The Haints Part 2

The Haints

By Jamie Lee

Author’s Note: This story is a work of pure fiction, meant to be read for pure enjoyment. It is not based on facts of any kind, just those I made up in my mind. I realize some of what is in this story may seem far fetched, but it’s a story, dreamed up from the gray matter between my ears. So please read this story in the spirit it’s meant to be read, for fun. Jamie Lee

We had wandered the ether for millions upon millions of years, searching for an appropriate home that would serve our created purpose. Our creator had a dream to use us to bring harmony to her planet, but was too late, as with the rest of the planet, we were thrown out into the ether and left to drift until we found our purpose. We wandered past planet after planet, some having no life, and some with life but not needing our purpose. It wasn’t until we approached a system from the perpendicular that we observe a planet, a blue planet, with indications of needing our purpose, if only we could find the one which would become our catalyst.

~*~*~Part 2~*~*~

*-*-*Chapters 7-12*-*-*

*-*-*Chapter 7*-*-*

Several weeks later, Beckie, Tameria, Grace, and Tara had asked their parents to allow them to walk home from school on Friday; the weather had been beautiful and was deemed so for Friday. Things had quieted at school, after most of the school looked like they were going to Church, so each parent saw no reason why the girls couldn’t walk home. The girls had passed a small mom and pop store and had stopped and purchased ice cream cones. They were enjoying the walk as they ate the cones, and were almost to Tara’s house when Tameria heard,

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. Stop! Remain stationary!”

When Tameria heard The Haints, and their order, she stopped dead in her tracks. Beckie, Grace, and Tara noticed Tameria had stopped walking and were walking back to her when three boys came out from behind a hedge the four almost reached. “Well well well, if it isn’t the queer girly boy who thinks he a girl. And his playmates,” the boy holding a large kitchen knife said to the four girls. The boy on his right was holding a long piece of pipe and the boy on his left was holding a baseball bat. “You may be untouchable in school, but guess what, we ain’t in school now, and it’s time we help you become the girl you want to be.”

Beckie, Grace, and Tara backed up further behind Tameria, who stood her ground and told the boy holding the knife, “You should go now before it’s too late for you. If you stay, you aren’t going to like what happens.” All three boys laughed before the knife holder told her, “It’s too late, alright, but for you not for us. We’re going to fix you so you really are a girl.” As Beckie, Grace, and Tara watched, all three boys dropped the weapons they had been holding and grabbed their heads, now being flooded with views of death and destruction on a scale they’d never imagined. The Haints didn’t hold anything back with these three boys, they received every memory The Haints had, and then some they would not show Tameria or a few others. As the memories slowly cycled through the boys minds, the suddenness of it all caused all three to drop to the ground, while clutching their heads, landing on their knees or falling onto their sides. The suddenness of all the memories diverted any pain they would have felt right between their eyes, which ended as quickly as it started. What actually occurred was the ex-knife holder looking up and telling the girls, “Oh, gawd, we’re so sorry about what we said and were about to do to you Tameria. We were so wrong. We’re sorry.” Tameria simply accepted their apologies, and walking around the three still on the ground, continued walking home, with the other three girls trying to catch up to her.

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. The three human males will keep our shared memories until their nocturnal rest time ends tomorrow. At that time our shared memories will fade but how they felt while experiencing our shared memories will remain. Tameria Jinks. They were not harmed. Tameria Jinks. We trust Beckie Smoothers. We trust Grace Jackson. We trust Tara Still. Tameria Jinks.”

Tameria knew what The Haints meant by trusting her three friends, she only hoped they’d still be her friend afterward. “What just happened back there, Tameria?” Tara asked Tameria, as the three girls had caught up with Tameria. Tameria looked at each of the girls before telling them, “If you’d like to know what happened, touch my hands.” All three gave her a puzzled look before Tara said, “Aw fhat the wuck,” and placed her hands into Tameria’s outstretched hands. “Okay,” was all Beckie said before she did the same. Grace was more hesitant, asking Tameria, “This won’t hurt will it?” When Tameria shook her head no, Grace did as the other girls had done, and all three removed their hands just as quickly when they heard,

”We are The Haints.”

“Holy bejeezus, what the Samuel Jackson was that?” Grace asked, taking a step back from Tameria. “Oh WOW, that was cool, what was it?” Tara asked, as she put her hands back on Tameria’s. Beckie just stood there giving Tameria the stink eye until Tameria told the three girls, “You just heard The Haints introduce themselves.” And before any of the three could ask what The Haints were, Tameria told them, “Put your hands back into mine if you want to know more about them.” Now it was Grace’s turn to give Tameria the stink eye before she slowly put her hands back into Tameria’s. Beckie took a bit longer, doing so after the urging from Tara and Grace; and further reassurance from Tameria that she was safe.

”We are The Haints. Grace Jackson. Beckie Smoothers. Tara Still. We come from a time millions upon millions of years ago, from a planet at the perpendicular to this solar system. From a planet that was scattered out to the Universe. Our purpose is to bring harmony to the aggressive who will to harm others. We The Haints do not will to harm. Beckie Smoothers. Grace Jackson. Tara Still. Tameria Jinks.”

All four girls were silent until they reached Tara’s house, where they walked up onto the porch and sat down; they were still in somewhat of a shock by what they just heard. Tara broke their silence by saying, “Wow oh wow, that was intense. Are they always with you Tameria? What’s it like having them with you?” Tara was getting a bit too excited so Tameria told her, “Tara, The Haints said they trust you, that means you must keep quiet about what you heard. I suspect at some point you can ask them your own questions, but only if you’re mature about it. Otherwise, you’re going to see some things that will actually frighten you terribly.” Tara saw how serious Tamera was by what she just said, making Tara realize all of this WAS very serious. It was Grace who asked, “This harmony The Haints talked about, that’s what they did to those boys, wasn’t it?” Tameria just nodded her head in answer to Grace’s question. “So, their planet was destroyed? Couldn’t they do anything to stop it?” Beckie’s voice, when she asked her question, was tinged in sorrow, knowing if the planet was destroyed, then so were its people. “The Haints creator couldn’t get enough of them made in time before the aggressives set off a device which ruptured the planet’s core and destroyed the planet,” Tameria told Beckie in a quiet voice in answer to her question. And as the three girls watched, tears rolled down Beckie’s cheeks, showing she felt the loss of all those people. Tameria thought to herself when she saw Beckie’s tears, The Haints chose well with that girl’. As the girls consoled Beckie, they heard more.

”We are The Haints. Beckie Smoothers. Our creator realized the need to change the aggressives on our planet, realized the need for all to be who they are without the aggressives making them believe as the aggressives did. One direction for everyone would have eventually destroyed all on our planet. One direction on our planet would have left our planet to those life forms which were non sentient. So in secret our creator acquired the needed material to begin our creation. But the need for secrecy caused her to fail in her attempts to create enough of us to bring harmony to all the aggressives. And so we were cast out into the Universe along with our planet. Beckie Smoothers. If allowed, we The Haints can help Beckie Smoothers bring harmony to this planet, bring harmony to those aggressives which threaten all on this planet. Beckie Smoothers. Grace Jackson. Tara Still.”

All four girls heard what The Haints just told Beckie at first, then to Grace and Tara. It was Beckie who asked, “What did The Haints mean by help bring harmony, Tameria?” Tameria looked at the six pair of eyes watching her and told the three girls, “They mean if you allow them too, they will be with you from now until your end time comes, and change the attitudes of those who are aggressive and want to hurt others.” All three girls became very quiet, even Tara, who usually had a very boisterous attitude about things. “So...” a very demure Tara began, “...The Haints would be in us if we allow them too?” Tara, and Grace and Beckie, look at Tameria but it was The Haints who answered her question.

”Yes. Tara Still. If allowed. We will no harm to Tara Still. We will no harm to Grace Jackson. We will no harm to Beckie Smoothers. We will to bring harmony to the aggressive who will to harm others.”

That answer from The Haints silenced the three girls, again. It wasn’t long before Beckie said, “The Haints, I allow you to be with me, if you will.” Tameria only smiled at Beckie as Beckie felt a little tingle in her mind, which was The Haints way of letting her know they were now with her. Beckie also learned something else as Tameria asked her through The Haints, ”So how does it feel to have The Haints with you?” When Beckie heard Tameria’s voice in her head, and knew Tameria hadn’t spoken, she let out a little squeal, sitting up straighter as well. “Oh wow, that was neat,” she told Tameria, before answering her question. “How does it feel to have The Haints with me? Peaceful,” was all she said. Beckie’s squeal and her answer to a question neither Grace or Tara heard, caused Grace to ask, “What was neat, and no one asked a question, Beckie.” It was Tameria’s turn to answer as she told Grace and Tara, “When The Haints are in you they allow us to communicate with each other without having to be near each other, without having to speak to one another. This only happens to those who The Haints trust and allow The Haints to be with them.” Grace became silent again, being the intellectual one, she was thinking about what The Haints had said and whether or not she wanted something inside her she really knew nothing about. She received a bit of help in deciding when she heard,

”We are The Haints. Grace Jackson. We will not to harm Grace Jackson if allowed to be with her. We will to help Grace Jackson bring harmony to those aggressives who will to harm others. Grace Jackson. We The Haints trust Grace Jackson.”

Grace looked at Tameria after what The Haints just told her and asked, “Does it hurt, you know, when The Haints come into me?” Both Tameria and Beckie just smiled at Grace before Beckie told her, No, it just tingles a bit at first. Afterwards you know they’re there but not in an obtrusive way. They don’t want to harm you or make you do things they want, they just need to be with us so we can help them bring harmony to those who want to hurt others or force them to do what they want. Think of us as their legs, if you will.” And Tameria added, since they’d been with her the longest, “This may seem freaky, but they will build more of themselves while in you so they have enough to send out when needed. It won’t hurt you and no one will ever know they are there; been there, done that already. They only want to make sure we don’t suffer the same fate down the road as the people and their planet did.” It wasn’t long before Grace told The Haints she wanted them with her too, as did Tara. And it only took a moment for the two girls to feel the tingle and to be shown how important it was for The Haints not to be known to the aggressives on the Earth. Because if The Haints were ever found out by the aggressives, those with The Haints would be killed before The Haints could prevent it. And Tameria answered Grace’s previous question by asking, ”So, how does it feel to be one with The Haints.” Both Grace and Tara jumped at hearing Tameria’s voice in their minds, but smiled and told her, “Really neat.”

*-*-*Chapter 8*-*-*

The girls stayed a bit longer at Tara’s house, think speaking so they could do it without giving away that they were doing something. No one had to repeat about keeping The Haints to themselves, because The Haints reminded the girls before Grace, Tameria, and Beckie said their goodbyes to Tara, gave her hugs, and continued onto Beckie’s house. When they reached Beckie’s house they walked her up to the front door, hugged her, and said goodbye before Beckie asked, “Tameria, are you sure it’s going to be okay with them and me?” She was still very hesitant about this whole thing with The Haints, so Tameria told her, “Beckie, sit down tonight and speak with The Haints. They will not lie to you, and they will answer any questions you have. They are not designed to hurt those they trust.” Tameria walked back and hugged Beckie again, whispering in her ear, “It’s going to be okay, just trust them.” She kissed Beckie on the cheek and then joined Grace as they continued towards Tameria’s house. Along the way Grace asked Tameria, ”Is Beckie going to be okay? She seems rather frightened about the whole thing. She won’t tell anyone will she?” Because Tameria had been with The Haints the longest, she had no trouble getting the answer to Grace’s questions. ”Yes, she’s going to be okay, according to The Haints. The Haints are speaking to her right now, she’s in her room, and she is seeing what I experienced at school these past few days. They’re also showing her more of what happened on their planet, explaining things to her. Beckie is a very sensitive girl, she feels what others feel or feels what others are going through. The Haints will help her to be calmer in her mistrust of them, and will help her see she has nothing to fear from them. And no, she isn’t going to tell anyone.”

The mental conversation ended at the same time they reached Tameria’s house, with Grace giving her a hug then bidding her, “See you tomorrow,” before walking the remaining two blocks to her house. When Tameria entered her house, it wasn’t necessary to tell her parents about Grace, Beckie, or Tara having The Haints with them, because The Haints had already told them. She did, however, tell them about the three boys, and what they tried to do to her. “None of you were hurt, were you?” Her mom asked, as she gave Tameria the once over only a mother can do. “No mom, we weren’t hurt, but I did try to persuade them to walk away before it was too late. They didn’t, and The Haints gave those three the full memory treatment from start to finish. The Haints said they’d have those memories until tomorrow morning, then only remember how it felt to see all of that destruction and death. The Haints gave them harmony, so they won’t be trying to hurt anyone else.” Carol hugged her daughter, thankful The Haints were watching over her. “Well I’m glad you have a protector, but even they can’t get your homework done, young lady. So, go, homework, I’ll call you when I need help getting supper.” Carol gave Tameria a kiss on the cheek, and received one, before Tameria went to her room and started on her homework. She didn’t get started right away because she got a message from Beckie. ”Hi Tameria. Thanks for today, for making me feel wanted, and for showing me The Haints; they’ve really helped me feel better about myself.” ”Beckie, you are important to everyone you’re around, they just don’t know it yet; and my friends are always important to me. Trust The Haints, Beckie, because they trust you. See you tomorrow.”

Tameria sat for a few more minutes thinking about what Beckie said to her, about feeling wanted. She wondered how her parents and brother treated her, whether they treated her like a nobody or were just too wrapped up in their own worlds to really take the time to care about Beckie. It seemed to Tameria that just maybe The Haints knew Beckie was on the verge of doing something really terrible, and wanted to make sure she didn’t by trusting her. About an hour later Carol came into Tameria’s room and asked her to help get supper ready, asking what the concerned look she had on her face was for. As they walked towards the kitchen, Tameria told her mom about the thought conversation she had with Beckie, and how she felt Beckie had been on the verge of doing something terrible to herself, and how it might have been The Haints way of making sure she didn’t by trusting her. Carol thought for a minute, as they walked into the kitchen, before telling Tameria, “I think you might be right about why The Haints trusted her. I’ve not been around her very much, but she did seem to be off on her own a lot, not often part of the group, when I was around her. I’m glad she won’t get a chance to hurt herself, she seems like a very sweet young lady. Now, you start off by setting the table, please. Then I’ll show you how to make the world’s best mashed potatoes.”

Saturday morning found Tameria trying her best to wake up and get to the bathroom, urgently. It wasn’t until she felt a dribble that sparked an immediate eye opener and dash to the bathroom, where she then showered, wearing the shower cap, after her eyes once again settled in her head. As she showered she remembered something The Haints told them a short time ago, about making Tameria into a true human female. She wondered how they’d do that, what with all the people she now knew, or the people who knew her and of her true physical status. But after not coming up with any answers, she finished her shower, dried off, put on the robe she kept in the bathroom, and walked back to her room to decide what to wear today; it was Saturday, after all, and no need to look like she was going to school. As she looked through her closet, she discarded one idea after another before settling on a nice looking blouse and skirt, maybe with knee high socks that matched the color of the Kelly green skirt. She decided her black flats would look okay so after fifteen minutes, getting dressed, she headed down to breakfast, where she found her mom waiting with a brush and comb. “Morning sweetheart, sleep okay?” Carol asked Tameria as she patted one of the chairs at the kitchen table, telling Tameria to sit there. “Yes, I did, even after yesterday with the girls. They were really skeptical at first, but after they listened to The Haints, they calmed down. I even spoke with Beckie last night, and she’s doing much better. I’d sure like to know why she thought so little of herself. Think she’d tell me if I asked?” Tameria told her mom as she sat while her mom worked on her hair. “Honey, she might tell you if you asked, but you should pick the right time to ask. Or just wait and see if she tells you on her own. Knowing her parents as I do, and something of her brother, I wonder if they aren’t wrapped up in their own little worlds, not even noticing how it’s affecting Beckie. But give it time, maybe The Haints will fix it. Now, hold up that mirror and watch what I’m doing, you need to learn how to do your own hair.”

When Carol had Tameria’s hair somewhat like it had been, only Billie could get it exact, she asked Tameria to set the table for breakfast, and to put on an apron before starting on frying the bacon--she didn’t want that nice ensemble to get splattered with bacon grease. Once the bacon was sizzling, the eggs frying and the hash-browns going, Brian and the boys appeared in a more or less awake state; the two boys plopping down in their usual seat and started on the orange juice Tameria had set out. “You going somewhere Tameria?” Her nine-year-old brother Bradley asked. “You look real nice,” he told Tameria before taking a deep draft of his orange juice. Hearing her son’s question put an idea into Carol’s head, asking Tameria, “Would you and the girls like to go shopping today? You do need more clothes, and things, and maybe a visit to VS.” Bradley was always the one to catch things that went over Peter’s head, and Peter asked, “Mom, what’s VS?” Carol only chuckled before telling him, “You never mind, you’ll find out one day. Now start eating,” she told him as she set a plate of eggs, bacon, hash-browns, and toast before him, Bradley and Brian. “Um…” Brian muttered around a mouthful of eggs, “ don’t plan on breaking the bank with your shopping, do you?” Carol playfully swatted his arm before kissing him, eliciting an “Oh gross,” from the two boys, and a, “Oh hush you two,” from Carol before she sat down beside her husband and started in on her breakfast. Tameria had sat down between her brothers, Robert had done so to help keep the peace between the two, so Tameria continued to do so. “Tara did mention, one time, about me going shopping with her and the girls, so I think they might like to go with us,” she told her mom before biting into a piece of toast. “Maybe you can go call them now and see if they can go around ten, then we can have lunch together,” Carol told Tameria, with a raised eyebrow, hoping Tameria caught her meaning of a call. Tameria only smiled, and told her mom, “Okay, I’ll be back in a sec.” Tameria went back to her room, where she knew her brothers would not enter without her permission. Using The Haints, she thought talked to the three girls about going shopping today about ten, her mom was taking her and they’d get lunch also. It was only a moment later when all three said they could go, since Tameria’s mom would be going. Everyone signed off and Tameria returned to the breakfast table where she told her mom that everyone could go.

Usually after their breakfast, Peter and Bradley would zoom off to their rooms, to get on the game machines and play together until noon. But as Tameria, Carol, and Brian watched, the two boys cleared their places, dumping into the garbage what wasn’t eaten, rinsing their plates and glasses, then putting them into the dishwasher. Tameria, Carol, and Brian looked at each other and without saying anything to each other, knew the others were thinking that maybe The Haints had had a hand in getting them to become more responsible. Even if they didn’t have a hand in the boys’ new behavior, it was nice to see them do what they’d been told more than once to do. And instead of running to their rooms to start their games, both boys walked normally to their rooms, even taking their time going up the stairs. “Hmm…” Brian mused, “...I wonder what brought all that on?” He said it loud enough so only Tameria and Carol could hear. With a smile on her face, Carol replied, “I don’t know, but I really like it.” Following in the boys footsteps, the three did as they’d seen the boys do with their plates and glasses, before Tameria and Brian helped Carol do what dishes needed done by hand. Afterwards, Brian had some work he needed to do for the office so he retreated to the home’s office to get that done. Carol and Tameria, on the other hand, retreated to Tameria’s room, where Carol would be helping Tameria learn how to take care of her hair and maybe a makeup lesson before they got ready to pick up the girls for shopping.

Tameria caught on better fixing her hair than she did putting on makeup, but Carol told her only practice could improve her makeup skills. It was about ten minutes to ten when the doorbell rang, and Carol walked to the door and opened it. “Hi, Mrs. Jinks,” a bubbly Grace said to Carol. “It was a nice morning, and since I’m not that far from your house, I decided to walk down here instead of you needing to circle back to pick up Beckie and Tara.” “Well, hi Grace, come in come in, that was awfully nice of you to come here. Tameria...Grace is here,” Carol semi-shouted as Grace walked into the house. Tameria came into the living room carrying her purse, and made nice with Grace before Carol told the two girls, “Do we have everything? Does anyone have to go before we leave?” Both girls gave Carol one of those stink eye looks before laughing as Carol started laughing because of what she said. The three got into Carol’s car, drove and picked up Beckie then Tara, and then drove out to the mall, where Carol was lucky and found a parking spot almost right on top of the set of entrance doors they wanted to use.

As Carol and the four girls entered the mall, a group of six boys spotted the four girls and started shadowing them as the girls window shopped as they walked toward their first target of the morning. The shadow group wasn’t lost on Carol, as she could see their reflections each time the girls stopped to admire this or that in the store windows. As they were admiring one particular window display, Carol told the girls, “Girls, don’t look around, but there’s a group of boys that have been following us since we came into the mall. And from their looks, I think they are up to no good.” Carol murmured to look at the reflections in the glass, as she faked pointing to something in the window display. As the girls looked, Grace and Tara recognized two of the boys, who’d been pestering them since school started. “Um...Mrs. Jinks, Grace and I know two of those boys,” Tara told Carol, “And they’ve been pestering Grace and me since school began, they haven’t been too happy that Grace and I have blown them off ever since.” “Tell you what let’s do, girls. Get your phones out and set them to record video. And start recording when I go over and have a nice little chat with them. Shall I?”

Once the girls had their phones out, Carol turned and walked over to the group of boys sitting on a bench leering at the four girls standing on the other side near the store. Carol could see a change in their demeanor as she walked towards them, and they all went pale when she told them, “Hi boys, is there some reason you’re following us around? Do I need to ask your parents, Bobbie Evan, why you’re here without them? ‘Cause I know for a fact you were grounded two days ago? Or should I call you folks, Gary Brown, because of the same reason? Or yours, David? Or yours, Tommy? Or how about yours, Alex? All of you were grounded because of what you did at school. So maybe it’s time you headed home?” What the boys didn’t know was that as she and the girls were window shopping, she had already called each boy’s parents. And it was movement out of the corner of her eye which caused her to turn and see all five sets of parents walking her way.

Carol turned back to face the boys and with a huge smile on her face told them, “Oops, looky there,” and she pointed off to her left, “Looks like I won’t have to call your parents after all.” All five boys followed where Carol had pointed and all five went beyond pale when they saw their parents coming their way; and they did not look happy. Carol turned and walked back towards the girls, whistling as she went. The girls were still filming the event as parent after parent gave their sons better than the fifth degree. It became hard to hear exactly what was said, because all five were giggling, but more than one parent said, “You’re grounded the rest of the semester, even on weekends. We will take you to school, and we will pick you up right after school is out. When we leave the house, you will come with us--and it doesn’t matter where we are going, you’re coming too. And if you give us a hard time about this, we’ll make it the entire year.” The five girls heard whining as well, when the boys heard they’d be picked up right after school let out. “But we have football practice right after school.” And more than one parent told them, “Not anymore! You have nothing after school for the rest of the semester!”

The group of parents didn’t know it, but they’d acquired quite a gathering while they reamed out their sons, including security personnel. And when the families started leaving with their sons in tow, applause broke out because of what they had done; and more than one parent tipped their head to Carol for letting them know about their sons. What the girls didn’t know was that three of the boys who had gone for something, saw what was happening and stayed out of sight, planning to get back at Carol through Tameria. What the boys didn’t know was that their plans were about to come to a screeching halt, as they suddenly had flashes of memories flow through their minds before feeling a pain between their eyes which ended as soon as it started. No sooner had the pain ended then each boy knew they’d done the wrong thing by coming to the mall, and knew they had to tell their parents what they’d done.

Carol and the girls just smiled as they watched the three boys walk down the concourse and out of the mall, presumably going home. And when the mall doors closed behind the three boys, Carol told the girls, “VS is calling, don’t you think, girls?” Carol knew this would be the first time Tameria had been into Victoria Secrets, and wanted her to have a good experience her first time. So she told Grace, Beckie, and Tara, “Girls, this is Tameria’s first time there so let’s make it special for her, okay?” When all three girls nodded their heads, they all headed to VS and planned to come away with some very cute lingerie for Tameria. When Tameria heard where they were headed, she smirked to herself, knowing she’d been trying since she came out to her parents, to somehow convince her mom to take her there. Now she was about to get her wish, and she was going to take full advantage of it.

When the five ladies came out of VS, Carol was carrying three bags, Tameria four, and Grace, Beckie, and Tara, one bag for themselves. Carol glanced at her watch before asking the four girls, “Girls, it’s almost time for lunch. What say we take these bags to the car then come back to the food court and have something to eat?” Besides the four head nods, Carol also received a variation of, “That’s a good idea, ‘cause I’m hungry,” from the four girls. She also received from Beckie and Tameria, “We should hurry ‘cause I need to use the lady’s room.” To Beckie and Tameria it seemed like it took forever to reach the car then the food court, where they told Carol what they wanted before fast walking towards the lady’s room, when they ran into trouble.

“Well well well, if it isn’t the ice princess. Hello Becka, long time no see. You been too busy to meet up with your flame? You do remember we are still a couple, don’t you, and that means we need to go out together.” Beckie stopped so fast that Tameria ran into her back, even being pushed backwards by Beckie stepping backwards. Peter Glenn, one of the offensive tackles on the high school football team, was blocking their path to the lady’s room. He was 6’2” tall, and weighed about 195 pounds, and thought every girl was lucky if he took them out on a date. Beckie had dated him for a week a few months back, until she found out just what a pig he really was. During one of their dates he wanted her in the backseat of his car, but when she refused, he slapped her really hard, causing quite a bruise. It also caused her to get out of his car and walk back to her house, her parents furious because of the bruise. Of course when they called Peter’s parents, they told Beckie’s parents Peter told them Beckie had slipped getting into his car and banged her face on the door frame. Mr. Smoothers asked Peter’s dad if banging into the door frame always left a handprint, before slamming down the receiver. From that day on Beckie had avoided Peter with a passion, until now.

“Peter Glenn, what a surprise. Slumming these days, are we? I told you several times before, we are no longer a couple, after what you did to me that one time. I should have listened to the other girls you did that too, and shame on me it took that one time to find out how much of a pig you really are. Now, get out of our way before it’s too late for you,” Beckie told Peter in a fire breathing voice. Both girls saw how angry Beckie’s words made Peter, and were shocked as his hand stopped two inches from Beckie’s face in an open hand slap attempt. But they weren’t as shocked as Peter, when he found out the only thing he could do was breathe and blink his eyes. He was even more shocked when he heard in his mind,

”We are The Haints. Peter Glenn. You will to harm Beckie Smoothers. Peter Glenn. You cannot be allowed to bring harm to Beckie Smoothers. Peter Glenn. We The Haints will bring harmony to you. Peter Glenn. But you must see why aggressives must have harmony. Peter Glenn.”

Beckie and Tameria heard what The Haints told Peter, and watched as Peter’s eyes revealed that he was seeing something which truly frightened him, and still he couldn’t move. They also watched as his eyes again revealed the pain he felt between his eyes that abated as quickly as it started. When he could once again move, he slowly took that frozen hand and moved it to his forehead, rubbed it, and asked no one in particular, “What just happened? Where did those images come from? And that pain?” He looked at Beckie and Tameria before saying in a very robotic voice, “I’m...I’m...sorry Beckie,” he told her contritely, and with an extremely puzzled look on his face, before walking around both girls and out of the food court. Beckie shuddered at remembering what he did to her on that one date, then feeling Tameria’s arms around her and asking, “Are you okay? Do I need to get mom?” Beckie pulled Tameria’s arms tight around her before telling Tameria, “It’s just a bad memory, about the last date I went on with him. He slapped me that night because I wouldn’t get into the backseat of his car with him--it left a handprint on my face. And he lied to his parents, saying I’d slipped and hit my face on the door frame. Since when did hitting a door frame leave a handprint?” Tameria hugged her friend tighter, and together they continued walking to the lady’s room.

When the two girls exited the hallway to the restrooms, Carol saw how Tameria was holding Beckie close to her, as though she was trying to comfort Beckie. When the two girls sat down at the table she and Tara and Grace had chosen, she asked, “What happened?” All Beckie said at first was, “Peter Glenn,” before taking a breath and telling the same story she’d told Tameria. It was Tameria who said, “The Haints gave him harmony, but not before they showed him what aggression could really do. He won’t be going after anymore girls again.” After Beckie’s story, the four ladies gave Beckie a group hug, oblivious to the stares around them. Once Beckie had calmed down, they had their lunch, Chinese, and then headed to the stories they’d planned on visiting after they ate--each coming out of those stores with a sizable cache. Carol decided Tameria now had a sizable wardrobe to choose from, including a wide variety of under things. She also decided to splurge on the three girls, and paid for a couple of items for them. As it was almost 4 p.m. Carol decided take out would do for tonight, and asked the girls if they’d like to stay over for supper. It wasn’t long before three cell phones appeared and three, “Thanks mom,” were heard before it was time to decide what to get for supper.

When supper was over, as Brian, the two boys, and Tameria, cleared the table and put things away, Carol took Grace, Tara, and Beckie home, each giving her a hug and telling her, “Thanks, it was fun,” before each girl got out of the car and entered their houses. Carol really liked these three girls, and thought they would be quite the challenge for someone someday. It was a little later that night when Beckie thought to Tameria and expressed, “I’m sure glad you were with me today at the mall, I don’t know if I could have been as strong as I was.” Tameria’s reply was almost a repeat of what she told Beckie before, “You’re stronger than you realize, and The Haints would have protected you if I hadn’t been there. But I did enjoy being there for you, though,” and blushed a little when she said that; and so did Beckie. They chatted a bit longer before saying bye, both thinking about holding each other going to and coming from the lady’s room. It wasn’t like they didn’t like each other, but was it possible they were falling for each other? Each asked The Haints, but never receiving an answer, they knew it meant they had to figure this one out on their own. But they did get a peaceful feeling from The Haints.

Once again they sat together on the bus ride to school, and noticed a lot of buzz going around when they got off the bus at school. They heard some, “Did you hear what he did…” and “Those guys are mad at him for something…” and “I heard they really beat him bad.” They finally cornered one of the guys who seemed to know everything that went on in school and asked him what all the talk was about. Jimmy Stutters, and yes he’s heard every joke about his name, seemed to gather information like garbage gathered flies, and he was more right than wrong every time. “Well,” he began, “Something happened to Peter Glenn yesterday, ‘cause he told those guys he usually hung out with to buzz off, to leave him alone. He was through with them and all their crap. Well, they got so mad at what he said that they beat him up, his folks had to take him to the emergency room last night. He’s got a lot of bruises, and some cuts, but nothing was broken. And the police arrested the four who did it--the football team is now down four players.” The first bell sounded and all the students headed to their first period classes.

Mr. Frank Allen, one of the high school’s history teachers, was walking east down spoke 3 when he witnessed Bethann Coulter slap Peter Glenn, hard, then turn and walk off; and Peter didn’t react, as he’d seen him once do. “Ah, just a minute Miss. Coulter,” Frank called after Bethann as he stopped next to Peter. Bethann had stopped, turned, and slowly walked back toward Peter, and now, Mr. Allen. “Okay, Miss. Coulter, would you please explain why you just slapped Mr. Glenn?” Frank could see tears in the girl’s eyes, and before she could speak Peter told Mr. Allen, “Please, sir, it’s all my fault, not Bethann’s. I was real mean to her in the past, so she has a right to be angry with me because of that. Something happened to me yesterday, something which helped me see I owe a lot of girls apologies, and that’s what I was doing with Bethann. Please, sir, don’t punish her because of something I caused her to do just now. Please, sir.” Frank stared at Peter, a boy much different than the one he’d seen on Friday. This boy was concerned about someone other than himself, a big turn around for him. As Frank watched Peter, Peter again told Bethann, “Bethann, I’m truly sorry for my behavior that day, I was wrong, very wrong to treat you that way. I can’t change what happened, but I’m no longer that person anymore.” Frank looked at Bethann, and saw tears rolling down her cheeks, and told her, “You’d better get to class, Miss. Coulter. You don’t want to be late.” Bethann nodded her head, turned and headed to her first class, followed by a very contrite Peter Glenn, as Frank told him, “You’d better go, too, Mr. Glenn or you’ll be late.” As Peter started walking to the same class as Bethann, Frank called after him, “Peter,” and Peter turned to face Mr. Allen, “That took a lot of courage, son.” Peter just nodded his head, turned, and walked into his first period class.

Word got around school about Peter Glenn, and about his apologizing to all the girls he’d treated badly in the past. Witnesses saw most girls accept his apologies with grace, while some saw him get his face slapped; and he just took it. Most, if not all, in the school knew about Peter Glenn, how he had a hot temper and reacted at the drop of a pin, but when those girls slapped him, no one saw him react in any way, only apologizing again to the girls. Because of that day, all the students in school had kept their eyes on Peter, to see if he had changed or if this was another one of his ploys. But after two months, Peter was no different than the day his apologies started. In fact, the whole school was shocked when Bethann asked him to the Sadie Hawkins dance that would be held the following Friday night in the school gym. And they were shocked again, when Jimmy Stutters asked Peter if he and his date could ride with him, since his parents weren’t able to take him and his date. Another shock occurred when Peter said, “yes, he’d be glad too.” Bethann was shocked when instead of honking the car horn when he came to pick her up for the dance, he walked up to the house and rang the doorbell. And instead of letting her get into his car by herself, he opened the door and aided her in getting into his car. And when they arrived at the dance, all eyes zeroed in on how he treated Bethann during the dance, all eyes shocked at the gentlemanly way he treated her. And when the dance was over, and they’d gotten something to eat afterwards, when he took her home, he walked her up to her house, kissed her on the cheek and told her, “I had a really nice time. If you’d like, I’d like to take you out again, sometime.” He kissed her on the cheek again, before walking back to his car and driving off, leaving Bethann very surprised by Peter’s new attitude.

AS A SIDE NOTE, Peter and Bethann did go out again, several more times in fact. In fact they became an item throughout the rest of their high school years. Because Peter’s attitude changed, he actually became a better football player, playing aggressively but not with a will to actually hurt the other players. As a result of his better performance, he was given a full football scholarship to the same University Bethann would be attending while she studied medicine. Peter knew he didn’t want to go pro so after he and Bethann graduated in four years, he with a degree in psychology, and Bethann with her degree needed to enter medical school, they married and both went on to obtain degrees which led to their opening their own practice after Peter received his PhD and Bethann her medical license; after the required hours under a resident and additional training. While it was hard on them the first few years, they did manage to have three children, who found love and caring the likes they never saw in others when they reached ages to notice such things. And other kids envied them.

Grace, Beckie, and Tara, had seen some of the problems Tameria had faced, but never thought about their own until they encountered them. Grace had a brain on her shoulders, and in most of her classes was the top dog in grades; which didn’t go over too well with some of the girls. It happened one day after school, when she was at her locker, that a group of the “mommy’s darlings” confronted her about her making them look bad because of her excellent grades. Sandra Billings was the spokeswoman of the group, and a girl who thought a boy was lucky if she went out on a date with him. As Grace was surrounded by the group, it was Sandra who shoved an unaware Grace into the lockers before telling her, “Listen, you bitch, you’re making us look bad in math class with all your “know it all” attitude. If you know what’s good for you you’ll flunk a few tests so the rest of us can look good.” When Grace turned around she saw six very angry faces, and a face on Sandra that belonged to an old hag. “Well, hello to you too Sandra, and your wannabes.” Sandra pushed Grace in the chest against the lockers and told her, “You better listen to me, you bitch, because if I flunk math because of you, you’ll end up in the hospital; and my brother can do it.” Grace only smiled when she heard what Sandra just said, and told her, “Sandra, my getting good grades in math is not the reason you’re failing. Your problem is between your legs, not your ears. You seem to think every boy in this school wants what you’ll give them and are more than willing to do so. You need to close your legs and open a book and study.” Sandra grew bright red in the face after what Grace said to her, and drew her arm back with her hand in a fist, ready to punch Grace in the face. Only as her arm started forward, it suddenly froze, causing Sandra a great deal of frustration. In fact, she couldn’t move any part of her body, and neither could her wannabes. As what happened to Peter that day, The Haints did it again to these girls, showing them the real meaning of being aggressive, and changing their attitudes. The Haints left them with the memories of what they saw, but were unable to speak about it, before telling the girls,

”We are The Haints. We have brought harmony to all of you. You willed to harm Grace Jackson. You no longer will to hurt Grace Jackson. We are The Haints.”

Grace had stood with her back to the lockers, held there by Sandra, and watched The Haints work their magic on this poor group of girls. When The Haints released the girls, Sandra dropped her arms, stared at Grace and asked, “What just happened? And who are The Haints?” From experience, Grace knew The Haints would not let anyone who knew about them talk to someone they had not touched, so it was safe for Grace to tell an abbreviated story about them. And when Grace had finished telling the abbreviated story, Sandra and the other girls gave Grace their apologies and walked away, having become much better people for all the tomorrows to come. And Sandra did close her legs after the experience with The Haints, and she did open a book and study, to which she was rewarded with a ‘B’ in the math class for the semester; as did the other girls she used to be with.

Tara was one of those girls who seemed a natural at any sport she touched, and would often be better than those who had been playing it for some time. Most of those long timers were forced by their parents into the sport, so they had little love for whatever sport they played. Tara, on the other hand, loved whatever sport she played, and after getting the basics down, would outperform many of the long timers after a few short weeks, making her one of the best in that particular sport at school. And this burned the butts of more than one long timer, girls who felt they should be getting the attention because they’d played the sport the longest. The snarky attitude over Tara in the spotlight caused them to start playing worse, until they ended up on the bench or asked to quit the team; this also didn’t set well with their parents, who had scholarships in mind when they forced their daughters into this or that sport as a child.

Tara was showering after practice, when the curtain to her shower was ripped off the rings holding it to the shower bar. Standing there completely naked, she stared into the faces of ten very angry girls, each holding a solid item in their hands. “So,” Carol Ashton said with venom in her voice, “You think you can just waltz in her and take our places, when we’ve been playing this sport longer than you have? Well I got news for you, you bitch, after we get through with you you’ll never be able to play any sport again. Or have children.” As Tara watched, ten items clanked, thudded, or banged to the floor, as the ten girls stood frozen at the spot where they stood. Tara had seen this before, but not for her, and knew The Haints were showing these girls what real aggression was all about--their eyes gave away the fear they were feeling at the moment. They also knew what happened next because, again, their eyes gave away the fact they were experiencing pain between their eyes, which left as soon as it began.

It was about that time their coach walked into the locker room and spotted the ten girls standing before a very naked Tara, and the ten very deadly items lying on the floor. “What the hell is going on in here,” Cassey McDurmont asked, as she walked over to the girls. “Um...I was about to get a lesson in others not liking my abilities in the sport, coach,” Tara told Cassey. After The Haints gave the girls their usual speech, the ten girls were once again able to move, and as Tara had witnessed before, offered her their apologies before turning to face Ms. McDurmont. “Is that true, Carol, Steph, Charlotte, the rest of you, is that what you’d planned to do?” Cassey was practically yelling by then when she asked the question, and received mumbled, “Yes,” from all of the girls. “All of you, sit down over there,” Cassey yelled at them and pointed where she wanted them to sit. “Tara, I’m so sorry this happened, you didn’t deserve this. If you’re about finished showering, dry off and get dressed and wait in my office, please.” Cassey then pulled out her cell phone and phoned the office to have a couple of security guys sent to her for help in escorting ten girls to the office and to call the parent’s of, and she named off all ten girls. A few moments later two from security arrived, asked if they could enter, and when told they could, collected the items Cassey pointed to, the ten girls, and marched them to the office, while Cassey talked with Tara in her office.

It was quite the procession heading to the office, a security guy in front, ten scared girls, a security guy in the rear carrying ten items, then Cassey and Tara bringing up the rear. It got even worse when the girl’s parents arrived, and saw their daughters sitting outside Jenny’s office; ugly might be a better word when Jenny explained to the parents what Cassey said the girls were about to do to Tara. “That’s a bunch of bullshit,” Carol’s dad yelled at Jenny after he heard what Carol had told Tara what they were going to do to her. “My daughter would never do anything like that, ‘cause she knows I’d beat the shit out of her if she did.” And Steph’s mom was worse, being a lawyer, she threatened to, “Sue the school, the school board, Tara, and even have Tara banned from sports at the high school, if her precious daughter wasn’t let go this very minute.” Several more from security had showed up when things started getting crazy, until an air horn sounded and everyone became quiet. Everyone turned to see who had let off the air horn only to see Carol standing before them with the canned air horn in her hands. “Now that I have all of your attention, it’s time you heard the truth from the ten of us,” Carol told the assembled group.

“What Mrs. Glasstow told you is the truth, we were going to hurt Tara because she was a better player than us. We were going to hurt her so bad that she’d never be able to play sports again. We were going to hurt her bad enough so she could never have children,” and she turned to Tara and told her, “And we were wrong, I’m sorry Tara, we’re sorry, to have even thought of hurting you for no reason.” She then turned back to the stunned parents and told them, “All of you are partly to blame for this, this, what we almost did to Tara. We never wanted to play this stupid sport in the first place, and all of us told you so over the years. But you wouldn’t listen, you kept telling us we didn’t know what we were talking about, that we had to play if we wanted to go to college. Well news fact, parents of mine,” Carol said as she walked up to her parents, “I already can go to college because of my grades, so I don’t need this stupid sport anymore.” Carol’s courage to finally tell her parents what she’d been wanting to tell them for so long gave the other girls the courage to say the same to their parents. All of the girl’s parents had only focused on the sports aspect of school, not the academic side, and knew nothing of the grades their daughters had held since they started high school. All of the girls had grades that would guarantee them scholastic scholarships to any college or university they wanted, because they on their own time had applied and received notice of their scholarships from all of the universities they applied too.

To say the parents were stunned by what they heard from their daughters was an understatement, and actually caused a few to fly off in a rage because of what they were told. But those same parents were put in their places when that daughter told them to shut up and be quiet, that she was not going to continue playing something she actually hated. And more than one parent tried to take their daughter home, only to be stopped by the security personal, being told, “We’re not done yet,” by a very angry Jenny. As Jenny regained silence from the angry parents, it was Tara who spoke up on behalf of the ten girls when she asked Mrs. Glasstow, “Um...Mrs. Glasstow, I understand you’ll have to punish these girls, but since they didn’t actually do anything but tear down the shower curtain, instead of keeping them out of school, might they pay for the damaged shower curtain and have in school detention instead?” Tara’s question floored all ten girls. After what they were about to do to her, she stood up for them in trying to keep them in school; and they couldn’t understand why. Jenny told the parents to sit, and she pointed to where they were to sit, or be held for the police, while she took the ten girls into one of the conference rooms for a chat.

When Jenny, Cassey, Tara, and the ten girls were seated in the conference, it was Carol who asked, “Tara, why are you sticking your neck out for us after what we were going to do?” Tara only smiled at her before telling her, “Because it’s the best thing for all of you. I know from being in class with most of you about how good your grades are; good enough for scholarships. I also know that if you get suspended or expelled, all your hard work in the classroom goes out the window. And besides, it’s the right thing to do.” Jenny and Cassey were very impressed with what Tara told the girls, but even so these girls had intended to hurt Tara and that had to be punished. “So girls, your parents have been forcing you to play sports all along?” Jenny asked the ten, getting nods and ‘yeses’ from them. “You all understand what you were about to do was wrong, right?” Jenny asked the girls even though she already knew the answer and the reason why they knew it had been wrong. Again she received nods, and ‘yeses’ from the girls. “All of you are excellent students,” Cassey told the girls, “Why then did you have to almost hurt Tara? What’d she do to any of you?” It was Steph who answered for the group when she said, “It really wasn’t about Tara, Ms. Durmont, more about us being angry with our parents because they were forcing us to play sports we weren’t interested in playing. And if you like, more than one of us can show you the scars from the beatings we received if we refused to go to practice or demanded we stop being forced to play.” The last part of what Steph said got both Jenny and Cassey’s attention, and Jenny got on her cell phone and called the nurse, asking her to come to the conference room in the office. Once the nurse arrived, Jenny locked the door and had the girls show their scars. She then called not only the police, but child services as well. In calling the police she explained the need for a female police officer and a female photographer, and kept the girls in the room while she went out to talk to a few parents. She then had certain parents wait in another room, along with one of the security personnel, until the police arrived and could assess the situation, something she didn’t tell those certain parents.

When the four police officers walked into the school, two female officers and two male officers, and walked into the office, it really hit the fan then. Jenny took the four officers into her office and explained the situation about uncovering child abuse patterns that may have been going on for a number of years. Then the women officers, and woman photographer, followed Jenny to the conference room, the two men started asking the unfettered parents questions. It wasn’t long before the two women officers called their partners and showed them the digital pictures of a lot of scars many of the girls in the conference room carried. It was then a woman from child services arrived and was shown into the conference room, while the four officers went into the room that was holding certain parents. When the room opened again, the parents were taken out in handcuffs and walked out to the officer’s patrol cars, being given their rights as they walked. When the woman from child services saw for herself the scars these girls carried, she immediately started the paperwork to get these girls put into the care of other family members in the area, family members who had fought for years with the certain parents about their girls being forced to play a sport they hated. Except for one girl, all did have other family members in the immediate area who were glad to take the girl in, and one family who even took the girl in who didn’t have immediate family nearby. All the girls were told to report to the office first thing in the morning, before being taken home to get their clothing and necessities, then to their family member’s home. The officers and child services woman told Jenny they would get in touch with each girl to get a statement, and there would be a hearing, but tonight the girls were at least being taken care of by people who would treat them properly. As to those girls who were scar free, their parents got a big dose of reality when they heard their daughters tell them things they’d refused to hear for so long. And while they weren’t happy about what their daughter had almost done, they realized how wrong they’d been to force their daughters into something she didn’t want. And with a little help, realized they had to change.

The next day at school, word got around about what happened to Tara, and the ten girls yesterday after school, thanks to Jimmy’s somehow excellent news gathering source. The ten girls were in the office first thing before school, waiting to find out what their punishment would be, as Tara sat with them hoping to give them moral support. Jenny called them into her office, and was surprised to see Tara with them, asking, “Why are you here Tara? You didn’t do anything which warrants punishment.” “Because it’s the right thing to do Mrs. Glasstow, when others need help,” Tara told Jenny as she looked at the ten girls standing before Jenny. The ten girls still found it hard to believe that the girl they were about to hurt badly would stand up for them, and next to them, when she could just walk away as so many others had done to them.

Jenny cleared her throat before telling the girls, “All ten of you are getting in school detention after school. You will help Ms. Durmont clean the girls locker room, help clean and pick up anything in the gym she needs done, help put away any equipment, and anything else she needs help with. You will also meet with a counselor once a week while you’re on the month long detention, and maybe meet with that person for as long as they believe you need too. Girls,” Jenny said softly, making sure no one was about to come into her office, “I know the real reason you’ve had a change of attitude, The Haints, something you’ll never be able to talk about to anyone they haven’t touched. They’ve shown you things I hope to God we never experience, but could happen if our world gets as bad as theirs. You ten have a new chance to do good now, to help others see that this type of aggressiveness is bad for everyone. And with some of your parents in hot water, or reevaluating their position on making you play sports, you have a chance at a new life if you take advantage of it. The extenuating circumstances of all this is the only reason none of you were suspended or expelled, plus you never hurt Miss. Still. Your detention starts today after school, and the counselor will contact each of you to set up a time to meet.” The first bell sounded just as Jenny finished talking, which caused her to tell the eleven girls in front of her, “There’s first bell, all of you best get to your first class.” Jenny watched as the girls left her office, wondering as she did what each would now do with the rest of their lives. She felt it would be something worthwhile, as she saw each of the ten give Tara a tearful hug before they went their separate ways to class.

While many students had learned the penalty of harassing Tameria during school, she still wasn’t immune to those students in vocal class who felt she was getting preferential treatment because of her unique voice. Maybe it was because of the hormones she’d been taking, or because she turned out to be naturally gifted, whatever the reason, several girls in vocal made it their mission to take Miss “You sound good” down a peg or two so they could be back at the top once again. And they made their move when Tameria visited the girls room just off the vocal room.

Just after Tameria walked into the girls room, she was roughly shoved up against the wall face first, being stunned for a short time. “So, Miss ‘you sound good’ you’ve messed up our being the top ones in vocals, ruining our chances to get scholarships in vocals so we could attend college,” Keri Groom angrily whispered in Tameria’s ear. “And we have something with us that’s going to fix that right now.” An angry Keri spun Tameria around, pinned her against the wall as one of the other girls handed Keri a jar filled with some kind of liquid. Keri angrily stared at Tameria before telling her, “What’s in this jar will not only fix your voice but mess up your face as well, and then no one will want you around.” Two things happened at that precise moment: Keri had just taken the lid off the jar when her whole body froze in place, as did the other girls with her. The other thing was the entrance of Ms. O’Conner into the girls room, who was shocked by what she saw before her. Before she could ask what was going on, she heard in her mind,

”We are The Haints. Katherine O’Conner. Be at peace, we will you no harm. Katherine O’Conner. Those you see before you will to hurt Tameria Jinks because of her vocal ability. We The Haints can not allow that to happen. We will bring harmony to those before you. Katherine O’Conner. They will not be harmed. Katherine O’Conner.”

Katherine’s eyes went wide as she heard what the voice in her head told her, but she also stared as the scene before her as well. “What’s going on here, Tameria?” Katherine asked as she slowly walked towards the four girls standing before Tameria. “Hi Ms. O’Conner. Oh, Keri and these other girls are a bit put off that I’ve taken their place in being the top girls singer, or so they think. I don’t know what’s in the jar Keri is holding, but it sounded like it wasn’t going to be a pleasant experience for me if she’d been able to force it on me.” Katherine reached over one of the girls’ back and removed the jar from Keri’s hand, tentatively sniffing it only to find out it was liquid drain cleaner; Katherine retrieved the lid from the floor and put it back on the jar. “Tameria, just now I heard a voice, someone called The Haints, talking to me about not letting Keri and these others hurt you. I wasn’t imagining that, was I?”

Katherine saw Tameria’s face take on a very serious expression as she said, “No Ms. O’Conner, you weren’t imagining that voice. They call themselves The Haints, and they come from a time before our Earth could support life, and from a planet that’s millions upon millions of years from here, but is no more. Their purpose then, and now, was to bring harmony to those who were so aggressive that they tried to force everyone to believe as they did. They were so aggressive that they used a weapon which unintendedly ruptured their planet’s core and destroyed their world. When their planet blew up, The Haints were thrown out into space where they drifted until they reached our world, and found me; they said I was just the right person they were looking for.”

Tameria waited to allow Katherine to process what she just told her before going on. “You see Ms. O’Conner, they’ve been bringing harmony to several at this school who had it in their heads to hurt me or one of my friends, but they never hurt those students in any way. Those students were shown what The Haints recorded about the wars, death, and destruction on their planet before adjusting those student’s attitudes. If you remember how some students acted at the first of school, or if they were here last year, and look at them now, you will see that they are totally different people. It’s what The Haints do, it’s what they were created for, and they hope by helping us we might not suffer the same fate as they did.” As Katherine watched, the four girls before moaned as though in pain, while still unable to move, before each let out a squeal and closed their eyes tight against a pain that ended as quickly as it started.

“Tameria, what just happened?” Katherine asked Tameria. “Ms. O’Conner, The Haints just showed these girls the result of being aggressive towards others, aggressive enough to hurt others. That squeal was the pain the girls felt as The Haints adjusted their attitudes, and brought harmony to them. Ms. O’Conner, Katherine, The Haints trust you or they would not have revealed themselves to you. Had they not trusted you, you would not have remembered any of this until Keri and the others came to you about what they almost did to me. Katherine, because The Haints trust you they will be with you from now on, and help bring harmony when others are about to be hurt by someone.” Katherine was not too pleased by the informalness of Tameria’s address to her, but understood why when she felt a peace the likes she had never known. “Ah, Tameria, it’s to be Ms. O’Conner except when we’re alone, okay?” Katherine smiled at Tameria, before telling the four girls, “All right you four, in my office now.” When Katherine and the four girls reached Katherine’s office, she was surprised to find Jenny already there, even before she’d called her. All Jenny did was point to her head and mouthed, The Haints.

Jenny had the full story about Keri and the other three girls, thanks to The Haints relaying information directly from Tameria. Jenny really had a problem on her hands this time, because that drain cleaner could have done more to Tameria than those girls wanted to do to her. If the police were brought in, as they should be, they’d have a lot of questions that would not be answered, making them even more suspicious of the situation. No, this time Jenny was going to let the parents handle their daughters, and give them detention for the rest of the semester in the kitchen. She called her secretary and had her contact the parents of all four girls, and asked when they arrived that they be shown to the vocal room.

Jenny knew all of the girl’s parents, and to a one, they were very nice down to earth people, who would never condone what their daughters were about to do to Tameria. And she wasn’t surprised when the last set of parents arrived in the vocal room, and the door was closed, and after Jenny told them what Keri and the three girls were about to do to Tameria, that they exploded on the girls--and not her or Katherine. It was Keri’s parents who pronounced their sentence first. “You were never raised to think yourself better than anyone around you, but to do the best you could or knew how. We’re very disappointed in you and what you tried to do to a girl who was different than you when it came to singing. For the rest of this year, we will bring you to school. We will pick you up directly after school lets out. You will not be allowed to participate in any school functions, no dances, no Friday night game, nothing. You will not be allowed to go on any dates. You will help your mom and me around the house when help is needed. When we go somewhere, you go too. Because of what you almost did here today, you will have to earn our trust in you again. You will also be seeing a counselor as often as that person deems it necessary; we’ll get an appointment as soon as we can.” Keri’s dad held nothing back.

When Mr. Groom had wound down, it was the turn of another set of parents, giving their daughters much the same speech and sentence. When all the parents had handed down their sentences, Jenny threw one more on top of those. She stood to the side so she faced both the four girls and their parents and told them, “Starting today after school, and until the end of the semester, you four will have detention in the kitchen after school; report to Mrs. Mitchell in the cafeteria after school lets out for the day. Except for medical emergencies, if you miss a day after school, you will be expelled, period. There will be no reprieve. I hope you four think long and hard about what you almost did, because you could have killed Tameria with that stuff.” The second bell sounded, letting everyone know that last period had started, making the four girls and Tameria last to their last class. Katherine handed out hall passes and explanations concerning the girls being tardy, and sent them on their way. After the girls left the parents followed shortly afterwards, apologizing for their daughters behavior. Because Katherine didn’t have a class that period, she and Jenny sat in Katherine’s office and talked about what almost happened, and The Haints. Jenny told Katherine that she really needed to speak with Tameria since The Haints had chosen her and told her way more than anyone else. And it surprised Katherine when she heard Jenny thought talk with Tameria and asked her to come to her office after school, she needed to tell Ms. O’Conner more about The Haints.

*-*-*Chapter 9*-*-*

After school let out, Tameria headed to the office as Jenny asked, to tell Ms. O’Conner more about The Haints; actually she was going to let The Haints tell Ms. O’Conner more about themselves. And how they would tell her about themselves would come as a huge shock. Jenny’s secretary saw Tameria coming and told her, “Go right in, you’re expected.” Tameria knocked on Jenny’s office door, and after hearing “enter” she opened the door and walked into the office, closing and locking the door behind her. Jenny didn’t bat an eye when Tameria locked the door, but Katherine gave Jenny and Tameria a questioning look before asking, “Um...why did you lock the door, Tameria? Is all this that serious?” Before Katherine’s questions were answered, Jenny picked up the phone and told her secretary she was not to be disturbed unless it was an emergency. When Jenny put the phone down, she told Katherine, “Yes, Katherine, it’s that serious, and you’ll understand why in just a few moments.”

“Ms. O’Conner,” Tameria addressed Katherine, remembering her admonishment when they weren’t alone, “I could tell you more about The Haints, but it would be best if you let them give you a show and tell, to better understand what they are and where they came from. It might come as a shock to you when they start talking to you, but know they will not harm you in any way. Now, if you’ll just sit back, relax, close your eyes, they’ll explain things much better than I ever could.” Katherine gave Jenny and Tameria a questioning look, getting reassuring nods from both women, before she did as Tameria said, sitting back in her chair, relaxing and closing her eyes.

”We are The Haints. Katherine O’Conner. We will you no harm. Katherine O’Conner. We will to tell about ourselves so you can aid us in bringing harmony to the aggressives of your world so your world will not suffer the same fate as our world. Katherine O’Conner. We come from a planet which was perpendicular to this solar system, many millions upon millions of your miles from this planet. Our creator saw a need to try and bring harmony in order to stop the aggressives on our planet from forcing everyone to believe as they did. Her work had to be secret, or the aggressives would have destroyed her and her work. She worked ten of your years to get as far as she did, but it was not far enough, for when the aggressives saw they needed to destroy all who would not believe as they did, they deployed a weapon which ruptured our planet’s core, causing our planet to destroy itself. We, like the rest of our planet, were thrown out into space, where we drifted for millions upon millions of years until we reached this system, and found this planet. We searched for more of your years for the right person who we knew we could trust and would allow us to fulfill our purpose. Our search led us to Tameria Jinks, when her time was right. We are now with Tameria Jinks, Grace Jackson, Beckie Smoothers, Tara Still, Jenny Glasstow, and now you. We have touched others and brought harmony to them because they will to harm others, but will not allow them to know about our existence. We are many. Katherine O’Conner. But not enough for all the aggressives of this world, the aggressives who could destroy your world. Katherine O’Conner. With your help, and the help of others. Katherine O’Conner. We will multiply and become even greater in number and be taken other places so the aggressive can be given harmony. You were chosen. Katherine O’Conner. Because you enjoy to travel. We,The Haints, need to travel to reach more of the aggressive and bring harmony to them. We will not harm anyone. Katherine O’Conner. You need do nothing. Katherine O’Conner. But we need your help. Katherine O’Conner. If allowed, we will show you why. Katherine O’Conner.”

Katherine opened her eyes after The Haints stopped speaking to her, looking to Jenny and Tameria for another answer. “They told me ‘if allowed’ they could show me why they need my help. What do they mean ‘show me’.” Tameria looked at Jenny and Jenny nodded back to Tameria, with Tameria chosen to explain to Katherine what The Haints meant. “Ms. O’Conner, The Haints have recorded everything that happened on their planet from the time they were first created to the destruction of their planet. It isn’t pretty, but it will give you a better idea why their creator believed they were needed. But understand, if you allow them to show you the images, it will be troublesome, and likely cause you a lot of discomfort. To allow them to show you just close your eyes and tell them you give them permission to show you why they need your help.” Katherine remembered what she saw in the vocal room girls restroom, and wondered if she was strong enough to experience the same thing. She had done some crazy things in her day, and some of it took a lot of courage, so maybe she could handle this as well. When she opened her eyes again, tears were rolling down her cheeks, knowing an entire planet had been destroyed because of a bunch of jackasses who believed everyone needed to believe as they did. She took several deep breaths to help calm herself down before saying to neither Jenny or Tameria in particular, “Oh gawd, that was intense. And all those lives lost because a bunch of people acted like selfish five-year-olds. How can anyone not help The Haints after seeing what they witnessed?! That was just horrible,” Katherine said before starting to cry in earnest, as both Jenny and Tameria sat besides her and held her tight. They’d done the same, at one time or another, so they knew exactly why she was crying, and knew she needed them at that moment.

It took a few moments before Katherine cried herself out, only then realizing Jenny and Tameria were holding her. “Thanks, you two, I think I needed the support.” Both Jenny and Tameria kissed her on each cheek before Tameria told her, “That’s what friends do.” Katherine just smiled, then pulled the two ladies into her and held onto them. Tameria didn’t want to break up the moment, but she had to tell Ms. O’Conner, “Ms. O’Conner, all of this is very serious. If the wrong people learn about The Haints, they will want to use them for their own purposes, likely getting a lot of people killed in the process--including the three of us and others in this school. So it’s important you never let on you know anything about The Haints or speak to anyone about The Haints, unless The Haints directs you to do so. They need time, Ms. O’Conner, time to gain strength and multiply so they can reach all who are aggressive and wish to harm others. We here at the school, and a few parents, are just the beginning, Ms. O’Conner, the beginning that might just help save our own planet some day.” After what The Haints showed Katherine, she understood the wisdom of Tameria’s words. “Well, I have a lot to think about and talk about with them, to know how I can help them better. I guess I better get back to my office and get things ready so I can go home,” Katherine said, then turned to Tameria, “And if I’m not mistaken, your mom is here to take the four of you home. Right?” Jenny and Tameria only smiled, because the only way Katherine would know that, is through The Haints, and Tameria’s mom--whom Katherine now knew had The Haints with her. The three women shared another group hug before Tameria and Katherine left Jenny’s office, with Jenny telling Carol, Tameria was on her way.

As things settled into a daily school routine, and the girls had to watch their backs less and less, they started to get interested in joining the clubs and teams which were offered at the school. Because Grace had an affinity for math, she went to one of the math club meetings to scope it out, and ended up joining the club. Tara gave the volleyball team a try and it was the coach who asked her to join after watching her stuff the ball down one of her best player’s throat. It didn’t hurt when it was her turn to serve, she scored more aces than any of the other girls on the team. Beckie decided to see what the drama club offered, and discovered, much to her surprise, she was actually good at drama, when she was asked to read a part by the director.

Tameria was basically drafted into the art club, as a form of detention, after Mrs. Bridges, her history teacher, caught her drawing instead of reading as they’d been instructed. When Tameria told Mrs. Bridges she’d already read the material, twice, Mrs. Bridges gave Tameria a questioning eye then told her, “See me after class.” When history was over, Tameria hung back and got an impromptu quiz over the material they were to read in class--at which she passed with flying colors. Mrs. Bridges then asked to see the drawing Tameria had done, and after looking at the drawing asked her, “Ever thought of joining the art club? This is really good work.” Tameria told Mrs. Bridges no, that she really didn’t know what she wanted to get involved in, but she wanted to do something. Mrs. Bridges then told her, “Why don’t you give the art club a try, you might find you’ll like it?” Mrs. Bridges told Tameria when the art club met, and Tameria said she’d think about it--she showed up after school in the room where the art club met, and saw Mrs. Bridges there along with others she knew. Tameria had found her “something” to get involved in.

The three girls made it a point to attend the home volleyball games to watch Tara play, and to root for the school team. The three were given a heads up by The Haints when four nice looking boys sat close by in the bleachers. The girls had seen the boys in school, one was even Beckie’s math class, and they knew these four were no knuckle draggers. Brad Swell, Jeremy Stone, Chad Brinkwater, and Keith Sterner, had seen the four girls around school but kept their distances because of the trouble the girls had run into. Because Chad was in Beckie’s math class, she said hi to him and that started the ball rolling with Grace and Tameria meeting Jeremy and Brad--Keith knew Tara was playing but asked if they’d introduce her to him after the game. The three girls smiled at his request, but were reassured by The Haints that it was alright, Tara had wanted to meet him as well.

So they each didn’t have to shout over the cheering during the game, the guys moved to sit next to the girls, Jeremy next to Grace, Tameria next to Brad, and Chad next to Beckie, and Keith sat with the group, waiting for his chance to meet Tara. In fact, when each couple started talking about their interests and likes and dislikes, and their fears, it became obvious to the practiced eye that these couples were very comfortable with each other. And would likely spend some time with each other over the coming weeks, or months, or even years. Tameria at one point went with Brad to get the group something to drink, and she asked him point blank, “You know about me right?” And when Brad nodded she continued with, “And it doesn’t bother you?” Brad gave her a slight smile and told her, “I don’t go by a person’s appearance but by who they are inside. I’ve been watching you since school started, and you’ve only been concerned about the others who’ve given you a bad time. Instead of trying to get them back for what they did or tried to do, you helped them not get kicked out of school or get help from someone who was trained to help. I’ve wanted to meet you all this time and get to know you better.” Tameria could only sputter and blush at what Brad just told her. “But what about what others will say about you if we continue to see each other?” Tameria was now worried about what some of the boys would do to Brad when they saw him with her. Brad gave her an enigmatic smile before telling her, “I don’t care what others think, or try. I’ve had my share of bullies try and take me out, and they paid the price for trying. Tameria, please don’t worry, I can give much better than I can get.” He then took her hand and together they walked to the snack bar for the drinks they wanted, and The Haints gave her a peaceful feeling as they did so. As for the game, it wasn’t a walk in the park for Tara’s team but they finally pulled it out of the fire during the last set, winning by six points to give them a three sets to one to win the match; they won their second set by only three points.

They all waited for Tara after the game, even though their parents were waiting and had been watching their children while the game was played. And when it was explained to all the parents why the wait was needed, they all liked what they heard, so waiting wasn’t a problem. When Tara finally came out of the dressing room, the girls threw her at Keith, literally, which caused all of them to laugh at Keith’s reaction. Tara tried to apologize for her moronic friends, which made the three girls giggle, but Keith brushed it off when he explained he’d been wanting to meet her since the start of school. He then told her she played really well for her first time playing volleyball. Tara reached over and took his arm then told him, “You say the nicest things to a girl,” then giggled, as the two followed the others out of the gym and to their waiting parents. Emails and addresses were exchanged before the eight said goodnight, and eight happy teens headed home with their parents, smiling all the way. The girls loved the attention from the four boys, but nothing serious developed as the parents had hoped.

When the girls got off the bus at school the next morning, Jimmy was waiting for them by the front doors. “Have you heard, a bunch of girls are really mad at you guys for taking those four boys for yourselves. That bunch had made plans to get them for themselves, and you four spoiled it. All of you better watch out, there is some nasty talk going around.” The girls thanked Jimmy as he disappeared in the mass moving towards the school’s front doors. As the four girls were about to join the throng headed inside the school, four girls walked by in front of the girls and gave them the finger, telling the girls, “You four better watch your backs, we’re coming for you for what you’ve done to us.” Flipping the girls off again, the four were swallowed up in the crowd of students. Tara was the first to speak when she said, “Remind me, are we in grade school or high school? I can’t really tell because of those four twats.” The other three laughed at what Tara said, but it was Tameria who reminded them, “We don’t have anything to worry about, but those girls do. Just remember, They won’t let anyone hurt us, okay?” It took Tameria to mention The Haints for the three girls to relax, remembering the last time someone tried to hurt one of them. It was Beckie who said, “Well, won’t they have an unexpected surprise?” And with that, the four joined the flowing throng and headed to their first period classes--keeping an eye out just in case.

The just in case occurred during the morning break, in one of the girls west restroom when Beckie had to use the restroom. After she finished her business, and came out of the stall, she was confronted by the four girls, who did not look one bit happy. Brenda Fisher seemed to be the pissed off group foreperson when she said to Beckie, “So, you skanks think you can steal our boyfriends and not suffer for it. Well, bitch, get ready to suffer.” As the four girls started walking towards Beckie, the restroom door opened and in walked Tara, Tameria, Grace, and three other girls The Haints had touched in the past weeks. Six girls going into the same girls restroom, at the same time, was not missed by Ms. Carol or Mrs. Bridges, who were both heading to the teacher’s lounge. The two teachers followed the six into the restroom only to find Beckie standing with her back to the far wall, four girls in front of her and the new six standing behind the front four. They only got a snippet of the conversation that was taking place, but heard enough to fully understand what was taking place.

“Hi girls,” Ms. Carol said to the girls, as she and Mrs. Bridges made their way through the back six girls. “So, Brenda, care to explain just why you were about to hurt Beckie?” Ms. Carol watched as Brenda’s face took on a very sour look, her eyes wanting to shoot daggers if they could. But she remained silent as Ms. Carol continued with, “What, afraid now that you’re outnumbered? Well, not to worry, Mrs. Bridges and I heard enough to know what you four were going to do and why. I will remind you, Brenda, and you other three, this is high school, not grade or middle school. You are held to a higher standard of behavior than in those two schools. And as such, I’m sure Mrs. Glasstow would be more than happy to explain that to you four. So why don’t the four of you come with us to go see Mrs. Glasstow, hmm?”

The back six girls parted to let the four through, and it was about then the four winced and cried out as a short burst of pain hit each of them. It was over as quickly as it started, but didn’t go unnoticed by the two teachers; the six girls already knew what those four just experienced and knew by the time they reached Mrs. Glasstow’s office, they’d be completely different girls. The look on the six girls’ faces also didn’t go unnoticed by the two teachers, and while Ms. Carol led the four girls to Jenny’s office, Mrs. Bridges asked the six, “And why the faces, girls? Do you know something about those four girls’ sudden reaction as they were leaving?”

The first bell for the next period sounded, and Tameria asked Mrs. Bridges, “Mrs. Bridges, if we explain what happened we’ll be late for our next class. Can the six of us meet you and Ms. Carol somewhere after school and explain?” Janet had several of these girls in her history classes, and knew them to be good students, never causing her any problems. She saw Tameria and the others were being very sincere in not wanting to be late for their next classes, so told them, “My classroom after school, okay?” The six girls nodded and then streaked out of the restroom, racing to their next classes in order to beat the second bell. They all made it, barely, and used crowded restrooms as their reasons for just making it to class. The female teachers understood from experience, the male teachers not so much, giving those girls a warning about getting to class on time.

Tameria, Grace, and Beckie were free after school because their clubs didn’t meet on that day. Tara was free because her coach had to attend a coach’s meeting and had called off practice. The four walked into Mrs. Bridges classroom and found the other girls already there, along with Ms. Carol. Janet closed the classroom door before asking, “Okay, someone tell me what happened to those four girls as they were leaving the restroom.” There was a soft knock on the door, before it opened and Jenny walked into the classroom. Smiling apologetically, Jenny told Janet and Debra, “I thought I could help the girls explain things to you, and be here for moral support.” Janet looked at Debra then asked, “Jenny fine, please come in, but would someone mind telling Debra and I what the hell is going on?” Janet’s thermometer was in the red, and it showed. So because Tameria was the initial contact for The Haints, and they had been with her the longest, she stood and started explaining.

“Mrs. Bridges, Ms. Carol, how much of an open mind do you both have? You need an open mind if you’re to understand what I’m about to say and what you may experience. I say may because it has yet to be determined if you both can be trusted with all the information.” Tameria raised her hand to quell the protests which both ladies were about to launch. “I don’t determine if you can be trusted, The Haints do, I just happen to be the person they chose to be their main contact. I assure you, they hurt no one when they find it necessary to act, but those they act upon are better people afterwards. You can ask Keri if you need to,” Tameria watched both women and tried to determine if she should continue. Both had puzzled expressions on their faces, but both indicated they wanted to know more. “I think the two of you should sit down before we go any further, because what you’re going to experience will come as a bit of a shock.” Janet and Debra pulled up two chairs and sat down, and tensed as The Haints started speaking in their minds.

”We are The Haints. Janet Bridges. Debra Carol. We will you no harm. Janet Bridges. Debra Carol. We will to tell our story. Janet Bridges. Debra Carol. If allowed.”

“WHOA,” Debra said as she flew out of her chair, turning to look at the chair and staring at Tameria, then Jenny in turn, when The Haints stopped speaking. “You knew about all this?” Debra asked Jenny, finding it hard to believe Jenny Glasstow, straight lace principal, would let something like this go on in the school. “Yes, Debra, Janet, I knew about this and have had them speak to me as well. And yes, it was a shock my first time too, but you need to let them continue. That’s why they stopped speaking to you, they want both your permissions before they will tell you more. They never force someone to listen to them unless they are about to hurt someone. Then that person, or persons, has no choice but to listen. I know exactly what you two are thinking right now, I was there as well. But hear them out, you won’t regret it.” Now everyone was watching Debra and Janet, hoping they’d give The Haints permission to continue their story. Debra furrowed a brow before sitting back down and asking, “ do we ask something to continue when we can’t see them?” It was Beckie who answered her question by saying, “Just say you give permission to continue, they’ll hear you.” First Debra, and then Janet, told The Haints they have permission to continue their story, but not before both ladies sat back down.

”We are The Haints. Janet Bridges. Debra Carol. We will you no harm. We will to tell you our story which may help to avoid what our planet suffered. Janet Bridges. Debra Carol. We come from a planet millions upon millions of your miles to the perpendicular of this solar system. We have wandered for millions upon millions of years after our planet was destroyed by the aggressives. The aggressives believed all should believe as they did, and when they saw none would, they began a war against those who believed not as they did. Our creator saw a need for harmony of the aggressives, and began the process of our creation. Her work was done in secret lest she and her work be destroyed. But her work took too long to fully complete, and when the aggressives saw they were losing they deployed a weapon which ruptured our planet’s core and scattered The Haints and our planet throughout the Universe. Our purpose is to bring harmony to those aggressives who will to harm others, but we will not to harm them otherwise. We will to join with you, if allowed, so you may help us bring harmony when aggressives will to do harm. We will to bring harmony to your planet so it may not suffer the fate we experienced.”

If a pin had been dropped in that room, no one would have any trouble hearing it bounce around the floor before stopping. Debra and Janet sat stark still, trying to comprehend what they just heard, trying to comprehend that it even happened. Coming out her dazed expression, Janet asked, “And this is what you all were told at some point? And you believe what you were told?” Before Debra could say anything or Janet anything more, there was another soft knock on the classroom door before it opened, and Katherine O’Conner walked into the room. “Debra, Janet, The Haints thought I might be of some help in helping you two believe what you just heard. You see, I saw it happen too, right before my eyes in the girls restroom in the vocal room. And believe me, it was a shock when The Haints explained why they are now here.” This time it was Debra who asked, “You just heard what The Haints told us just now? Just a few minutes ago--how?” “Debra,” Katherine began, “I allowed The Haints to be with me, and in doing so they can communicate between each other or allow us to think-talk with each other. I watched four girls, who were about to hurt Tara, and who were actually snotty kids, change in the blink of an eye after The Haints adjusted their attitudes. You’ve seen it yourselves, you just don’t realize it. Think back to last year, and some of the boys we had to deal with; and some girls too. Look at them now, don’t you see the change in them. I can assure it didn’t happen over the summer because I saw several of them over the summer and they were still little darlings who needed some serious discipline. But since school started, and Tameria brought The Haints with her, they’ve changed because The Haints change them without hurting them.”

Katherine stopped talking to let Debra and Janet think about what she just told them, watching as the realization hit them about some of the more unruly students they had last year. “Damn,” Janet said, “I now see what you mean. I had one boy last year who needed drop kicked right out of school, but his parents saved him by screaming loud and long. And I’ve seen him this year and he is a totally different person.” Janet nodded her head and said the same thing. “So,” Janet said to the group, “How do we tell these Haints to be with us as well, assuming you want it too Debra?” Janet looked at Debra who was still processing everything but started nodding her head before saying, “Yeah, how do we ask them to be with us?” Tara just giggled and told them, “Tell them you want them with you.” And two more of the school staff went away having companions who came from the stars, companions who will bring harmony to those who will to hurt others. The group finally broke up, all the girls heading home, and the teachers, or Jenny, finishing up so they too could leave school and head home.

The rest of the week at school saw more than a few gain harmony, due to three teachers who were in the right place at the right time to witness a few groups go after some they found repulsive. In some cases Jenny had to get involved, and when she did, the parents were informed, and detention assigned instead of suspension or expulsion; the school was going to be quite clean after a few weeks. Even though these kids got off easy, by school standards, what awaited them at home was not easy by any standards; more than one student dropped out of one or more club or activity for the semester. And more than one student wasn’t seen out and about on the weekends. These students were the ones The Haints were able to bring harmony too, and were able to stop from causing harm. But some weren’t so lucky, some ended up needing medical attention because their harm took place outside of the school. And yet those who hurt others outside of school weren’t smart enough to remain silent, they had to brag about what they did to this queer or that queer. And when the girls The Haints were with heard these braggarts, The Haints went to work and the thugs ended up going to Jenny and confessing. They were also turned over to their parents for an extended stay at home because of being suspended.

It was a Thursday night, and both of Tameria’s brothers had gone to bed. Her parents were sitting on the sofa reading, and she was in her room doing homework, when the three heard,

”Tameria Jinks. Meet with us. Brian Jinks. Meet with us. Carol Jinks. Meet with us.”

Jenny Glasstow had just climbed into a nice hot bath, laced with her favorite bubbles, when she heard,

”Jenny Glasstow. Meet with us.”

To say the four were surprised would be understating the obvious. Brian and Carol almost wet themselves when The Haints spoke to them. Tameria almost screamed loud enough to wake up her brothers. Jenny did scream, only to cover up the scream by saying the water was too hot, when her husband asked if everything was alright. And once The Haints had their attention, they wasted no time in explaining their reason for the meeting.

”We are The Haints. Brian Jinks. Carol Jinks. Tameria Jinks. Jenny Glasstow. We speak of transmutation of Tameria Jinks. This we spoke of once before. We speak now because it will soon be needed, for we have learned others outside of the school construct have plan to will harm to Tameria Jinks. Others outside the school construct believe Tameria Jinks is a bad influence on those within the school construct. We The Haints are able to will those who will to harm Tameria Jinks, and all those who know Tameria Jinks, to always know Tameria Jinks is a human female. This we can do once Tameria Jinks is transmuted into a human female.”

When all four heard what The Haints had said, questions flew back and forth until one pierced the questions Brian, Carol, and Tameria were asking. ”Um...pardon my stupid question,” Jenny said, ”But when did The Haints discuss transmuting Tameria, and exactly what do they mean?” It was Brian who answered Jenny’s question by telling her, ”When we first met The Haints, Carol, Tameria, and I, they talked about turning Tameria into a real girl, a complete real girl. And it’s my guess that once she’s made into a real girl, The Haints will change everyone who knows Tameria so they know that she was born a real girl. Is that correct, The Haints?”

”That is correct. Brain Jinks. Tameria Jinks will become a complete human female. Those who know her will be adjusted and will never know the Tameria Jinks before herself now.”

”But what about those of us who you are with? Will we too be adjusted so we have no memory of Robert Jinks? What about her grandparents? What about her brothers, will they never remember the brother they once had? What about all her records? Her birth records, school records, tax returns indicating Robert being the son of Brian and Carol? Records of anything that was kept for anything Robert participated in up to entering high school?” The questions seemed to roll off Jenny’s tongue, questions that Brian and Carol had also wondered about. The Haints, Brian, Carol, Tameria, and Jenny all got quiet; The Haints waiting for a reply from the other four. It was Tameria who finally asked the question which the others were thinking, but had not asked. The Haints, how long would it take to turn me into a real girl? Will it hurt when you do?”

”Tameria Jinks. We will you no harm. Transmutation will take one of your nights to complete. We will you no harm. Tameria Jinks. You will be asleep when transmutation takes place. You will have no pain. Tameria Jinks. Those who know you at the school construct will be adjusted at that time. They will have no pain. Tameria Jinks. Those not at the school construct will be adjusted at the time of their meeting. Tameria Jinks. They too will have no pain. Tameria Jinks. Jenny Glasstow. Those we are with will remember Tameria Jinks before herself now. The brothers are immature. Jenny Glasstow. We The Haints have not shown ourselves to them. Jenny Glasstow. We await permission from the Jinks before adjusting their memories. Jenny Glasstow. We also await permission before adjusting the memories of grandparents. Jenny Glasstow. We have not shown ourselves to grandparents. Jenny Glasstow. We will meet those humans then decide if we show ourselves to them. Jenny Glasstow. You speak of stored information for Robert Jinks. Jenny Glasstow. We The Haints can affect change of all stored information for Robert Jinks. Jenny Glasstow. All stored information will indicate Tameria Jinks to be human female. Jenny Glasstow.”

Nothing was said, but The Haints could tell the four were thinking about what they told Tameria and Jenny. They had seen from Brian and Carol’s memories what the grandparents had been like when Tameria came out to everyone, and while they were not aggressively negative towards her, they still have their reservations. They would need to be with the grandparents before they could decide if they would have their memories adjusted as well. When the silence had stretched enough, Brian asked, ”How much time do we have to make the decision, The Haints? And why not bring harmony to those outside school who want to hurt Tameria? That’s what you’ve done to others who were going to hurt Tameria.”

”Brian Jinks. The time frame you ask is in your terms, soon. Those who will to harm Tameria Jinks do not know when their will to harm Tameria Jinks will occur. The Haints do not will the harm to Tameria Jinks to occur. The Haints would bring harmony to those who would try, but these humans have only listened to their young humans who do not like Tameria Jinks. In time, those young humans will be given harmony. Brian Jinks. We The Haints can not bring harmony to those not in immediate vicinity. Brian Jinks. And as we have learned, harm to humans does not always mean physical harm. Brian Jinks. As we The Haints have been with Tameria Jinks, we have learned human psyche can be harmed, while not the physical being. Brian Jinks. The ones who plan to will harm to Tameria Jinks will to harm Tameria Jinks’ psyche. Brian Jinks. As this will not harm Tameria Jinks physically, we The Haints believe your law enforcement have a better way to handle this group. If we have studied correctly. Brian Jinks. When caught, they will be known as sexual deviants. Brian Jinks. As such, each will be required to let others know of the designation they’ve been given. Brian Jinks. And as such, each will ruin their own lives because of their choice. Brian Jinks. Once your law enforcement records their behavior, we The Haints will give them harmony. Brian Jinks. They will know of their wrongdoing and no longer will to harm others.”

What The Haints said at the last shocked everyone listening, and it was Tameria who stood up for that group by telling The Haints, The Haints, have you studied the lives of those who’ve been designated sex offenders? Have you understood the hell they go through because of that designation? This group needs punished if they do what you say, but not in the way that will happen if they become sex offenders; it will literally kill some of them, by their own hands. And have you taken into account those in their families who have nothing to do with what this group plans? What about them? They don’t deserve to suffer because some in their family acted stupidly. If you want to punish this group, then show them everything you have shown others about the events which lead up to the destruction of your planet. Let them see the horrors of what real aggression is capable of doing. Then give them harmony and let them remember how it felt to see such horrors.”

There was silence after Tameria finished speaking, just as though The Haints were thinking about what Tameria just told them. But the silence didn’t last as long as it was felt, because they then heard,

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. Our silence was an effort to study those things you asked. Tameria Jinks. We see the wisdom of your words. Tameria Jinks. Those designated sex offenders live worse than those without shelters to live in. Tameria Jinks. If we, The Haints, did as we said, we would bring harm to those of the group who did not plan with the group. Tameria Jinks. We The Haints would then become the aggressive. Tameria Jinks. We can not become the aggressive. Tameria Jinks. That is not our purpose. Tameria Jinks. We The Haints will do as Tameria Jinks said. Tameria Jinks.”

Tameria didn’t realize it, but she had been holding her breath, wondering what The Haints were going to say after the silence; no one else realized they’d been holding their breaths either until they all took a real deep breath. Tameria had realized, just like the girls in the restroom, had The Haints given the group harmony when the police were present, another situation would be created where someone would start asking questions best not asked. And like Janet and Debra, the police would want an answer. No, actually, the police would demand answers, and wouldn’t let up until they got them. No, Tameria realized it was best to deal with this group without any law enforcement whatsoever--be it City, State, County, or those at the malls. Tameria was shocked a bit when she heard,

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks. We follow your current reasoning for not involving your law enforcement. Tameria Jinks. We The Haints thank Tameria Jinks for not letting The Haints become the aggressive. Tameria Jinks. The group will be dealt with as The Haints have dealt with those at the school construct. Tameria Jinks. They will not be harmed. Tameria Jinks.”

Everyone felt it when The Haints, “signed off,” and left the four to themselves. They spent a few more minutes thinking between themselves, wondering how they needed to keep the group from hurting Tameria. And now that The Haints was going to keep the group from doing what they’d planned, did Tameria need to become a full girl right away? And then change all records about Robert? It was Jenny who left first when she told the others, ”I have to go. One of my little ones is standing at the bathroom door telling me they’re hungry. Take care you three.” And she was gone out of Brian, Carol, and Tameria’s thoughts. And it was Carol who told Tameria she needed to get to her homework, and they’d talk about all this tomorrow. It was late, but not that late Tameria couldn’t get what homework she had done quickly. Even after she bathed, told her parents goodnight, and got into bed, she couldn’t stop wondering what it would be like to finally be a real, complete girl. One who had everything necessary to give birth one day if she chose too. One who would know how it felt to create life with a man. She lay in her bed thinking about all that, plus what The Haints said tonight, and when she finally did drift off to sleep, it was with the knowledge that one day The Haints would change her into a real, complete, girl. Something she’s wanted for as long as she could remember.

*-*-*Chapter 10*-*-*

Both Carol and Brian cautioned Tameria to be extra careful at school today, since The Haints said the group was gunning for her. When she got on the bus, Tameria sat with Beckie, while Tara saved a place for Grace. As they rode to school, Tameria thought to the other girls what The Haints told her and her parents about the group who have plans to hurt her. She thought to them that The Haints wanted law enforcement to handle the problem, but as Tameria pointed out, the police would want answers if that group was given harmony in their presence, and would not stop asking questions until they got answers. ”So what will you do,” Grace asked, just as they arrived at school. All Tameria told the three was, ”Be extra careful.”

By the end of the school day, Tameria found that being extra careful wasn’t necessary that day, even though The Haints had to harmonize a couple of idiots who forgot their brains in their others heads, or were using their smaller heads to think with. Two of the other teachers, The Haints are with, did have to allow The Haints to show a couple of students the dangers of aggression, and give them detention after they were given harmony. Her one major highlight was seeing Brad during the morning break, again asking him point blank about him being with her even though he knew the whole truth. He again affirmed what he told her at the game, that it didn’t matter to him, he only cared about who she was on the inside. When asked, he refused to explain the bruise under his right eye, only saying the idiot who did it won’t be doing anything much for some time. And that the two with the guy had a change of heart when their “tough” guy buddy hit the ground hard, and didn’t get up. Brad did tell Tameria, again, “Tameria, don’t worry, I give much worse than I receive, I always have.” When the bell rang Brad gave Tameria a peck on the lips before heading to his next class, that act not going unnoticed by more than a few students, some not happy seeing the act. All the clubs met that day, and Tara’s coach was back so she had practice, so they waited for each other before walking home; thankfully without any confrontations this time.

Tameria’s life fell into a routine, one which offered a measure of stability. She’d go to school, go to her club when it met, go to the games and met Brad there, and when she came home Brian or Carol, or both, would ask about any troubles she might have had that day. She’d help her mom in the kitchen and around the house, and if Brian needed help she’d pitch in and do her best. She even helped her brothers when they got stuck on something while doing their homework. So when the week ended, and the group never materialized, they decided it may never happen and thought nothing more of it even when Carol took the four girls shopping at the mall the next morning.

A group of men or boys following some women is easier to spot than a group of women following a group of women; each group is after all, shopping, right? Carol never realized six girls and three women were shadowing her and the four girls, since any time she turned to look at something while in a store, the nine just looked like other women doing their own shopping. Even walking down the mall concourse, that group would be behind Carol and the girls, window shopping, pointing and telling each other “oh, how cute.” It wasn’t until Carol and the girls reached the food court, and Tameria broke off for an emergency run to the ladies, that the nine made their move. Carol just caught Tameria coming out of the ladies when the nine forced her back into the restroom, Carol immediately telling the other three girls, “Come on, someone’s after Tameria, again.” It was hard to hurry without running, or drawing attention to themselves, but they did it, and when they burst into the ladies room, they found the nine standing quite still, clutching their heads, with Tameria standing with her back to the wall in front of them.

“Oh, hi mom. Here’s the group we were warned about. The six girls are from school, and the three ladies are their moms. Our friends never gave them a chance to do anything more than squawk before freezing them. Seems they didn’t like my, so called, influence at school. They believed I was going to convert others to my way of life, even though when I asked them about my way of life, they didn’t have a clue what I was talking about. Our friends are giving these women the full treatment, and they should be done”

When the women finally came around after The Haints showed them the horrors they had recorded, not a one had a dry eye, with most of the girls actually breaking down. “OH MY GAWD, that was the most horrendous thing I’d ever seen,” remarked one woman, who was looking at Tameria. “And OH MY GAWD, what we were going to do to you made us no better than those who blew up that planet. OH MY GAWD, I’m so sorry we ever thought of doing such a thing.” When the others could finally speak, they echoed what the one woman said, apologizing as they filed out of the ladies restroom. “Tameria, are you alright,” Carol asked after the last of the other girls had left the restroom. “Sure mom, I’m okay. The Haints told me not to worry, so I didn’t. As I said, The Haints let them mouth off, but when they started coming at me they suddenly froze in place. That’s when The Haints showed them what really aggression happened to be.” After it was determined that Tameria was okay, the five decided to finally get something to eat, and from experience, and from The Haints mouth, that group would remember the feelings they had during what they saw, but they’d never remember the images or where they came from. Needless to say, those nine women had a life changing experience that would stick with them until their end.

Tameria was sitting with Brad during the morning break on Monday, when six girls stopped right in front of them, and looked directly at Tameria. Kelly, the one who seemed the leader of the girls on Saturday, told Tameria, “Um...Tameria, we just wanted to apologize again for our behavior on Saturday. We were way out of line, and wrong for what we said. up our moms by lying to them about you, and told them about the lies. Funny thing was that we had to tell them because it was the right thing to do. Well, we’re grounded until Hell freezes over, or they unground us, whichever comes first. We just wanted to apologize again, we’re so sorry.” The Haints helped Tameria see how sincere the girls were and she accepted their apologies, just about the time the bell rang for their next classes. Brad gave Tameria a questioning look after what Kelly said, but she told him, “Later, I’ll explain later,” as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips before heading to her next class.

If any of the students still harbored anger towards Tameria, they kept it to themselves, as things quieted down all the way to school letting out for Thanksgiving; they’d have a four day weekend, but still had homework, for no teacher was that generous just because a holiday was coming up. When Tameria got home the day before Thanksgiving, she was way too upset about the next day. When Thanksgiving or Christmas came around, both Carol’s family and Brian’s family would get together and make it a big affair. Everyone nearby in both families would attend Thanksgiving, and others would fly, or drive, in for Christmas. Neither grandparents were too pleased when Robert came out to his parents, but both grandparents respected their children too much to interfere with their decision how to deal with the situation. As a result, when Tameria and her family had gone to dinner at either grandparents home, those grandparents were a little bit more at ease with how she turned out. Both had been expecting something they’d see walking the streets in a major city. What had Tameria upset wasn’t the grandparents, but the others in the families, the ones who didn’t like what Robert had done, or that his parents allowed it; the ones who always had to be reined in by the grandparents because they hated anyone who wasn’t like they were. And were not bashful about saying so.

The minute Tameria walked through the door, Carol could tell she was upset, and why. Tameria was almost in tears as she walked over to her mom and Carol took her into a tight hug, holding her as Tameria’s tears fell on Carol’s shoulder. “I don’t know if I can stand going tomorrow, mom. I think your mom and dad, and daddy’s mom and dad will be okay with me, but what about the others; you know who I mean?” Tameria held onto her mom and listened as Carol told her, “Sweetheart, you don’t have anything to worry about. Let those jackasses mouth off, they aren’t going to hurt you and you know it--The Haints won’t let that happen. You’ve held your head high at school, do it tomorrow, don’t squat to their level. Okay? Your dad and I will handle our brothers and sisters-in-law, and I’m sure the grandparents will have a lot to say if they get out of hand.” Tameria pushed back from her mom, kissed her on the cheek and told her, “Thanks mom, I love you.” Carol kissed Tameria back before Tameria headed to her room to change her clothes, and come back and help get dinner ready. Tomorrow was going to be interesting to say the least, Tameria thought as she closed her math book, got ready for bed and went to sleep. Even after what her mom said, she still didn’t get a restful nights sleep because of a dream she had, one in which the husband of her dad’s sister and the husband of her mom’s sister took her outside, stripped her naked and shaved her bald. The Haints even tried to reassure her she would be alright, but she was still worried when she woke up the next morning and got ready to go to her grandparents.

*-*-*Chapter 11*-*-*

After breakfast, Tameria’s family piled into the car for the drive to Brian’s parent’s house, and while the boys were excited to get there, and made sure everyone knew it, Tameria wished they’d go home, and was quiet throughout the entire ride there. As they finally pulled into the Jinks’ driveway, grandma and grandpa Jinks were there to meet Brian’s family. After the boys received their hugs and kisses, and took off inside, Brian hugged his parents, kissing his mom on the cheek, as did Carol, who received a kiss from Brian’s dad, Chester. Then the four adults stood back and appraised Tameria. Brian’s mom, Silvia said, “Honey, everytime I see you you get prettier and prettier. And it looks like you’ve grown a bit. Come give your grandma a hug.” With Silvia holding Tameria with her arm around Tameria’s waist, Chester told Brian and Carol, “Yea know, one of these days you two will have to get something to keep those young men in line, as pretty as she keeps getting.” Brian and Carol smiled at Chester’s jest, as he held out his arms to Tameria and folded her into a hug, giving her a kiss to the top of her head. With his arm around his granddaughter, the five walked into the house, where they’d talk while waiting for the rest of the family to arrive--and the possible gut wrenching attitudes from the in-laws.

The Jinks set about asking Tameria about school, how she was doing and if she’d experienced any problems. Tameria was truthful about everything, and did her best not to give The Haints away through a lie. It was twenty minutes later and Carol’s parents, Bailey and Foster Wimble, knocked and walked into the Jinks’ home, with everyone greeting each other, and the Wimble grandparents pleased with what they saw in Tameria. Like the Jinks grandparents, the Wimble grandparents said basically the same about how pretty Tameria was becoming, and about a big stick for the suitors. Once again Tameria was grilled about school and about any trouble she’d experienced, telling almost the same thing to her other grandparents. It wasn’t long after the Wimbles had arrived then four cars pulled up to the house, two parking in the driveway and two parking on the street--the sons and daughters, along with their spouses had arrived, and the knot in Tameria’s stomach had returned.

First through the door were Carol’s brother David, and his wife Joyce, a woman who never knew when to keep her mouth shut and always stepping into it in a big way. Carol’s sister Bonnie, and her husband Jack Clamore, were the second couple who came into the house; Jack an equal opportunist bigot if there ever was one--and like Joyce, never knew when to shut up. Chuck, Brian’s brother, came in with his wife Chastity, who was given the wrong name at birth. Brian’s sister Monna, and her husband Drew Staple, brought up the rear, with the biggest ass in the family following his wife into the house. The newcomers all greeted their parents/in-laws before Tameria was spotted and the mud slinging began. “OH MY GAWD, Robert, what in the hell have you done to yourself,” Joyce said to Tameria, as David said, “Joyce, shut up, now!” “Oh pooh, David, that queer of a nephew needs to hear the truth, don’t you think so Chastity?” “Oh by all means, sister, if it doesn’t learn the truth now, someone will beat the truth into it.” Chuck took Chastity’s arm and pulled her aside, giving her a tongue lashing, which she promptly brushed off laughing, “Well, it’s the truth.” Once the wives started, the sons-in-law had to get involved with Jack saying, “Hey Robert, how about Drew and I take you out back and give you a proper haircut? Then we can find you some proper boy clothes to wear. After all, you don’t want to be known as a faggot all your life, right?” Just as Drew was about to grab Tameria by the arm, Brian smiled and said to the two men, “Hey guys, I have a problem I could use your help in solving,” and he motioned to the den in the Jinks house. Carol knew what was about to happen and asked Joyce and Chastity, “Ladies, could you help me in the kitchen for a few moments?” David, Bonnie, Chuck, and Monna, all walked over to the frightened Tameria and gave her a group hug, just as there was a resounding boom coming from the den, which shook the wall in the living room opposite the den wall. Shortly after that boom, they heard a boom coming from the kitchen, and heard a few things fall off the shelves in the pantry.

Both sets of grandparents, and the Wimble children, and the Staple children, the Jinks boys, Karen, Tameria, David, Monna, Chuck, and Bonnie, all heard Carol say with a horrible growl, “If you two bitches so much as open your mouths again about my daughter, I’m going to drop kick your fat asses up to your shoulders then cram you heads down your asses. Now go into the cupboard and get something to clean up that piss on the floor.” They then heard Brain sound meaner than anyone ever heard before, when he said to Jack and Drew, “If you two bastards ever attempt to touch Tameria again, or spew any of your crap again, I will strip you both bare, shave you completely bald and drop you both off in the middle of town. After I beat the hell out of both of you.” They heard a thud coming from the den, and watched as first Carol then Brian walked back into the living room. “Um...son,” Chester asked Brian, “What was that bang and thud we heard?” Brian just chuckled before telling his dad, “Oh that? I just lifted them both off the floor and shoved them up against the wall. And then just let them fall to the floor after we had our little problem solving session.” “And Carol,” Carol’s mom, Bailey asked, “And the noise we heard from the kitchen?” Carol blushed a bit, and smirked while saying, “Well, I may have got a bit carried away after what the trash mouth sisters said about Tameria, and slammed them up against the wall next to the pantry. Oh, and Joyce will need a clean pair of panties--she wet herself.” The grandparents on both sides knew this day was coming, and the in-laws had stepped over the line when they attacked Tameria. And paid the price for their stupidity. The respective spouses headed in their respective directions and before long strong voices could be heard saying something like, “I told you your mouth was going to get you into it one day. When are you going to learn,” and a few other things. It was sad all the children had heard everything before they could be shuttled off to another part of the house. Except Tameria’s brothers, what the rest heard wasn’t anything new, and it showed on their faces. When the offenders finally made their way back to the living room, each apologized to Tameria, though she wasn’t so sure how sincere they were. But it was the in-law parents who told the four to sit down, Joyce remained standing for obvious reasons, before telling the four, “You four have done something like this every time you’ve come here, or wherever you’ve gone out. You four need some very heavy counseling before we end up coming to your funerals because you popped off to something who decided you had too big a mouth and worked to permanently close it. You better take a long hard look at yourselves because I can tell you all are heading for a divorce if you don’t mend your ways. Do any of you have the slightest idea what all your crap is doing to your children? I doubt they want you anywhere near them when they have to go anywhere. And if any of you four ever say anything derogatory about Tameria again, Brian and Carol will have to get in line to kick your asses, because me and your father-in-law will be at the head of the line.” But the real killer was when Francesca Staple, the youngest of all the children at six, asked the four, “Why do all of you have to do this every time and spoil things?”

Nothing like a small voice to shock people into a realization when the situation has been tense, and that’s exactly what Franchesca had done to the four adults, shocked them into seeing what they had done today, and made them look at what they’d done in the past. Joyce and Chastity started crying after they heard Francesca's question, Jack and Drew weren’t exactly crying but their eyes weren’t dry either. All four felt ashamed for what they had done today and how they had treated Tameria. It was Chastity who held out her hands towards Tameria, indicating with her hands that she wanted Tameria to come to her. Tameria looked at her mom and dad, then her Uncles Chuck and David and then to her Aunts Bonnie and Monna, before seeing them nod, letting her know it’d be alright. Hesitantly, Tameria walked over to Chastity, and took her hands.

With a majority of the food prepared, and the turkey turning a nice golden brown in the oven, the women took over the living room; Monna checking on the kids, making sure their part of the house was still intact. Talk went from kids to shopping to the latest fashions to some things men don’t want to hear about to questions directed at Tameria. Joyce and Chastity let her know that their questions weren’t meant to be cruel, it’s just they wanted to know more about how she liked being a girl. “Have you had a hard time adjusting to being a girl,” Joyce asked, trying to project the sincerity she actually felt. “Well, Aunt Joyce, I had a lot to learn, and still do, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of being a girl. I actually feel freer than I did as Robert. I always felt I had to prove myself when I was Robert. At home, at school, with my friends, anywhere I went, it seemed it was necessary to prove I was a boy. But now, I don’t feel that pressure, people see me and believe they’re looking at a girl, end of story. Oh I’ve had some problems with some of the girls at school, but I have some friends who’ve been helping me deal with those problems, and they’ve worked themselves out.”

“Tameria I must be honest when I say...” Chastity said, “...that when I heard you’d become a girl, I was expecting a guy in drag, trying to look like a girl. But young lady, I now have to say how wrong I was, you’re very pretty and I’ll bet it will only multiply as you get older. Just, please be careful, there are still a lot of people who would hurt you if they learned the truth about you.” Chastity wiped a tear off her cheeks before giving Tameria a tight hug, kissing her on the cheek. “Thank you Aunt Chastity, that means a lot to me. And I am careful, the friends I have keep their ears open for anyone planning something, and let me know when they hear something. I do, however, still have trouble believing I’m as pretty as everyone says.” It was Silvia who spoke by telling Tameria, “Honey, take from an old woman who’s been around for many years, you are, physically, very beautiful. But more than that, because of the things you’ve done for others, it shows how beautiful you are on the inside. Having those two qualities is rare nowadays, and some boy will latch onto that and sweep you off your feet.” After Silvia said that, Tameria blushed a deep red, which Bonnie caught and said, “Mom, I think a boy has already swept her off her feet, right Tameria?” All eyes suddenly turned to a still red faced Tameria, who could only nod her head and say, “His name is Brad.”

Carol already knew about Brad, thanks to The Haints. And she approved whole heartedly. She had to hide a smile with her hand as the questions were flying fast and furious at Tameria. “Well, come little sister, give us the dope on this guy in your life,” Monna said with a big smile on her face. All except Carol said similar things, while Tameria tried to gain control over her tongue before she spoke. “Well...we were at Tara’s volleyball game, we being my friends Grace, Beckie, and Tara--Tara was playing in the game--when Beckie saw a boy in one of her classes, and said hi. Well his friends came down and sat with us for the rest of the game. And that’s when I met Brad, and I can’t stop thinking about him.” When Tameria said that it was Joyce who said, “Oh you’ve got it bad. You’re in love sister.” And when the “oooo’s” sounded, Chester yelled from the den, “Could all you hens keep it down a peep, we’re trying to watch this game. When Silvia heard that, she simply blew Chester a raspberry, and all the girls laughed.

It was Bonnie who asked the real serious question, “Does he know about you Tameria? He’s not the type of guy who’d hurt you would he?” After Bonnie asked her question, because all the ladies were looking at Tameria, no one noticed all the guys standing in the hallway waiting to hear Tameria’s answer; Brian like Carol already knew the answer. Tameria thought for a moment, before the ladies, and guys, saw her smile and say, “Aunt Bonnie, everyone at school knows the truth about me. Some are okay with it, some learned to leave me alone, and some don’t really care because it’s my life. Brad knows the truth about me, and I’ve asked him twice about us going together, about what others might say or do to him when they see us together. And you know what? He doesn’t care, he only cares for the me inside. In fact, he’s told me twice now that there’s been more than one guy who found out the hard way to leave him alone. Will he hurt me? No, Aunt Bonnie, he’d never think of hurting me.”

“Well, that’s good to hear, I didn’t want to go kick some kids butt by mistake for hurting my granddaughter,” Foster said, and all the ladies turned to see all the guys standing there. It was Chester who told the ladies, “...WELL! When we heard Bonnie’s question we had to know the answer so we’d know how to treat the boy when we meet him?” Chester ended the sentence with a question, and a question written on his face. “Oh grandpa, we aren’t THAT serious yet,” Tameria said, going red in the face once more, and hearing more than a few, “Sure you’re not,” and a lot of giggles. The guys went back to the football game and the ladies continued their hen party, until the timer went off signaling the bird might be ready for consumption.

Francesca’s question had been cathartic for the family, something many felt needed to be said but did not want to cause bigger rifts than already existed. Those on the receiving end of the question had been sincere in apologizing to everyone, even their own children, and that in and of itself, made this particular Thanksgiving all that more special. And it was Chester who offered the prayer when Silvia called everyone to the table.

“Lord, thank you for lettin’ us be together today, for having a loving family who sometimes forget the need to help each other when the need arises. And thank you for your helping hand when Tameria needed it, and may yet need it. And thank you for a little girl who was brave enough to say what had to be said, even though we may not have wanted to hear it. We’re never goin’ to be perfect, but we thank you that you’ll show us how to do the best we can every time we do something. And we thank you for the food we have and we ask all this in your name,”

And everyone said, “Amen,” and their Thanksgiving dinner began. Foster was given the honor to carve the turkey, with Bailey and Silvia placing just the right piece on each person’s plate. Jack, Drew, Joyce, and Chastity were more mindful during the conversation that ensued during the meal, and not once did they bad mouth anyone when this or that person was brought up in the conversations. In fact, when it was looked back upon, all four brought up some very insightful points that might be helpful to those being referenced. At one point, one of the conversations during that meal centered on school, who was doing what, how their grades had improved or slipped, and when it was found out Tameria was taking vocal, it was Aunt Joyce who asked Tameria how she liked singing and what voice group she was placed in. That question brought other conversations to a halt, because Tameria had a look on her face that showed she wasn’t sure how to answer the question, or how to explain the group she’d been put into. “Um...Aunt Joyce, I’m not sure how to explain what group I’m in, since I’m not really in any specific group.” That had Joyce puzzled, because Tameria had to be in with the Altos, Sopranos, or any of the other four groups assigned to girls. She then asked Tameria, “Could you maybe sing something after we’ve finished eating and have things cleaned up, I’d like to hear your voice.” Everyone saw the look on Tameria’s face, and took it to mean she was thinking about whether or not to sing, but in reality, Tameria was trying to think of one of the songs they’d been working on which would show Joyce why she couldn’t explain about the group she was in. When she finally settled on just the right song, she told her Aunt, “Sure, Aunt Joyce, I’ll sing for you, and then maybe you’ll understand why it’s hard to tell you what group I’m in.”

The rest of their meal passed in more general conversations, centered mostly on how the husbands were doing at work, what Foster and Chester had been doing to stay out from under the feet of their wives. And when dessert finally came, even though most said they were too full to eat any pumpkin pie, no one refused the piece handed to them. When everyone was through, the younger kids were excused to go and burn off what they’d eaten so there’d be no trouble later that night getting them into bed and asleep. All the adults, and older kids, helped clear the table, with the men being shooed once again out of the kitchen, even though they offered to help dry the dishes that would be washed. Bailey reminded Foster what happened the last time he helped her dry the dishes, and he agreed that he and the other men should find something else to do that was less destructive.

Once the dishes were done, Tameria asked her grandpa Chester if she could use their computer, because she wanted to find the song she wanted to sing. Fifteen minutes later she had the song printed out and ask her Aunt Bonnie is she’d play for her, waiting until everyone was seated and Bonnie had run through the song. When both women were ready, Bonnie began to play, and Tameria came in just as she had at school. Tameria’s voice started at the Alto range for the first part of the song, and then switched to the Soprano range during another part. And this is when Joyce about lost it, because Tameria then went down to the Baritone range during another part of the song. And she hit every possible range between those ranges with as clear a tonal quality as Joyce had ever heard for a girl Tameria’s age. When Tameria finished, the living room was deathly quiet, until Joyce woundered out of her daze and began to applaud, which caused everyone, including Bonnie, to join in. Like Joyce, Bonnie had never heard such a voice on such a young girl before, and believed as Tameria got older, her voice would only improve. “Tameria…” Bonnie asked, “...have you ever thought about studying music? You know, when you go to college, providing you want to go? You have such an amazing voice and such a wide range.” This caught Tameria by surprise, since she never had considered herself a singer, and something she’d never thought to study in college. “I’ve never even considered it, Aunt Bonnie, singing was just something I did around the house, usually in my room or when I took a shower.” Tameria’s last admission caused a round of chuckles, since many sang just in the shower, which was good for anyone who could hear the noise. Bonnie and Joyce took a bit more time with Tameria, having her sing scales, just to see what ranges she actually could handle. Both were blown away when she almost hit the Bass and the Mezzo Soprano ranges, and with just as pure a tonal quality as the song she just sang. If Joyce and Bonnie were that impressed, Brian and Carol were blown away at their daughters’ abilities. Of course, they thought that maybe their friends had something to do with Tameria’s exceptional ranges, but weren’t about to let that cat out of the bag unless it was absolutely necessary.

With everyone ladened with leftovers, everyone started saying their goodbyes; Drew, Jack, Joyce, and Chastity again apologizing to Tameria for their ill behavior. Silvia and Chester watched as everyone drove off, with Chester wondering out loud, “Francesca is going to be quite the fireball when she gets older.” Silvia just chuckled and told her husband, “Chester, she’s already a fireball.” The two retreated into their home, as the others sped off into the night, with thoughts of what they all experienced this Thanksgiving day.

It was quiet in the Jinks’ car as they drove home, the two younger brothers, Peter and Bradley, were asleep almost the moment they got inside the car. “Momma,” Tameria quietly said to her mother, “Do you think what Francesca said tonight will really change things?” Carol thought for a minute before telling her daughter, “Well, it made a difference tonight, we can only hope it has lasting effects.” “You have to remember, Tameria,” her father joined in, “Those people have been doing that for a long time, and it’s going to take time before what you saw tonight becomes the norm for them. We just have to give them time to adjust.” It wasn’t much longer before they were pulling up into the garage at their home. Carol carried Peter and Brian carried Bradley up to their room, undressing them and putting them in bed.

*-*-*Chapter 12*-*-*

The morning after Thanksgiving found the older Jinks sawing logs, cutting z’s, dead to the world, out like lights, not only because of the amount of food that was eaten, but because of the emotional drama that played out before the meal. And what of the two younger Jinks? It was 6 a.m. and they were wide awake, Peter using the bathroom while Bradley got dressed and made his bed. When Peter was through in the bathroom, Bradley took over the bathroom while Peter got dressed and made his bed. And just why were the two youngest Jinks up at the crack of dawn, when it was almost impossible to get them up before 9 in the morning? Mark and Cindy, the Fisher children, the Jinks’ next door neighbors, had puppy dog eyed their parents into letting them ask Peter and Bradley to come with them the day after Thanksgiving to The Fun Park. What Mark and Cindy didn’t know was that their parents had already asked Carol and Brian if the boys could come. And what Mark and Cindy didn’t know was that both parents had set the whole thing up where Mark and Cindy would go over to the Jinks and ask if Peter and Bradely could go with them to The Fun Park. And that Carol and Brian would walk over to the Fisher’s house, with the kids, and talk with Susan and Randy about the plans. Both parents knew their children, and knew the four would use their puppy dog eyes to try and get each set of parents to agree; all four parents had to keep their mouths covered or the kids would see the smiles each parent had at the kids antics.

It was now 6:15 a.m., and both boys were ready for the day. A silent message passed between them and they quietly left their bedroom and made their way to their parents’ bedroom. Stopping at the door, to make sure there wasn’t a red plastic tag on the door knob, Peter looked at Bradley, who nodded, the door was quietly opened and closed, and then each boy quietly walked around to each parents’ side of the bed. Bradley held up his hand, slowly raised first one, then two, then three fingers and both boys together reached over and pinched the nose of their mom and dads’ noses shut.

“There had better be a house fire, or someone dead, or…” Brian said in a nasally sound before both boys were lifted off the floor by both parents and the tickle fest began. This had become a ritual with the boys and their parents, one they all enjoyed. After a few moments there were nothing but hugs, and Brian and Carol let the boys catch their breaths.

“Did you boys use the toilet and brush your teeth,” Carol asked, getting a “Yes ma’am” from both boys. “Okay, you two go quietly to the kitchen, get out bowls and spoons, then the cereal you both want. Get the milk and juice out of the fridge, but don’t poor any, and dad and I will be there in a few minutes.” “Okay,” was the only thing both boys said, as they kissed their parents on their cheeks, climbed off the bed, and quietly headed toward the kitchen.

Carol had turned towards Brian as she watched both boys leave their bedroom, and Brian took advantage of her position by gently putting his hand under her nighty and caressing her left breast. “Ummm...that feels nice,” Carol told Brian, as she slid her hand beneath the waistband of the shorts he was wearing, and began caressing his member. “Oh my dear, you have NOT lost your touch, but we have two very eager boys who need their breakfast,” he told her as he nibbled on Carol’s ear. “Oh wise sage, you’re so right, but they don’t have to be at the Fisher’s until 8:45, plenty of time for us to continue after their breakfast?” A passionate kiss was shared before both got up, used the bathroom then put on their robes and headed to the kitchen, where they found Peter and Bradley sitting calmly waiting for their parents. Brian looked at Carol, who raised an eyebrow at what they were seeing, before each parent poured a bowl of cereal, along with milk and a glass of juice, and sat with the boys as they calmly ate their breakfast. Nothing was said as Carol looked at Brian, but the message was clear. If the boys acted like this when they really wanted to do something, then maybe they should be allowed to do more. At least now they weren’t trying to see who could flick a piece of cereal the farthest across the room, or blow the biggest bubbles in their juice.

When both boys had finished their cereal, Peter got the step stool and moved it to the sink. Bradley handed Peter first one bowl then the other, which Peter rinsed off and handed back to Bradley to put into the dishwasher. Then after Peter put the step stool back, Bradley opened the fridge, and Peter handed him first the juice then the milk to put back into the fridge. Again a look passed between Carol and Brian, with the same message as before.

“Okay, guys, you don’t have to be at the Fisher’s until 8:45, so I want you two to go back to your room and do something quietly until it’s time to go. Got it?” Both boys nodded their heads and quietly went back to their room, closing the door after entering. Carol and Brian sat still for a few minutes, listening for any ruckus sounds that might be coming from their sons’ room. Very quietly, Carol got up, walked to the boys’ room, quietly cracked open the door, and saw both boys reading their books. She closed the door just as quietly, went back into the kitchen, and took Brian’s hand, leading him back to their bedroom, putting a red plastic tag on the door knob before closing the door.

At 8:45 Carol and Brian walked Peter and Bradley to the Fisher’s house; Mark and Cindy were standing on the porch bouncing with expectation. Susan came out, put a hand on each child’s head, to still them, and listened to what Peter and Bradley were told by their parents. Brian knelt down and told the boys, “Now listen carefully. You two are to listen to what Mr. and Mrs. Fisher tell you. You are to stay with them at all times. You are not to wander off by yourselves unless Mr. and Mrs. Fisher tell you you can or it’s that type of location. Got it?” Both boys nodded their heads and gave Brian a fierce hug. Pulling four ten dollar bills from his pocket, Brian told them, “Here is twenty dollars for each of you. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher will buy you lunch and dinner. This money is for snacks you might want or some keepsake you would like. It has to last you all the time you’re at The Fun Park, so don’t spend it all at once. Got it?” Neither boy had held twenty dollars before, and it took Brian to tickle the two to get the attention. “Got it? Don’t spend it all at once.” Brian got two more fierce hugs and a, “Thank you daddy,” from both boys.

Randy came outside, asked if everyone was ready to go, and the six piled into the Fisher’s car, while Brian and Carol watched as they drove off. Hand in hand, Brian and Carol returned home, putting the yellow tag on their bedroom door knob before closing it. No one came up for air until around 11 a.m., and when they did, Tameria and Karen could see the glow that surrounded their parents, and the smirk on their parent’s faces that went with it. Tameria expressed what she and Karen were feeling at seeing their parents when she said, “I hope I find someone who makes me as happy as you two make each other.” The three girls wiped tears out of their eyes, as the four hugged in a loving family embrace.

”We are The Haints. Brian Jinks. Carol Jinks. Karen Jinks. Tameria Jinks. Meet with us. Jenny Glasstow. Meet with us. Those who know of The Haints and The Haints are with. Meet with us.”

The Jinks’ group hug ended when they heard The Haints call a meeting. Jenny was lounging on the patio reading a book when she heard the call. The others, called by The Haints, were each somewhere that allowed others not to notice their strange expressions when they heard the call.

”We are The Haints. Be at peace. We will no one harm. Tameria Jinks must make a decision before your winter adjournment. The Haints have learned many will not return to the school construct after the winter adjournment. Why is that Jenny Glasstow?”

“Winter adjournment,” took everyone by surprise in a confused way. Everyone was quiet for a few minutes, trying to decipher “Winter adjournment,” when Tara said, “I think The Haints is talking about Christmas break.”

”That is correct. Tara Still. Why will some at the school construct not return after Christmas. Jenny Glasstow?”

Jenny had to think for a few moments before she understood what The Haints wanted to know. “Some of the students will be moving away from this City or State because their parents, or guardians, have found jobs elsewhere or their Company is moving them. Other students have acquired enough credit hours, and courses, to graduate at Christmas.” Thankfully, at least for those new to this type of meeting, anything anyone said would be heard by the others thanks to The Haints.

”We are The Haints. Tameria Jinks must make a decision to become fully human female before any leave the construct permanently. They must be adjusted so that Tameria has always been human female. Because they are leaving The Haints can go with them and bring harmony to those in need. They will not be harmed. But their will to do harm will be adjusted.”

It was Carol who brought up the question which had plagued them the first time The Haints brought up this subject. “You told us transmuting Tameria will take a day, but when? When is there a time she can have time to adjust to the complete changes? She also has to complete any school work as well during this time?”

Once again everyone was quiet, thinking about a time between now and Christmas when The Haints could work their magic and still allow Tameria to do her school work. “AW CRUD, HOW STUPID OF ME,” Jenny exclaimed. “In two weeks there are teacher meetings on Thursday and Friday. That would be a perfect time for Tameria to come back to school the following Monday as a full and complete girl. The change could take place starting Thursday and finish Friday if need be, and still give Tameria Saturday and Sunday to adjust and get any school work done.”

The Jinks could feel all “eyes” on them, Tameira especially, since the change was really their decision. “Well?” asked Brian, echoing Carol’s facial expression, and looking at Tameria. “This is something you’ve wanted for some time, have waited for, and now there will not be any medications or surgeries to make the change. And, someday you can be a mom.”

Brian’s last statement brought tears to Tameria’s eyes, and caused her to say, “Only if I can be as good a mom as I have right now.” Carol reached out and pulled her daughter into a tight hug, telling her, “You will be, sweetheart, you will be.”

When the tears had subsided, somewhat, the only thing that was said for the rest of that short meeting with The Haints was, “Let’s do it,” from Tameria. In three weeks, when Tameria returned to school after the teacher meetings, it would not be as Tameria the transgender girl, but as Tameria the born as a girl, girl. ALL records for Tameria would be altered by The Haints, thanks to records being stored on computers. Those who know nothing of The Haints will have their memories altered so they only remember Tameria always having been a girl, and not Robert Jinks. Those who know of The Haints will be allowed to remember Robert, but know they can never speak of it to anyone--besides, telling others Tameria used to be a boy would not only cost them their jobs, but possibly a trip to the hospital’s mental ward.

After the meeting ended, the four Jinks sat down and discussed what was going to take place in two weeks, planning on what to do afterwards, since Tameria would now be a full girl and need more than just those items which she had at the beginning. Now because of being a full girl, doctor visits would be an important part of her life, one which Carol felt was necessary after the change--if only to make sure their doctor recognized Tameria as a girl. Carol spent a few minutes mentally with The Haints, asking for them to work on changing Tameria’s medical records and scheduling a doctor’s appointment after school shortly after the change. The others asked why Carol was suddenly laughing, needing to wait for Carol to stop before everything was explained to them. “Because Tameria will soon be a full girl, I asked The Haints to work on changing her medical records and schedule an appointment after school after the change. They’d already worked to change her medical records and have already scheduled an appointment that Monday after school. They did it before I asked.” Upon hearing what The Haints had done, before being asked, the other three Jinks joined Carol as she again started laughing, getting Brian, who finally stopped laughing, to ask if they wanted to go out for brunch. Three loud “Yes” answered his question, and he took his three lovely ladies out to what turned out to be a wonderful meal.

~~ tbc ~~

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