1024x682.jpg" />Three Wise Men & Maggie — Chapter 2
Julie D Cole
Maggi sends her three men to follow the guiding star in search of a new lead for her show and they eventually find the Inn where an old friend has arranged a Karaoke night and the turnout is encouraging. But they need someone special and sometimes talent is reluctant to come out.
Maggi sends her three men to follow the guiding star in search of a new lead for her show and they eventually find the Inn where an old friend has arranged a Karaoke night and the turnout is encouraging. But they need someone special and sometimes talent is reluctant to come out.
Around 4pm later that same day the guys reached the turnoff on the motorway signposted for York. The roads were unusually busy and the traffic was very heavy and eventually it came to a complete standstill. The road was eventually closed due to an accident involving a large petrol tanker. Fuel had been spilled so the area was filled with police cars, ambulances and large fire tenders. This was going to mean a long wait or they could ditch the car and leg it into York.
The decision was unanimous and they managed to find a way down the inside of the traffic queue to pull into a lay by where they parked the car and locked it. They just took out their overnight bags and headed across a field to a country lane and decided that the worst that could happen was that the police would tow it to a compound. Unlikely before morning since the police would be fully occupied for hours yet.
At the small lane they had to decide which way to go ? It was getting dark and it was obvious when they looked back that the whole area would be grid locked for most of the evening and maybe all night . They looked up to the night sky to see the shining star and headed towards it.
Ten minutes later the found the main road to York and on an old stone marker it said 5 miles to the City of York. Jim quipped that this must have been the route that Dick Turpin took and maybe the sign was that old. A horse would have been most welcome at that point since no chance of a passing car to hitch a ride and even less chance of a service bus.
Johnnie Walker made the decision on their behalf. ‘Come on guys 5 miles is nothing to us Just let’s follow the road and even with our bags it’s an hour at most. ‘ . Jim struggled to carry his bag but since he needed to fit his tin suit he decided the exercise would do him good, so he strapped it to his back and led the way. Jack and Jim just smiled and looked at each other. They knew it was safer to fit a new body section the suit but there was time to do that in the next 2 weeks as rehearsals were going on. First priority was to find a new lead. No mean task but they couldn’t let Maggi down. .
Soon Jim was lagging behind at the back and he needed encouraging. Jack told him that Maggis friend Len would have a welcome for them at his pub that served the best beer in England. It was smooth and full of flavor and brewed in North Yorkshire where the tradition was to serve it with a creamy head that touched the lips like a maidens kiss. Jim was soon back at the front again and there was now a spring in his step.
Within 30 minutes they reached the city outskirts and were under the street lights passing small shops and quaint red brick houses and even a fish and chip shop that was open. It took all of Jims will power and thoughts of Maggi relying them to avoid a small snack just for energy. A sip of water was small consolation. At least now ahead of them they could see the outline of the old Roman wall so the destination couldn’t be far.
It was rather strange to walk in a city in England without much traffic on the road and they assumed the accident had meant that now lots of people had no choice. Within ten minutes they were standing at one of the old city gates in the wall called Micklegate. Amazing how far the Romans had travelled so far and one assumed they thought they’d find something of value. Beyond York there wasn’t much except Scotland and unless they had heard about men in skirts it was hard to think of a reason for heading there.
They felt the Romans must have liked this area of England just like the Vikings did and they’d made York a safe place to live by building this wall around the city. Both races had left their influence and also the accent in this part of England that must have had Scandinavian origin. It was different to say the least than London.
They saw a street map on the wall and looked to find the location of the small pub/bar come hotel that Len ran. Jim had wanted to use his GPS on his mobile phone but when he searched for ‘The Stables ‘the name wasn’t recognized for some reason. Still the street they needed was on the map and it was close to the Minster that was clearly visible ahead. Looking around them they noticed how many young people were about. It should be the perfect place to find a new Dorothy. The University was full of musicians, dancers and artists. They could hire a full production team if they were lucky and cut costs.
This was like a paradise by now with so many brightly lit shops and street entertainers and they got a flavor of what old England must have been like. Even without a GPS they finally reached their destination. There it was ‘The Stables Inn’ that was not a hotel at all. From the front it just looked like a small pub. As they stooped to go through the door Jim looked at the sign on the wall. ‘Licensed for Entertainment — Karaoke & Talent Nights Mondays & Thursdays every week. See Kathy at the Bar‘
‘Karaoke? - We’ll never find a Dorothy here. But Maggi had planned ahead as they well knew but nevertheless Jim said “ we haven’t anywhere else to go so we might as well go in.’ Well the beer was another reason so what the heck since Maggi couldn’t check on them.
It was amazing to see how big the bar actually was as they stepped inside. Through a double door they could hear someone arguing and shouting. Someone brushed past them almost knocking Jim over. The angry man was Len in his white bar apron with some strands of hair falling across his face. Not a happy bunny right now by the look of it. ‘Who are you lot then?’
As soon as he realized it was Maggis delegation he apologised and was pleased to welcome them but eveything had been last minute and very frantic. He apologized for his grumpiness and then he moved them back through to the bar to pull three pints of his best ale popping some pork scratchings in a dish for nibbles. That would keep Jim going for a few minutes.
‘You say Maggi sent you on a mission and you need my help.’ You were in luck until just now. I just counted and we have at least 50 singers coming tonight but my regular pianist just threw a tantrum and as you see he did a runner. He was trying to contact a friend to set up his Karaoke gear until the guys stepped in.‘
‘Well I’m sure we can help. Maybe this is your lucky night, how about the best light entertainment pianist in England to take his place? Here he is Mr Jack Daniels.’
‘I never heard of him and that’s a whisky anyway. Does he really play?’’
‘Len of course he does, he’s the man who made Maggi a star so who better. You know Maggi had a lot of success don’t you. Jack has been with her for a few years so just point him to the ivories and he’ll show you. ‘
‘Well I know Maggi wouldn’t suffer fools so I suppose you’re right. I’ve seen Maggi rise from the young man I met at stage school and we were best friends. Closer than that I suppose but then I met my wife Kathy and we grew apart. We’ve kept in touch but I didn’t realize she was in a relationship. I heard her marriage broke up that is natural I suppose .’
Jack answered for himself ‘Maggi and I came through a lot together and I never regretted a day. She is wonderful and we became friends when she tried to live as a man. She married but we stayed friends and I was there for her when her marriage eventually failed. It was a bad period of her life and if it wasn’t for the stage and the chance for us to tour together I dread to think what might have happened.’
The two seemed to have the same feelings for Maggi.. Jack had known she was friends with Len but he never just how close they’d been. At that moment Kathy arrived to Lens elbow so no more was said. After introductions she took Jack by the hand and showed him the piano and whilst he limbered up she gathered his pint of ale and placed it on top of the piano and as soon as he started to play a tune she knew he was a special talent.
Len joined them and had a broad smile ‘ That was great so who can better that. It’s a real pleasure to have you guesting. I’m sure tonight will bring out the best in everybody who turns up and I’m hoping we can help. Come on let’s get you all sorted and checked in. Who have we to put in the guest book then? Do you mind to share the one room since we are full this week and I had a job to fit you in.’
Len let out another large belly laugh after they had all signed in turn — Jack Daniels, Jim Bean and Johnnie Walker!! Ha Ha 3 whiskies and my favourite amongst them. How strange Maggi should choose you to come to York to find a star. Did you know that the three whiskies are together make a unique drink? It’s called ‘The Three Wise Men.’ HaHa Maggi sent the Three Wise Men to follow a star.
After consuming the pints of ale Jack, Jim and Johnnie freshened up and then called Maggi to let her know they’d arrived and that Len had done a fantastic job to set up a talent night inviting some local acts that he’d seen pass through The Stables. None of them knew just how popular this venue was and how well respected Len and Kathy had become.
They didn’t realize that the University in York was famous for musical talent and lots of students earned cash busking in the streets and learned how to react to audiences. Maggi didn’t know either and it was certainly a stroke of luck that the star had shone so brightly and pointed the way.
They found themselves a corner of the bar to welcome the acts that wanted to sing and made a schedule for the first 20. With 4 minutes each and a 1 minute interval it was going to need organizing and so Jim took charge with Kathy assisting. Len moved away and took charge of the bar and before long the place was already full. His staff were obviously used to busy nights like this.
It was more like a Karaoke night than an audition or talent night and for a while the chances of finding some local talent looked grim. A few decent singers turned up amongst the fifty who had made contact. Some had no music so Jack had to use all his skill to bring out the best in them.
When they took a break at 8-30pm it wasn’t looking too good but Len said he was confident they’d find someone and he had somebody in mind and was trying to contact them. Someone he wanted them to see. At the moment he had no luck so had left messages but he was sure she’d be interested.
By 10-30 they had a short list to refer back to Maggi so it wasn’t a failure. But none would be ideal and the best singer was a little too plump and shy to play Dorothy in Jacks opinion. But they might have no choice and maybe she could go on a starvation diet.
As the last singer started Len’s phone rang. ‘Great just come as you are and get your ass over here. This is the chance of a lifetime.’
He persuaded the guys to wait and finally the door burst open on the stroke of 11 pm. The cutest looking young woman entered with legs to die for and the slimmest of waists. Her hair was half way down her back and whilst she wasn’t displaying much cleavage she was pretty hot and certainly likely to attract audiences. Jim cast his vote. Hopefully she could sing.
The girl was clinging to the arm of either her sister or maybe it was her mother. They looked alike. The elder one spoke. ‘Sorry Len we were performing at the club and didn’t see your message and we had a busy day in the salon so no time to go home if you tried us there.’
The spokesperson who in fact turned out to be the girls mother was quite beautiful and didn’t look old enough to have a daughter this age. Both were similar height and certainly they could have been sisters. The daughter had a certain look about her and Jim wished he was twenty years younger.
‘Dream on pal she’s out of our league.’
Johnnie stepped forward. ‘What’s your name dear and what are you going to sing?’
She was nervous ‘ Err my name is err Je… .’
Come on dear we don’t bite, what’s your name? ‘
‘ Jecis. It’s Jecis. ‘
‘’ Jecis. I never heard that name before Jecis what?’
‘Just Jecis will be fine thanks. ‘
‘’ Mmm strange name. But needs must so would you like to sing. What will you sing for us? ‘
‘I’d like to sing a song called Send in the Clowns if you know it.’
‘Of course I know it young lady it’s one of my favorite songs .’
‘How old are you? Are you still at school?’
Her mum stepped in ‘ She is old enough just give her a chance. Len knows all about her if you want him as sponsor.‘
‘What sponsor? No way I’m not a millionaire you know. Money doesn’t grow on trees you know.’
Jecis didn’t need to change and she was ready to since. The audience knew her and they went strangely quiet. She started nervously but with Jacks help she was back on track and she overcame the faulty start. You could have heard a pin drop if it wasn’t for the clanking of the ancient keys on the piano. The three wise men looked at each other as she gained in confidence and as her voice built in intensity the audience seemed entranced. Len turned to Jim and Johnnie with a satisfied smirk on his face as he polished an empty beer glass until it shone.
At the end of the song the place erupted and Jecis stood in awe waiting for some reaction from the three. This wasn’t exactly an X factor audition but nevertheless the accolades were appreciated. Jack stood up from his piano and applauded and then walked to her and took the microphone from her hand.
‘Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner. This young lady has stolen the show tonight and I’d never have believed it if I hadn’t seen her perform with my own eyes. Absolutely fantastic well done. I’d like her to come for auditions for a stage show we are presenting soon. I’m speechless. This girl is something special and York should be very proud tonight. This is a show that has been organised by Maggi May productions.’
There was a look of fear on Jescis face ‘Sir, I’m sorry but I can’t. I do this for fun. I would love to but I can’t.’ She looked at her mum who said nothing and just covered her mouth not quite believing the chance that had come from nowhere.
With that Jesci ran towards the rear fire escape door and pushed it open heading out to the street. Her mother jumped up and immediately ran after her quickly followed by Kathy and then Jim.
By the time they caught her she was distraught and tears were streaming down her face. An out of breath Jim eventually arrived and managed to speak. ‘ Please Miss don’t worry we will help you if your frightened. At least come with us. You were brilliant so will you come and meet Maggi and give it a try.’
‘ No please I can’t, I can’t. it’s not possible. It was just fun. I do it for fun.’
Her mother took her in her arms and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She looked just as pretty even though the make-up was now spoiled. Jim tried again. ‘ Come on Jecis try for me please. Why can’t you audition , what’s wrong?’
Then as he looked on his chin dropped as he watched Jecis pull the wig from her head and speak. ‘Because my name is not Jecis it’s Jesus and I’m a boy not a girl.’
‘My God’it’s remarkable. Are you sure? You are beautiful and what a voice.’ How old are you. Please come with us. Bring your mother, bring your friends. Give me your address at least and a telephone number. Say you’ll change your mind. We’ll be waiting here at 9 o clock after we pick up our car.’
Jesci looked at his mum who smiled nervously held out her arms and nodded.
To be continued ……………………….
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Nice Christmas Story
I'm new to the site so this was my first story. I liked it a lot and it reminded me of something that happened to me in my youth when I was in a local talent competition. I look forward to another chapter please.
Are you going to post a story?
How about your similar experience for your debut on the site?
Jules dear!
Just love the story so far. Jecis is going fit just purrfect! More please soon? Loving Hugs Talia
Talia my love
I hope I can keep your interest since you always make me smile with your comments.