Chatting With Angels -03- Izzy

Chatting with Angels

Chapter Three ~ Izzy

Written by Jo Dora Webster

What will happen when Monty meets Izzy at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics Experiance?

Chapter Three ~ Izzy

Monty logged into the transsexual chat within the human sexuality area on AOL to leave his geeky side behind and be pretty instead. Mony would ordinarily log in using the female pseudonym 'Gail Landers' She still thought of her inner female self as 'Monti' but she felt freer online using something that was not close to her present legal name, Montine.

These were the days before web cams or voice chats. Profiles weren't even around much. One could hide online within any identity that they wished. That is until things grew beyond the online experience to phone calls or face to face visits.

*Welcome to HSX Chat on AOL*

*Gail* Hi all!

*Nina* Hi Gail! Good to see you online, girl!

*Gail* [[[hugs}}} I feel so free when I am online being who I truly am really without having to worry about how I look. I love that I can feel free to speak and think about myself using female terms and references. ::Giggle::

*Nina* You know it girl! At least, as you transition there, you'll be close to professionals who provide all the services that you will need who are knowledgeable and understanding.

*Gail* I feel for you Nina being in deep south Georgia surrounded by the reddest of red-necks.

*Nina* Did you hear that a therapist and ordained Presbyterian Minister who transitioned was able to keep her ordination by decision of the powers that be there?

*Gail* That's wonderful. I've heard of a Methodist minister who helps trans-girls with therapy, but it would be perfect to do the 'standards of care' with some one who went through it herself successfully and also could help me understand what the bible really says instead of what those who condemn us with it.

*Nina* You go girl! Anyway, I want to find out more and see if she is actually doing therapy for trans-girls like us. I'll let you know what i find out.

*Gail* I feel so good. My being on the computer unobserved, is one of two ways that I allow myself to lower my walls and let the person, I really am, shine.

*Nina* What is the other way? Dressing up?

*Gail* Actually the opposite but I guess I need to tell you some personal stuff to explain. Can I trust you not to breath a word of this to a living soul?

*Nina* Always girl. You know that! Come on girl! Dish!

*Gail* Well it started when I was 20 and I was dumpster diving out behind a drug store and found bags and bags of estrogen samples which had just expired. I was a really late bloomer and my male puberty was interrupted by what I later realized was mega-doses of estrogen that I took daily for a year. I began a female puberty without the onset of menstruation of course.

*Nina* Girl, do you realize how lucky you are that you didn't kill yourself taking those hormones unsupervised like that.

*Gail* I know now. I must have had a guardian angel watching after me that kept me from going to such an extreme that would have actually killed me. Anyway a year is not enough to mature into an adult female's body but I was left with a teen girl's body. In order to go out in public as my male alter ego, I have to use foundation garments to minimize my bust and hips.

*Nina* Darn girl! What do you look like now? ::flips her hair::

*Gail* My skin isn't as soft as it was when I was taking hormones but most of the other effects stayed. I was destined to be six foot eight but my growth stopped at 5' 11". My A cup breasts stayed mostly the same and I have to bind them in order to have a flat chest. My voice changed but I can still speak in a female octave. My shoulders never broadened out and look feminine. My hips widened and I have a womanly butt which I minimize with a girdle.

*Nina* You must pass perfectly when dressed, girl. ::Rolls her eyes::

*Gail* My hair is in a male cut so i would need a wig and I'd lose the place where I am living if I was found. With a boy and two little girls getting into everything, I couldn't risk getting caught and losing my place to live.

*Nina* So for you sleeping raw and tucking allows you to relax as your true self. Amazing, Girl. Hey, my daughter just pulled through the gate so I should log off. Take care, girl!

*Gail* You too, Nina! Be safe!

*Nina* Bye :) {{{hugs}}}

Monty had a mischievous thought that the androgynous `1996 Olympic mascot, Izzy, might be just the nickname for a trans-girl from Atlanta. Monty logged out then logged back in as Izzy.

*Izzy* Hi Linda! You are beautiful!

Monti smiled as she considered that Linda means beautiful in Spanish.

*Linda* Hi girl! Why are you logged in as Izzy?

*Izzy* I am the mascot of the Atlanta Olympics. As a t-girl in Atlanta, I thought I would try it on for size.

Monti wondered if there were any other people logged on here close enough to Atlanta to be caught up in the Olympic enthusiasm besides Nina. She hoped that she would attract their attention using that name with which to chat.

*Izzy* What-is-it, my full name, is very androgynous so I thought it was a cute nickname for a southern belle such as I am.

*Linda* But Izzy! Everyone has been making fun of you! They are calling you a big blue sperm!

*Izzy* They are only jealous of someone as talented as I am! :: giggle:: Izzy can be animated to do and be any number of things depending on the Olympic context

*Linda* I love you Izzy! I think you are cute!

*Izzy* Thank you Linda! I guess this is one case where I am taking pride in my home town to extremes.

*Linda* Izzy, you and Gail are always finding a way to get me to laugh and that gets me through the tough times.

*Izzy* I'm always glad to help a sister in need.

Monti glanced at the clock on her computer. She thought that her plan to attract more attention didn't work as well as she had hoped but she was glad that Linda was amused. She didn't want to be late for meeting her friends even if it had to be as Monty.

*Izzy* Look at the time... I'm meeting a bunch of my friends downtown at the Olympic Experience. What are you gonna do? Go out and have the guys drooling over you ?

*Linda* Then I'll let you go if I have to... and I will find some way to keep amused :: giggle::
Take care Gail See ya girl!

*Izzy* Bye Linda! Save some guys for the rest of us!

*Linda* ::giggle:: I'll try! bye bye

*Izzy* Off I boldly go! Time for my away mission! ::Poof::

For a while Monti had let down her barriers and was herself on the computer. But Monty was needed downtown, and she wondered how they would really feel if they knew what was inside of her. So he gathered his things after shutting down his computer.

He stopped by his sister in law, Sabrina, to tell her that he was going to be out for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Monty left the apartment and entered his car to drive to the Marta Station to meet up with his friends for the 'Away Mission'


Kathy welcomed the distraction that having the 1996 Atlanta Olympics about to start brought to her soul. While she would not be attending in person many of the Olympic sports, she wanted to be a part of the history that was being made there instead of merely watching it on television. She was excited to really be at the Olympic Experience in Centennial Olympic Park with her friend Bernadette waiting for the rest of the Starship that she captained, the USS MacLeod

"Kathy, how many of our crew do you expect for this away mission?"

"Well there is you and I of course. From the phone calls I made reminding everyone to meet here for our 'away mission', also from the USS MacLeod will be our second in command Leon, my cousin, Gail, a new member, Thelma with her two grandchildren and Monty."

"It's funny now that I think of it that I automatically think of Monty as one of ours, too. Isn't Andy's primary membership on the USS Republic with an associate membership of the MacLeod."

"Well I don't have a prophecy to back this up but my intuition indicates that will be reversed sooner rather than later."

"I get that feeling too. Any way the USS Republic is supposed to be here too. Who does Kelly, the Republic Captain expect from their ship?

"From what he told me, they would have Kelly's second in command Jeff and Jeff's mother Martha, Mike who was Kelly's significant other and a woman who had just joined, Dawn. Of course they have way more members on paper"

"We have the people who really wanted to be active and do things."

I'm glad that together our two ships are one big family. We work together on important things like bringing the International Conference to Atlanta. We pulled it off wonderfully last year."

"I'm glad that we are not going to do anything that big for a while."

"I'm looking forward to meeting Dawn. Kelly described her as super intelligent and very much her own woman, just like me.

The MacLeod members arrived about a half hour before the entire group was due to be there. Sarah held an informal meeting to take care of the Starfleet requirements. She finished leaving enough time for restroom breaks before the Republic was due to arrive. The MacLeod had already bought their tickets and were in relaxed conversations with each other. After the Republic bought their tickets, everyone entered the 1996 Atlanta Olympics Experience.

Soon after everyone entered, they broke up into 2 groups but not by ships, it was by gender... mostly. In Kathy's group was Bernie, Gail, Thelma and her grand children, Dawn, Martha, and Andy. The other group that Kelly was leading, was all guys.

It was really well done, with the combination of Olympic history and hands on participation in things related to Olympic sports. There were eating places which served food associated with several Olympic nations.

It became time to stop and eat and Sarah and Bernie volunteered to go get food from the German booth for both them and Monty, Dawn and Gail. Martha, who wasn't feeling that adventurous asked Thelma to get something for her from the American booth where they were serving hamburgers and hotdogs.

The expression on Monty's face was clearly a little girl's pout when he wasn't invited to go along to get the food. Any other time Kathy would have been glad for Monty's help but she wanted to get Bernie alone so they could discuss some things that she couldn't have Monty hear. When Kathy and Bernie were out of earshot of the group they had left behind Kathy began to speak to Bernie.

"Bernie, Isn't Monty just like one of the girls? Of course his mannerism are masculine and he looks masculine but emotionally and intellectually Monty is a girl!"

"Kathy you are so right and it was staring us in the face all the time. Just now when we left Monty behind, His face was in a cute little girl pout. The only thing missing was the foot stamp."

"I don't know how we missed it except Monty has a mostly good façade that's tough to crack."

"When he's among friends and enjoying himself he lets down a little more."

"While this is making it easier for me to believe the prophecy, for me personally, its much tougher."

"You want him to be a man because that is what you need him to be!"

The two women arrived at the booth and suspend their conversation till they can be waited on and they are able to walk out of earshot.

"Exactly, this is one case when I'm not going to slip up and do something to speed the prophecy along."

"You've got the opposite problem. You've got to stop yourself from doing things that would delay it happening."

"That's going to be really tempting to do something that would drive Monty further into that façade that he's erected to be able to function as a man."

"But you won't do anything to delay it because you love him too much to do anything potentially harmful to him."

"I'll just have to live in the moment. and enjoy the time that I have Monty as a man with me, and be just as zealous in helping Monti find her way when she makes her choice."

"Girl you are a saint! I don't know anyone who loves someone as much as you love Monty."

"Hopefully I'll find a way to channel that love into a deep friendship with Monti when the time comes."

"I guess you'll have to get some help from above on that account or else God would have to find someone else to have those chats with angels"

"I hope that this is the toughest assignment that I ever get."

"I don't see how any other situation could top this one but I am certainly not volunteering to find out myself."

"Bernie, You'll just have to do what you always do. Be my friend and keep me sane... well as sane as I every was anyway"

Sarah and Bernie break down and giggle letting the tensions release.

"SHHH ! we are close to the girls! ...Opps!" and they both broke out in giggles again which they could not shake off.

In fact it was after they managed to get the business of the orders out of the way before they calmed themselves enough to compose themselves. By that time, however, the rest of the group were way too interested in their food to quiz them about why they had been laughing.

Finally Kathy stopped laughing and said." I am so hungry. I like German food. German food is my friend!"

Bernie stopped laughing long enough to ask, "Kathy, are you sure about that?"

Kathy replied , "Of course!" and those were the last words since Kathy and Bernie joined the other girls around the table who were enjoying their food.

Monty had the misfortune to be pulled away from the group as the dinner conversation began to get interesting.

Kelly had been asked to collect Andy because they wanted to take a picture of 'The Men of the USS Republic' Kathy had to cover a knowing grin from them. Monty left with Kelly after finding out which direction the girls would be heading. It looked like he hoped to catch up with them after the picture was taken. When they had left Kathy leaned over and whispered to Bernie.

"I suppose that it wouldn't be long before Monty wouldn't be considered a member of either the USS Republic or be considered a man"

"Can't take that bet girl, you've got inside information!" Together they giggled but did not explain what was so funny to the others.

Monty had won a brief reprieve from the picture since Izzy had spotted Monty and resolved to make him the object of her attentions. All Kelly could do was watch on in dismay because he could never have the heart to interfere with the lovable mascot.

"I really love you, Izzy! I'm so glad you represent Atlanta and the Olympics"

The voiceless Izzy was really touched by Monty's confession and hugged Monty and paid a bit more attention playing with Monty just as Izzy might with a cute girl. Izzy and Monty finished clowning around and he caught up to Kelly."

"What kept you so long, Kelly?"

"Well we found that Izzy is a female since she flirted with Monty and would not let him out of her sight."

"Let's take the picture already. Geeze, Monty, you lady killer. Come on!"

They took the picture and each of them received a copy of the 'Men of the USS Republic' picture. Monty was able to catch up with the girls after his picture and he looked so relieved to be back among them.

Finally it came time for the attraction to close. It would have been really convenient if they could all beam back to where they belonged. However in this reality they all had to go their separate ways and getting home the way that they came. Finally all that was left was Kathy and Bernadette.

"I can't wait for us all to get back together for Dragon*Con on Labor Day Weekend. Everyone will be helping out at the Starfleet fan club table."

"I can't wait either, Bernie and I thank God that I have had one more day with Monty and for the grace and serenity that I had received every day since I had received the prophecy."

"We are both so fortunate to be in service to God. Keep safe till I see you again Kathy."

"You too, Bernie!" The two friends parted and a wonderful day came to a conclusion.

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