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An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.
Freya's Gift
Chapter 12: How Small the World Is
FREYA speaks, "There is much for you to know, all is not as you believe it to be." Katie and I look at one another then back to FREYA, the look of bewilderment evident on our faces. She continues, "Your world, your universe is but a single dimension of parallel planes of existence of which there are many. In Asgardian lore there are the nine realms."
I say, "Like in the movie 'Thor', is that what you mean?"
"That is exactly right," FREYA says, "Your game is just another reality. One where the populace of the world of Tera are pacifists and needed a way to save their world from invaders. So some of them came up with the idea to recruit people to help by creating the game. The people think it's only play, but they are saving that world while they have their fun."
Katie says, "Then what do you need from my aunt that made you change her from my uncle?"
FREYA smiles at Katie in a motherly fashion. "Your uncle had the rare qualities that I needed for the start of a new type of Valkyrie. His kindness of heart and desire to protect those he cared deeply for among them. His change to womanhood was three fold. First, a Valkyrie is always a woman, a woman of strength and courage. Second, your uncle has the strength to do more than just do battle, he knew there were times that required letting things be. And thirdly, there was something deep in his soul that yearned to be a woman."
The two look at me, Katie with a look of question, and FREYA a look of knowing. I admit, "It's true, as a man, my life had no meaning other than as an uncle to you Katie, since the day you were born. Since that day I wished you were MY daughter, you were always closer to me than my sister. I was never that close to women throughout my life, and I suppose that I thought if I was a woman my life would be different." I hold Katie and tell her, "As a woman I can feel free to express how I feel with more than mere words."
Katie squeezes me tight and says, "I never thought less of you for that, you know. That's one of the reasons I love you so much, and my I always want to be a part of your life."
FREYA wraps her arms around us. "That is reason for the 'Gift' to you and your niece."
I say, "If Thor is real and others like him, why do you need us?"
"Thor is busy dealing with his brother Loki and the mischief he has caused since he killed Baldor, their older brother. Baldor was most beloved by all in Asgard, especially their mother Frigg." FREYA explains, "What I need you to do is lead a group or team like in the game, where a group of five are needed at times to deal with more difficult challenges."
I ask, "Where will the other three come from godmother?"
FREYA, "One will come from you gifting your third avatar, someone close. The last two you will recruit from others you draw to you. As was the case with Katie, you will know those to choose by the aura you see with your elf sight. The brighter their aura is, the stronger their support will be. This is why Katie's aura is so bright to you. I can not tell you who to choose. I must not influence things over much."
I say, "But how do I choose?"
FREYA, "Your heart will know the right choice. Always trust your heart, in all things. Now I must go, Odin would not approve of all of my actions. Know that these kamara are but the first of many creatures to find their way into your world. Bye for now my daughters."
With that it all faded and I found myself back in my bed, waking to a new sunrise. I immediately texted Katie if she remembered everything. Her response was quick, 'Yes, we'll talk later. Heading to practice now. Love you'! 'Love you too'.
As I head to the kitchen, I think how much do I tell people like Cappie, what's really going on. As I fix breakfast I decide it's as need to know basis. Only tell as much or as little to protect peoples sanity. After breakast and finishing my tea, I get dressed. Similar to yesterday with the exception of underwear choice. Since my admission last night I chose undies a little racier than before, red satin with black lace trim bra and panty. Khaki mid shorts and blouse, and remember to move my badge from yesterdays clothes. I retrieve my gun belt and check the mag, as well as the spare load outs. All is good. Leaving the garage, I radio in I'm starting patrol time 07:30hr. I get confirmation back and I head out.
First stop Moms, to see if she's heard any more about thing like what happened at the Smithe's yesterday. Mom greets me with a hug and asks if I'd eaten already, and if I'd like something. I said, "No thanks, I ate a while ago. What I wanted to know is if you heard any more like what happened at the Smithe's?"
She says, "Yes, as a matter of fact, something similar happened at the Thorndyke's ranch a few miles from the Smithe's place. Do you know where that is?"
"No, but I can get it from dispatch, thanks Mom! See you later, bye." A call to dispatch and I had the address, they said they hadn't heard from them yet. On the way there I get a call from Cappie on the phone. I tell him what I learned and he said he'd meet me there.
As I get out of the car, I look back down the road and can see Cappie's unit with lights on but no siren racing for the driveway. I wait till he steps out and we share hellos. Together we head for the door of the house to be redirected to the barn by one of the hands. He yells out, "The boss is over here in the barn, we was just about to call you Rangers."
He conducts us to the owner Mr Thorndyke. "I was just about to call you Capt. Parker, we've lost some cows and horses to some wild animal attacks."
Cappie says, "Freya heard through Mom that you'd had an attack similar to the Smithe's up the road. Can you show us?"
The scene we're shown is that of a slaughter house. On one side of the barn four horse stalls are destoyed and the half eaten remains drawing flies. On the other side of the barn are two cows in similar condition. I ask Mr Thorndyke, "Did anyone hear anything? What time?"
He said, "Before about first light there was lots of noise, sounds of roaring like a bear. Just then my hand drove up scaring off whatever it was, cause those tracks they left sure weren't no bears', I never seen tracks like those."
We looked at the tracks leading into and out of the barn through the open rear doors. The same as yesterday's, only there were what appeared to be was a least four distinct sets, all smaller than those at the Smithe's. I look at Cappie and say, "I'm going to follow these tracks, I'll call when I find something."
Cappie, "No, we'll go together. There's strength in numbers."
With that we start out the back of the barn. The trail heads into the woods through a broken fence on the edge of the corral. Following the tracks leads us down some shallow depressions deeper into the woods headed toward a small pond. Around the pond we found signs of our quary. We go a little further and find a cave, the previous owner, a 8ft grizzly bear, lying mauled outside the opening. The bear looks to have been killed a few days ago.
As we near, a kamara runs out growling at us. Cappie and I back away to gain distance. Cappie asks, "What is that thing?"
I answer, "Cappie that is a Kamara. It is nearly impossible to kill with our guns."
"How do you know that? Have you seen them before?"
"Cappie, I'll explain later. But for now trust me, I can handle this." With that I called forth my arccanon, encasing me in my game armor at the same time.
Cappie leaps back in shock as I fire a full load of mana missles into the den. This destroys that one and the two who followed it out. Before the Capt can utter a sound, more kamaras come waddling out after their fallen kind. Of the four remaining, one is much larger, the pack alpha. I draw a bead on the leader and fire a concusion charge that stuns all of them. Then I let loose with the chain gun, causing so much noise that Cappie drops to the ground covering his ears.
As the dust settles over the scene, Cappie stands up to the bodies desolving into nothing. No blood and no sign anything happened except for the bear's carcass. I hold off untill there are no more kamaras evident. With that I allow the gun and armor to fade away and turn to Cappie.
The look on his face is one of total disbelief, haltingly he says, "I..If, I hadn't seen that with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it even if it was a recording , I'd think it was a hoax. You mind telling me what I just witnessed?" Looking at me hard.
Looking him straight in the eye, "Do you believe in magic?" Walking back to our cars I exlpain to Cappie what's going on, leaving out FREYA's gift, changing me to a woman. After I was done he asked to see me change again. I happily complied calling my weapon and armor. He asked if he could hold my arccanon. As I handed it over and took my hands away the weapon disappeared. I explain that only I can use it and he accepts that at face value.
He says "Our world just got a lot smaller!" I agreed.
End of Chapter 12
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Parallel universes, many
Parallel universes, many scientists believe in this theory as do many ordinary people. Why not, stranger things have and are happening everyday.
This could easily explain why no one ever finds Bigfoot or why we have reports of space craft that seemingly disappear in the blink of an eye. Crossing into another universe would be the 'doorway'.
Similar Thoughts
I completely agree. And I have other thoughts along those lines.
No offense intended to any ones beliefs. That said, I've always believed in a unification theory between science and religion. Science says, the universe began with a "Big Bang", and everything stems from that, evolutionism. Religion tells us, God created the heavens and earth, and created man in his image to populate it, creationism. My thought is, what if God created the "Big Bang" and everything evolved from his one act, Creo-evolutionism, my own word.
My thoughts on UFOs and ET's also is unique as far as I know. And just as out there as any other theory. People who believe that UFO's exist, and I do believe, say they must come from very far away from our earth, that we can find no proof of them. My thought is, what if they're not from far away by distance so much as by time. That they come from our far future, looking into their past as our archeologist's do today into our own past.
Just to share my thoughts. Thank you! Mopar
Goddess Blessings!
Having done my share of looking into UFOs in the mid to late Sixties, I just want to remind people that a UFO is not a flying saucer, or a alien spacecraft or a time machine. As the name says, a UFO is an Unidentifed Flying Object. No more, no less.
If it is identified as a spacecraft or some other thing in the air, then it is no longer a UFO. I say this because many people use UFO and Flying Saucer interchangeably. I've read that, during the era of the USAF's 'Project Bluebook' the officer in charge, Edward J. Ruppelt*, was annoyed that the papers screamed things about the USAF admitting there were Flying Saucers, little green (or gray) men and other nonsense. This would almost inevitably lead to a "WTF" memo from the brass.
*After his discharge from the AF, retired Capt. Ruppelt wrote a book titled "The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects". In the First Edition copy I have, he left things up in the air a bit, just saying there was something going on in the skies but who knows what. Four years later, he added to the book and trashes the idea that such a phenomena existed. I have never read the second edition myself, so I'm going on 3rd hand information. There are conspiracy theories around the second edition, which retained the first edition's publishing date and copyright notice, even though three new chapters were added at the end. Oh, and shortly after the publication of the 2nd edition with the added chapters in 1960 Ruppelt died of a heart attack. At age 37.
Oh, I tried a similar unification theory on my Lutheran pastor during my confirmation classes (in the late Sixities) and got about the response you'd expect. My current beliefs are my own business and I'll not discuss them.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Dimensional Bleeding
If the game's dimension is bleeding into the human dimension allowing creatures like the kamara to cross over, is it possible for creatures or people from the human dimension to travel in the other direction and perhaps aid the people of Tera in their fight.
I am enjoying this story.
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.
Thank you so much!
Goddess Blessings!
jaw dropped!
I did not expect that to be the reason why Freya was created, I honestly thought it was for another purpose like Ragnarok. This opens up the story to so many different possibilities that I am completely lost as to where you might be going- nice plot twist!
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Thanks for your comments, I think you'll get a kick with the next few chapters.
Goddess Blessings!
Wow how do you
Truly explain things to the higher ups about this the captain is one thing but the secretary of the interior my not take it at face value then again he is a buracrat. I wonder who "Aunt Freya will choose for her third avatar for & who goddess Freya will chose look forward to more of the intreguging tail
Love Samantha Renee Heart