Freya's Gift Chapter 33 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 33: Mom Explained

Thursday 26 November

The next morning I am again up with the sun, I feel glorious and happy. I kiss and hug my way out of the tangle that had
been the three of us, Jimmy takes the time to kiss my growing tummy and tells the twins good morning. I'm about to head
for the kitchen when Jimmy says he will see to breakfast, so I drag Lauren out of bed and to the bath.

Once we are comfortable and relaxing, Katie and Bunny walk in to join us. We make a small circle and wash each others
hair and get clean.

Katie asks, "Have you seen mom this morning? Or heard from her since yesterday?"

I had to admit that I hadn't, "No dear. Did you check her room?"

Katie and Bunny both nod, Katie says, "Her bed is still made, so she didn't sleep here."

I say, "She's a grown woman and can take care of herself. But if we don't hear from her before I need to leave for work,
we'll call her. Okay?"

They both say okay. With that we get out and dry off, a little blow drying and some brushing of the hair and I'm ready to
get dressed. As I'm almost 20 weeks now, clothes are more of a challenge, but Cappie has allowed me to still wear my
shorts and thankfully agreed to tying my shirt above the baby bump. Lauren puts on a darling outfit that was perfect for
an expecting business woman, smart, sexy and maternal.

The girls ran up stairs squealing like a couple of little children, making my heart soar to hear those sounds. When the
girls came back down dressed for the day and sat at the counter, Jimmy was ready to serve them. Bunny got milk for both
of them, without being asked or told. I seems she is acting a bit better than was her norm knowing she is going to stay

I compliment her, "Bunny, that was very nice of you, Thank you!"

She beams a big grin, remembering it's my Sunny Bunny all over again. Just then the door opens.

My sister leads Cappie into the house keeping up a conversation they were having. She looks up at all of us looking at
her and Cappie, then says, "What are you all looking so strangely at us for?"

I smile and say, "Well sister, last I heard from you was last night, you and Cappie were going out for dinner." Giving
her a little wink.

She just laughs, "Oh you, it's nothing like that at all. After dinner last night Nathan and I started talking, and, well,
we lost track of the time." Looking at Cappie for corroboration.

He nods, "That's right, we didn't even know the time until the sun came up. Figured I'd better get her home before I go
to work." He smiles at Darla, "Your sister is a nice lady, Freya, we had a very pleasant time. Talk to you later, bye!"
He gave Darla a quick peck on the cheek and dashed off.

Darla sat down with us as we finished eating. Jimmy made sure she had some too. She had a far-a-way dreamy look in her
eyes as she ate. It was obvious that the girls wanted to ask her questions, but Lauren and I told them to let her be.

When we were ready to go, I asked Darla, "What do you plan to do today Lil sister?"

She looks at me and says, "I have to make plans for Bunny's school transcript to transfer her to a local school. Then I
need to find a good lawyer, I'm finally going to get that divorce I've wanted."

I just say, "Good for you sis! Before you do anything, I think you should have a talk with Edith and Stan and get their
take on a school and lawyer. They know the locals better than anyone around here."

She asks, "How am I going to get there?"

Katie answers, "Easy mom, you can take my car, first I'll need to show you how different the car is and pass you with the
security system. Wouldn't be good to get yourself vaporized now would it?" Giggling.

Darla looks at her, "What in the world are you talking about Katie?"

Katie smiles, "Just something very high tech created by magic, all courtesy of the imaginative mind of my favorite aunt
Freya." Looking at me, "Right Momma Bear?" Then gives me a big hug, which I return.

Darla asks, "So you still call Katie, Baby Bear, sister?" She comes to us and joins the hug, "Although, if I'm staying
around here, that makes me the Momma Bear, Freya will just have to settle for Auntie Bear, ok?"

I cried a little, "I can live with that Lil sis."

Darla then says, "And while we're on that subject," getting confused looks from the rest of us present, "Even if you're
older than me, you still LOOK like the little sister between the two of us, so doesn't that make me the big sis now?"

I start to laugh at that, "Do you want to be the older sister? Be my guest, doesn't matter none to me, we're still
sisters." Taking control, "Ok Bunny, you have three choices for today. 1, you can go with your mom while she does what
she has to do to get you changed to a local school. 2, you can go with Lauren and Jimmy to the mall and hang with them or
wander the mall. 3, you can come with me on patrol, want to be a junior, junior Ranger?"

"Oh gosh," Bunny says, "Those are all great things to do, but would you be upset if I go to the mall?" Seeking my

I just say, "It's your choice sweetie, you have fun." I look at her sternly, then, "but not too much, okay?"

Lauren goes with her to get her re-dressed. Katie and Austin are about to head to school, they walk Darla to Katie's
Mustang to show her the specifics of it. And to make sure she didn't get fried. Can't lose my sister after just getting
her back in my life.

As I start to follow them, I kiss Jimmy and say, "See you and Lauren at Edith's in a bit? You have time don't you?"

Jimmy returns the kiss with a second more passionate one, "We wouldn't miss it, dear."

In the garage, I wave at Darla and the kids as I climb in and drive away. They wave back.


I get to mom's and start to serve myself when Edith pushes me into a seat at the counter and won't let me do anything,
saying, "You're going to need to stay off your feet as much as possible for the next fourteen weeks, you must not risk
the children Freya!"

In exasperation, "Edith, I'm stronger than a horse. And you know if there were any risk at all, Gilbert, Margie and
Cassie would sit on me to keep me down. For goddess sakes, women all through history have worked in the fields up until
they dropped the kid and then wrapped it up and kept going. I can at least do that too."

Edith says, "I know you are strong dear, but it's not going to keep me from nagging you like I was your momma. So just
let your aunt Edith have her way in this! And stop fighting those that try to help."

Just as the others come in hearing the last of what Edith had said, I answer, "Yes momma."

She looks at Lauren and, "And you're only two weeks less than she is, so get your butt in a seat now, these others can
fetch and carry for the both of you."

They all answer, "Yes, ma'am." She just gets a smug look on her face as she sits between us. No one was willing to go
against her will.

I finally ask, "Edith, has anyone been talking about sightings this morning at all?"

She says, "No, dear, nothing local at least. I don't know about worldwide though. Cappie might know when you talk to him
later. He stopped by on the way into town and said to call him when you get onto patrol."

"Ok, thanks Edith, I will." I finish my cup of tea and kiss my family, Edith and Stan too. And get on patrol. I called
Cappie and he said that there were only minor reports coming in that the other teams were taking care of, even in the

I was a little upset that they felt they had to cover for me and my star, until Cappie explained, "They are only giving
you the time to set up Deathe and hopefully Loki. They wanted me to remind you that you promised to include them when you
spring the trap."

That calmed me down a lot, "Ok then, thanks Cappie! It's great that you are coordinating our three stars like you are. I
owe you a kiss."

"Freya, if it's all the same to you, if you could get Darla to deliver it, I'd be eternally grateful."

"You really are falling for her, aren't you?"

He laughs, "Falling? No. Fallen completely yes! FREYA had told me to be gentle with her, that she has a deep hurt. One
that you have started to heal, and it was my destiny to help make her whole." I felt like I needed to cry. Then he said,
"Freya, I ache so bad when I see her, I just want to hold her in my arms and never let her go."

That does it, I pulled over and stop. I ported to the garage at HQ and run down the hall and into his office crying my
eyes out. I hold him and finally ask, "Have you said this to her? This would really go all the way to heal her."

He says, "I can't, FREYA has told me that I mustn't pressure her, that she needs the space to find herself again. I just
don't know if I can hold out that long."

"The goddess is always right, but sometimes she doesn't know how strong we are. She knows our potential, but not our
resolve." I squeeze his shoulder, "You mark my words Cappie, Nathan, by Christmas you two WILL be together, Loki and
Deathe be damned!"

He gets a hold of himself and, "Thanks Freya, I think I can live with that, I hope?"


Back on patrol I spend the day meeting and greeting people, locals and campers alike. I spent part of the day at our
busiest campground in my area, just walking around and saying hi or hello. Giving friendly advice to those that looked
like they could use it. I met a group of families camping together that had come all the way from San Diego, they said
every year they take a trip camping, going a little further each year, and this year they had made it to Eugene.

Their group was made up of four families, all with children, two each. And they were pregnant too. I spent a long time
with them and told them I was from San Diego too and had relocated for work two weeks before I got pregnant. We talked
and talked, turns out that all of their kids were twins and they were expecting twins again.

I screeched, "Oh, me too, and my wife, I mean she's carrying twins as well." That got quite a reaction from the guys. The
ladies didn't say anything, not wanting to judge me. Then I explained the situation to them. After that, the ladies got
more comfortable, and the guys all wanted to meet this man I spoke so highly about.

The ladies said they needed to start making dinner and got up to do so. I stopped them and said, "I have a great idea,
why don't you all come to our house for dinner? We'd really love to have you all."

They tried to beg out, saying it was too much of a burden on me to have sixteen extra people to feed. I told them
nonsense, it was the least I could do for friends from my home town. They were still wavering when I said, "I'm making
spaghetti with my special family sauce, you simply must come!"

All the kids heard was 'spaghetti' and were all over their parents to get them to agree. Eventually they all said yes to
my offer. I gave them directions to the house and told them to be there around six o'clock. I left them to go start on my
prep and to let them get ready to come visit.


Once out of sight, I ported back to the house in the garage in my usual number one spot. First thing in the door was to
put away my service weapon, I don't know why I bothered with it after all, except it was part of the uniform. As I come
back out to the dining room, Darla comes from the office and asks what's going on. I expand the table to accommodate our
guests and her eyes widen.

"What's the matter? Expecting an army?" said jokingly.

I said to her, "You have no idea sis. I met these nice people camping from San Diego and invited them all for spaghetti
dinner tonight. Now be a good little girl, and call Nathan and invite him too. While I get started."
She says, "Oh, are you making your usual sauce?"

I laugh, "You bet I am." and I got down to business. After the sauce was made and simmering, I set up the pot, I had to
magic up the sizes to be able to make enough. I told Darla, "I'm going for a quick cleanup and change clothes. Want to
join me?"

Darla says, "Sure thing sis. Cause I can never get enough of seeing you without clothes on." Laughing and then, "You're
just so cute."

I just look at her as we strip to get in the bath. As we walk past the mirror, I grab her and turn her to face herself in
the mirror. "I'm cute? Would you look at yourself? You're just as cute too! I'd even say 'darling' Darla. Don't sell
yourself so cheaply, you have a second chance at life, the same as me. We want you to be happy. Hell, FREYA demands that
you are happy."

We get in the bath, she asks, "What do you mean by that Freya? That the goddess demands that I be happy?" Looking a
little worried.

"Oh, just that she has somebody special for you picked out already. A very special man!"

She acts confused, "But I don't know anybody here, how will I know him when I meet him?"


I start to laugh, but before I can answer, we are suddenly in FREYA's garden in the natural hot spring with her floating
above the ground just on the other side from us.

FREYA says, "Your sister, is correct, daughter, though premature. I had wanted you to take your time and come to your own
conclusion. But she has discovered my plans and wants you happy as quickly as possible. I am sorry for that daughter."

Darla says, "That's fine goddess mother, even as a boy, she was always quick with her emotions. But I still don't know
anyone in Eugene."

FREYA says, "Search your heart child, you know this is untrue. You know one, who is among my chosen, and very well."

Darla looks thoughtful, then suddenly she sees the light. "You mean Nathan? Is that true? He is a great man, I have no
idea why he's not already with someone."

FREYA says, "That is for him to tell you. It is not my place to do so. But know this, you have always been destined to be
together. The only reason for that poor excuse of manhood you were with, was for the creation of Katie, Michael and
Bunny. And to shape Freya for this life. You all have important destinies that await you."

Darla asks, "You speak like you were our own mother or the way she would have said it. Did you know our mother too?"

FREYA smiles at the two of us, then says, "I more than knew your mother.... " She suddenly touches ground and changes
before our eyes, in a matter of moments, before us stood our mother as she had looked in her thirties. "Because I am your

If we hadn't been sitting, we would have fallen onto our butts with that revelation. I gain my speech before Darla, "How
is this possible? That you can be our birth mother and be a goddess?"

"That is simple Freya, we gods and goddess have always walked amongst the humans, surely you know the story of Zeus and
Hercules. That is but one of the many cases." She sighed, remembering, "When I met your father, I knew he was special.
Because Oden did not believe he was worthy, I sought out an oracle to read the rune stones. I was told that this must
happen, that it was of cosmic importance. That shut up the All-Father for good and he left us alone. Though he forbade me
to interfere in the natural course of your lives. You have no idea how much it had hurt my heart, to see Michael and know
he should have been Freya from the first. That was just the first of the jokes played by Loki on our family."

Now we knew why it was our responsibility to take Loki down, he had treated my mother's mortal family like they were
pieces on a chess board. The utter gall of him was enough to drive me to want him dead.

"There is more my daughters, the final insult to all of us was that he was the one responsible for how your father died.
So it is our right and duty to see Loki dead or imprisoned for all of eternity in the deepest hell we can find." We stood
and hugged our mom for what seemed like forever, finally she said, "That's enough for now girls, you must go back now,
your guests will be arriving soon. And know this, as your family expands in size with your own or those you nurture, so
the house will too. Those not aware of your secrets will always believe this is the way it has been. You shall not have
anything to explain to them." She kissed us both on the lips and the forehead, "Bye for now my dearest ones."


As soon as we were back, we got out and dressed for our guests, nothing fancy, just nice comfy and homey clothes. We go
out to check on the sauce and all is about ready, just boil the water and add the noodles. I couldn't help myself, I
grabbed Darla for a big hug and let it linger. Some of the others start arriving home and then the guests.

I start making introductions as people arrive. When Cappie showed up at the door behind Lauren, Bunny and Jimmy, Darla
launched herself at him, smothering him in hugs and kisses.

Darla finally lets him recover and then hits him hard in the arm, "Why didn't you tell me last night Nathan? Goddess I
love you!" Nathan looks in total shock at me.

I just say, "Wasn't me dude, she got it from on high." Implying FREYA. He got the message straight and clear.

Nathan looks hurt, "I was told not to, that it had to be your choice." He scooped Darla into his arms, "And since you
know now. I love you Darla! When you get your divorce papers, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry

Darla's scream was so loud, I feared the windows would break. She said between long and tender kisses, "Yes, oh yes... I
will marry you Nathan."

After that, it was decided champaign for everyone, even little tastes for the young ones. We all congratulated the new
couple and chatted while the pasta cooked to al-dente. The kids of our guests were allowed to run wild in the house.
Lauren and I sat cuddled up with Jimmy while Katie and Gloria watched over the food.

We must have had stupid grins on our faces listening to the sound of the children playing, because one of the moms asked,
"If they're too loud, just say so, we can get them to quiet down."

Almost together we said, "No, that's fine, we were just thinking how wonderful this feels." I thanked her. As we start to
sit down for dinner, trying to get all the children calmed down, two of the girls are missing and one of the boys. The
families were each identical twins, one of boys and three, of girls. Calling for them and looking, we find them in the
master bathroom being tended by none other than Margie.

The three children, four and five years old, are staring at her in rapt amazement as she told them a fairy tale. The
mothers were in shock seeing their children so close to Margie. She finished her story, "And that's how dragons learned
to talk." She turns to me, "Hi Freya, hope you don't mind me tending the little ones, they're such well mannered

The father walk in and catch the last of the scene, he starts to act to protect the kids, after all, the girls are his
daughters. Before he can get within striking distance, Gilbert, Cassie, Snow and Rolf, all wanting to know what's going
on. The father quickly backs away, dragging his girls. The girls screamed out in unison, "Daddy, Margie was just telling
us a story, she would never hurt us!"

That caused enough commotion to draw the rest of the others in the bathroom with us. Before I can even start to explain,
one of the mother holding her sons, says, "Now I know why you looked so familiar today Freya, you're one of the people
helping that goddess to rid the world of those things." Then thinking about what she said, "That must mean your family is
part of your team too. OMG, this is amazing!" She looks at me with growing awe.

I take her hands in mine, "Rachel, you're too smart for your own good. Can you all keep our secret, we don't want to lose
the peace of anonymity, we have now." I look them all in the eyes, pleading with them.

Rachels husband, Conner steps behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders, "Freya, I think I can speak for our four
families here, when I say, you and yours have opened your home to us, simply because we're all from the same home town,
your secret is safe with us, upon pain of death!"

With that a clap of thunder and the voice of mother, "As it has been said, so shall it be!"

Conner asks, "What was that?" looking a little frightened.

Jimmy rests a hand on his shoulder, "Sounds like FREYA takes you on your word, congratulations."

I say, "Now before dinner gets cold, let's go eat." And we all head back to the table. There was no further mention of
being the hands of the goddess and just talked about our pending births and really enjoyed our evening together. After
dinner the kids had loads of fun with all our friends, especially Cassie, who seemed to be getting petted by half of the

As the night drew to a close, Lauren, Jimmy and I walked them out to their cars to say Goodnight. We found out they were
leaving for home late the next day, but promised to keep in touch. Jimmy suggested that if they wanted to, we could make
this a yearly occasion and invited them back anytime. The dads all agreed and thought it was a marvelous idea. After
congratulating Jimmy on being married to two such fine women as Lauren and I, they left waving goodbye.

We walk back into the house arm in arm to find the kids had gone to bed and only Darla and Nathan sitting on the sofa,
making out like a couple of teenagers. I think to FREYA, 'Mom, I think we need some home remodeling, don't you?' Her
answer was quick, 'Yes Freya, you are right.' Then the house shimmers and changes slightly. The shimmer was enough to
break the two lovers into awareness.

Lauren and Jimmy ask what just happened as Darla and Nathan look at me too. I answer, "Mom changed the house again."

All but Darla has that look, 'Mom?'. I say, "We'll explain later, for now let's look at Darla's new room, shall we?"

The most obvious change in the house is that everything is just a little bigger, to accommodate the new room opposite
from ours next to the office. We walk in and look around, it's almost a mirror to our master suite including the bath.
Nathan just looks in wonder. Darla starts pushing us out of the room, "Okay, we got a room, so out you go. Good night,

We all start to laugh as Darla nearly attacks Nathan before the door is closed, pushing him back onto the bed. I call
out, "Better be careful, sister, mom likes fertile daughters! Have fun!!!"

End of Chapter 33

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