knocked his dad down, while Bradley almost knocked Tameria down, as both boys took off like a shot back to their room to clean up, and grab their things--money included. “Mom, do you think you’ll need harnesses to control those two?” Tameria asked, as she laughed right along with Brian, Karen, and her mom. “No dear, I have mother control, and that’s enough.” It seemed like the four hadn’t blinked twice than both boys were back and heading to the garage, with Bradley saying, “Well, mom, are we going to waste time waiting for you?”

The laughter was so violent that all four Jinks found themselves on the floor. And when they looked at Bradley, he had his arms folded across his chest and was tapping his foot. That sight only increased the laughter before Brian could finally say, “Dear, I think your passengers are waiting on you,” as more laughter broke out. It increased again when they saw Peter standing next to Carol holding the same pose as his brother. “Okay boys,” Carol told the two boys between laughter, “Let me get dressed, and grab my things and then we’ll go.” Both boys followed Carol to her bedroom, once she was able to stand up, stood outside the door, and asked, and kept asking, “Are you ready yet, mom? We’re wasting time here mom.” Both boys ignored the laughter that was coming from the kitchen because of their antics. They were ready to go and wanted to get going. If they only acted this way when it was somewhere they didn’t want to go. Carol finally came out of her bedroom, put her arm around both her sons, kissed each one and told them, “I’m ready, let’s boogie.” Carol laughed when she saw the scrunched faces on her sons, telling them, “It means go, leave, rush off, let’s get out of here. In other words, why are you two just standing there? I thought you were in a hurry to leave?” Karen pulled her dad back, and he pulled Tameria back, as two flashes zipped past the three headed for the garage. Carol came down the stairs, laughing again because of the boys. “I sure hope they aren’t like this all day, I’ll be tired when we get home.” Carol sucked out Brian’s tongue before telling the girls bye, and following the boys to the garage. After Carol and the speedsters had left, Brian pointed upstairs and said one word to Tameria, “Homework.”

The plans they had for Saturday had to be changed when Karen happened to overhear the plans Peter and Bradley were making to help Tameria while she studied. They were planning when to bring her something to drink, when she might need a snack, and had planned to do whatever else was necessary to help their sister. When Karen told her parents what she overheard, they all were very proud of the two boys, but knew it could become more than just bringing drinks and snacks. And Tameria didn’t need things to become more than just drinks and snacks.

Tameria had finished her homework within the first hour she’d been in her room, and was now starting on reviewing for the first two finals she would have in two weeks. There was a knock on her bedroom door before Brian opened it and asked her, “How about you take a break and we go out for lunch? You choose the place.” Tameria looked at her dad for a moment, before telling him, “That sounds like a great idea. My choice, huh? Hmm…” Tameria thought about what the family had the most when they ordered out. Pizza, Italian, Chinese, hoggies, but not often burgers. “Has Karen said what she’d like?” Tameria asked before Brian turned and hollered, “KAREN, DO YOU HAVE A CHOICE FOR LUNCH?” As they listened, they heard one word, “ITALIAN.” Tameria looked at her dad and said, “Italian it is.”

The Italian restaurant they liked was across the street from the mall, so when they were finished eating, they drove to the mall to do a bit of shopping as planned. By the time they’d looked around and bought a few things, it was two in the afternoon, and time to head home. Once they arrived home, Tameria was much more relaxed, and better able to study. A little over an hour later, Carol and the boys arrived home. Carol looked fine, but the boys were dragging just a bit, which had been the idea of them going shopping with Carol. After all the bags had been brought in from the car, Carol told Brian and Karen, “The batteries in those two have drained down a lot.” Peter and Bradley had sat down on the couch, and as the three watched, both boys had a terrible time keeping their eyes open. Karen walked over to them and told them, “Come on guys, let’s get you up to your room for a nap before supper.” Even with a couple hour nap, the two would still need a full night's sleep before they were their usual selves again. When Carol looked in on Tameria, she found her sound asleep, with her school books scattered around her; the one she’d been reading resting on her chest. There was a little over an hour before supper, so Carol quietly closed the bedroom door and let Tameria sleep. An hour before the family’s supper time, Karen went in to wake her brothers, while Carol went to Tameria’s bedroom. Carol had the easier time because Tameria was awake and once again reading her school book. Tameria and Carol talked for a few minutes before Carol left Tameria’s bedroom to go down to the kitchen. Karen, on the other hand, had a bit more trouble waking Peter and Bradley. The minute she had one awake, the other would fall asleep again. It wasn’t until she got a glass of cold water and dribbled it on the faces of both boys that they finally stayed awake; and were a bit peeved about the water. During the wake up time, Brian had slipped out of the house to go and buy Chinese for their supper, a meal which would result in no leftovers. After supper they all watched a movie, before the boys were herded to their bedroom for a bath and/or shower. Tameria took a shower before going back to her studies, and was in bed by the agreed time of 11 p.m. And Peter and Bradley? The minute they finished their bath or shower they were ready for bed, falling asleep the minute they closed their eyes.

Sunday morning none of the Jinks were awake before 9 a.m., even the two early risers. In fact, the early risers had to be jostled several times before they finally woke up. Karen had gone down to the kitchen to get a breakfast of pancakes and sausages started, juice, and the usual drink for everyone. Tameria was the last to make it down for breakfast, blinking her eyes in an effort to clear them after reading so much Saturday. While they ate, Brian asked everyone, “Would anyone object if we went out for pizza for lunch? And maybe that family buffet restaurant for supper?” When all he heard was grunts of affirmation, because of mouths full of food, he told them, “Good, that’s what we’ll do today.” Looking at Tameria he said, “And you, young lady, will come out of your room every hour to take a break, get something to drink and maybe something to snack on. Got it?” After swallowing what she was chewing she told her dad, “After yesterday, and how I feel today, I think that’s a really good idea. My eyes are stinging from reading so much yesterday without taking breaks.” It was Carol who looked at Peter and Bradley and told them, “Boys, today is a quiet day, so find something quiet to do or you may go out back and play together. Got it?” Since both boys had a mouth full of pancakes, they both simply nodded their heads, they got it. Except for the shopping trip, a planned movie was watched in the morning and afternoon, before everyone went back to what they’d been doing. The boys were in bed by 8 p.m. and Tameria by 11 p.m., feeling much better after taking breaks every hour.

The weekend had gone as planned, Tameria had time to study and stay rested the entire time. And Peter and Bradley, they’d been good as gold, letting Tameria study and keeping things to a dull roar. So when Tameria arrived at school today, Monday, she was ready for the week of review before the finals. As Tameria looked around her as she walked to her first period class, she had the impression more than a few were also ready for this week and the next, with a few exceptions of course. But those exceptions were already heading in the wrong academic direction and didn’t care, something they might regret later on.

The teachers were trying something new this year during the week of review. Instead of going over the material verbatim, recounting their lessons plans, they were holding question and answer classes. And when the class missed the answer or couldn’t answer a question, they were told the page number in the textbook so they could find the answer to the question. In a way, this became their practice final exams, and a way for each student to find his or her weak area of study. And when Friday arrived, more questions were being answered than missed, something everyone was happy with.

The week flew by for Tameria, Beckie, Grace, and Tara, with each actually enjoying the reviews and the way they were conducted. And when the weekend arrived, it was decided they’d take some time to get together and enjoy something other than studying all weekend. That isn’t to say no one studied, just that each girl was ordered to do something with their friends before taking time to study. And what better way to do something with their friends than to go shopping. Which they did, for half a day Saturday. Afterwards they met at Tameria’s to study until supper, which was the signal to head home. Sunday was spent with their families, doing what they usually did on Sunday, then a bit of studying in the afternoon before all studying came to a halt. The parents had discussed the need for each girl to have several hours of doing nothing or what they wanted before going to bed. Plus, they felt that trying to put that last bit of information into their heads wasn’t going to help them more than if they just rested the rest of the evening.

Finals for the first two periods occurred on Monday, with school letting out after the finals had been completed. Those who had P.E. or another type class first period, didn’t have to arrive at school until the test for their second period class. While this gave the students the rest of the day to get in more studying, it gave teachers an opportunity to grade the tests. Tuesday followed much like Monday, except testing was for third and fourth period classes. And Wednesday, the last day of finals, testing was done for fifth and sixth period classes. Everyone reported to school as usual on Thursday, when they would receive their final report cards and be allowed to clean out their lockers--if not already done--and pick up anything left in any one class. Classes left out at noon, with the Seniors going where they had been instructed to get instructions for graduation that would take place Saturday afternoon. And what of the four couples, how did they fare? If they continued for the next three years as they did their Freshman year, they would be part of a large group vying for Salutatorian and Valedictorian in their Senior year of high school.

Beckie had invited everyone over to her house Friday afternoon for their own little ‘glad it’s over’ party, and to decompress after such an arduous two weeks. No one had to bring anything but themselves, as all eight moms had gotten together and planned everything so the kids could just relax and enjoy being together. As the four couples were lounging in the family room, Tara voiced what everyone was feeling, “GADS, AM I GLAD THAT’S OVER!” That seemed to break the ice, as everyone, to a person, agreed with her in one way or another. Well, everyone except Beckie and Sam, who had picked that precise moment to try and suck out each other’s tongues. Which earned them ‘ooohhs’ and ‘aahhs’ from the other six, shortly before they too followed suit. It was a loud throat clearing that brought the eight back to earth, but the smiles they saw on their mom’s faces that made it clear their mothers understood.

Everyone was having a nice time being with their friends, talking about school, what they’d hoped to be doing over the summer, and stuffing their faces with a bit of everything the mothers had prepared. It came as a bit of a shock what the four girls and Carol heard from The Haints.

”We are The Haints. Grace. Tameria. Beckie. Tara. Carol. Meet with us. We deem it necessary to reveal ourselves to all who are present. We have observed all who are present and find they are trustworthy to know about us. If Tameria, Grace, Beckie, and Tara are to join with Sam, Tony, Jake, and James, and we see the truth in their desires, they must know of us to keep the unions complete.”

While The Haints spoke to the five women, their blank looks didn’t go unnoticed. The boys and the other moms had concerned expressions on their faces as they saw the five become zombie like in their appearance. “Beckie,” Sam said, gently shaking Beckie and trying to get her attention, trying to bring her back from wherever she had gone. When the five finished listening to The Haints, and again were aware of their surroundings, they noticed the mothers had come and sat beside their children, all with worried looks on their faces as they looked at the four girls and Carol. It was Carol who realized what had happened and said, “We are sorry if we worried you, but we were talking to some friends who would like to meet all of you. They have been with the girls and myself for some time, and have helped in our time of need. They have also helped out with problems at school, which has made school a better place for everyone. I will tell you it will be a shock when you meet them, but I assure you they mean no one any harm. In fact their mission is to save our planet from ourselves.”

It was Beckie’s mom, Kelly, who asked the first question, “Who are these friends you speak of? There’s no one here but the sixteen of us.” Beckie gently took her mother’s hand and told her, “Mom, they are with us right now and couldn’t be seen if we tried. But Carol is right, they’re trying to save us from ourselves before it’s too late.”

Sam’s mom. Terry, who asked, “What do they want with us? Why do they want to talk to us, and now?” Terry, who looked the most frightened, was consoled when Tameria got up, walked over to sit beside Terry and told her, “Mrs. Wilkinson, The Haints need to tell you about themselves. They lost their planet because of hate and self absorption. They have watched the twelve of you, how you treat others, how you’ve treated Beckie, Grace, Tara, and me, and they feel the twelve of you can be trusted enough for them to reveal themselves to you.”

Tameria saw the puzzled look on Tony’s face before he asked, “What do you mean the twelve of us? What about you four?” And he pointed to Beckie, Tara, Grace, and Tameria before Carol said, “Tony, The Haints revealed themselves to Tameria the first day of school. And then they revealed themselves to the other three girls.”

With incredulity in her voice, Terri, Tarra’s mom, asked, “And you knew about this, Carol, and are okay with it? How do you know they weren’t, aren’t, trying to take over this world? Or your daughter?” Tara turned to her mom, laid a gentle hand on her mom’s hands and told her, “Mom, I’ve seen the horrible events The Haints witnessed in the destruction of their planet. I’ve seen what they recorded of the fighting and killing on their planet before it was destroyed. And mom, they saved me from some kids who really wanted to hurt me, and helped those same kids see how wrong they were for even wanting to hurt me. Mom, The Haints aren’t trying to take over anything, they just don’t want to witness another race destroy itself as theirs did.” Tara reached up and gently wiped the tears away from her mom’s cheeks, before both embraced the other.

“So, how do we meet these, The Haints, I believe you said Tara?” Gina was likely the more adventurous of the ladies, next to Carol, and was very interested in meeting The Haints and learning about them. Tameria went back to James and said to the group, “First, I think we better pull our seats close enough so we can hold hands and remain seated--you may need to be sitting when you first meet The Haints. Then, join hands, relax, and listen to what’s said within your minds. The Haints won’t hurt any of you, just the opposite, they want to help. Remember this as you listen to what they say.” Everyone pulled and pushed the seats together until they were close enough to hold hands, and listened while The Haints spoke.

”We are The Haints. Be at peace, we will you no harm. We speak to the future mates of Tameria, Beckie, Grace, Tara, and their maternal parents. Be calm, we will you no harm.”

“Santa madre di Dio,” Gina said, as her words broke the link with The Haints. “How can this be? How can I hear something I can’t see?” She looked to the four girls and then to Carol, hoping they’d explain. Tara moved so she was sitting next to Gina and after taking her hands asked her, “Momma Gina, have you heard of nanites, very small machines, so small it takes a microscope to see them?” When Gina shook her head no, Tony cut in with, “Yeah, I’ve heard of them. They are so small no human eye can see them. It’s said they can be programmed to one day help inside the human body where surgeons can’t reach. But right now it’s all just theory and testing and development. The Haints are nanites? These are the friends we are to speak with?” When the others saw the four girls and Carol nodding their heads, it was Monica, James’ mom, who said, “I don’t know about all of you, but I’d like to hear what The Haints have to say. It must be important or they wouldn’t want us to know.” What Gina did next must have been a sign of agreement, for she patted Tara’s hands, kissed her check and told her, “Grazie,” before leading her back to sit by her mom again. And once again they joined hands to hear what The Haints had to say.

”We are The Haints. We will you no harm. Be at peace and allow us to tell you our story. Many of your millions of years ago…”

And The Haints told their entire story as they’d done several times before. Even asking permission to show what happened to their planet. The twelve were told what they would see would be hard to accept, but would help them understand why The Haints felt compelled to help the people on the planet called Earth. And afterwards, silent sobbing is all that could be heard. From everyone. It was from Gina who softly said, “They feel guilty because there was nothing they could do to save their own world. Isn’t that right, The Haints?” None of the four girls, or Carol, had said anything about how to talk to The Haints, but here was Gina asking them a question they knew The Haints was bound to answer. This time when The Haints spoke, no one was holding anyone’s hand, but they all heard what The Haints said.

”We are The Haints. Gina Angelo. We do not understand guilt as you know it, but were inadequate in stopping the destruction of our own planet. During our travel, we agreed to never again be inadequate in helping to stop the destruction of a planet or those living on it. Our pledge is given to all here, so long as we exist on this planet, it shall not be destroyed or the life on it extinguished. We give all here the invitation to allow us to be with you and help others as you go about your own lives.”

There were quite a few puzzled looks on the faces of some in the room, and it wasn’t long before looks expressed themselves as Jake asked, “What do they mean, be with us? Does that mean they want to be inside us, go with us?” It was The Haints who beat the girls or Carol in answering Jake’s question.

”We are The Haints. Jake Barrows. Be at peace. You are correct. We The Haints wish to be in you, go with you to help others in need as you live your lives. We will you no harm so will not force ourselves on you or anyone else that is here. Jake Barrows.”

Again, no one was holding hands but all heard what The Haints had to say. As everyone looked around, it was Gina again who spoke first. While she was not the most educated, she was wise in other ways. “After what I’ve seen throughout the years, and from The Haints, I do not wish for my grandchildren to worry about dying because someone didn’t like what another believed. Too much of that has happened, and happens, on this planet. If I can help The Haints prevent that, then they can be with me for as long as I have life left to live.” Gina’s simple words caused more tears to be shed from all in the room, and all heads to nod in agreement. It was Barbara, Jake’s mom, who asked, “How do we tell The Haints they can be with us, as they want?” The chuckle that was heard came from Grace, as she told Barbara, “Just ask them to be with you, Barbara. It won’t hurt and you won’t know they’re there unless you talk to them. And you can talk to them by voice or thinking.” One by one, all twelve asked The Haints to be with them, and as Grace said, nothing was actually felt. But The Haints made sure to let each one know they were now with them by speaking to each one individually so the others couldn’t hear what was said.

When Tameria said, “I could use something to drink,” the original party resumed, along with more questions about The Haints. Which The Haints answered for each individual. Once all questions about The Haints had been answered, the topic turned to what everyone was going to do for the Summer, or rather a recap of what everyone was going to do.

Tameria already had an internship with the Mental Health Clinic, which was scheduled in the morning. Tara, who loved playing sports, developed an interest in Physical Therapy, and found an internship with a Rehab Clinic. James, Beckie, Sam, Grace, and Jake were all planning to go into medicine, with James specializing in Pediatrics, Beckie specializing in Psychiatry, Sam Radiology, Grace general practice, and Jake Geriatrics. The five were lucky in that the City hospital was starting a new program that allowed interested high school students to enter an internship type program that would allow them to shadow a doctor in their field of interest. And given the grades the five earned their freshman year, they had no trouble qualifying for the program. That left Tony, who found an interest in Business Administration. He was going to be in an internship with one of the largest companies in the City. Like Tameria, they all would be busy in the morning, and they all had managed to be busy in the afternoon by getting the local College to allow them to take a couple of general studies courses, because of their current high school grades. They also discussed the opportunity The Haints had to influence more people when the eight attended College. And if what they’d seen from some of the males around the City who attended that College, The Haints might be rather busy themselves. Especially because the four girls were very attractive in their own right. Their plans for Saturday were two fold: They weren’t going to get up before they had too, and they all planned to attend the graduation ceremony in the afternoon. And after the graduation ceremony, Gina had invited everyone to her home for the evening meal, as she put it. They had to do this weekend what they were going to do, because come Monday, they became interns and College students.

*-*-*Chapter 17*-*-*

Their summer passed without incident, and they were very pleased with their chosen fields of interest. The internships had been rocky at the start, until they became familiar to those they tutelaged under. Their College courses were a different matter, but not a disappointment. They actually put several of those in the courses to shame by gaining straight ‘As’ in both courses they took. Impressing not only the College, due to their ages, but their parents too.

An idea occurred one Saturday, when all eight were at Sam’s house relaxing. Everyone noticed Tara seemed a bit spaced out for most of the time, until they pinned her down, asking why she’d been such a space cadet almost the entire time. “Um...I’ve been thinking,” she said, which got Tony giggling before saying, “Oh, so that’s what I smelled burning.” Seven pillows found their mark as Tony held up his hand to block them before he replied, “Okay okay...I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I guess I should have said…,” but he never finished what he was about to say because seven more pillows found their mark. “I saw that gleam in your eyes, Tony Angelo,” Tara told him. “It’s a good thing you never finished that sentence,” she told him, standing in front of him, shaking her finger at him. Tony reached up and pulled Tara into his lap and asked her, “What were you thinking?” before trying to see if he could pull her tongue out of her mouth. The lip lock demonstration got ‘ooohhhs’ and ‘aaahhhs’ before the two came up for air. “What were you thinking, Tara?” Grace asked, echoing Tony’s question.

Tara gave Tony a peck on the lips before standing up and in front of the other seven. “Well, I was thinking, when we finish all our schooling, and our required training, and get our licenses,” and here she became rather sheepish when she finally said, “We should open our own clinic, go into business together. Think about it; Beckie and Tameria would handle mental health; James, Sam, Grace, and Jake would handle medicine--Beckie too if need be; And Tony could run the office, hire our staff, keep the accounts, scheduling, all the things a Business Administrator does. Oh I know it won’t be soon but it can be a goal all of us work towards, can’t it?”

Even though Tara could be outspoken, she was still a very sensitive girl. It was Tony who spotted the glisten in her eyes, and knew she was about to cry, thinking she spoiled things for the others. He was out of his chair in a flash, hugging Tara tightly to him. “Hey now, this is no time for tears, you’ve given us a wonderful idea to think about. And if I could work in the same building with my future wife, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Think about it, Angelo and Angelo on the same sign. Wouldn’t that be a beautiful sight?” Tony got a shock when he heard, “You’re wrong, Tony.” When Beckie saw the anger on Tony’s face she held up her hand and told him, “It’d be Angelo and Angelo, Wilkinson and Wilkinson on that sign.” Sam squeezed Beckie’s hand, letting her know he approved. “Nope, you’re both wrong,” Jake said, as he looked at Grace and saw her nod her head. “It’d be Angelo and Angelo, Wilkinson and Wilkinson, Barrows and Barrows on that sign.” The six looked strangely at Tameria and James as they both were shaking their heads in unison. And as if they’d rehearsed it, they both said, “Wrong again. That sign would read Angelo and Angelo, Wilkinson and Wilkinson, Barrows and Barrows, and Kincade and Kincade. It’s sure going to be a big sign.” Tara then did shed tears, tears of happiness for what she heard. In fact, none of them had dry eyes, knowing they had a friendship that was going to endure the test of time. And they’d make it through. It was then they all heard from their silent partners.

”We are The Haints. We have watched all of you thus far, and see that you now have acquired a very wise plan for your future. This is how each of you can best help others. Each of you have experiences which you can use to help others live better lives. Each of you have demonstrated your ability to learn. And each of you are caring, something most essential for helping others. The idea put forth by Tara is a noble idea to pursue. “

The Haints made sure that Terry heard what they told the teens, and when she walked into the room, with a smile on her face, all the girls were sitting in the laps of their boyfriends, hugging them, as tears streamed down everyone’s face. No one had ever spoken to them like that before, making them feel as important as they all felt at that very moment. Terry joined in the moment when she said, “That is a very lofty goal to go after. And knowing the eight of you, it’s something you can achieve if it’s something you really want.” Knowing looks started going from couple to couple, before heads started nodding as the realization struck each couple that it was something they’d want to do with their lives. Something they’d need to do with their lives. They also realized it would be a long haul, but in the end they would have their clinic with everyone’s name on a big sign.

*-*-*Chapter 18*-*-*

And that’s exactly what they did, though it took a little over twenty years before their clinic opened, since as they knew there was a lot of schooling to complete, as well as internships and licenses to acquire. And it all started with high school, then Bachelor’s degrees, then either medical school or graduate school. And between high school graduation and starting work on their Bachelor’s degrees, their promise rings were traded for engagement rings. And between getting their Bachelor’s degrees and starting either medical school or graduate school, four weddings were held. But all of that is the future, which didn’t tell of their time in high school.

Tara’s idea to open their own medical clinic sparked the eight teens like few parents have seen teens sparked. Not only did they deal with their summer internships and general college courses, but they met each Saturday for as long as they could and started a general bull session to iron out just what they wanted for their clinic. Everyone had a spiral backed notebook which they used to take down any and every suggestion that was offered by anyone in their group. They laid down rules at their first meeting to never put down anyone’s idea, no matter how crazy it might sound. They also decided to discuss any idea put forth and if there were more cons than pros, the idea would be either rejected or tabled for further discussion. They agreed amongst themselves to never get angry if their particular idea was rejected, provided there was a valid reason why it was rejected.

Once ideas started to become a trickle, it was decided that research was necessary if they were to be able to intelligently decide something that wouldn’t see fruition for some years to come. Even the style of building would need to be researched so they could make sure it would serve their clients without causing any stress. Tara’s ears pricked up when this topic was raised, and after several Saturday meetings, Tara came to the meeting with a portfolio folder under her arm. Even Tony was curious when he picked her up for another Saturday meeting, but all Tara would tell him was, “You’ll have to wait and see.” Even the kiss he gave her, causing Tara’s heart to skip several beats, wouldn’t get Tara to tell him what was in the folder.

The research they’d each done for their particular field was very fruitful, which Tara was to discover, would cause her surprises to be completely rejected or partially rejected. They were all very curious what Tara had brought with her besides her Physical Therapy research. And they found out once they’d finished discussing their research.

It was Beckie who decided enough was enough and asked Tara, “Okay, Tara, would you please tell us what you have in the portfolio folder that you’ve kept under wraps since this meeting started?” Tara smirked as she set the folder on the table, opened it, and began passing five 11x17 sheets of paper around the table. As they all started looking at the five sheets of paper, they saw proposed floor plans of their clinic, each page had written at the top of each sheet, ‘Proposed Floor Plan for Our Clinic’.

All the shuffling of paper got rather chaotic so it was decided to put each one up on the cork board they had purchased for their meetings, one at a time, so everyone could look at it together and discuss that one before moving on to the next. It was Beckie, again, who watched as Tara turned to a marked place in her spiral bound notebook and began looking intently at the others. Tara wrote profusely as each floor plan was discussed, writing down the pros and the cons given by everyone. Two of her floor plans were rejected outright, for various reasons, mostly because of size. Parts of the other three were liked, but in the end they too were rejected. Even though Beckie gave her opinions about each floor plan, she kept an eye on Tara, trying to gauge the girl’s reaction to the rejected plans. She needn’t worry because two weeks later Tara again brought her portfolio folder to their meeting, which was dealt with after they again presented more ideas and research about their particular fields. And like the first five proposed floor plans, each one went up on the cork board and discussed, with Tara again writing profusely the pros and cons given by the others. This time, even though all five were rejected, each person liked more and more of what they saw in each floor plan.

This went on until one Saturday meeting, where Tara presented proposed floor plans 21-25, that Beckie noticed a change in Tara. As they had during previous meetings, they discussed each field and what would be needed in their clinic before looking at the floor plans Tara had again brought with her. But Beckie noticed when they started discussing the floor plans, Tara wasn’t writing anything down in her notebook. In fact, Beckie saw Tara had her hand over her mouth and looked like the cat who ate the canary. Everyone liked bits and pieces of floor plans 21-24, but when it came to floor plan 25, no one could find a single thing they didn’t like.

Floor plan 25 had incorporated everything they like about some of the others plus ideas they’d given while viewing the other floor plans. The building was the size they wanted, the reception area was much bigger, with a reception desk in the center where everyone could see it. They had discussed having one main reception and waiting area and that had been incorporated in floor plan 25. They had discussed having four distinct wings, one for Mental Health, one for Physical Therapy, one for Medical, and one for Administration; the computers and servers they’d discussed would be housed in a special room in Administration. And all four were seen on floor plan 25. They also discussed storage and saw it was allowed for between the Mental Health and Physical Therapy wings, and between the Physical Therapy and Medical wings, with the area between the Medical and Administration wings used for employees. Each wing was laid out exactly as the others had suggested, with the number of offices or exam rooms to the small waiting areas for each wing close to the offices or exam rooms. They also saw an area in the Medical wing for small children to play while waiting to see their doctor or waiting for their parents who were seeing a doctor. Tara just sat there with a funny grin on her face and asked, “Well, doesn’t anyone have anything to say?” In response to her question, all seven stood up and applauded her. The seven didn’t know it yet but they would go through this again but with Tara’s interior design ideas. And they would whittle them down until one stood out and garnered Tara another round of applause.

Their Saturday meetings took them into several weeks of their sophomore year in high school, where they finally had a mission statement, a business plan, and a financial statement that came by way of an investment firm named Haints Investments. It was explained in the financial statement that the firm had received word of a group of high school students who were making plans for a Medical Clinic they planned to open when they were qualified to do so. In that statement the firm pledged ¾ of the costs to build and equip the clinic once the time was right. There was only one problem, none of the eight had the slightest idea what the costs were going to be. They could find out the cost of equipment for each of their areas but not for the building and other essentials. They needed help but weren’t sure where to turn, which was solved for them in an instant.

”We are The Haints. We will to help solve your problem. Are there not constructs called banks which provide help for such as yourselves? Can they not provide the needed information you seek.?”

After The Haints had spoken, everyone sat with a very dumb look on their face, realizing it was something they should have considered themselves. Tony just shook his head and said, “I should have thought of that myself, since I’m going to be the administrator of our clinic.” Tara saw how frustrated Tony looked, and pulled him into a hug and told him, “Aww, poor baby. See, you’re human after all.” Tony pulled out of Tara’s hug and gave her an indigent look before he started tickling her, which resulted in Tara sliding off her chair and onto the floor. That one act between the two lovers helped to loosen up everyone else. Tameria pulled out a school calendar and saw there was a teacher’s day coming in two weeks, and it would be the perfect time to go to the bank and speak with a financial officer or loan officer. So it was settled, they had two weeks to polish everything they had, so they could present it to the right person at the bank and hopefully get answers to the questions they still had.

Two weeks later, on Friday, everyone met at Tameria’s house for breakfast a little after 8 a.m. The bank in their town didn’t open until 9 a.m. so they went over everything they had after finishing breakfast. They weren’t dressed as though they were going to church, but they were all dressed smartly. The girls were wearing nice dresses, stockings,flats, and minimal makeup. The boys were wearing dress pants, not quite dress shirts, and dress shoes. They did worry about their clothing, since this meeting was important to them, until Carol and Brian commented, “You guys sure look sharp today.”

At 9 a.m. they left Tameria’s house and drove to their local bank in two cars. Once at the bank, they went in and explained to the receptionist why they were there, only to be told for something like they wanted, they’d have to go to the main branch in a city an hour’s drive away. They were a bit discouraged upon hearing the news but decided if they must, then they must. Each one called their parents and explained the situation before they piled back into the two cars and took off to try and get the information they were after.

Fate was on their side, as traffic was light and they made good time. They followed the directions they’d received from the receptionist at their bank and arrived at the main branch of their bank a little before 10:30 a.m. As they did in their bank, after going into the bank they explained to the receptionist what they wanted and almost died on the spot when the receptionist told them they were rather busy that day. Almost dashed hopes produced sad faces, and the receptionist couldn’t help herself in asking to see what they had brought with them. As the receptionist looked at what they’d given her, the teens heard, “Whoa” and “Wow” and, “How old are the eight of you and you’re in high school?” When they told her their ages and, yes, they were sophomores and what high school, the receptionist told them, “Just give me a minute,” and dashed off with everything the teens had given her. It seemed like they waited for an hour, but the receptionist was back in less than five minutes and beckoned them to follow her.

Because the main branch of the bank was huge, it seemed they walked several miles, even up a flight of stairs, until they came to the office of Mary Gothers, Financial and Loan officer for the bank; her name and title were on the door to her office. The receptionist announced them but Mary was so engrossed with what the teens had done, she simply waved them into the room, before the door was closed behind them. All eight gathered around her desk and it was only then Mary looked up and asked, “The eight of you did all this? By yourselves? Oh, gads, where are my manners, I’m Mary Gothers, and you are…?” Mary asked as she stood up and offered her hand to each of the eight, getting a “yes” from the group then a name as she shook each hand. She then gathered up everything the teens had brought with them from her desk and motioned to a large conference table in her office. “Why don’t we gather around that table over there, where we can be more comfortable and discuss what I was looking at before you came in?” As the teens each took a seat, and Mary sat everything down on the table, she asked if they would like something to drink, and proceeded to name what she could offer. Each teen took the offered water choice before Mary sat down and asked if they would start at the beginning and explain how they arrived at the material she had before her.

Mary saw the look of consternation on the faces of each teen, and asked, “Is something wrong? Have I done, or said, something that has you worried or upset?” Mary watched as Beckie, Tara, Grace, Sam, Jake, Tony, and James all looked at Tameria.

“Oh, no, Ms. Gothers,” Tameria said, since it seemed she’d been made the spokesperson at this instant. “It isn’t anything you’ve said or done but has to do with your request, that we explain how we arrived at our presentation material. Because, you see, it also deals with a certain experience we all have been exposed to that is part of the reason we decided to go in this direction for our lives.”

“Oh, I see,” Mary replied, before telling the teens as she smiled, “And it’s just Mary between us, okay?” Mary was an excellent judge of character, she had to be because of the decisions she often made for the bank. And right now she could tell she was looking at some very honest, and dedicated kids who had their futures all mapped out. And it was laying on the table in front of her. Based on the short time she had looked over the material she’d been given, these eight teens were worth every penny the bank could lend them when they were ready to build their clinic. “So, is the experience something you have to keep a secret, something you couldn’t share with me? As you might guess, I do make some rather huge deals for the bank, and those have to be kept under lock and key.” As Mary watched, it seemed she was watching the eight talk to each other but without saying a word. Heads nodded, or shook, until Tameria got a sort of far away look. Mary didn’t hear the conversation that Tameria was having, but she would shortly.

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. We judge Mary Gothers to be a trustworthy person and agree she must meet with us. Tameria Jinks.”

The other seven teens heard everything The Haints had said to Tameria, and it was Sam who said, “Guess that answers that question, doesn’t it.” All eight were now looking at Mary, who had a questioning look on her face. Tameria was sitting next to Mary and told her, “Mary, we were concerned about how much to tell you about how we arrived at our present course. But our friends made it clear that they trust you and would like to meet you.” Of course this statement confused Mary even more, and she asked, “What friends? There’s only the nine of us in this room. Is this some kind of trick? Because if it is, then all of you can leave right now!” Mary was starting to get angry, and it showed in her voice. It was James who told Mary, “Mary, this is no trick, WE aren’t trying to trick you. Our being here is serious to us or we wouldn’t have come. We couldn’t have come, we would have been told how wrong it would be for us to do anything underhanded.” Mary looked at each teen and saw the truth in what James said written on each face. It also wasn’t hard to see the fading hope there either.

“Um...okay, I’m sorry, please forgive me. I’ve dealt with some shady people who have lied and tried to defraud the bank, so I get a bit testy when someone starts talking about people who they have with them but aren’t in the room.”

Again the other seven looked at Tameria and as she let out the breath she’d been holding she asked Mary, “Mary, do you have an open mind? Can you, or do you, believe in things you can’t see? Even as an adult? Because if you don’t or can’t, then we’ll have to leave and go elsewhere.” Mary saw how dead serious Tameria was with what she asked her. And Mary didn’t want to lose these eight teens, they had a bright future ahead of them, lying on the conference table.

Tameria’s questions, and her serious look, caused Mary to pause and think about the questions. Did she have an open mind? She had to have, given some of the things she and Terry, her fiancé, had done for fun and behind closed doors; Mary felt herself get wet thinking about those times in bed. Did she believe in things she couldn’t see? Yes, she did, and got into more than one argument over them. The teens had watched Mary’s face as she mulled over the questions Tameria had asked, and were relieved when Mary told Tameria, “Yes to all your questions, Tameria.”

“Mary, what I’m about to ask you to do won’t hurt you, but it might come as a shock when you hear something said. Know this, you will not be harmed in any way, they only want to talk with you. Please,” Tameria said to Mary, and held up her hand, as she saw the questions Mary was about to ask. “They will answer all your questions. Take my hand.” Mary looked at Tameria’s offered hand, then at the seven other teens. Each one was nodding their heads, giving Mary the okay to take Tameria’s hand. Mary’s world changed that day as she took Tameria’s hand, and changed for the better.

”We are The Haints. Mary Gothers. Be at peace, we will you no harm.”

Mary jerked her hand out of Tameria’s and asked, “Okay, one of you is throwing their voice, right. ‘Cause I just heard someone speaking to me and there’s only the eight of you who could have done it.” It was Sam who gave the answer for them all.

“No, Mary, no one is throwing their voice. You just heard from The Haints, the friends we mentioned. It’s hard to believe at first, but they do exist and will tell you about themselves, where they came from and a tragedy that happened to their planet. If you give them the chance. We all have, and it is quite the experience. An experience that made us decide to open our own clinic and help others. Please, Mary, give them a chance. You won’t regret it.”

Mary again looked at each teen, seeing again their encouragement by the nod of each head. As she looked at Tameria, not only did Tameria nod but actually had a pleading look on her face. Mary took a deep breath, let it out and again took Tameria’s hand. The teens watched Mary’s face as The Haints spoke with her. As the tears rolled down her cheeks at one point, the teens knew The Haints had gotten to the part where they showed what happened to their planet, and Mary was seeing it all. They also knew when Mary said, “I do want you to be with me,” that they had asked her permission to be with her.

When Mary opened her eyes, the teens knew The Haints had stopped speaking to her, and watched as she got up from her chair and walked over to her desk to get a tissue. She wiped her eyes as she walked back to the conference table and told them, “You were right, Sam, that is quite the experience. A sad one, but an experience nonetheless. I guess now that I’ve met your, our friends, we can dispense with my one question. How about we talk about all the material you’ve put together? Anyone need more water?” They spent the better part of an hour talking about the material, how it came about, how they decided as a group for this or that and even how they chose the floor plan and interior design for the building. Tony then explained how they could find prices for the equipment they wanted, but knew nothing about how to price the building. As the eight watched, Mary’s eyes lit up and asked if she could show everything to a friend of hers, an architect. Nothing was finalized so the teens saw no reason not to trust Mary. She did, after all, have their friends with her.

Mary excused herself and taking everything with her, went into another room where her fax machine was housed. She picked up the phone, dialed a number, and when her call was answered by the person she called, she said, “Does your fiancée know you’re screwing around with another woman?” Mary tried hard not to laugh, it was a game she and her fiancé, Terry Cooper, often played and usually resulted with them going out to dinner and then to a wonderful time in bed together. And then she was excitedly serious when she told Terry, “Babe, I really need you in me tonight. I need you to hold me.”

Terry Cooper was one of four partners of an architecture/engineer firm that has been in business for ten years now. The four started the firm right out of graduate school, on a shoestring and a prayer. Because of the excellent work they did, their firm had become one of the top ten firms in the Country. They were even sought after by some very big firms in other parts of the World. Mary’s initial question always made him laugh, and he made sure to reply, “Gads, I sure hope not.” But something in Mary’s voice during her last statement had him worried, since she only spoke that way when she’d had an extremely trying day. “Sweetheart, you know I’ll give you what you need in bed anytime you ask. So dinner, then take care of your needs?” They played phone sex a bit more before Mary became serious.

“Terry, I’m going to fax you over some material I want you to quickly scan and give me your opinion. As soon as you give me your opinion I’ll tell you where it came from.” Terry agreed and Mary faxed all the material the teens gave her. Terry had told her he’d be right back, since he had to go to their fax machine in another room to get what Mary was sending him. And Mary wasn’t surprised by Terry’s response as he picked up his phone again and began asking her ten different questions all at once. Terry was a quick study, which is one reason he was so good at his work.

“Mary, where’d you get this stuff, it’s marvelous. I can tell it’s preliminary work, but someone thought long and hard in writing it all up.” Terry heard Mary giggle on the other end of the phone before answering her question.

“Hold on to your hat, mister, what you’re looking at was put together by eight high school sophomores. And believe me when I tell you that they are dead serious about that clinic. I have first hand experience in that fact.” Mary had been told by The Haints why their existence had to be kept secret, that there were those in the World who would use them for ill if they found out about their existence. “Terry, I know what they are planning is going to be way down the road, but I’m going to make sure this bank backs them when they are ready to build their clinic. Seeing this many dedicated teens working together for a long term goal doesn’t happen often, if ever. This may be one of those ‘once in a lifetime shots’, and I don’t want to pass it up.”

Even though Terry was studying everything before him, he didn’t miss one word Mary said. “Yeah, sweetheart, from what I’m seeing in front of me you’re absolutely right. They are a unique bunch of teens, alright. Say, how much longer are you going to keep them? I ask because it’s getting close to lunch and I thought maybe if they can, you can send them here and I can provide them lunch and talk about all this stuff. Can you go find out right quick, and make sure you tell them I’ll provide lunch?” To Terry it seems like his ‘woman’ took forever before he heard, “They said yes, and yes. I give them one of your cards and explain how to reach your offices,” from Mary. They played kissy face over the phone before ending the call and Terry calling down to the lobby to tell them a group of eight teens is expected and if they would be kind enough to escort them up to his office.

Meanwhile, at the bank, Mary rushed back into her office, grabbed one of Terry’s firm’s business cards out of the center drawer of her desk, and sat down and explained her conversation she had with Mr. Cooper. She watched as the teens became excited over the prospect of having a real live architect look over their material and help them with that part of their needed information. Mary also told them the same thing she’d told Terry, that she knew this was a long term project, and wouldn’t come about for several years, but she wanted the bank to be there when the teens were ready to build. Mary also told the teens she’d make copies of everything before they left, but was told to keep what they’d given her because they planned to give it to the people who were interested enough to help them now and in the future. After giving Tameria Terry’s business card, and drawing a map of how to reach his offices, she bid each of them a goodbye and told them she’d be there when they were ready; she crossed her fingers that fate would oblige. She really wanted to see what these kids could do.

~~ tbc ~~

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