Freya's Gift Chapter 19 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 19: Candy and Michael come for a Visit

The next morning I woke to the sun breaking the horizon. I had an arm and a leg from each Lauren and Jimmy drape across my
body, what a glorious feeling, to wake wrapped in the arms of the two I loved. I lifted Jimmy's hand off my breast and he
stirred enough to mumble something and roll to the side. Next I took Lauren's hand away from my pussy before I could let it
get me aroused, she quietly rolled the other way. I managed to slip out of the bed and headed for the kitchen to start a pot
of tea. When I came back going to the bathroom, I see that the two of them have rolled back to the center of the bed and
were clasped in a lovers embrace. I giggled and reached for my phone to snap a picture of them. Then continued on to the
bathroom to start the shower.

In the shower, I felt so happy that I started singing, an old favorite of mine 'A Little More Love' by Olivia Newton John. I
was really getting into the song and feeling the beat in my head, when I got to the refrain "could a little more love make
it right', Jimmy and Lauren walked in and finished with the next line 'get's me nowhere to tell you no', and we all start
laughing so hard.

Lauren hops in and we get washed together as Jimmy went to make pancakes. After we got out and dried, I asked Lauren, "How'd
you slept last night?" Grinning evilly.

She smiled shyly, "I was a bit surprised to wake up in James arms, since you sneaked out on us. When I tried to get away, he
woke up and tried to have his way with me before he opened his eyes and saw it was me and not you." She giggled a little
then and, "That's when I saw his morning wood, Geez, that thing is enormous, how do you fit that monster in you?"

"A little at a time, dear," laughing.

"He got a little embarrassed and then we heard you singing. We both thought Olivia Newton John was in here. God you are

Now it was my turn to blush, "No, I'm not." We walked to the kitchen as Jimmy has a heaping stack of pancakes ready for us.
Pouring the tea for us all.

Jimmy asks, "You're not what?"

Lauren says before I can get a word in, "She doesn't think she can sing, tell her she's wrong. Go on, tell her."

Jimmy just smiles and says, "If you sang any better, ONJ would hire you herself to sing with her. While you don't have
quite the vocal range as she does, you're still an angel in our books." And Lauren nods agreement.

"I'm flattered that you both think so, Olivia has always been my personal fave since I was little."

After breakfast was done and cleaned up, we all got dressed and headed for Moms so I could check on any sightings.


We all met at Mom's and Lauren introduced James to Edith. Edith asked how we knew each other. Lauren took her aside to get
some cups of tea and explained it to her. Edith just said, "As long as you're happy child, I'm happy for you. But I thought
you only liked women."

"Aunt Edith, it's not like that. We both love Freya enough to share her, without reservations." Assuring her.

"I'm not judging dear, with the world today, an expanded family is hardly something that strange." They brought the cups to
the table and we talked about local events and sightings.

I told all of them that my nephew Michael and his girlfriend Candy would be visiting this weekend and we would make plans
for a family dinner together on Sunday. I even invited Edith and Stan, but she said that Stan didn't like visiting. "Ok,
but keep it in mind and let me know if you can change his mind."


I checked in with dispatch and told them I was checking on a sighting. They told me to call the captain if anything panned
out. I headed for the area of the reported sighting and found nothing. Nothing but a lot of broken tree branches and
trampled brush. From the signs evident, we had a much larger infiltration this time. This was a big one, four legged and
probably 50 feet long. I spent an hour searching for clues and found a trail. The trail died out after about a mile or so
into the back country. I figured that maybe Gilbert could get a scent when I couldn't. "Morning Gilbert." I called. And he
appeared before me.

"Good morning my dear girl, how might I be of service?" He really is such a nice dragon.

I reach out with my hand to his face and stroked his whiskers and patted him on the head. "Hi Gilbert, I was wondering if
you could scent the trail I lost here about?"

He sighs, purring like a cat. "Dear lady, I will try." He lifts his head high and begins sniffing around. After a few
minutes, "Alas, I can not find more than the faintest trace. Far too little to give a direction."

I looked sad, "That's quite ok Gilbert, you tried. Thank you."

Feeling my disappointment he offers, "At least let me give you a ride back to your patrol vehicle, then I will come back
and spend some time here and see if I can sense something."

"That would be sweet of you, thanks." Then, while he was loping back, "Won't your mate wonder where you are for so long?"

"No, that will not be a problem. She is working the daycare center for the Tera mounts. She will have her hands too full
with keeping all those cubs of different species out of trouble to worry where I am at."

"She must really love the little ones to put up with so many. You must be proud of her!" I said.

"Yes, she is very good with them. It will make my heart spill with happiness when we are old enough to have our own young
ones." After a thought he adds, "If you ever need someone to watch over your little one, I know she would be happy to help.
Dragons make great nannies."

I was shocked that he would say that. "Gilbert, I'm truly delighted that you'd make that offer. If in the future, should
the need arise, I will keep that in mind."

We get back to the car and Gilbert lets me down, "Ok then, you get back on patrol and I will come to you if I find anything
of note." As he turned to head back down the trail he looked back at me with a thoughtful look before he was out of my
sight. I wonder what that was for.


I resumed patrol and called Cappie and told him the sighting had yielded no results, but told him I had someone keeping an
eye out in the area. "Oh, and Cappie, if anyone reports seeing a small to medium icy green dragon around.... just ignore it,
OK?" He starts to ask, then says it's best if he doesn't know and hangs up.


I head back to Moms for lunch, the morning being a bust. When I got there I was greeted by Edith at the counter with a
fresh made chicken salad sandwich and a glass of iced tea. I give her a hug and say, "I must be getting too predictable if
you know my habits already."

Edith responds, "Nonsense, dear, it's just that we're a small community around here and we watch our own. The people down
the road, let me know you were headed this way."

"Ah, that's so sweet, I love that about our community, it's so friendly." And give her another hug.

After catching her up on the sighting and finding out nothing new from Edith I say goodbye. Before I get out of my seat. I
get a picture, text from Austin, it's a picture of the fish I caught last evening. 'Thought you'd like a pic of that monster
trout'. I text back, TY. I figured than Stan would like to see the pic and crossed to the tackle shop. "Hey Pops, thought
you'd like to see a pic of the trout I caught yesterday." Showing him the phone.

He took the phone to get a closer look and whistled, "Boy that sure is a nice one Freya, that little lake where your cabin
doesn't get a lot of pressure, so there are probably more like this old guy."

Thinking it might help out Pops, "You know, if there was some people you knew, you could pass it on that the fishing is
good there. Just keep it to those you trust and fly fishing only."

"Ok Freya, that sounds really sweet of you, Thanks."


Back on patrol. The rest of the day is blah. Not a thing happens, it's too quiet.

Anyway, I head home and have the place to myself. I went into the closet to grab something to change into. I put on a
running outfit and notice first Lauren's then Jimmy's clothes. I smelled them, breathing in their scents and start to feel
a little wet and warm. I better run this off.

As I run, trying to put Lauren and Jimmy out of my head, I just can't do it. They're constantly there. The feeling of their
love for me has me in heaven. How can I be so lucky to have two so special, people in my life. Still running, I say, "Thank
You FREYA!" Soon I start thinking back to what Gilbert had said. The thought of having a child of my own was not something
I was planning for. Hell, a few weeks ago, it would be totally absurd. Not that I had ever been against the idea, I just
never was in a place where that could happen. That was the reason I had always doted on Katie so much.

For the rest of my run, I daydreamed about what it would be like to have a baby of my own. I knew I would never feel any
less for Katie, I loved her too much to let that happen.

I lost track of how many laps I did around the lake and the next time I came in sight of the house I headed in. I made a
salad for dinner and a piece of leftover trout and went to the office to eat while I was on the computer. I needed to make
reservations for Michael and his girlfriend, Candy.

Michael had got lucky with Candy, she was his first and only love. And it was always obvious that she felt the same way
towards him too. I went on cause I always liked William Shatner and Kaley Sweeting, and found a great price
for first class, figuring I wanted to treat the two of them. I made the reservations and had the tickets sent to Michael at
home. If my sister and brother-in-law found out, so what, I'd deal with it when the time came. I was feeling happy that I
would soon see my 'little prince'.

Before I logged off, I decided to do a little Tera hopping. After I logged onto the game I went to the trade broker to cash
in any sales. Next I ran a few daily quests. When I was done, I went back to the trade broker to put up more items for sale.
Then to the banker to deposit gold and check my balance. Since my account had Lauren and Katie playing their avatars and
also depositing daily, I shouldn't have been surprised at how much had accumulated, Lauren and Katie must have done really
well, as we had over sixty thousand in gold. With the conversion to real earth money, that was nearly 250,000 in cash.

The best thing was that even if you spent the gold in the game, it still transferred into real dollars in my bank account. So
now after logging off I checked on my bank account to check my balance. I had a premium interest checking and savings
accounts, my balance totaled $324,021.43. Holy FREYA, that was some serious money. I decided I had better diversify some of
it for protection. I figured that since Lauren and Katie were as responsible for the gold as I was, that I would set up
accounts in their names. I deposited the same for each of them, $60k, since that was the gold in the game bank. I made sure
that the bank would notify them of the new accounts and went to clean the dishes before hitting the tub for a nice soak.

After my bath and toweling off, I head to bed naked. It was more natural sleeping bare, and so liberating. Sleep came


Tuesday morning's sun wakes me with a wonderful feeling of happiness. I stretch and notice that Gilbert is lying at the
foot of the bed with his eyes on me as I rise. "What a pleasant surprise Gilbert how are you this glorious morning? What
are you doing?"

Gilbert stretches, "And a glorious good morning to you fair lady. As to why I am here? I am just protecting my investment
of time and energy. Plus, as you are aware of folk mythology, dragons are very fond of fair maidens. Although, whoever
wrote that part about eating virgins should have been eaten himself." Shaking his head.

I just laughed, "Actually, back in collage some friends and I figured it was a perverted plan of some boys to get into the
panties of girls that wouldn't put out. After all, what girl would rather be eaten by a dragon than to couple with a big
strong young man."

"You make a fine point, Freya, maybe he should have gotten a medal then. Except for the bad rap he gave to my kind," and
laughed too.

"I'm sorry I don't have anything to offer you to eat."

"That is quite alright, I had a stag last night to thin out the over population, he was quite tasty. Now that you are
awake, I will take my leave. And so you know, I found now more signs of intruders yesterday. Ta for now." And he was gone.
Bathroom, tea and breakfast. Soon I was ready to leave for patrol, still wondering on Gilbert, he was acting strange. Oh
well, it'll all sort out eventually.


The day and the week pass quickly and quietly for me, nothing really happens. The only odd item is every morning waking up
to have Gilbert watches over me, like an overprotective father. Late on Thursday Jimmy calls me and invites me to meet
him and Lauren in town for karaoke night at a local bar. I agreed and made plans to meet them after work.

Soon the day is done and I get to the bar. I lock my belt and gun away in the cars safe box and go inside. Inside I find
Lauren and Jimmy are sitting with someone I haven't met before. I hug and kiss them both and Jimmy introduces the newcomer,
"Freya, this is a friend of mine from college, Freddie this is Freya."

Freddie takes my hand and brushes his lips, "Very nice to meet you Freya, I've heard a lot about you. You're right Jimmy,
she is adorable. I can see why you think so highly of her."

This causes me to turn beet red, "Please, stop." Jimmy gets me a drink, something fruity and not too strong.

When the singing starts, Lauren says we all have to draw, for when we would sing. "Freddie drew third slot, and James got
seventh. I'm on after him and since you weren't here yet I drew for you and your twelfth. And your song is 'Let Me Be
There' by Olivia Newton John, I know how much you like her."

Jimmy soon is up and sings something from the Oak Ridge Boys, 'Gonna Take a Lot of River'. He started out rough, but finished
really well. Lauren did 'We Could Be Together' by Debbie Gibson. Lauren did a fantastic job, even imitating her moves.
Everyone applauded for her. When she got back to our table we all told her how well she'd done. After a few people sing
with mixed reviews from the audience my turn comes, and I feel a little nervous.

Jimmy can see how I was, "Just look at one person and sing to them and don't think about anyone else and you'll do great."
With that advice I step up on the tiny stage in the corner of the bar. As the music begins, I close my eyes and start to
sing. After a line I open them to see Jimmy watching intently and I zone in on him. When the song lyrics said 'where only
two can share', I changed the word to three and stole a glance to Lauren. The song was soon done and I thought I had
done a reasonable job of it. As I stepped down, the bar was eerily silent. By the time I got back to the table everyone in
the place was on their feet and clapping for me. I curtsied and blushed before I took my seat.

We all shared a big pizza, chatting and taking seconds on stage. I did another Olivia song, 'Heart Attack'. The night ended
pleasantly as we walked outside to say our goodbyes. Jimmy shook Freddie's hand, whispering to him at Freddie's car. Then
Jimmy walked me to my car and gave me a lovely kiss and then kissed Lauren and walked her to her car and said good night.
All in all, it had been a very nice time tonight.

That night when sleep took me to dreamland. I had the most unusual dream, but still very happy. When I woke in the morning
with a feeling of well being, I couldn't remember a single thing about the dream.

I went about my regular morning routine. The only thoughts on my mind was meeting Michael and Candy tomorrow morning. The
flight was due at 10pm and Katie was picking them up and they would spend the night at her apartment since her roommate was
going to be out of town and said it was fine for them to use her room.


The day sped by so fast and was soon over. I spent the evening cleaning the house and wondering what to wear to meet them.
I was so frazzled that when Katie's text came, saying they had arrived and were stopping for burgers before settling for the
night. She said he kept asking questions about me, but was stalling him. I decided to go to bed and await the day.



I picked up Michael and his girlfriend Candy at the airport. As they came into view I yelled "Michael" and leapt into his
arms, "It's so good to see you bro," and we hugged.

Michael says, "Katie, it's only been three weeks." He pushes me back to arm's length. He looks at me carefully, "What's with
the makeover? Though you look great as a red head." I turn and hug Candy. We had been friends in school and played some
travel ball a few years ago together.

Candy says, "Katie, I love the new look. It looks great on you." When I turned to Candy, Michael notices my ears.

"Katie, what have you done to your ears?" As he reaches to touch one and then the other pulling the hair away from them.

I pushed his hands away, "Careful, they are very sensitive, and I don't need to be turned on by my twin, if you

He says, "What.... ?" Then lets the question drop, feeling embarrassed. Not easily done to him, when he was five, he used
to run around naked after getting out of the pool and slapping his willie, laughing. We grab their bags and get to the car.
I txt Freya and let her know their here and our plans.

On the way to the burger place, the local fave for collage kids. Candy sitting in the back reaches forward and very lightly
traces the tip of my right ear, causing me to tremble slightly Candy says, "Katie, I think your ears are just so cute. Did
you have plastic surgery? Three weeks wouldn't be long enough time to heal, so what's up?" Still tracing my ear.

I'm on the edge of breaking down and telling, somehow Candy has found a way to manipulate me, but I manage to endure. I
laughed, "It kind of goes with the hair." Saying cryptically. "Look, I know how much you want to know, but trust me, all will
be answered tomorrow by Freya. And I'm certain you'll be all the more happier then, Okay?"

We get our burgers and eat, chatting about school and other things. When we were done, I took them home and pointed to my
roommates room and say they have her permission to use it and head for bed, feeling tired after the emotional roller-
coaster of the evening.

The next morning sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal, Candy and Michael enter and I tell them to help themselves.
Between spoonfuls, Michael asks how we should dress. "Well, since her place is on the lake with a stream next to it, I'd
dress like you were going fishing in nice weather. Last Sunday we fished in bikinis and it was very nice."

Michael gets all excited and goes to change. Candy says, "That's just great, now he'll never leave the water."

I say, "Don't worry Candy, Freya only has fly fishing gear and Michael hasn't learned how to fish that way. So you're
safe." And we share a laugh. "Candy, just wear a bathing suit and a wrap, and something for later maybe."

Soon we're on the way and I have Michael text we're on the way. A short 20 minute drive through the dappled morning woods
and we reach the little bridge leading onto Freya's property. I cross slowly to let them take in the sight of the stream and
the house, and then pull up to the three car garage. As we get out of the car and they take in the lake and forest. They
both gasp and Michael says, "I've died and gone to heaven."

Candy nods her head, "Me too, god it's so beautiful here." Just them Aunt Freya comes out wearing a nice flowered skirt and
blouse combo with some mild heels.

She meets us at the top of the steps and we hug and I give her a kiss, and whisper into her ear so softly that Michael and
Candy couldn't hear, "I think they're ready, just go slow. I'm here for you. I love you!"


"Thank you 'sweet pea'," I reach for Michael and Candy's hands, taking one each. "Welcome to my home, let's go inside and
sit. I'm certain you have questions. But, let me tell you a story first, my 'little prince', please sit."

Michael looks at Katie in the chair at the end of the coffee table, as he speaks to me, "You've used the term before. There
is only one person who ever called me that. So did Katie tell you about my uncle to get me here."

I take his hands and hold them between us as we sit side by side turned toward one another. Candy on his other side looks
on with great curiosity. "Michael, it all started a few weeks ago...." I spent the best part of an hour telling them the
story of what had happened to me.

Michael takes a moment, looking me in the eye, then he looks to Katie. She just nods her head. I'm about to burst into tears
fearing the worst, when he yanks me into his arms and wraps me in his strong embrace. He starts to cry, causing my tears to
flow as well. "Oh my god uncle, I thought I'd never seen you again." We get ourselves under control. And Candy hugs me

I grin relieved and say "Actually, it's aunt now, or just Freya if you'd rather." And everyone laughs.

Michael turns to Katie, "But why did you change?" And we explain to him about the mission I have from FREYA and how Katie
and the others have been recruited to help me. "So, Katie, that means you're part elfish like Freya?"

Katie looks at me and I nod, she changes before their eyes to take her Steelheart form. "Actually, I'm Castanic, but close
enough to elves to not matter." Displaying her horns for them to see.

They jump back in shock and Michael says, "You better be careful in the woods come hunting season. With how slow you are,"

Katie laughs back at him, "Oh, I'll be careful, but I'm not as bad of a runner as I used to be. Thanks to FREYA's gift." He
just mutters something about believing when he sees it for himself.

I stand up and say, "Girls, how about we get some sunshine, while my 'little prince' gives fly fishing a try?"

Michael says, "Don't you have anything other than fly gear. I don't know how to do that, I can't seem to get the hang of

"Ok then, plan B, girls, you two work on your tans and I'll teach Michael how to fly fish. Just give me a second to
change." I figure he'll pick it up quickly and then I can sun with the girls. I put on a bikini and pull Michael into the
garage to get the gear and add my vest over my top.

As Michael and I get to the water and the girls are settling in for some serious tan time, I hear Candy say to Katie, "God
Katie, your aunt Freya is so beautiful."

I turn and raise my voice, "Thank You Candy, that's sweet of you to say."

She looks at me then to Katie. Katie just smiles and taps an ear. Candy just says "Oh, right."

Soon I have Michael using the right form and his casting is improving, even if his distance is lacking. I watch him and
give him pointers on how to mend the line to get the fly to drift naturally. I think back to when he was little and mom and
I had taken him and Katie fishing for the first time, how he tried so hard to cast way out, only to have the bait fall at
his feet. He was always a cute little guy, now he was almost all grown up and ready to start his own family. Even if he
couldn't see that for himself. Candy knew it, you could tell, she just waited patiently for him to realize it for himself.


Katie and Candy

After a while Candy says to me, "It seems like your unc.... I mean aunt is accepting her womanhood quite well. But how is
she really doing Katie?"

"Well, my uncle was always very emotional about us kids. It almost seemed he should have been my aunt all along. I mean,
before when he'd start to cry, he would try to hide it or play it off. Now she feels comfortable letting her emotions free.
You saw how she was, just before, and after Michael accepted her. She was the same with me. I've always known she loved me as
I am, but now she glories in showing it."

Candy asks, "How is she with other people now? Michael told me when we first met that your uncle hadn't been very outgoing,
I mean, dated much."

Katie explains, "You'd be surprised, uncle was always good at making friends, but fell short of extending beyond. Now Freya
seems like a whole different person. She makes friends just as easy, but isn't afraid to push her limits. She even had two
first dates last week, and they both went very well."

Candy looks shocked, "Your aunts already into guys? That's a bit weird isn't it? Or was he into guys before?"

"No, she always liked women before, it's just now with female hormones coursing through her, she sees men differently. She
still likes women."

"Really, how so?" Candy asks.

Katie says, "I'm sure Freya won't mind me telling you now, since you'll meet them tomorrow at dinner. But she's actually in
love with two people, one is Lauren, she's a little older, not that you could tell. She owns the Victoria's Secret in the
mall, and they met when I took Freya there for some lingerie. The other is a nice man who's the uncle of my boyfriend
Austin, you know him from high school. Well James, his uncle, is madly in love with Freya even after hearing her whole
story. They have an arrangement where they both share Freya to make her happy."

"Wow," Candy exclaims, "That's something. And you're right, I remember Austin from school, I even remember his uncle was
there for the graduation." Candy sighs, "I remember how all the girls sitting by me and my sister thought he was so
dreamy." Then in mock seriousness, "Now tell me how you and Austin hooked up?"

I went over the whole story and our date last week. "I know we're both very serious about this, but we both know that
school comes first. For now, we're just having fun. The future will sort itself in time."

Katie says later, "Let's fix some sandwiches for everyone, come on." We go into the kitchen and find something to turn into
sandwiches for lunch. After I go to the side door and say in a slightly louder than normal voice, "Lunch is on auntie."

Candy looks at me, "She couldn't have heard that."

Just a couple minutes later Michael, and Freya walk in the door with a creel of fish, "Thanks 'sweet pea', that was perfect
timing." Michael gives Freya the creel of fish and she puts them in a separate cooler just for keeping fish safe. "It seems
your brother catches, pun intended, on very fast like normal." We all groaned.

Michael just says, "If I wasn't already convinced that you were my uncle before, that just puts the 'nail' in the coffin."
and we all start laughing.



As we ate, I was completely taken by my new aunt. She was an amazing woman, not surprisingly, cause my uncle was always
amazing too, in his own way. I looked at her and said, "Aunt Freya, I'm so glad to have you back in my life."

She takes my hand, "I'm just happy that you can accept me as I am now." And then with the other hand, she takes Candy's hand.
"That both of you can accept me."

Candy surprises me with, "So I hear from a little birdie, you have love in your life, and your heart." I look to Freya, for an

"Yes, and since you probably already know." Looking at Katie and then back to Candy, "Since that little birdie probably told
you, I'm completely in love with both Lauren and James, hopelessly in love." I see Freya look to me, hoping I'll understand.
"And they're both in love with me and are willing to share me, so my heart won't break trying to decide between them."

I can see how much this means to her. On the one side she project this aura of complete confidence relying on 56 years of
living. But on the other side, here, was this vulnerable woman just 5 years older than the rest us. I looked her in the eye,

"Aunt Freya, I can honestly say that, if you're happy, and I can see that you are, I've never seen you so happy before in my
life, and that's all we care about." I looked at the others and they all agreed.



I see the three shining faces of these adorable children, "Thank goddess for you all, I don't know how my life could get any
better." After a thought, "Why don't we all go down to the lake for a swim?" That was met with approval all around.

We played and swam in the cool water for a while, then Michael and Candy found a big flat rock to lay out on and were soon
sunning and stealing the occasional kiss. Katie and I found out that our skills in the water were nearly as good as on
land. When we came back, to some other rocks, but larger, a little way from Candy and Michael and got out to sun too.

Before we could get completely out of the water, Gilbert appears and rests his head on his rear leg after curling up and
looks at me. Then Snow appears and runs, to Katie for a hug, which she promptly gives. "Hello Gilbert, going to get some sun

Gilbert doesn't even bother to open his eyes as he responds, "Yes, my lady, and I took the liberty to invite Snow along too.
She misses Katie like one of her own cubs." We lay with our friends in the sun, me resting my head on Gilberts front paw,
while Katie laid more reclined against Snows side.

After a while Candy and Michael finally take notice of Gilbert and Snow. Michael calls out, "Aunt Freya, are you two ok
over there?" Sounding worried.

Katie and I stand, and I say, "We're fine, these are our friends that we ride in the game. This young dragon is Gilbert. And
this fine she-wolf is Snow." The next second both Gilbert and Snow appear on Candy and Michael's rock almost causing them
to fall backwards into the water.

Gilbert grabs them before they can fall and says, "We cannot let you fall and hurt yourselves now can we?" Completely
shocking them into silence. When they gain their voices they thank Gilbert. Snow butts Candy's hand, with her head, trying
to get her to scratch her. Candy give her a good scratch between the eyes and Michael scratches behind her ear.

Michael looks at Gilbert, "It's nice to meet you both Gilbert and Snow." And feels his the scales on his arm.

Gilbert smiles, "Snow says she is very pleased to make your acquaintance. Forgive her, she is highly intelligent, but is
unable to speak. It is only because I can read the minds around me that I know her thoughts." After a moment, "She also
wishes me to tell you that since you are Katie's blood brother, you and your mate, are to be concidered a members of her pack.
Know this is deemed a great honor."

Michael, thanks Snow, and Candy gave her a big hug. I say out, "If you guys are done, then maybe it's time to go make
dinner. Gilbert, Snow I think there's enough fish for you each to have your own if you want?"

Gilbert answers for them, "I would like mine with that BBQ sauce you used last week, Snow prefers hers uncooked naturally."


We head back to the house and both Gilbert and Snow just port, to the deck, not wanting to get muddy getting out of the
water. Back in the kitchen we take the two largest fish for Snow and Glibert, leaving Snows alone after scaling it The rest
are cleaned and ready for the grill. I hand the platter of fish to Michael and point to the BBQ. While he does the
grilling, the girls and I fix salads and some veggies.

Since I didn't want Snow to eat on the carpet we ate out on the deck in the lounge chairs. Gilbert ate quite properly like
you would imagine. Snow even acted surprisingly lady like in the way she first bit off the tail and the head to leave on the
plate while she carefully ate the rest of her fish. She finished by licking her paws just like a big cat. When we were
finished Gilbert said the fish and the BBQ sauce was delightful. We left them outside when it started to cool off, and lit
a fire in the fireplace.

When It got to be time for bed. I told Michael, "The sofa has a fold out bed and you should be comfortable with Candy
there. Katie can sleep with me." We all get ready for bed and as Katie and I lay down, Gilbert and Snow appear at the foot
of the bed and make themselves comfortable. We just shrug to one another and were quickly asleep.


When the sun rose and I got up wearing nothing but a smile. Gilbert opens one eye in my direction, "Had you not put
anything on my lady, for the childrens' sake."

"Thank you Gilbert, I've gotten so used to sleeping in the raw that I hadn't thought about it." I grab the green camisole
with matching bra and panties, and slip them on. "Will this do Gilbert?" And spin for him.

"It covers the minimum for modesty's sake." He smiles at his own sense of humor.

While I make breakfast, I need to remember to pick up eggs soon. Michael wakes up and stumbles to the bathroom, When he
comes back and sits at the counter, first he gives me a look and then just shrugs. Seems Candy has him trained well. About
the time the bowls are ready Katie walks in wearing just a pair of baby blue panties, proudly displaying her pert breasts.
Candy woke up just as Katie passed the sofa bed and gasped loud enough to draw Michaels attention. Katie just looks at both
of them as she pours the tea for everyone. "What are you looking at? Clothes are optional in aunt Freya's house." She grabs
the creamer from the fridge and says "Cream, anyone?" And laughs. Setting all at ease.

After breakfast, I said I needed to run to Moms to get enough fixings for a pasta dinner. "Michael, would you mind coming with

"Sure aunt Freya, I'd be happy to." By the time I'm ready to go, Michael's standing on the deck where Candy and Katie are
already drinking in the sun.

I call out to Michael while I grab my purse and keys from the sideboard in the kitchen. "Let's go Michael," he follows me
out to the garage as the door opens and I get into my WRX.

He sits beside me and straps in, "Sweet ride aunt Freya, where'd you get it?"

"It was part of the whole new life package". I say as I drive out of the garage and hit the road on the other side of the
bridge sideways, heavy on the throttle. I raced the whole way to Moms pitching it into the corners using the four wheel
drive to full advantage.

Minutes later, pulling into the front of the store, Michael whistles and says, "That proves further that you were my uncle,
and now my favorite aunt." We went inside and Edith came rushing to greet me.

"I don't know what you said to Stan, but he has agreed to come to dinner tonight. Thank you so much. I can't remember that
last time we visited friends. What did you need today sweetheart?" Michael wanders off and is soon looking at the fishing
gear and talking to Stan. Edith asks, "Who's the young man with you today?"

As we walk to where Pops is talking to Michael, I say, "Edith, this is my nephew Michael, he's visiting from San Diego with
his girlfriend. Michael, say hello to Edith, and I see you've already met Stan."

Michael says, "It's very nice to meet my aunt's friends. Did I hear you're coming to family dinner tonight?" They talk a
bit, then Edith and I pick out what I need for dinner, while Stan shows Michael some of the gear that his customers are
fond of using. When I tried to pay, Edith won't accept anything saying it was the least they could. I accept graciously. I
tell Michael to put the food in the car and I'll be right there.

I walk to Stan, "Stan, would you put together a travel package for Michael so he can take it home tomorrow when he goes.
And bring it tonight and I'll pay you in the morning. It has to be the best, and include all the flies he may need also,

Stan just says, "I know just the thing, and you don't worry any, you just pay, anytime you want. I may seem like I don't pay
much attention, but I see and I know about Lauren and you. And I'm ok with that."

That takes me by surprise and I thanked him. We drive back to the house, Michael helps put away the groceries, then goes to
give Candy a kiss while I start on the sauce. Soon the sauce is simmering away and I get the water prepped. Then I change
into my bikini and rest with the kids on the deck.

Around 2 in the afternoon Jimmy shows up with Austin and intros are made. Michael and Austin are old friends from high
school baseball. Jimmy kisses me then give Katie and Candy little pecks on the cheeks. Austin kisses Katie and gives me a
hug. A few minutes later Lauren shows up with Edith and Stan. I ask Jimmy to grab some more chairs from the garage after
further intros. Lauren kisses me hard on the lips, then hugs the boys and gives little kisses to the girls. Michael puts a
bottle of the same Chianti as last week in the fridge to cool.

Jimmy asks, "Anyone want something to drink before dinner?" Everyone had either a pop or water, except Stan had a beer that
he had brought with him. Lauren says she told him I didn't have any beer in the house so he brought a cooler with a sixer
of Moosehead Clancy’s Amber Ale. He offered to the rest and Jimmy decided to join him in one.

After a while I put the water to boil and start the pasta. Lauren and Jimmy join me to help with the prep, Lauren makes the
salads while Jimmy cuts the french bread and butters before putting into the oven to warm up. Lauren grabs the dressings
from the pantry so everyone has a choice. As Jimmy pops the cork on the wine and everyone takes a seat, the rest of them
applaud us saying we work so well together without a word of direction between us.

Edith even says, "You all seem to have a glow of contentment around you." I look to Katie and she shifts her sight and then
nods to me as Lauren, Jimmy and I sit, Jimmy pours everyone a glass of wine, small portions for the kids.

I raise my glass, and the other raise theirs as well, "To the first of hopefully many happy family dinners together,
Cheers!" We clink glasses around and across the table to 'Here, here'.

We settle into a pleasant meal sharing our lives with each other. I sat at the head of the table with Jimmy on my right and
Lauren on my left. Next to Jimmy sat Katie, Austin then Edith. On Lauren side was Michael, Candy and Stan. The empty chair
opposite me was left for future friends. Everyone enjoyed dinner and talk. Then Stan excused himself from the table.

When Stan came back, he stepped to Michael and said, "Your aunt asked me to put together a fly fishing kit for you to take
home. I hope you like it Michael."

Michael stares at the sett, and takes it from Stan looking at it. Then he jumps up and runs to me and hugs me like it was
Christmas. "Aunt Freya, I don't know what to say, but, Thank you." I just tell him to enjoy it and put the bass gear away.
He smiles and says, "I'll try."

After dinner the kids decide to clean up and Katie takes charge like the little mom she always was back home. Somethings
never change. Since Austin has early classes and Katie needs to take Candy and Michael to the airport early for their
return flight we decide to call it a night. We said our goodbyes with plenty of hugs and kisses all around, even Stan
joined in grumbling the whole time. What a lousy actor, nobody was buying it for a minute. Lauren left to take Edith and
Stan home, while Jimmy took Austin home, leaving me all alone.

I got ready for bed and before I could lay down Gilbert shows up at the foot of the bed. "Well hello Gilbert, if you're going
to spend every night watching over me, the least you can do is bring your mate with you." Without a word he pops out, and
before I can pull the sheet over me, he pops back with a smaller red dragon.

He makes himself comfortable and she says, "Thank you for inviting me Freya, I'm Margret. I can't wait to get to know you. But
good night for now."

I said Goodnight and turn out the light thinking how strange it was to have two dragons sleeping at the foot of my bed. I
closed my eyes and was soon fast asleep.

End of Chapter 19

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