Polly Chapter 9 of 25 - At The cabin

Photo by Eneida Nieves https://www.instagram.com/fari.photography

Chapter 9 - At the Cabin

Saturday morning.

Early Saturday Morning. Maybe it was because he had gotten only a few hours sleep each night during the week that Pete had finally gotten a good night's rest. In any case the alarm woke him and he was showered and dressed well before he had to be. Greatly daring, he had put on his bra and panties and filled the cups with the bags of rice. Donning his jeans and a very loose, sloppy sweatshirt he examined the image in the mirror and decided the modest B cups wasn't too obvious. Appropriate clothes for a day in the woods.

His backpack lay by the door, containing wardrobe for both Pete and Polly. It seemed silly now, but much of his sleeplessness was deciding on a name to use today. Somehow he just had to have an appropriate name for his feminine side. It hadn't much mattered to him when he was snatching a few hours alone in his room, but now that Sheila would be there and talking to him (her?) Pete just wouldn't do!

Nervously, he sat in the kitchen by himself; the rest of the family was sensibly catching up on their sleep this morning. Only Pete, soon to be Polly, was up at this hour. At last there was a knock on the door - she was kind enough not to lay on the horn and piss off the neighbors at this hour - and he opened it to find a smiling Sheila looking like a model in the Land's End catalog or some hearty English heiress ready to cross the heather. Or was heather only in Scotland? Who cared? Wearing a wheat-tone cotton cable-knit sweater and nubby cotton midi skirt, Polly was instantly jealous and wished she could look like that.

"You go out in the woods looking like that and the wolves are going to start howling, Sheila."

"They'll go for the girl in the Girl Scout uniform first. You brought it?"

"Yes, And a change of underwear."

"Good idea. Never can tell what you'll run into in the woods."

"Like wolves?"

"Or mud puddles. At least it's not supposed to rain today, even if it is a bit cool."

"I can always start a campfire, no matter which Scout uniform I'm wearing."

"Better yet, a fire in the fireplace so we won't freeze our backsides while roasting our fronts."

"At least part of my front will be insulated."

"I wonder what R-factor rice has?"

"Get in the car, will you?"

"Play you cards right and I can keep your backside warm."

"Strip poker?"

"You'd lose your girlish figure."

"I suppose you're right. I'm simply your girlfriend enjoying a platonic day together, right?"

"Whatever gave you that idea?"

"My innate cowardice?"

"Bold enough that I see lumps under your sweatshirt."

"You're rubbing off on me."

"Now rubbing you sounds like a capital idea!"

"Will you stop that?"

"I haven't even started."

"Do you always try to seduce your cousins?"

"Only those riding in my car and wearing bras."

"Is it safe to be alone with you out in the woods?"

"Depends on what you consider safe."

"I could call for help."

"No cell service out there. I've got you in my power…"

"But I can't pay the rent, Snidely!" Polly squeaked.

"You must pay the rent!" growled Sheila.

"Just wait until Dudley Doright comes to save me!"

"He's tied up on a railroad track, Nell."

"Actually, I've decided I should be called Polly."

"Polly? Polyphemus? Polymorphic? Polyandry? Polyester?"

"Polly Ann, please. And if I'm Polly for the duration seducing me would do you no good if you're set on polyandry."

"See - I've gotten you used to the idea of being seduced, Polly. Nice name, by the way. Wasn't one of our great-great-grandmothers named Polly?"

"Haven't got a clue."

"I did a genealogy thing in tenth grade and I'm pretty sure that one of our great-great-grandmothers was named Polly Marie."

"You're the expert. Who'd have thunk I would be carrying on her name?"

"I got to see the family Bible from way back, one of the Aunties inherited it from I forget who, but it gave me all kinds of information. I wonder if we should add your new name to it?"

"Do you ever slow down or is it always full-throttle ahead?"

"Full throttle. I don't want Dudley rescuing you before I'm done with you."

"Poor Dudley would get one hell of a surprise when he rescued me."

"Not Dudley. His heart was pure and his dick was forever unused."

"Uh, can we find something else to talk about?"

"Poor Polly!"

"I'm finding it hard to think like a fair maiden somehow."

"Great! That's the whole point of seduction, isn't it?"

"Tell me again why I agreed to do this?"

"Because I'm a pushy broad who is fulfilling her lifelong crush on her kissing cousin. Just 'cuz he likes to wear dresses makes it that much more interesting."

"I'm doomed, aren't I?"

"No negativity! The stars are aligned and we are fated to find romance and live happily ever after."

"Until either of our parents find out and then we are fated to get covered with the shit that hit the fan."

"So who's going to tell them. My folks are just happy I'm dating a boy they can trust. They haven't exactly been pleased with some of the guys I dated."

"I've heard rumors."

"Probably true. I hate to say it but they were right. The last one turned to be a fast-talking cherry picker."


"He tried to pick my cherry, but he didn't realize it had been harvested already."

"Do I want to know this?"

"If I convince you to be my boyfriend you you should know. If you want to be my girlfriend then this is the stuff girlfriends talk about."

"I'm really getting uncomfortable here."

"You look like it. Your boobs are crackling again."

"And they're getting sticky. I'm sweating in this sweatshirt in the warm car and I need to think about some better way to fill my bra."

"Polly darling, I have a surprise for you."


"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. Wait till we get to the cabin."

"Are we there yet?"

"Just a couple more minutes. Control yourself."

"Only if you quit with the seducing."

"What fun is that?"


"Hey - this is sweet," enthused Polly.

"Grandpa Luis was a hunter, but I think he used this place more to get away from Grandma Shari. She sorta gave the place to us when Grandpa passed on. She hates the woods and gets all excited about bugs and stuff."

"Some people have all the luck."

"It's a great place for parties. Mom and Dad trust us and I try not to do anything stupid enough to change their minds."

"Trying to seduce your cousin isn't stupid?"


She planted another kiss on his unresisting lips.

"Now was that stupid?"

"Um, I'm not sure. Try it again?"

She tried. They tried.

"I feel like I'm kissing a bowl of rice krispies. You're crackling."

"What can I say. A certain wannabe seductress gave me the dress code for the day."

"Mmmmm… So she did. Your boobs aren't the only thing that's crackling."

"So who's seducing who?"

"Does it matter?"

"Remember, you're the one who isn't going to do anything to worry your parents."

"Then let's bring in the rest of the stuff and I'll give you your surprise."

"Oh, goodie."

"First I have to swear you to secrecy."

"Do tell…"

"Cross your heart and hope to die."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I have a bag of rice over my heart and can't reach it."


"Gotcha! OK, I swear."

"Since you want to join the ranks of the feminine, you need to know what the first topic a ten year old girl will discuss with her friends."

"And that is…"

"The boob fairy. Her name is Tit-Tanya, by the way."

"Ouch! Is she related to the tooth fairy?"

"Second cousins, I think."

"How do I schedule an appointment?"

"You don't make the appointment, she does. And she never appears when you want her to. We decided that convincing your mother to get you a training bra was the best way to invoke her presence. Once you were wearing a bra she was honor bound to fill it up."

"I was awfully jealous when my sister got her training bra, but I didn't have the nerve to ask for one for myself. By the time I realized I wasn't going to be developing breasts I was very disappointed."

"You weren't the only one to be disappointed. Half of my friends were practically turning cerise trying to get the darn things to grow."

"And you were one of them?"

"Hardly. By ten I was a B cup and on my way to a C. I wasn't even nine when I started, and believe me there can be too much of a good thing."

"Jeez Sheila! Too much information!"

"Girl talk. You want to dress like a girl, maybe be a girl, you got to talk like a girl."

"You're as bad as the jerks who boast about their cock sizes. And believe me with the name Peter I get a whole lot of grief when the 'big boys' get going."

"Just think, you could join both conversations and become a universal expert."

"Oh great! Tit-Tanya and Long Dong Silver making a joint presentation."

"Yeah, a gold-plated breastplate and a platinum codpiece."

"Nah! Metallic bras are traditionally made of brass."

"So are balls."

"I'm not really into comparing sizes, thank you."

"At least you don't have your secondary sexual characteristics on display for the entire world."

"I'm keeping my mouth shut."

"Since you were polite enough not to ask, there's an F on my bra tag. But back to the boob fairy. There are some girls who just can't wait and try to help nature along. You wouldn't believe the silly things certain people put in their bras to impress the boys."

"Somehow I find natural breasts impressive enough."

"So much so you want a pair yourself."

"I wouldn't toss Tit-Tanya out in the snow if she came along."

"These days the rich girls don't have to resort to toilet paper wads or bags of rice, because you can get a perfectly good looking pair of silicon substitutes on Amazon and have them at their door the next day."

"I thought those things were expensive."

"They can be, and the really top-of-the-line falsies are big bucks. But one of my friends is pretty well off and was convinced Tit-Tanya had lost her address, so she got her parents to buy her three pair."

"Three pair? Does she plan to mate with a lab rat to need that many?"

"Smartass! Three different sizes, small to start out with, then in a couple of months she upgraded and a while later she did it again. It must be nice having parents rich enough to buy you three sets of breasts so you can look like the breast fairy didn't forget you."

"Somehow I don't picture you hanging out with a rich bitch."

"She's rich, but certainly no bitch. Very down to earth, in fact. Her folks are pretty cool and don't flaunt their money. Much. A couple of years later Tit-Tanya got her act together and she downsized as her body upsized."

"Sounds like a lot of work."

"We must make sacrifices for beauty. Actually, when she was on the middle set some jerk felt her up on a dare and she never even noticed. We had to kick the ass in his ass while she was still looking around wondering what the hell was happening."

"They ought to put that on Saturday Night Live."

"They could get Al Franken to play the jerk, I don't know if he ever got a new job after the stupidity he had to put up with."

"No politics, please. Besides, political sex scandals are a British tradition. I assume there is a point to telling me all this."

"You shall know all, dear cousin. I paid a visit to my friend and she still had those three boxes up on her closet shelf. Want to be a B cup, Polly?"

"You're kidding!"

"Nope. Let me get them and you can go into the bedroom and change. I assume you shaved everything that shows?"

"Carefully, and I cleaned the tub up afterwards."

"Definitely not your typical male. Put on the Scout uniform and we can go for a hike in the woods."

"You don't have any neighbors, do you?"

"Never can tell, but this early in the season nobody's around."

"I don't know why you're doing all this for me, but thanks."

"For starters, you're a better kisser than anyone else I've met. Got to keep you satisfied. Now scoot!


"Not bad, but you need a little work."

"As the sage said: 'Men fall in love with women, women fall in love with potential.' "

"Hey - not a bad line. I like it."

"Stole it from a folk song. So what kind of work are you thinking of? Makeup? Deportment lessons?"

"We'll keep it simple today, nobody here but us girls. Just style your hair, pierce your ears, a tattoo…"

"Wait a minute!"

"Gotcha back!"

"OK, I deserved that."

"Really, just style your hair a bit, maybe pluck a few eyebrow hairs, but not enough to get anybody looking at you funny. Makeup doesn't make sense for a walk in the woods, but if you really want to take this farther then we'll see. Don't take this the wrong way, but you really aren't going to be going head-to-head with Arnold Schwarzenegger."

"For which I am silently grateful. I'm big enough that the bullies don't paint a bulls-eye on my back but small enough to make being a girl more than a fantasy. At least I fit into this uniform without any problem."

"A corset would help, but I wouldn't wish one of those on anybody. Well, maybe one particular bitch I… Forget I said that."

"Said what?"


"How do you know about corsets? I've never heard of a real girl wearing one. Just the guys in some of the crossdresser fantasies I've read on line."

"They write stories about this stuff?"

"Bunches. I suspect most of them by old men who wouldn't stand a chance in hell of looking like a woman in real life. Imagination is a powerful tool."

"So it is… I'm working hard at thinking 'real girl' and not 'sex object' when imagining how to make you look convincing."

"That's going to take time."

"We could make it our summer project."

"I think we might have some interesting questions from our parents if we spent that much time together."

"Want to go steady?"

"Oh darling! This is so sudden!"

"Told you I had a crush on you. If we were going steady then I could put the lip-lock on you in public and nobody would get excited."

"I'd be getting excited."

"So would I. You going to get any grief from your folks if we spent a whole lot of time together with nobody watching?"

"Didn't some old politician say 'trust, but verify'?"

"We just make sure that any spot inspections happen with all our clothes on."

"And all my clothes as the inspectors expect."

"And Polly…"


"I hope it will be more than an excuse to teach you about being a girl."

"I'm confused, but I want to give it a try."

"Seal it with a kiss?"

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