Freya's Gift Chapter 36 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 36: Thor comes to Dinner

Lauren and I loved the bracelets so much. The way the tiny crystalline flowers caught the light was amazing, and utterly

We had a light lunch since we were having everyone over for dinner. Almost a repeat of Thanksgiving. The house was loud
with the sounds of laughter and song. Darla, Jo, Lauren and I prepared most of the dinner, at least until Edith got
there. Once she was there she shooed Lauren, Jo and I out and put Sera and Gloria to work. It was easier to let her have
her way than try to explain how it wasn't necessary for us to rest. But, Goddess, love her, she's one in a million.

When dinner was served, we all sat down in our places with a glass of sparkling cider. Before anyone else, Seraphina
tapped her glass and stood up. "I know I'm the newest member of this extended family, and I thought I would make a toast.
Thank you for your kindness and understanding for a person who foolishly committed evil. Thank you FREYA for giving me a
purpose in life to help my daughter and to be with her, as both the father that I was, and the mother for the one we both
lost. God bless you."

"Cheers!" Chorus all around.

I stand next, "I would also like to make a toast to my mother. Thank you mother for being the kind goddess that has given
us our gifts," Taking a moment to rub my tummy, "and for being the woman who had the love in her heart to live as a
mortal, cherish a human man, and give life to my sister and myself. We love you mom!"

Mom started to cry as everyone raised their glasses to her. Katie and Michael leaned in from either side of her to hug
her, then kissed her cheek. A great warmth radiated from her, encompassing the room. When the moment passed, we were all
amazed that the crystalline flowers on both of the bracelets began to pulse with a soft glow, matching our heartbeats,
Lauren and I.

Katie asked, "What was that you did Amma? Why are the crystalline flowers pulsing?"

Mom smiled, "Sweet child, all your love caused me to emit that radiance of love in a feedback. Essentially the
crystalline flowers are now in harmony to the heartbeat of the one in possession of them."

I ask, "What else will the flowers do mom?"

She thought, then, "Well, it's likely that they will store magical energy, to act as a reserve of sorts."

"How much will they hold?" Asked Lauren.

Mom says, "If not used, the potential storage capacity is virtually limitless." After a moment, "They will also have a
tendency to absorb magic slowly from the ether."

Lauren and I stare at the tiny pulsing flowers on our bracelets in wonder. To think that something so tiny could one day
hold enough magical power to make some larger than life change in the future.

Jimmy says, "Come on you two, better eat before the food gets cold." Taking a free hand from each of us, brings it to his
lips and kisses it. Lauren and I reach across the table to hold hands for a moment, sharing a smile.

After a long, slow, pleasant time, dinner was over. Katie formed the kids into a work crew, taking charge of cleaning the
kitchen and putting away all the leftovers. Darla following Edith's lead, ushered Lauren, Jo and I to seats on the big
comfy couch before the fireplace.

With Jimmy sitting between Lauren and I, and Bruce between Jo and I. Mom decided it was time for a family picture, the
first of what would become many happy holidays. She had the kids sit in front of us, with Darla, Nathan, Sera, Edith and
Stan behind us.

Just as mom was about to take the picture, I say, "Mom, stop. You need to be in the picture too!"

Mom thought, "Who'll take the picture then?" An idea came to her, "I know just the person, and he always spends this
night alone."

I ask, "Who's that?"

She smiles, "Thor!" Then shifting her form, calls out in her godly voice, "Thor, I summon you to spend an evening with my
family. Please attend me."

Outside in the fading light of dusk, lightning streaks across the sky, as a peel of thunder rocks the house. Thor appears
next to mother. He smiles at mom, "Your wish is my command, oh exalted beauty of the Asgard." He turns to us, "Thank you
ladies of exquisite loveliness for having me in your home."

I stand with Jimmy and Lauren, "Thor, you are always welcome in our home." I kiss him on the cheek. "Welcome almost
brother of mine, and meet the new members to our family, Jolene and Bruce."

Thor takes Jo's hand, kissing it, "Thou are as lovely as your fellow sisters Jolene." Eliciting a giggle from all of us.
To Bruce, "Thou art a lucky man Bruce." Clapping him on the shoulder. Then going to Jimmy, he gives a manly hug,

Jimmy says, "Good to have you man!" And then thinking, he looks to us, Lauren, Jo, Bruce and I, "Thor, I know, since you
lost your brother Baldr, you've not had the family you grew up with. In the spirit of family, would you do us the honor
of being our children's godfather?"

Thor looks solemn, "You would grant me this greatest of honors brothers, sisters?" We all nod our heads. "Then I accept
this gracious gift." He hugged Bruce and Jimmy in his mighty embrace, then turned to Jo, Lauren and I. Who each got their
own hug and kiss. And oh let me tell you, that man can kiss. I would never trade Jimmy over for anything in the universe,
but still. Whew!

Jolene came out of that embrace almost in a daze. She felt that a kiss like that, from Thor was almost as good as sex
with Bruce, almost.

We got back into place for the picture, mom changed back, till I asked her, "Could we take a couple with you as you, and
some as YOU? Then maybe one or two with Thor?"

Mom laughed, "I thought you'd never ask sweet one."

After the pictures were taken, the camera was left on the table for anyone to use as they saw fit. Many wonderful
memories came from that night. Thor roars with laughter over jokes told by Bruce, Jimmy and even Stan.

Mom told me later that she had not seen Thor so happy in such a long time, that it made her proud of us to ask him to be
godfather to the children. It made me happy to see her happy for Thor.

Thor produced a small cask of mead, flavored with apples and cinnamon, saying it was of his own making. We couldn't
refuse a taste, especially when mom said there would be no harm to the babies. Even Bunny got a small taste. It was pure

Many hours later, Bruce and Jimmy were done in by the heady mead. Lauren, Jo and I still sip from our first small glass.
Thor was nearly as gone, as the boys, but still on his feet, don't ask me how. I asked him to help put the boys to bed
for us. When the boys were finally in bed, Thor gave a great sigh, smiled at us three, and then passed out onto the bed.

We looked at one another and as one, "Boys!" And started laughing together. We changed for bed and joined the boys who
were fast asleep. We giggled that no one would ever believe this as we fell asleep also.


Saturday 26 December

The next morning I woke up and looked at the bed. We looked like a failed game of Twister, thinking how funny we must
look. Pity poor Thor, being on the bottom of the pile. Jimmy and Bruce to either side of him, but all of us girls spread
across the top of him. Thankfully, I was on the top and slowly made my way clear of them.

Looking back down, Jo and Lauren had their heads resting on his chest, nestled into his arms. In their sleep, they were
absently played with the hair on his chest, causing him to gain an erection. I was admiring his size, about the same as
Jimmy, when I noticed he was awake.

He was looking into my eyes with a smile on his face, I started giggling and ran for the bathroom. After I had been in
the bath for a few minutes, Thor also made his way into the bathroom. I smile up at him, "You're welcome to join me, our,
bath, is rather open to the whole family."

He strips out of his remaining clothes and steps in. Sitting back and relaxing, enjoying the heat and bubbles. After a
little bit, I couldn't stop myself and began giggling again.

Continuing to smile at me, "What pray tell is so humerous my lady Freya?"

I got control of myself and said, "I was just thinking, you on the bed, snuggling with Jo and Lauren, poor Thor. So how
long were you awake?"

He blushed a little, then admitted, "About half an hour before you stirred and got up. It is quite pleasant to wake to
the embrace of three such glorious beauties as yourself and your sister wives. It has been a very long time since I've
had the pleasure."

Now it was my turn to blush. I smiled at him then, "You know the boys wouldn't mind if you wanted to 'enjoy' the benefits
of our home?"

Thor in all seriousness, "You are very kind with your offer lady Freya, but my heart belongs to another woman from your
world, and I shall not jeopardize that for anything."

I took his hand in mine, "She's a very lucky lady, my friend. You are both always welcome in this house."

He kissed my hand, "You are too kind my lady, I know the value of the offer of hearth and home, and I thank you on behalf
of my lady love and I."

About then the others come in and join us, the way everyone acted, it was like a regular family.


I got out soon after to dry off and get breakfast going. The only real pain with such long hair is how long it takes to
dry, so I used a little magic to dry it and put it into braids, copying a style common to the Norse women of old. Then
headed for the kitchen.

I had just got the tea started when Thor asked if he could help me with anything. So, I placed him in front of the
cutting board, "Ok, how about you dice up the sausage for the breakfast bowls?"

With a funny look on his face, "Breakfast bowls?"

Bruce and Jo take seats at the counter, Jo says, "Oh boy! You're in for such a treat, Freya's breakfast bowls are
awesome! You're going to love them."

I ran around the counter and give her a hug, "Thank you sweetheart, I'm glad you like them."

Bruce smiles, "The only thing better than her breakfast bowls is her pasta sauce."

He asks, "What's pasta?"

I say, "You've never had spaghetti before?" Looking in complete shock at him, "You know? Italian food? Pizza?"

He shook his head, "No, can't say as I have. Though, I have had pizza, Jane and Eric gave me some of that. It was very
good too."

Lauren and Jimmy enter, Jimmy says, "If you liked pizza, you'll die for Freya's pasta sauce. She learned it from her
mother, but adds some twists of her own."

Lauren says, "Hey, I got an idea, let's have pasta tonight for dinner, everyone who was here last night, comes tonight!"

I look at Thor, "How about bringing Jane too?"

Thor looks at all of us, "Brothers, sisters, you have my heart, and I thank you!"

I finished the breakfast bowls with Thor's help and we all sat to eat. As he took his first taste, his eyes widen in
surprise. I ask, "So, you like it then?"

He nods his head, "Yes, most definitely. I have had all these different things before, but never has the flavor sung to
my taste buds." My heart soared with joy that he liked it so much. Then, "Now I can't wait to try your pasta sauce

After eating, Thor was the first to help clean up, washing the dishes. Here was the god of thunder, cleaning dishes and
not a word of complaint. In fact, he looked positively happy to do so. I smiled, watching him, "You really surprise me at

He returns my smile, "Jane said the very same thing the first time I made her and her friends breakfast. And I'll give
you the same reply. Not everything is thunder and lightning." I nodded to that.

I sighed, "Well, do you want to hang out with us? Or do you have things you need to do before dinner tonight?"

"If you don't mind, I'd really like to see what a normal life is like."

We all laughed at that. Jimmy says, "If you magic up a ranger uniform for him, he could go on patrol with you and Bunny.
The rest of us will do the same as Christmas eve day."

Nathan says, "Why doesn't Bunny come with me instead, and let Freya and Thor go on patrol?" Darla nods that she likes
that idea better.

Lauren says, "Sounds like a plan to me."


We followed my normal routine, we went to the cafe to see if Edith had heard anything from the locals, meeting the family
there also. As luck would have it, Edith had word that someone had been trying to make contact with me for a couple of
days now. We found out he was in the area and had information to give us.

It was said that we could meet with him at noon at the college football stadium. When I asked if a name had been given,
Edith said they were told to use the name Elaina.Silverstar. Now that was a name I knew very well, Elaina was a friend
from the Tera game, that I had met a short while ago. Actually, he had told me his nickname, but I kept that to myself.

I hadn't been in contact with him for almost a week in the game and knew if he'd made the trip over from the other side
of the Cascades, he must have a good reason for it. It would have been nice if Katie and Lauren could be in on the
meeting too, as they were acquainted with him as well. But they had the after Christmas sale to deal with at the store.

Since there was a few hours till the meet up, it seemed only right to patrol my beat as normal. It seemed a little
strange to have Thor riding with me, or more accurately, surreal. Thor was quiet and introspective, breaking the
stereotype that he was always loud and boisterous.

At a few stops we made, he always followed the conversations, smiling, friendly and eloquent to the people we met. He
never treated anyone with anything other than respect. I got the feeling that if these people really knew who they were
talking to and treated him as most would, that he would be tolerant, but embarrassed as well.

I had always had a great respect for Thor, growing up listening to stories told about him from my mother. But now that
respect was tempered with a greater understanding of the man behind the legends. It was no wonder that be felt the bitter
betrayal caused by his brother Loki.

As it was all too soon to start heading for our meeting at the college, heading back to the car, I rested my hand on
Thor's arm, "I'm glad that you can feel part of our family, brother."

He took my arm, as to escort me, "Gladdness hardly covers my feelings, sister."


It was a quiet drive to the stadium, punctuated only by the occasional radio chatter. As we pulled into the parking lot
for Autzen Stadium, there was only one car in the lot, and it was at the service entrance onto the field. I parked along
side and saw no one inside it. Figuring he was inside the stadium, we got out and walked into the field area.

Standing under the near goal post was a man in a green Duck's jacket with the hood up. As we approached, he turned to see
us, putting his hood down. He stayed in the end zone to keep a large field of view.

As we neared, he stepped to me with his hand out, "Freya, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. You look exactly
like you do in the game, except for.... "

I laughed, "Except for being 6 months pregnant, you mean." With that, I slipped past his hand and gave him a sisterly
hug. When I stepped back, "This is my friend / brother, Thor."

Thor grabbed him into a big bear hug, slapping him on the back, "A pleasure to meet another friend of Freya's, is it

He laughs at that, "No, that's just my game name, Freya knows me as Wedge too. I think she's teasing me a little?"

I say, "Just trying to protect you as much as I can Wedge. Though you have nothing to fear from Thor or I."

He smiles, "I appreciate that, wholeheartedly, I really do. I've wanted to meet you, but I found out something that
couldn't wait to meet in the game. The message board has had a lot of chatter about odd things that might happen soon."

I nodded, "This was on the game boards? What was it you saw?"

He glances around first, "Well, the word was, BigBad.L has something planned for the New Year's bash here at the stadium,
how the Freyas' wouldn't be expecting something so close to home. A lot of people in the game know about you from the
news stories and are getting worried about you."

"That was very thoughtful Wedge," giving him a little kiss on the cheek, "And now that we know where he'll be, on New
Years Eve, we can plan a party fit for the god of pranks, aye Thor?"

Thor smiled like a little boy opening a present, "Thou art right, my lady."


After that, we decided to head back to the house, insisting that Wedge join our dinner party. He tried to beg off, saying
he had to work in the morning and didn't want to drive through the mountains late into the night. I assured him, he would
sleep in his own bed tonight at home and not drive a single mile through the mountains. I felt he deserved to be in on
the plans for Loki.

He finally agreed and we head home with him following us.

Back at the house, I started getting the stuff out to begin the sauce. Thor tried to help, but I told him this was my
treat for him and to just watch. He and Wedge sat at the counter as I went about making the sauce. When the time came to
add the sugar I offered each a taste, before I did.

They both liked it, but said very little. Then, adding the sugar, Wedge looked at me like I was a little crazy. I stirred
it a bit, then offered a second taste. Both their eyes lit up in surprise at the flavor. That look always made me feel so
good. Thor left for a short while to gather up his Lady Jane, then returned.

A while later, the rest of the family got home. Looking at Wedge and wondering who he was. That is, until I made the
introductions. Lauren and Katie immediately gave him big hugs, while the rest were polite and friendly. Thor introduced
Jane to all, and she was such a sweet young lady.

The night went splendidly, dinner was a roaring hit with Thor, who couldn't get enough of my sauce. After dinner we
started talking plans for our latest trap to get Loki. By the end of the evening, we had everything planned out and
everyone had their own tasks to finish before the New Years Eve party.

Good to my word, I ported Wedge and his car back home after everyone made their goodbyes. Now that all was set, it was
just a matter of waiting to spring the trap.

End of Chapter 36

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